Chapter 34 - Weizmann Institute of Science

Chapter 34
Metal-substituted Bacteriochlorophylls:
Novel Molecular Tools
Roie Yerushalmi, Idan Ashur and Avigdor Scherz*
Department of Plant Sciences, The Weizmann Institute of Science, 76100 Rehovot, Israel
Summary ............................................................................................................................................................... 495
I. Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 496
II. From Porphyrins to Bacteriochlorophylls: An Experimental Benchmark for Theoretical Approaches. .......... 496
III. Function-Oriented Chemical Modification of Bacteriochlorophylls ................................................................. 497
A. Metal Substitution ............................................................................................................................. 497
B. Macrocycle Modification ................................................................................................................... 498
1. Site a: The 3-Acetyl Group ...................................................................................................... 498
2. Site b: The 7,8-Double Bond .................................................................................................. 498
3. Site c: Isocyclic Ring E ............................................................................................................ 499
4. Site d: The 17 3-Alcohol Group ................................................................................................ 499
IV. Applications .................................................................................................................................................... 499
A. The Molecular Potentiometer ........................................................................................................... 499
1. Theoretical Insight .................................................................................................................. 499
2. The Principle of Measurement and Practical Outcomes ......................................................... 500
B. The Molecular Potentiometer: A Tool to Evaluate the Performance of Different Computational
Methods............................................................................................................................................ 501
C. Studying Elementary Steps of Enzymatic Catalysis......................................................................... 501
1. The Role of Axial Ligands in F-430: Model Studies with [Ni]-BChl ......................................... 502
2. Axial Ligand Functions in [Mn]-Superoxide Dismutase: Modeling Catalytic Steps
with [Mn]-BChl ......................................................................................................................... 502
V. Concluding Remarks ...................................................................................................................................... 503
Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................................ 503
References ............................................................................................................................................................ 503
Chromophore molecules have fascinated scientists for decades. As early as 1903, chlorophylls were analyzed
by chromatography, a newly introduced technique at that time (Tswett, 1906). Ever since, porphyrins and
hydroporphyrins and their metal complexes, such as chlorophylls and bacteriochlorophylls, have been studied
extensively in the context of their roles in photosynthesis, as biological model systems, and recently, as promising sensitizers for photodynamic therapy. When increasing ring saturation from the D4h porphyrin macrocycle
symmetry to the less symmetrical hydroporphyrins (together with an additional isocyclic ring), a wealth of
possibilities for experimental observations of increasing complexity and detail became available. The synergistic link between theoretical and experimental approaches has advanced not only the understanding of various
(bacterio)chlorophyll functions, but has also provided tools for exploring other complex electronic systems.
*Author for correspondence, email:
Bernhard Grimm, Robert J. Porra, Wolfhart Rüdiger and Hugo Scheer (eds): Chlorophylls and Bacteriochlorophylls: Biochemistry,
Biophysics, Functions and Applications, pp. 495–506. © 2006 Springer. Printed in The Netherlands.
Roie Yerushalmi, Idan Ashur and Avigdor Scherz
Here, three promising developments in (bacterio)chlorophyll chemistry are discussed: firstly, the application
of metal-substituted bacteriochlorophyll complexes as versatile molecular tools that offer a unique look into
the electronic structure and properties, which are usually concealed using conventional experimental techniques; secondly, the recent application of nickel bacteriochlorophyll in the context of testing theoretical and
computational ab initio methods; and, thirdly, the role of metal-substituted bacteriochlorophylls in deciphering
elementary steps of metal-centered enzymatic reactions.
I. Introduction
In this chapter, the first section provides a condensed
historical survey highlighting the dual role of porphyrins, hydroporphyrins and their metal complexes
in implementing and developing different theoretical
and computational approaches for studying electronic
structure. The second section focuses specifically on
bacteriochlorophyll chemistry as a modular approach
with particular emphasis on metal incorporation and
the advantages of using metal-substituted bacteriochlorophylls for further development of semi-synthetic derivatives.
The third section describes the application of
metal-substituted bacteriochlorophylls as molecular
reporters and describes a prototype of a bacteriochlorophyll-based molecular tool. We outline the
principles of measurement and give examples of
the application of the ‘molecular potentiometer’ for
evaluating quantum mechanical (QM) methods and
for modeling certain aspects of metal redox activity in
biological systems at various coordination states.
II. From Porphyrins to Bacteriochlorophylls: An Experimental Benchmark for
Theoretical Approaches.
