Around 70-75% of jobs are never advertised. It is therefore important

Around 70-75% of jobs are never advertised. It is therefore important to target the hidden
job market. This means that speculative approaches to employers should be an important
part of your job search.
To help you to do this, you need to produce an effective CV and accompanying letter. In
your letter, highlight skills that you have gained from work experience, subjects taken in
school, if you have positions of responsibility such as being a prefect or mentor or if you
play sports/athletics for the school etc. Also add skills etc. from activities outside of
school such as baby sitting, army/air/police cadets and so on. The following points are
worth remembering when writing your covering letter.
Make the most of your speculative approaches by targeting suitable organisations.
those which are currently recruiting (not necessarily in your chosen field) expanding or
moving into your area especially those which can use your skills and experience.
Use all your information sources e.g. newspapers; trade journals; business and personal
contacts, to identify a list of initial targets. You can obtain lists of organizations by
checking in Yellow Pages, Thomson’s or Business directories which you can obtain from
public libraries. Information on National Companies is contained in Kompass directories.
Always try to write to a suitable named person you can find out who to contact by
telephoning the company. Do not write to the Personnel Officer assuming that they are a
man as this will not endear you to them if they are a lady! It may also be more
appropriate is some cases to contact department heads or site managers as you want
your letter to land on the right desk.
Your letter should ideally be word-processed. If this is not possible, write clearly in black
ink on good quality plain A4 paper. Put your address and telephone number at the top
right of the letter. The date, name and address of the organisation should be on the left
hand side. Keep paragraphs short and try to avoid the use of the word “I” too much
(please see the samples given.) Letters should be clear, concise and easy to read. Your
opening paragraph should explain why you are writing and mention that your CV is
Your opening paragraph should be followed with one or two short paragraphs drawing
attention to particular skills and experiences relevant to the employer's needs. You should
also indicate the area of work you are interested in. The concluding paragraph should
indicate that you are available for interview or further discussion at any time. It is good
practice to follow up your letter by telephoning after a week or so.
When writing to a named contact, end your letter "Yours sincerely". If you have been
unable to find a named contact, then begin "Dear Sir/Madam" and end "Yours faithfully".
Ensure that under "Yours sincerely/faithfully" leave a space for your signature and print
your name underneath.
Before sending your letter, check it (and any accompanying CV) for spelling or
grammatical errors and ask someone to double check it. If you find mistakes, rewrite it –
do not use correction fluid. Ensure that at the foot of the letter you indicate "CV enc"
Keep copies of everything you send and note the date sent and any follow up action to be
The examples of speculative letters below assume that you are applying for the areas
indicated at the top. However, you can change the format relating to skills etc. to suit
You can obtain further help and advice by checking e clips, “How to find a job, “Job
applications”, “Writing a CV” and “Coping with interviews” which you may be able to
obtain from Ernie or other guidance staff. You can also check for publications relating to
job search in your local library.
As you may not have done work experience in school try and relate what you have gained
from relevant subjects that might match what you are applying for. Also include any
voluntary work you might do or any positions you hold in school such as prefect or year
mentor. Also indicate any uniformed organizations you belong to such as the Army or
Air cadets and scouts etc. You should also include any include information from any part
time jobs that you have such as paper rounds and baby-sitting etc.
I have tried to give examples that you can use either directly from school or if you
complete a related college course and have gained more experience as a result of doing
the course
If you have experience relating to administration or are looking at jobs/apprenticeships
Ima Applicant
15 Curtis Road
Tel 01642 333333
Smith Print Co. Ltd
Alma Street
Dear Mr. Smith,
You may be interested to know that I am currently working towards (indicate subjects
and predicted grades) or I have recently completed my GCSEs/ NVQ level
which you may be aware is the equivalent of 5 GCSEs/2 /3A levels.
May I draw to your attention that I have gained a great amount of experience in my
placement /during my course with Bloggs Print Co. in their administration section where
I was involved in the input and retrieval of information using .....?
I have also done IT where I have used data bases spread sheets (and so-on)
I was also involved in taking and processing orders from clients and resolving problems.
Or use subjects like English, Math’s Business studies and ICT and relate what you
have done in these to the job as above.
