MIS 201- INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Fall Semester 2014 Instructor: Dr. Olga Petkova, Professor in MIS Office hours: Monday 3:00-4:00pm Tuesday 12:45-3:00 pm; 4:15-5:00pm Wednesday 3:00-4:0pm or by appointment Office Phone: (860) 832-3278 Office : RVAC, Room No.415 Course number: MIS201-72 Course location: RVAC, Room No.203 Course meeting time: Monday and Wednesday 4:30-5:45pm Course Description (According to CCSU Course Catalog, 2014) This course provides the information necessary for understanding the role of information systems in organizations and for using computer tools and technology in solving business problems. Topics include organizational foundations of information systems, technical foundations of information systems, building information systems and the management of information. Learning Objectives The course is designed to provide an understanding of the fundamental concepts in management information systems by: • Understanding the role of information systems in organizations • Understanding the various information systems used • Understanding the technical infrastructure for information systems • Understanding data management • Effectively using appropriate query and search technology to locate and retrieve pertinent business information • Understanding the use of technologies to solve business problems Required course materials: 1. Textbook: INFORMATION SYSTEMS TODAY: Managing in the Digital World, by Valacich and Schneider, 6th edition, Pearson, ISBN-10: 0-13-297121-6 or ISBN-13: 978-0-13-297121-8 2. Required readings as assigned in class. Please make use of Blackboard Learn course materials. Course Structure: This course combines two components: theoretical knowledge of Information Systems and practical skills in business problem solving. Theoretical knowledge: For your convenience most of the theoretical topics will be discussed on Mondays. You will be required to bring your textbook on Mondays (unless requested differently by the Professor). You also will be required to read the chapter and take the quiz prior to coming to the class. This will prepare you for participation in the following class discussions, role playing, Internet searches on requested topics etc. Practical skills: Most of the practical skills will be learned and practiced on Wednesdays. There is no prescribed textbook, but the Professor will post instructions that must be printed and read in advance. This will provide you with the knowledge required to complete the work in class. Attendance: • You are required to attend and participate in all scheduled classes. Your attendance will be registered every time. Your absence from the class will be recorded and will have negative influence on your final grade. • Research clearly demonstrates that class attendance is important to your success as a student. You may miss up to three classes without penalty. If you miss more than three classes, each absence will result in a penalty of one-third of a letter grade (e.g., A to A-). • Communications and entertainment devices are not allowed in the class. Please, make sure that they are switched-off prior to your entrance to the classroom. • The workstations can be used only when requested by the instructor. Reading of personal e-mail, Facebook, playing games, watching news, sports and any other information not related to the class is not acceptable. If the students don’t adhere to this rule, the workstations will be disabled by the instructor. Class preparation, participation and submissions: Student participation will be emphasized. You are expected to have read and become familiar with any material assigned in class. Your contributions to class discussions are expected. During class time you will be required to complete different tasks (Class Work) and to use the Blackboard Learn submission system. These submissions are contributing to your final grade. Submissions through the e-mail will not be accepted. The responsibility for correctly submitting your work via Blackboard Learn is yours. If you consistently fail to submit properly your work through Blackboard Learn, but submit it via e-mail, your work will not be graded. Student assessment: • Three theoretical examinations: the tests will be in a mixed format- 60% of the test points will come from multiple choice questions and 40% of the test points will come from open ended questions. • Practical test: this test will be testing your Excel and Access practical skills. You will be permitted to bring a “cheat sheet”. • 5 Homework Assignments (Mini Projects): these projects will require an average of 3-5 hours’ work per project and will test your ability to apply Information Technology for business problem solving. All mini project should be submitted electronically via the Blackboard submission system • Web Page Project: will be hosted on the