BTC3300 Marketing law Unit Guide Semester 1, 2015 Copyright © Monash University 2014. All rights reserved. Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968, this work may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the host Faculty and School/Department. The information contained in this unit guide is correct at time of publication. The University has the right to change any of the elements contained in this document at any time. Last updated: 24 Feb 2015 Table of Contents BTC3300 Marketing law - Semester 1, 2015............................................................................................1 Mode of Delivery..............................................................................................................................1 Workload requirements....................................................................................................................1 Additional workload requirements........................................................................................1 Unit Relationships........................................................................................................................................1 Prerequisites....................................................................................................................................1 Prohibitions......................................................................................................................................1 Chief Examiner(s)........................................................................................................................................1 Campus Lecturer(s).....................................................................................................................................1 Clayton.............................................................................................................................................2 Your feedback to Us....................................................................................................................................2 Previous Student Evaluations of this Unit....................................................................................................2 Academic Overview...................................................................................................................................3 Learning Outcomes.........................................................................................................................3 Unit Schedule.............................................................................................................................................4 Teaching Approach..........................................................................................................................4 Assessment Summary.....................................................................................................................5 Hurdle Requirements...........................................................................................................5 Second marking...................................................................................................................5 Return of final marks............................................................................................................5 Exam viewing.......................................................................................................................5 Assessment criteria..............................................................................................................6 Assessment Requirements......................................................................................................................7 Assessment Tasks...........................................................................................................................7 Assessment task 1...............................................................................................................7 Examination(s).............................................................................................................................................8 Examination 1..................................................................................................................................8 Learning resources......................................................................................................................................8 Feedback to you..........................................................................................................................................8 Extensions and penalties.............................................................................................................................8 Returning assignments................................................................................................................................8 Assignment submission...............................................................................................................................9 Hard copy submission.....................................................................................................................9 Online submission...........................................................................................................................9 Prescribed text(s) and readings.......................................................................................................9 Recommended text(s) and readings................................................................................................9 Other Information....................................................................................................................................10 Policies..........................................................................................................................................10 Graduate Attributes Policy.................................................................................................10 Student Charter.........................................................................................................................................10 Student services........................................................................................................................................10 Monash University Library.........................................................................................................................10 