ApplicationHelp Guide

w w w . g o t o g u y . c o m . a u
Contractor Application Help Guide
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
This document is aimed at providing a guide to help
complete the Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd Contractor
Application form and associated online test.
Samples of the Contractor Application form (Part 1) and
Contractor Test (Part 2) are provided inside this guide.
The form and test are broken into logical sections with
accompanying guidance. Where appropriate, help
balloons are used to provide guidance on how to
complete the form and test.
Version 9
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Contractor Application Help Guide
PART 1—APPLICATION FORM ..................................... 3
Section 1 – Personal Information ........................................................................................................................ 3
Section 2 – Home and Mailing Address Details .................................................................................................... 4
Section 3 – Business Address and Details ............................................................................................................ 5
Business address ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Business details ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Cast Net - Area of Operation ............................................................................................................................... 7
Section 4 – Personal Identification ...................................................................................................................... 8
Section 5 - About you ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Section 6 – The Go To Guy Essential Toolbox .................................................................................................... 11
Section 7 – Create a Go To Guy Account ............................................................................................................ 12
Security ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Independent Contractor Agreement ................................................................................................................... 12
PART 2—APPLICATION TEST...................................... 13
Section 1 – Contractor Test Sign In .................................................................................................................... 13
Section 2 – Contractor Test Preamble ............................................................................................................... 14
Section 3 – GoTo Task Order Information .......................................................................................................... 15
Section 4 – GoTo Order Report .......................................................................................................................... 16
Section 5 – GoTo Order Report Photographs ..................................................................................................... 17
Section 6 – The End ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Contact details..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
Page | 2
Contractor Application Help Guide
IPhone/iPod/iPad users. Please ensure your iPhone, iPod or iPad has been updated
to the iOS6 operating system in order to use these devices for the application and
the application test. If your Apple device is not updated with iOS6 it will not be able
to upload photographs to complete the contractor application and test. The reason
for this is devices loaded with earlier versions of iOS use a version of the Mobile Safari
web browser, which disables the file upload function.
Section 1 – Personal Information
This section of the form (see figure 1-1) captures some personal information. Capturing this
information serves several purposes: to assist in identifying the applicant, provide appropriate
details in the event we need to contact the applicant and to personalise written and verbal
The Red Asterisk:
What Does It
You will notice
throughout the
contractor application
form a number of
fields which are
marked with a red
This means the field is
a mandatory field and
must contain
If you try to submit
the form and there
are mandatory fields
which are not filled in,
you will receive an
error message.
You will not be
allowed to submit the
form until you provide
the required
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Figure 1-1 – Personal Information Details
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
Page | 3
Contractor Application Help Guide
Section 2 – Home and Mailing Address Details
This section of the form (see figure 1-2) captures your home and mailing address details. Several
types of address details are captured in the application in an attempt to cater for the
circumstances of all applicants. We envisage applicants will operate their Go To Guy business
from their home address and, in most cases, home address and mailing address details will be
the same. However, in some cases mail cannot be delivered to home addresses due to a number
of factors such as remoteness. To cater for this eventually, the Applicant’s mailing address is
requested in addition to their home address. The mailing address is the address we will forward
your Go To Guy Identification Document (ID) to if your application to become a Go To Guy
Contractor is successful. As such, it is important your mailing address details are accurate.
Mailing Address:
Why Are We Asking
For This
Home Address: Why
Are We Asking For
This Information?
Capturing home address
information is important
because this is the address
from which most
contractors are likely to
operate their Go To Guy
business from.
To cater for applicant’s
who cannot receive
surface mail at their home
address, we ask for mailing
address details. This is the
address we will send any
Go To Guy Network
surface mail to.
Figure 1-2 – Home and Mailing Address Details
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
Page | 4
Contractor Application Help Guide
Section 3 – Business Address and Details
Business address
We envisage applicants will operate their business from their home address and, in most cases,
home address and business address details will be the same. However, in some cases the
business address of the applicant will be different from the home address. To cater for this
eventuality, the Applicant’s business address is requested in addition to their home address.
