◊ July 2015 SMALL BUSINESSES IN NEW ZEALAND How do they compare with larger firms? ◊ SMALL BUSINESSES* DOMINATE OUR INDUSTRIES 97% Chart 1: Number of Enterprises by Employee Size Group OF ENTERPRISES HAVE FEWER THAN 20 EMPLOYEES (473,846 ENTERPRISES) (CHART 1) Zero Employees 69% 98,030 OF ENTERPRISES HAVE ZERO EMPLOYEES (CHART 1) 338,745 1-5 Employees TOTAL 487,875 96% MB 13221 May 15 OF ENTERPRISES WITH FEWER THAN 20 EMPLOYEES ARE INDEPENDENT OPERATIONS NOT OWNED BY OTHERS (CHART 5) *Small businesses are defined here as those enterprises with fewer than 20 employees. There is no official definition of a small business in New Zealand, however enterprises with fewer than 20 employees has traditionally been used and referred to in some legislation. Australia also uses the same definition which enables comparisons to be made. Internationally there is no universally used definition for a small business: many economies use a limit higher than 20 employees. 21,335 50,180 Professional, scientific & technical services Information, media & communications 51,716 Arts & recreation services 9,224 Administrative & support services Transport, postal & warehousing 13,964 Retail trade 25,336 Wholesale trade 15,985 Healthcare & social assistance Accommodation & food services 16,355 Chart 2: Number of Employees by Employee Size Group 1-5 Employees 228,880 6-19 Employees THE RENTAL, HIRING, AND REAL ESTATE SERVICES INDUSTRY HAS THE HIGHEST NUMBER OF ENTERPRISES WITH FEWER THAN 20 EMPLOYEES (CHART 4) 66,980 Construction Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Demography, Feb 2014 1,995,330 31,581 Other services 4,843 TOTAL Finance & insurance services Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing 37,071 50 Or More Employees 27% OF NEW ZEALAND’S GDP IS ESTIMATED TO BE PRODUCED BY ENTERPRISES WITH FEWER THAN 20 EMPLOYEES (CHART 3) 105,821 Rental, hiring & real estate 20-49 Employees 9,186 30% OF EMPLOYEES IN NEW ZEALAND ARE EMPLOYED BY ENTERPRISES WITH FEWER THAN 20 EMPLOYEES (597,500) (CHART 2) 6-19 Employees Chart 4: Number and Percentage of Enterprises with 0-19 Employees by Industry 368,620 50 Or More Employees 1,124,750 Utilities 1,004 Manufacturing 18,720 Public administration & safety 1,007 Education & training 6,031 0% 0-19 employees Chart 3: Estimated Contribution to GDP by Employee Size Group $56,785m 17,519 673 Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Demography, Feb 2014 0-19 Employees 15,505 Mining 20-49 Employees 273,070 4,910 50% Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Demography, Feb 2014 Chart 5: Percentage of Enterprises with Common Ownership 20-49 Employees TOTAL $13,791m $210,299m 50 Or More Employees 45% 20% $94,506m Excluded Industries / Other Items $45,217m Data source: Statistics New Zealand, National Accounts Mar 2012 100% 20 or more employees 4% 0-19 20-49 50+ Number of employees Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Demography, Feb 2014 ◊ SMALL BUSINESSES ARE YOUNG AND DYNAMIC OF FIRMS WITH 1-19 EMPLOYEES HAVE EXISTED FOR FIVE YEARS OR FEWER. THIS COMPARES TO 16% FOR LARGER FIRMS (CHART 7) 0 1-5 Number of employees 50% OF FIRMS WITH ZERO EMPLOYEES BORN IN 2010 CEASED TO EXIST BY 2014. FIRMS WITH 1-19 EMPLOYEES HAVE SIMILAR SURVIVAL RATES TO FIRMS WITH 10-49 EMPLOYEES, BUT MUCH LOWER THAN LARGER FIRMS (CHART 8) 21 15 45 9 10 6-19 17 72 5 54 81 20-49 3 4 53 76 50-99 4 4 13 75 100+ 42% Chart 7: Age of Enterprise by Employee Size Group (%) 5 3 15 69 53 Trusts/Estates Partnership Societies and Associations Registered Limited Liability Company All Other Entities 1-19 6 29 25 28 16 25 17 25 27 < 1 year Number of employees 50% 50% 64% 1-5 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years 21+ years 40,714 42,018 42,775 69% 31% 65% 35% 65% 35% 6-19 20-49 50-99 100+ 79% 21% 80% 20% Survived in 2014 123,750 1-19 29,230 2011 27,670 Data source: Statistics New Zealand Annual Enterprise Survey, Aug 2014 9,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Number of employees 2012 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Chart 12: Percentage of Businesses Undertaking R&D Chart 13: Percentage of Businesses Exporting 11% 12% 13% 13% 23% 23% 10% 7% 7% 16% 6% 2013 Births Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Demography, Feb 2014 14% 2012 2013 Data source: Statistics New Zealand Linked Employer-Employee Data, Sep 2011-13 12% 2013 8,000 20+ 2011 2012 Chart 11: Births and Deaths of Employing Small Business 108,990 109,910 20-49 20+ Number of employees Ceased by 2014 Number of enterprises 100,440 7% 39 54,822 51,925 53,926 36% Chart 10: Annual Job Creation by Employee Size Group 6% 17 Chart 9: Average Salaries and Wages per Employee (RME) Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Demography, Feb 2014 6% 13 Chart 8: Survival Rates of Enterprises Born in 2010 WAS THE AVERAGE SALARY OF EMPLOYEES IN ENTERPRISES WITH 1-19 EMPLOYEES (CHART 9) 6% 