Professional Development (PD) Provider Orientation Quizzes For Lessons #1 - #5 (rev. 2015) PD Provider Name: __________________________________________ Last First PD Provider NJ Registry ID # (required): MI 1 0 0 - __ __ __ - __ __ __ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ City Daytime Phone: ( E-mail: State ) ______-_______ Fax: ( Zip County ) ______- _______ _____________________ @ ______________________ Instructions: 1. The 2015 Quizzes must be completed by ALL Professional Development Providers who were previously approved by the NJ Registry, as well as those PD Providers applying to be approved. 2. Print and complete Quizzes #1 through #5. You may refer to each lesson as you complete the quizzes. 3. Scan and e-mail your completed quizzes to OR Mail your completed quiz to: NJ Registry Professional Impact NJ Kean University, Willis Hall, Room 300 Union, NJ 07083 Attention: PDP Approval System Lesson #1 Introducing Professional Impact NJ: New Jersey’s Professional Development System You may complete the quiz as you are completing Lesson #1. If you are not sure of an answer, you may check back in the lesson to find the answer. Circle the correct response to each question. 1. Child care and educational activities are provided in New Jersey by: a. Child care center staff b. Family child care providers c. School-age providers d. All of the above 2. The Early Care and Education profession contributes to New Jersey’s economy by: a. Providing jobs b. Contributing to New Jersey’s tax base c. Allowing parents to attend necessary school or training d. Preparing tomorrow’s workforce e. All of the above 3. The Division of Family Development in the NJ Department of Human Services contributes to the Early Childhood and Afterschool Care and Education profession by: a. Establishing state-level policy b. Funding programs that promote quality child care and increase standards c. Participating in long-term cross-sector planning d. All of the above 4. One way to impact quality in child care programs is by maintaining a professional development system for early childhood and afterschool care and education professionals. a. Yes b. No 5. The work of Professional Impact NJ is intended to transform how professionals view themselves and how the larger community values our work on behalf of children and families. a. Yes b. No 6. What services does Professional Impact NJ offer? a. The NJ Registry for Childhood Professionals Serving Children Birth Through Age Thirteen b. The NJ Registry Career Lattice c. The newly-revised Core Knowledge and Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals, New Jersey’s Unified Professional Development System d. The Professional Development Provider Approval System e. The NJ Administrators’ and Infant/Toddler Credentials f. Career advising g. All of the above Lesson #2 Core Knowledge and Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals, New Jersey’s Unified Professional Development System You may complete the quiz as you are completing Lesson #2. If you are not sure of an answer, you may check back in the lesson to find the answer. Circle the correct response to each question. 1. Professional Impact NJ has developed three tools to assist and guide administrators, teachers, and advocates interested in best practices in the early care and education and afterschool professions. a. Yes b. No 2. The Core Knowledge and Competencies are based on the premises that children learn best in environments where: a. Adults recognize and understand the need for the development of a relationship that will be inclusive of the child’s family b. Children’s individual needs are reflected, recognized, and addressed in accordance with the culture of the children, their families and their communities c. Health and safety are integral components of child care and educational program activities and learning d. All of the above 3. There are six Core Knowledge Areas in Core Knowledge and Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals, New Jersey’s Unified Professional Development System. a. Yes b. No 4. Which of the following are Core Knowledge Areas? a. Learning Environment and Curriculum b. Child Assessment c. Program Organization and Management d. All of the above 5. Program Administrators can use Core Knowledge and Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals, New Jersey’s Unified Professional Development System to assist their staff members in planning professional development. a. Yes b. No 6. Providers of Professional Development can use Core Knowledge and Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals, New Jersey’s Unified Professional Development System to assess early childhood and afterschool educators’ Competency Levels and mentor, advise, and counsel them. a. Yes b. No Lesson #3 The NJ Registry Career Lattice You may complete the quiz as you are completing Lesson #3. If you are not sure of an answer, you may check back in the lesson to find the answer. Circle the correct response to each question. 1. There are ten levels on the NJ Registry Career Lattice. c. Yes d. No 2. As one’s level on the NJ Registry Career Lattice increases, the early childhood or afterschool professional must have an increasing amount and decreasing depth of knowledge of the Core Knowledge Areas as defined in Core Knowledge and Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals, New Jersey’s Unified Professional Development System. a. Yes b. No 3. The following are Core Knowledge Areas discussed in Core Knowledge and Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals, New Jersey’s Unified Professional Development System (circle all that apply): a. Family and Community Relationships b. Program Organization and Management c. Budgeting d. Learning Environment and Curriculum e. Child Growth and Development f. Songs for Children 4. No work experience is required of an individual at the Entry Professional level of the NJ Registry Career Lattice. a. Yes b. No 5. An individual with a Bachelor’s degree and NJ Department of Education Preschool-Grade 3 early childhood teacher certification would fall at the Bachelor’s Degreed Plus License/Endorsement Related to Early Childhood Professional level on the NJ Registry Career Lattice. a. Yes b. No 6. The Director or Administrator of a child care program must participate in 60 hours of professional development in three years in order to renew his/her NJ Registry membership. a. Yes b. No 7. Credentialed Professionals and Degreed Professionals should have Intermediate Knowledge of the Competency Areas. a. Yes b. No 8. A professional may obtain his/her Level on the NJ Registry Career Lattice by applying to the NJ Registry for Childhood Professionals Serving Children Birth Through Age Thirteen. a. Yes b. No 9. Professionals can use the NJ Registry and Career Lattice to: a. To determine their next steps for career advancement b. To track and plan their professional development c. Both of the above 10. Professional Development Providers can use the NJ Registry and Career Lattice to: a. Determine the NJ Registry Career Lattice Level of their target audience b. Develop and offer courses/workshops that are appropriate to the Level of the target audience c. Track participation in their trainings d. All of the above Lesson #4 The NJ Professional Development Provider Approval System You may complete the quiz as you are completing Lesson #4. If you are not sure of an answer, you may check back in the lesson to find the answer. Circle the correct response to each question. 1. The NJ Professional Development Provider Approval System: a. Is an extension of the NJ Registry Career Lattice b. Requires thorough knowledge of Professional Impact NJ’s Core Knowledge and Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals, New Jersey’s Unified Professional Development System c. Requires education and experience in adult learning d. All of the above 2. The NJ Professional Development Provider Approval System supports quality professional development for the early childhood and afterschool workforce in New Jersey. a. Yes b. No 3. To become an approved Professional Development Provider, the applicant must: a. Successfully complete the Professional Development Provider Approval System Instructor Orientation Lessons and Quizzes b. Provide documentation of participating in training regarding adult learning c. Provide verification that she/he has been responsible for the professional development of other adults d. All of the above e. Both (a) and (b) 4. An Apprentice Instructor must be at the Credentialed Professional level on the NJ Registry. a. Yes b. No 5. An Associate Instructor must have completed fifteen hours in the past three years of PINJ-approved train-the-trainer instruction. a. Yes b. No 6. A professional approved at the Instructor level of the Professional Development Provider Approval System must have three years of full-time experience working directly with children. a. Yes b. No 7. A Master Instructor must have how many hours in the past three years responsible for the professional development of another adult? a. 20 b. 40 c. 100 d. 300 8. Which of the following statements is not true regarding NJ Registry renewal? a. The applicant must renew annually. b. The applicant must participate in at least twenty to sixty hours of professional development in the past three years in order to renew. c. Membership on a professional board can count for some renewal hours. d. Prep time for classes taught does not count toward renewal hours. e. All of the above. Lesson #5 The NJ Registry: Training/Course Development You may complete the quiz as you are completing Lesson #5. If you are not sure of an answer, you may check back in the lesson to find the answer. Circle the correct response to each question. 1. The “Find Training” and “Find Instructor” search buttons can be found at Individuals may search the database in many ways, including by county, by topic, or by age group served. a. Yes b. No 2. PINJ-approved Professional Development Providers and Sponsoring Agencies use the NJ Registry Career Lattice and Core Knowledge and Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals, New Jersey’s Unified Professional Development System to develop standards-based trainings. a. Yes b. No 3. The following are among the Core Knowledge Areas: a. Professionalism and Leadership b. Learning Environment and Curriculum c. Assessment and Evaluation d. Sanitizing the Environment e. All of the above f. a, b, and c 4. A professional development activity may address more than one Core Knowledge Area. a. Yes b. No 5. The level at which the Professional Development Provider is approved by PINJ determines the level of training she/he may offer. a. Yes b. No 6. An audience that falls at the Credentialed Professional or Degreed Professional level on the NJ Registry Career Lattice should be offered Intermediate level training by an individual approved as an Instructor or Master Instructor. a. Yes b. No 7. The course description should offer at least how many learning objectives? a. One b. Three c. Six d. Ten 8. A course’s learning objectives should address the Key Competencies associated with that course’s Core Knowledge Area(s). a. Yes b. No Thank you for completing all five sections of the Professional Development Provider Orientation Quiz! Your submitted documentation will be reviewed in the order in which it was received in our office within 45 business days. All correspondence regarding your Professional Development Provider approval will be conducted via the e-mail address listed in your NJ Registry profile. Please mail or e-mail your completed quizzes to: NJ Registry/Professional Impact NJ Kean University Willis Hall, Room 300 Union, NJ 07083 Attention: PDP Approval System If you have any questions, please contact the NJ Registry at (908) 737-4293.