I've completed the Advanced Diploma of Financial Services

I’ve completed the Advanced Diploma of Financial Services (Accounting) at TAFENSW ... what units will I get credit for in each major? Scroll down the table to find all the majors available in the Bachelor of Business and Commerce. It will outline how much credit you can apply in each major out of the possible 100 credit points (cp) you automatically receive, and details which units you receive credit for, the remaining units left to complete your degree and the exact units you should enrol in for your first year of study. Major Credit detail Remaining credit points to complete So for your first year enrol in... Accounting Units you receive credit for = up to 9 (90cp) Units left to complete = 15‐16 Autumn Session 
Comprising of: Contact Sharne Simmons at sharne.simmons@uws.edu.au for details 200101 Accounting Information for Managers 200111 Financial Accounting Applications 200116 Management Accounting Fundamentals + 5 units of unspecified elective credit  Core units  Your major units Spring Session And Contact Sharne Simmons at  3 x 10cp accreditation elective units sharne.simmons@uws.edu.au for details If you received a credit grade in TAFE units FNSACCT404B and FNSACCT604B you can also apply for UWS unit 200184 Introduction to Business Law as credit Units you receive credit for = up to 10 (100cp) Units left to complete = 14‐15 Autumn Session 
Comprising of: Contact Dr John Ablett at j.ablett@uws.edu.au for details Applied finance 200101 Accounting Information for Managers 200111 Financial Accounting Applications 200116 Management Accounting Fundamentals + 6 units of unspecified elective credit  Core units  Your major units Spring Session Contact Dr John Ablett at j.ablett@uws.edu.au for details If you received a credit grade in TAFE units FNSACCT404B and FNSACCT604B you can also apply for UWS unit 200184 Introduction to Business Law as credit Sports management Units you receive credit for = up to 10 (100cp) Units left to complete = 14‐15 Autumn Session 
Comprising of: Contact Michelle O'Shea at m.oshea@uws.edu.au for details 200101 Accounting Information for Managers 200111 Financial Accounting Applications 200116 Management Accounting Fundamentals + 6 units of unspecified elective credit  Core units  Your major units Spring Session Contact Michelle O'Shea at m.oshea@uws.edu.au for details If you received a credit grade in TAFE units FNSACCT404B and FNSACCT604B you can also apply for UWS unit 200184 Introduction to Business Law as credit Hospitality management Units you receive credit for = up to 10 (100cp) Units left to complete = 14‐15 Autumn Session 
Comprising of: Contact Dr Colin Sheringham at c.sheringham@uws.edu.au for details 200101 Accounting Information for Managers 200111 Financial Accounting Applications 200116 Management Accounting Fundamentals + 6 units of unspecified elective credit  Core units  Your major units Spring Session Contact Dr Colin Sheringham at c.sheringham@uws.edu.au for details If you received a credit grade in TAFE units FNSACCT404B and FNSACCT604B you can also apply for UWS unit 200184 Introduction to Business Law as credit HRMIR Units you receive credit for = up to 10 (100cp) Units left to complete = 14‐15 Autumn Session 
Comprising of: Contact Ron Kelly at r.kelly@uws.edu.au for details 200101 Accounting Information for Managers 200111 Financial Accounting Applications 200116 Management Accounting Fundamentals + 6 units of unspecified elective credit  Core units  Your major units Spring Session Contact Ron Kelly at r.kelly@uws.edu.au for details If you received a credit grade in TAFE units FNSACCT404B and FNSACCT604B you can also apply for UWS unit 200184 Introduction to Business Law as credit 11L0064 This is a guide and is subject to change International business Units you receive credit for = up to 10 (100cp) Units left to complete = 14‐15 Autumn Session 
Comprising of: Contact Dr Daniela Spanjaard at d.spanjaard@uws.edu.au for details 200101 Accounting Information for Managers 200111 Financial Accounting Applications 200116 Management Accounting Fundamentals + 6 units of unspecified elective credit  Core units  Your major units Spring Session Contact Dr Daniela Spanjaard at d.spanjaard@uws.edu.au for details If you received a credit grade in TAFE units FNSACCT404B and FNSACCT604B you can also apply for UWS unit 200184 Introduction to Business Law as credit Marketing Units you receive credit for = up to 10 (100cp) Units left to complete = 14‐15 Autumn Session 
Comprising of: Bankstown students contact Ned Doyle at n.doyle@uws.edu.au for details 200101 Accounting Information for Managers 200111 Financial Accounting Applications 200116 Management Accounting Fundamentals + 6 units of unspecified elective credit  Core units  Your major units Campbelltown students contact Jonathon Hu at jon.hu@uws.edu.au for details Parramatta students contact John Hayek at j.hayek@uws.edu.au for details If you received a credit grade in TAFE units FNSACCT404B and FNSACCT604B you can also apply for UWS unit 200184 Introduction to Business Law as credit Spring Session Bankstown students contact Ned Doyle at n.doyle@uws.edu.au for details Campbelltown students contact Jonathon Hu at jon.hu@uws.edu.au for details Parramatta students contact John Hayek at j.hayek@uws.edu.au for details Property Units you receive credit for = up to 4 (40cp) Units left to complete = 20‐21 Autumn Session  200101 Accounting Information for Managers  200111 Financial Accounting Applications  200116 Management Accounting Fundamentals Comprising of: Contact Norman Harker at n.harker@uws.edu.au for details If you received a credit grade in TAFE units FNSACCT404B and FNSACCT604B you can also apply for UWS unit 200184 Introduction to Business Law as credit Management  Core units  Your major units Spring Session And Contact Norman Harker at  6 x 10cp accreditation elective units n.harker@uws.edu.au for details Units you receive credit for = up to 10 (100cp) Units left to complete = 14‐15 Autumn Session 
Comprising of: Contact Dr Santha Fernandez at s.fernandez@uws.edu.au for details 200101 Accounting Information for Managers 200111 Financial Accounting Applications 200116 Management Accounting Fundamentals + 6 units of unspecified elective credit  Core units  Your major units Spring Session Contact Dr Santha Fernandez at s.fernandez@uws.edu.au for details If you received a credit grade in TAFE units FNSACCT404B and FNSACCT604B you can also apply for UWS unit 200184 Introduction to Business Law as credit 11L0064 This is a guide and is subject to change 