Paper beats rock, straw beats paper (and helps to address China’s air quality problems) October 7, 2014 Dave Hartter Lise Laurin Today in China • 700 to 800 million tons of crop residue are produced every year.1 • Though banned, millions of tons continue to be burned by farmers leading to human health and economic damage. • Burning one ton of wheat straw has human health impacts equivalent to driving a car 44,000 kilometers.2 • 2.5 billion years of life expectancy are lost in Northern China to air pollution from sources such as burning straw.3 Yu (2013) Based on air emissions from the burning of wheat (Li et al. , 2007), average European LCI data for the operation of a car in ecoinvent 2.2 (Frishknecht et al., 2007) and the IMPACT 2002+ impact assessment method (Humbert et al., 2011) 3 Chen et al. (2013) 1 2 What should be done with all that straw? • Use it as energy source? • Turn it into agricultural product? • Produce paper and packaging materials? The benefits of transforming straw into npulp • Chemical free “Enzymatic” process to convert waste straw into pulp. • Converts 1 ton of straw into 0.55 tons of pulp. • Eliminates burning and provides economic incentive to local farmers. • Can produce organic fertilizer as a byproduct. • Longer fiber lengths enable potential weight savings vs. recycled pulp (up to 25%). YFY Straw Bio-Pulping Process Goal and Scope • Intended application – Cradle-to-grave comparative LCA of molded pulp packaging using npulpTM and recycled pulp. • Reasons for carrying out the study – To understand the environmental benefits of using npulp in molded pulp packaging, compared to recycled pulp. – To understand the environmental benefits for multiple market scenarios. • Target audience – The audience will be YFY Group clients and the Chinese government. What are the environmental benefits not only today, but in potential future scenarios? Goal & Scope • Functional unit – One molded pulp package (i.e. The protection of an electronic product.) • Material Systems npulp molded pulp – Npulp material system: 70% npulp / 30% recycled pulp (203 grams) – Recycled pulp material system: 100% recycled pulp (260 grams) Recycled molded pulp System Boundary Diagram Molded recycled pulp (cradle-to-grave) Tree Cultivation Energy and resources Production and Use of Corrugated Cardboard Recycled Pulp System Boundary Diagram (Cradle-to-grave) Collection and Transportation of OCC Pulping Process Pulp Molding Distribution and Storage Use Collection Waste Material Output and Treatment WR Emissions and waste Recycled Material Output System Boundary Diagram Molded pulp utilizing npulp (cradle-to-grave) Grain Cultivation Grain Energy and resources Npulp System Boundary Diagram (Cradle-to-grave) Collection and Transportation of Straw Burning Straw (avoided) Pulping Process Pulp Molding Distribution and Storage Use Collection Waste Material Output and Treatment WR Emissions and waste Recycled Material Output Today burning the straw is common practices. What will the results like in the future when it is not? Allocation – Simulating Multiple Market Scenarios • System expansion: npulp is credited for avoided burning (current practice) • Cut-off: npulp is not credited for avoided burning (near future) • Economic: npulp is economically allocated a portion (8%) of the burdens of growing the grain (longterm future) Grain Cultivation X% Grain Y% Collection and Transportation of Straw Burning Straw (avoided) Pulping Process Given the dramatic amount of air pollution and the Chinese government’s interest in solutions like npulp, it was important to evaluate solutions based on future market scenarios. LCI of Burning Straw (Per kg of Straw) Air emission Carbon dioxide, biogenic Carbon monoxide Non-methane VOCs Nitrogen oxides Particulates, < 2.5 μm Amount (g) / kg of Rice Straw 1,100 30 5.1 3.4 5.7 Amount (g) / kg of Wheat Straw 1,500 60 7.5 3.4 7.6 Note: Rice straw emissions are based on Yu et al. (2012) and Zhang et al. (2013. Wheat straw emissions are based on Li et al. (2007). IMPACT 2002+ Impact Assessment Method Damage Category Units Human health DALY Ecosystem quality PDF * m2 * yr Resources MJ Primary Climate change kg CO2 eq. Comments Accounts for years lived disabled as well as life cut short. The damage to ecosystems is measured by considering the percentage of species that disappear in a given area during a certain time period. The two midpoint categories contributing to the resources damage category are mineral extraction and non-renewable energy consumption. Resources impact is expressed as MJ primary non-renewable energy. Same method used by most GHG accounting programs. Modifications were made to IMPACT 