Solutions to exam Financial Statement Analysis June 23, 2011 Question 1 (25 points) Number of points for this question is calculated as follows: #points = 5 × max(#correct answers − 5, 0). This takes into account that, by guessing, 50% of the statements would have been answered correctly on average. A False, the present value of all future residual operating income is equal to the present value of all future residual income B False, such firms are likely to be overvalued. C True, all you need for an SF2 forecast is residual operating income for the current year. D True, investments reduce the free cash flow. E True. See lecture 7. F False, whether the market to book ratio is less than one depends on the market’s beliefs about the firm’s future performance and not on the value of the firm’s retained earnings. G True, SF3 forecasts assume that the current RNOA persists in the future. Hence, to forecast residual operating income one needs to know how NOA changes in the future. H True, the hidden dirty surplus loss is part of comprehensive income that is reported on both the reformulated equity statement and reformulated income statement. I True. See lecture 6. J True. See lecture 1. Question 2 (25 points) A maximum of 4, 4, 6, 6, and 5 points can be earned for parts A, B, C, D, and E respectively. 2 points have been subtracted for each calculation error. A The normal trailing P/E ratio is defined as (1 + r)/r. Hence, it equals 1.104/0.104 = 10.62. B It holds that forward P/E ratio is equal to market value divided by forecasted earnings for 2011, that is, 10.47 = 838.2/E2011 . Rearranging terms yields E2011 = 838.2/10.47 = 80.06 million. 1 Alternative solution: forward P/E ratio equals share price divided by forecasted earnings per share for 2011, that is, 10.47 = 35.90/EP S2011 . Rearranging terms yields EP S2011 = 35.90/10.47 = 3.43. This corresponds to E2011 = 3.43 × 23.3 = 79.92 million. Differences with the solution above are due to rounding errors. C 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 718.3 776.3 836.9 900.1 966.0 1,034.7 Et 74.2 76.6 79.2 81.8 84.5 87.3 dt 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 1.9 -1.5 -5.2 -9.1 -13.2 BVt RIt PV of RIt -17.5 CV -162.4 PV of CV -99.0 Observe that RIt = Et − 10.4% × BVt−1 , BVt = BVt−1 + Et − dt and that CV = RI2015 ×(1+g) r−g = −13.2×1.021 .104−.021 = −162.4. Firm value then equals VE = 718.3 − 17.5 − 99.0 = 601.8 million. D Reverse engineering is applied to the valuation formula: VE = BV2010 + RI2010 ×(1+g) . r−g Hence, one first needs to calculate RI2010 . It holds that RI2010 = E2010 − r × BV2009 . Using that BV2009 = BV2010 + d2010 − E2010 = 662.7 it follows that RI2010 = 74.2 − 0.104 × 662.7 = 5.3. Substituting VE = 838.2, BV2010 , RI2010 , and r in the valuation equation, one obtains 838.2 = 718.3 + 5.3 × (1 + g) . 0.104 − g Rearranging terms yields g = 0.104(838.2−718.3)−5.3 838.2−718.3+5.3 = 0.0573 = 5.73%. E 2010 2011 2012 718.3 779.9 848.0 Et 74.2 80.2 86.7 dt 18.6 18.6 18.6 5.3 5.5 5.6 BVt RIt Observe that RIt+1 = 1.03 × RIt , Et = RIt + r × BVt−1 and BVt+1 = BVt + Et − dt . Hence, growth in earnings equals 80.2−74.2 74.2 2012 respectively. 2 = 8.1% and 86.7−80.2 80.2 = 8.1% for 2011 and Question 3 (25 points) A maximum of 9, 8, and 8 points can be earned for parts A, B, and C, respectively. 2 points have been subtracted for each misclassification or forgotten item. A Reformulated income statement Revenue 5,912 Operating expenses (5,085) Operating income from sales (pre-tax) Reported income tax 827 (295) Tax on other OI 116 Tax benefit on NFE (20) Tax on operating income from sales (199) Operating income from sales (after tax) 628 Litigation settlement income 269 Share of results of joint ventures and associates 32 Profit on disposal of available for sale investment Tax on other OI1 116 Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations2 Gains on cash flow 115 hedge2,5 8 51 Other operating income 359 Operating income 987 Investment income 3 Finance cost