Chlorophyll (Chl) and bacteriochlorophyll (BChl)
molecules may be regarded as derivatives of porphyrins (Por). The study of the electronic structure of
(B)Chls has been intimately associated with advances
in the study of the ‘simpler,’ more symmetrical and
Abbreviations: BPhe – bacteriopheophytin; Cat – catalase;
EEP – electronegativity equalization principle; FMO – frontier
molecular orbitals; HDFT – hybrid density functional theory;
HPor – hydroporphyrin; [M]-BChl – metal substituted bacteriochlorophyll; [M]-BChlide – metal substituted bacteriochlorophyllide; [M]-Por – metal porphyrin; MCR – methyl coenzyme
M reductase; [Mn]-SOD – manganese superoxide dismutase;
[Ni]-BChl – nickel substituted bacteriochlorophyll; PDT – photo
dynamic therapy; Por – porphyrin; QM – quantum mechanical;
ROS – reactive oxygen species; RP – redox potential; TE – electronic transition
less chemically branched Por systems. Such a strategy is applicable since the electronic structures of
(B)Chls may be considered in terms of a perturbed
Por system (Streitwieser, 1961; Pople and Beveridge,
1970; Hanson, 1991). Thus, the Por framework offers
a relevant, yet simpler benchmark for the development
and testing of theoretical approaches. Furthermore,
the study of Por and, in particular, hydroporphyrins
(HPor) has been driven by their central role in electron and energy transfer processes. These classes of
molecules have been extensively studied and used in
both modeling elementary steps of charge transfer
and as sensitive molecular reporters of their immediate molecular environment. These functions place
the versatile class of Por, HPor and, in particular, the
(B)Chls, as a link between theoretical approaches
and experimental observations. Key players in these
processes are the π-electrons in the frontier molecular
orbitals (FMO), which participate in inter- and intramolecular electronic transitions.
Simpson (1949) provided a quantitative description
for the observed electronic spectra of Por molecules,
based on a physical model. This model was the first
to predict the observed spectra using structural parameters obtained from cyclic polyene models. Later,
Longuet-Higgins et al., (1950) introduced the first
Linear Combinations of Atomic Orbitals-Molecular
Orbitals (LCAO-MO) treatment of porphine. The
quest of Platt (1950) and others to develop a theoretical approach capable of predicting the spectra of
cyclic polyene molecules, originally motivated the
development of the ‘Four orbital model’ by Gouterman (1959). Using Por molecules, Gouterman
demonstrated that by including configuration interactions among different excited states (as suggested by
Pariser and Parr (1953)) in LCAO calculations, the
relative intensities of the electronic transitions could
be predicted. The effects of metal on the Por spectrum
were also considered, providing an assessment of the
performance of the semi-empirical approach (Gouterman, 1959, 1961; Gouterman et al., 1963).
During that period, extended versions of ‘electron
in a box’ models with various treatments for electron
Chapter 34
Novel Molecular Tools
correlation effects were introduced to elucidate the
observed electronic spectra (Kuhn, 1951; Försterling
et al., 1967; Försterling and Kuhn, 1968). This approach was very useful and provided a physical model
for understanding and predicting structural effects on
the measured spectra in complex molecules (Scherz
and Levanon, 1985). The development of modern
computational methods enabled semi-empirical
calculations with a large number of configurations
(Scherer and Fischer, 1989; Thompson and Zerner,
1991; Thompson and Fajer, 1992). During the last
three decades, ab initio calculations were gradually
applied to larger systems with a lower symmetry including, in particular, Chls and BChls (Christoffersen,
1972; Petke et al., 1978, 1980a; Shipman, 1982; Edwards and Zerner, 1983; Facelli, 1998; Krueger et al.,
1998; Zhang and Friesner, 1998; Scholes et al., 1999).
Recently, hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular
Mechanics (QM/MM) methods were employed to
consider solvation effects as well as the surrounding
protein matrix (Mercer et al., 1999; Hughes et al.,
2001). These studies illustrate the advantages and
limitations of the more rigorous but computationally
demanding quantum mechanical (QM) methods. Interestingly, the advances in ab initio approaches and
computational techniques underscored the relevance
of relatively simple and intuitive approaches such as
Gouterman’s model. Moreover, the progress in ab
initio methods contributed to the resolution of Chl
and BChl functions in light-harvesting and energy
transduction. This includes detailed studies of energy
and electron distribution in complex interacting systems containing several (B)Chl molecules (forming
a ‘supermolecule’), as well as the nearby amino-acid
residues (Scherer and Fischer, 1990; Scholes et al.,
1999). The computational results have been mainly
used to resolve and assign experimental data such
as electron transfer rates (Alden et al., 1996; Lubitz
et al., 2002).
