Fall 2015 Final Exam Schedule (12/10/15) Time period: Course ---------BIOL34008 CHEM21003 CHEM21006 CHEM21009 CHEM21010 CHEM42811 COGS20008 CREA10404 CREA200MW CREA200MW1 CSIS11405 CSIS11410 CSIS11423 CSIS12001 CSIS12009 CSIS25106 CSIS25108 ENGL21306 ENVA10005 FINC42507 HIST31207 MACC50005 MATH25006 MATH25008 POSC37404 QBUS200AD SOCI19003 SOCI19005 SPAN34005 Title -----------------------------Histology Organic Chem I Organic Chem I Organic Chem I Organic Chem I Physical Biochemistry Intro to Cognitive Science FRSH: Introduction to Theatre Drawing I Drawing I Management Information Systems Management Information Systems Management Information Systems Intro to Programming Intro to Programming Discrete Structures Discrete Structures Survey of American Literature Environmental Science Advanced Corporate Finance Amer Rev Atlantic World Advanced Financial Acctg Discrete Structures Discrete Structures Intro to Criminal Law Business Statistics I Crime and Justice Crime and Justice Advanced Grammar Time period: Course --------CREA10109 CREA10111 HIST10101 HIST10122 HIST10128 MGMT29033 MRKT29001 MRKT29033 PSYC26009 SWRK30001 Wed 12/16 8:30 am - 10:30 am Wed 12/16 11am - 1pm (A1) Room Instructor #Reg --------- ----------- -----ARC 2,4 Zanetti 32 ARC 5,7 Tucker 35 ARC 11 Hughes 19 ARC 1,3 Deyrup 31 ARC 7,9 Tucker 19 RB210 Karr 6 S317 Alexander 29 S322 Dennis 11 Foy105 Foster 12 FOY105 Foster 14 SAR 7,9,11 Schindler 30 ARC 6,8 Cotler 32 ARC 8,10 Cotler 32 SAR 12,14 Breimer 14 SAR 1,3,5 Small 30 RB 202 Matthews 1 RB 202 Matthews 3 S119 Mayer 13 RB238 Bogan 23 S117 Zhao 10 STANDL212 Dorsey 4 S314 Lewis 31 RB 202 Matthews 24 RB 202 Matthews 22 S315 Cutler 34 S224 Lonnstrom 27 SAR 2-10 even Rody-Wright 25 SAR 2-10 even Rody-Wright 25 K109 Malloy-Madrid 15 (A2) Title -----------------------------Intro to the Creative Arts FRSH:Intro to the Creative Art Shaping of Contemporary World Shaping of Contemporary World FRSH:Shaping of Contemp World Topics in Service MRKT & MGMT Advan Topics-Sports Marketing Topics in Service MRKT & MGMT Social Psychology Human Bhvr + Soc Envir I Room ----RB202 RB202 ARC 3,5 ARC 5,7 ARC 7,9 S106 S322 S106 S119 ROS226 Instructor ------------Massman Massman Lamay Licursi Lamay Licursi Lamay Licursi Hanspal Cohen Hanspal Betz Bott #Reg -----26 25 25 25 26 10 12 16 30 25 Time period: Course --------ACCT37002 ACCT37004 ACCT37008 ATDV25003 ATDV250TR BIOL22510 ENGL20013 FINC3026E MATH01009 PHYS470AR PSYC10008 PSYC10010 PSYC35002 PSYC35004 RELG10102 RELG10103 RELG10104 RELG10105 RELG10106 RELG10107 RELG12104 Title -----------------------------Accounting Information Systems Accounting Information Systems Accounting Information Systems ESOL Communication (Intermed) ESOL Communication (Adv.) Ecology Survey of English Literature I Managerial Finance II Finite Mathematics Advanced Laboratory I General Psychology General Psychology Physiological Psychology Physiological Psychology Religion in Western Culture Religion in Western Culture Religion in Western Culture