Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu Goodwell (OPSU) Campus THIS IS AN ONLINE PROGRAM Nursing Applicant Checklist Admission to OSU-OKC, including submission of OFFICIAL transcripts Note: A retention grade point average of at least 2.5 or “C” on academic work completed is required. Submit completed OSU-OKC Nurse Science Department Application to Nurse Science Department. Include: OFFICIAL transcripts of all college work completed Nursing Admission test score of 66 or greater on the TEAS V. No HESI A2 test scores will be accepted after July 1st, 2013 for Traditional Nursing Program Applications. OSBI (Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation) background check that includes the top three checks; Name Based, Sex Offender, and Mary Rippy Violent Offender. If not an Oklahoma resident for more than 3 months, complete the Group One extended background check (www.gp1.com/students). Report cannot be older than 90 days from the application deadline. NOTE: Admission to the Nurse Science program may be denied to any student with a criminal history. Enrolled/Completed course pre-requisites (CHEM 1214 or CHEM 1314, ENGL 1113, NSCI 1113, & PSYC 1113) TOEFL ibt (with speaking test) for students for whom English is a second language completed by March 15th for fall admission. Submitted all required documentation by Deadline. (Reminder: incomplete files will not be considered for admission to the program) Please refer to the Application Procedures and Information on our website: www.osuokc.edu/nursing/ PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE APPLICATION INFORMATION AND COMPLETE PROCEDURE. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN MISSING A REQUIREMENT. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION IS April 15th for Fall Admission. Revised 9/2013 Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Online Associate Degree in Nursing Program Oklahoma Panhandle State University Campus THIS IS AN ONLINE PROGRAM The Nurse Science Department offers a program of study leading to the Associate in Applied Science Degree. The program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326 www.acenursing.org .The OSU-Oklahoma City Nursing Program is approved by the Oklahoma Board of Nursing, 2915 N. Classen Blvd., Ste 524, Oklahoma City, OK 73106, www.ok.gov/nursing. Graduates of this state approved program are eligible to write the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The course of study includes a hybrid of classroom and online delivery of didactic content, simulation, and skills lab instruction on campus, and supervised clinical experiences in affiliated health agencies. Completion of the nursing program in five semesters is possible. Students who have other responsibilities, such as family or work, may elect to enroll in general education and related courses before seeking admission to the nursing courses. The student should anticipate at least 3 hours of study time per credit hour enrolled. Some students will find that the time commitment is greater. After admission into the nursing program, the courses must be taken sequentially as listed below. All students considering entrance into the nursing program are strongly encouraged to seek advisement from counselors in the Nurse Science Department or Student Services. The nursing curriculum at OSU-Oklahoma City is computer intensive. Students who have limited computer skills are advised to take an introductory computer course. Graduation from the program fulfills the Regents Computer Literacy requirements First Semester (Pre-requisites must be completed prior to NURS 1118) Credits NSCI 1113 Introduction to Nutrition 3 ENGL 1113 Freshman Composition I 3 *CHEM 1214 1314 1113 Chemistry I (OR) General Chemistry Introduction to Psychology 4 PSYC 3 Total Second Semester NURS 1118 Credits Foundations of Nursing 8 Third Semester NURS 1148 NURS BIOL PSYC Intro to Pharmacology 1 Human Anatomy & Lab 4 Lifespan Human 3 Development Total 16 Credits PSIO ENGL 1121 2214 2213 Fourth Semester 2314 1213 8 2124 Nursing Concepts and Care for Vulnerable Populations Intro to Microbiology Fifth Semester Credits NURS 2258 4 NURS 2242 1113 Political Science 3 HIST 1483 (or) 1493 NURS 2218 MCRO POLS Total 15 Total Credit Hours Required for Associate Degree = 72 A minimum grade of “C” or better is required in all courses required for the degree. 