Figure 1-3 details the information to be provided for the business address.
It is important to note, your business address will be used as the centre point of your Cast Net
or area of operation. The concept of the Cast Net, or area of operation, is explained in detail
later on in this section.
Business Address:
Why Are We Asking
For This
Figure 1-3 – Business Address
In some cases, the
business address of the
applicant will be different
from their home address.
To cater for this
eventually, the Applicant’s
business address is
requested in addition to
their home address.
Importantly, this address is
used as the centre of a Go
To Guy’s area of operation.
As such, it is vital this
address information is
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
Page | 5
Contractor Application Help Guide
Business details
As an approved Go To Guy contractor, you will require an Australian Business Number (ABN)
which is easily obtainable through the Australian Business Register should you not have one
already. Under Australian Taxation Office (ATO) regulations, you will also need to advise us if
you are registered for GST or not. Please refer to the Australian Government Business website
for more details if you are not sure about your GST status. In addition, it is important you have
read and agreed to our Independent Contractor Agreement in conjunction with the Australian
Government Business Independent Contractors: the essential handbook. Both documents will
explain your rights and responsibilities as a Go To Guy independent contractor.
The business details we are requesting are as per figure 1-4 below. We require your business
details for a couple of purposes. Firstly, to demonstrate you have met the requirements to be
an independent contractor in accordance with ATO guidelines. Secondly, and more importantly
from your point of view, so our computer system can generate your invoices with ATO
compliant information in order for us to pay you for the services you provide.
Providing a copy of Australian Business Number details is not mandatory in the initial stages of
the application process. This information will not be required until the applicant has completed
and passed the application phase. Please be aware, applicants can elect to provide this
information up front in order to ensure their application is completely processed for the
available Go To Guy positions in their respective locality. This will negate the need to revisit any
outstanding information requirements at a later date. Any applicant who elects to withhold this
information will not obtain final approval until this information is provided, and this approval
will be dependent upon position availability.
Business Number:
Why Are We
Asking For This
Business or Trading
Names: Why Are We
Asking For This
Go To Guy Network
requires this information
for several reasons:
1. As part of the
information we will
utilise to verify your
2. To assist us in verifying
you have met the
requirements to operate
as an independent
3. So our system can
produce correctly
rendered tax
Figure 1-4 - Business Details
Goods and Services Tax (GST): Why Are We Asking For This
You need to tell us if you are registered for GST. This will allow our system to pay you the
GST component of the Fee you bill us for when you complete a GoTo task. In addition, we
need to know if you are registered for GST, or not, in order for our system to produce
correctly rendered tax invoices/invoices.
For more information about registering for GST, see the Goods and Services Tax topic in
the Independent Contractors: the essential handbook. We envisage most of our
contractors will not be required to register for GST, however, before you make any
decision regarding registering for GST, you should seek professional financial advice.
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Go To Guy Network
requires this
information for several
1. The ABN helps us to
uniquely identify you.
2. To assist us in
verifying you have
met the government
requirements to
operate as an
3. So our system can
produce correctly
rendered tax
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
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Contractor Application Help Guide
Cast Net - Area of Operation
In this section of the form (see figure 1-5), the applicant advises us where they wish to operate
should their application be successful. In order to provide our Go To Guys with flexibility, our
system will let the applicant update their Primary Cast Net (or base area of operation) on our
website to easily allow for changes in circumstances e.g. moving to a new address. We will also
be adding functionality to the website to allow our Go To Guys to nominate an additional area
of operation, called a ‘Secondary Cast Net’, so they can be advised of GoTo’s when they are ‘out
of town’.
So how does an Area of Operation work? Our system will utilise a geographic information
system to place the applicant’s area of operation on a map. The applicant will also advise us of
the distance from their nominated base address. This distance we call the radius of operation.
Our system will draw the radius of operation around the nominated Base address to form the
applicant’s area of operation.