Religion in West. Culture Religion in Western Culture Religion in Western Culture Intro to Biblical Studies Time period: Course --------BLAW20018 CSIS11406 ENGL20505 ENVA42013 MATH21002 PHIL10309 PHIL10311 SOCI10107 SOCI10109 SOCI39002 SPAN10110 SPAN10126 Wed 12/16 1:30pm - 3:30pm Wed 12/16 4pm - 6pm (A3) Room Instructor --------- ---------SAR 1-13 odd Garnsey SAR 1-13 odd Garnsey SAR 1-13 odd Garnsey ROS 104 Nadeau ROS 104 Nadeau RB412 Giarla S105 Thauvette Trd RM Sun RB226 Santos RB250 Vernizzi SAR 2-10 even Douzal SAR 2-10 even Douzal ARC 9,11 Levine ARC 10,12 Levine ARC 1 Munir ARC 2,4 Grieco ARC 3,5 Munir ARC 4,6 Grieco ARC 5,7 Munir ARC 6,8 Grieco STANDLL12 Zaas #Reg -----20 25 26 3 4 27 17 11 31 15 24 23 29 30 21 26 23 25 25 25 27 (A4) Title -----------------------------Legal Environment of Business Management Information Systems Survey- English Literature II Wildlife Conservation Forests Calculus III Reason and Argument Reason and Argument The Sociological Perspective The Sociological Perspective Social Theory Seminar Fund of Spanish I Fund of Spanish I Room Instructor -------- --------------S315 Mills RB328 Goldstein K112 Fitzgerald-Hoyt RB208 Bogan RB428 Krylov SAR 1-9 odd Milanese SAR 1-9 odd Milanese SAR 2-10 even Hill SAR 2-10 even Hill ROSET117 Johnson S224 Balabarca S224 Balabarca #Reg -----24 32 12 15 35 25 25 25 25 5 18 18 Time period: Course --------BIOL42004 BUDV21013 BUDV45002 BUDV45008 BUDV450MW CLSS22010 CREA16504 CREA2317E CREA231W CSIS1143E CSIS35013 ECON10201 ECON10209 ECON1027E ECON20111 ENGL05110 FINC2159E MACC5009E MATH10501 MATH10507 MATH10509 PSYC1207E PSYC1209E SOCI10106 (A5) Title -----------------------------Biochemistry Intro to Bus & Entrprnrship Organizational Strategy Organizational Strategy Organizational Strategy Greek Literature in Translatn Music Theory I Art to the 15th Century Art to the 15th Century Management Information Systems Data Base Management Principles of Economics,Macro Principles of Economics,Macro Principles of Economics,Macro Micro-Economic Analysis Greek Lit in Translation Intro to Instit and Investment Advanced Financial Acctg Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Psychology of Women Psychology of Women The Sociological Perspective Time period: Course ---------BIOL11005 BIOL11007 BIOL11028 BIOL44003 CHEM31006 ECON20203 FINC49012 HIST10112 HIST10132 HIST38713 MATH47006 MGMT30011 MGMT30013 MGMT300L MGMT30008 MGMT30006 MGMT30012 PHYS13006 PHYS13007 PSYC370TR1 QBUS20005 SCDV23012 SWRK10003 SWRK10013 SWRK4526E Wed 12/16 6:30pm - 8:30pm Thu 12/17 8:30 am - 10:30 am Title -----------------------------General Biology I General Biology I General Biology I Neurobiology Thermodynamics + Chem Equilib Macro-Economic Analysis Sem-Student Invest Fund Shaping of Contemporary World Shaping of Contemporary World 19th Century Europe 1815-1915 Mathematical Statistics Operations Management Operations Management Operations Management Operations Management Operations Management Operations Management FRESH: General