31 Fungi: Recyclers, Pathogens, Parasites, and Plant Partners About 300 million Africans in 25 countries are suffering because of the invasion of crops by witchweed (Striga), a parasitic flowering plant. This parasite has attacked more than two-thirds of the sorghum, maize, and millet crops in sub-Saharan Africa, doing damage estimated at U.S. $7 billion each year. In 1991 a team of Canadian scientists began a search for a solution to the Striga problem. By 1995 they had begun fieldwork in Mali. What was their strategy? They had isolated a strain of a fungus, the mold Fusarium oxysporum, that has two outstanding properties. First, it grows on Striga, wiping out a high percentage of the parasites. Second, it is not toxic to humans, nor does it attack the crop plants on which Striga is growing. Now farmers apply the fungus to their crops and are rewarded by greatly increased crop yields as Striga is held in check. It may be possible to repeat this story—using a fungus to wipe out a particular type of flowering plant—in a very different context. A different strain of F. oxysporum preferentially attacks coca plants (the source of cocaine). There is a controversial proposal to use F. oxysporum to wipe out the coca plantations of Andean South America and some countries in other parts of the world. Some other fungi attack people, not plants. Every breath we take contains large numbers of fungal spores. Some of those spores can be dangerous, and fungal diseases of humans, some of which are as yet incurable, have become a major global threat. However, other fungi are of immense commercial importance to us. Fungi are essential to plants as well. They interact with roots, greatly enhancing the roots’ ability to take up water and mineral nutrients. Fungi and plants probably invaded the land together in the Paleozoic era (see Table 22.1). Earth would be a messy place without the fungi. They are constantly at work in forests, fields, and garbage dumps, breaking down the remains of dead organisms (and even manufactured substances, such as some plastics). For almost a billion years, the ability of fungi to decompose organic substances has been essential for life on Earth, chiefly because by breaking down carbon com- Fungus Trumps Plant The fungus Fusarium oxysporum is a potent pathogen of witchweed (Striga), a parasitic plant that attacks crops. The fungus spores are shown in blue; the fungal filaments are in tan. Both colors were added to this electron micrograph. 604 CHAPTER THIRT Y-ONE pounds, they return carbon and other elements to the environment, where they can be used again by other organisms. In this chapter we will examine the general biology of the kingdom Fungi, which differs in interesting ways from the other kingdoms. We will also explore the diversity of body forms, reproductive structures, and life cycles among the four phyla of fungi, as well as the mutually beneficial associations of certain fungi with other organisms. As we begin our study, recall that the fungi and the animals are descended from a common ancestor—molds and mushrooms are more closely related to us than they are to the flowers we admired in the last chapter. General Biology of the Fungi The kingdom Fungi encompasses heterotrophic organisms with absorptive nutrition and with chitin in their cell walls. The fungi live by absorptive nutrition: They secrete digestive enzymes that break down large food molecules in the environment, and then absorb the breakdown products. Many fungi are saprobes that absorb nutrients from dead matter, others are parasites that absorb nutrients from living hosts (Figure 31.1), and still others are mutualists that live in intimate association with other organisms. The production of chitin, a polysaccharide, is a synapomorphy (shared derived trait) for fungi, choanoflagellates, and animals. That is, its presence in fungi is the evidence that all fungi are more closely related to animals than any fungi are to plants. Chitin is used in the cell walls of fungi, but it is used in other ways in animals. The use of chitin in cell walls is a synapomorphy for fungi, and it allows us to distinguish between the fungi and the basal eukaryotes (protists) that resemble them. Some protists that were formerly confused with fungi include the slime molds (see Figures 28.31 and 28.32) and water molds (oomycetes; see Figure 28.23). The alternation between gametophyte (n) and sporophyte (2n) generations that evolved in plants (see Chapter 29) is found in only the most basal group of fungi, the chytrids. The derived condition, which is found in the other three fungal clades, involves a unique state in which two haploid nuclei are present in a single cell, discussed later in this chapter. As one might expect, the chytrids, which are aquatic, possess flagellated gametes (or spores). Flagella have been lost in the terrestrial fungi. The kingdom Fungi consists of four phyla: Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota. We distinguish the phyla on the basis of their methods and structures for sexual reproduction and, to a lesser extent, by criteria such as the presence or absence of cross-walls separating their cell-like compartments. This morphologically based phylogeny has proved largely consistent with phylogenies based on DNA sequencing. The term “fungal systematics” has an interesting anagram, “fantastic ugly mess,” but we’ll see that the situation isn’t all that bad. In the sections that follow, we’ll consider some aspects of the general biology of the fungi, including their body structure and its intimate relationship with their environment, their nutrition, and some special aspects of their unusual sexual reproductive cycles. Some fungi are unicellular Unicellular forms are found in all of the fungal phyla. Unicellular members of the Zygomycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota are called yeasts. Yeasts may reproduce by budding, by fission, or by sexual means (Figure 31.2). Their means of reproduction help us to place them in their appropriate phyla, as we will see below. The body of a multicellular fungus is composed of hyphae (a) Fungus (b) Fungal fruiting body Most fungi are multicellular. The body of a multicellular fungus is called a mycelium (plural, mycelia). It is composed of rapidly growing individual tubular filaments called 31.1 Parasitic Fungi Attack Other Living Organisms (a) The gray masses on this ear of corn are the parasitic fungus Ustilago maydis, commonly called corn smut. (b) The tropical fungus whose fruiting body is growing out of the carcass of this ant has developed from a spore ingested by the ant. The spores of this fungus must be ingested by insects before they will germinate and develop. The growing fungus absorbs organic and inorganic nutrients from the ant’s body, eventually killing it, after which the fruiting body produces a new crop of spores. FUNGI: RECYCLERS, PATHOGENS, PARASITES, AND PLANT PARTNERS 605 Nuclei Cell wall Pore Septum Septa are not complete: Pores allow movement of organelles and other materials between celllike compartments. Saccharomyces sp. 31.2 Yeasts Are Unicellular Fungi Unicellular members of the fungal phyla Zygomycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota are known as yeasts. Many yeasts reproduce by budding—mitosis followed by asymmetrical cell division—as those shown here are doing. hyphae (singular, hypha). Within hyphae of two clades, incomplete cross-walls called septa (singular, septum) divide the hypha into separate cells. Pores in the septa allow organelles—sometimes even nuclei—to move in a controlled way between cells (Figure 31.3). Other hyphae are coenocytic and have no septa. Certain modified hyphae, called rhizoids, anchor chytrids and some other fungi to their substratum (the dead organism or other matter upon which they feed). These rhizoids are not homologous to the rhizoids of plants because they are not specialized to absorb nutrients and water. Parasitic fungi may possess modified hyphae that take up nutrients from their host. The total hyphal growth of a mycelium (not the growth of an individual hypha) may exceed 1 km per day. The hy- Grass cells (a) Coenocytic hypha (b) Septate hypha 31.3 Most Hyphae Are Incompletely Divided into Separate Cells (a) Coenocytic hyphae have no septa between their nuclei. (b) Even in septate hyphae, the septa do not block the movement of organelles within the hypha. phae may be widely dispersed to forage for nutrients over a large area, or they may clump together in a cottony mass to exploit a rich nutrient source. Sometimes, when sexual spores are produced, the mycelium becomes reorganized into a fruiting (reproductive) structure such as a mushroom. The way in which a parasitic fungus attacks a plant illustrates the absorptive role of fungal hyphae (Figure 31.4). The hyphae of a fungus invade a leaf through the stomata, through wounds, or in some cases, by direct penetration of epidermal cells. Once inside the leaf, the hyphae form a mycelium. Some hyphae produce haustoria, branching projections that push into the living plant cells, absorbing the nutrients within the cells. The haustoria do not break through the plant cell plasma membranes; they simply press into the cells, with the membrane fitting them like a glove. Fruiting structures may form, either within the plant body or on its surface. Fungal hyphae Spore Fungal spores germinate on the surface of the leaf. Stoma Hypha Elongating hyphae pass through stomata into the interior of the leaf. Some hyphae penetrate cells within the leaf. 31.4 A Fungus Attacks a Leaf The white structures in the micrograph are hyphae of the fungus Blumeria graminis, which is growing on the dark surface of the leaf of a grass. 606 CHAPTER THIRT Y-ONE Fungi are in intimate contact with their environment The filamentous hyphae of a fungus give it a unique relationship with its physical environment. The fungal mycelium has an enormous surface area-to-volume ratio compared with that of most large multicellular organisms. This large ratio is a marvelous adaptation for absorptive nutrition. Throughout the mycelium (except in fruiting structures), all the hyphae are very close to their environmental food source. Another characteristic of some fungi is their tolerance for highly hypertonic environments (those with a solute concentration higher than their own; see Chapter 5). Many fungi are more resistant than bacteria to damage in hypertonic surroundings. Jelly in the refrigerator, for example, will not become a growth medium for bacteria because it is too hypertonic to the bacteria, but it may eventually harbor mold colonies. Their presence in the refrigerator illustrates another trait of many fungi: tolerance of temperature extremes. Many fungi tolerate temperatures as low as 5–6°C below freezing, and some tolerate temperatures as high as 50°C or more. Fungi are absorptive heterotrophs All fungi are heterotrophs that obtain food by direct absorption from their immediate environment. The majority are saprobes, obtaining their energy, carbon, and nitrogen directly from dead organic matter through the action of enzymes they secrete. However, as we’ve learned already, some are parasites, and still others form mutualistic associations with other organisms. Saprobic fungi, along with bacteria, are the major decomposers of the biosphere, contributing to decay and thus to the recycling of the elements used by living things. In the forest, for example, the mycelia of fungi absorb nutrients from fallen trees, thus decomposing their wood. Fungi are the principal decomposers of cellulose and lignin, the main components of plant cell walls (most bacteria cannot break down these materials). Other fungi produce enzymes that decompose keratin and thus break down animal structures such as hair and nails. Because many saprobic fungi are able to grow on artificial media, we can perform experiments to determine their exact nutritional requirements. Sugars are their favored source of carbon. Most fungi obtain nitrogen from proteins or the products of protein breakdown. Many fungi can use nitrate (NO3–) or ammonium (NH4+) ions as their sole source of nitrogen. No known fungus can get its nitrogen directly from nitrogen gas, as can some bacteria and plant–bacteria associations (see Chapter 37). Nutritional studies also reveal that most fungi are unable to synthesize their own thiamin (vitamin B1) or biotin (another B vitamin) and must absorb these vitamins from their environment. On the other hand, fungi can synthesize some vitamins that animals cannot. Like all organisms, fungi also require some mineral elements. Nutrition in the parasitic fungi is particularly interesting to biologists. Facultative parasites can attack living organisms but can also be grown by themselves on artificial media. Obligate parasites cannot be grown on any available medium; they can grow only on their specific living hosts, usually plants. Because their growth is limited to living hosts, they must have specialized nutritional requirements. Some fungi have adaptations that enable them to function as active predators, trapping nearby microscopic protists or animals. The most common strategy is to secrete sticky substances from the hyphae so that passing organisms stick tightly to them. The hyphae then quickly invade the prey, growing and branching within it, spreading through its body, absorbing nutrients, and eventually killing it. A more dramatic adaptation for predation is the constricting ring formed by some species of Arthrobotrys, Dactylaria, and Dactylella (Figure 31.5). All of these fungi grow in soil. When nematodes (tiny roundworms) are present in the soil, these fungi form three-celled rings with a diameter that just fits a nematode. A nematode crawling through one of these rings stimulates the fungus, causing the cells of the ring to swell and trap the worm. Fungal hyphae quickly invade and digest the unlucky victim. Two other kinds of relationships between fungi and other organisms have nutritional consequences for the fungal partner. These relationships are highly specific, symbiotic (the partners live in close, permanent contact with one another), and mutualistic (the relationships benefit both partners). Lichens are associations of a fungus with a cyanobacterium, a unicellular photosynthetic protist, or both. Mycorrhizae (singular, mycorrhiza) are associations