June 7 - St. Albert the Great Newman Center

Parish Mission Statement
St. Albert the Great Newman Center, a Roman Catholic community at New Mexico State University, as a family of faith,
welcomes everyone to encounter Jesus Christ through Word, Worship, Community, and Service. Guided by the Holy
Spirit, we are changed for the better and sent forth as disciples of Christ to continue his work in the world.
Parish Staff
Rev. Ray Flores
David McNeill, Jr.
Business Manager
Isabel Gallegos
Dir. Campus Ministry
Sal Melendrez
Associate Campus Minister
Mona Chip
Campus Ministry Student Intern
Carlos Briseño
Dir. Faith Formation
Sr. Nancy Cabral
Dorothy Andrade
Antonio Perez
Philip Alvarez
Luis Ramos
Lunch Bunch Coordinator
Bonnie Benedetti
Parish Office Hours:
9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Phone: (575) 522-6202
Fax: (575) 521-3453
Mass Schedule
Daily Mass @ 5:30 pm
Vigil Mass (Saturday) @ 5:30 pm
Sunday Masses @ 8:30 am, 11:00 am & 7:30 pm
Saturdays, 4 to 5 pm; or by appointment.
Parents who have been registered in the parish for 6 months
need to schedule an interview with the Pastor through the
parish office at least 3 months prior to the baptism date.
Couples need to schedule an interview with the Pastor, through
the parish office, 6 months prior to the wedding date.
Pastoral Care for the Sick
Ill and homebound parishioners, please call the
parish office to schedule visits.
Anointing of the Sick
First Fridays after the 5:30 pm Mass.
If you or someone you know has been a victim
of sexual abuse by clergy or church personnel, contact
Deacon David McNeill, Victim’s Assistance Coordinator for the
Diocese of Las Cruces, at (575) 523-7577, or email
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
VBS Everest
♦ Communion - 3 year program beginning in 1st grade, with
reception of the Sacraments in 3rd grade.
♦ Youth Confirmation - 3 year program beginning in the 9th
grade (Conf. I), with reception of the Sacrament in the 11th
grade (Conf. III).
♦ Adult Confirmation - Baptized Catholics, 18 years and
older who would like to receive the Sacrament, contact
Sal Melendrez via email: sal@stalbertnewmancenter.org
or 522-2432.
♦ Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) - 9 month
preparation process for unbaptized adults and adults who
wish to become members of the Church and receive the
Sacraments of Initiation. Please contact Sr. Nancy at
Everyone is invited each Wednesday at 6pm in
the library to join us for reading St. Faustina’s
diary, praying for others and praying the
Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
There will not be Divine Mercy
until July 15, 2015.
La Bodega
Emergency Food Pantry
Help us keep our pantry stocked this
summer! If each family brought one
nonperishable item to Mass each
weekend, our shelves would be full.
Thank you!
Right now we are especially in need of:
- pastas - evaporated milk - canned vegetables
- hamburger helper - cereal - beans
- sugar - spaghetti sauce - canned fruits
Hispanic Musicians Conference
June 25-27, 2015
Las Cruces Convention Center
and New Mexico University Music Hall
English & Spanish Workshop Sessions
Registration available on Diocesan website
Conquering Challenges with God’s
Mighty Power will take place June 1-5
Please help by taking a
donation card from our poster.
Gospel storytelling will
resume in September
during the 8:30
and 11 am masses.
Thanks for all who
helped this past
Religious Ed
classes are on
vacation until
Please remember
to register as soon
as possible.
Ž–ƒ”Ž‘™‡”• Celebrate your family event or honor the
memory of a loved one with a donation
of altar flowers. Donation for flowers
is $40. Please contact parish office at
*Please order flowers two weeks
before desired date!
