CBS Majors Diagram

General Education
CBS Requirements
Topical Breadth
(52 units total):
 Arts & Humanities (12-20 units)
 Science & Engineering (20 units)
 Social Science (12-20 units)
Core Literacies:
 English Composition (see list under CBS requirements)
• One lower-division course (4 units or satisfied by AP/ IB score)
• One upper-division course (4 units)
 W riting Experience (6 units)
 Oral Skills (3 units, satisfied by major)
 Visual Literacy (3 units, satisfied by major)
 American Culture, Governance & History (6 units)
• Domestic Diversity
 World Cultures (3 units)
 Quantitative Literacy (3 units, satisfied by major)
 Scientific Literacy (3 units, satisfied by major)
Biologica l Sciences B.S.
Tota l units for m a jor: 9 8 -1 1 7
 BIS 102 +103 (or BIS 105), 104
 STA 100
English Composition Requirement
• Lower division options, choose one:
COM 1, 2, 3, 4; EN L 3; N AS 5; UW P
18, 19
• Upper division options, choose one:
Any course from a UW P 101, 102 or
104 series.
 64 Upper-division units minimum
 All major courses MUST be taken for a
letter grade.
 2.0 minimum cumulative major GPA
 2.0 minimum cumulative depth subject
matter GPA
 A.B. degrees require :
o Foreign Language
o Breadth Requirement
Biologica l Sciences A.B.
Tota l units for m a jor: 7 7 -9 4
O N LY N EEDS: BIS 2A, 2B, 2C; CHE 2A, 2B; CHE 8A, 8B or
118A, 118B, 118C; PHY 1A, 1B or PHY 7A, 7B, 7C; STA 13,
32, 100 or 102
 BIS 102 or 105
 (A) Evolution: EVE 100
 BIS 102 + 103 (or BIS 105), 104
 EVE 100, 101
 Evolution: One from EVE 100, 140; GEL 107; PLB 116
 (C) Microbiology: FST 104; MIC 102 + 103L, 102 +104L, 162 or
 Ecology: One from ESP 100; EVE 101, 117; PLB 117, 147
 (E) Plant Physiology: PLB 105, 111, 112, 113, 116
Tota l units for m a jor: 1 0 5 -1 1 5
 STA 100 or 102
 (B) Ecology: ESP 100 or EVE 101
 (D) Animal Physiology, Behavior, or Development: MCB 150; N PB
100, 101, 102, 141
Evolution, Ecology &
Biodiversity B.S.
 STA 100, 102, or 130A-130B
Select one from each field requirement (A-E):
 Philosophy of Biological Science: One from AN S 170; N AC
100, 120, 140; PHI 108; STS 130A, 130B, 131;
 Physiology: One from EN H 102; EN T 101, 102; N PB 101;
PLB 111, 112
 Restricted electives: 11 additional units from the list of Approved
Biological Sciences Restricted Electives (see and advisor for lift or check
website), N OT used to satisfy Depth Subject Matter or Laboratory
One course each in Animal, Microbial and Plant Diversity below:
 Lab requirement: Select course(s) for a minimum total of 6 hours/ week
of laboratory
or field work from the list of courses below:
* Courses with 3 hours lab or field work/ week (select two): EVE 110,
117, 119, 140, 180A,180B; EXB 104L, 115; MIC 101; N PB 100L,
101L, 121L, 123; PLB 117, 119; other courses with approval of the
master adviser.
* * Courses with 6 hours lab or field work/ week (select one) : BIS 180L;
EVE 105, 106, 108, 112L, 114; EXB 106L; FST 104L; MIC 104L, 105L;
MCB 120L, 140L, 160L; N PB 111L, 141P; PLB 102, 105, 108, 116,
148; other course(s) with approval of the master adviser.
 Microbial Diversity: MIC 102 + 103L, 162; PMI 127, 128;
PLB 148; PLP 148; SSC 111
 Animal Diversity: EN T 100, 107, 109; EVE 105, 112 and
112L, 134; N EM 110; W FC 110, 111, 120
 Plant Diversity: EVE 108, 119, 140; PLB 102, 108, 116, 119,
CBS M a jors
Area s of Study (com plete both):
 (1) Pick one: Biodiversity: EN T 103; EVE 105,
108, 112, 140; MIC 105; N EM 110; PLB 116,
148; PLS 147; W FC 110, 111, 120, 134.