Any GoTo which is posted within a Go To Guy’s area of operation will be available for them to
claim in competition with any other Go To Guys in the area.
At this stage we are allowing our prospective Go To Guys to nominate a radius of operation of
up to 100km from their base address. This is an area of over 31000 square kilometres!
Area of
Operation: What
Does It Mean?
The Area of Operation
is the mechanism by
which you will be
notified of GoTo’s.
Figure 1-5 – Cast Net – Area of Operation
Selecting a big radius
will result in you being
notified of more
GoTo’s. Conversely,
selecting a small radius
will result in you being
notified of less GoTo’s.
While we have set the
default radius to 20
klms, we’ll leave
selecting the radius
(and resultant area) of
operation that best
suits your
circumstances up to
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
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Contractor Application Help Guide
Section 4 – Personal Identification
This section of the form captures some photographic identification information on the
Capturing photographic identification is important to help verify who the applicant claims to
be. This is in keeping with the nature of the Go To Guy Network business model which is to
reduce the risk of our clients being scammed or defrauded. As such, being able to positively
identify prospective Go To Guys is very important to offering a trusted service and therefore
the passport style photo you provide will be utilised for the Go To Guy ID that you will be
required to wear at all times when working as a Go To Guy.
Providing a copy of an Australian photo identification document is not mandatory in the initial
stages of the application process. This information will not be required until the applicant has
completed and passed the application phase. Please be aware, applicants can elect to provide
this information up front in order to ensure their application is completely processed for the
available Go To Guy positions in their respective locality. This will negate the need to revisit any
outstanding information requirements at a later date. Any applicant who elects to withhold this
information will not obtain final approval until this information is provided, and this approval
will be dependent upon position availability.
Figure 1-6 provides detailed guidance on the standard of image required for the Go To Guy
Identification card and also the standard of image required for the Photo Identification
Document (PID). Please read this information carefully to minimise the risk of submitting
inferior images and then having to resubmit the information in order to continue progressing
the contractor application.
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
Page | 8
Contractor Application Help Guide
Identificaion Photo:
What Are The
 A recent, passport style,
head and shoulders
photograph of you.
 Good quality colour
with no marks on the
 Plain, light-coloured
background (e.g. cream,
pale blue or white).
 Appropriate brightness
and contrast and show
your skin tones
 Uniform lighting (no
shadows across or
behind the face), sharp
focus and clear.
Document: What
Are The Basics?
A good quality colour
image of a current
Australian photo
document with you as
the subject.
Figure 1-6 - Personal Identification
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
Page | 9
Contractor Application Help Guide
Section 5 - About you
A per figure 1-7, capturing the applicant’s occupation, trade and educational qualifications, and
hobbies and interests will enable us to select the right Go To Guy for the task in the future.
Having access to this information will be especially important when our clients request
something out of the ordinary. For now, we will not utilise this data for any ‘GoTo’ selection
process and providing this information is not mandatory.
About You: Why are
we interested?
 Understanding the
background of our Go
To Guys will be
important to enable us
to match skills and
interests to tasks in the
 This information will be
especially important,
particularly when our
clients request a GoTo
which is out of the
Figure 1-7 - About You
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
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Contractor Application Help Guide
Section 6 – The Go To Guy Essential Toolbox
In this section of the form (see figure 1-8), we ask you some simple questions regarding the
essential tools and skillsets required to perform the technical aspects of a GoTo task. These are
in addition to the high standard of appearance and manner of conduct we expect from our Go
To Guys.
If you can truthfully answer ‘Yes’ to the questions in figure 1-8, you have the basic tools and
possess the basic technical skillsets to be a Go To Guy.
Do I have these things
in my Go To Guy
Figure 1-8 - The Essential Toolbox
Digital Still Camera
Digital Video Camera*
Reliable Transport
No doubt there will be other
things you can think of which
would be handy to have in
your Go To Guy Toolbox.
