Romeo and Juliet

English 1T
Name _______________________
Romeo and Juliet
Expository Essay
Who is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?
• 5 paragraph essay (Introduction, 3 Body Paragraphs, Conclusion)
• 2-3 pages typed
• Direct quotations must be used that are parenthetically cited correctly.
• Due Friday, March 22 (before you leave for spring break).
• This paper is worth 100 points!!!
Around each character, write 2-3 reasons that this person is to blame for the deaths.
Friar Lawrence
You may choose any three characters you wish. However, you may not select both Romeo and
Juliet. You are also not required to choose either character.
Building the Foundation for an Essay
You will write a five paragraph essay on Romeo and Juliet. Filling in the following organizer will help you build the
foundation for your essay.
A thesis statement is the first building block for your essay; everything else in your essay is built around it. A thesis
statement is a sentence which tells what you will prove in your essay; it also previews (or tells) your main points. In
the box below, complete the thesis statement by adding the main points.
Thesis Statement: Building Block #1
In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, ________________________________,
_____________________________, and ________________________________
contribute to the deaths of the two young lovers.
The next step in building an essay is to create the frame. You will write one body paragraph to prove each of your
main points. Each body paragraph must start with a topic sentence that specifically refers to your thesis. (Remember,
a topic sentence is a sentence that tells what you will prove in that paragraph.) The order of the body paragraphs
(and topic sentences) should match the order of your main points in your thesis statement.
After writing a topic sentence, fill in the frame of the paragraph. Since your purpose for writing body paragraphs is to
prove your thesis, you need to have evidence to support your ideas. Evidence includes specific examples or
quotations from the text. Remember, when you use a quote, you must give the line information, explain what the
quote means and justify using it by telling how the quote proves your topic sentence. Find and record one example and
one quote to support each body paragraph.
Topic Sentence for body paragraph #1
Evidence that proves your topic sentence
Reason for the blame:
Context (what’s happening when the quote is said):
Quote (a cited line from the play):
Analysis of the quote (how the quote proves this character is to blame):
Clincher for this paragraph:
Topic Sentence for body paragraph #2
Evidence that proves your topic sentence
Reason for the blame:
Context (what’s happening when the quote is said):
Quote (a cited line from the play):
Analysis of the quote (how the quote proves this character is to blame):
Clincher for this paragraph:
Topic Sentence for body paragraph #3
Evidence that proves your topic sentence
Reason for the blame:
Context (what’s happening when the quote is said):
Quote (a cited line from the play):
Analysis of the quote (how the quote proves this character is to blame):
Clincher for this paragraph: