ELEMENT Introduction Exemplary Proficient Partially Proficient Unsatisfactory POINTS 5 points 3 or 4 points 1 or 2 points 0 points The introduction The introduction is The introduction shows The introduction does _____/ 5 presents the overall clear and coherent and some structure but does not orient the topic (thesis statement relates to the topic not create a strong audience to what will is clear and concise (thesis statement sense of what is to follow. The and main points are somewhat clear and follow. May be overly sequencing is unclear introduced) and draws main points are detailed or incomplete and does not appear the audience into the mentioned but not and is somewhat interesting or relevant presentation with a developed). appealing to the to the audience. compelling hook audience. (attention-­‐grabber) or by relating to the audience's interests or goals. Visual Aid Text 5 points 3 or 4 points 1 or 2 points 0 points The font is easy-­‐to-­‐ Sometimes the font is Overall readability is The text is extremely _____/ 5 read and point size easy-­‐to-­‐read, but in a difficult with lengthy difficult to read with varies appropriately few places the use of paragraphs, too many long blocks of text and for headings and text. font, italics, bold, long different fonts, dark or small print sizes, Use of bullets paragraphs, color or busy background,or lack inappropriate enhances readabilty. busy background of appropriate bulleting. contrasting colors, Text is appropriate in detracts and does not Spelling, punctuation, poor use of headings, length for the target enhance readability. and grammar errors subheading, etc. audience and to the The text is clearly distract or impair Errors in spelling, point. The background written with little or no readability. (3 or more capitalization, and colors enhance editing required for errors) punctuation usage the readability of text. grammar, punctuation, and grammar The text is written and spelling.(Less than repeatedly distract with NO errors in 3 errors) the reader and major grammar, editing and revision is capitalization, required. (more than punctuation, and 5 errors) spelling. Visual Aid Organization 5 points PowerPoint included the correct # of slides with all requirements. Slides are organized according to speech. Slide information appeared in same order as spoken speech. 3 or 4 points PowerPoint included the correct # of slides and met most of the requirements. Slides were somewhat organized to match speech. 1or 2 points 0 points PowerPoint included the PowerPoint did not _____/ 5 correct # of slides, but include the correct # did not meet most of of slides and did not the requirements. meet requirements. Slides lacked organization. Visual Aid (Overall ability to enhance the understanding of the topic) 5 points The visual aid was thoroughly used to enhance the audience's ability to understand and retain information about the topic. Speaker used all 5 slides of visual aid and referred with gestures or voice to all features of each slide. Visual Aid Layout 5 points 3 or 4 points 1 or 2 points 0 p oints The layout is visually The layout uses The layout shows some The layout is appealing and horizontal and vertical structure, but appears cluttered, confusing, contributes to the blank space cluttered and busy or and does not use overall message with appropriately. Pics and distracting with large spacing, headings and appropriate use of text somewhat gaps of space or uses a subheadings, and headings, overused/underused. distracting background. visual material to subheadings, blank enhance the space and visual readability. material. 5 points 3 or 4 points 1 or 2 points 0 points Sources of information Most sources of Sometimes copyright No way to check are properly cited and information use proper guidelines are followed validity of the audience can citation format, and and some information, information. Topic determine the sources are photos and graphics do was not research-­‐ credibility and documented to make it not include proper based. (NO PDs, authority of the possible to check on citation format. Works Cited, URLs) information the accuracy of (Missing or inaccurate presented. All sources information. (PDs, PDs, Works Cited, URLs) of information are Works Cited, URLs) clearly identified and credited using appropriate citation format. (PDs, Works Cited, URLs) Citations 3 or 4 points 1 or 2 points 0 p oints The visual aid was used The visual aid was rarely The visual aid was _____/ 5 periodically to enhance used to enhance the never used to the audience's ability to audience's ability to enhance the understand and retain understand and retain audience's ability to information about the information about the understand and retain topic. topic. information about the Speaker used 3 of the Speaker used 1 of the 5 topic. 5 slides of the visual slides of visual aid and Speaker used none of aid and referred with referred with gestures the 5 slides of the gestures or voice to or voice to a few of the visual aid and referred most of the features of features of each slide. with gestures or voice each slide. to none of the features of each slide. _____/ 5 _____/ 5 Graphics, Sound and/or Animation Conclusion Presentation Voice 5 points 3 or 4 points 1 or 2 points 0 points The graphics, sounds The graphics, Some of the graphics, The graphics, sounds, _____/ 5 and/or animations sounds/and or sounds, and/or and/or animations are assist in presenting an animations visually animations seem unrelated to the overal theme and depict material and unrelated to the content. Graphics do enhance assist the audience in topic/theme and do not not enhance understanding of understanding the flow enhance the overall understanding of the concepts, ideas and of information or concepts. Most images content or are relationships. content. Images used are clip art. Images are distracting Images are created are proper size, too large/small in size. decorations that using proper size and resolution. Images are poorly create a busy feeling resolution, and all cropped or the and detract from the images enhance the color/resolution is fuzzy. content. content. There is a consistent visual theme. 