IIANHRTTAN DAPUB.tNFOFax;121233S939d Apr1'l 200703:50pm P001/006 DISTRICTATTORNEY_ NEW YORK COI..INTY NEWSRELEASE April 11,2007 Contact:JenniferKushner 2t2-335-9400 ManhattanDistrict Attorney RobertM. Morganthauannouncedtoday the recoveryof $3 milliorr in tax payments,interestand penaltiesfrom thrreecompaniesand two individualsassociated withpopularsingerMarcAnthofly;criminal finesof $180,000 will alsobe paid. The threecompaniesandtwo of their managershave alsopleaded gurltyto tax crimes. Marc Anthony (whosereal nameis Marco fuitonio Muniz) contolled the three companiesthat representedvariousparts of his entertainmentbusiness; r ARI ENTERPRISES,LTD. ('AR["), is Anthony's roruing company; o BOLERO RECORDS,LTD" ("BOLERO"), is Anthony's music prrblishingcompany;and . Marc Anthony Produotions,Inc. ("MAp"), is Anthony's management company. The investigationdisclosedthat all tfuee companiesfailed to file New York State and City corporatetil( returnsand pay their respectivstax liabilities. Specifically,ARI and BOLERO failed to file New York Stateand City oorporatetax retums and pay taxes for the tax yearsfrom 2001 through2004. MAP also failed to file for some of those years and, for the years it did file, MAP farled to report all of its taxable income. In addition,Marc Anthony failed to file tus personalNew York personalincome talr rerwns for the tax years 2000 through 2004. For the years in question, the companiesand Arthony failedto pay til(es on a total of $15.5million of ta"rableincome. ARI ENTERPRISES,LTD. and BOLERO RECORDS,LTD., eachhas pleaded guilty to two misdemeanortax offensesfor failure to file their 2003 New York City general co{poratetax and their 2003 New York State corporate fra:rchise tax return, Thesepleaswere enteredon April 5,2007 andsentencing is scheduledfor Jwrc7, 2O07. As part of a plea agreement,Anthony andMAP wrll not be prosecuted,provided that Anthony pays a total of $2.5 million in back taxes, interestand penalties. The paymentis in satisfactionof corporatetax ou'ed by all three conrpaniesand personal incometax owed by Anthony. In additionto the misdemeanorpleasby two of Aathony's three companies,two with the companieshavealsopleadedguiltwr^ tax felonies. individualsassociated iIANHRTTAN DAPUB.tNF0Fax;t21233S939d Apr1l 200703;50pm P002l006 BIGRAI\rI ZAYES, Anthony's brother, actedas the companies'generalmanager from 2000 to early 2Q03, ZAYES failed to file federal and state personal irrcome ta:r rehtms for the years 2000 through 2004 and did not pay ta:<eson approximately $2.4 million of taxableincome. On April 10,2007,ZAYES pleadedguilty to a classE tar<law felony f,orhis failure to file andrerrritappropnatetaxes. He will be sentencedon June 12, 2007, to a conditional dischargeupon his payment of approximately$400,000 in back New York State and City taxes, interest and penaltiesras well as a criminal fine of $50,000;he must also file federalreturnsprior to sentence. PHILIP SARNA, an accountant,was the businessmanage[for Anthony and his threecompanies, SARNA failed to frle