Psychology 2301 (3 credits)

Brookhaven College, DCCCD
Social Science
Spring, 2012
Psychology 2301 (3 credits)
General Psychology
PSYC 2301 Section 2001: MW 7:30-8:50
Dr. Robert Neff
Office: K-240
Campus E-Mail:
Campus Division Office Phone: 972-860-4130
Campus Coordinator: Dr. Michael Garza; Office Phone: 972-860-4149
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday after class and by appointment
Communication with Your Instructor
See me after class about any issues you might have. Many times I can answer your
question on the spot and if not, we can certainly set a time to meet. Also, you can expect
me to respond to your e-mails normally within 24 hours. If for some reason I do not
respond in that time, contact me at my personal email or mobile (emergencies only).
Course Content
1. Physical Textbook: Coon: Psychology Modules for Active Learning. 12th
edition ISBN: 13: 978-1-111-34284-5 Website
2. WileyPlus Online Account (see p. 6). You will need access to a computer, an
internet connection, and the ability to download files. You can use a computer
in one of the on-campus computer labs if you do not have your own.
Technical Requirements and Support
 Psyc 2301 requires access to a computer, the Internet and e-mail
 If you should have any technical difficulties, send an e-mail to or call 972-669-6402. Also alert the instructor concerning
any technical problems. (if applicable)
 Everything you need to know about the Dallas Community Colleges and distance
education can be found at our website:
 The eCampus Technical Support and Help Desk can be found at
PSYC 2301 Introduction To Psychology. This is a Texas Common Course Number.
Prerequisite: Developmental Reading 0093 or English as a Second Language (ESOL)
0044 or have met the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standard in Reading.
Course Description
Introduces the study of behavior and the factors that determine and affect behavior.
Psychology 2301 is included in the DCCCD Core Curriculum. This course provides
students with the opportunity to develop the Core Curriculum Intellectual Competencies
of reading, writing, speaking, listening, critical thinking and computer literacy
fundamental to all DCCCD Core Curriculum courses. It also provides students with the
opportunity to achieve the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s Exemplary
Objectives in Psychology. COURSE HOURS: 3 Credits, 3 Lectures, 0 Labs
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 4201015125
Course Objectives
Psyc 2301 is a part of the Core Curriculum and addresses the following Exemplary
Educational Objectives and Core Curriculum Intellectual Competencies as set forth by
the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Core Curriculum Intellectual Competencies for PSYC 2301
Reading - the ability to analyze and interpret a variety of printed materials books, documents, and articles - above 12th grade level.
Writing - the ability to produce clear, correct and coherent prose adapted to
purpose, occasion and audience - above 12th grade level.
Speaking - the ability to communicate orally in clear, coherent, and persuasive
language appropriate to purpose, occasion, and audience above 12th grade level.
Listening - analyze and interpret various forms of spoken communication,
possess sufficient literacy skills of writing, reading - above 12th grade level.
Critical thinking and analyze at a critical level.
Computer Literacy understand our technological society, use computer based
technology in communication, solving problems, acquiring information.
Exemplary Educational Objectives for PSYC 2301
To employ the appropriate methods, technologies, and data that social and
behavioral scientists use to investigate the human condition.
To examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods,
social structures, and cultures.
To use and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories.
To develop and communicate alternative explanations or solutions for
contemporary social issues.
To analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and
global forces on the area under study.
To differentiate and analyze historical evidence (documentary and statistical) and
differing points of view.
To recognize and apply reasonable criteria for the acceptability of historical
evidence and social research.
To recognize and assume one's responsibility as a citizen in a democratic society
by learning to think for oneself, by engaging in public discourse, and by obtaining
information through the news media and other appropriate information sources
about politics and public policy.
To identify and understand differences and commonalties within diverse cultures.
If you are unable to complete this course, it is your responsibility to withdraw formally.
The withdrawal request must be received in the Registrar’s Office by 4/12/12. Failure to
do so will result in your receiving a performance grade, usually an “F.” If you drop a
class or withdraw from the college before the official drop/withdrawal deadline, you will
receive a “W” (Withdraw) in each class dropped. For procedures see the Brookhaven
College website and select A-Z for a listing.
For students who enrolled in college level courses for the first time in the fall of 2007,
Texas Education Code 51.907 limits the number of courses a student may drop.
You may drop no more than 6 courses during your entire undergraduate career unless the
drop qualifies as an exception. Your campus counseling/advising center will give you
more information on the allowable exceptions. Remember that once you have
accumulated 6 non-exempt drops, you cannot drop any other courses with a “W”.
