Tyler HolmquistS ENGL 1010-38 Mr. Newman Annotated

Tyler HolmquistS
ENGL 1010-38
Mr. Newman
Annotated Bibliography
The topic I have chosen to write about is Gun Control. Why I chose this topic is because
I love to shoot firearms. I own a few, I do have a conceal carry permit. With the recent event that
took place on the weekend of the 20th of July, 2012 it has become a hot topic around the nation.
Guns at schools, I raise this question, Should there be people carrying guns? Where are the
allowed to carry? What limitations should be placed on individuals?
Dickerson, Darby. "Students Should Not Be Allowed to Carry Guns on College Campuses." Guns and
Crime. Ed. Christine Watkins. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from "White
Paper—Guns on Campus." NaBita.org. 2011. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 17
July 2012.
Darby Dickerson, dean of Texas Tech University School of Law, starts out saying that
guns on campuses should be outlawed. She presents an argument that guns don’t control guns.
All 50 states have some form of carry laws which Utah as a lone ranger with our conceal carry
laws on our campuses. She cites two events of what happens with guns on a schools’ campus.
There are a couple of rulings handed down from the Supreme Court. That supports this side of no
guns on a campus and in a township. She gives a reference of a statement from the International
Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administration Inc. (IACLEA). They give a statement
in which the minds of young college students are not yet reached maturity. Do to the activities of
those students. They give some statics of gun relative deaths in the year 2005.
Darby uses logos and pathos. As she referenced the Virginia tech shootings in Feb. 2007
used the findings of the F.B.I. Secret Service and the DOE ” In response to the Virginia Tech
shooting, the U.S. Secret Service, Department of Education, and F.B.I. studied violence at
institutions of higher education. As part of this study, 272 incidents of targeted violence were
identified through a comprehensive search of open-source reports from 1900 to 2008. The
incidents include various forms of targeted violence, ranging from domestic violence to mass
murder. Most incidents occurred during the 1990s and 2000s. Across these 272 incidents, the
perpetrators killed 281 people and injured 247 more. The perpetrators used guns 54% of the
time, knives or bladed instruments 21% of the time, and a combination of weapons 10% of the
time. Florida had the fourth highest number of incidents in the study.” Along with findings used
in the IACLEA report nearly 31000 gun related deaths in 2005 55% where suicide 147 were
killed by firearms in justifiable homicides by private citizens.... Pathos is use by Darby as she
brings to the table of the shootings at Virginia tech and northern Illinois, Which cause peoples
emotion to favor her stand point on no guns on schools campuses. She stated that 26 of states
have laws prohibiting guns on campuses. 23 states allow the individual schools to set their
policies 1 (Utah) “Only Utah allows guns on the campuses at public institutions; the state allows
private institutions to set their own policies.”
This fits my research topic; Darby offers up the statement that students shouldn’t be able
to carry guns on the institutions of higher learning because “our minds are not fully developed”I
don’t agree with her statement. I have owned a gun for many years now and I know where and
when to use the whether for recreational uses or defenses. Darby has given an incite in to a
persons logic for not wanting guns on campuses.
Jonsson, Patrik. "Gun Control: Will Campus Carry Get Boost From Virginia Tech Ruling?."
Christian Science Monitor. 15 Mar 2012: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 23 Jul 2012.
This article was written after a judge in Virginia rule in favor of having guns on school
campuses. Which the state of Virginia is paying out a large sum of money to a few of the victims
of the Virginia tech shooting in 2007 which 32 + the shooter where killed many are wanting to
use this ruling in the fight to have guns on campuses. In the wake of the shooting there have been
numerous attempts to place laws that would allow students and faculty to carry guns. There has
been a law introduced in to a states house with their concerns that a mass shooting is going to be
coming due to the crime rate near a campus of higher learning
Patrik Jonsson uses logos in his article. He uses the judge ruling in the fight of guns on school
campuses. There is an organization form just after the shooting in Virginia in which they are pro
guns on the issue of having guns on campuses. State Sen. Rodney Ellis of Virginia “asserted that
such laws could make shooting situations more dangerous, in part because they could create
confusion for responding police."We don't need to incentivize campus Rambos," he said. But
gun-rights groups are starting to make some headway. Mississippi has allowed campus carry
with a special permit. Virginia has allowed non-students to carry on the general campus (even at
Virginia Tech).Wisconsin now allows legal concealed carry on campus (but not in buildings).”
Jonsson wrote “Since the Virginia Tech shooting, campus-carry laws have been introduced and
stymied more than 50 times in seven states. Even Texas, a famously a pro-gun state, narrowly
defeated a campus-carry law in 2011.” “This week in Atlanta a group of activists lobbied in the
Georgia House of Representatives, which recently voted down a campus-carry law despite
concern at Georgia Tech about a growing number of students falling victim to violent crimes
near the campus.” Any activist say that with new security systems and mass text to students on
school grounds will prevent mass shooting at the universities
As I read the article I felt more pathos then the others just because it was base on a judge
ruling to granted money to a couple of the victims. Yes the Virginia tech shooting was a wakeup
call to many but there have been a lot of mass shootings in the past 5 years. Our campuses I feel
are just as safe as before any shootings took place.
ProQuest Staff. "At Issue: Second Amendment and the Right to Bear Arms." ProQuest LLC.
2012: n.pag.
SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 02 Aug 2012.
