Essentials of Company Law

Essentials of Company Law
> FOCUS The focus of the course is to introduce participants to the Companies Act and its practical application for Company Secretaries. It is also essential for individuals who are going to be directors and who will be involved in the day‐to‐day running of a company. It is primarily targeted at Company Secretaries, Senior Managers and Managers who will be involved in decision making and running of their respective companies. >OBJECTIVES This course will equip you with practical, working knowledge of the company law principles that are required to enable you to manage a company. Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to explain the differences between different types of business vehicles and when each type is used, and the duties and legal responsibilities of directors. This course also discusses the manner in which companies are governed, the rights of shareholders, how companies raise capital, as well as the various ways companies can be closed. > WHO SHOULD ATTEND > SPEAKER ● Company Secretaries ● Corporate Officers ● Directors ● Management Personnel
● Senior Managers and Manager
Ms Chin Hooi Yen Director Advocate & Solicitor, Polaris Law Corporation > VENUE SAICSA Training Centre Š
149 Rochor Road, #04‐06, Fu Lu Shou Complex, Singapore 188425 Organised By
Essentials of Company Law
Seminar 1: Date: Time: CPE: Understanding the Different Types of Companies and other Business Vehicles 22 February 2013, Friday
9.30a.m. – 5.30p.m.
7 Hours a) Introduction ™ The sources of Law in Singapore. Š The common law and legislation. ™ Why do Singapore courts refer to foreign judgements? ™ How to search for cases and legislation? b) Business Organisations ™ The types of business vehicles. Š Sole proprietorships and partnerships. Š Companies. 1. Private companies. ƒ Exempt private companies. 2. Public companies. ƒ Public company limited by shares. ƒ Public companies limited by guarantee. ƒ Listed companies. Š Limited liability partnerships. Š Limited Partnerships ™ The advantages and disadvantages of different business vehicles. ™ When is each type of business vehicle commonly used? Foreign Companies. ™ Joint ventures and unincorporated associations. c) Incorporation and Its Consequences ™ The process of incorporation. Š Applying for a company name via Bizfile. Š SSIC Code ™ The effects of incorporation. ™ When does the law look to the shareholders? Lifting the veil of incorporation. d) The Memorandum and Articles of Incorporation ™ The legal significance of the M&A. ™ Amending the Memorandum and Articles of Association. e) Corporate Personality ™ Who is the company? The capacity and power of a company. Š Who can act on behalf of the company? ™ Liability for torts and crimes. f) Businesses, LLPs and LPs ™ How are they governed? ™ Duties and responsibilities of managers, etc. e) Case Studies ENHANCED CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME SEMINAR
Essentials of Company Law
Seminar 2: Date: Time: CPE: Membership and Members’ Rights
22 March 2013, Friday
9.30a.m. – 5.30p.m.
7 Hours a) Shares ™ What are shares? ™ Capital structure. ™ Classes of shares. ™ Preference shares. Š How does the Companies Act define preference shares? Š Common preferential rights. ™ Allotment and issues of shares. ™ Transfer of shares. b) Membership and Members’ Rights ™ Members’ rights. ™ The rights of minority shareholders. c) Members’ Meeting ™ Different types of meetings: statutory meeting, the AGM and the EGM. ™ Class meetings. ™ Procedural matters. ™ Resolutions and voting. ™ Relevant provisions of the Companies Act and Table A d) Enforcement and Corporate Rights ENHANCED CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME SEMINAR
Essentials of Company Law
Seminar 3: Date: Time: CPE: Directors Duties and Corporate Governance
19 April 2013, Friday
9.30a.m. – 5.30p.m.
7 Hours a) Directors ™ Qualification and appointment of directors. ™ Removal and resignation of directors. b) Directors’ Meeting ™ Procedure and resolutions. c) Company Secretary ™ Company secretary’s duties for listed and non‐listed companies. d) Directors’ Duties ™ The different types of directors. ™ Directors’ duties and liabilities e) Corporate Governance ™ What is corporate governance? ™ The code of corporate governance. f) Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance ™ The scope of such policies. ENHANCED CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME SEMINAR
Essentials of Company Law
Seminar 4: Date: Time: CPE: Corporate Finance and Listings
17 May 2013, Friday
9.30a.m. – 5.30p.m.