federaland statepersonalincome ta:<returns for ?002, 2003, and 2004, and failed to pay tD( on approximately $300,000 of taxable income. He also failed to file tns 2002,2003 and 2004 New York City rurincorporated businessta:r retums. SARNA pleadedguilty to a classE ta:cfelony today. He will be sentencedon Jrure 13, 2007, to a conditional discharge upon his payment of approximatelyS43,000in back New York Statepersonalincometo< and New York City unincorporatedbusinesstaJces,interest and penalties. SARNA will also pay a criminal fine of $50,000andhe must alsofile federalretumsprior to sentence. Tax law section 1802(a)(Repeatedfailure to file; personalincome and earnings taxes)is a classE felony, purushableby up to four yearsin stateprison. Tax Law section l80l(b) (Failwe to file) and New York City Adminishative Code section L1-4002 (Failue to file) areboth misdemeanors punishableby up to oneyearin jail. For their participationin the investigation,Mr. Morgenthauthankedthe New York StateDepartmentof Taxation andFinance,andActing CommissionerBarbaraG. Billet, DeputyCommissionerWilliaxnJ. Comiskey,AssistantDeputy Comrnissioner PeterP. Farrell,Revelps CrimesDirectorBruceK. Kato, Tax Audit AdminjstratorChief Auditor Tommy Chan,Chief Auditor NicholasCapkovicandAuditor Alan Maier. Mr. Morgenthaualso thankedthe New York City Departmentof Finartce,and Commissioner Maf,thaStark,AssistantCommissiorer,Tax EnforcementCarltonT. Bultsr, Director of Enforcement,Oflice of Tax EnforcementMaueen Kokeas,Manager CrirninalTax Audit Robert Stahl,and Audit Group Chief Michael Schenk. Mr. Morganthaualsothankedthe New York City Police Departmentand Commissioner RaymondKelly arrdDishict Attomey SquadCommanderCaptainJoseph Finn,Sgt.GiovanniPorcelliarrdDetectiveRobenMishetta. The casewas handledby AssistantDistict Attomey Gilda L Mariani, Chief of the Money Launderingand Tax CrimesUnit. IIANHATTAN DAPUB.lNFOFax;1212335939d Defendant lnformetion: LTD. ARIENTERPRISES, c/o GuggenheimParhers 135E. 57thSheet New Yorh Nl-Y10022 LTD. BOLERO RECORDS, Partners cioGuggenheim Street 135E. 57rn York,IIY 10022 New lnc. MarcAnthonyProductions, Partners c/o Guggenheim 135E. 57rnStreet NewYork, I.ry 10022 BIGRAMZAYES (49) NewYork,I\ry10016 PHILIPSARNA(43) vvooooury,New yel1all /9'l Apr112007 03;51pm P003/006 l q vN cl PU8.tNF0 Fax;1!f23pq93.gg, p00d/006 ,^..lill|l!g[$N.DR , ,J.fir 112001,0.3;[1om L avFuEhttr r r I DISTRFCTATTORNEY I OP TEtr COUNTIYOF NEW XORK PLACE ONENOGAITI Newf,or|roN.Y. 10013 qrq33s+ooo I ROBENTM- MORGEI{TUAU DiskictAnomey April3,20trl Baftan T, Kaplan,Esq. Traurig,LLP G'reenbcrg 200Pak Avgnuc38e Ftoor New York lS( 10165 Re: Ari Enterprises, [jtd., Bolero Rcco$s, Lt4, l.4art anthonv hoctuctims.,[lg"- and Marco Arnonio MWiz Deartvts.Ifuphn: TIG lefier sas forth thc tcrus of a plf agrecrncnt(.furconr,nf) botweendte New YortcCmnry Ld. (*Ad"), Bolerc Recorrds, Distict Attorrney'sOfrcc (this Officd) md lyour cliant' ri Erdeqpdses, Ltd. (?olao"I lvtmcAathony hoducUoDs,hrF-(-MAI-), urd N{arcoAntonio Mruriz m\4ut[/?. Thel+.ns ofbcAsecsreot qc ss foflbrrrs; -i hcrs of Guifty .l l, An- welving prbecctrtionby Infd,rmatiorqpwsuaotto Ctiminal Frocedrue Lew St70-65(3), rnd corrscntingo be prosccuiedby misdeo{auu camplarntqgreesto plcrd ptlty to rwo mMeoeanor ofiqres: a) ote counrof Tax Law $l80lQ) Sailure o fitc arcturn or r€por,r.