23 Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Demography, Feb 2014 $42,775 1-19 11 Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Demography, Feb 2014 0 27,430 0 20+ 22 Individual Proprietorship OF ALL JOBS CREATED IN THE YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 2013 WERE IN FIRMS WITH 1-19 EMPLOYEES (CHART 10) 96,540 98,560 Number of employees 34% Chart 6: Type of Enterprise by Employee Size Group (%) 12% 13% 21% 23% 24% 26% 2014 Deaths 28% 29% 30% 22% 15% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 6-19 employees 20+ employees 6-19 employees 20+ employees Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Operations Survey, 2014 Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Operations Survey, 2014 ◊ ZERO-EMPLOYING FIRMS GENERATE VALUE $193,000 Chart 14: Zero-Employing Firms by Industry WAS THE AVERAGE REVENUE PER ENTERPRISE FOR FIRMS WITH ZERO EMPLOYEES IN 2013. THIS COMPARES WITH AN AVERAGE REVENUE OF $178,000 FOR FIRMS WITH 1-19 EMPLOYEES (ANNUAL ENTERPRISE SURVEY, AUG 2014) Rental, hiring & real estate Construction 100,454 32,675 TOTAL Agriculture, forestry & fishing Finance and insurance services 338,745 46,950 28,992 Professional, scientific & technical services All others 30% OF FIRMS WITH ZERO EMPLOYEES ARE IN THE RENTAL, HIRING AND REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY (CHART 14) ◊ 91,147 37,727 Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Demography, Feb 2014 SELF-EMPLOYED ARE ALSO SMALL BUSINESS 43% OF SELF-EMPLOYED ARE OVER THE AGE OF 50. MOST OF THE GROWTH IN SELF-EMPLOYMENT OVER THE PAST DECADE COME FROM THOSE OVER 50, WHILE SELF-EMPLOYMENT OF YOUNGER AGE GROUPS HAS FALLEN (CHART 15) Chart 15: Self-Employed by Age and Sex TOTAL 391,566 15-19 50-59 4,524 105,618 20-29 60-65 30,900 40,248 30-39 65+ 74,370 23,610 40-49 16% OF THE SELF-EMPLOYED WORK IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (CHART 16) 10% OF MĀORI RUN THEIR OWN BUSINESSS, BEING EITHER SELF-EMPLOYED, OR EMPLOYING OTHERS Female 112,299 Male 147,687 243,876 Data source: Statistics New Zealand Linked Employee-Employer Data, 2013 Chart 16: Self-Employed by Industry TOTAL 391,566 Construction Rental, hiring & real estate 61,599 25,341 Professional, scientific & technical services Retail trade 24,849 55,470 All others Agriculture, forestry & fishing 173,883 50,427 Data source: Statistics New Zealand Linked Employee-Employer Data, 2013 Chart 17: Self-Employed by Ethnicity *In this factsheet, data on numbers in self-employment comes from linked employee–employer data. A person is self-employed if they derive the majority of their income in one tax year from self employment. A person can be self-employed and also work as an employee in another business. A person who is self-employed at multiple businesses is only counted once. Self-employed Rest of employed Pacific Peoples Data source: Statistics New Zealand Census 2013 Māori Total ◊ SMALL FIRMS FACE UNIQUE CHALLENGES EMPLOYMENT 35% OF EMPLOYEES AT FIRMS WITH 1-5 EMPLOYEES WERE PARTTIME. THIS COMPARES WITH 34% FOR FIRMS WITH 6-19 EMPLOYEES, AND 30% FOR FIRMS WITH 20-49 EMPLOYEES (CHART 18) FOR BUSINESSES WITH 6-19 EMPLOYEES: Full-time jobs Part-time jobs 205,420 95% 151,960 125,860 104,990 67,170 53% OF FIRMS WITH 6-19 EMPLOYEES HAD HARD TO FILL VACANCIES IN 2014. THIS IS BROADLY SIMILAR TO THE PERCENTAGE OF FIRMS WITH 20+ EMPLOYEES (CHART 19) ACCESS TO ICT Chart 18: Full-time/Part-time Employment by Employee Size Group 66,430 1-5 6-19 USE THE INTERNET 92% 20-49 ARE CONNECTED BY BROADBAND Number of employees Data source: Statistics New Zealand Quarterly Employment Survey, 2014 66% Chart 19: Percentage of Firms with Hard to Fill Vacancies by Employee Size Group HAVE A WEBSITE 2008 2013 67% 59% 2014 56% 53% 44% 49% 44% HAVE INTERNET SALES 6-19 20-49 Number of employees *Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Operations Survey, 2014 Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Operations Survey, 2014 Chart 20: Percentage of Firms Accessing Debt Financing on Acceptable Terms ACCESS TO FINANCE 93% 89% FOR ENTERPRISES WITH 6-19 EMPLOYEES WHO REQUESTED DEBT FINANCE COULD ACCESS ON ACCEPTABLE TERMS (CHART 20) 90% WHO REQUESTED EQUITY FINANCE COULD ACCESS ON ACCEPTABLE TERMS (CHART 21) 2014 92% 89% Number of employees 20-49 Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Operations Survey, 2014 Chart 21: Percentage of Firms Accessing Equity Financing on Acceptable Terms 87% 83% DEBT FINANCE IS SOUGHT BY MORE BUSINESSES THAN EQUITY FINANCE 2012 2013 86% 6-19 79% 95% 2012 2013 2014 79% 78% 76% 6-19 85% Number of employees Data source: Statistics New Zealand Business Operations Survey, 2014 20-49 ◊ CONDITIONS ◊ This work is based on/includes Statistics New Zealand’s data which are licensed by Statistics New Zealand for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 New Zealand license. Please refer to the