In subsequent sections we describe recent progress
with BChls resulting in expansion of BChl studies
in new directions beyond their long-established role
in photosynthesis research. The novel approaches
presented here have become practical in recent years
because of recent developments in the chemistry of
BChls and progress in computational methods for
the treatment of large molecular systems.
III. Function-Oriented Chemical
Modification of Bacteriochlorophylls
The development, in the recent decades, of various synthetic chemical modification techniques
for (B)Chls has been mostly driven by the desire to
understand their role in photosynthesis. In addition,
another use for chemical modification is to provide
engineered sensitizers for photodynamic therapy
(Chapters 32 and 33, Brandis et al.). The fruitful developments in BChl chemistry, combined with their
unique spectroscopic and redox properties, offer new
uses for these semi-natural derivatives. In particular,
the incorporation of Pd, Zn, Ni, Cd, Cu, Mn, Co and,
more recently, Pt, Hg, and Fe into the (B)Chl macrocycle, combined with peripheral modifications, allow
a rational, stepwise design of molecules with desired
photophysical, photochemical, and coordination
properties for applications monitoring microscopic
details of various environments. This progress permits the building of BChl-based ‘tools’ for use as
molecular spectroscopic probes, as model systems
for studying elementary steps of enzymatic reactions and also as building blocks of supramolecular
devices (Yerushalmi and Scherz, 2002; Yerushalmi
et al., 2003).
When considering these systems as ‘tools,’ an
important engineering aspect that emerges is the
modular design strategy made possible by means of
the various reactive sites present in the BChls (Fig. 1).
Here we outline specific reactions of [M]-BChls
relevant to their functioning as molecular probes.
Comprehensive reviews concerning the chemistry of
BChl peripheral modifications can be found elsewhere
(Senge et al, Chapter 2; Hynninen, 1991; Scheer,
1991; Pandey and Zheng, 2000).
A. Metal Substitution
Direct metalation of bacteriopheophytin (BPhe) is
generally difficult because enolization of the β-ketoester-system may lead to oxidation and/or isocyclic
ring (E) opening. Oxidation of β- and meso- positions,
as well as demetalation, is frequently encountered, although [M]-BChls are generally more stable towards
demetalation compared to their Chl or Por analogues.
As a result, the variety of [M]-BChls available is still
limited compared with that of [M]-Por derivatives.
Nevertheless, the structural complexity of the [M]BChls compared with the simpler Por is the essence
of their versatility. Initially, mild methods were devel-
Roie Yerushalmi, Idan Ashur and Avigdor Scherz
(Teuchner et al., 1997). Knowledge of these properties is vital to design second-generation sensitizers
for photodynamic therapy with better performance
than the currently used first-generation compounds
(Chapters 32 and 33, Brandis et al.). In the context
of photosynthesis, the incorporation of [M]-BChls
into the photosynthetic machinery enabled specific
physical and chemical manipulation of electron and
energy transfer in reaction centers and antennae,
respectively (Hartwich et al., 1995, 1998b; Müller
et al., 1999; Fiedor et al., 2001). Some metalated
BChls, such as the [Pd] derivative, are significantly
more stable at lower pH and/or under intense illumination than [Mg]- or [Zn]-BChls, enabling various
peripheral modifications that require more aggressive
Fig. 1. BChl a molecule (R=Phytyl) with selected peripheral (a-d)
and metal (e) sites amenable to chemical modification.
oped for replacing the Mg(II) atom by direct insertion
of Zn(II), Cu(II), and Cd(II) into BPhe. Subsequently,
a procedure was developed for transmetalation of
[Cd]-BChl with other divalent metals, such as Co(II),
Pd(II), Mn(II), and Ni(II) (Hartwich et al., 1998a;
Scherz et al., 1998a,b). Later, direct metal incorporation into the BPhe macrocycle enabled Scherz and
coworkeres to obtain different [M]-BChlides and their
peripherally modified derivatives in a straightforward
manner (Scherz et al., 2000, 2002). BChl, as well as
[Zn]-BChl (Wakao et al., 1996), function as electron
donors and acceptors, whereas BPhe functions as an
electron acceptor in photosynthetic reaction centers
(Michel-Beyerle, 1990; Farid et al., 1993). Variations
at the central cavity of the molecule (site e, Fig.1)
fine-tune its redox properties (Noy et al., 1998, 2000;
Yerushalmi et al., 2002). Systematic studies of the
spectroscopic and redox properties of [M]-BChls
(Geskes et al., 1995; Hartwich et al., 1998a; Noy et
al., 1998, 2000) revealed linear correlations between
experimental data (e.g. electronic transition energy
shifts) and factors related to the environment of the
metal (e.g., the coordination state of the metal and
charge density). It was found that the central metal [M]
strongly affects the photophysical and photochemical
behavior of the BChl molecule. For example, excited
[Ni]- (with no axial ligation) and [Cu]-BChl undergo
(non-radiative) relaxation into a lower metal-centered
excited state within less than one tenth of a picosecond
and show no photochemical activity; however, excited
[Pd]-, [Mg]-, and [Zn]-BChls are highly photoactive
B. Macrocycle Modification
Four sites in the BChl macrocycle are readily
amenable to chemical manipulation (see sites a–d
in Fig. 1).
