Outline III. Why an energy scan ? Is there an overarching reasons for it ? IV. Status of studies of the low mhigh T region of the phase diagram B VI. What new insights will an energy scan afford? Lingering Questions Onset of opacity for light and heavy quarks Onset of quark number scaling Requirements VII. Opportunities for Discovery & New Constraints Search for the critical point Studies of the first order phase transition New constraints for the hadronic EOS Requirements VIII.Summary Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 2 Phase Diagram for H2O The location of the critical End point and the phase coexistence lines are fundamental to the phase diagram of any substance ! Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 3 Conjectured Phase Diagram for QCD? Consensus (I) Continuous/rapid Crossover Transition p Consensus (II) Our understanding of the QCD Phase diagram, as well as the properties of the different phases is still limited Energy scans at RHIC provide access to a broad range of the µ -T plane! Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 4 Learn the past, charge the present and create the future! A quick summary of the present ! Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 5 A “little Bang” occurs in RHIC collisions t c t= /c -z z/ t= Thermalized partonic Fluid! 1 1 dET e Bj = p R 2 t 0 dy Experimental results favor a (s)QGP ε Bjorken ~ 5 - 15 GeV/fm3 ~ 35 – 100 ε0 0 Gold v~0.99c nucleus z:collision axis Gold nucleus Challenge: Develop Constraints for the Properties of the sQGP ? Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 6 Which observable/s provide important constraints? Jet Quenching Scattering power • Flow sound speed shear viscosity • Medium Response sound speed, shear viscosity • Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 7 Jet Quenching High Energy partons lose energy by re-scattering in the hot and dense medium Radiative: dE ~ sr L kT2 dx Range of Color Force ) q ~ rs kT2 Scattering Power Of Medium Color charge scattering centers Nuclear Modification Factor N AA RAA = N coll N pp Can access ) r and q Density of Scattering centers RAA measurements can provide estimates Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 8 Light Quark Opacity Phys. Rev. C 77, 064907 (2008) , arXiv:0801.4555 2 qˆ =13.2+-2.3 GeV /fm 2.3 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 9 The Flow Probe ( æ ¶e çP = r²× ¶r è y From ET Distributions e= 1 1 dET e Bj = p R 2 t 0 dy ) ö ÷ s/r ø y2 - x2 y 2 + x2 x GeV ~ 5 - 15 fm3 Large Pressure Gradients Hydro Flow of partons “Control Params.” d 3N 1 2 N 1 + 2v1 cos( φ - R ) + 2v2 (2[φ - R ]) + ... E 3 = d d p p dpT2 dy e , cs , h v2 n = cos(2n[φ - R ]) Hydro Flow exhibit specific scaling properties which can be (in)validated Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 10 Flow shows KET and quark number scaling Flow is dominantly pre-hadronic PRL 98, 162301 (2007) PRL. 99, 052301 (2007) Indications of the QGP from flow Courtesy S. Bass Charm Flow initial state QGP and hydrodynamic expansion hadronization hadronic phase and freeze-out pre-equilibrium h æ 1 ö ~ 2 - 4ç ÷ s è 4p ø cs ~ 0.35 We hold these truths to be self evident ! Universal Scaling PRL 98, 172301 (2007) nucl-ex/0610029 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 11 Scaling for Higher Harmonics 1 1 v 4,q (p T ) » + ´ 2 2 v 2,M (2p T ) 4 2 v 2,q (p T ) v 4,M (2pT ) v 4,B (3pT ) v 22,B (3p T ) » 1 1 v 4,q (p T ) + ´ 2 3 3 v 2,q (p T ) Courtesy S. Bass initial state QGP and hydrodynamic expansion pre-equilibrium hadronic phase and freeze-out hadronization æ 1 1 v 4,q (pT ) ö » aç + ´ 2 ç 4 2 v (p ) ÷÷ v 22,M (2p T ) 2,q T è ø v 4,M (2pT ) æ 1 1 v 4,q (p T ) ö » a çç + ´ 2 ÷÷ 2 v 2,B (3pT ) 3 3 v (p ) 2,q T è ø v 4,B (3pT ) v 4,q (p T ) v 22,q (p T ) » 1 2 a » 1.8 The ratio of the flow harmonics for quarks is compatible with hydrodynamic prediction Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 12 Medium Response & Transport Coefficients High pT trigger QCD Sonic Boom Same-Side Jet Df * q* x10 x20 Gs = 4 h æ1ö ~ 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 ç ÷ 3 sT èT ø cos ( q M ) = cs Gives sound speed directly; Sets upper limit on viscosity. Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 13 QCD Sonic Boom? Simulated Deflected jet Data Total 3PC jet correlations Simulated Mach Cone True 3PC jet correlations cs ~ 0.35, h æ 1 ö ~ 2´ç ÷ s è 4p ø Data compatible with the presence of a Mach Cone away-side jet Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 14 Transport Coefficient Estimates Lacey & Taranenko nucl-ex/0610029 cs V Gs = D~ 4 h 3 sT 3 2p T t Relax = M D T 1-2 X the conjectured lower bound Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 15 What new insights will an Energy Scan afford? Lingering questions about the (s)QGP? Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 16 Light Quark Opacity Phys. Rev. C 77, 064907 (2008) , arXiv:0801.4555 2 qˆ =13.2+-2.3 GeV /fm 2.3 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 17 Heavy Quark Opacity PRL 98, 172301 (2007) 0.25 p ++ + p- - Au+Au K +K sNN = 200 GeV p+ p D 0.20 Moore v2 0.15 h æ 1 ö ~ 2 - 4ç ÷ s è 4p ø 0.10 PHENIX Preliminary PHENIX PRELIMINARY nucl-ex/0610029 DATA 0.05 Au+Au 64 GeV 0.00 0 1 RAA~1 2 3 4 KET (GeV) sNN Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 18 Onset of Quark Number Scaling? DATA (KAOS – Z. Phys. A355 (1996); (E895) - PRL 83 (1999) 1295 sNN Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 19 Requirements for Heavy/Light Quark Opacity measurements π0 Probes: • Standard RAA measurements for non-photonic electrons and π0 •Di-hadron correlations • Comparison samples from p+p and d+Au collisions Non-photonic electrons Di-hadron Correlations Energy 300M Events 100M 50M Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 5M 1M 20 p+p & d+Au Samples for Quark Opacity measurements Probes: • Standard RAA measurements for non-photonic electrons and π0 •Di-hadron correlations π0 No show stoppers ! Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 21 Opportunities for CEP Discovery & New constraints for the EOS Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 22 QCD Critical End Point ``The discovery of the critical point would in a stroke transform the map of the QCD phase diagram from one based only on reasonable inference from universality, lattice gauge theory and models into one with a solid experimental basis’’ Krishna Rajagopal – Phys.Rev.D61:105017,2000 Knowledge of the position of the CEP is a powerful constraint on possible models of QCD thermodynamics Search for the CEP must be a central objective Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 23 What Motivates the CEP Search at RHIC? M. A. Stephanov, K. Rajagopal and E. V. Shuryak, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 4816; Phys. Rev. D 60 (1999) 114028 Discovery of the crossover transition to the Quark Gluon Plasma • • • Flow Measurements Space-time measurements Jet Quenching The Crossover is a necessary requirement for existence the CEP Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 24 How do we search for the CEP? Theoretical Guidance? Which variables? Search Strategy? Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 25 Theoretical Guidance ? Chemical Freeze-out Curve Theoretical Predictions from Lattice QCD J. Cleymans, et al Phys. Rev. C73, 034905 (2006) Intriguing predictions but search for the CEP may require investigations over a broad range of μ & T. Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 26 Which search variable/s? Operational Ansatz The physics of the critical point is universal. Members of a given universality class show “identical” critical properties Stationary state variables Dynamic variables The CEP belongs to the same dynamic universality class (Model H) as the liquid gas phase transition Son & Stephanov Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 27 Singular behavior of stationary state variables near the CEP s µx Fluctuations Stephanov, Rajagopal,Shuryak, Phys. Rev. D 60, 114028 (1999) 2 Correlation length Divergence of ξ restricted: • Finite system size ξ < size • Finite evolution time ξ < (time)1/z t ~xz z=3 • Non-monotonic dependence of event-by-event fluctuations as a function of sNN Net proton number fluctuation Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 28 Singular behavior of Dynamic variables near the CEP D~x Diffusion Constant -1 Son & Stephanov, Correlation length h ~x .05 -.06 viscosity Divergence of ξ restricted: • Finite system size ξ < size • Finite evolution time ξ < (time)1/z t ~xz z=3 • D “vanishes’’ at the CEP • “mild’’ dependence for viscosity Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 29 The CEP belongs to the Model H dynamic universality class - Son & Stephanov Lacey et al. arXiv:0708.3512 [nucl-ex] mB h is a potent signal for the CEP s Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 30 CEP Search Kharzeev­Tuchin Meyer First estimate T ~ 165-170 μ ~ 150-180 MeV Search in the region 20 £ sNN £ 62 GeV Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 31 New Constraints for the Hadronic EOS? ( c 2 = ¶P ¶e ) Danielewicz, Lacey, Lynch 1034 Pa EOS not very well constrained experimentally cs = K Further constraints for the hadronic EOS 9 mN » 0.15c, 0.21c Soft and hard EOS Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 32 Requirements for Fluctuations & viscosity measurements Probes: • Standard fluctuations measurements for charged hadrons (+ PID) • Flow measurements • Femtoscopic measurements Energy 300M Events 100M 50M Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 5M 1M 33 For 20 £ sNN £ 100 GeV RHIC can make an immediate and unique contribution to: • The low-μB end of the critical point search • Quantification of the onset of light-quark and heavy-quark opacities. • Quantification of the onset of QNO scaling • Constraining the Hadronic EOS This is achievable within realistic running periods of ~ 20-25 weeks: The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be. Marcel Pagnol Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 34 Indications of a crossover from space-time Measurements Hydrodynamic prediction Are source images consistent with the crossover transition ? Courtesy S. Bass QGP and hydrodynamic expansion initial state pre-equilibrium Puzzle ? hadronic phase and freeze-out hadronization hadronization Koonin Pratt Eqn. R (q) = C (q ) - 1 = 4p ò drr 2 K 0 (q, r )S (r ) (1) Correlation function Encodes FSI Source function (Distribution of pair separations) A Cross Over strongly affects the Space-time Dynamics Inversion of this integral equation Source Function Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 35 The transition is Not a Strong First order Phase Transition? t ~ 9 fm Dt ~ 2 fm DtLCM arXiv:0712.4372 ~ 12 fm Outside-in burning Therminator: A.Kisiel et al. Comput.Phys.Commun.174, 669 (2006) Thermal model with Bjorken longitudinal expansion and transverse Flow • Spectra & yields constrain thermal properties • Transverse radius ρmax : controls transverse extent • Breakup time in fluid element rest frame, t : controls longitudinal extent • Emission duration Dt : controls tails in long and out directions • a controls x-t correlations Source Function Comparison to Models Give robust life time estimates Consistent with Crossover transition Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 36 CEP Search with CEP æ 2m ö p / p ~ expç- B ÷ è T ø Focusing of Isentropic Trajectories steeper p spectra at high PT Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point, July 28 - Aug. 22, 2008 37