between fungi and the roots of plants. In these associations, the fungus obtains organic com- Roundworm Fungal loop 31.5 Some Fungi Are Predators A nematode (roundworm) is trapped in sticky loops of the soil-dwelling fungus Arthrobotrys anchonia. FUNGI: RECYCLERS, PATHOGENS, PARASITES, AND PLANT PARTNERS pounds from its photosynthetic partner, but provides it with minerals and water in return, so that the partner’s nutrition is also promoted. In fact, many plants could not grow at all without their fungal partners. We will discuss lichens and mycorrhizae more thoroughly later in this chapter. Most fungi reproduce both asexually and sexually Both asexual and sexual reproduction are common among the fungi. Asexual reproduction takes several forms: The production of (usually) haploid spores within structures called sporangia. The production of naked spores (not enclosed in sporangia) at the tips of hyphae; such spores are called conidia (from the Greek konis, “dust”). Cell division by unicellular fungi—either a relatively equal division (called fission) or an asymmetrical division in which a small daughter cell is produced (called budding). Simple breakage of the mycelium. Asexual reproduction in fungi can be spectacular in terms of quantity. A 2.5-centimeter colony of Penicillium can produce as many as 400 million conidia. The air we breathe contains as many as 10,000 fungal spores per cubic meter. Sexual reproduction in many fungi features an interesting twist. There is often no morphological distinction between female and male structures, or between female and male individuals. Rather, there is a genetically determined distinction between two or more mating types. Individuals of the same mating type cannot mate with one another, but they can mate with individuals of another mating type within the same species. This distinction prevents self-fertilization. Individuals of different mating types differ genetically from one another, but are often visually and behaviorally indistinguishable. Many protists also have mating type systems. Fungi reproduce sexually when hyphae (or, in the chytrids, motile cells) of different mating types meet and fuse. In many fungi, the zygote nuclei formed by sexual reproduction are the only diploid nuclei in the life cycle. These nuclei undergo meiosis, producing haploid nuclei that become incorporated into spores. Haploid fungal spores, whether produced sexually in this manner or asexually, germinate, and their nuclei divide mitotically to produce hyphae. This type of life cycle, called a haplontic life cycle, is also characteristic of many protists (see Figure 28.27). The presence of a dikaryon is a synapomorphy of three phyla Certain hyphae of some Zygomycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota have a nuclear configuration other than the familiar haploid or diploid states. In these fungi, sexual repro- 607 duction begins in an unusual way: The cytoplasms of two individuals of different mating types fuse (plasmogamy) long before their nuclei fuse (karyogamy), so that two genetically different haploid nuclei coexist and divide within the same hypha. Such a hypha is called a dikaryon (“two nuclei”). Because the two nuclei differ genetically, such a hypha is also called a heterokaryon (“different nuclei”). Eventually, specialized fruiting structures form, within which the pairs of genetically dissimilar nuclei—one from each parent—fuse, giving rise to zygotes long after the original “mating.” The diploid zygote nucleus undergoes meiosis, producing four haploid nuclei. The mitotic descendants of those nuclei become spores, which give rise to the next generation of hyphae. The reproduction of such fungi displays several unusual features. First, there are no gamete cells, only gamete nuclei. Second, there is never any true diploid tissue, although for a long period the genes of both parents are present in the dikaryon and can be expressed. In effect, the hypha is neither diploid (2n) nor haploid (n); rather, it is dikaryotic (n + n). A harmful recessive mutation in one nucleus may be compensated for by a normal allele on the same chromosome in the other nucleus. Dikaryosis is perhaps the most significant of the genetic peculiarities of the fungi. Finally, although zygomycetes, ascomycetes, and basidiomycetes grow in moist places, their gamete nuclei are not motile and are not released into the environment. Therefore, liquid water is not required for fertilization. Some fungi are pathogens Although most human diseases are caused by bacteria or viruses, fungal pathogens are a major cause of death among people with compromised immune systems. Most people with AIDS die of fungal diseases, such as the pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis carinii or the incurable diarrhea caused by some other fungi. Candida albicans and certain other yeasts also cause severe diseases in individuals with AIDS and in individuals taking immunosuppressive drugs. Such fungal diseases are a growing international health problem. Our limited understanding of the basic biology of these fungi still hampers our ability to treat the diseases they cause. Various fungi cause other, less threatening human diseases, such as ringworm and athlete’s foot. In plants, the situation is reversed. Fungi are by far the most important plant pathogens, causing crop losses amounting to billions of dollars. Major fungal diseases of crop plants include black stem rust of wheat and other diseases of wheat, corn, and oats. Bacteria and viruses are less important as plant pathogens. The fungus that causes root and butt rot in pine trees is an important forest pathogen with an interesting, recently dis- 608 CHAPTER THIRT Y-ONE 31.1 Classification of Fungi PHYLUM COMMON NAME FEATURES EXAMPLES Chytridiomycota Chytrids Aquatic; gametes have flagella Allomyces Zygomycota Zygote fungi Zygosporangium; no regularly occurring septa; usually no fleshy fruiting body Rhizopus Ascomycota Sac fungi Ascus; perforated septa Neurospora, baker’s yeast Basidiomycota Club fungi Basidium; perforated septa Armillariella, mushrooms covered property. The virulence (relative ability to cause disease) of some strains of the fungus is controlled by genes in its mitochondria—even though its dikaryotic cells have two different nuclei. Diversity in the Kingdom Fungi In this section on fungal diversity, we’ll consider four phyla— Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota (Figure 31.6; Table 31.1). The first two groups are probably not clades, but the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota are clades. Chytrids probably resemble the ancestral fungi The earliest-diverging fungal group is Chytridiomycota the chytrids (phylum ChytridiomyZygomycota cota). These aquatic microorganisms Ascomycota were formerly classified with the protists. However, morphological (cell walls Basidiomycota that consist primarily of chitin) and molecular evidence support their inclusion in the kingdom Fungi as its basal members. In this book, we use the term “chytrid” to refer to the entire phylum, but some mycologists reserve the term to apply to one of the major clades in the phylum. Like their sister taxon, the