Note from the Pope
Words of Wisdom from Pope Francis
Let us pray for those serving
in our Armed Forces
Currently Active
A1-C Zachariah Eye (Air Force)
Cpl Vincent A. De Piazza (USMC)
SSgt Sam Cruz (USMC)
Amn Estevan O. Perez (Air Force)
SSgt Ernesto X. Perez (Air Force)
TSgt Christopher S. Marrufo (Air Force)
TSgt AnnaJo Marrufo-Blizman (Air Force)
TSgt Adam J. Blizman (Air Force)
PFC Joseph Chavira (Army)
SPC2 Vicente Chavira (Army)
MGySgt Ron Talamantes (USMC)
SGT Jonathan Standish (Army)
TSgt Julianne Marie Lujan (Air Force)
SrA Rachel Marie Lujan (Air Force)
LTC Greg Grusenmeyer (Army)
SSG John Troy (Army)
CPT. Sean Dixon (Army)
MAJ Nicholas Thompson (Army)
CPT. Patrick Vickery (Army)
SSG Perry Harrison (Army)
PFC Gino Benedetti (Army)
LTC Edward Brady (Army)
LTC James Brady (Army)
LT Janet Michael (Navy)
Corporal Joseph Michael (USMC)
LCpl Matthew A. Syner (USMC)
SPC Jesus Navarro (Army)
From the Pastor's Desk
Hello, friends:
Welcome to summer! I hope that you all get a chance to take
a step back from the normal routine of life and enjoy some
rest and relaxation, in the next couple of months. It’s
important that we care for and take time to simply
“waste time” with those that we love.
In the past we’ve hosted a summer movie series; we’re
currently brainstorming the possibility of doing that again
this year, however, because of time and planning the series
may be postponed to late summer or it may not happen at all
this year. Stay tuned!
I’d like to really thank the VBS team and volunteers who
helped make this year’s event a huge success! The children
loved the energy, the music, the dancing, the skits and most
all, getting to know a little bit more about their faith and their
relationship with Jesus and the church.
Campus Ministry is looking forward to hosting this year’s
CMLI (Campus Ministry Leadership Institute) here at NMSU
and Newman. We’re expecting close to 100 participants,
from around the country, who will start arriving on June 16th.
Please pray for the success of this event; thanks!
Fr. Ray
1st Bn., 200th Infantry Brigade, NM National Guard
and all others that you may hold dear to your heart!!!
NMSU Catholic
Campus Ministry
“If you are what you should be,
you will set the whole world
-St. Catherine of Sienna
Ice Cream Social
Come join us every
“dollar scoop tuesday”
at baskin robins at
7 p.m. for ice cream
followed by some
Bible Study
Come join us in the
alumni room of the
parish thursdays at
7 p.m. for a lectio
divina bible study.
Gift Shop News
We have just received a
new shipment of Confirmation
and Anniversary gifts that
you can purchase at our
gift shop after Mass!
Threads of Prayer
Do you crochet or knit?
Our Threads of Prayer Ministry donates
blankets/shawls to those in need of comfort, a
hug, or spiritual healing. This ministry needs
your help to make these blankets and shawls.
Would you be willing to join the wonderful
ladies in this ministry? If so, please contact
the office with your name and phone number.
Weekend of May 30/31:
Envelopes/Loose Change:
Loose Checks:
E-Giving Weekly Collection:
$ 610.05
Week of 5/25-5/29
United in Ministry – 2015 – As of 4/30/2015
7:00 am - AA (at the Bridge)
7:00 am - AA (at the Bridge)
5:30 pm - Daily Mass
7:00 am - AA (at the Bridge)
5:10 pm - Evening Prayer
5:30 pm - Daily Mass
7:00 pm - Ice Cream @ Baskin Robbins
7:00 am - AA (at the Bridge)
5:10 pm - Evening Prayer
5:30 pm - Daily Mass
7:00 am - AA (at The Bridge)
5:10 pm - Evening Prayer
5:30 pm - Daily Mass
7:00 pm - Lectio Divina Bible Study @ Church Alumni Room
7:00 am - AA (at The Bridge)
5:10 pm - Evening Prayer
5:30 pm - Daily Mass (Blessing of the sick)
9:00 am - Music Practice
4:00 pm - Confessions
5:30 pm - No Daily Mass
Bulletin Deadline:
Mondays by Noon, Holidays on
Thursday by 12:00 noon.