1. Site a: The 3-Acetyl Group
The 3-acetyl group can be reduced by NaBH4 to
yield [3-(1-hydroxy)-ethyl]-BChl a, followed by
dehydration to [3-vinyl]-BChl a (Struck et al., 1992).
Recently, Schiff ’s base formation was shown to be
the result of an interaction of the 3-acetyl group with
primary amines (Scherz et al., 2002). Further reduction with NaCNBH3 transformed the Schiff ’s base
into the corresponding secondary amine.
2. Site b: The 7,8-Double Bond
BChls are prone to spontaneous oxidation (dehydrogenation) to chlorin-type molecules (Seely, 1966;
Brereton and Sanders, 1983; Hynninen, 1991).
Selective chemical oxidation of BChl with dichlorodicyanobenzoquinone (DDQ) or by reactive oxygen
species generated in the light by BChl, are well-known
phenomena (Smith and Calvin, 1966; Vakrat et al.,
1999). Transmetalation affects the tendency to undergo spontaneous oxidation since the metal strongly
modifies the macrocycle redox potentials (Geskes et
al., 1995; Noy et al., 1998) and photophysical behavior
(Teuchner et al., 1997).
Chapter 34
Novel Molecular Tools
3. Site c: Isocyclic Ring E
The isocyclic ring of the BChls is amenable to various
reactions: epimerization, hydroxylation, and demethoxycarbonylation reactions at C-132 occur because
of the readily enolizable β-ketoester, as also occurs in
the analogous Chls (for a comprehensive reviews see
Hynninen, 1991; Woolley et al., 1998; Hynninen and
Hyvarinen, 2002; Chapter 2, Senge). Alkaline hydrolysis of the isocyclic ring provides the basis for the
synthesis of various bacteriochlorins, bacteriopurpurins, and bacteriopurpurinimides (Beems et al., 1987;
Mironov et al., 1993; Kozyrev et al., 1996; Chen et
al., 2002). Stable bacteriochlorin-6-amides obtained
with a high yield by regioselective aminolysis of the
isocyclic ring (Scherz et al., 2002), as occurs also in
Chls (Pennington et al., 1967). Transesterification
and transamination at the C-132 methoxycarbonyl
group can modify the polarity and stability of native
BChl. These reactions are of particular importance
for pharmaceutical applications (Scheer et al., 2001).
Again, transmetalation can broaden the scope of these
reactions since the molecular framework becomes
more stable with metals such as palladium.
4. Site d: The 173-Alcohol Group
Long-chain alcohols at C-173 in natural BChls can be
either replaced by other alcohols through non-enzymatic (Scheer et al., 2001) or enzymatic transesterification (with chlorophyllase) (Fiedor et al., 1996;
Rosenbach Belkin et al., 1996; Scherz et al., 1998a),
or they can be removed by acid hydrolysis: to prevent
isocyclic ring (E) opening, alkaline hydrolysis conditions are avoided. A free C-17 propionic acid residue
can be further modified by dimethylaminopyridinecatalysed esterification followed by amidation after
activation with N-hydroxysuccinimide (Fiedor et al.,
1996) for coupling with biologically active molecules
of interest.
reporting tool, a molecular potentiometer, described
in the following section. Another possible application is the construction of molecular devices where
the FMOs response reversibly regulates transitions
between active and inactive states, as required in the
action of molecular machines and switches (Yerushalmi and Scherz, 2002).
A. The Molecular Potentiometer
A simple empirical model was proposed to account
for most of the observed variations in redox potentials and electronic transition energies (Geskes et
al., 1995; Hartwich et al., 1998a; Noy et al., 1998),
taking advantage of the splitting between the Qy
and Qx bands in the quasi D2h [M]-BChl symmetry.