animals, the chytrids possess flagellated gametes. The retention of this character reflects the aquatic environment in which fungi first evolved. Chytrids are the only fungi that have flagella at any life cycle stage. Chytrids are either parasitic (on organisms such as algae, mosquito larvae, and nematodes) or saprobic, obtaining nutrients by breaking down dead organic matter. Chytrids in the compound stomachs of foregut-fermenting animals such as cows may be an exception, living in a mutualistic association with their hosts. Most chytrids live in freshwater habitats or in moist soil, but some are marine. Some chytrids are unicellular; others have mycelia made up of branching, coenocytic hyphae. Chytrids reproduce both sexually and asexually, but they do not have a dikaryon stage. Allomyces, a well-studied genus of chytrids, displays alternation of generations. A haploid zoospore (a spore with flagella) comes to rest on dead plant or animal material in water and germinates to form a small, multicellular haploid mycelium. That mycelium produces female and male gametangia (gamete cases) (Figure 31.7). Mitosis in the gametangia results in the formation of haploid gametes, each with a single nucleus. Chytridiomycota Common ancestor The female gametangium contains female gametes. Zygomycota The male gametangium contains male gametes. Ascomycota Basidiomycota Allomyces sp. 31.6 Phylogeny of the Fungi among the fungi. Four phyla are recognized 31.7 Reproductive Structures of a Chytrid The haploid gametes produced in these gametangia will fuse with other gametes to form diploid mycelia. The male gametangia are smaller than the female gametangia and possess a light orange pigment. FUNGI: RECYCLERS, PATHOGENS, PARASITES, AND PLANT PARTNERS Both female and male gametes have flagella. The motile female gamete produces a pheromone, a chemical that attracts the swimming male gamete. The two gametes fuse, and then their nuclei fuse to form a diploid zygote. Mitosis and cytokinesis in the zygote gives rise to a small, multicellular diploid organism, which produces numerous diploid flagellate zoospores. These diploid zoospores disperse and germinate to form more diploid organisms. Eventually, the diploid organism produces thick-walled resting sporangia that can survive unfavorable conditions such as dry weather or freezing. Nuclei in the resting sporangia eventually undergo meiosis, giving rise to haploid zoospores that are released into the water and begin the cycle anew. The presence of flagellated gametes is a distinguishing feature of the chytrids. The loss of flagella is a synapomorphy that unites the remaining three fungal lineages. Zygomycetes reproduce sexually by fusion of two gametangia Most zygomycetes (“zygote Chytridiomycota fungi,” phylum Zygomycota) have Zygomycota coenocytic hyphae. They produce no Ascomycota motile cells, and only one diploid cell— Basidiomycota the zygote—appears in the entire life cycle. The mycelium of a zygomycete spreads over its substratum, growing forward by means of vegetative hyphae. Most zygomycetes do not form a fleshy fruiting structure; rather, the hyphae spread in an apparently random fashion, with occasional stalked sporangiophores reaching up into the air (Figure 31.8). These reproductive structures may bear one or many sporangia. 609 Almost 900 species of zygomycetes have been described. A very important group of zygomycetes serve as the fungal partners in the most common type of mycorrhizal association with plant roots. A zygomycete that you may be more familiar with is Rhizopus stolonifer, the black bread mold. Rhizopus reproduces asexually by producing many stalked sporangiophores, each bearing a single sporangium containing hundreds of minute spores (Figure 31.9a). As in other filamentous fungi, the spore-forming structure is separated from the rest of the hypha by a wall. Zygomycetes reproduce sexually when adjacent hyphae of two different mating types release pheromones, which cause them to grow toward each other. These hyphae produce gametangia, which fuse to form a zygosporangium. Sometime later, the gamete nuclei now contained within the zygosporangium fuse to form a single multinucleate zygospore (Figure 31.9b). The zygosporangium develops a thick, multilayered wall that protects the zygospore. The highly resistant zygospore may remain dormant for months before its nuclei undergo meiosis and a sporangiophore sprouts. The sporangium contains the products of meiosis: haploid nuclei that are incorporated into spores. These spores disperse and germinate to form a new generation of haploid hyphae. The next two fungal lineages that we’ll discuss are related groups with many similarities, including a dikaryon stage and hyphae with septa. A key feature distinguishing between them is whether the sexual spores are borne inside a sac (in the ascomycetes) or on a pedestal (in the basidiomycetes). The sexual reproductive structure of ascomycetes is an ascus Sporangia Sporangiophores Pilobolus sp. 31.8 A Zygomycete This small forest of filamentous structures is made up of sporangiophores. The stalks end in tiny, rounded sporangia. The ascomycetes (“sac fungi,” phylum Chytridiomycota Ascomycota) are a large and diverse Zygomycota group of fungi distinguished by the Ascomycota production of sacs called asci (singular, Basidiomycota ascus), which contain sexually produced ascospores (Figure 31.10). The ascus is the characteristic sexual reproductive structure of the ascomycetes. Ascomycete hyphae are segmented by more or less regularly spaced septa. A pore in each septum permits extensive movement of cytoplasm and organelles (including the nuclei) from one segment to the next. The approximately 30,000 known species of ascomycetes can be divided into two broad groups, depending on whether the asci are contained within a specialized fruiting structure. Species that have this fruiting structure, the ascocarp, are collectively called euascomycetes (“true ascomycetes”); those without ascocarps are called hemiascomycetes (“half ascomycetes”). 610 CHAPTER THIRT Y-ONE (a) (b) Spores 1 Hyphae of differing mating types produce branches that grow toward each other. Hypha of – mating type Hypha of + mating type 2 The tips develop into gametangia. Spores Gametangia (n) Sporangium Rhizopus stolonifer Sporangiophore HAPLOID (n) 6 The zygospores undergo meiosis, forming haploid spores that are released from the sporangium. 31.9 Sexual Reproduction in a Zygomycete (a) The micrograph shows the fruiting body of a black bread mold. (b) Sexual reproduction in zygomycetes begins when pheromones released by hyphae of two different mating types cause them to fuse and form zygosporangia. 