-,) releting ro ib 2003Nel,l York Stc corporntef'aucbise tax retrrD and b) cnc countof New York City Adminiftmive Code 011a0@ (Failwe to 6le r rEturqor rcporr...,) rHuing to its 2003New York C)ty gcocral corporatioatax rei'.rn I Art Srsqgh oormscLwlll sfuitto fti a[egdions in theni3demeauorcogrplcirt pursurntto Cdminsl hocedrxe Lar $ 170.65(3), complair4 ryroes rc plcad grn1ryto lwo rpisdeme{pr e) mr countof Tax Law $ltOl(b) (Faifurero filc e rctutr o{ Fpoyt - -_)rEIJtiAgto its 2003New orEicrrses: York StatecorporateAanchiset&x retum an{ U) onc cor6t of Nc'n York City Administafive Codc gl l4002 (Failureto file a rdurD or repo<l.. .) ftlat'urf to ib 2003 New tofl6 Ciry general corponriofl ar nmrm" Bolcro,throughcounsel will dmit to jfle alqglthns iu Orcnris&rnegnoxcooplaim. I 3. Thcseplccs of guilty are rn full {nisfactioo of an irvastigili@ relati4t to a) Ari and Bolcro's failrre to file tcir 2001 trougi 20M Nenr {oft Statecorporatcfreaa6* ra)(rot:rns andNan Yorft City gorerll corponrionux renuDs;b) IMAP's fiflrrB o frle js 2002Qrcugh 20O4New Yod( S@ oorporip fracbisc rac r€urns and 2001 ilrtnigfi 200a pew York Crty Fncrdl corporal€tar rehrms; ald c) Mudz's guilry alsocsvo ftilure to Oc his 2000 fuough 200aNq'v Yc*k personalincornetE( rptums- ilro plas "f 2 Bolqo, waiviog prosccudsn [y aod conscndng b be prosecr.dedby I i I ' Thcduecycar$ahrtoof limit rionsforttse cr{mes,prrrruanttoCtiornal hocedrm Law 510.10(3)(d), \es bocr tollodto rrurcl:. 200i. i |llvllLr Lf|vltyLnrNu PUBlNFO Fax,;l!12335s3.99_. P00s/006 , ""..l'|q|U$lT$N-DA , -. jsr 1'l2007.0.3i[1om i I DIS TRICT BarbuaT-Ituplar,,Esq- A TTORN EY COUNTY OF NEW YORK -?. Aprill,2007 auy dirrcpancics on MAP's filed 2!0O fOOt Ncw Yo*. Starecorpcrae facbi<e rar(Icfurtrs rud the "ua axxituflL 2000NorvYoA Clty poorrl corporailion ! 4. ,hovided &at rhere is futl cooqlfucc witr all of drc conditionsof tis Agracrocnt lvlAp atrd M'rni- will not be criminally prorccrfed by thi,sOfftce. This Agrees€nl no( to prcsegrrlalvL{p and Muniz isbindirrg on thir Ofice qnly, eod norupe aril o0ra local, slateq fede,ralprosccutor'soffice. Seqicnce 5. Ari acloowledtae Oat 6c Pcoplf will repommeoAaod Ari ry1ccsro tbc follqwiqg ^wg\I-aw seqtcrrDe: a) a conditiooaldisclurye;b) p"ynqit of $20,000crirninrl fn", prsuant ro Tq 01900(c)oq the To< Law charge,on the datcof satene; O)plyprru o{r 520,000crininal finc, pursrnnt to Ncw yqk City Adrnitisuaive Code 9t 119911"1oo thc [Ncw yonk crry A&dnistativc codc cbargc,o rtc do of sentrnce;ard d) ary qmcdarorysrqchwga dr{tha cou{ mry imposcpunuantto Paral I-arv f6O3S(l )6. Bolcro acknowlcdgrsthat the P14il. rryill reconncntl, and Eolcro agrees to acocp( tbe a) a cuditional drscbageib)gzymenrof $20,000crirninaltr'*, prts,ru loTALarlt followilg