13 Credits Nursing Concepts Across 8 the Lifespan Human Physiology 4 Freshman Composition II 3 Total 15 Complex Nursing Concepts 8 Transition to Professional Practice U.S. History 2 Total 3 13 **Chemistry Advisement: In order to make application to nursing, a student must be enrolled in or have completed Chemistry (CHEM 1214 or 1314). Chemistry is a pre-requisite for NURS 1118. Revised 9/2013 Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu OSU-OKC Nurse Science Department Course Descriptions NURS 1118 FOUNDATION OF NURSING CONCEPTS * Students will be introduced to the core values of caring, diversity, ethics, excellence, holism, integrity and patient-centeredness; grounded in the nursing process. Focus is on the formation of knowledge, practice and ethical behavior necessary for safe, effective, holistic nursing practice within a technologically rich, dynamic health care environment. Active learning strategies of the course include individual and group learning experiences, simulation and clinical rotations. Prerequisites: CHEM 1214 or CHEM 1314, NSCI 1113, ENGL 1113, PSYC 1113. Co-requisites: BIOL 2214, PSYC 2213, NURS 1121. NURS 1121 INTRODUCTION TO PHARMACOLOGY Students will be introduced to the major drug classification and dosage calculation. The focus is on knowledge, practice and ethical behaviors necessary for safe and effective administration of medications. Prerequisites: CHEM 1214 or CHEM 1314; NSCI 1113, ENGL 1113, PSYC 1113. Co-Requisites: BIOL 2214, PSYC 2213 NURS 1118. NURS 1148 NURSING CARE AND CONCEPTS ACROSS THE LIFESPAN* Students will incorporate the knowledge, practice and ethical behavior necessary for safe, effective, holistic nursing practice within a technologically rich, dynamic health care environment. The focus will be on acute care, community-based care, health promotion, and wellness, including care of populations ranging from maternal-child through geriatrics. Active learning strategies of the course will include individual and group learning experiences, simulation and clinical rotations. Prerequisites: BIOL 2214, PSYC 2213, NURS 1121, NURS 1118. Co-Requisites: PSIO 2314, ENGL 1213. NURS 2218 NURSING CONCEPTS AND CARE FOR VULNERABLE POPULATIONS* Students will utilize the knowledge, practice and ethical behavior necessary for safe, effective, holistic nursing practice within a technologically rich, dynamic health care environment. The focus will be on medical-surgical nursing and community-based care of vulnerable populations, including geriatric, pediatric, disabled populations, and for those with mental health disorders. Active learning strategies of the course include individual and group learning experiences, simulation and clinical rotations. Prerequisites: PSIO 2314, ENGL 1213; NURS 1148. Co-requisites: MCRO 2124, POLS 1113. NURS 2258 COMPLEX NURSING CONCEPTS* Students will apply the knowledge, practice, and ethical behavior necessary for safe, effective, holistic nursing practice to the complexities of care within a technologically rich, dynamic health care environment. The focus is on hi acuity care and management of multiple clients. Active learning strategies of the course include individual and group learning experiences, management of multiple clients. Active learning strategies of the course include individual and group learning experiences, simulation, and clinical rotations, including immersion. Prerequisites: MCRO 2124, POLS 1113, NURS 2218. Co-requisites: HIST 1483 or HIST 1493, NURS 2342. NURS 2342 TRANSITION TO PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Students will individualize a personal preparation plan for licensure and successful integration of the program outcomes of human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and sprit of inquiry. The course will also focus on the students’ development of a practice framework including the political/policy process and legislation affecting delivery of care, including relevant healthcare mandates. Prerequisites: MCRO 2124;POLS 1113; NURS 2218. Co-requisites: HIST 1483 or HIST 1493; NURS 2258. * Courses require at least one day per week in a healthcare facility for clinical experiences. Revised 9/2013 Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu OSU-OKC Nurse Science Department Admission Profile Point Calculation Information I. Grade Point Average: College courses OR High School using the following guidelines: 12 hours college credit or more = use retention GPA 11 hours college credit or less = use high school GPA GPA: Points: 4.0 - 3.5 = 30 3.49 - 3.0 = 20 2.99 - 2.5 = 10 II. Required College Hours Completed for Nursing Student earns one (1) point for each credit hour completed with a “C” or better in courses required for the A.A.S. degree with Major in Nursing III. Required Sciences: Students earn points for science courses completed. Science Courses: CHEM 1214 or 1314 (Anatomy) BIOL 2214 PSIO 2314 MCRO 2124 IV. Required Science Courses taken at OSU-OKC, OSU-Stillwater or OPSU: Students earn one (1) point for each science course completed with a “C” or better at OSU-OKC. 37 possible hours V. Pre-Admission Nursing Exam: Students earn points based on pre-admission exam test grade percentile. * Applicants must score at least 66% on the preadmission nursing exam for consideration as a candidate for the nursing program. The exam may be taken once per fall semester and once per spring semester for the Fall nursing class on the OPSU