Chapter 12 Open Notes Test

Chapter 9 Recap
1. Who was elected the president of Texas in the 1836 election?
2. When the congress and Houston met at Columbia, where was the new capital of Texas selected?
3. What was Stephen F. Austin’s title in the new Texas government?
4. Why did the Texans release Santa Anna?
5. How did Houston keep his troops from invading Mexico during his first term?
6. What was “title” or “nickname” given to Lamar?
7. Name the fight that resulted in the death of 7 Texans and 35 Comanche?
8. List 3 reasons why the Santa Fe expedition failed.
9. Why did Lamar want to control Santa Fe?
10. How did Houston resolve conflicts with Native Americans?
11. Name 2 ways Houston tried to reduce spending in his second term.
12. What did Houston create between the Anglos and the Native Americans?
13. The capital was moved to Austin during whose presidency?
14. Name the war that happened when Houston ordered the government documents moved from
Austin to Houston.
15. What was the name of the Mexican General that occupied San Antonio in 1842?
16. What was the name of the Mexican town that General Somervell’s men attacked?
17. How were the Texas prisoners chosen to die after their escape from the Mexican prison? How
many were chosen?
18. What were the 2 major reasons that the US did not want to annex Texas?
19. Who became the president of the US in 1844?
20. What is the idea the US should expand all the way to the Pacific Ocean?
21. Name the presidents of Texas in order.
22. What was the first term for the US to annex Texas?
23. What was the second term for the US to annex Texas?
24. What was the third term for the US to annex Texas?
25. Who were Cynthia Ann Parker’s children?
26. The Council House Fight began over the poor condition of what captive?
27. Mexico would recognize Texas, if the Texans did what?
28. Name the new governor of Texas.
29. Vocabulary: veterans, interest, domestic policy, archives, expenditures, revenue, red backs