7 Hours a) Protection of Creditors ™ Acquisition by a company of its own shares and shares in its holding company. ™ Treasury shares. ™ Section 76 of the Companies Act and financial assistance. ™ Lending money on the security of the company’s own shares. ™ Capital Reduction. ™ Dividends. ™ The requirement of solvency. b) Debentures and Charges ™ Definition of debentures. ™ Debenture holders’ rights and remedies. ™ Company charges. ™ Registration of charges. c) Raising Finance ™ Sources of finance. ™ Making an offer to the public. ™ Issues of different types of securities. d) The Stock Market ™ The securities and futures act. ™ The Singapore exchange. ™ The listing manual. Š Mainboard and Catalist ™ The code of corporate governance. ENHANCED CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME SEMINAR
Essentials of Company Law
Seminar 5: Date: Time: CPE: Closing a Company
14 June 2013, Friday
9.30a.m. – 5.30p.m.
7 Hours a) Introduction b) Judicial Management c) Schemes of Arrangement d) Winding Up ™ The different modes of winding up. ™ Effects of winding up. e) Striking Off f) Roles and Responsibility of Creditor, Liquidator, Director and Company Secretary g) Summary of Procedures for Winding Up h) Case Studies ENHANCED CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME SEMINAR
Essentials of Company Law
(a) Time, Venue & Date:‐ Essentials of Company Law Time: Venue: 9.30a.m. – 5.30p.m. SAICSA Training Centre 149 Rochor Road, #04‐06, Fu Lu Shou Complex, Singapore 188425 Name of Seminar CPE Hours 1 Understanding the Different Types of Companies and other Business Vehicles 7 Date (Every Friday)
22 Feb 2013 2 Membership and Members’ Rights 7 22 Mar 2013 3 Directors Duties and Corporate Governance 7 19 Apr 2013 4 Corporate Finance and Listing 7 17 May 2013 5 Closing a Company 7 14 June 2013 (b) Seminar Fees:‐ Fee Inclusive 7% GST ; Seminar Fee
SAICSA Members
Course Fee for per seminar/per participant
Cheque made payable to $267.50
per seminar “SAICSA” $1203.75
“SAICSA” ; * Premier Fee
Register for 5 seminars and benefits 10%
savings off for the same participant
5 seminars (c) Registration:‐ Please send your completed forms by 1) Fax: 6334 4669 2) Email: 3) Address: 149 Rochor Road, #04‐06, Fu Lu Shou Complex, Singapore 188425 Website: Upon receipt of the registration form, a seat will be reserved for the participant and email confirmation of the events will be sent to all participants. Full payment is chargeable for non attendance or no show. Alternatively you may find a replacement to attend. A top‐up of seminar fees will be required when a non‐member registrant substitutes a member. However, there will be a strictly no refund should a non‐member be substituted by a member registrant. (d) Enquiries ™ Azian / Nurul 6334 4302 The organisers reserve their rights to change the topics, format, speakers, date, time and venue or cancel the training owing to unforeseen circumstances. ENHANCED CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME SEMINAR
Essentials of Company Law
FAX: 6334 4669
Essentials of Company Law Time: Venue: 9.30a.m. – 5.30p.m. SAICSA Training Centre 149 Rochor Road, #04‐06, Fu Lu Shou Complex, Singapore 188425 Name of Seminar Date Fee Inclusive CPE Please ; (Every Friday) 7% GST Hours Understanding the Different Types of Companies and other Business Vehicles 22 Feb 2013 $267.50 7 … 2 Membership and Members’ Rights 22 Mar 2013 $267.50 7 … Directors Duties and Corporate Governance 19 Apr 2013 $267.50 7 … 4 Corporate Finance and Listing 17 May 2013 $267.50 7 … 5 Closing a Company 14 June 2013 $267.50 7 … As above $1203.75 35 … 1 3 * Premier Fee
5 Seminars + 10% savings off Personal Details:‐ Salutation: Mr. … Miss … Ms… Mrs … Mdm … Mr. … Prof. … Status: FCIS … ACIS … Grad ICSA … Affiliate … Students: ICSA … EDCA … Full Name: Designation: Tel: Mobile: Fax: Email: Organisation/Company: (for billing purposes) Office Address: Postal Code: Contact Person:‐ Full Name: Designation: Email: Tel: Official Use Only Invoice No. Date: Cheque No. Amount Official Receipt Remarks 