campus. There is no limit to the number of times an applicant may apply for admission to the nursing program. TOTAL POINTS: Revised 9/2013 CHEM BIOL PSIO MCRO = = = = 2 5 5 2 Possible: 4 points Chemistry Anatomy Physiology Microbiology Grade %: Points: 100 – 85 = 30 84.99 – 78 = 25 77.99 – 74 = 20 73.99 – 70 = 15 69.99 – 66 = 10 65.99 or less = See * Possible: 115 Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu OSU-Oklahoma City Nurse Science Department TEAS V Exam Information Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is used for OSU-OKC Nursing School Admission Exam. It has proven to be a statistically significant predictor of early nursing school success. It tests the following areas: 1. English/Language Usage: Contains grammar, word meanings, spelling punctuation and structure. Time allotment: 34 minutes. 2. Reading Comprehension: Contains paragraph and passage comprehension, and informational source comprehension. Time allotment: 58 minutes. 3. Math: Contains numbers and operations, algebraic applications, data interpretation, and measurements. Time allotment: 51 minutes. 4. Science: Contains human body science, life science, earth and physical science and scientific reasoning. Time allotment: 66 minutes. Plan on approximately 4 hours to complete the exam. (Actual time allotted is 3 hr. and 48 minutes). Rules about the TEAS V Exam: - TEAS V exams may be taken once per fall semester and once per spring semester for the Fall nursing class on the OPSU campus. - You must take the entire TEAS V exam in one sitting. A study guide is available at the OSU-OKC bookstore (http://www.efollett.com) and at the OPSU bookstore. No calculators allowed during TEAS V testing effective June 30, 2014. TEAS V Testing Policy: TEAS V exams require a testing fee. Contact the testing office to schedule an appointment (580)-3491558. After the appointment has been made, if the student will not be able to keep the appointment, the student must call the Assessment Center and reschedule the exam. An exam may be rescheduled only once. Student must call before the scheduled test time to cancel in order to receive a refund. Revised 9/2013 Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu Approximate cost of nursing program (Costs/fees subject to change without notice) OSU-OKC Tuition & Fees $3,557.40 (33credit hours x $107.80 per credit hour) OPSU Tuition $4,075.50 (39 credit hours x $104.50 per credit hour) Textbooks & Resources $1,695.56 Online Learning Program $184.00 State Board Application for Licensure Exam $285.00 Cap & Gown for Graduation $24.50 *NSNA Membership – 1 year (optional) $36.00 *OSU-OKC SNA Membership – 1 year (optional) $20.00 Liability Insurance – 1 year $17.00 Nursing School Pin (optional) Graduation Pictures Uniforms & Equipment Starting at $30.00 $30.00 $150.00 & up Pre-nursing Admission Exam $55.00 Urine Drug Screen $60.00 Criminal Background Checks $79.00 Total $10,298.96 *National Student Nurses Association *OSU-Oklahoma City Student Nurses Association Cost of items such as parking fees, computer, laptop and supplies will vary and are not included in the list. Revised 9/2013 Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu OSU-Oklahoma City Nurse Science Department Computer Requirements All students are encouraged to either have a computer or have unlimited access to a computer with the following specifications: Component Windows Mac Internet Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or 9 Mozilla Firefox 9 or higher Mozilla Firefox 14 or higher Safari 5 or higher Operating System Microsoft Windows XP or Vista, Max OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higher Windows 7 or 8 Computer 500 MHz processor or higher 500 MHz processor or higher Processor speed System Memory 1 GB (Vista) 512 MB or higher (OS X) (minimum) 512 MB or higher (XP, Me, NT, 2000) Hard Disk Space 2 GB free <some will be freed after 2 GB free <some will be freed after installation of Office 2007> installation of Office 2007> Internet Broadband DSL or Cable Modem Broadband DSL or Cable Modem Connection Audio Sound Card and Speakers Sound Card and Speakers Recommend headphones with Recommend headphones with microphone microphone Video SVGA or XVGA monitor SVGA or XVGA monitor Capable of displaying 1024x768 Capable of displaying 1024x768 resolution preferred in thousands of resolution preferred in thousands of colors. colors. 