2002+ to account for the carbon dioxide sequestered by the crops Npulp Results System Expansion (Current Scenario) 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 93% 89% 94% Use (transportation) 93% Molding recycled pulp 0% -20% End-of-life Human health Ecosystem quality Climate change Resources npulp -40% -60% The avoided burning results in net environmental benefits in human health and climate change categories. • The molding contributes about 90% of the environmental impacts. • The npulp process produces fewer human health and climate change impacts cradle-to-gate than burning the straw in the field. Npulp Results Cut-off (Future Scenario) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 89% 85% 78% 86% End-of-life Use (transportation) Molding recycled pulp npulp Human health Ecosystem quality Climate change Resources Cradle-to-grave, npulp production is 12% or less of the life cycle impacts. • Cradle-to-grave, recycled pulp production is 3% or less of the life cycle impacts. Molded Pulp Comparison – Cradle-to-Grave 110% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Human health Ecosystem quality Climate change Resources Recycled Pulp system npulp system (system expansion) npulp system (cutoff) npulp system (economic) Using Impact 2002+ impact assessment method (Hubert et al. (2011) Npulp scenario analysis Impact of the type of straw 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Human health Ecosystem quality Baseline (50% Wheat, 50% Rice) Climate change 100% Rice Resources 100% Wheat Using wheat straw results in a greater credit due to higher particulate and carbon dioxide emissions when burned. • • System expansion allocation method Using Impact 2002+ impact assessment method (Hubert et al. (2011) Npulp Scenario Analysis Impact of the energy mix 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Human health Ecosystem quality Climate change RP (default) RP (YFY energy for pulping) npulp (default) npulp (all YFY energy) Resources RP (all YFY energy) The environmental impacts of both material systems is reduced significantly when the molding processes uses the YFY energy mix. • The comparative results do not change as long as material systems compared using consistent energy mix. Key Conclusions and Recommendations • Human health, climate change and resources impacts are lower for npulp in all market scenarios. • Greater than approximately 80% of the cradle-to-grave impacts are due to the molding process Work with supplies to improve efficiency and energy mix. • Increasing use of wheat straw will have increased human health benefits while burning straw is current practice. • The absolute results are dependent on the energy mix and YFY should continue reducing the amount of coal derived electricity. Recommendations for LCA Practitioners • Test different market conditions / allocation methods representing short and long term scenarios. • Identify key parameters (e.g. electricity mix, geography) that may change over time and affect the conclusions of your study. • Identify solutions for stakeholders that are independent of allocation method and other factors that may change over time. Sometimes solutions are only the best in terms of sustainability in the short term Key stakeholders need to understand this. References Chen, Y., Ebenstein, A., Greenstone, M., & Li, H. (2013). Evidence on the impact of sustained exposure to air pollution on life expectancy from China's Huai River policy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(32), 12936-12941. Frischknecht, R., Jungbluth, N., Althaus, H.-J., Doka, G., Dones, R., Heck, T., . . . Spielmann, M. (2007). The ecoinvent Database: Overview and Methodology. Dubendorf, CH: Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories. Retrieved from Humbert, S., Margni, M., & Jolliet, O. (2011). IMPACT 2002+: User Guide. Lausanne, CH: Swiss Federal Insituted of Technology. Retrieved August 1, 2013, from Li, X., Wang, S., Duan, L., Hao, J., Li, C., Chen, Y., & Yang, L. (2007). Particulate and Trace Gas Emissions from Open Burning of Wheat Straw and Corn Stover in China. Environmental Science Technology, 41, 60526058. Yu, L. H. (2013). Straw purchasing and storage equipment problems to be solved. Retrieved from China Source Report: Yu, T.-Y., Lin, C.-Y., & Chang, L.-F. (2012). Estimating air pollutant emission factors from open burning of rice straw by the residual mass method. Atmospheric Environment, 54, 428-438. Zhang, Y., Shao, M., Lin, Y., Luan, S., Mao, N., Chen, W., & Wang, M. (2013). Estimating air pollutant emission factors from open burning of rice straw by the residual mass method. Atmospheric Environment, 76, 189199.