university server at www.students.ccsu.edu\~yourloginname. • Class work and presentations: every time in class you will be required to complete some work and submit it at the end of the class. The work is going to be graded and will contribute to your final grade. You will not be permitted to make up for missed classes. If you miss classes consistently, you will be losing big part of the final points. • Quizzes: Prior to coming to class on Mondays you have to read the chapter (as requested by the professor) and take the quiz on the chapter. There will be no make-ups for examinations. Homework assignments (Mini Projects) submitted after due date will drop 1 point per day late. If you miss a class, you are missing the points allocated to the classwork. All homework assignments, projects and class work should be submitted electronically to the Blackboard Vista system. Class attendance will also influence the final grade. Exams and grading: Assessment plan: Test1 Test2 Test3 Practical test 5 Homework Assignments Web Page Project Class Work and Presentations Quizzes TOTAL: September 29 November 10 December 15 December 15 150 200 150 100 100 100 100 100 1000 points Grading Scale 100 > A > 94 94 > A- > 90 90 > B+ > 87 87 > B > 84 84 > B- > 80 80 > C+ > 77 77 > C > 74 74 > C- > 70 70 > D+ > 66 Communication: Blackboard Learn e-mail will be the preferred electronic communication link between the students and the instructor. The students should check the class home page (e-mail, discussion and course materials) at least four times a week. Regarding the e-mail communication, please keep the following in mind: • Monday-Friday: I will respond to your messages within 24 hours. • Saturday-Sunday: I will respond to your messages as quickly as possible, but may not respond until Monday. Students with Special Needs: Please contact me privately to discuss your specific needs if you believe you need course accommodations based on the impact of a disability, medical condition, or if you have emergency medical information to share. I will need a copy of the accommodation letter from Student Disability Services in order to arrange your class accommodations. Contact Student Disability Services if you are not already registered with them. Student Disability Services maintains the confidential documentation of your disability and assists you in coordinating reasonable accommodations with your faculty. Academic Dishonesty: • Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on the exam or project, failure in the course and/or expulsion from the University. • You are also required to protect your own intellectual property: in case there is a dispute over the intellectual ownership of a particular project/assignment, both parties will be equally punished. • While study groups are encouraged, every work submitted should be individual. If two students submit identical work, they will be considered cheating. Tentative Topics Schedule Week Week 1 September 1-3 Week 2 September 8-10 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Monday Labor Day Managing in the digital world (chapter 1) September 15-17 Gaining competitive advantage through Information Systems (chapter 2) September 22-14 Managing the Information Systems infrastructure and services (chapter 3) September 29Test 1 Week 6 October 1 October 6-8 Week 7 October 13-15 Week 8 October 20-22 Week 9 October 27-29 Week 10 November 3-5 Week 11 November 10-12 Week 12 November 17-19 Week 13 November 24 Week 14 December 1-3 Week 15 Week 16 December 8 December 15 Enabling commerce using the Internet (chapter 4) Enhancing collaboration using Web2.0 (chapter 5) Enhancing business intelligence using Information Systems (chapter 6) Enhancing business processes using Information Systems (chapter 7) Improving supply chains and strengthening customer relationships (chapter 8) Test 2 Developing and acquiring Information Systems (chapter 9) Securing Information Systems (chapter 10) Business problem solving Test Preparation Test 3 and Practical Test Wednesday Introduction to the course, syllabus, personal introductions Brief review of MS Word and MS Power Point Introduction to Web Design; Introduction to Windows Movie Maker Weekend Reading Chapter 1. Take quiz 1 Information Systems hardware and software (technology briefing) Prepare for Test1. Chapter 2. Take quiz 2 Chapter 3. Take quiz 3 Introduction to spreadsheets Chapter 4. Take quiz 4 Business problem solving Chapter 5. Take quiz 5 Business problem solving Chapter 6. Take quiz 6 Business problem solving Chapter 7. Take quiz 7 Enterprise Resource Planning exercise Chapter 8. Take quiz 8 Business problem solving Prepare for Test2 Introduction to data management- Database design (technology briefing) Introduction to databases Chapter 9. Take quiz 9 Chapter 10. Take quiz 10 Thanksgiving Business problem solving Prepare for Test3