* A camera that can take
both still and video images
would be an advantage but
not essential
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
Page | 11
Contractor Application Help Guide
Section 7 – Create a Go To Guy Account
In this section of the form (see figure 1-9) we go about creating your Go To Guy account.
In order to uniquely identify you and secure your information, we need to capture your email
address and password. It is important to remember your email address and password as you
will need them to log into the test.
Independent Contractor Agreement
The Independent Contractor Agreement is the agreement under which you will provide your
services to the Go To Guy Network. We will ask you to agree to this agreement as part of the
application process. Essentially, the agreement is the contract between you and the Go To Guy
Network. It is a non-enduring agreement and is invoked each time you accept to carry out a
GoTo task for us.
The agreement is quite a lengthy document and we urge you to read it carefully before
submitting your contractor application.
Website Terms &
Conditions: Why
Do I Need To
As a Go To Guy
contractor you will be
utilising our website to
conduct your services.
This will be in the form
of claiming GoTo’s,
submitting reports and
invoices, and utilising
information we post on
the site for your
benefit. Accordingly,
we need you to
understand what
constitutes proper use
of the site.
To view or refresh your
memory, the website
terms and conditions
are at:
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Figure 1-9 - Create a Go To Guy Account
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
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Contractor Application Help Guide
Section 1 – Contractor Test Sign In
As depicted in figure 2-1, this section of the test is the sign in area. We use this sign in area to
ensure we can match up the information you provided in your contractor application to the
information you provide us in the Test.
To be able to commence the test you will have to enter the same email address and password
you provided to complete the Contractor Application form. You will receive an error message if
the information you provide is incorrect. If you have forgotten your contractor account
credentials, please phone us on 1800 424 424 or email us at .
Email Address: Which
One Do I Use?
Password: Which One
Do I Use?
Use the email address you
provided when you
completed the Contractor
Application form.
Use the password you
provided when you
completed the Contractor
Application form.
The email address is not
case sensitive.
Figure 2-1 - Test Sign In
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
Page | 13
Contractor Application Help Guide
Section 2 – Contractor Test Preamble
As per figure 2-2, this section of the test contains two areas. The first area is the test preamble,
which describes the purpose of the test, and the second area provides an example of the
indicative information to be included on the top of a GoTo task form.
At Go To Guy Network we want the people we meet to be comfortable we are who we say we
are. So as an added security measure, whenever you accept a GoTo task your contractor
identification number, name and photo will be displayed on the task order. Having this security
measure in place will allow the person you meet onsite to cross check you against your photo
ID and against the information on the actual task.
Contractor Test
Example GoTo Task
The test is not designed to
be difficult but it is designed
to allow you to demonstrate
you have the basic tools and
technical skills to be a Go To
This section is indicative of
the information which will
be populated into all GoTo
task orders.
For your test, the name
details and passport style
photograph you provided
for the Contractor
Application will be used to
populate this area of your
Figure 2-2 – Contractor Test Preamble
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
Page | 14
Contractor Application Help Guide
Section 3 – GoTo Task Order Information
This section of the test provides you with a sample of the indicative information you will be
presented with in order to prepare for and subsequently carry out a task. You are not expected
to do anything with this information and it is simply provided to give you ‘a feel’ for what a
GoTo order may look like and to get you to think about how you would use this information
when conducting a Go To Guy task.
Do You Have the Skills
to Work With This
We will be asking our Go To
Guys to interpret this level of
information and convert it
into action.
Do you have the skills to turn
this information into action?
For the purposes of the
Contractor Test you do not
need to do anything with this
Figure 2-3 - Example GoTo Task Order Information
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
Page | 15
Contractor Application Help Guide
Section 4 – GoTo Order Report
This is where the test begins. This is where you get to conduct an onsite inspection of a vehicle
of your choice. This is not a timed test, however, it is recommended you gather all of the
required information before you actually begin the test online. This is because you cannot stop
and save the test half way through. In addition, if you have all of the information on hand, it will
only take you a short while to upload the data into the test form.