Physics I General Physics I Intimate Relationships Business Statistics I Electronic Instrumentation Intro Soc Welf. & Soc Work FRESH Intr Soc Welf & Soc Work Soc Wrk Prac:Drugs and Alcohol Room Instructor -------- --------------RB208 Sterne-Marr S220 Rancourt S314 Mello S315 Eddy S317 Liebschutz S105 Marshall S101 Konye RB 202 Stavros RB 202 Stavros RB340 Yates SAR 1,3,5 Vandenberg ARC 1,3 Garces-Voisenat ARC 3,5 Garces-Voisenat ARC 7,9 Garces-Voisenat ROSET120 Ramnarain S105 Marshall S119 Wentraub S120 Zelka ARC 2,4 Smitas ARC 6,8 Adamczak ARC 10,12 Bannon SAR 7-13 odd Gleason SAR 7-13 odd Gleason ROSET226 Cherukuri #Reg -----26 25 19 19 19 17 11 14 17 29 26 32 31 31 27 3 26 14 25 29 27 29 7 20 (B1) Room -------SAR 1-13 SAR 1-13 RB412 RB208 RB210 S224 S302 SAR 2-10 SAR 2-10 S117 S315 ARC 1,3 ARC 3,5 ARC 5,7 ARC 2,4 ARC 4,6 ARC 6,8 RB 250 RB 226 S106 S305 RB136 ROSET226 S119 ROSET120 Instructor --------------odd Brookins odd Brookins Rapp Angstadt Hofstein Garces-Voisenat Girard even Lavieri even Lavieri Pojmann O'Neill Burnes Burnes Burnes Paul Paul Paul McColgan Finn Hayes Franko McColgan Bott DeJong Lacy #Reg -----32 31 28 14 7 24 13 24 25 11 22 25 25 24 25 24 25 18 17 30 26 21 23 13 21 Time period: Course --------BIOL40012 MRKT33401 MRKT33403 PHIL10101 PHIL10103 PHIL10107 PHIL10104 PHIL10106 PHIL10125 PHYS01003 PHYS01004 PHYS01010 PSYC100TR PSYC21506 QBUS11011 QBUS20007 QBUS20009 SOCI23008 Thu 12/17 1:30pm - 3:30pm Room Instructor --------- ---------RB208 Berke S224 Pepe S224 Pepe ARC 3,5 Homan ARC 5,7 Homan ARC 7,9 Homan SAR 1-7 odd Soderback SAR 1-7 odd Soderback ROSET226 Santilli RB302 Vernizzi SAR 2-10 even Caldaro SAR 2-10 even Caldaro S106 Hayes RB340 Nelson S220 Venezio S305 Franko S328 Franko ROSET104 Cherukuri Thu 12/17 4pm - 6pm #Reg -----20 12 26 25 25 22 11 23 25 23 24 24 14 30 21 25 25 18 (B3) Title -----------------------------Auditing Auditing Plant Ecology Drawing I Drawing II Principles of Economics,Micro Principles of Economics,Micro Auditing & Assurance The Catholic Tradition Gateway to Science Careers Gateway to Science Careers Sci Career Exploration Seminar Time period: Course --------ASTR01011 ENGL25609 ENGL285MW FINC30205 GREK10105 HIST10102 HIST10121 MATH12003 MGMT33210 MGMT33212 PHIL10108 PHIL10110 WSTU300W (B2) Title -----------------------------Marine Ecology International Marketing International Marketing Philosophy and the Human Being Philosophy and the Human Being Philosophy and the Human Being HNRS:Phil. and the Human Being Philosophy & Human Being Philosophy and the Human Being Intro to Nanoscience Physics of Music Physics of Music General Psychology Theories of Personality Math for Decision Making II Business Statistics I Business Statistics I Gender, Power and Society Time period: Course ---------ACCT43002 ACCT43004 BIOL24010 CREA200TR2 CREA313TR ECON10128 ECON10130 MACC530T RELG35505 SCDV00108H SCDV00108T SCDV0019EW Thu 12/17 11am - 1pm Room --------ARC 1,3 ARC 3,5 RB208 S224 S224 ARC 8,10 ARC 10,12 ARC 5 STANDLL12 SAR 