2015 - 2016 School Profile CEEB #211-030 AdministrAtion & COLLEGE COUNSELING STAFF Anthony Day President aday@loyolablakefield.org John Marinacci Principal (6-12) jmarinacci@loyolablakefield.org Kathryn Mathias Director of College Counseling kmathias@loyolablakefield.org COUNSELORS Steve Breit 443-841-3462 sbreit@loyolablakefield.org Yvette Jenkins 443-841-3292 yjenkins@loyolablakefield.org Contact: Hillary Horgan 443-841-3510 Michelle Schaekel 443-841-3414 mschaekel@loyolablakefield.org hhorgan@loyolablakefield.org Bob Wright 443-841-3570 rwright@loyolablakefield.org Fax: 410-823-5277 History Founded in 1852, Loyola Blakefield recently concluded its 163rd academic year. Originally located in Baltimore City, Loyola moved to its rural Blakefield campus in 1934. TyPe MISSIOn Catholic, Jesuit, Private School for boys in grades 6-12 LOCATIOn ACCreDITATIOn MeMBerSHIPS 500 Chestnut Avenue, Towson, MD, 21204. Towson is a northern suburb of the city of Baltimore. SCHOLArSHIP + FInAnCIAL AID FACuLTy Scholarship and Financial Aid are available. Currently, 43% of the student population receives scholarship or financial aid. AverAge CLASS SIze 20 Students generAL Loyola Blakefield offers a challenging college preparatory curriculum that includes a broad range of major course offerings complemented by a selection of enriching electives. A minimum of 26.5 credits is required for graduation with a minimum of six course units each academic year. These include state mandated units, as well as additional courses required by the school in particular disciplines. Loyola is on a two-semester system. The distribution is as follows: COnTenT 4 3 3 3 3 4 1 .5 .5 .5 .5 Loyola Blakefield, a Catholic, college preparatory school, established by the Jesuits and imbued with the spirit of Ignatius Loyola, forms men to serve with and for others. The Loyola student is preparing to graduate as a man of integrity, who, because he strives “to find God in all things,” is open to growth, intellectually ambitious, religious, loving and committed to diversity and doing justice. Association of Independent Maryland Schools Jesuit Secondary Educational Association; ACCIS (Association of College Counselors in Independent Schools); Association of Maryland Independent Schools; National Association of College Admissions Counselors, Potomac and Chesapeake Association of College Admissions Counselors, College Board; American Counseling Association. Loyola Blakefield has a professional faculty and staff of approximately 100 men and women, 77% of whom hold advanced degrees and 33% of whom have taught at the school for more than fifteen years. AcAdemic ProgrAm course units in English course units in Mathematics through Precalculus course units in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics course units in Social Studies, including World History, U.S. History and American Government sequential levels of Classical or Modern Foreign Language course units in Religious Studies course unit in Physical Education course unit in History of Art course unit in Music Appreciation course unit in Visual or Performing Art course unit in Foundations of Computer Science (Beginning with Class of 2016) LoyoLA BLAKeFieLd’s reLigion coUrses Are reQUired AcAdemic coUrses. In ADDITIOn, SenIOrS HAve A MAnDATOry 40-HOur CHrISTIAn ServICe COMMITMenT AS A PArT OF THeIr grADuATIOn reQuIreMenTS. P.O. B ox 6 8 1 9 ■ To wso n , Ma r yla n d 2 1 2 8 5 - 6 8 1 9 ■ 443-841-3510 ■ Fa x 4 1 0 - 8 2 3 - 5 2 7 7 ■ w w w. loyo lab lake f ie ld . org 2015 - 2016 School Profile CEEB #211-030 HOnOrS CLASSeS Honors courses are offered as listed below. Enrollment in these courses is determined through placement tests, GPA, and faculty recommendation. English Advanced Lit. Criticism American Literature British Literature Creative Writing English I English 10 Language Greek I, II, III Italian I, II, III Latin I, II, III, IV Spanish I, II, III, IV AP CLASSeS Math Advanced Pre Calculus Algebra II Geometry PreCalculus Science Advanced Biology Biology I Chemistry I AP courses are offered as listed below. Enrollment in these courses is determined through placement tests, GPA, and faculty recommendation. English English Language English Literature History Comparative Government and Politics U.S. Government U.S. History grADe POInT AverAge Language German Language & Culture Latin Spanish Language & Culture Spanish Literature & Culture Italian Language Math Calculus AB Calculus BC Statistics Science Biology Chemistry Computer Science A Environmental Science Physics 1 Physics 2 All credit courses taken in grades 9-12 are included in the cumulative GPA. Loyola Blakefield has a 4.00 weighted system with honors and AP courses receiving an extra .5 value. Grade points are assigned to grades on the following scale: Note: As of the 2013-2014 school year, the grading scale was modified. Current Grading Scale PREVIOUS Grading Scale Grade Unweighted Weighted Grade UNWEIGHTED WEIGHTED A AB+ B BC+ C CD F 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.0 0 4.5 4.2 3.8 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.2 1.5 0 A AB+ B BC+ C CD F 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.5 1.0 0 4.5 4.2 3.8 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.0 1.5 0 (93-100) (90-92) (87-89) (83-86) (80-82) (77-79) (73-76) (70-72) (65-69) (0-64) testing SAT Summary (Average) Class Class Class Class coLLege PLAcement ProFiLe cLAss oF 2015 P.O. B ox 6 8 1 9 (93-100) (91-92) (89-90) (85-88) (83-84) (81-82) (77-80) (74-76) (70-73) (0-69) ■ of of of of 2015 2014 2013 2012 Critical Reading 593 611 598 600 98.9% Attending College To wso n , Ma r yla n d 2 1 2 8 5 - 6 8 1 9 ■ First Quintile Second Quintile Third Quintile Fourth Quintile Fifth Quintile WRITING ACT 603 619 601 616 581 586 576 586 24.8 25.6 24.6 25.8 443-841-3510 ■ 4.372 - 4.000 3.981 - 3.653 3.648 - 3.281 3.260 - 2.921 2.920 - 1.336 LOYOLA BLAKEFIELD DOES NOT RANK Math 51.7% Private Class of 2016 (180 Students): Cumulative Grade Distribution Chart 3.787 Median GPA 17.9% Catholic