AP Biology 12 AP Lab 6 – Molecular Biology 6A: Bacterial

AP Biology 12
AP Lab 6 – Molecular Biology
6A: Bacterial Transformation (Adapted Lab)
Glowing Bacteria: Transformation of a FireFly Gene
***The following lab uses a procedure adapted from Ward’s Natural Science Establishment (2002). The
procedure has been adapted to allign with the Advanced Placement Program Lab Manual Learning Objectives
(2001). The objectives, materials, procedure, analysis, and discussion questions are a combination from both
lab resources.***
Plasmids containing specific fragments of foreign DNA will be used to transform Escheruchia coli cells, passing
on antibiotic (ampicillin resistance) and foreign gene (firefly luc) expression.
1) To understand the principles of bacterial transformation, including how plasmid vectors are engineered
and taken up by cells.
2) To understand how antibiotic resistance can be transferred between cells.
3) To understand how a foreign gene (firefly luc) can be transferred between cells.
4) To compare multiple experimental controls.
5) To determine the factors that affect transformation efficiency.
6) To calculate transformation efficiency.
To answer: What are your predictions in terms of colony growth and luminescence?
Please read the background information provided by Ward’s Natural Science Establishment (2002) in the
following pages. The materals, procedure, results, analysis, and discussion questions follow after the
background information.
AP Biology 12 – Lab 6A – Transformation
AP Biology 12 – Lab 6A – Transformation
AP Biology 12 – Lab 6A – Transformation
AP Biology 12 – Lab 6A – Transformation
AP Biology 12 – Lab 6A – Transformation
AP Biology 12 – Lab 6A – Transformation
Day 1
Per group:
E. coli on Luria agar slant
Luria agar plate with ampicillin (LB/Amp)
Luria agar plates (LB)
0.5 mL Calcium chloride solution
10 μl Plasmid pBestLuc solution
0.5 mL Luria broth
microcentrifuge tubes
sterile 1 mL pipettes
sterile inoculating loops
capillary micropipette with plunger
Nitrocellulose membranes
plastic forceps in ethanol (for membranes)
marking pen
Ice bath
Hot water bath with thermometer (ready to 42°C)
For the class:
+37°C incubator
Day 2
Per group:
Prepared plates from Day 1:
LB2.0 mL Luciferin
sterile pipette
Plastic forceps in ethanol
Per class:
AP Biology 12 – Lab 6A – Transformation
Room blacked out (W203A)
You will insert the plasmid pBestLuc into competent E. coli cells. Before coming to the lab, be sure to
complete all the predictions.
Note: Prior to conducting the lab, make sure all materials are present and ready to use. A 42°C water bath
should be available. The calcium chloride and plasmid pBestLuc solutions should be in an ice bath and kept
cold throughout the experiment. Note that all volumes must be absolutely precise. There will be no waste for
any of the solutions/broths. If you use too much, you will run out. Also note the sterile equipment.
Contamination is a risk, so you must follow the procedure with diligence. Ms. Wood will be placing you into
three lab teams. Before starting the lab, you will have a team meeting to compare your pre-labs and decide on
“jobs.” Ensure you have completed all predictions.
Day 1
1) Mark one sterile centrifuge tube “+”: this tube will have plasmid added to it. Mark the other 1 centrifuge
tube “-“: this tube will have no plasmid added.
2) Using a sterile 1 mL pipette, add 0.25 mL (250μL) of ice-cold calcium chloride solution to each tube.
3) Obtain the Luria agar slant with actively growing E. coli. Using a sterile inoculating loop, remove a
loopful (3mm) of the E. coli from the surface of the agar. Gently move the loop across the surface of
the agar to collect some of the bacteria. Be careful not to remove any agar with the loop.
4) To remove the bacteria from the inoculating loop, place the loop into the calcium chloride and twirl
rapidly. Dispose of the loop into the appropriate waste container. Gently tapping the loop against the
side of the tube may also help dislodge the bacteria.
5) With a new inoculating loop, repeat steps 3 – 4 for the other tube.
6) Use the capillary micropipette and plunger to add 10 μL of the plasmid BestLuc solution to the (+) tube.
7) Gently tap both tubes with your finger to mix the solutions.
8) Keep both tubes on ice for 15 minutes.
9) While the tubes are on ice, obtain 2 LB agar plates and 2 LB/Amp agar plates. Label each plate on the
bottom as follows: “LB+”, “LB-“, “LB/Amp+”, and “LB/Amp-.” Also label each plate with your team name.
