Instructions: Ch 2: Understanding and Asses NOTE: This chapter

Technology: Computing for College and Careers
uter Concepts / Help Desk Topics
Technology in Action: Ch 2 Understanding and Assessing Hardware
In this chapter you will learn about evaluating your computer system. You will learn about the hardware, and
Learn how to evaluate your system to determine if it meets your needs, or if you would need to upgrade.
Before you start:
Create folders in your thawspace for each chapter.
Create a folder called Tech in Action.
Under this folder you will create a folder for each chapter in the white book
Create the following folders (you may shorten the names if you want)
Chapter 1 Understanding the Parts
Chapter 2 Understanding and Assessing Hardware
Chapter 3 Using the Internet
Chapter 4 Digital Lifestyle
In each of the chapter folders you will save all the pdf and document files you create for the chapter.
For each chapter you will create a Word 2010 document to hold the screen shots of the quiz results of the
Helpdesk calls.
Instructions: Ch 2:: Understanding and Assessing Hardware
NOTE: This chapter corresponds to Ch 6 in tthe
he Technology in Action textbook.
1. Remember we are going to be working between the Technology in Action eText and the
Technology in Action Companion website. Both of these are accessed via Myitlab.
2. Do the Online study guide for this chapter as a ‘pretest
‘pretest’. Go to the Technology in Action,
Companion Website (via myitlab)
a) Click on Technology In Action, 8e: Student Companion Website, then click to access
b) The website is displayed showing the welcome page.
c) Our book has 4 chapters from the Tech in A
ction textbook. I will always tell you what
chapter we correspond to in the book. This chapter, Understanding and Assessing
Hardware corresponds to Chapter 66. Select Ch 6
d) Click on the Online Study Guide. Do the Online Study Guide as a pretest. You will get a
grade for completion
completion,, you grade is NOT based on how many you get correct, just try your
best. When you complete the study guide, the result will be displayed. ‘Print’ this result
to a pdf file and turn it in to the TIA ch2 pretest drop box.
e) Click on the explorer icon at bottom to show the other tabs that are up, and go back to the
myitlab window.
3. You will watch the audio powerpoint about the chapter.
a) Back in the myitlab window, cclick on view all content
b) Click on Understanding and Assessing Hardware: Evaluating your System.
c) Click on Understanding and Assessing Hardware: Evaluating your System audio
powerpoint presentation
d) Watch the entire presentation.
4. Go to the eText for the Technology in Action Textbook.
a) Click on Technology in Action 8e, eeText
b) Click on Chapter 6: Understanding and Assessing Hardware.
5. In the eText Chapter, the first thing you see are the objectives. Notice how each objective has page
numbers that are links that will take you directly to the pages for the objective.
Technology: Computing for College and Careers
uter Concepts / Help Desk Topics
6. Read the
he objectives for this chapter.
7. You will go through the chapter. As you are reading, pay close attention to the areas labeled Bit
and Bytes. These are usually areas that are of high interest, or are important for you to read. Also,
notice how the vocabulary
lary (glossary terms) are linked to the glossary so that you can easily look up
a meaning.
8. Read through page 276. On Pg. 276, Click on and listen to the
he Sound Byte: Using Windows 7 to
Evaluate CPU Performance.
9. Now you should go back to the window of the TIA Companion Website.
a) Click on Sound Byte Labs
b) Click on Using Windows 7 to Evaluate CPU Performance
a. You will answer questions 11-10
b. Submit your answers for grading, output to pdf, and submit to the TIA Ch2 Windows
7 Eval CPU Perform drop box.
10. Return to the eText window, an
and continue reading through pg 279, you will stop at the topic
Evaluating the Storage Subsytem. Go back to page 278, where you will see the link to the Active
Helpdesk call for Evaluating Your CPU and RAM
RAM. Click
lick on the Helpdesk link to go to the activity.
11. Do the Helpdesk activity, following through and answering the questions. At the end you will do
the mini-quiz.
quiz. When you have finished the mini
quiz, remember to take a screen shot of the
result, and put in the word document that you created for the chapter quiz results. When done,
you can close this window.
12. After completing the Helpdesk activity, look at the bottom of page 278, there is another sound
byte. Click on and listen to the Sound Byte: Memory Hierarchy Interactive
13. Go
o back to the window of the TIA Companion Website.
a) Click on Sound Byte Labs
b) Click on Memory Hierrarchy Interactive.
a. You will answer questions 11-11
b. Submit your answers for grading, output to pdf, and submit to the TIA Ch2 Memory
Hierarchy Inteeractive drop box.
14. Return to the eText window, and continue on page 279 with the Sound byte
e: Installing RAM.
15. Go
o back to the window of the TIA Companion Website.
a) Click on Sound Byte Labs
b) Click on Installing RA
a. You will answer questions 11-10
b. Submit your answers for grading, output to pdf, and submit to the Installing RAM
drop box.
16. Go back to the eText window
w, and continue reading with the next topic, Eva
aluating the Storage
17. Continue reading through paage 283. At the bottom of page 283, click on th
he Sound byte: CD, DVD,
and Blu-ray Reading and Wrriting Interactive
18. Go
o back to the window of the TIA Companion Website.
a) Click on Sound Byte Labs
b) Click on CD, DVD, and
d Blu-ray Reading and Writing Interactive
a. You will answer questions 11-10
b. Submit your answers for grading, output to pdf, and submit to the CD,DVD, Blu-Ray
drop box.
Technology: Computing for College and Careers
uter Concepts / Help Desk Topics
19. Continue reading through paage 285. At the bottom of page 285, click on the
e Sound byte: Installing
a Blu-ray Drive.
20. Go
o back to the window of the TIA Companion Website.
a) Click on Sound Byte Labs
b) Click on Installing a B
Blu-ray Drive
a. You will answer questions 11-10
b. Submit your answers for grading, output to pdf, and submit to the Installing Blu-ray
drop box.
21. Read through the end of the chapter, page 295. Go back to page 287. The Helpdesk
link for
Evaluating Computer System
m Components is at the top of the page. Click on the Helpdesk link to
go to the activity.
22. Do the Helpdesk activity, following through and answering the questions. At the end you will do
the mini-quiz.
quiz. When you have finished the mini
quiz, remember to take a screen shot of the
result, and put in the word document that you created for the chapter quiz results. When done,
you can close this window.
23. Now that you have completeed the chapter, and the Helpdesk Calls, you mayy turn in the Helpdesk
quiz results. Turn in the worrd document with the screen shots of the two helpdesk
24. You will return to myitlab, to
o do the Active Help Desk Training Quiz for each topic.
There are two
of these ‘quizzes’, one for each topic. Remember, you only need to submit your
answers to myitlab.
It will grade your quiz, and I w
will immediately have access to that grade.
25. When you are finished with eeverything, you will turn in your assignment she