3 The gametangia fuse. . . DIPLOID DIKARYOTIC (2n) (n + n) Meiosis Zygospores (2n) within zygosporangium 5 The resulting zygote develops into a zygosporangium that contains zygospores. Zygosporangium (n + n) Fertilization Most hemiascomycetes are microscopic, and many species are unicellular. Perhaps the best known are the ascomycete yeasts, especially baker’s or brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae; see Figure 31.2). These yeasts are among the most important domesticated fungi. S. cerevisiae metabolizes glucose obtained from its environment to ethanol and carbon dioxide by fermentation. It forms carbon dioxide bubbles in bread dough and gives baked bread its light texture. Although they are baked away in bread making, the ethanol and carbon dioxide are both retained when yeast ferments grain into beer. Other yeasts live on fruits such as figs and grapes and play an important role in the making of wine. Hemiascomycete yeasts reproduce asexually either by fission (splitting in half after mitosis) or by budding (an asymmetrical cell division in which a small daughter cell is produced; see Figure 31.2). Sexual reproduction takes place when two adjacent haploid cells of opposite mating types fuse. (We discussed the genetics of yeast mating types in Chapter 14.) In some species, the resulting zygote buds to form a diploid cell population; in others, the zygote nucleus undergoes HEMIASCOMYCETES. Ascospores Ascus 31.10 Asci and Ascospores The ascomycetes are characterized by the production of ascospores within sacs called asci. Ascospores are the products of meiosis followed by a single mitotic division. Ascospores and asci do not mature all at once, and they may abort, so not every ascus in this micrograph contains eight mature ascospores. 4 . . . as do the gametes within them, forming a zygosporangium. meiosis immediately. When this diploid nucleus undergoes meiosis, the entire cell becomes an ascus. Depending on whether the products of meiosis then undergo mitosis, a yeast ascus usually contains either eight or four ascospores (see Figure 31.10). The ascospores germinate to become haploid cells. Hemiascomycetes have no dikaryon stage. Yeasts, especially Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are frequently used in molecular biological research. Just as E. coli is the best-studied prokaryote, S. cerevisiae is the most completely studied eukaryote. The euascomycetes include many of the filamentous fungi known as molds. Among them are several common pink molds, one of which (Neurospora) Beadle and Tatum used in their pioneering genetic studies (see Figure 12.1). Many euascomycetes are parasites on flowering plants. Chestnut blight and Dutch elm disease are both caused by euascomycetes. The powdery mildews are euascomycetes that infect cereal grains, lilacs, and roses, among many other plants. They can be a serious problem to grape growers, and a great deal of research has focused on ways to control these agricultural pests. The euascomycetes also include the cup fungi (Figure 31.11a,b). In most of these organisms the ascocarps are cupshaped and can be as large as several centimeters across. The inner surfaces of the cups are covered with a mixture of vegetative hyphae and asci, and they produce huge numbers of spores. Although these fleshy structures appear to be composed of distinct tissue layers, microscopic examination shows that their basic organization is still filamentous—a tightly woven mycelium. Two particularly delicious euascomycetes ascocarps are morels (Figure 31.11a) and truffles. Truffles grow underground in a mutualistic association with the roots of some species of oaks. Europeans traditionally used pigs to find truffles because some truffles secrete a substance that has an odor similar to a pig’s sex pheromone. Unfortunately, pigs also eat truffles, so dogs are now the usual truffle hunters. Penicillium is a genus of green molds, of which some species produce the antibiotic penicillin, presumably for defense against competing bacteria. Two species, P. camembertii and P. roquefortii, are the organisms responsible for the characteristic flavors of Camembert and Roquefort cheeses, respectively. Brown molds of the genus Aspergillus are important in some human diets. A. tamarii acts on soybeans in the production of soy sauce, and A. oryzae is used in brewing the Japanese alcoholic beverage sake. Some species of Aspergillus that grow on nuts such as peanuts and pecans produce extremely EUASCOMYCETES. (b) Sarcoscypha coccinea (a) Morchella esculenta 31.11 Two Cup Fungi (a) Morels, which have a spongelike ascocarp and a subtle flavor, are considered a delicacy by humans. (b) These brilliant red cups are the ascocarps of another cup fungus. carcinogenic (cancer-inducing) compounds called aflatoxins. In the United States, moldy grain infected with Aspergillus is thrown out. In Africa, where food is scarcer, the grain gets eaten, moldy or not, and causes severe health problems. The euascomycetes reproduce asexually by means of conidia that form at the tips of specialized hyphae (Figure 31.12). Small chains of conidia are produced by the millions and can survive for weeks in nature. The conidia are what give molds their characteristic colors. The sexual reproductive cycle of euascomycetes includes the formation of a dikaryon. Most euascomycetes form mat- Conidia Leaf Hyphae Erysiphe sp. 31.12 Conidia Chains of conidia are developing at the tips of specialized hyphae arising from this powdery mildew growing on a leaf. 612 Spores (n) CHAPTER THIRT Y-ONE Asexual reproduction 31.13 The Life Cycle of a Euascomycete This cup fungus is so named because of its cup-shaped ascocarp. Spores (n) Mating type a ( ) Mating type A ( ) Mating structures Germinating ascospore (n) Germinating ascospore (n) Ascospores (n) Ascospores (n) HAPLOID (n) DIKARYOTIC (n + n) Dikaryotic hyphae (n + n) Mitosis DIPLOID (2n) Dikaryotic ascus (n + n) Haploid hyphae (n) Meiosis Fertilization Ascocarp ing structures, some “female” and some “male” (Figure 31.13). Nuclei from a male structure on one hypha enter a female mating structure on a hypha of a compatible mating type. Dikaryotic ascogenous (ascus-forming) hyphae develop from the now dikaryotic female mating structure. The introduced nuclei divide simultaneously with the host nuclei. Eventually asci form at the tips of the ascogenous hyphae. Only with the formation of asci do the nuclei finally fuse. Both nuclear fusion and the subsequent meiosis of the resulting diploid nucleus take place within individual asci. The meiotic products are incorporated into ascospores that are ultimately shed by the ascus to begin the new haploid generation. The sexual reproductive structure of basidiomycetes is a basidium About 25,000 species of basidioChytridiomycota mycetes (“club fungi,” phylum BaZygomycota sidiomycota) have been described. Ascomycota Basidiomycetes produce some of the Basidiomycota most spectacular fruiting structures found anywhere among the fungi. These fruiting structures, called basidiocarps, include puffballs (which may be more than half a meter in diameter), mushrooms of all kinds, and the FUNGI: RECYCLERS, PATHOGENS, PARASITES, AND PLANT PARTNERS 613 (a) Lycoperdon perlatum (b) Amanita muscaria 31.14 Basidiomycete Fruiting Structures The basidiocarps of the basidiomycetes are probably the most familiar structures produced by fungi. (a) When raindrops hit them, these puffballs will release clouds of spores for dispersal. (b) These mushrooms were produced by a member of a highly poisonous genus, Amanita, that forms mycorrhizal relationships with trees. (c) This edible bracket fungus is parasitizing a tree. (c) Laetiporus sulphureus giant bracket