The article is about the second amendment to our Constitution in the, Bill of rights. It
mostly goes over what has been covered thus far in this paper. Some of the Supreme Court
rulings are talked about. And states court rulings are touch on with regards to guns on school
The article is logos. The second amendment reads as follows "A well regulated Militia,
being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall
not be infringed." As we read this article the Supreme Court’s ruling in 1939 in United States v.
Miller. In Miller, the Court held that the mandatory registration of shotguns required by the
National Firearms Act is constitutional. And In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), the U.S.
Supreme Court struck down a ban on handguns in Washington, D.C. , marking the second time
that the Court has directly weighed in on scope of the Second Amendment. The Court held in
Heller that an individual had the right to possess and carry a firearm unconnected with militia
service. The Heller decision does not settle the gun-control debate. Opponents to gun-control
laws argue "guns don't kill people, people kill people." The question is ask, Should gun
regulations be tightened? Yes. Tighter regulations are needed to reduce gun-related violence.
No. Tighter regulations interfere with an individual’s right to bear arms. The rest of this article
continues the debate over gun control laws
As is read this article I was curious about the rulings that have been passed down and I
have briefly looked at them the debate I think will always be un decide do to the fact that the 2nd
amendment isn’t truly clear on the topic of guns, the rulings leave so much to think on and
Roth, Alex, and others. "New Calls for Assault-Gun Ban." Wall Street Journal. 13 Mar 2009:
n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 17 Jul 2012.
Alex Roth a journalist for the wall street journal wrote this just after a shooting in Alabama
in 2009. He uses the ban on assault style weapons such as the ar-15, sks, and Uzi which all have
a high volume of rounds and the rate of fire which are also high there are many statics use after
the 2008 presidential election with the fear of gun owners and hobbyist that president elect
Obama would renew the gun law which was in effect from 1994-2004 on assault weapons. The
fear of not being able to purchases these guns and any gun sky rocketed. There are a couple to
politicians say the law should renewed to help prevent mass shootings with these style of guns.
Roth goes over the steps of buying a gun from dealers that require a background check to verify
that the person buying the gun has the mental compactly and is not convicted felon
As we read the article Alex Roth uses logos he identifies the number of background checks to
show the fear of the nation at the time with the election of president Obama. The FBI numbers
where used that stated that firearms sales, up 42% from the same period a year earlier, 2008.
There were just over 1.5 million backgrounds in November. The ban set forth by President
Clinton to “help reduce drug violence in Mexico by preventing the flow of assault rifles across
the border”. The article uses pathos, the event in Alabama; in which 28-year-old man Mr.
Michael McLendon killed 10 people in southeastern Alabama before committing suicide, offers
strong evidence of the need for an assault-weapons ban. Mr. McLendon used two assault rifles-an SKS and a Bushmaster--along with a shotgun and a .38-caliber handgun to fell his victims,
according to the Alabama Department of Public Safety. His acts invoke a lot of emotion from
victims and the families, of mass shooting like this one. Many people want stricter gun laws.
This article helps with the fight of stricter gun laws. Using pathos to drive the people’s
emotion cause of the shooting in ala. I don’t want to have a privilege to carry a gun on a campus.
If I don’t feel safe I feel we should have a means of protection
Simon, Richard. "Action on Gun Control Not Likely." Los Angeles Times. 21 Jul 2012: A.13.
SIRS Issues
Researcher. Web. 02 Aug 2012.
Richard Simon of the LA Times wrote this article the day after the movie theater
shooting in Colo. Many people think that stuffer laws be put in place similar to what California
as. The article goes over the 1994 weapons assault style ban. Simons quotes many government
officials, where they want to reenact the ban on guns and limit the number off rounds that are
held in many guns there is some question at are asked to and about the white house should do. In
the title it as a posing question of what will happen in this election year. He touch on the
shooting last year in Tulsa Arizona.
Mr. Simon use pathos a bit in the article. As many people our outrage about the shooting
in Colorado. As he uses quotes from many rep. of congress. When asked about prospects for
gun-control legislation, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Friday,” I don't believe it has a
chance in this environment”
Brendan Daly, a former House Democratic leadership aide, also
doubted that the Colorado shootings would spur congressional action. “Congress didn't act when
one of its own members, someone they knew and loved, was shot last year” he said, referring to
the attack on then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) in Tucson.”There is no reason to think this
year will be any different.” What some bold statement by this two people about what congress
will do or not what they will do. As I see it there will not much legislation on the gun control
until the nation finds out who the president will be for the next 4 years and what political party
controls what goes on. In a poll by Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, 49% of
respondents said it was more important to protect the right to own guns, while 45% said it was
more important to control gun ownership.
The survey found that independent voters,
aggressively courted by both parties, have become more supportive of gun rights. As he goes on
about James Holmes bass pro shop said that the followed the proper requirements for James to
purchase the weapons that he had on him when he was arrested. The article was good and the
sources that were quoted maybe reliable but they are politicians
When I heard the news that a gunman had gone in to the theater and began shooting my
heart drop and felt sadness of what had happen. There is a podcast that I lessen to on a weekly
base. They sent out a call to the movie studios and in assents said that they shouldn’t let Mr.
Holmes get is 15 minutes of fame. This year with the shooting of the kid in Florida and this
many movies are changeup what they have or renaming the films. It is sad that a few people ruin
things for the people of nations
As I have read the articles the debate on gun control is wide and I see that there will not be a firm
line on the issue. For me I am still in favor of owning and purchasing as many guns as I am allowed by
my wife for she is the ultimate decider for me. I want to feel safe everywhere I go and having a gun is a
vital part of the life I live I want m children to understand what guns are used for many recetional