This model is based on the influence of electrostatic
interactions between the electron densities of the
FMOs and an effective positive charge at the molecular center. The latter was found to be a function
of the electronegativity of the metal, χM, according
to Mulliken’s definition, and the covalent radius, r Mc .
Based on these guidelines, we introduced the molecular potentiometer, a molecular probe that can be used
to measure microscopic molecular properties as well
as thermodynamic indices (Yerushalmi, 1999; Noy
et al., 2000; Yerushalmi et al., 2002, 2003).
1. Theoretical Insight
The application of [M]-BChl as a molecular potentiometer can be rationalized with reference to
the ‘electronegativity equalization principle’ (EEP)
(Sanderson, 1955, 1976). This approach stipulates
that electron density flow between interacting chemical subsystems is proportional to the electronegativity
difference, ∆χο, and is restrained by the sum of their
hardness, ηο, which acts as a resistance (Pearson,
∆N =
IV. Applications
A major outcome of the extensive studies of the redox
and spectroscopic properties of [M]-BChls (Geskes
et al., 1995; Hartwich et al., 1995, 1998a; Noy et al.,
1998, 2000; Yerushalmi et al., 2002) was the predictable response of the FMO energies to perturbations in
the coordination sphere of the metal. This response,
once characterized and calibrated, can be used as a
∆χ 0
2η 0
{∆χ0 ≡ χa − χb ; η 0 ≡ ηa + ηb }
where ∆N is the amount of electron flow between
sub-systems a and b on forming one chemical entity,
using the properties (χο and ηο) of the isolated systems
before the process of charge flow takes place.
A link between this intuitive approach and the QM
formalism was introduced in the framework of the
‘density functional theorem’ (DFT), where Parr and
co-workers identified the negative of the Lagrange
Roie Yerushalmi, Idan Ashur and Avigdor Scherz
multiplier, µe, with χ (Eq. 2), and a QM proof for the
Sanderson EEP was laid out (Parr et al., 1978):
 ∂E 
µe = −χ = 
 ∂N  v ( r )
where E is the total energy, N the total number of
electrons, and v(r) is the external potential. µe is
defined as the electronic chemical potential.
In 1983, Parr and Pearson reformulated the concept
of hardness, η, as
1 ∂ E
2  ∂N 2 
v(r )
Thus, the electronic chemical potential, µe, as formulated in DFT formalism, provides a link between
the intuitive chemical approach based on classical
notions of electronegativity and the QM description.
In particular, the concept of EEP and the subsequent
mobilization of charge density on bond formation
(Perdew et al., 1982; Cioslowski and Stefanov, 1993),
which is not limited to the discrete charge unit of
an electron, are of major importance. Experimental
estimates of quantities such as fragmental charge flow
(Perdew et al., 1982) and estimates of the electronic
chemical potential in complex interacting systems
may be useful in improving the treatment of theoretical approaches using physically valid methods and
developing a new insight for the treatment of complex
electronic systems.
2. The Principle of Measurement and Practical Outcomes
The pioneering studies of Gouterman (Gouterman,
1959, 1961; Gouterman et al., 1963) and the subsequent work by others (Zerner and Gouterman,
1966; Petke et al., 1980b; Warshel and Parson,
1987; Thompson and Fajer, 1992), showed that the
four major electronic transitions of Por and related
systems, Qy, Qx, Bx and By (in order of increasing energy), are determined by the energies of the
lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMO and
LUMO+1) and the relative energies of the highest
occupied molecular orbitals (HOMO and HOMO-1).
Whereas the D4h symmetry of the [M]-Por macrocycle results in the pair-wise degeneration between
the electronic transitions (EQx ≈ EQy, EBx ≈ EBy), the
quasi D2h BChl symmetry results in four non-degen-
erate electronic transitions. Hartwich et al. (1998a)
and Noy et al. (1998) investigated the response of
the FMO energies of [M]-BChl, as reflected in the
UV-Vis-NIR electronic transition (TE) and redox
potentials (RP), to changes in M (M = Mg, Zn, Cu,
Ni, Pd, Cd, Mn, Co, and 2H). The experimental data
could be quantitatively described by two physical
parameters (Eq. 4):
∆EM,N = lχ,N⋅∆χM + lr,N⋅∆r M
where lχ,N and lr,N are the loading coefficients obtained
by target transformation, and N denotes a particular
TE or RP.
Later, Noy et al. (2000) and Yerushalmi et al.