fungi often encountered on trees and fallen logs in a damp forest (Figure 31.14). There are more than 3,250 species of mushrooms, including the familiar Agaricus bisporus you may enjoy on your pizza, as well as poisonous species, such as members of the genus Amanita. Bracket fungi do great damage to cut lumber and stands of timber. Some of the most damaging plant pathogens are basidiomycetes, including the rust fungi and the smut fungi (see Figure 31.1a) that parasitize cereal grains. In contrast, other basidiomycetes contribute to the survival of plants as fungal partners in mycorrhizae. Some of the largest organisms on Earth are basidiomycetes. One such fungus, a member of the genus Armillariella growing in Michigan, covers an area of 37 acres. Its effect on plants is evident from the air, but from ground level, it is difficult to realize how large the fungus is. At the surface, only seemingly isolated clumps of mushrooms are visible. The vast body of the fungus, which weighs approximately the same as a blue whale, grows underground and consists almost entirely of microscopic hyphal filaments. Molecular studies indicate that this giant fungus is or was a single individual that arose from a single spore. It is possible that fragmentation over time may have broken it into a few separate—but still gigantic—individuals. Another, larger fungus of the same genus, growing in the state of Washington, occupies parts of three counties. Basidiomycete hyphae characteristically have septa with small, distinctive pores. The basidium (plural, basidia), a swollen cell at the tip of a hypha, is the characteristic sexual reproductive structure of the basidiomycetes. It is the site of nuclear fusion and meiosis. Thus, the basidium plays the same role in the basidiomycetes as the ascus does in the ascomycetes and the zygosporangium does in the zygomycetes. The life cycle of the basidiomycetes is shown in Figure 31.15. After nuclei fuse in the basidium, the resulting diploid nucleus undergoes meiosis, and the four resulting haploid nuclei are incorporated into haploid basidiospores, which form on tiny stalks on the outside of the basidium. These basidiospores typically are forcibly discharged from their basidia and then germinate, giving rise to haploid hyphae. As these hyphae grow, haploid hyphae of different mating types meet and fuse, forming dikaryotic hyphae, each cell of which contains two nuclei, one from each parent hypha. The dikaryotic mycelium grows and eventually, when triggered by rain or another environmental cue, produces a basidiocarp. The dikaryon stage may persist for years—some basidiomycetes live for decades or even centuries. This pattern contrasts with the life cycle of the ascomycetes, in which the dikaryon is found only in the stages leading up to formation of the asci. The elaborate basidiocarp of some fleshy basidiomycetes, such as the mushroom shown in Figure 31.15, is topped by a 614 CHAPTER THIRT Y-ONE 2 Basidiospores give rise to haploid hyphae. Basidiospores 3 Haploid hyphae of different mating types fuse, forming dikaryotic hyphae. + Mating type Mycelial hyphae 1 The basidium is the characteristic sexual reproductive structure of the basidiomycetes. Basidiospores form outside the basidium. Dikaryotic mycelium – Mating type 4 The dikaryotic mycelium grows and eventually produces a fruiting structure, the basidiocarp. HAPLOID (n) DIKARYOTIC (n + n) DIKARYOTIC (n + n) Gills lined with basidia Young basidiocarp Pileus Basidiospores 5 The basidiocarp is topped by a cap, or pileus, which has gills on its underside. DIPLOID (2n) Nuclei Basidium Fused nucleus Meiosis 31.15 The Basidiomycete Life Cycle Basidiospores form on tiny stalks and are then dispersed to germinate into haploid hyphae. 7 Nuclear fusion and meiosis take place in the developing basidium. cap, or pileus, which has structures called gills on its underside. Enormous numbers of basidia develop on the surfaces of the gills. The basidia discharge their basidiospores into the air spaces between adjacent gills, and the spores sift down into air currents for dispersal and germination as new haploid mycelia. A single basidiocarp of the common bracket fungus Ganoderma applanatum can produce as many as 4.5 trillion basidiospores in one growing season. Imperfect fungi lack a sexual stage As we have just seen, mechanisms of sexual reproduction readily distinguish members of the four phyla of fungi from one another. But many fungi, including both saprobes and parasites, appear to lack sexual stages entirely; presumably Fertilization Basidiocarp (fruiting structure) Developing basidium 6 Basidia develop on the surfaces of the gills. these stages have been lost during the evolution of these species or have not yet been observed. Classifying these fungi used to be difficult, but biologists now can assign most such fungi to one of the four phyla on the basis of their DNA sequences. Fungi that have not yet been placed in any of the existing phyla are pooled together in a polyphyletic group called deuteromycetes, informally known as “imperfect fungi.” Thus, the deuteromycete group is a holding area for species whose status is yet to be resolved. At present, about 25,000 species are classified as imperfect fungi. If sexual structures are found on a fungus classified as a deuteromycete, that fungus is reassigned to the appropriate phylum. That happened, for example, to a fungus that produces plant growth hormones called gibberellins (see Chapter 38). Originally classified as the deuteromycete Fusarium moniliforme, this fungus was later found to produce asci, FUNGI: RECYCLERS, PATHOGENS, PARASITES, AND PLANT PARTNERS whereupon it was renamed Gibberella fujikuroi and transferred to the phylum Ascomycota. Fungal Associations Earlier in this chapter we mentioned mycorrhizae and lichens, two kinds of symbiotic, mutualistic associations between fungi and other organisms. Now that we have learned a bit about fungal diversity, let’s consider mycorrhizae and lichens in greater detail. Mycorrhizae are essential to many plants Almost all tracheophytes require a symbiotic association with fungi. Unassisted, the root hairs of such plants do not absorb enough water or minerals to sustain growth. However, their roots usually do become infected with fungi, forming an association called a mycorrhiza. In ectomycorrhizae, the fungus (usually a basidiomycete) wraps around the root, and its mass is often as great as that of the root itself (Figure 31.16a). The fungal hyphae do not penetrate the root cells. An extensive web of hyphae penetrates the soil in the area around the root, so that up to 25 percent of the soil volume near the root may be fungal hyphae. The hyphae of the fungi attached to the root increase the surface area for the absorption of water and minerals, and the mass of the mycorrhiza, like a sponge, holds water efficiently in the neighborhood of the root. Infected roots characteristically branch extensively and become swollen and clubshaped, and they lack root hairs. (a) Hyphae of the fungus Pisolithus tinctorius cover a eucalyptus root. (b) 615 In endomycorrhizae, the fungal (zygomycete) hyphae enter the root and penetrate the root cells, forming