Chapter 9-1 Houston’s First Term A. Election 1836 the Texans decided: __________________________-President __________________________-Vice President Citizens approved the _______________________ B. Houston and the Texas Congress met at _________________ Houston selected ______________- Secretary of State but he died on December 27,1836. When he died Houston says, “The _______________ of ___________ is no more.” _________________ was selected the new capital of Texas C. Houston faces trouble with the army Soldiers arrived too late to fight and wanted ___________. Felix Huston called for an _____________ of ____________ Sam Houston to stop the invasion sent all but ___________ soldiers home on leave. D. Most Texans wanted to be ________ by the US but it was delayed Mexico refused to ____________ Texas’s independence. Slavery which was _________ in Texas also was a problem because it would tip the balance of ________ and _____ states. E. Recognition as a Nation Henry Morfit recommended U.S. _____ recognition due to his doubt Texas could withstand a ______________ invasion. Sam Houston sent __________ and ____________ to work for both recognition and annexation. Achieved on March 3, 1837. Houston opened negotiations with _____________ to obtain recognition and trade Commercial___________ annexation of Texas. a. _____________ recognized Texas-September 25, 1839 b. Great Britian-1840 c. Netherlands –1840 F. _________________________ and Texan Conflicts As a result of settlement in Central Texas, Native American started to __________ settlements 1836-1837. Cynthia Ann and Quanah Parker – Comanches and Kiowas combine to attack Fort _______________ in 1836. Parents and other relatives were killed and children stolen. Cynthia Ann Parker, stolen by a Kiowa and traded to a Comanche for a horse, was 9 years old. Her brother remained with the Kiowas. Naduah, Cynthia’s Comanche name, later married a Comanche chief named _________ ___________. She had 3 children - ____________, _________, and ____________ ___________. When she was about 32 years old, she and Prairie Flower were captured by the Texas Rangers and returned to Fort Parker. She tried to escape 3 times but was returned to her family. She wanted to go back to her husband and sons. While she was at __________ __________, her husband Peta and son _________, died. ________ __________ left the ___________ tribe and went to the __________________, the most vicious of the Comanches. Quickly, he became their chief. Quanah hated the white man for taking his mother. He was the last Comanche chief in war and the most successful in peace. Raids decreased by the patrol of the __________________. Dealing with the _______________ in East Texas who were promised title to their land if they remained peaceful – the Senate refused to grant the title and more settlers moved onto their land. G. Texas ________ soars (money problems) ___________-money paid out, was greater than the ________, or money received. Texas was _____________ in debt when Houston took over. To raise money Congress placed ___________ or taxes on imported goods; placed a property tax, business tax, and land title fees H. The release of _____________ was hoped to improve relations with Mexico, but he ________________ all promises he made in Texas. The 5 Presidents of the ______________ of ______________ were: _______________________ (appointed) _______________________ (1st elected) _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ (had Sam Houston’s support) Big Hippos Love Hot Jacuzzis Chapter 9-2 Lamar Takes Office Election of 1838 When Houston’s term ended in 1838, he could not be _____________ because the Texas Constitution of 1836 would not allow the president to serve________________ terms. ___________________ was elected president and _________________ was elected vice president . Support for Public Education Lamar was known as the “_____________ ___ _________ ___ ________” because he believed strongly in the funding of public schools. A New Capital A new capital was chosen on the edge of Comanche land at a place called Waterloo. It was named ____________ in honor of Stephen F. Austin. Lamar and Native Americans Lamar was ________ toward the Native Americans. He ordered the _________________ out of Texas so all of East Texas would be open to _________ settlers. Colonel _______________ led several battles against the _____________. Comanches were to bring in around 15 captured Texans to San Antonio and exchange them for some captured Comanche chiefs the Rangers had. When the Indians brought in ________________ _______________, the Rangers changed their minds. She had cuts all over her body and her nose was missing. The result was a struggled called the _____________ __________ _________ in which 7 Texans and 35 Comanches were killed. The Comanches retaliated with several raids, and the Texans fought back, killing _____ Comanches during one attack, and ________ during another. The Santa Fe Expedition Texans claimed the _______ _________ as the boundary between the Texas and Mexico. President Lamar wanted to control ____________ because of trade, so he sent an expedition to get control. The