800x600 resolution minimum 800x600 resolution minimum Software Microsoft Office 2007 Professional Microsoft Office 2007 Professional Silverlight 4 or higher (download free Silverlight 4 or higher (download free from www.atitesting.com) from www.atitesting.com) Adobe Acrobat Reader X or higher Adobe Acrobat Reader X or higher Adobe Flash Player 11 or higher Adobe Flash Player 11 or higher Javascript Enabled Enabled Cookies Enabled Enabled Popup Blocker Set the following allowed sites Set the following allowed sites *.okstate.edu *.okstate.edu CD rom/DVD Required Required Drive Depending on the system configuration and optional accessories of the student’s computer, the cost of the nursing program will vary from individual to individual. Please visit https://oc.okstate.edu and click on “Please click here for a system check before you login” to make sure your system software is compatible with Desire 2 Learn. Revised 9/2013 Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu OSU-OKC Nurse Science Department Application Procedures and Information Complete the following steps: 1. Be admitted to OSU-OKC. 2. Complete OSU-OKC Nurse Science Department application form. 3. If you have less than 12 college hours, bring or mail an official high school transcript to the OSU-OKC Nursing Department. 4. If you have more than 12 college hours, mail official transcripts from each college or university attended to OSU-OKC Nursing Department. Note: A retention grade point average of at least 2.5 or “C” on academic work completed is necessary in order to be considered for the nursing courses. 5. Show proof of computer proficiency: formal coursework, completion of computer proficiency exam, or one full unit of credit on your high school transcript. Please contact Diane Murphy in Carter Hall at 580-349-1446 for more information about the computer proficiency exam. 6. All applicants are required to take the Pre-Nursing Admission Exam. A fee will be charged for the test. Preregistration is required as testing space is limited. Call the Testing Center for registration (580) 349-1558. 7. Complete the OSBI (Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation) background check that includes the top three checks; Name Based, Sex Offender, and Mary Rippy Violent Offender. If not an Oklahoma resident for more than 3 months, complete the Group One extended background check (www.gp1.com/students). Report cannot be older than 90 days from the application deadline. NOTE: Admission to the Nurse Science program may be denied to any student with a criminal history. 8. Other requirements: a. All applicants to the nursing program for whom English is not their Native Language must pass the IBT TOEFL. This is an online TOEFL which includes a speaking test. The student should go to http://www.ets.org/toefl or call (877) 863-3546. There will be a fee for this exam. b. The test must be taken 4 weeks prior to application deadline. Admission to the program is based on a point system compiled from documents submitted. Due to the high volume of applications expected, it is the student’s responsibility to insure that all transcripts and other required materials have been sent to and received by the OSU-OKC Nurse Science Department office prior to the deadline. Send application materials to: Scan & Email: OSU-OKC Nurse Science Department 900 N Portland, Oklahoma City, OK 73107 FAX: 405-945-8613 Health.Services@osuokc.edu DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION IS April 15th Revised 9/2013 Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu Oklahoma Board of Nursing Statement: EVIDENCE OF CITIZENSHIP STATUS AND AGE REQUIREMENTS FOR LICENSURE IN OKLAHOMA www.ok.gov/nursing Age: The applicant for licensure must be a minimum of eighteen (18) years of age. Verification of citizenship status: State law requires the Board of Nursing to issue a license only to U.S. citizens, nationals and legal permanent resident aliens; and to applicants who present, in person, valid documentary evidence of: 1. A valid, unexpired immigrant or nonimmigrant visa status for admission into the U.S.; 2. A pending or approved application for asylum in the U.S.; 3. Admission into the U.S. in refugee status; 4. A pending or approved application for temporary protected status in the U.S.; 5. Approved deferred action status; or 6. A pending application for adjustment of status to legal permanent residence status or conditional resident status. Applicants in the above six categories will only be eligible to receive a license card that is valid for the time period of their authorized stay in the U.S., or if there is no date of end to the time period of their authorized stay, for one year. The license card is required to indicate that it is temporary. The information will be verified through the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program, operated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. In order to verify citizenship or qualified alien status, applicants for nursing licensure by endorsement or examination, for certification as an advanced unlicensed assistant, or for reinstatement/return to active status of their license or certificate, must submit an Evidence of Status Form and the required supporting documentation with their application. If you are a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or legal permanent resident alien, you must submit the Evidence of Status