tree-like structures inside the cells, which become the primary site of exchange between plant and fungus (Figure 31.16b). As with the ectomycorrhizae, the fungus forms a vast web of hyphae leading from the root surface into the surrounding soil. The mycorrhizal association is important to both partners. The fungus obtains important organic compounds, such as sugars and amino acids, from the plant. In return, the fungus, because of its very high surface area-to-volume ratio and ability to penetrate the fine structure of the soil, greatly increases the plant’s ability to absorb water and minerals (especially phosphorus). The fungus may also provide the plant with certain growth hormones and may protect it against attack by microorganisms. Plants that have active endomycorrhizae typically are a deeper green and may resist drought and temperature extremes better than plants of the same species that have little mycorrhizal development. Attempts to introduce some plant species to new areas have failed until a bit of soil from the native area (presumably containing the fungus necessary to establish mycorrhizae) was provided. Trees without ectomycorrhizae normally will not grow at all, so the health of our forests depends on the presence of ectomycorrhizal fungi. The partnership between plant and fungus results in a plant that is better adapted for life on land. It has been suggested that the evolution of mycorrhizae was the single most important step leading to the colonization of the terrestrial environment by living things. Fossils of mycorrhizal structures more than 300 million years old have been found, and some rocks dating back 460 million years contain structures that appear to be fossilized fungal spores. Some liverworts, which are among the most ancient terrestrial plants (see Chapter 29), form mycorrhizae. Certain plants that live in nitrogenpoor habitats, such as cranberry bushes and orchids, invariably have mycorrhizae. Orchid seeds will not germinate in nature unless they are already infected by the fungus that will form their mycorrhizae. Plants that lack chlorophyll always have mycorrhizae, which they often share with the The shapes filling much of this soybean root cell are sections through the hyphae of the endomycorrhizal fungus Glomus caledonium. 31.16 Mycorrhizal Associations (a) Ectomycorrhizal fungi wrap themselves around the plant root, increasing the area available for absorption of water and nutrients. (b) Endomycorrhizae infect the root internally and penetrate the root cells. 616 (a) CHAPTER THIRT Y-ONE Foliose Crustose roots of green, photosynthetic plants. In effect, these plants without chlorophyll are feeding on nearby green plants, using the fungus as a bridge. Lichens can grow where plants cannot A lichen is not a single organism, but rather a meshwork of two radically different organisms: a fungus and a photosynthetic microorganism. Together the organisms constituting a lichen can survive some of the harshest environments on Earth. The biota of Antarctica, for example, features more than 100 times as many species of lichens as of plants. In spite of this hardiness, lichens are very sensitive to air pollution because they are unable to excrete toxic substances that they absorb. Hence they are not common in industrialized cities. Because of their sensitivity, lichens are good biological indicators of air pollution. The fungal components of most lichens are ascomycetes, but a few are basidiomycetes or imperfect fungi. The photosynthetic component is most often a unicellular green alga but may be a cyanobacterium, or may include both. Relatively little experimental work has focused on lichens, perhaps because they grow so slowly—typically less than 1 centimeter per year. There are about 13,500 “species” of lichens. Their fungal components may constitute as many as 20 percent of all fungal species, but none of these species are able to grow independently without a photosynthetic partner. Lichens are found in all sorts of exposed habitats: on tree bark, open soil, and bare rock. Reindeer “moss” (actually not a moss at all, but the lichen Cladonia subtenuis) covers vast areas in arctic, subarctic, and boreal regions, where it is an important part of the diets of reindeer and other large mammals. Lichens come in various forms and colors. Crustose (crustlike) lichens look (b) 31.17 Lichen Body Forms Lichens fall into three principal classes based on their body form. (a) These foliose and crustose lichens are growing on otherwise bare rock. (b) A miniature jungle of fruticose lichens. like colored powder dusted over their substratum (Figure 31.17a); foliose (leafy) and fruticose (shrubby) lichens may have complex forms (Figure 31.17b). The most widely held interpretation of the lichen relationship is that it is a mutually beneficial symbiosis. The hyphae of the fungal mycelium are tightly pressed against the algae or cyanobacteria and sometimes even invade them. The bacterial or algal cells not only survive these indignities, but continue their growth and photosynthesis. In fact, the algal cells in a lichen “leak” photosynthetic products at a greater rate than do similar cells growing on their own. On the other hand, photosynthetic cells from lichens grow more rapidly on their own than when associated with a fungus. On this basis, we could consider lichen fungi as parasitic on their photosynthetic partners. Lichens can reproduce simply by fragmentation of the vegetative body, which is called the thallus, or by means of specialized structures called soredia (singular, soredium). Soredia consist of one or a few photosynthetic cells surrounded by fungal hyphae (Figure 31.18a). The soredia become detached, are dispersed by air currents, and upon arriving at a favorable location, develop into a new lichen. Alternatively, if the fungal partner is an ascomycete or a basidiomycete, it may go through its sexual cycle, producing either ascospores or basidiospores. When these spores are discharged, however, they disperse alone, unaccompanied by the photosynthetic partner, and thus may not be capable of reestablishing the lichen association, or even of surviving on their own. Nevertheless, many lichens produce characteristic fruiting structures containing asci or basidia. FUNGI: RECYCLERS, PATHOGENS, PARASITES, AND PLANT PARTNERS 31.18 Lichen Anatomy (a) Soredia of a fruticose lichen. (b) Cross section showing the layers of a foliose lichen. 