Please include these people and their families in
your prayers that they may experience
Christ’s comfort and healing:
Abe Armendariz
Bertha Salas
Manuela Chavez
Ernest Chavez
Bernarda Gamboa Herlinda Apodaca
Jon Hooley
Catherine Hooley
Mary Ettinger
Ed O’Brian
Walter Kazmier
Willemina Paupaw
Jed Hendee
Bertha Banegas
Lucinda Armendariz
Marie Tighe
Martina Garcia
Priscilla Grijalva
Faye Gibson
Carmen Franco
Mariana Franco
Roberta Lukens
Juanita Kiss
Joline Rosén
Teresa Alvarez
Freddie Rodriguez Monica Dominguez
Patricia Beard
Msgr. Robert Getz
Millie Harrison
Matt Bridges
Teresa Rementer
Vangi Pedreza
Bishop Ricardo Ramirez
Fernando De la Rosa
Readings for the Week
June 7, 2015
Sunday: Ex 24;3-8/ Ps 116:12-13, 15-18
Heb 9:11-15/ Mk 14:12-16, 22-26
Monday: 2 Cor 1:1-7/ Ps 34:2-9/ Mt 5:1-12
Tuesday: 2 Cor 1:18-22/Ps 119:129-133, 135
Mt 5:13-16
Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11/ Ps 99:5-9, Mt 5:17-19
Thursday: Acts 11:21b-26;13:1-3/ Ps 98:1-6
Mt 5:20-26
Friday: Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8b-9/ (Ps) Is 12:2-6
Eph 3:8-12, 14-19/ Jn 19:31-37
Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21/ Ps 103:1-4, 9-12
If you or your loved one is/are in need of payer,
please notify the Parish Office at (575) 522-6202 .
Mt 5:33-37/ Lk 2:41-51/ Is 61:9-11
Weekend of May 30/31:
Envelopes/Loose Change:
Loose Checks:
E-Giving Weekly Collection:
$ 610.05
Week of 5/25-5/29
United in Ministry – 2015 – As of 4/30/2015
7:00 am - AA (at the Bridge)
7:00 am - AA (at the Bridge)
5:30 pm - Daily Mass
7:00 am - AA (at the Bridge)
5:10 pm - Evening Prayer
5:30 pm - Daily Mass
7:00 pm - Ice Cream @ Baskin Robbins
7:00 am - AA (at the Bridge)
5:10 pm - Evening Prayer
5:30 pm - Daily Mass
7:00 am - AA (at The Bridge)
5:10 pm - Evening Prayer
5:30 pm - Daily Mass
7:00 pm - Lectio Divina Bible Study @ Church Alumni Room
7:00 am - AA (at The Bridge)
5:10 pm - Evening Prayer
5:30 pm - Daily Mass (Blessing of the sick)
9:00 am - Music Practice
4:00 pm - Confessions
5:30 pm - No Daily Mass
Bulletin Deadline:
Mondays by Noon, Holidays on
Thursday by 12:00 noon.
Please include these people and their families in
your prayers that they may experience
Christ’s comfort and healing:
Abe Armendariz
Bertha Salas
Manuela Chavez
Ernest Chavez
Bernarda Gamboa Herlinda Apodaca
Jon Hooley
Catherine Hooley
Mary Ettinger
Ed O’Brian
Walter Kazmier
Willemina Paupaw
Jed Hendee
Bertha Banegas
Lucinda Armendariz
Marie Tighe
Martina Garcia
Priscilla Grijalva
Faye Gibson
Carmen Franco
Mariana Franco
Roberta Lukens
Juanita Kiss
Joline Rosén
Teresa Alvarez
Freddie Rodriguez Monica Dominguez
Patricia Beard
Msgr. Robert Getz
Millie Harrison
Matt Bridges
Teresa Rementer
Vangi Pedreza
Bishop Ricardo Ramirez
Fernando De la Rosa
Readings for the Week
June 7, 2015
Sunday: Ex 24;3-8/ Ps 116:12-13, 15-18
Heb 9:11-15/ Mk 14:12-16, 22-26
Monday: 2 Cor 1:1-7/ Ps 34:2-9/ Mt 5:1-12
Tuesday: 2 Cor 1:18-22/Ps 119:129-133, 135
Mt 5:13-16
Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11/ Ps 99:5-9, Mt 5:17-19
Thursday: Acts 11:21b-26;13:1-3/ Ps 98:1-6
Mt 5:20-26
Friday: Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8b-9/ (Ps) Is 12:2-6
Eph 3:8-12, 14-19/ Jn 19:31-37
Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21/ Ps 103:1-4, 9-12
If you or your loved one is/are in need of payer,
please notify the Parish Office at (575) 522-6202 .
Mt 5:33-37/ Lk 2:41-51/ Is 61:9-11