Collect God the Father, help us to hear the call of Christ the King and

God the Father,
help us to hear the call of Christ the King
and to follow in his service,
whose kingdom has no end;
for he reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God, one glory.
Please pray this week for:
- Stephen and David our bishops and Alex our Archdeacon.
- Kylie, Bridget and Gareth our priests.
- People in All Saints’ Rampton and Cottenham ministry, pastoral and
churchwarden roles: Sue, Pauline, Pam, Mike, Mick, Margaret,
Maggie, Judi, Jennie, Alison.
- the rights and safety of children everywhere on the 25th anniversary
of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
- adults and young people locally who find themselves cold and
homeless in the winter months.
- people who need our prayers including: Valerie Bowles, Joyce Childs,
Brenda Exley, Henry Fleck, Margaret Horgan, Paul Main, Joyce
Mason, Roger Mills, Elizabeth Newman, Derek Sutton, Norman
Thacker, Dorothy Unwin, Joe Webster, Cynthia Wiffen and all others in
Rampton and Cottenham for whom people have requested prayer.
- all who mourn for loved ones who died recently or at any time, at
home or far from home.
Pray during November 2014 for magazine and newsletter
organisers in Cottenham and Rampton who support church life
through information and entertaining articles that keep church
members and the wider village communities connected and much
Pray during November 2014 for occupations in our community,
paid and unpaid: Decorators, Bakers, Shoebox fillers.
Pray this week for people in our neighbourhoods:
Morgans, Moreton Close, New Road.
All Saints’ Churches
Cottenham and Rampton
23rd November 2014
Christ the King
If you’re visiting us today or are new to Cottenham or
Rampton or to the church, an especially warm welcome.
In Cottenham there are toilets and a baby changing
area in All Saints’ Hall across the road. There is also a
children’s corner at the back of the church. Please feel
free to use facilities during the service.
Today Cottenham and Rampton worship together
Readings: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 and Matthew 25:31-46
8.30am Holy Communion (BCP), Cottenham
Celebrant: Rev’d Gareth Morgan Reader: David Woodcroft
10.30am Parish Communion & Sunday School, Cottenham
Celebrant: Revd Gordon Mansfield
Reader: Lynda Unwin Intercessor: Mick Lumsden
26 Alleluia, sing to Jesus
484 The King of love my shepherd is
Christ returneth! (words on sheet)
204 He is Lord, He is Lord
309 Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
329 Make way, make way!
Traidcraft stall in the hall after the 10.30 service.
New catalogues and samples of Christmas cards
from Judi Middleton on 01954 251607 or at
Tues 25th November
Church ministers pray for the villages.
Wed 26th November
PCC meeting, Rampton.
Bellringing practice, Cottenham.
Thurs 27th November
Little Saints meet in All Saints' Hall.
Prayer Circle meets at 5 The Kingfishers, Cottenham.
All welcome. Contact Jennie Steer on 202026.
Fri 28th November
Choir practice, Cottenham.
Sunday 30th November, 1st Sunday of Advent
Holy Communion, Cottenham.
The 9.30 Service for young families.
Parish Communion, Cottenham.
Traditional evensong, Cottenham, to include:
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis: Murrill
Bogoroditse Devo (Rejoice o Virgin): Rachmaninov
2nd December
At the Salvation Army, High St Cottenham.
Christians Together in Cottenham meet to discuss
new ideas for youth activities in our villages.
Priest in charge
Revd Kylie Hodgins
01954 250454
Rest day is Thursday.
Churchwardens – Cottenham
Miss Margaret Edwards
01954 251934
Mrs Jennie Steer
01954 202026
Revd Bridget Baguley
07702 456906
Rest day is Friday.
All Saints’ Church, Cottenham
The Cottenham Handbell team will join with groups from many other
villages for a candlelit concert by handbell and change ringers in
St James Church, Stretham at 7.00pm on Saturday 6th December.
It's 'Stir Up Sunday': Advent starts next week
Look out for opportunities to help with services and
activities such as:
- concerts and refreshments
- the Christmas Tree Festival and market
- Christingle making and organising
- buying Christmas cards in aid of our churches.
See the Holiday Club's Watt Family in action for Christmas (and
Steve Whyatt as an angel)! Children, teenagers and adults from our
villages will be in John Hardwick's Christmas Nativity Rock at the
Baptist Church, Cottenham, at 4.00pm on Saturday 20 th December.
Contact Julia Stone today if you want to take part.
Fundraising for All Saints' Cottenham and Rampton
Don't forget that there continue to be serious shortfalls in the income
for both churches. Please support all the events planned. If you can
organise something to raise money, please do offer. Small amounts
of money are just as welcome as big donations, small ideas are just
as good as big ideas!
29th November coffee morning in Rampton Village Hall,
organised by the Friends of All Saints' Rampton. Good cakes
guaranteed and coffee/tea and things to buy, including Traidcraft.
7.30pm Saturday 13th December, All Saints’ Cottenham.
Ely Consort sing a range of carols: A Cause for Carolling.
2.00 to 4.00pm Sunday 14th December, All Saints' Cottenham.
The Christmas Tree Festival is back! Come and enjoy the
decorated trees and a small Christmas market and also mulled wine.
7.00pm, Friday 19th December: Tyrannochorus etc and Junior
Prime Brass: Christmas music by candlelight, Cottenham church.