Moodle 2....................................................................................................................................................10 Disability Liaison Unit................................................................................................................................11 BTC3300 Marketing law - Semester 1, 2015 The legal framework which operates in relation to marketing decisions and practice. The impact of common law, legislation and self-regulating codes of practice in the market place. Particular topics include intellectual property rights, product development and promotion, product safety and quality, the regulation of unfair and anti-competitive conduct, franchising and electronic marketing and the law. Mode of Delivery Clayton (Day) Workload requirements Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled learning activities and independent study. Independent study may include associated readings, assessment and preparation for scheduled activities. The unit requires on average three/four hours of scheduled activities per week. Scheduled activities may include a combination of teacher directed learning, peer directed learning and online engagement. See also Unit timetable information Additional workload requirements This is a six credit point unit with three hours class contact per week over 12 involving a seminar format. The total time commitment expected for this unit is 144 hours. In order to meet the faculty’s expectation, students should plan to spend on average nine hours in self-directed study, in addition to the three hours of class contact, each week. Unit Relationships Prerequisites BTC1110 Prohibitions BTB3281, BTF3181, BTW3281, MKC3300 Chief Examiner(s) Mr Paul Sugden Campus Lecturer(s) 1 BTC3300 Marketing law - Semester 1, 2015 Clayton Mr Paul Sugden Campus: Berwick Phone: +61 3 990 47080 Email: Contact hours: see Moodle for details Your feedback to Us Monash is committed to excellence in education and regularly seeks feedback from students, employers and staff. One of the key formal ways students have to provide feedback is through the Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units (SETU) survey. The University’s student evaluation policy requires that every unit is evaluated each year. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the surveys. The feedback is anonymous and provides the Faculty with evidence of aspects that students are satisfied and areas for improvement. For more information on Monash’s educational strategy, see: and on student evaluations, see: Previous Student Evaluations of this Unit In response to the last SETU of this unit have been made: (a) use pairs not groups for the assignment. (b) enable students to do a research project as the assignment. Student feedback have higlighted the srength of this unit was that it made you think differently about products and marketing. If you wish to view how previous students rated this unit, please go to 2 Academic Overview Learning Outcomes The learning goals associated with this unit are to: 1. identify and analyse the consumer protection laws and apply those laws to a range of marketing and advertising strategies 2. identify and analyse the laws protecting intellectual property and apply those laws to the development and marketing of new products and ideas 3. identify, analyse and apply the laws regulating a range of competition practices including pricing and distribution 4. develop an ability to research and critically evaluate developments in marketing law. 3 Unit Schedule Week Activities 0 Assessment No formal assessment or activities are undertaken in week 0 1 Seminar:Topic 1 Introduction (Ch 1) Topic 2 Patents (Ch 2) see Moodle for discussion questions 2 Seminar: Patents (Ch 2) see Moodle for discussion questions Ch 2 Q 3 + Moodle Questions 3 Seminar: Patents (Ch 2) / Topic 3 Confidential Information (Ch 3) see Moodle for discussion questions Ch 3 Q3 + Moodle Questions 4 Seminar Topic 4- Copyright (Ch 4) see Moodle for discussion questions Assignment Groups formed and topics approved no later than 5 Seminar: Copyright (Ch 4) see Moodle for discussion questions Ch 4 Qs 5 + Moodle for discussion questions 6 Seminar: Topic 5- Designs (Ch 5) Moodle for discussion questions 7 eminar: Topic 6- Registered Trade Marks (Ch 7). Ch 7 Q1,2,4,5 8 Seminar : Topic 7 Passing Off Ch 6 Ch 6 Qs: 3,4 9 Seminar : Topic 8- Advertising (Ch 10) / Selling (Ch 11). Qs: Ch 10, Q3-5; Ch 11, Q2-4 10 Seminar : Topic 8- Advertising (Ch 10) / Selling (Ch 11). Qs: Ch 10, Q3-5; Ch 11, Q2-4 11 Seminar: Topic 9- Franchising / Commercialisation of IP Qs: Ch 18 Q2, 4 12 Seminar: Revision past examination papers No formal assessment is undertaken SWOT VAC Examination period LINK to Assessment Policy: academic/education/assessment/ assessment-in-coursework-policy.html Teaching Approach Enquiry-based learning Enquiry-based learning starts by posing questions, problems or scenarios—rather than simply presenting established facts or portraying a smooth path to knowledge. The process is often assisted by the Lecturer as a Facilitator. Inquirers will identify and research issues and questions to develop their knowledge or solution to problems given in the seminar. This approach is amining at using active learning to encourage students to engage with the topics rather than to be passive learners. 4 Unit Schedule Assessment Summary Within semester assessment: 30% Examination: 70% Assessment Task Value Due Date Group Assignment - Research Weighting 30% 07 May 3.00 PM in the seminar Examination 1 70% To be advised Hurdle Requirements There is a hurdle requirement in this unit. The learning outcomes in this unit require students to demonstrate in the final summative assessment task a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered in the unit. This is demonstrated by the requirement that the student must attain a mark of at least 45% in the final summative assessment task. A student's final mark is normally the sum of the marks obtained in all of the assessment tasks in the unit. Where a student fails the unit solely because of failure to satisfy the hurdle requirement, a mark of 48 will be returned for the unit. To pass this unit, students must achieve at least 45% in the final exam. (i.e. 31.5 out of 70). Second marking Where an assessment task is given a fail grade by an examiner, that piece