(2002) used the loading coefficients obtained for the
aforementioned series of metals to ‘calibrate’ the [Ni]BChl system. This enabled an experimental estimate
of charge density variations to be made at the metal
core as a result of axial ligand coordination to [Ni]BChl. The quantitative empirical estimates of charge
donation and an increase in the metal’s effective radius
were supported by ab initio computational methods
(Noy et al., 2000; Yerushalmi et al., 2002, 2003). Most
importantly, the novel experimental method enables
an estimate of the charge distribution of coordination complexes in solvent environments that cannot
otherwise be resolved. Other methods such as NMR
and IR spectroscopy provide experimental data that
can be correlated with charge donation; however,
they do not provide a direct and accurate gauge for
monitoring fragmental charge flow. The combined
experimental and theoretical studies provide the basis
for the first BChl-based molecular tool: the ‘molecular potentiometer.’ This device can be visualized as
possessing two components: one is the electronic π
system of the BChl (or modified BChl derivative),
with its FMO mainly delocalized over the macrocycle;
the second component is a metal atom, chelated at the
central core of the macrocycle by σ bonding to the
four nitrogen atoms and functioning as an exchangeable ‘probe.’ To a first order approximation, the two
components are independent of each other, except for
electrostatic effects. Alterations in the effective radius
of the metal or charge are monitored by changes in
the energies of the π-electron system. The fragmental
charge flow between the center of the metal and various axial ligands can be experimentally determined
by measuring the energetic shift of the observed
electronic transition energies among the FMO of
the [Ni]-BChl frame. Because of orbital symmetry,
Chapter 34
Novel Molecular Tools
the Qx and By spectroscopic bands are particularly
sensitive to charge transfer and core size, since the By
band involves primarily a transition from the a2u to egy
symmetry orbitals, and the Qx band involves mainly
a2u to egx symmetries (Hanson, 1991). Importantly,
Yerushalmi et al. (2003) showed, both experimentally
and computationally, that fragmental charge flow
(Perdew et al., 1982) between [Ni]-BChl and various
axial ligands can be deduced from the Qx band shift
alone. This arises because the increase in core size is
essentially constant when comparing the non-ligated
low spin [Ni]-BChl and the various high-spin (S =
1) [Ni]BChl•Ln complexes, (where n = (1,2) and L
is a ligand molecule) (Yerushalmi, 1999; Yerushalmi
et al., 2002, 2003). This experimental gauge offers
exceptional sensitivity and accuracy, independently
verified by comparison with ab initio results and the
small experimental error limits (±0.005 e–). Notably,
the Qx band in [M]-BChl systems is readily resolved
and has a relatively large oscillator strength (compared to the Chl or Por systems). This result enabled
Yerushalmi et al. (2003) to look at fine details of the
charge transfer processes between axial ligands and
transition metals. In particular, the role of electron
correlation effects on the charge transfer process
could be resolved.
B. The Molecular Potentiometer: A Tool
to Evaluate the Performance of Different
Computational Methods
Since atomic charges cannot be directly measured,
their theoretical determination depends on the computational scheme and the experimental data used
to deduce them. This includes, for example, fitting
point charges to dipole moments and integration of
the computed density, or other population analyses.
Since different molecular properties are used in various charge analysis schemes, different and occasionally contradictory charge distributions are obtained
(Wiberg et al., 1991; Bergman and Hinze, 1996). The
molecular potentiometer provided, for the first time,
a direct experimental method with high sensitivity
(±0.005 e–) for evaluating the performance of different theories and related computational methods
for atomic charge analysis. Yerushalmi et al., (2003)
compared the experimentally observed fragmental
charge flow between the chelated Ni(II) center and
various axial ligands (as described in the previous
section) with various computational methods. The
low spin (S = 0) non-ligated [Ni]-BChl, as well as the
mono-, and bi- ligated high spin (S = 1) complexes
(16 structures) were fully optimized using various
ab initio methods, including HDFT methods. The
experimental results correlate well (R2 = 0.99), for
example, with the Natural Population Analysis (NPA)
charge analysis results (Reed et al., 1988), whereas
the Mulliken analysis fails to reproduce the experimental data. Notably, methods based on the electrostatic-fit (such as the Merz-Singh-Kollman (Besler
et al., 1990), or Chelpg (Chirlian and Francl, 1987)
schemes), while offering good performance when
considering the charge distribution for mono-ligated
complexes, perform poorly or even fail to describe the
charge distribution for the bi-ligated complexes. This
irregular behavior for a series of related complexes
was not anticipated, and such a specific analysis has
become possible due to the availability of precisely
monitoring experimentally the fragmental charge
flow. The experimental system also proved useful for
resolving the contribution of electron correlation effects. The contribution of electron correlation effects
to charge mobilization was studied by performing HF
and post-Hartree-Fock calculations (second-order
Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), DFT, and
HDFT) and comparing the experimental data with the
resulting populations across various levels of theory,
as well as across different charge analysis schemes.