 (2) Pick two: Advanced Evolution and Ecology:
EVE 102, 103, 104, 107, 115, 117, 119,
131, 138, 141, 147, 149, 150, 161, 180A
180B, 181.
 Additional upper division course work in
biological science, including at least a
total of two units (6 hours per week) of
laboratory or fieldwork, to achieve a total
of 4 9 or m ore units (see an advisor for an
approved list of electives)..
2 0 1 5 -2 0 1 6
(select one)
Entry Level W riting
American History & Institutions
180 Unit Completion Total
Minimum 2.0 GPA
Low er Division Com m on Core:
BIS 2A, 2B, 2C
CHE 2A, 2B, 2C
MATH 17A, 17B, 17C; or MATH 21A, 21B
CHE 8A, 8B; or CHE 118A, 118B, 118C*
PHY 7A, 7B, 7C
* Except Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
CBS Degree Requirements
Upper Division Com m on Core:
“ Your education, your responsibility.”
BIS 101
For remaining upper division BIS courses, see
below in each major.
Evolution, Ecology &
Biodiversity A.B.
Tota l units for m a jor: 7 7 -8 1
O N LY N EEDS: BIS 2A, 2B, 2C; CHE 2A,
2B; CHE 8A, 8B; MAT 17A, 17B or 21A,
21B or STA 100 or 102 & PHY 1A, 1B
 STA 100, 102, or 130A-130B
 Pick one: EVE 100; GEL 107; AN T 151
 Pick one: EVE 101; ESP 100; W FC 151
Include at least one course from each of the
areas of study below:
Area s of Study (com plete both):
 (1) Pick one: Biodiversity: EN T 103; EVE
105, 108, 112, 140; MIC 105; N EM
110; PLB 116, 148; PLS 147; W FC 110,
111, 120, 134.
 (2) Pick one: Advanced Evolution and
Ecology: EVE 102, 103, 104, 107, 115,
117, 119, 120, 131, 138, 141, 147,
149, 150, 161, 180A and 180B, 181.
 Additional upper division course work in
biological science to achieve a total of 36
or more units
M icrobiology B.S.
Tota l units for m a jor: 1 0 1 -1 1 1
 BIS 102 + 103 (or BIS 105), 104
 STA 100 or 102
 MIC 91 or 191
 MIC 104, 104L, 105, 105L
Select at least one course from each of
the areas of study below:
 1. Molecular Microbiology: MIC 115,
150, 170
 2. Medical Microbiology: MIC 162;
MMI 188; PMI 126, 128
 Restricted electives: 8-12 additional
units. Select from:
Upper division Microbiology
courses not used in the satisfaction
of any other requirement; or BIS
180L, 181, 183; FST 104; MCB
120L, 121, 160L, 182; PLP 120,
130, 148, 150; PLS 174; PMI 126L,
127; SSC 111
M icrobiology A.B.
Tota l units for m a jor: 8 0 -9 2
2A, 2B; CHE 8A, 8B or 118A, 188B,
118C; MAT 17A, 17B or 21A, 21B; &
PHY 1A, 1B or PHY 7A, 7B, 7C
 BIS 102 + 103 (or BIS 105)
 MIC 102 + 104L, 105, 105L
Select at least one course from each of
the areas of study below:
 1. Molecular Microbiology: MIC 115,
150, 170
 2. Medical Microbiology: MIC 162;
MMI 188; PMI 126, 128
 Restricted electives: 6-10 additional
units. Select from:
Upper division Microbiology
courses not used in satisfaction of
any other requirement; or BIS
104, 181, 183; FST 104; MCB
120L, 121, 160L, 182; PLP 120,
130, 148, 150; PLS 174; PMI
126L, 127; SSC 111
Pla nt Biology B.S.
Tota l units for m a jor: 9 8 -1 1 1
 BIS 102 + 103 (or BIS 105), 104
 STA 100 or 102
Pla nt Biology A.B.