Investment income on litigation (122) settlement3 Tax benefit on NFE4 49 20 Gain on revaluation of available for sale investment2 2 Net financing expense (48) Comprehensive income 939 1 28.0% × (269 + 32 + 115) = 116 2 Taken from equity statement 3 May also be classified as other operating income 4 28.0% × (122 − 3 − 49) = 20 5 May also be classified as financing income 3 4 B Reformulated balance sheet (June 30, 2010) Operating assets: Goodwill 852 Intangible assets 336 Property, plant and equipment 899 Investments in joint ventures and associates 149 Trade and other receivables 556 Inventories 343 Total operating assets 3,135 Operating liabilities: Trade and other payables 1,578 Current tax liabilities 136 Provisions 38 Deferred tax liability 7 Total operating liabilities 1,759 Net operating assets 1,376 Financial assets: Short-term deposits 400 Cash and cash equivalents 649 Derivative financial assets 438 Available-for-sale investments 182 Total financial assets 1,669 Financial liabilities: Derivative financial liabilities 27 Borrowings 2,458 Total financial liabilities 2,485 Net financial obligations 816 Share capital 876 Share premium 1,437 Retained earnings (2,243) Reserves 490 Common shareholders’ equity 560 5 C Cash flows from operating activities: Cash generated from operations 1,634 Taxation paid (320) Tax benefit on net interest paid (28) Net cash from operating activities (C) 1,286 Cash flows from investing activities: Dividends received from joint ventures and associates Net funding to joint ventures and associates (30) 1 Proceeds on disposal of an investment (196) Purchase of property, plant and equipment 261 Purchase of intangible assets 183 Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment Net cash used in investing activities (I) (1) 218 Tax benefit on net interest paid is calculated as follows: Interest paid 156 Interest received (57) Tax benefit: 28.0% × (156 − 57) = (28) Net interest paid 71 From this it follows that C − I = 1, 286 − 218 = 1, 068. For completenes sake, the remainder of the reformulated cash flow statement is: Cash flows from financing activities (Increase) decrease in short-term deposits 310 Repayment of borrowings 495 Net interest paid 71 Decrease in cash and cash equivalents (162) Cash flows from financing activities (F) 714 Proceeds from disposal of shares in ESOP Purchase of own shares for ESOP (16) 56 Dividends paid to shareholders 314 Net transaction with shareholders (d) 354 Notice that F + d = 754 + 314 = 1, 068 = C − I. 6 Question 4 (25 points) A maximum of 6, 6, 6, and 7 points can be earned for parts A, B, C, and D, respectively. 2 points have been subtracted for each calculation error. A It holds that ROCE = 206.1/(0.5 ∗ 842.5 + 0.5 ∗ 1, 048.3) = 21.8% RN OA = (234.2 − 2.6)/(0.5 ∗ 1, 482.3 + 0.5 ∗ 1, 676.1) = 14.7% N BC = 25.5/(0.5 ∗ 639.8 + 0.5 ∗ 627.8) = 4.0% F LEV = (0.5 ∗ 639.8 + 0.5 ∗ 627.8)/0.5 ∗ 842.5 + 0.5 ∗ 1, 048.3) = 0.67% so that ROCE = RN OA + F LEV × (RN OA − N BC) = 14.7% + 0.67 × (14.7% − 4.0%) = 21.86% 3 points have been subtracted if you did not use yearly average values. B It holds that P M sales = 234.2/4, 472.7 = 5.24% P M other OI = −2.6/4, 472.7 = −0.06% AT O = 4, 472.7/(0.5 ∗ 1, 482.3 + 0.5 ∗ 1, 676.1) = 2.83 C For the SF3 forecast it holds that ReOI2011 = (CoreRN OA2010 − rF ) × N OA2010 . So, the additional information required is the cost of operations rF (presuming that CoreRN OA is core operating income from sales). Note that the growth rate in NOA is not needed for the 2011 forecast. It is needed to forecast ReOI for the years 2102 and beyond. D Two important observations can be made: – In 2010, $ 308.0 is reported in current maturities of long term debt. This means that Radioshack has to repay this debt in 2011. 7 – Even though Radioshack made a profit in 2010, retained earnings decreased considerably in 2010. It is important to know what was driving this decrease in retained earnings. Did Radioshack pay a huge dividend or did they repurchase a lot of shares? 8