It was found that electron correlation effects have
a significant role in these processes (Yerushalmi et
al., 2004).
C. Studying Elementary Steps of Enzymatic
The BChl macrocycle can be regarded as a rather flexible chelator compared to the Por or Chl derivatives
(Senge, 1992), yet it provides four coordination sites
to different central metals. This structural flexibility
enables accommodation of metals with different
size and coordination geometries. The combination
of structural flexibility with well-characterized and
resolvable spectroscopic response to changes in the
coordination sphere and redox conditions, has proved
useful for studying certain aspects of enzymatic
catalysis (Yerushalmi et al., 2002). In particular, it
provides an opportunity to follow the dynamic coordination properties in a solvent environment (e.g.,
association and dissociation of axial ligands) without
the need to crystallize or apply other drastic methods,
and is fruitful in instances where these properties may
be altered or where intermediates cannot be easily
Roie Yerushalmi, Idan Ashur and Avigdor Scherz
isolated. We now provide two examples of such applications in the context of nickel and manganese
redox proteins.
1. The Role of Axial Ligands in F-430: Model
Studies with [Ni]-BChl
Crystallographic and spectroscopic data show a
dynamic coordination sphere around the nickel
center for the different states of the active site of
methyl coenzyme M reductase (MCR). Recently,
Telser et al. (2001) suggested that activation of the
MCR F430 complex (Fig. 2) involves a reduction of
Ni(II) to Ni(I) and partial dissociation of, at least,
one axial ligand. This is supported by comparison
with model compounds that have similar or even
identical paramagnetic properties to those found for
the cryogenically reduced MCR complex. It is still
not clear from the extensive studies, however, which
ligand is dissociated, or what is the nature of the
intermediate coordination sphere of the Ni cation,
especially when considering the significant changes
in the Ni ionic radius when changing redox states.
EXAFS and X-ray studies of low-spin Ni(II)-F430M
and its 12,13-di-epimer showed short average Ni-N
distances in both complexes of ~1.90A, with a slightly
shorter distance for the di-epimer complex (Furenlid
et al., 1990; Farber et al., 1991). The coordination of
two axial ligands to the Ni(II) center in isolated F430
expands the Ni-N distance by ~0.2 Å to approximately
2.1 Å (Shiemke et al., 1989; Furenlid et al., 1990). A
similar average Ni(II)-N distance was observed by Xray crystallography at high resolution for F430 within
the MCR protein (Grabarse et al., 2001). Yerushalmi et
al. (2002) found that coordination of [Ni(II)]-BChl to
one axial ligand is sufficient to bring the macrocycle
to an essentially planar configuration, with an average
Ni-N distance of 2.16 Å, compared with 1.97 Å in
the non-ligated [Ni]-BChl complex.
Using the [Ni]-BChl system, Yerushalmi et al.
(2002) showed: firstly, that axial ligands control the
dimension of the central core and the planarity of the
macrocycle as described above; and, secondly, that
axial coordination modulates the electron density
at the Ni center. Ultimately, these functions allow
for efficient structural and electronic fine-tuning of
the Ni center for alternate steps of reduction and
substrate binding during the catalytic cycle. The increase of 0.19 Å, found for [Ni(II)]-BChl, compares
well with the ~0.20 Å difference between the Ni-N
average distance in ligated and non-ligated forms of
the F430 models.
Fig. 2. Cofactor F430 found in the active site of methyl coenzyme
M reductase.
Following these observations and related computations, Yerushalmi et al. (2002) suggested that even a
weakly bound axial ligand might have a substantial
effect on macrocycle conformation. For example,
binding of the F430 cofactor to an axial glutamine
residue, as suggested by the X-ray data (Grabarse
et al., 2001), may have an important structural role
in converting the complex to the reduced state. The
coordinating environment in the MCR catalytic niche
may be designed to ensure smooth adiabatic transitions between the different Ni redox states, where
the structural modifications of the macrocycle are
arranged before the reduction process. Moreover, the
peripheral hydrogen-bonding network may have an
additional structural influence on macrocycle conformation (Grabarse et al., 2001). Reduction is expected
to be accompanied by partial dissociation of one of
the axial ligands (either the glutamine residue or the
thiol group) because of the accumulation of electron
density at the metal core and the aforementioned
electrostatic repulsion.