1,3,5 SAR 1,3,5 SAR 7,9 Instructor ----------Brearey Brearey Worthington Ticson Ticson Trzaskos Trzaskos Brearey Dickens Medsker Medsker Medsker #Reg -----27 27 13 12 13 31 31 5 24 7 14 14 (B4) Title -----------------------------Astronomy The Novel Teen Film Managerial Finance II Elementary Greek I Shaping of Contemporary World Shaping of Contemporary World Calculus II Human Resources Management Human Resources Management Philosophy & Human Being Philosophy and the Human Being Sexual Assault: Peer Advocacy Room --------RB250 S313 S308 S106 K121 SAR 3-11 odd SAR 3-11 odd RB412 SAR 2-10 even SAR 2-10 even ARC 3,5 ARC 5,7 S217 Instructor ---------Rosenberry Farnan Hertz Zhao Sham Riley Riley Smitas Kelly Kelly Burkey Burkey O'Neill #Reg -----35 25 17 20 13 25 25 34 26 24 26 29 14 Time period: Course ---------ACCT30507 ACCT30509 ASTR0107E BUDV45010 BUDV4508E BUDV450MW1 CREA10413 CSIS01001 CSIS01011 CSIS0103E CSIS0102E FINC0256E FINC0257E GBUS54013 GBUS540CC HIST1019E MATH03006 MATH11513 PHYS31006 POSC10013 RELG14107 SOCI26013 (B5) Title ----------------------------Intermediate Accounting II Intermediate Accounting II Astronomy Organizational Strategy Organizational Strategy Organizational Strategy Introduction to Theatre Intro to Computer Applicat Intro to Computer Applicat Intro to Computer Applicat Intro to Computer Applicat Personal Finance Personal Finance Quantitative Methods Quantitative Methods Shaping of Contemporary World History of Mathematics Calculus IIA Mechanics I Contemporary U.S. Politics Intro to Religious Thought Deviant Behavior Time period: Course --------BIOL11006 BIOL11008 BIOL46005 BLAW31004 BLAW31008 CSIS39003 MACC57207 QBUS10003 QBUS10004 QBUS10005 QBUS10006 QBUS10007 QBUS10009 QBUS10010 QBUS10012 QBUS10025 QBUS10027 QBUS10029 QBUS10030 QBUS1007E QBUS11007 QBUS20006 Thu 12/17 6:30pm - 8:30pm Fri 12/18 8:30 am - 10:30 am Title -----------------------------General Biology I General Biology I Immunology Commercial Transactions Commercial Transactions Web Application Development Computer Auditing & IT Contrls FRSH: Math/Decision Making I FRSH: Math/Decision Making I FRSH: Math/Decision Making I Math for Decision Making I Math for Decision Making I Math for Decision Making I Math for Decision Making I Math for Decision Making I Math for Decision Making I Math for Decision Making I Math/Decision Making I Math for Decision Making I Math for Decision Making I Math for Decision Making II Business Statistics I Room --------S224 S224 RB226 S314 S315 S317 FOY102 NA NA NA NA S220 S322 S328 S328 S119 RB428 RB428 RB136 S119 STANDLL12 ROSET117 Instructor ---------Lewis Lewis Broder Eddy Kimble Proctor Massman Liss Liss Cutler Rivituso Padula Gigliello O'Neill O'Neill Vallely Kenney Kenney Moustakas Lewis Dickens Thompson #Reg -----24 17 35 19 16 20 25 27 32 8 25 26 25 26 8 24 18 13 21 20 27 23 (C1) Room -------RB202 RB202 RB250 S224 S224 RB328 S220 ARC 3,5 SAR 13,2-14 even ARC 5,7 SAR 13,2-14 even ARC 1,3 ARC 2,4 SAR 13,2-14 even SAR 1-11 odd ARC 4,6 ARC 