Form: Part A, with a photocopy of one of the documents listed under “Acceptable Documents to Establish Evidence of Citizenship” on the Evidence of Status (Part A) form. This information must be submitted with your application and fee. A license will not be issued until the appropriate documentation is submitted. If you are a qualified alien, you must bring your completed application, Criminal History Records Search from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, and Evidence of Status Form: Part B to the Oklahoma Board of Nursing office, along with the original documents that support your qualified alien status, as shown on the Evidence of Status (Part B) form. At the Board office, a staff member will review your qualified alien status documentation and will make a notarized copy before your application will be accepted. If the application is mailed to the Board office, the application will not be processed until the applicant presents in person the original documentation of alien resident status. Guidelines for Admission to and Retention in the Associate Degree Nursing Program: Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City fully subscribes to all principles and requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 for qualified handicapped individuals. Therefore, applicants are encouraged to selfidentify their accommodation needs. It is important to note that in order to successfully progress through the nursing curriculum and function as a practicing nurse upon graduation, an individual must be able to perform certain physical activities that include vocal, visual, auditory dexterity and intellectual requirements. Therefore, in order to be retained in the program after admission, all applicants will possess: 1. Sufficient visual acuity, such as is needed in the accurate preparation and administration of medications, and for the observation necessary for client assessment and nursing care. 2. Sufficient auditory perception to receive verbal communication from clients and members of the health team and to assess health needs of people through the use of monitoring devices such as stethoscopes, intravenous infusion pumps, cardiac monitors, fire alarms, etc. Revised 9/2013 Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu 3. Sufficient gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills required in meeting client health care needs safely. These include, but are not limited to, manipulation of equipment and performance of CPR. 4. Sufficient intellectual function; cognitive, psychological and emotional stability to plan, implement and provide safe care for clients. 5. Sufficient gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills required in meeting client health care needs safely. These include, but are not limited to, manipulation of equipment and performance of CPR. 6. Sufficient intellectual function; cognitive, psychological and emotional stability to plan, implement and provide safe care for An individual denied admission or continuance in the program due to the inability to perform certain activities has the right to appeal any decision made. A complete copy of the Grievance Procedure may be obtained from the office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs. Revised 9/2013 Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu OKLAHOMA BOARD OF NURSING 2915 N. Classen Boulevard, Suite 524 Oklahoma City, OK 73106 (405) 962-1800 NCLEX or AUA Certification Candidates With History of Arrest/Deferred Sentence/Conviction Policy I. Regulatory Services staff may approve the application of an NCLEX or AUA certification candidate with a misdemeanor offense in the following cases: A. First instance of a misdemeanor including but not limited to bogus checks, larceny of merchandise, or violation of a state or federal narcotics or controlled dangerous substance law; and B. The misdemeanor offense was not plea bargained from an initial felony charge; and C. The candidate has no other criminal charge(s), judgment, or sentencing pending. Regulatory Services staff may, at their discretion, request further review by the Investigative Division of any Application. II. All other Applications of NCLEX Applicants or AUA certification candidates with arrest(s), history of disciplinary action, and/or judicial declaration of mental incompetence, will be reviewed by the Investigative Division and prosecuting attorney for a decision regarding approval. The Investigative Division Staff may approve the Application of an NCLEX or AUA certification candidate in the following cases: A. The criminal charge resulting in deferred sentence or conviction was not for a felony or misdemeanor involving physical harm to another; and B. The conviction did not result in a sentence of incarceration that was served; and C. The deferred sentence or conviction is older than ten (10) years and the Applicant has successfully completed