617 Soredia detach readily from the parent lichen and travel in air currents, founding new lichens when they settle in a suitable environment. (b) (a) Each soredium consists of one or a few photosynthetic cells surrounded by fungal hyphae. Upper layer of fungal hyphae Hyphae Lichens are arranged in distinct layers. Soredium Photosynthetic cell layer Loose layer of fungal hyphae Lower layer of fungal hyphae Substratum Visible in a cross section of a typical foliose lichen are a tight upper region of fungal hyphae, a layer of cyanobacteria or algae, a looser hyphal layer, and finally hyphal rhizoids that attach the whole structure to its substratum (Figure 31.18b). The meshwork of fungal hyphae takes up some nutrients needed by the photosynthetic cells and provides a suitably moist environment for them by holding water tenaciously. The fungi derive fixed carbon from the photosynthesis of the algal or cyanobacterial cells. Lichens are often the first colonists on new areas of bare rock. They satisfy most of their nutritional needs from the air and rainwater, augmented by minerals absorbed from dust. A lichen begins to grow shortly after a rain, as it begins to dry. As it grows, the lichen acidifies its environment slightly, and this acid contributes to the slow breakdown of rocks, an early step in soil formation. After further drying, the lichen’s photosynthesis ceases. The water content of the lichen may drop to less than 10 percent of its dry weight, at which point it becomes highly insensitive to extremes of temperature. Whether living on their own or in symbiotic associations, fungi have spread successfully over much of Earth since their origin from a protist ancestor. That ancestor also gave rise to the choanoflagellates and the animal kingdom, as we will see in Chapter 32. Chapter Summary General Biology of the Fungi Fungi are heterotrophic eukaryotes with absorptive nutrition and with chitin in their cell walls. They may be saprobes, parasites, or mutualists. These four fungal phyla differ in their reproductive structures, mechanisms of spore formation, and less importantly, the presence and form of septa in their hyphae. The yeasts are unicellular fungi. The bodies of multicellular fungi are composed of multinucleate hyphae, often massed to form a mycelium. The hyphae usually have incomplete partitions (septa) that allow the movement of organelles between cells. They give fungi a large surface area-to-volume ratio, enhancing their ability to absorb nutrients. Review Figures 31.3, 31.4 Fungi reproduce asexually by means of spores formed within sporangia, by conidia formed at the tips of hyphae, by fission or budding, or by fragmentation. Fungi reproduce sexually when hyphae of different mating types meet and fuse. In addition to the haploid and diploid states, many fungi demonstrate a third nuclear condition: the dikaryotic, or n + n, state. Diversity in the Kingdom Fungi The kingdom Fungi consists of four phyla: Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota. Review Figure 31.6, Table 31.1. See Web/CD Activity 31.1 The chytrids, with their flagellated zoospores and gametes, probably resemble the ancestral fungi. The zygomycetes reproduce sexually by fusion of gametangia. Review Figure 31.9 The sexual reproductive structure of ascomycetes is an ascus containing ascospores. The ascomycetes are divided into two groups, euascomycetes and hemiascomycetes, on the basis of whether they have an ascocarp, or fruiting structure. Review Figure 31.13. See Web/CD Activity 31.2 The sexual reproductive structure of basidiomycetes is a basidium, a swollen cell bearing basidiospores. Review Figure 31.15 Imperfect fungi (deuteromycetes) lack sexual structures, but DNA sequencing can sometimes identify the phylum to which they belong. See Web/CD Tutorial 31.1 618 CHAPTER THIRT Y-ONE Fungal Associations Mycorrhizae, which are symbiotic associations of a fungus with plant roots, enhance the ability of the roots to absorb water and nutrients. In return, the plant supplies the fungus with photosynthetic products. Lichens, which are symbiotic associations of a fungus with a green alga or a cyanobacterium, are found in some of the most inhospitable environments on the planet. Review Figure 31.18 Self-Quiz 1. Which statement about fungi is not true? a. A multicellular fungus has a body called a mycelium. b. Hyphae are composed of individual mycelia. c. Many fungi tolerate highly hypertonic environments. d. Many fungi tolerate low temperatures. e. Some fungi are anchored to their substrate by rhizoids. 2. The absorptive nutrition of fungi is aided by a. dikaryon formation. b. spore formation. c. the fact that they are all parasites. d. their large surface area-to-volume ratio. e. their possession of chloroplasts. 3. Which statement about fungal nutrition is not true? a. Some fungi are active predators. b. Some fungi form mutualistic associations with other organisms. c. All fungi require mineral nutrients. d. Fungi can make some of the compounds that are vitamins for animals. e. Facultative parasites can grow only on their specific hosts. 4. Which statement about dikaryosis is not true? a. The cytoplasm of two cells fuses before their nuclei fuse. b. The two haploid nuclei are genetically different. c. The two nuclei are of the same mating type. d. The dikaryon stage ends when the two nuclei fuse. e. Not all fungi have a dikaryon stage. 5. Reproductive structures consisting of one or more photosynthetic cells surrounded by fungal hyphae are called a. ascospores. b. basidiospores. c. conidia. d. soredia. e. gametes. 6. The zygomycetes a. have hyphae without regularly occurring septa. b. produce motile gametes. c. form fleshy fruiting bodies. d. are haploid throughout their life cycle. e. have sexual reproductive structures similar to those of the ascomycetes. 7. Which statement about ascomycetes is not true? a. They include yeasts. b. They form reproductive structures called asci. c. Their hyphae are segmented by septa. d. Many of their species have a dikaryotic state. e. All have fruiting structures called ascocarps. 8. The basidiomycetes a. often produce fleshy fruiting structures. b. have hyphae without septa. c. have no sexual stage. d. produce basidia within basidiospores. e. form diploid basidiospores. 9. The deuteromycetes a. have distinctive sexual stages. b. are all parasitic. c. have “lost” some members to other fungal groups. d. include the ascomycetes. e. are never components of lichens. 10. Which statement about lichens is not true? a. They can reproduce by fragmentation of the vegetative body. b. They are often the first colonists in a new area. c. They render their environment more basic (alkaline). d. They contribute to soil formation. e. They may contain less than 10 percent water by weight. For Discussion 1. You are shown an object that looks superficially like a pale green mushroom. Describe at least three criteria (including anatomical and chemical traits) that would enable you to tell whether the object is a piece of a plant or a piece of a fungus. 2. Differentiate among the members of the following pairs of related terms: a. hypha/mycelium b. euascomycete/hemiascomycete c. ascus/basidium d. ectomycorrhiza/endomycorrhiza 3. For each type of organism listed below, give a single characteristic that may be used to differentiate it from the other, related organism(s) in parentheses. a. Zygomycota (Ascomycota) b. Basidiomycota (deuteromycetes) c. Ascomycota (Basidiomycota) d. baker’s yeast (Neurospora crassa) 4. Many fungi are dikaryotic during part of their life cycle. Why are dikaryons described as n + n instead of 2n? 5. If all the fungi on Earth were suddenly to die, how would the surviving organisms be affected? Be thorough and specific in your answer. 6. How might the first mycorrhizae have arisen? 7. What might account for the ability of lichens to withstand the intensely cold environment of Antarctica? Be specific in your answer.