following data quality statements outlining the coverage and limitations of each data source: ›› Enterprise: is an institutional unit and generally corresponds to legal entities operating in New Zealand. It can be a company, partnership, trust, estate, incorporated society, producer board, local or central government organisation, voluntary organisation, or self-employed individual. ›› The Annual Enterprise Survey provides annual information on financial performance and financial position for industry and sector groups operating within New Zealand. The target population of the survey are economically significant enterprises operating in New Zealand, whose main activity is not superannuation funds, residential property operation, foreign government representation, religious services, or private households employing staff and undifferentiated goods-and service-producing activities of households for own use. http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/businesses/ business_finance/annual-enterprise-survey-info-releases.aspx ›› Business Demography statistics provide an annual snapshot (as at February) of the structure and characteristics of New Zealand businesses. The series covers all economically significant enterprises engaged in the production of goods and services in New Zealand. http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/businesses/ business_characteristics/nz-business-demography-statisticsinfo-releases.aspx ›› The Business Operations Survey is an annual modular survey providing statistics on business practices and behaviours that may have some impact on New Zealand business performance. The target population for the survey are economically significant enterprises with six or more employees operating for one year or more. http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/businesses/ business_growth_and_innovation/business-operations-surveyinfo-releases.aspx ›› Linked Employer-Employee Data provides a quarterly insight into the operation of New Zealand's labour market. The data covers all individuals who receive income from which tax is deducted at source: http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/income-and-work/ employment_and_unemployment/linked-employer-employeedata-info-releases.aspx ›› The National Accounts (Industry Benchmarks) provide comprehensive industry data on production, investment, and capital stock. This data was analysed in a supply-use balancing framework to reconcile the production, expenditure, and income measures of gross domestic product (GDP). It focuses on industry data and the benchmarks for the level of economic activity, which update and maintain the quality of quarterly GDP statistics. http:// www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/economic_indicators/ NationalAccounts.aspx ›› The Quarterly Employment Survey measures the number of jobs (technically referred to as filled jobs), earnings, and paid hours for a sample of economically significant businesses. http://www.stats. govt.nz/browse_for_stats/income-and-work/employment_and_ unemployment/labour-market-statistics-information-releases. aspx DEFINITIONS ›› Enterprise birth: a new enterprise starting operation, with the restriction that no other national businesses are involved. These do not include entries into the population due to reactivations, mergers, break-ups, split-offs, or other restructuring of a group of businesses linked by ownership or control. It also excludes entries into a population resulting from changes to characteristics of existing businesses. ›› Enterprise death: an enterprise ceasing operation, with the restriction that no other domestic businesses are involved in the event. This does not include exits from the population due to temporary inactivity, mergers, takeovers, break-ups, or other restructuring of a group of businesses linked by ownership or control. It also excludes exits from a population resulting from changes to characteristics of businesses which remain active. ›› Enterprise group: a set of enterprise units linked by common ownership. Statistics New Zealand only records links of over 50% shareholding between enterprises. Enterprise groups include all resident groups, foreign controlled enterprise groups and domestically controlled enterprise groups. For more information on the definitions of Business Demography sourced data see: ›› http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/businesses/ business_characteristics/BusinessDemographyStatistics_ HOTPFeb14/Definitions.aspx ›› Jobs created: The net number of jobs created by a business, since the previous reference date. ›› Full-time jobs: jobs where the employee works for 30 hours or more per week. ›› Part-time jobs: jobs where the employee works for less than 30 hours per week. ›› RME (Rolling Mean Employment) is a 12-month moving average of the monthly employee count for an enterprise.