AP SCOre DISTrIBuTIOn FOr TeSTS TAKen In MAy, 2015 Score Percent 5 4 3 2 1 26% 34% 25% 10% 3% 12.4% Jesuit Fa x 4 1 0 - 8 2 3 - 5 2 7 7 ■ 53.3% Public w w w. loyo la blake f ie ld . org Loyola Blakefield College Acceptances for THE Classes of 2014 & 2015 (*Attending colleges are bolded) Albright College Allegheny College Alvernia University American University Auburn University Bates College Becker College Bentley University Berklee College of Music Bethany College Boston College Boston University Bowdoin College Bridgewater College Brown University Bucknell University Butler University Carnegie Mellon University Cabrini College Canisius College Capitol Tech. University Case Western Reserve Catholic Univ. of America CCBC at Dundalk CCBC at Essex Champlain College Chapman University Christopher Newport Univ. Clark University Clemson University Coastal Carolina University Colby College Colgate University College of Charleston College of the Holy Cross College of William & Mary Colorado State University Columbia University Connecticut College Cornell University Daniel Webster College Davidson College Dean College Denison University DeSales University Dickinson College Drew University Drexel University Duquesne University East Carolina University Eckerd College Elizabethtown College Elmira College Elon University Emerson College Emory University Fairfield University Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Ferrum College Flagler College Florida Atlantic University Florida International Univ. Florida State University Florida Southern College Florida Tech. Fordham University Franklin & Marshall College P. O. B ox 6819 ■ Frostburg State University Gannon University George Mason University Georgetown University George Washington Univ. Georgia Tech. Gettysburg College Goucher College Guilford College Hamilton College – NY Hampden-Sydney College Hampton University Harvard College Haverford College High Point University Hofstra University Hood College Howard Comm. College Howard University Immaculata University Indiana University Iona College Ithaca College James Madison University John Carroll University Johns Hopkins University Juniata College King’s College La Salle University Lebanon Valley College Lehigh University Liberty University Limestone College Lipscomb University Longwood University Louisiana State University Loyola Marymount Univ. Loyola University Chicago Loyola University Maryland Loyola Univ. New Orleans Lycoming College Lynchburg College Manhattan College Marquette University McDaniel College Mercer University Merrimack College Messiah College Miami University, Oxford Mississippi State Univ. Montana State University Morehouse College Morgan State University Mt. St. Mary’s University Muhlenberg College Neumann University New York University Norfolk State University N. Carolina State University Northeastern University Northwestern University Notre Dame College of Ohio Oberlin College Ohio University Ohio Northern University Ohio Wesley University Old Dominion University Tows on, Maryland 21285-6819 ■ Penn. State Univ., Erie Penn. State University Penn. State University, York Pepperdine University Philadelphia University Princeton University Providence College Purdue University Quinnipiac University Radford University Randolph College Randolph-Macon College Randolph-Macon Academy Regis University Rider University Roanoke College Robert Morris University Rochester Institute of Tech. Roger Williams University Rollins College Sacred Heart University Saint Joseph’s University Saint Peter’s University Saint Vincent College Salisbury University Salve Regina University Santa Clara University Savannah Coll. Art & Design Seton Hill University Sewanee Shenandoah University Shepherd University Siena College Southern Methodist Univ. Spring Hill College St. John’s College St. John Fischer College St. John’s University St. Mary’s College of MD Stetson University Stevenson University Susquehanna University SUNY Maritime College Swarthmore College Syracuse University Tallahassee Comm. Coll. Temple University Texas A&M University The Citadel The Ohio State University The University of Alabama The University of Arizona The University of Georgia The University of Scranton The University of Tampa The Univ. of Texas, Austin Tiffin University Towson University Tulane University U.S. Coast Guard Academy U.S. Military Academy Prep U.S. Naval Academy Univ. Piloto de Colombia University of Baltimore Univ. of California, Davis Univ. of California, Irvine Univ. of California, L.A. 443-841-3510 ■ Fax 410-823-5277 Univ. of Cali., San Diego University of Central Florida University of Chicago Univ. of Colorado, Boulder University of Connecticut University of Dayton University of Delaware University of Denver University of Florida University of Hartford University of Illinois University of Kansas University of Maine Univ. of Mary Washington Univ. of MA, Amherst Univ. of MA, Lowell Univ. of MD, Balt. County Univ. of MD, College Park University of Miami University of Michigan University of Mississippi Univ. of New Hampshire University of New Haven Univ. of N.C., Asheville Univ. of N.C., Chapel Hill Univ. of N.C., Charlotte Univ. of N.C., Greensboro Univ. of N.C., Wilmington University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Richmond University of San Francisco Univ. of South Carolina Univ. of S. Carolina, Aiken Univ. of South. California Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville University of Utah University of Vermont University of Virginia Ursinus College Utah State University Vanderbilt University Villanova University Vir. Commonwealth Univ. Virginia Military Institute Virginia State University Virginia Tech Virginia Wesleyan College Wagner College Wake Forest University Washington& Lee University Washington College Wash. Univ. in St. Louis Wesley College West Virginia University Wheeling Jesuit University Widener University Williams College Wofford College Xavier University Yale University York College, PA ■ w w w.loyolablakefield.org