6,8 S123 SAR 1-11 odd ARC 10,12 S308 S305 Instructor ---------Harbison Harbison Wilson Dwyer Dwyer Breimer Goel Venezio Cuko Venezio Cuko Venezio Bianco Cuko Mannix Bianco Bianco O'Neill Mannix Bianco Santos McCollum #Reg -----35 31 33 17 24 32 29 23 27 28 24 27 28 26 27 28 28 27 28 28 24 28 Time period: Course --------CREA10308 CREA10310 CREA10410 CREA1046E CSIS200AR EDUC36513 ENVA02003 FINC30102 FINC30104 MATH33003 PHYS12008 QBUS20008 SOCI13012 Fri 12/18 1:30pm - 3:30pm Title -----------------------------Taxation I Taxation I Taxation I Statistics for Social Science Legal Environment of Business Legal Environment of Business Legal Environment of Business Legal Environment of Business Gods and Goddesses Operating Systems Freshmen: Biological Diversity FRSH:Shaping of Cont. World Shaping of Contemporary World Preparation for Calculus Preparation for Calculus Reason and Argument Reason and Argument Gen Physics IA Health Care, Developed World Time period: Course --------ACCT35003 ACCT35005 ACCT43022 CREA10212 CSIS21007 CSIS21011 MATH36009 MRKT33606 MRKT33608 PHYS44007 POSC38308 SWRK20004 (C2) Title -----------------------------Introduction to Music Introduction to Music Introduction to Theatre Introduction to Theatre HNRS:The Nature of Humans/Mach Exceptional and At-Risk Learn Biological Diversity Managerial Finance I Managerial Finance I Intro to Applied Mathematics I Gen Physics IIA Lect Business Statistics I The Family Time period: Course --------ACCT34002 ACCT34004 ACCT34010 ATDV11006 BLAW20002 BLAW20009 BLAW20013 BLAW20014 CLSS26002 CSIS33010 ENVA02004 HIST10111 HIST10115 MATH0503E MATH0505E PHIL10302 PHIL10304 PHYS11010 SOCI37505 Fri 12/18 11am - 1pm Fri 12/18 4pm - 6pm Room Instructor -------- -----------RB202 Konye RB202 Konye S224 Karimi-Hakak S224 Karimi-Hakak RB208 Medsker ROSET226 Evan RB238 Hoff SAR 3-13 odd Sun SAR 3-13 odd Sun RB210 Rogers RB104 Caldaro S305 McCollum ROSET117 Thompson #Reg -----23 25 15 15 8 19 27 26 27 15 8 27 24 (C3) Room Instructor ----------------ARC 1 Phelan ARC 1,3 Phelan ARC 3,5 Phelan S120 Permzadian ARC 2,4 Dwyer ARC 4,6 Dwyer ARC 8,10 Dwyer ARC 10,12 Dwyer S119 Sham RB302 Yoder RB238 Mangun SAR 1-9 odd Pacelli SAR 1-9 odd Pacelli ARC 7,9 Kiehle ARC 7,9 Kiehle SAR 2-12 even Olbrys SAR 2-12 even Olbrys RB144 Hassel ROSET104 Matcha #Reg -----17 25 24 12 28 28 28 28 30 12 26 25 24 31 2 30 29 24 25 (C4) Title -----------------------------Cost Accounting Cost Accounting Auditing Intro to the Visual Arts Data Structures Data Structures Euclidean Non-Euclid Geometry Marketing Research Methods Marketing Research Methods Quantum Physics Human Rights Social Work Practice Skills Room ---------ARC 5 ARC 7 S125 STANDLL12 SAR 1-9 odd SAR 1-9 odd RB208 SAR 2-10 even SAR 2-10 even RB136 S315 ROSET120 Instructor ----------Causseaux Causseaux Venezia Boivin Flatland Flatland Javaheri Devasagayam Devasagayam Rosenberry Naranch DeJong #Reg -----20 21 19 25 31 17 7 23 25 8 16 13 Time period: Fri 12/18 6:30pm - 8:30pm (C5) Course Title ---------- -----------------------------ACCT4607E Intern&Performance Auditing BIOL17004 Advanced General Biology BLAW2006E Legal Environment of Business BLAW2007E Legal Environment of Business BLAW2008E Legal Environment of Business BUDV31006 Entreprneurshp-New Vent Creat BUDV450MW2 Organizational Strategy CREA10206 FRSH: Intro to Visual Arts CREA3117E Contemporary Critique CSIS11007 Intro CS: MM Python Prg CSIS11009 Intro CS:MM Python Prg CSIS11011 Intro CS: Linux Systems CSIS11015 Intro CS:MM Python Prg CSIS1103E Intro CS: Scientific Comp EDUC26006 Educational Psychology ENGL3106E English Renaissance Literature PHIL15504 Logic POSC1307E Political Theory PSYC375W Forensic Psychology QBUS1006E Math for Decision Making I QBUS11002 Math for Decision Making II Room -------S314 RB250 S123 S315 S220 S105 S317 SAR 1,3,5 SAR 2,4 ARC 5,7 ARC 9,11 ARC 6 ARC 8,10 ARC 1,3 ROSET225 S119 S313 S122 S120 S322 S106 Time period: (D1) Course --------ACCT4509E ACCT4726E BIOL0257E BIOL14006 BIOL22005 BIOL22006 BIOL22007 BIOL22013 CLSS10508 CREA25802 FINC4907E GBUS52011 HIST20206 HIST20208 MGMT11302 MGMT21121 MRKT2127E MRKT32503 POSC15009 SCDV4006E SOCI21015 SPAN10203 Sat 12/19 8:30 am - 10:30 am Title ----------------------------Advanced Cost Accounting Comp Auditing and IT Controls Human Biology Gen Biology for Social Sci Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology The Greeks Diversity in American Theatre Intro to Financial Plng Financial Operations West and World II West and World II Business Communication Management Marketing Advertising World Politics Using R for Sci Data Analysis Race and Ethnic Relations Fundamentals of Spanish II Room -------S315 S317 RB250 RB208 ARC 1,3 ARC 4 ARC 5,7 RB226 S105 S119 S224 S328 S122 S122 S106 S123 S220 S314 S120 RB136 ROSET104 K122 Instructor ---------Hancox Vernooy Macomber Devine Sise Cusack Proctor Foster Foster Vandenberg Egan Goldstein Fryling Mehta Colesante Thauvette Alexander LaVenia Colistra Yund Cuko Instructor ----------Silvester McHugh Rapp Chaturvedi Hayden Helm Hayden Springer Marshall Dennis Augstell Murtagh Sonnelitter Sonnelitter Conway Love Fitzgerald O'Malley Scardillo Fahrenkopf Kolozsvary Hill Robles #Reg -----10 23 14 30 27 31 18 24 13 33 32 19 26 23 13 27 23 30 30 19 18 #Reg -----23 23 34 32 32 19 35 19 24 20 25 31 18 9 17 24 29 30 23 17 16 10 Time period: Course --------ATDV11004 BUDV30504 CHEM01008 CHEM24007 HIST10103 HIST10104 HIST10105 HIST10108 HIST10109 MRKT32801 Sat 12/19 1:30pm - 3:30pm Title -----------------------------Intermediate Accounting I Intermediate Accounting I Intermediate Accounting I Intermediate Accounting I Comparative Biomechanics General Chemistry 1 General Chemistry 1 General Chemistry 1 General Chemistry 1 General Chemistry 1 General Chemistry 1 User Interface Concepts Principles of Economics,Micro The Short Story Intro to GIS Financial Statement Analysis History of East Asia I Intro to Business Analytics Marketing Philosophy and the Human Being Philosophy and the Human Being Time