sentgnce: SlBMc) on &c Ta.xkw chrge, onttc dan of santaocc;c) peprwt of a $20090 crfuig fine, pursnnr ro New Yorrt Clty Adninisu-aivoCodc $1I-4001(c)m the New York City adnioisqetivc Codecharyg on the drp of scutcncc;dtd d) ary manrtrnorysrirsbarges thd tlre conl gray inpor plrsuart to p€nrl-Lilr $60.35(l). i 7. An arrdBolero agleeto execute naivcr sf their dght to appealfr,omrhcir respoctive "l*i*,odsuilg esserfoilh in paragrrphsI ad 2, ere+ cqrvictions reurlting fom their rcspactiraptcir i Addtfiud Conditions .i 8. As a cmdilion dthis ageacd, Fp m letorc Mry 31, Z}O'1,\vhruzagreesto arange for the Peymat of his Nar York pxsmal incometai liabilt). ad Ari, Bolcro and )"{AP's New Yqk Str.b and Ncw York City corporaretarc liabilidcs forlthe tet years 2000 lbough 2003, W cherfrs in a fgrm acceptableto tbe New yqd( SlEc Deprrt+enl oI Taxalio'rrand Fin$ce rnd the New Yo* City Dcptnoat of Finanoo. Thc aggt€Sateunpaidtax liability on apgroximately$I5.5 rnflllon of tqable hcome is appmrimaiely $2.5 mr'Uiqr (whiphiincludcsrex. rccrucd inErest tbroug! May 3t,2OO7 ioi pcnaltia)i 9. As e frrrdrerconditiqr of dris fur{rgleDq oD or befort May 3 t, zml , Mwizagrces to a) file psy lDy co{Pora|e1axlinbillv for 2004(rnctudiriUeccnrcdinrerestthm$r lvlay3l , 7007 anCafl epplicdle penalties);eodb) 6lc hit 20A4New York pcrs4mlincotle tax rorro and ro pay any ta{ lilbiD?y (ncluding sccruedineret flrrot4b lvlty 31,2A07 sndappficablepepattics).llc f.udrcr agrc€sro make his besrofioits to tiocp fle dl fttrrre pcrscral rud rEfifDs, a reqqred by law. 10. As a fiqftq cqndhisnoffiis Muoiz agreesto sign all sivil agrecsuCItrrcquirod by Itrc Ncw Yok Sras Dcprru?Dr of Tncationrird FioanceandrbeNow Yrt City DzFrtmcm of Finance wi6 rtspect to thc pcrsoud md corpcnzl€tai tialitities nferellce.din paragrryh 8 of this AgreerneotEli*f as providedin sucbdocr.qrent+tbis Ag/pcmeutin no rqmoarbindsrbeNEr,vYczk StarcDeprirtuenr of f*uiou and Finauce cr lhe Ncw Ysrk City gcp<tocra o,fFirnnce fiom corrting crut its rEspcctir. at"s nnd rtspursrailitics, Acludiqg scEking fulI pa{meat of frry uqaid a< liabili$cs d',r arrd oving by &t Eolcro,lvlA?eudMuoiz i P006/006 Fax,1,2J23.3Q93!{,, PUB. lNF0 I,|{fU0T_TE|!"DR .-. ler 11200?,0.3i5.1pm D IS T R IC T A T T OR NFY Parbra T" Krylm, Esq. | COUNTY OF NEW YORK -:- Apttl1,20o7 I $encret Terms I I I. No sdditiotnl promisesor conditiins havcbecrrenterodinb o(hq thao rlosc sct for6 abo.,r, aldnonc will beerrerodirrto unlessi" .r-itin5 pd tip, ty alt prrics. yo* clicm, it is reguescddrt yol aoat€aEhof thernsip If fre forcgoingis acocptrbleb you "tia asddatethis lctterbcloq II AssislarrtDisaict AnDmt:l^ Clrl4, Moncy l.sundodqg & Tax CrimcsUqit I havereadtln foaogoirrgtfinsad moilirioos,I agEb Biktli n rl '/ o * * W 7 .^ l' l.td ed lvlarc,lnthoqy FroduCmr Ine. By; keddalL lvlarooArloio Mrniz I hve read the forcgoiqg tcrms and and bavc firlly rzglainod them o my clicrts- f,aoo7 MaifilA^,.L v BarbraT. Esc. Cor.$cl ftn Ari EnteprisesLtd,.Boloo IlL, I\4arc Are@y R*ord+ hodrrtions, Mnoiz Inc. ad lvlaeo Autmio