As can be seen in figure 2-4, the information we are asking you to gather describes the leading
particulars of the vehicle. This is the type of information our clients will rely on to verify the
item they are considering purchasing is the actual item. So while the information is not complex,
accuracy is vital.
Make, Model & Body
Type Information
Vehicle Identification
You should be readily able to
determine this information
just from looking at the
The vehicle identification
number or VIN is located on
the vehicle compliance plate
or may be located on the
vehicle registration sticker.
Odometer Reading
However, it is preferable to
obtain the VIN from the
compliance plate as
registration stickers are
being phased out.
The odometer is located on
the Driver’s dashboard,
generally within the
speedometer or ‘speedo’.
The odometer is a record of
the total distance the vehicle
has travelled and is an
important number for the
client to assist in their
decision making process.
The compliance plate is
placed in a conspicuous
position on the vehicle,
usually under the bonnet or
inside the driver’s side door
on the body of the vehicle.
The odometer will look
similar to this. Some vehicles
have digital odometers
which will require the
ignition switch to be in the
ON position in order view
the odometer reading.
The compliance plate will
look similar to this:
Figure 2-4 - GoTo Order Report
How Are Your Written Communication Skills?
The VIN has been
We are looking for a brief but comprehensive description using correct
grammar and spelling.
Hint: Your description must avoid making any recommendations.
The odometer has been
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
Page | 16
Contractor Application Help Guide
Section 5 – GoTo Order Report Photographs
In this part of the test you get to demonstrate your photographic skills. As can be seen in figure
2-5, you have to upload five (5) digital images. The images can only be in GIF, JPG, JPEG or PNG
formats – our system will not accept any other formats. This should not be an issue as these are
the most common image formats and are standard on most digital cameras or mobile phone
You should already be familiar with uploading digital images owing to your previous experience
with the Contractor Application where you uploaded your passport style photo and an image
of your photo identification document. Please note our system cannot upload images greater
in size than 5MB. Notwithstanding, you should be able to produce excellent quality photographs
of your inspection vehicle well within this limit.
The aim of this part of the test is to produce clear and in focus photographs of the subject areas
of the vehicle.
Vehicle Identification
Number Photograph
Make, Model & Body
Type Photographs
As previously mentioned, the
compliance plate is placed in
a conspicuous position on
the vehicle, usually under
the bonnet or inside the
driver’s side door on the
body of the vehicle.
These photographs should
capture the vehicle in such a
fashion to allow the client to
discern the make, model and
body type.
An in focus image of the
compliance plate clearly
showing the VIN is your aim.
The compliance plate will
look similar to this:
Damage Photograph
For this part of the test, you
may not be able to find any
significant damage to
photograph. If this is the
case, provide another
photograph of the vehicle of
your choice. This other
photo does not have to be of
damage. For example, a
photograph of the engine
bay would suffice.
As with the other
photographs, your aim is to
produce a clear and in focus
Figure 2-5 – GoTo Order Report Photographs
Odometer Reading Photograph
As mentioned previously, the
odometer is located on the
Driver’s dashboard, generally
within the speedometer or
The VIN has been
An in focus image of the
odometer clearly showing the
mileage is your aim.
The odometer will look similar to this and has been highlighted.
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
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Contractor Application Help Guide
Section 6 – The End
Congratulations! When you reach this screen as shown in figure 2-6 you will have completed
the Go To Guy Contractor Application and Test phase. After clicking on the ‘Submit’ button of
the contractor test, you will be presented with the following screen. The figure 2-6 screen is an
advisory screen only, and provides you with the company contact details.
Contact details
Telephone: Free call 1800 G2G G2G (1800 424 424)
The End
Figure 2-6 - The End
Go To Guy Network Pty Ltd
When you are presented
with this screen and you click
on the ‘Finish’ button, the
webpage will close down
signifying the end of the Go
To Guy Application process.
Version 9
ABN: 32 153 768 711
Address: Jacksonia Place, Noosaville, QLD. 4566
Tel: 1800 424 424
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