140 Railway Parade, Queens Park WA 6107 ● Phone 9251 0500 ● Fax 9356 1166 PO Box 61 Cannington W@A 6987 ● www.sjsqp.wa.edu.au Email: admin@sjsqp.wa.edu.au ST JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL VISION STATEMENT We at St Joseph’s Primary School Queens Park are a faith based community which strives to recognise and respond to the image of Christ in us all, as we grow through work and prayer. The St Joseph’s School Community acknowledges that we come together on the ancestral lands of the Whadjuk people NEWSLETTER NO 10 WEEK 10 TERM 4 –15TH DECEMBER 2010 A Christmas Prayer Loving Father, Help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake, Amen. Robert Louis Stevenson PRINCIPAL’s REPORT We have completed another busy but wonderful year at St Joseph’s. Parents, you can be proud of your child’s achievements but you should be even prouder of the type of child they are. This year the whole St Joseph’s staff would agree that the children have been exceptional in their behaviour. The playground is generally a wonderful place to be. When I look at the restrictions imposed by the building program I’m amazed and delighted to see how the children have played and worked so harmoniously together. I would like to wish the students, parents and St Joseph’s School Community a Holy, Happy and Safe Christmas. FAREWELL: As you are aware Mr Hogan has taken a secondment position to Beagle Bay for two years working at the school where some of the students are less fortunate than our students. Joe has been a dedicated teacher at St Joseph’s with a particular focus on the students’ health and well being. He has been a great supporter of the interschool sports program, particularly the Saint Swim Team and a very helpful staff member. We wish Mr Hogan all the best. TERM DATES: Students finish school for the term tomorrow, 16 December. School recommences for all students Pre-primary to Year 6 on Wednesday 2 February. Kindergarten children have a staggered start and individual letters will be sent to them mid-January informing them of their start day. UNIFORM SHOP: The shop will be open in the January School Holidays on Friday January 28 from 10.00am until 1.00pm. Thank you, Robyn Kelly. Please ensure that your child does not return after the holidays with fad, coloured or shaved hairstyles. The uniform policy will be strictly enforced from the beginning of the year. Remember the school sports shoe has to be predominantly white so don’t get talked into fancy colours by your children over the holidays if you want them to wear them to school. FINAL ASSEMBLY: Our formal farewell to the Year 6 Graduating Class has been completed with a prayful and reflective liturgy last Wednesday evening and with a wonderful dinner dance last night. Tomorrow at 12.00pm we have our final assembly which is very informal. We will give out our last birthday certificates. The Year six children will show their farewell DVD, sing their Graduation Song and then leave their last assembly. Parents are welcome to attend. MOVIE NIGHT: Last Friday evening we once again witnessed how hard working for the school many of our parents are. Marissa Lamb and the P & F put together a beautiful and entertaining evening enjoyed by many. Each year it gets a little bigger and better. The dance and musical entertainment was of an exceptional standard. Thank you once again. God Bless Peter Yensch Principal ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL RE REPORT GRADUATION: Congratulations to all the Year 6 students on their outstanding behaviour and participation at their Graduation Ceremony last Wednesday night. Your behaviour throughout the year has been exceptional and you are a real credit to your parents. Best of luck and every success as you move on to Year 7. THANK YOU: To the Year 6 parents for their time and donations in organising a wonderful dinner dance for the students. The hall looked absolutely amazing and students and teachers alike appreciate all your hard work. A special thank you to Mrs Zappacosta for volunteering to be the coordinator. May I take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful, Holy Christmas. Rest up and enjoy the summer sunshine over the next few weeks and we will see all of you happy, healthy and ready to start another year of learning on Wednesday 2 February 2011! God Bless Wendy Landwehr Assistant Principal RE YEAR 5 ITALIAN CLASS NEWS: Thank you for bringing in food for the year 5 Roman Day. Your generosity was overwhelming and it made for a fantastic shared Roman Lunch. Grazie, Signora Fiorentino. CANTEEN: Maria and Robyn would like to thank all of our helpers who have helped us throughout the year. Your help is very much appreciated. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Safe New Year. God Bless Maria and Robyn PEER SUPPORT Wishes to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who supported our DRESS UP DAY The St Joseph’s Community Is simply amazing! A CHRISTMAS TRADITION: This is a story told to our Year one students by one of their fathers, it is true account of his life as a young boy. As a little boy I was raised by nuns, the Sisters of Charity of Saint Augustine, in an orphanage. The orphanage was located at the edge of a forest at the end of a long winding road. Each year, in about October, about the time you have your school holidays and go to the Royal Show, the nuns would give us kids a catalogue from which we could choose one Christmas present. But the present couldn’t cost more than $2.00. My friends and I would spend days searching through the catalogue trying to find what we thought was the perfect Christmas present. I remember one year I chose a gold ring with a blue stone in it. It was a sapphire which is my birth stone. So I wrote in the order book that I wanted a gold ring with a blue sapphire stone. A couple of days before Christmas we had a big party where the nuns made us popcorn and hot dogs and we were each given a fresh orange. After eating the hot dogs and popcorn all the kids gathered on the side of the long winding road that lead to the forest and sang lots and lots of Christmas Carols while it snowed and snowed. It always snowed at this time and it was very, very cold outside. I especially remember singing “Dashing through the snow” as Santa Claus came riding down the road in a gigantic sleigh pulled by 2 huge horses shouting “Merry Christmas”. Oh, we were so excited. Santa would park his sleigh in front of the dormitory where we slept and would call each of us up to his sleigh and give us our present. Do you know where the presents were? In a huge sack that he got out of the back of his sleigh. I will never forget the day he called me up and gave me my present. I unwrapped the present and inside was a black velvet box. I opened the box, and what do you think was inside it? Yes, the gold ring with the blue sapphire stone. And do you want to know something else? I still have that ring today that Santa gave me all those years ago. And do you want to see something else? It is a picture of me as a young boy when I was about the same age as each of you are now. Ever since those days I have believed in Santa Claus because he is real and often times he brings to good boys and girls really nice presents. That is the end of my Christmas story and I hope you liked hearing about the Christmas tradition I had as a little boy. Thank you for listening to my story. Now I would like to wish each and every one of you the Happiest and Merriest Christmas ever, and I hope you get lots of good presents that you will share with your brothers and sisters. God Bless you. GRADUATION THANK YOU: The organisers of the Year 6 Graduation Dinner Dance would like to thank the following people for their support in decorating and setting up of the Parish Hall. Ionie, Michelle, Danielle, Anna, Mally, Julie, Tina, Kori, Gina, Maryanne, Jenny, Kyle, Josh, and Jeff. They would also like to thank Carlisle Events Hire and Halko Marovac. QUEENS PARK DENTAL THERAPY CENTRE WILL BE CLOSED FROM DECEMBER 17 2010 UNTIL JANUARY 26 2011 FROM DECEMBER 20 2010 TO JANUARY 25 2011 THE SCHOOL DENTAL SERVICE EMERGENCY CLINIC WILL OPERATE AT THE MT HENRY DENTAL THERAPY CENTRE 43 MT HENRY ROAD COMO PH:9313 0555. BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8.15AM - 4.30PM (MONDAY – FRIDAY) EXCLUDING PUBLIC HOLIDAYS (Please note that Year 7’s will continue to be offered treatment through High School; up to and including Year 11, or 17 christmasyears of age, which ever comes first.)