period: Course --------ACCT20504 ACCT20508 ACCT20510 ACCT20512 ACCT20513 CSIS11506 CSIS11510 ECON10112 ECON10150 PSYC26008 PSYC26010 RELG12102 (D2) Title ----------------------------Statistics for Social Science Business Ethics Forensic Science Inorganic Chemistry 1 FRSH:Shaping of Cont. World FRSH: Shaping of Cont. World FRSH:Shaping of Cont. World Shaping of Contemporary World Shaping of Contemp World Sports Marketing Time period: Course --------ACCT30003 ACCT30005 ACCT30010 ACCT30012 BIOL45011 CHEM11004 CHEM11005 CHEM11008 CHEM11011 CHEM11012 CHEM11031 CSIS20012 ECON1016E ENGL25307 ENVA4008E FINC4909E HIST35008 MACC59009 MRKT21202 PHIL10105 PHIL10123 Sat 12/19 11am - 1pm Sat 12/19 4pm - 6pm Room ----S106 K109 RB250 RB226 ARC 1,3 ARC 4,6 ARC 3,5 ARC 6,8 ARC 5,7 S314 Instructor -----------D'Allegro Conway Love Hofstein O'Donnell Nartey McGuire Nartey McGuire Nartey Scardillo #Reg -----18 19 34 19 24 25 24 25 25 30 (D3) Room Instructor ------------------SAR 2-12 even Goel SAR 2-12 even Goel S308 Venezia S315 Carlstrom RB208 Byrnes ARC 1,3 Tucker ARC 5,7 Moriarty ARC 6,8 LaGraff ARC 2,4 O'Donnell ARC 10,12 LaGraff ARC 9,11 Fodor RB328 Robinson S224 Kirwan K112 Fitzgerald-Hoyt RB230 Geis S313 Gioia K122 Cooper S305 McCollum S119 Nguyen SAR 1-9 odd McErlean SAR 1-9 odd McErlean #Reg -----27 27 25 22 18 34 36 35 35 34 32 13 29 24 10 11 20 22 23 25 25 (D4) Title -----------------------------Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting Database Design and App fo Bus Database Design and App fo Bus Principles of Economics,Micro Principles of Economics,Micro Social Psychology Social Psychology Intro to Biblical Studies Room ----ARC 3,5 ARC 5,7 ARC 5,7 S314 ARC 4 RB250 RB304 SAR 1-11 SAR 1-11 SAR 2-12 SAR 2-12 S322 Instructor #Reg ---------- -----Carmody 25 Carmody 21 Carmody 10 Phelan 24 Carmody 22 Yoder 16 Lim 16 odd Provencher 30 odd Provencher 30 even Bachman 30 even Bachman 28 Bosman 30 Time period: Course --------ACCT20001 ACCT20003 ACCT20006 ACCT20007 ACCT20010 ACCT20012 ACCT20026 ACCT2006E ACCT35009 ACCT35011 ATDV11001 ATDV11002 MATH11006 MATH11010 MATH11004 MATH11011 MATH1102E PHYS22007 PSYC30011 RELG28006 SOCI24007 SPAN10101 Sat 12/19 6:30pm - 8:30pm Title -----------------------------Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Cost Accounting Cost Accounting Statistics for Social Science Statistics for Social Science Calculus I Calculus I Calculus I Calculus I Calculus I Modern Physics Research Methods in Psych I World Religions Growing Older in Global Enviro Fundamentals of Spanish I (D5) Room Instructor #Reg ----------------- -----ARC 1,3 Carduff 30 ARC 3,5 Carduff 30 ARC 2,4 Liu 29 ARC 7,9 Carduff 31 ARC 4,6 Liu 30 ARC 6,8 Liu 29 ARC 10,12 Sossei 30 S317 Carlstrom 29 SAR 2-10 even Silvester 21 SAR 2-10 even Silvester 23 SAR 1-13 odd MacKinnon 31 SAR 1-13 odd MacKinnon 30 S314 Rogers 25 S125 Kam 27 RB250 Javaheri 27 RB226 Adamczak 32 RB412 Mazzone 29 RB202 Vernizzi 26 S117 Smith 15 K113 Srinivasan 16 ROSET104 Matcha 22 K122 Robles 20