of work will be marked again by a second examiner who will independently evaluate the work, and consult with the first marker. No student will be awarded a fail grade for an assessment task or unit without a second examiner confirming the result. Note: Exceptions to this are individual pieces of assessment contributing 10% or less of the final mark, unless the total of such pieces exceeds 30% of the final mark. Return of final marks Faculty policy states that 'the final mark that a student receives for a unit will be determined by the Board of Examiners on the recommendation of the Chief Examiner taking into account all aspects of assessment'. The final mark for this unit will be released by the Board of Examiners on the date nominated in the Faculty Calendar. Student results will be accessible through the portal. Exam viewing Details can be found at 5 Unit Schedule Assessment criteria Assessment Criteria Grading Descriptors available at: 6 Assessment Requirements Assessment Tasks • Assessment task 1 Title: Group Assignment - Research Due date: 07 May 3.00 PM in the seminar Details of task: Students are required to form into pairs. Group members may be different tutorial groups. Each group is to select a topic related to a legal aspect of marketing. All topics are to be approved by the unit leader. GROUPS MUST BE FORMED AND TOPICS APPROVED BY 26 MARCH at 6pm Students are expected to contact LAW librarians IN THE LAW LIBRARY and/or learning skills advisors for assistance and guidance with the plan and the research essay. See: The task requires the group to write on a topic related to marketing law, and relating to legal issues arising in marketing. All topics must be approved by the Lecturer. Students may also select a general topic, or an important case or event.. Research should be conducted using authoritative sources to prepare additional material (including references) to enhance, expand, clarify or add an Australian context to the entries selected. Word limit: 1800 words maximum. Marks will be deducted for any submissions that exceed this limit. This limit includes references and appendices. Weighting/Value: Weighting 30% Estimated return date: 28 May 15 Criteria for marking: See marking guide on Moodle Learning objectives assessed: This assessment task tests all the unit objectives. Penalties for late lodgement: 10% (1.5 marks) per day or part of a day that the assignment is late. Assessment coversheet: ONE Group cover sheet is required with details for each group member. 7 Assessment Requirements Examination(s) • Examination 1 Weighting: 70% Length: 3 hours Type (open/closed book): Open book Hurdle requirements: Students must acheive at least 45% (ie 31.5/70) in the final exam in order to pass this subject. Where a student does not meet this requirement, the maximum final result for the subject will be 48%, regardless of results in other assessments. Electronic devices allowed in the exam: None Remarks: The examination duration is 3 hours plus 30 minutes reading/noting time. All printed/written material is permitted (including library books). No electronic items (including electronic dictionaries etc) are permitted. Learning resources Monash Library Unit Reading List (if applicable to the unit) Feedback to you Types of feedback you can expect to receive in this unit are: • Informal feedback on progress in labs/tutes • Graded assignments with comments • Quiz results • Other: PeerWise Extensions and penalties NO EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED. LATE SUBMISSION PENALTIES APPLY AS PER THE ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Returning assignments Students can expect assignments to be returned within two weeks of the submission date or after receipt, whichever is later. 8 Assessment Requirements Assignment submission Hard copy submission Hard copy submission of the assignment in Seminar. Online submission If Electronic Submission has been approved for your unit, please submit your work via the VLE site for this unit, which you can access via links in the portal. Prescribed text(s) and readings Bruce R. Clarke, Brendan J. Sweeney, Mark R. Bender, Marketing and the law, 4th Edition, LexisNexis Butterworths Previous Editions of the text are not suitable as there have been extensive changes to legislation. Recommended text(s) and readings Students are expected to check Moodle daily during the course of this subject. Moodle will be the primary means of communication with students. 9 Other Information Policies Monash has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff and students are aware of the University’s academic standards, and to provide advice on how they might uphold them. You can find Monash’s Education Policies at: Key educational policies include: • Student Academic Integrity Policy and Student Academic Integrity: Managing Plagiarism and Collusion Procedures ; • Assessment in Coursework Programs; • Special Consideration; • Grading Scale; • Discipline: Student Policy; • Academic Calendar and Semesters; • Orientation and Transition; and • Academic and Administrative Complaints and Grievances Policy. Graduate Attributes Policy education/management/monash-graduate-attributes-policy.html Student Charter Student services The University provides many different kinds of support services for you. Contact your tutor if you need advice and see the range of services available at Monash University Library The Monash University Library provides a range of services, resources and programs that enable you to save time and be more effective in your learning and research. Go to or the library tab in portal for more information. Moodle 2 All unit and lecture materials, plus other information of importance to students, are available through the virtual learning environment Moodle site. You can access Moodle via the portal. Where to go for help If you're stuck, confused or simply not sure how to approach Moodle, there are a number of Moodle resources that you can tap into. 10 Other Information Disability Liaison Unit Students who have a disability or medical condition are welcome to contact the Disability Liaison Unit to discuss academic support services. Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) visit all Victorian campuses on a regular basis. • Website: • Telephone: 03 9905 5704 to book an appointment with a DLO; • Email: • Drop In: Equity and Diversity Centre, Level 1, Building 55, Clayton Campus. 11