Therefore, please exercise caution when dropping courses in any Texas public institution
of higher learning, including all seven of the Dallas County Community Colleges. For
more information, you may access:
Academic Dishonesty Policy
Scholastic dishonesty is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Scholastic
dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. As
a college student, you are considered a responsible adult. Your enrollment indicates
acceptance of the Dallas County Community Colleges Code of Student Conduct
published in the Brookhaven College Catalog.
The Americans with Disabilities Act Information
If you are a student with a disability and/or special needs who requires ADA
accommodations, please contact your Disability/Special Services office in Room S-124
or call 972-860-4847 on the Brookhaven Campus.
Student Absences Due to Religious Observance
Absences for observance of religious holy days are excused. A student whose absence is
excused to observe a religious holy day is allowed to make-up an examination or
complete an assignment within a reasonable time after the absence.
Repeating This Course
Effective with the Fall 2005 Semester, the Dallas County Community Colleges will
charge additional tuition to students registering the third of subsequent time for a course.
All third and subsequent attempts of the majority of credit and Continuing Education/
Workforce Training courses will result in additional tuition to be charged. Dev’l Studies
and some other courses will not be charged a higher tuition rate. Third attempts include
courses taken at any Dallas County Community Colleges since the Fall 2002 Semester.
Retrieving your grade and eConnect
Paper grade reports are no longer available from the Dallas Community Colleges.
Students may retrieve their grades on-line through eConnect or by visiting the Advising
Center. Specific instructions for obtaining your grades can be found at: To learn about all the student services:
Students Receiving Financial Aid
If you are receiving Financial Aid grants or loans, you must show participation in this
class prior to the certification date of 1/30/12 by either e-mailing or contacting the
instructor or logging on to eCampus. Do not drop or stop attending any class without
consulting the Financial Aid office. Changes in your enrollment level and/or failing
grades may have adverse consequences. Phone: 972-860-4110.
General Statement
The instructor reserves the right to modify course requirements and calendar due dates as
necessary to manage and conduct this course. Students are responsible for contacting the
instructor and seeking clarification of any requirement that is not understood.
Other Policies and procedure information is available in the faculty handbook when you
visit and follow the links A-Z.
Grades will be as follows:
900+ points = A; 800 to 899 points = B; 700 to 799 points = C; 600 to 699 points = D;
Below 600 points = F
Your grade will be based on a system of 1000 points. There are required activities and
bonus activities that you will complete to get your final grade. This system will allow you
to make up points if you happen to score poorly on any required activity. You will also
know what your total is at all times and what you need to do to earn the grade you desire.
All tests and assignments will be tracked with your online Gradebook at
(see below).
1) Attendance – sign roll each class period (-25 pts for each absence). Attendance is
required in this course. You can make-up any absence during the semester by completing
the online “Absence Make-up Quiz” (at the WileyPlus site) for each chapter we covered
on the days you missed. No more than 7 Absence Make-up Quizzes will be allowed. You
must receive a passing grade (60% minimum) in order to get your absences removed (and
points returned to your total). For example, if you missed class on Monday and we
covered Chapter 3 on that day, you must answer Absence Make-up Quiz for Chapter 3,
prior to the next Exam. It will be recorded in your gradebook.
2) Exams (600 pts)
There will be 4 exams that you’ll complete in the WileyPlus Assignments area (see page
6 below about how to obtain access). Exams will unlock and lock automatically during
specific date ranges. Each will be timed and there will be no make-ups. Each exam will
be worth 150pts and have 75 multiple choice questions.
Chapters Covered in Each Exam:
Exam 1................................Ch. 1, 2, 3
Exam 2………....................Ch. 4, 5, 6, 7
Exam 3…………………....Ch. 8, 9, 10, 11
Exam 4................................Ch. 12, 13, 14, 15
3) Online Chapter Practice Tests #1 and #2 (300 pts)
For each Chapter, log in to WileyPlus and take both Practice Tests by the deadline. Each
test is 10 M/C questions worth 1pt each. There are 2 tests for each of the 15 chapters.
4) Online Animation Quizzes (100 pts)
Log in to WileyPlus, watch several short animated videos and answer the questions
you’re given over the content being covered. Each Animation is worth 5-10 points and
there are 15 chapters.