the terms of the sentence and has had no other subsequent criminal offenses or unbecoming conduct. If the deferred sentence or conviction is more than five (5) years the sentence and involved alcohol related incidents, the Applicant may be asked to submit to an Evaluation from an approved provider that meets the criteria established by the Board. Upon receipt of the Evaluation, if there are no recommendations for treatment or monitoring, the applicant will be approved without disciplinary action. If the Evaluation has recommendations for treatment or monitoring, the Applicant will be offered a Stipulated Order based upon the Evaluator and/or IDP or Board recommendations. III. All other Applications of candidates with arrests, misdemeanors, felonies, history of disciplinary action, or judicial declaration or mental incompetence, not falling within the parameters of Sections I and II above, must come before the IDP or Board for decision. IV. Regulatory Authority: 59 O.S. '567.8 Form X02 Revised 6/01, 11/02, 12/04, 4/27/2011 Revised 9/2013 Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu Reminders for Success in an Online Course Time Management This is probably the thing that seems the simplest and ends up being the most difficult. People believe that they will have this time devoted to school and no one will be able to interfere during that time. You need to schedule time every day to spend on the online courses. This is time that cannot be interfered with by family, friends, football, television programs, etc. It’s easy to stray away from school when your favorite program is on TV or a friend calls. Another key is DO NOT GET BEHIND! An online course is not necessarily a self-paced course. You have deadlines and responsibilities just like in an on-ground course. The key difference is that YOU are the one responsible for making sure that stuff is completed by the deadline. You do not have an instructor standing in the front of the room reminding you to turn in your assignments. Also, do not get way ahead either. Things may change and you may have put a lot of work into assignments that are no longer required. Balancing Life & School There are always life events that seem to forget that you are working hard to get through school. Job difficulties, marital difficulties, pregnancy, deaths in the family… all of these things happen to students everywhere. You need to start working now, in the application phase, to get support systems in place. Start negotiating with family, friends, work, etc. to ensure that they understand the massive project you are about to start. It is 2 years of school, paperwork, sleepless nights, kids wanting mommy or daddy, etc. The end result of your effort is the ability to provide more than just caring for people and the ability to provide for your family. You need to make sure that your family is informed about the time requirements of school and that they understand that mommy or daddy or husband or wife will not be able to function as they have been accustomed. You need to work, now, at getting the family involved in household responsibilities. The last thing you want to hear at 9:00 PM the evening before clinical is, “I don’t have any clean underwear!” As in the time management section, set a time and keep it. That may mean at 6:00 in the morning or at 11:00 at night; whatever the time, keep it! Study Environment Yelling, screaming, TV blaring, kids running through the house… This is the scenario at a lot of students’ houses. Despite your best efforts at blocking out any outside influences, it’s nearly impossible to study in this environment. You need to set aside not only time, but a location for you to study. This may mean that you go to the public library, you go to a local coffee shop, or you send the family out for dinner that evening. You need that uninterrupted time to focus and complete the requirements for the course. A short time of uninterrupted studying will yield more learning that an hour of trying to study in the above scenario. You’ve set the time and now you’ve set the place. Communication There’s no such thing as a stupid question. There is also not the informal learning that happens by sitting in the classroom with your peers and all of the discussions that are occurring. This is the reason for good communication. Having frequent and meaningful communication with your instructor and your peers helps to not only gain information, but also helps to form bonds with these people. It’s funny how you may never see the person on the other end of the chat room, but you feel like you know them. This is important in an online course. People do not have the fact-to-fact interactions that facilitate these relationships in an online course. Communication is the key to success; not only as an individual, but as a group. Revised 9/2013 Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu OSU-Oklahoma City