strategic exchange
S X . e n t e r p r i s e TM
Pri ce Disco un t ing
Accurate product pricing on orders saves time, improves customer service, and eliminates costly errors. Automatic
pricing is the goal of all distribution systems, but is rarely achieved. Few systems have the flexibility and
sophistication needed to handle the diverse methods used to price items to customers. SX.enterprise is designed
to price correctly and automatically every time, no matter how complicated your pricing system is.
Price Discounting features include:
Special group pricing by order or by product price type
Tight integration with all of SX.enterprise
Price break on quantity
Multi-level customer/product pricing
Price break on dollar
Contract pricing
Effective dates
Quotation pricing
Pricing by customer price type, by product, or
quantity breaks
product price type
Whole order discounts by customer account default or
Nine pricing levels and discount levels per
Quantity break by dollar, quantity, or customer
discount level
pricing record
Qualification by start and stop dates
Break point pricing
Vendor break point pricing
Pricing by dollar or percentage of list, base, or
Rebates by customer, vendor, price type, or product lines
Based on purchase or sale
Price rounding target by record; up, down, or
Based on price or cost
Established by percentage or dollar amount
$100 to $.00001 or user-defined rounding
Tracked to Order Entry, Sales Manager and General
Price list with effective dates
Rebate tracking report in Sales Manager
Pricing by minimum and maximum quantity
Rebates taken and due stored on customer and
Per order, month, or year
Pricing by ship-to and job
Pricing by unit of measure
Pricing by warehouse
vendor record
Advance posting of price/cost changes with update by
strategic exchange
S X . e n t e r p r i s e TM
Price/cost changes by dollar or percent
Ability to establish multiple future price changes
Based on other price/cost fields
Price books
By range of products, vendors, product lines, product
Customer price books
price types, warehouses
Price quote status report
Electronic receipt of price and cost changes
Update product files
Update catalog files
Update/create product and catalog information
User definition of import file layout for interface
Corporate Headquarters
5555 Tech Center Drive, Suite 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Tel: 719-590-8940
Fax: 719-528-1465
©NxTrend Technology, Inc. , rev. 2001
The materials contained herein are summary in nature, subject to change, and intended for general information only. Module specifications are
subject to change without notification. Printed in USA. All rights reserved. WT0601