Information Services - one page document template

Desktop recording (PCAP)
Getting started for Mac users
To use PCAP you will need to:
1. Request access to the Echo360 server.
2. Download the required software.
3. Enter the server address.
Request access
Note: If you already have lecture recordings published to the required course this step will
not be necessary, as you will already be set up in Echo360.
Otherwise you will need to log helpdesk request for access to Echo360 PCAP.
Helpdesk: Phone 07 3365 6000, Email
Include the following information with your request:
For all staff who will be creating desktop recordings for your course:
Course Details:
Course Name
Full Course Code including Blackboard code (e.g. ILECT1000N_5760STx)
Title, First Name, Last Name, Telephone no, Email address
UQ Username
Summer Semester 2012, Semester 1 2013, Semester 2 2013.
St Lucia, Ipswich, Herston, Gatton, Other (please specify)
Note: Give details on all courses you wish to upload desktop recordings to.
Note: You will need to submit a request every semester for your new courses.
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Teaching and Learning Support, ITS
The software can be downloaded for the ITS Software Download Site.
Open your browser and visit the below address.
Enter your User Name and Password.
Select Echo 360 Personal Capture
Click on the
Click on the
(Submit) button.
(Continue) button.
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Teaching and Learning Support, ITS
Scroll to the end of the page and click on the
(Accept) button.
Select the windows version of Echo360 Personal Capture.
Install software
Open the file from your download folder.
Click on the
(Next) button repeatedly.
Click on the
(Finish) button.
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Teaching and Learning Support, ITS
Server address
If you did not install the software yourself or if you are using a Lectern machine you will need
to enter the server address. You will only have to do this once on your own machine and
probably the first time every semester that you use a Lectern machine (the image is updated
between semesters).
Open Echo360 Personal Capture.
Click on the
Click on Tools and select Options from the drop down menu.
(Go to My Recordings) button.
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Teaching and Learning Support, ITS
Click on the Server tab.
Enter the Hostname / IP Address:
Click on the
(OK) button.
Prepared by: [Ailsa Dickie]
Last modified: [27 February 2014]
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Teaching and Learning Support, ITS