Callahan CV Page 1 Shannon P. Callahan Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis 134 Young Hall, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 Email: Website: EDUCATION 2009-Present Ph.D., Social Psychology, University of California, Davis Dissertation Advisor: Alison Ledgerwood Dissertation Title: The reifying effect of symbols: How group symbols influence social perception Expected 2015 2007—2009 M.S., Experimental Psychology, with highest distinction Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ Thesis Advisor: Janine Buckner 2002—2006 B.S., Peace Psychology, magna cum laude Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA Thesis Advisors: Dave Drews and Mark McKellop OTHER TRAINING 2013 Summer Institute for Social and Personality Psychology, UC Davis HONORS AND AWARDS 2014 Best Poster, GPIR Poster Contest at the Society for the Psychology Study of Social Issue convention 2013 Dispute Resolution Research Center Student Scholarship, International Association for Conflict Management conference 2011 Runner-Up, SPSP Graduate Student Poster Awards 2010 Grant in Aid, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues 2009 APS Student Research Travel Award 2006 Honors in Peace Studies, Juniata College 2006 Drews Psychology Award, Juniata College 2002-2006 Dean’s List, Juniata College Callahan CV Page 2 JOURNAL ARTICLES Ledgerwood, A. & Callahan, S. (2012). The social side of abstraction: Psychological distance enhances conformity to group norms. Psychological Science, 23, 907-913. BOOK CHAPTERS Ledgerwood, A., Callahan, S., & Chaiken, S. (2014). Changing minds: Persuasion in negotiation and conflict resolution. In M. Deutsch, P. T. Coleman, & E. C. Marcus (Eds.), The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice, Third Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (2013). The symbolic importance of group property: Implications for intergroup conflict and terrorism. In T. Walters, R. Monaghan, & J. M. Ramirez (Eds.), Radicalization, Terrorism, and Conflict. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW OR IN REVISION Soderberg, C., Callahan, S., Kochersberger, A., Amit, E., & Ledgerwood, A. (in revision). The effect of psychological distance on construal level: A meta-analysis. Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (in revision). When does “this land” need to be “our land”? The importance of ownership for symbolizing group identity. MANUSCRIPTS IN PREPARATION Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. Why flags & logos matter: Group symbols increase perceived entitativity. Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. Buildings and belonging: Understanding the antecedents of using symbols to represent group identity. RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Group symbols and entitativity. (with Alison Ledgerwood.) Optimal distinctiveness, emotion, and symbols. (with Katherine Sorensen and Cynthia Pickett.) Group identity and construal level. (with Courtney Soderberg and Alison Ledgerwood.) Group symbols and group conflict. CONFERENCE TALKS Callahan, S. (2012, May). Why flags & logos matter: The impact of symbols on perceptions of groups. Talk presented at the 3rd annual UC Davis Psychology Department Conference, Davis, CA. (Second place, Graduate Student Research Contest). Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (2012, April). Why flags and logos matter: Group symbols increase perceived entitativity. Talk presented at the 92nd annual Western Psychological Callahan CV Page 3 Association Convention, San Francisco, CA. Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (2011, September). Buildings and belonging: Understanding the motivational underpinnings of conflict over group identity symbols. Talk presented at the 5th annual CICA–STR International Conference on Contemporary Issues on Violence, Aggression, and Terrorism, Irvine, CA. POSTER PRESENTATIONS Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (2014, June). The reifying effect of symbols: How group symbols affect social perception. Poster presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues 10th biennial convention, Portland, OR. (Best Poster, GPIR Poster Contest) Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (2014, February). A sign of quality: How group symbols affect social perception. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 15th annual convention, Austin, TX. Soderberg, C., Callahan, S., Kochersberger, A., Amit, E., & Ledgerwood, A. The effect of psychological on abstraction: A meta-analysis of construal level theory. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 15th annual convention, Austin, TX. Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (2013, June). “Look out, they’ve got a flag!” Group symbols increase perceptions of threat by increasing the perceived realness of the group. Poster presented at the International Association for Conflict Management 26th annual convention, Tacoma, WA. Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (2013, January). “Look out, they’ve got a flag!” Group symbols increase perceived threat by enhancing entitativity. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 14th annual convention, New Orleans, LA. Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (2012, January). Transcending ownership: Group identity symbols need not belong to the group. Poster presented at the Group Processes and Intergroup Relations Preconference, San Diego, CA. Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (2012, January). Why flags & logos matter: Group symbols increase perceived entitativity. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 13th annual convention, San Diego, CA. Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (2011, November). Buildings and belonging: Understanding the motivational underpinnings of conflict over group identity symbols. Poster presented at the UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation 1st annual Northern California Symposium on International Conflict and Cooperation, Berkeley, CA. Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (2011, January). Buildings and belonging: Understanding the motivational underpinnings of group identity goals. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 12th Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX. (Runner-up, Graduate Student Poster Award). Callahan, S. & Ledgerwood, A. (2010, July). Buildings as symbols: Understanding the motivational underpinnings of property disputes. Poster presented at the International Callahan CV Page 4 Society of Political Psychology 33rd Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. Callahan, S. (2009, May). Retrieval induced forgetting of political messages: The effect of prior attitudes. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science 21st Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. Callahan, S. & Nolan, S. (2008, May). The influence of professor gender and field on online student evaluations. Poster presented at Association for Psychological Science 20th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. CHAIRED SYMPOSIA Callahan, S. (2012, April). The social cognition of group judgments: Contextual influences on perception and evaluation. Symposium conducted at the 92nd annual Western Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco CA. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Instructor Social Psychology, UC Davis (Summer 2014) General Psychology, UC Davis (Spring 2014) Teaching Assistant Psychology of Emotion, UC Davis (Spring 2014) Psychology of Religion, UC Davis (Winter 2014) Prejudice & Sexual Orientation, UC Davis (Fall 2013) Smartphone Sensing, SISPP (Summer 2013) Automaticity, SISPP (Summer 2013) Subject Pool Coordinator, UC Davis (Summer 2011- Summer 2013) Social Psychology, UC Davis (Spring 2010) Research Methods, UC Davis (Winter 2010 & Spring 2011) Introductory Psychology, Seton Hall University (2007-2009) Guest Lecturer Group Processes, Social Psychology, UC Davis (Fall 2012) Motivation, General Psychology, UC Davis (Summer 2012) Interpersonal Attraction, Social Psychology, UC Davis (Spring 2010) Social Thinking & Social Influence, General Psychology, Seton Hall University (Fall 2008). Social Relations, General Psychology, Seton Hall University (Fall 2008 Callahan CV Page 5 UNIVERSITY AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2013 Reviewer, APSSC RISE Research Award Competition 2012—present Coordinator, Social-Personality Brownbag Colloquium, UC Davis 2010—2012 President, Psychology Graduate Student Association, UC Davis 2010—2012 Graduate Student Association Representative, Psychology, UC Davis 2010 Reviewer, SPSP Graduate Student Poster Competition 2009 Graduate student representative, College of Arts and Sciences Strategic Planning Committee, Seton Hall University 2004-2006 Student representative, Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies Advisory Board, Juniata College MENTORSHIP 2014 Undergraduate research project, Lorena Albernoz 2014 Undergraduate research project, Maxwell Hong Title: Group symbols, size, threat, and their effect on group identity 2010-2012 Lab Supervisor, Attitudes and Group Identity Lab 2011 Honors Thesis, Ruth Anne Pfaff Title: Effect of height on construal level PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Society for Personality and Social Psychology Association for Psychological Science American Psychological Association Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues International Association for Conflict Management Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society