10) Using forceps (that were soaked in ethanol) place a piece of nitrocellulose membrane on the surface of
each of the agar plates. Be sure to replace the lid as soon as possible to minimize contamination. Be
very careful when handing the nitrocellulose membrane; it is very fragile.
11) The E. coli bacterial cells must be heat-shocked to allow the plasmid to enter. Remove both tubes from
the ice and immediately place them in a 42°C water bath for 75-90 seconds. It is essential that the cells
be given a sharp and distinct shock, so take the tubes directly from the ice bath to the 42°C water bath.
12) Remove the tubes from the 42°C water bath and immediately return the tubes to the ice bath. Keep the
tubes on ice for 2 minutes.
13) Remove the tubes from the ice bath and add 0.25 mL (250μL) of room temperature Luria broth to each
tube, using a sterile 1 mL pipette. Gently tap the tubes with your finger to mix the solution. The tubes
may now be kept at room temperature. Any transformed E. coli cells are now resistant to ampicillin.
14) Using a different sterile 1 mL pipette (the third one now), add 0.20 mL (200μL) of the solution from the
(+) tube to the centre of the LB/Amp+ plate, on top of the nitrocellulose membrane. Gently rock the
plate to ensure the solution thoroughly covers the surface of the nitrocellulose membrane. Immediately
cover with the lid.
AP Biology 12 – Lab 6A – Transformation
15) Repeat step 14 with the same 1mL pipette for the LB+ plate.
16) Using a different sterile 1 mL pipette (the forth one now), repeat step 14 for the (-) tube and both the
LB/Amp- and LB- plates.
17) Allow plates to sit undisturbed for one hour. After one hour, place the plates in a 37°C incubator,
inverted, overnight.
Day 2
1) Remove your plates from the incubator.
2) Count the number of colonies growing on each plate and record the value in the results; use a
permanent marker to mark each colony on the bottom of the plate (not the lid) as it is counted. If the
cell growth is too dense to count individual colonies, record “lawn.” Do not open the plates for counting!
3) Remove the lids of the plates and place the lids upside down on a flat surface. Make sure there is a
small label on the outside edge of the lid to indicate the culture.
4) Add 0.5 mL of 1 mM luciferin solution to the centre of each lid.
5) Using the forceps, carefully remove the nitrocellulose membrane containing the transformed colonies of
E. coli from your Luria agar plates and place in the lid of the plate on top of the luciferin solution.
6) Take into a dark area (W203A) and observe any luminescence.
7) Complete the questions in the analysis of results section.
AP Biology 12 – Lab 6A – Transformation
Table 1. Number of colonies of E. coli after overnight incubation.
Number of colonies after overnight incubation.
Table 2. Observations of luminescence of E. coli after overnight incubation and exposure to 1 mM luciferin
Luminescence? All colonies, some colonies, or no colonies
LBOther Observations and Experimental Notes:
AP Biology 12 – Lab 6A – Transformation
Analysis of Results
1. Compare and contrast the number of colonies in each of the following pairs of plates. What does each pair
of results tell you about the experiment?
a. LB+ and LBb. LB/Amp- and LB/Amp+
c. LB/Amp+ and LB+
2. Compare and contrast the luminescence in each of the following pairs of plates. What does each pair of
results tell you about the experiment?
a. LB+ and LBb. LB/Amp+ and LB+
c. LB/Amp+ and LB3. Calculate the transformation efficiency (number of colonies per μg of plasmid) using the steps below. Use
the data from the LB/Amp+ plate. Concentration is in μg/μL; mass in μg; volume in μL
AP Biology 12 – Lab 6A – Transformation
Discussion Questions
1. Based on your observations, did transformation occur? Why or why not?
2. What was the transformation efficiency of plasmid pBestLuc? What factors might influence transformation
efficiency? Explain the effect of each that you mention.
3. Explain the importance of utilizing experimental controls. There are two types of controls: a positive control
and a negative control. Using the internet, research both types of controls and describe them. (Cite your
source!) There were four plates cultured in this lab. Determine which plate was the experimental test and
whether the other three were positive or negative controls. Explain your reasoning.
Refer to the criteria on the lab rubric.
(To make sure you’ve understood the concepts of this experiment, answer questions #5-8 on page 334 in
AP Biology 12 – Lab 6A – Transformation