Tota l units for m a jor: 7 5 -7 6
O N LY N EEDS: BIS 2A, 2B, 2C;
CHE 2A, 2B; CHE 8A, 8B; STA
13, 100 or 102 or PLS 120
 PLB 102 or 108
 PLB 105, 111, 112
 EVE 140 or PLB 116
 Research internship (3 units): PLB 92,
99, 189, 192, 199 or equivalent
 Restricted electives: 15 additional
 PLB 105, 111, 112, 117
 Any 13 upper division units in
Plant Biology (PLB) or related
natural science
Biochem istry & M olecula r
Biology B.S.
Tota l units for m a jor: 1 0 6 -1 1 5
*See CHE requirement below
Cell Biology B.S
Tota l units for m a jor: 1 0 1 -1 1 6
 BIS 102, 103, 104
 BIS 102, 103, 104
 STA 100 or 130A-130B
 STA 100 or 130A-130B
 MCB 140L
 CHE 107A-107B
 Two courses from: MCB 143, 144, or
 CHE 118A, 118B, 118C or 128A128B-128C, 129A-129B
 MCB 121
 MCB 120L, 121, 123, 124
 MCB 150; or 163 and 164
 Restricted electives: 6+ additional units.
Six units of upper division courses in
biological sciences or chemistry relevant
to the student's interest chosen in
consultation with the adviser.
 Select at least 10 additional units from
the following: CHE 107A, 107B; EVE
100, 150; MIC 101, 102, 150, 170;
MCB 120L, 123, 124, 126, 138,
143, 144, 145, 148, 150, 158,
160L, 162, 163, 164, 178, 182,
191; N PB 100, 101, 103, 112, 160,
161; PMI 126, 126L, 128; PLB 111,
111D, 113, 113D, 152; MMI 188
Genetics & Genom ics B.S.
Tota l units for m a jor: 9 5 -1 1 7
 BIS 102 + 103 (or BIS 105), 104
 STA 100 or 130A-130B
 MCB 121, 182
 EVE 100 or BIS 181
MCB 164 or 183
MCB 160L or BIS 180L
 Select at least 9 additional units’
from the following: BIS 134, 181,
183; BIT 150, ECS 124; EVE 100,
104, 103, 131, 150, 175; MIC
105, 150, 170; MCB 150, 162,
163, 164; PLB 112, 113; PLS 154
M a rine & Coa sta l Sciences; M a rine
Ecology & O rga nism a l Biology B.S.
Tota l units for m a jor: 9 7 -1 6 0
N eurobiology, Physiology &
Beha vior B.S.
Tota l units for m a jor: 9 9 -1 1 5
N O TE: Must take MAT 17 series or 21A, 21B.. CHE 8A,
8B; EVE 12 & GEL 16 are strongly recommended.
BIS 102 + 103 (or BIS 105), 104
 BIS 102+103 (or BIS 105),104
STA 100
 STA 100 or 102
N PB 100, 101, 102
 GEL/ ESP 116
Pick one: N PB 100L, 101L, 104L, 106, 111L,
124, 141P, 150, 194H
 Two courses from: GEL/ ESP150A
(GEL 150B, †GEL/ ESP 150C
Two courses from: ATM120; ESP 100, 110; ETX 101, EVE
100, 101, 112+112L;, EVE/ ESP 111; HYD 103N
 Focus area requirement: 12 units can be fulfilled using:
AN S * 131, BIS †122,†122P, ESP 100, 121, †124,
* 155, 155L, EVE 100, 101, * †106, 112, 112L, * †114,
115; ETX * †127, N PB †141 and †141P, W FC 120,
120L, 121, 122, 130
Restricted electives: 12+ additional units. Can
include all other N eurobiology, Physiology, and
Behavior (N PB) courses not used in satisfaction
of any other requirement; or AN T 154A,
154BN ; EN T 104; EXB 101, 102, 111.
Pick one: AN T 151, EVE 100, GEL 107
Some of these courses may require additional
prerequisites, such as: ESP 100, EVE 112, W FC 120, ETX
Courses cannot be utilized to fulfill multiple requirements,
with the exception that any Bodega Marine Laboratory
course simultaneously fulfills the field requirement.
 Additional upper division course work in biological sciences to
achieve a total of 38 or more units; see and advisor for
“ Approved Biology Electives.”
N OTE: Upper division course work must include a total of
two units or a total of six hours/ week of fieldwork or
laboratory work.
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