Anonymous Candidate Code: BIO 121 Final Exam (Session 1)

Anonymous Candidate Code:
Joseph Fourier University
BIO 121 Final Exam (Session 1)
Exam conditions:
- 2H,
- no document allowed,
- no calculator allowed,
- no cell phone allowed.
The exam subject is composed of two parts:
Part A: answer in the provided squares below.
Part B consists in multiple choice questions: tick the correct or the wrong
answer(s) as requested.
(You should be answering to these questions in 60 minutes or less)
Drepanocytosis (sickle-cell anemia) is a genetic disease largely spread all over the world. It is
caused by a mutation on chromosome 11 resulting in a mutation of the globin part of
hemoglobin. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of the mutated allele (allele S) to that of
the normal allele revealed a point mutation, as described in the following table:
Partial DNA sequence of a
wild-type (healthy) individual
Partial DNA sequence of a
mutated (sick) individual
1 Use the “square/triangle/circle’ code to schematize below the various parts of a nucleotide.
Do not forget to completely annotate this schematic representation.
2 Using the same “square/triangle/circle’ code, schematize below the double stranded DNA of
a healthy individual at the GAG codon. Orient and annotate this double stranded DNA.
The point mutation described above results in a modification of the amino acid sequence of
the globin protein. The table below compares the amino acid sequence of the globin A from a
healthy individual with the corresponding amino acid sequence of the globin S from an
individual suffering from drepanocytosis.
Portion of the globin A amino acid
sequence from a healthy individual
Portion of the globin S amino acid
sequence from a sick individual
Val His Leu Thr Glu Leu
Val His Leu Thr Val Leu
4 Write below the developed formula of the tripeptide Thr Glu Leu (from globin A) at pH1.
pKa (α-COOH)
pKa (α-NH3+)
pKa (lateral chain)
5 Write the dissociation equilibria of the tripeptide Thr Glu Leu from globin A and calculate
its isoelectric point.
The modification of the globin amino acid sequence resulting from the point mutation leads to
a modification of the protein isoelectric point.
6. Which method would you use to separate globin A from globin S? (Describe the principle
of this separation method and name it.)
The modification of the globin amino acid sequence resulting from the point mutation also
leads to a modification of the protein 3D structure. Hemoglobin S indeed polymerizes into
rigid fibers, which deform the red blood cell plasma membrane of sick individuals.
7 Draw below a schematic representation of a portion of a normal cell plasma membrane,
including all the components of this plasma membrane. Do not forget to completely annotate
this scheme, including the various compartments that you have represented.
The lipidomic analysis performed on this plasma membrane showed the presence of
1 palmityl 2 oleyl 3 β D-glucopyranosyl glycerol among the lipid components.
8 Write below the semi-developed formula of β D-glucopyranose.
9 Write below the semi-developed formula of palmitic acid at pH 1. Do not forget to number
the carbons and provide its fatty acid nomenclature.
10 Write below the semi-developed formula of oleic acid at pH 1. Do not forget to number the
carbons and provide its fatty acid nomenclature.
11 Write the semi-developed formula of 1 palmityl 2 oleyl 3 β D-glucopyranosyl glycerol.
To which lipid family does it belong?
12 On the formula written in question 11, draw a hydrogen bond that can be established
between the lipid and one water molecule.