2. Axial Ligand Functions in [Mn]-Superoxide
Dismutase: Modeling Catalytic Steps with
Mn(II)/Mn(III) redox transitions play a key role in
the regulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by
Mn-containing enzymes. These include dismutation
of the superoxide radical by mono and bi-centered
[Mn]-SOD, decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to
water and oxygen by catalase (Cat) and oxygen evolution by water oxidation in the Mn complex of PS II
(OEC). The coordination sphere of the Mn center
has been extensively characterized for some [Mn]-
Chapter 34
Novel Molecular Tools
SOD and Cat by X-ray crystallography (Dismukes,
1996; Christianson, 1997; Atzenhofer et al., 2002;
Fluckiger et al., 2002). Various studies indicate that
association and dissociation of a water molecule,
hydroxyl anion, imidazole and carboxylic residues
are cardinal to the catalytic cycle (Vance and Miller,
1998; Han et al., 2002; Whittaker, 2002). Still, the
role of the ligand in the redox activity of Mn with
the ROS or water molecules has remained an open
question. Attempts to resolve this issue in vitro using Mn model systems, in particular Mn(II)/Mn(III)
complexes with porphyrins and phthalocyanines, are
extensively documented (Loach and Calvin, 1964;
Boucher and Day, 1977; Lever et al., 1977; Uchida et
al., 1978). More recently, other complexes with Mn
at higher redox states were prepared and investigated
as models for enzymatic activity in vivo (Dismukes,
1996; Christianson, 1997; Brunold et al., 1998). A
major disadvantage of the studied complexes was
the lack of robust reporters for the Mn redox states
and redox state changes. Geskes et al. (1995) have
correlated the electronic transitions of [Mn]-BChl
with Mn(II)/Mn(III) transitions. Using spectro-electrochemical measurements, they related [Mn(II)]- and
[Mn(III)]- BChl with Qy transitions at 770 and 820 nm,
respectively. Recently, Ashur et al. (2003) supported
this assignment with electron spin resonance (ESR)
studies. In this recent study, it was further shown
that oxidation of the superoxide radical by Mn(III)
is regulated by acetate and imidazole residues. Both
ligands have a bi-functional role: in one capacity, they
ligate to a [Mn(III)]-BChl(O2H)(OH) complex and
activate the bond cleavage of the bonded hydroperoxyl
moiety (the OOH• radical was trapped by DMPO to
form a DMPO-OOH adduct and its ESR signal was
shown to be a function of the ligand concentration);
and, in its second capacity, the ligand functions as a
general Brönsted base and ionizes the hydroperoxyl
radical. The resulting superoxide radical undergoes
oxidation by the [Mn(III)]-BChl•L complex, which
remains inactive toward dioxygen. The overall reaction also involves the association and dissociation of
hydroperoxyl radicals and dissociation of hydroxyl
anion. Under certain conditions, the redox reaction
leads to the dismutation of two hydroperoxyl radical
molecules to hydrogen peroxide and dioxygen. Notably, the reaction rate of this process is faster by more
than five orders of magnitude than the dismutation
of two superoxide radical molecules and therefore
it is much closer to the enzymatic catalytic rate for
dismutation of [Mn]-SOD in vivo. These findings
emphasize two aspects of the role played by ligands
of the first coordination sphere in enzyme catalysis:
controlling the binding affinity of the metal center to
substrate molecules, and providing the driving force
for a coupled electron-proton transfer. The [Mn]BChl was recently introduced into synthetic protein
maquettes (D. Noy, personal communication) and
preliminary characterization of their redox chemistry
is in progress.
V. Concluding Remarks
Modified [M]-BChl derivatives provide new tools for
exploring fundamental issues of interest in chemistry
and electronic structure, including elementary steps
in metal-centered catalysis. The application of this
class of molecules is also expected to advance new
avenues for PDT (Chapters 32 and 33, Brandis et
al.), and provide novel functional building blocks
for constructing molecular devices. The exploitation of this prospect appears promising but requires
further development and expansion of the available
synthetic pathways.
We thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(SFB 533, TP A6) and the Avron-Minerva Center
for Photosynthesis for their ongoing support of our
research. A. Scherz is incumbent of the Yadelle and
Robert Sklare Professional Chair for Biochemistry.
The authors thank Dr. A. Brandis for fruitful discussions during the preparation of this article.
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