5 points 3 or 4 points 1 or 2 points 0 p oints The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion did not The speaker did not _____/ 5 included a REPEAT of somewhat restated the include a REPEAT of the include a conclusion the thesis statement thesis and included a thesis statement and did to their speech or and a thorough brief summary of the not summarize all three used a partial summary of the three three main points main points (speech conclusion which left main points (speech (speech categories) categories). out major parts, such categories) covered in covered in the speech. as the thesis or the speech. summary. 5 points 3 or 4 points 1 or 2 points 0 points Speaker's voice was Speaker's voice was Speaker's voice was Speaker's voice was _____/ 5 clear and strong clear and strong clear and strong through NOT clear and strong throughout the throughout most of the some of the throughout the presentation. Volume presentation. Volume presentation. Volume presentation. Volume and rate were and rate were and rate were too and rate were NOT appropriate level and appropriate level and soft/too loud or too appropriate level and made listening easy on made listening easy on fast/slow and made made listening the audience. the audience. Speaker listening difficult on the difficult on the Speaker used voice used voice inflection at audience. Speaker used audience. Speaker inflection at appropriate times and some voice inflection at used no voice appropriate times and was rarely monotone. appropriate times and inflection and was was not ever Speaker used very few was often monotone. monotone. Speaker monotone. Speaker vocalized pauses. (less Speaker used vocalized used vocalized pauses. did not use vocalized than 3) pauses. (3 to 5) (more than 5) pauses. Presentation Enthusiasm 5 points 3 or 4 points 1 or 2 points Speaker was Speaker was Speaker was somewhat enthusiastic about enthusiastic about their enthusiastic about their their chosen topic and chosen topic and was chosen topic and was was able to convey able to convey their able to convey their their enthusiasm enthusiasm throughout enthusiasm throughout throughout the speech most of the speech very little of the speech presentation. presentation. presentation. Presentation Eye Contact 5 points 3 or 4 points 1 or 2 points 0 points Speaker made eye Speaker made eye Speaker made very little Speaker continually _____/ 5 contact with various contact with various eye contact with read from outline or members of audience members of audience members of audience slide show and made continually throughout most of the time and read from outline or little to no eye contact presentation. Speaker throughout slide show often. with audience. did not read from presentation. Speaker outline and did not rarely read from outline turn back to audience and rarely turned back to read from slide on audience to read show. from slide show. Poise 5 points 3 or 4 points 1 or 2 points 0 points Speaker was confident Speaker was confident Speaker lacked Speaker was NOT _____/ 5 about topic and well about topic and confidence and was not confident about topic prepared for somewhat prepared for well prepared for and was NOT well presentation. Speaker presentation. Speaker presentation. Speaker prepared for appeared calm and appeared calm and did not appear calm and presentation. Speaker poised throughout poised throughout poised throughout appeared nervous and presentation. most of the presentation. lacked poise presentation. throughout presentation. 5 points 3 or 4 points 1 or 2 points 0 points Speaker used strong Speaker used Speaker used some Speaker did not _____/ 5 transitions throughout transitions throughout weak or incomplete include transitions in speech to give speech to give transitions throughout speech and left audience a verbal clue audience a verbal clue speech to give audience audience guessing when they intended to when they intended to a verbal clue when they which category of move to next main move to next main intended to move to information they were point or to prepare to point or to prepare to next main point or to presenting. Speech conclude speech. conclude speech. prepare to concude included 1 or fewer Speech included at Speech included 3 speech. Speech recognizable least 4 strong recognizable included 2 recognizable transitions. transitions. transitions. transitions. Use of Transitions Time Allotment 10 points Speaker completed speech in 5 minute range. 0 points Speaker was NOT _____/ 5 enthusiastic about their chosen topic and was unable to convey their enthusiasm throughout the speech presentation. 0 points Speaker did not _____/ 10 complete speech in 5 minute range Appearance 5 points Speaker dressed appropriately for a formal "informative" speech. No jeans, no tennis shoes, no shorts, no sweatshirts or sweatpants. Speaker displayed good hygiene. Outline 20 Points 10 points Detailed outline that Detailed outline that follows correct format. somewhat follows Complete sentences correct format. only where specified. Complete sentences Well organized only where categories. Transitions specified.Categories set out so they are somewhat organized. easily seen and used. Some transitions set Did not put entire out so they are easily speech in outline as seen and used. Did not crutch when speaking. put most of speech in outline as crutch when speaking. 0 points _ Speaker dressed ____/ 5 inappropriately for a formal "informative" speech. Wore jeans, tennis shoes, shorts, sweatshirts or sweatpants. Speaker displayed poor hygiene. _ TOTAL POINTS ____/ 80 5 points Outline that rarely follows correct format. Complete sentences were used throughout outline. Information within category is not organized. Transitions not set out so they are easily seen and used. Put most of speech in outline as crutch when speaking. 0 points _ Outline did not meet ____/ 20 format requirements. Used complete sentences. Random information without any organization. No transitions. All of speech is in outline -­‐ crutch when speaking. TOTAL POINTS _ ______/ 100