BIO 105 Environmental Biology Fall 2014 Tentative Class Schedule Lecture; 1030-1145 M-W; and T-Th Labs: 7:30AM, 1:30PM Wednesdays and Thursdays Professor Russ Haughey Office: NS-121 Phone: 480-425-6958 E-mail: Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Weds 9AM-10:30AM or by appointment Week Aug 25-28 Lab Activity Mapping Arizona Sep 1-4 Field Assignment Sep 8-11 Lab 1; Birds, Bugs and Sci Method Lab; What Darwin Never Knew Lab 3; Genetics and heredity Lab 4 Natl Sel ~Natural Selection ~Intro to Biology Lab 15; Pollination and Seed Dispersal Plant Propagation Lab ~Plant Biology ~Video: Seedy Side of Life Oct 6-9 Lab 6; Campus Bird Walk ~Biodiversity ~Population Biology Oct 13-16 Intro to Bird PPTs ~History of Wildlife Management Sep 15-18 Sep 22-25 Sep 29Oct 2 Lectures Intro to BIO 105 ~Intro to Arizona’s Natural Environment ~ Trophic Webs and Energy ~Video on Ducks ~Human Evolution ~Pleistocene Extinctions ~Video: Prehistoric Predators; Smilodon Exam 1 Weds /Thurs ~Biotic Communities ~Arizona’s Unique and Interesting Wildlife Notes Assignments Monday September 1 is Labor Day No Class Read Article on Pleistocene Extinctions Monday Feb Read Article on 17 is Biotic Presidents day Communities and Last day to withdraw Read Aldo Leopold Article Oct 20-23 Oct 27-30 McDowell Mountain Field Trip Nov 3-6 Watching Wildlife Endangered Species ~ ~Mexican Wolf, Grizzly and BFF Nov 10-13 Population and Bear Lab Soils Lab Exam 2 Weds/Thurs ~Video: Bat Conservation ~Landscaping for Wildlife ~Fire and Wildlife Nov 17-20 Animal Sign Lab Nov 24-27 No Lab Dec 1-4 Powerpoint Presentations Dec 8-11 Powerpoints continued Lab 13 CNUW Dec 15-18 No Lab ~Ethnobiology ~Video: Ethnobotany of the Mayo Tribe ~Human Population Biology ~Effects of Human Overpopulation ~Diseases ~Global Warming ~Pesticides ~Arizona’s Current Environmental Issues ~Grazing ~Mining Final Exam Weds May 7 and Thurs May 8 At 9:30AM Tuesday November 11 is Veterans Day Read Talking Stick Stories on Canvas Thanksgiving November 27 Last Week of Classes Whoopie-WheeHee! Happy Day! Final Exam Week Grades will be calculated and posted immediately after the final GRADING: Grade Scale A = 90% B = 80% C = 70% D = 60% F = 59% Point Valuation (%) Relative Value Hour Exams (3 x 200 pts) 600 points (50%) Lab Activities (200 pts more or less) 200points (17%) Bird Population PPT (100 Pts) 100 points (8.3%) Field Trip (100 Pts) 100 points (8.3%) Attendance (200 Pts) 200 points (17%) TOTAL 1200 points (100% Canvas: Lecture presentations (Power Points), study guides, and grades will be available through Canvas. However, this is not a substitute for being in class. Attendance in the classroom is a must. Information given in class may not be exactly the same as what is on Canvas due to changes or any other reason. Some lectures may not have associated Power Points or written notes. Attendance: Your attendance is worth 200 points or 17% of the class grade. Absences out of 28 lectures 0-3 4-6 7+ Points earned out of possible 200 200 100 0 Lecture and Lab attendance is very important. A few absences are excusable no matter what the reason, but excessive absences will result in withdrawal from class. Further, The instructor should not be put in the position of prioritizing your time or deciding what reasons for absence are excusable or not. So, use your absences wisely and don’t waste them on sleeping late, car won’t start, dog ate my alarm clock, etc. If your car won’t start and you can’t get a ride, then take a cab. Field Trip: 100 points. Our field trip will be to the McDowell Sonoran Preserve. Each lab session will leave at the regularly scheduled time and take an SCC van and/or carpool to the site. Travel time is 30 minutes. Wear appropriate clothing including hiking boots or good sneakers, and bring water and sunscreen. Bird Power Point: 100 points. In lab you will prepare and present a Power Point presentation on a bird of interest in Arizona. You can work as a group or by yourself. The outline for the presentation is to be strictly followed if you wish to earn the most points. Important data sources found online include the Audubon Christmas Bird Count, and the USGS Breeding Bird Surveys. You must include research from peer-reviewed journal articles as well. Suggested bird species include: greater roadrunner, burrowing owl, Harris hawk, elf owl, European Starling, Eurasian collared dove, Gila woodpecker, bald eagle, peregrine falcon, spotted owl, yellow billed cuckoo, willow flycatcher. Exams and Quizzes: There are three 200 point exams for this class. They are not cumulative. All are multiple choice, 50 questions with extra credit questions as well, and scantron cards will be provided for you. A study guide consisting of a list of lecture topics, labs, videos, and readings that are covered by the exam will be handed out prior to the exam. Manners: Do not count on your professor to ignore or forgive rude behavior in class such as; arriving late, leaving early, talking in class, using your phone in class, watching Youtube videos in class. He is really not that saintly, and will remember these personal slights at grading time. Just like you would if you were the teacher. Maturity: Everyone is intelligent enough to get an A in this class. But not everyone in this class will be mature enough to even pass. Considering most students will be between the ages of 17 and 22 some will not be mature enough to understand that your success in this class and in life is totally dependent on what you do. However, if you want to waste your precious time and your parent’s money on tuition, that also is your choice. Withdrawals: I will withdraw students who do not show up the first week. After that you can withdraw yourself up to the end of the student initiated withdrawal deadline. However, I will not withdraw you unless you request it. I feel that you (or someone) is paying for your semester in my class and it is not right for me to withdraw a student unless you request it, or there is another valid reason, such as unacceptable behavior. If at the end of the semester you have been absent for a while, you will still receive a grade based on your earned scores. Cell Phones and Electronic Distractions: Keep cell phones quiet in class and don’t touch them, check them or whatever. Pretend it is 1982. No laptops, kindles, iPads or other personal electronics in class. Email: Notices for class will be sent to you via email. So, you can either check your SCC email account on a regular basis, or set your SCC email account to forward messages to your regular email account.