expedition failed because of the heat, lack of ________ and ________ and ____________ ____________ attacks. The expedition angered the _________ and resulted in the loss of many lives and added to the public ____________. Financial Difficulties Lamar’s extravagances caused the Texas debt to soar to _____________. “__________ ________” were the paper money of the Republic that Lamar printed to much of causing its value to decrease. Chapter 9-3 Houston’s Second Term Election of 1840 ___________ defeated David G. Burnet for president and _________ ________ became vice president. Reduction of Spending Houston reduced government _____________, reduced the size of the navy, and eliminated government ______________ in an attempt to reduce the _________. The debt, however, continued to _________ because of high interest rates on the __________ debt. By 1846 the debt was more than ______________. A Temporary Peace Houston tried to renew ___________ and ______ dealings with the Native Americans. A __________ zone was created between the Anglos and the Native Americans. The Archives War A Mexican Army invaded Texas and temporary declared that Texas still belonged to _______________. This caused Texans to panic. Houston ordered government documents be moved from ________________ to _______________. When officials tried to move the documents, residents of _____________ fired on them because they thought Houston was trying to move the ________ to ____________ permanently. This small skirmish became known as the ___________ ________, which resulted in the documents and the capital staying in ________________. Mexican Invasions In September 1842, 1,400 Mexican forces led by ___________ _________ ________ occupied San Antonio. The _________ ________ and the ________ ________ rushed to San Antonio and after a heavy battle Woll’s army was driven out of Texas. The Mier Expedition After the Woll invasion,_____________ ordered General _______________ ________________ to patrol the area from San Antonio, to Laredo and see if all ______________ troops had withdrawn. Somervell’s men did not want to stop at __________. They wanted to keep going into Mexico. They crossed the ______ ________ and attacked the Mexican town of ______. The _______ surrendered to Mexican troops and were captured. The Drawing of the Black Bean The Texans were held in a Mexican jail after the _______ ___________, and the men attempted to escape. The escape was disaster, and the men were ____________, as a lesson Santa Anna ordered every ______ Texan executed. To determine which prisoners would die, the prisoners drew _______ from a jar. Those who drew ________ beans were shot. Those who drew ______ beans were marched to prison in _________.A total of ________ Texans were shot. Unrest in East Texas During Houston’s second term, there was trouble in East Texas over settlers and ________ ________. Two groups the __________ and the ____________ were formed to keep peace and order, but they ended up fighting each other. Houston sent ________ soldiers to bring peace. Chapter 9-4 Texas Becomes A State The Texas Question In 1836 the people of Texas voted overwhelmingly for_________. During ___________ second term the “_________ __________” had become important to __________ __________ politics. Those in the US that were against annexation believed that it would benefit ______________ _____________, and it would mean war with __________. In April of 1844 _______________ from the US and ________ signed a treaty that would make Texas a ___________ of the ____ ____. Texas would give up its _________ _________ to the US, and in return the US agreed to pay all the _________ of the _________ _____ _______. Most Texans were disappointed with this because they wanted immediate _________________. The US _________ rejected this treaty _____ to ____, for two reasons. The first was that they did not want to anger ________ and the second was that Texas was a _________ state. The Election of Polk __________ _________ became President of the US in 1844 and he supported ____________. Many Americans favored ____________ _____________- the idea that the US should expand all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Election of Anson Jones __________ _________ was elected the 4th and final President of the Republic of Texas. The US Congress Approves Annexation The US annexed __________ on February 29, 1845 under the following terms: 1) The Texans must ________ annexation and write a state ____________. 2) Texas could keep its _________ _________, but should sell some of these lands to pay its public _______. 3) Texas could be divided into as many as _________ states. Mexico Offers Recognition Mexico agrees to recognize Texas ________________ if Texas would reject ___________________ by the US. Texas rejected this proposal and voted to __________ US annexation. In a ceremony in front of the capital on February 19, 1846, president of Texas ____________ __________ turned over the reigns of government to ___ ___________ _____________ the new governor of Texas. The Lone Star was lowered into the arms of Sam Houston, and the ____________ _____ _________ were raised.