5) Online Mental Trainer (150 BONUS pts)
This online program is designed for athletes but is applicable to anyone who wishes to
enhance their performance (academic, athletic, etc.). Since Sport Psychology is not
covered in the course textbook, it has been added here. I (Dr. Neff) own Online Mental
Trainer and am offering access at my cost for the purposes of this course only. Students
who choose this bonus usually do so because they realize even with all the other bonus
offered in class and on Wiley, they still have not earned the grade they need or want. Use
the code below when registering and the $100 program fee will be waived making the
cost $25. To earn the 150 bonus points offered, you will need to watch the online videos
for 20 or so “Base Level Solutions” and then get at least 80% on an open-book, online,
50 question, multiple choice test. You may try to pass the test multiple times in the 30
day period of time you will have. It is a pass-fail bonus – when you pass the test the full
150pts is awarded. Follow these directions:
1) Go to this website and click Get Started:
2) Create an account and take the "Issue Assessment"
3) When you get to the payment page, choose "College Student Plan" and enter this into
the "Discount Code" field: 2133N13032655537DF
4) You'll be charged $25 and have 30 days to use the site.
5) Go to the "My Program" area, view the videos in each of the Base Solutions, and mark
the solution as "complete." The average to complete this is 5 days but take your time.
6) After completing the solutions, a 50pt quiz will be unlocked at the bottom of the list.
7) Take the quiz and get 80% or more to earn your bonus points. You'll also learn first
hand many life skills that will help you perform and compete better. Sport psychology is
not included in our psychology text, so this will be your only exposure to it.
8) Send me an email telling me that you've completed and passed the Base Level Test. I'll
check and then add it to my Gradebook. You can take the test as many times as you need
within 30 days to reach the 80% level.
WileyPlus Online Account Registration
In order to register for the required online assignments that are part of this course, you
will need a WileyPlus Access Code. To get this code, you can either purchase a new
version of the required text for this course, or you can purchase just the WileyPlus code
online. Follow these steps to Register:
1) Go to your course address for this section:
2) Click the REGISTER link (the text is Psychology in Action, 9th Ed. by Huffman);
3) Enter your email address;
4) Complete the rest of your personal info (write down your username and password - it
will also be emailed to you!);
5) You’ve just set up a WileyPlus account. Click the SUBMIT link;
6) Buy the online code by clicking on the following links:
> HUFFMAN (9th Ed).
Then fill in the school info and proceed to checkout ($75 approx).
7) Go to and login with the username and password you
chose when registering.
8) Once you have logged in, go to “Assignments” for “Chapter 1” and go through,
“Assignment 0: Intro to WileyPlus” to earn 14 bonus points;
9) You can also download the instructor’s Powerpoints, exam review sheets and course
syllabus here:
WileyPlus Due Dates
You will be expected to take all 4 Exams in the testing center worth up to 100 points each,
come to class daily, take the 3 Online Chapter Tests (#1, #2 and Matching), and complete
the 3 Papers. All assigned online quizzes and tests have deadlines after which you cannot
take them. Check the following table for dates.
Due Dates and Topics
(4 x 150pts)
Online Animation
Quizzes (10pts x
15 chapters)
Online Absence
Make-up Quiz
Online Chapter
Practice Tests #1
and #2 (10pts x
15 chapters x 2
Ch 1: Intro to Psych & Research
Ch 2: Neuroscience
Ch 3: Stress & Health
Ch 4: Sensation & Perception
Ch 5: States of Consciousness
Ch 6: Learning
Ch 7: Memory
Ch 8: Thinking & Cognition
Ch 9: Lifespan 1 Development
Ch 10: Lifespan 2 Development
Ch 11: Human Sexuality
Ch 12: Motivation & Emotion
Ch 13: Personality
Ch 14: Psychological Disorders
Ch 15: Therapy
Exam #1: 2/8-10
Exam #2: 3/7-9
Exam #3: 4/11-13
Exam #4: 5/7-8
Lecture Calendar (tentative)
Ch 8
Ch 1
Ch 8
Ch 1
Ch 9
Ch 2
Ch 9
Ch 2
Ch 10
Ch 3
Ch 10
Ch 3
Ch 11
Ch 4
Ch 11
Ch 4
Ch 12
Ch 5
Ch 13
Ch 5
Ch 14
Ch 6
Ch 14
Ch 6
Ch 15
Ch 7
Ch 15
Ch 7
How to Get an A in This Class
If you do the following, you will have a very good chance of getting an A in Psych 2301:
1. Earn 900 or more points from the WileyPlus assignments, tests, and bonus;
2. Come to every class, and make up any absences you happen to have;
3. Read the chapter BEFORE you hear the lecture on that chapter;
4. Download the Powerpoints and preview them BEFORE the lecture;
5. Review the lecture material covered in class within 20-30min after class ends, and then again 1
day after, and again 3 days after;
6. Use “Fill-in-the-blank” practice tests and flash cards to study (both are in WileyPlus);
7. Complete all the WileyPlus assignments BEFORE you take the Exam;
8. Get a study partner or create a study group of other Psych 2301 students.