Nurse Science Department Application Form SSN or Student ID Number: _______________________ Date: _________________________ Print name in full: __________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Previous Name(s) Cell Phone: _______________Home Phone: ______________ Email Address: _________________________ Present Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Number & Street City State Zip Code Are you a U.S. Citizen Yes No Is English your Native language? Yes No Have you taken the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)? Yes No The following optional information is for demographic purposes and will not be used in the selection of the nursing class. Date of Birth: ______________ Place of Birth: ____________________________________________________________ High School of Graduation: School Name: _______________________ City: ____________________ State: _________ Graduation Date: _____________________ American Indian Asian African American Caucasian Hispanic Other: ___________ Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Widowed Gender: Male Female List all colleges, universities, or other schools attended. Attach separate pages as needed. Name of Institution City & State Dates Attended Degree Received ______________________ _________________ ____________________ ________________________ ______________________ _________________ ____________________ ________________________ ______________________ _________________ ____________________ ________________________ If you have ever attended a school of nursing, RN or LPN/LVN, give the following information: Name of Institution City & State Dates Attended Degree Received ______________________ _________________ ____________________ ________________________ ______________________ _________________ ____________________ ________________________ Please indicate which program you are applying for: OSU-OKC Traditional LPN to RN Direct Articulation OPSU LPN to RN Challenge Have you previously made an application to this nursing program? Paramedic to RN No Yes, Date: ___________________ Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, American Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid and educational services. This publication issued by Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City as authorized by the Nurse Science Revised 9/2013 Department, was printed by OSU-OKC Printing Services. Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma City Health Sciences Division Nurse Science Department Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu Oklahoma State University-OKC Nurse Science Department Application Signature Page Please read this information, review web sites and sign below. I understand that another current (less than 3 months) extended criminal background check and a urinary drug screen will be required upon acceptance into the Nurse Science Program at OSU-OKC as a clinical facility requirement. Any presence of criminal history on the initial criminal background check for application to the OSU-OKC Nurse Science program and/or on the extended background check upon admission may result in denial of enrollment into the nursing program due to inability to secure clinical placement. A positive drug screen will result in denial of enrollment into the nursing program. I understand that my application must be complete and valid in order to be considered for acceptance and that my acceptance is not a guarantee of enrollment into a Nurse Science course towards the A.A.S. degree with a major in Nursing. If you are accepted into the Nurse Science program, conditions for enrollment include: 1) Eligibility for enrollment at OSU-OKC 2) National background check approved for clinical attendance 3) Negative urine drug screen (NOTE: AUAs and LPN/LVNs with positive drug screen results must be reported to the Oklahoma Board of Nursing) 4) Immunization records to include: a. Two Measles, Mumps, Rubella immunizations or titer b. Two Varicella immunizations or titer c. Three Hepatitis B immunizations or titer d. Two TB screenings: after June 1 for Fall admission 5) American Heart Association CPR Health Care Provider level certification that does not expire during your two years enrollment. 6) Meet admission requirements (NSP 01.01) and the guidelines for abilities required to provide client care (NSP 01.02). Nurse Science Policies available for review at www.osuokc.edu/academics/healthservices. . I have read and understand the above conditions for application and enrollment. Signed:________________________________________________________Date: _______________________ **Falsifying any records pertinent to this application can lead to ineligibility or immediate dismissal from the Nurse Science Program at OSU-OKC. OSU-OKC Nurse Science Department HT 205 900 N Portland, Oklahoma City, OK 73107 FAX: 405-945-8613 Email: Health.Services@osuokc.edu Revised 9/2013