I am now interested in developing these skills and am seeking a position in a similar
organization and would be very grateful if you could advise me if you have any
opportunities for apprenticeships/data processors/administration staff within your
organization, now or in the near future
You will not mind, I hope, my enclosing a copy of my CV to demonstrate the relevance
of my experience which I believe may add value to your organization.
Please note that I can be available for an interview at any time.
I shall look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ima Applicant
If you have experience relating to welding or are looking for an apprenticeship in this
area etc.
Ima Applicant
15 Curtis Road
Tel 01642 333333
Miggs engineering
Acetylene Rd
Dear Mr. Migg,
You may be interested to know that I am currently working towards (indicate subjects
and predicted grades) or I have recently completed my GCSEs/ NVQ level
which you may be aware is the equivalent of 5 GCSEs/2 /3A levels.
May I draw to your attention that I have gained a great amount of experience in my
placement /during my course with………………….… where I have been involved in
MIG/TIG/MMA/Oxy acetylene welding and cutting involving the welding of both
ferrous and non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, stainless steel and brass (specify gauge
thickness of materials etc. if you like.). I have also been involved in the fabrication of
…… and the preparation of plate using profile cutters/oxy acetylene cutting ….. . I am
also trained in macro etching and dye penetrant and other testing techniques to ensure the
quality of welds etc. I am also training in health and safety and first aid. (add other
general points as required) delete anything that does not apply Or, I enjoy doing
resistant materials/engineering/product design in school where I have used a variety of
processes to make things such as vacuum forming, joinery etc. I am also able to work
from technical drawings etc.
I am now interested in developing these skills and am seeking a position in a similar
organization and would be very grateful if you could advise me if you have any
opportunities for child care assistants within your organization, now or in the near future
You will not mind, I hope, my enclosing a copy of my CV to demonstrate the relevance
of my experience which I believe may add value to your organization.
Please note that I can be available for an interview at any time.
I shall look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ima Applicant
If you have experience relating to child care or want to apply to child care
training/apprenticeships etc.
Ima Applicant
15 Curtis Road
Tel 01642 333333
Boisterous Babes Nursery
Wailing Waifs Rd
Dear Mrs. Matron,
You may be interested to know that I am currently working towards (indicate subjects
and predicted grades) or I have recently completed my GCSEs/ NVQ level
which you may be aware is the equivalent of 5 GCSEs/2 /3A levels.
May I draw to your attention that I have gained a great amount of experience in my work
placement/other /during my course with the Tiny terrors nursery where I was involved in
the planning and delivery of work and play sessions in a safe and secure environment. I
have also helped with toileting and feeding smaller children. I am also trained in health
and safety and first aid. (Add other general points as required) Or I have done health and
social care in school and have done………………………… and do baby-sitting for
friends and family (Try and relate this to the job)
I am now interested in developing these skills and am seeking a position in a similar
organization and would be very grateful if you could advise me if you have any
opportunities for child care apprenticeships/ assistants within your organization, now or
in the near future
You will not mind, I hope, my enclosing a copy of my CV to demonstrate the relevance
of my experience which I believe may add value to your organization.
Please note that I can be available for an interview at any time.
I shall look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ima Applicant
If you have experience relating to ICT or want to apply for ICT apprenticeships etc.
Ima Applicant
15 Curtis Road
Tel 01642 333333
M Board
Bytes n PCees
Data House
Dear Mr Board,
You may be interested to know that I am currently working towards (indicate subjects
and predicted grades) or I have recently completed my GCSEs/ NVQ level
which you may be aware is the equivalent of 5 GCSEs/2 /3A levels.
May I draw to your attention that I have gained a great amount of experience in my
placement /during my course with systems diagnostics, computer installation and
repair,/end user support, the production of data bases and can use a number of packages
including lotus notes, CTRIX windows, cobalt etc. etc. Or illustrate this with what you
have done in ICT or Product design or any other subject where you have used
computers etc. in school.
I am now interested in developing these skills and am seeking a position in a similar
organization and would be very grateful if you could advise me if you have any
opportunities for ICT apprenticeships/ support practitioners within your organization,
now or in the near future
You will not mind, I hope, my enclosing a copy of my CV to demonstrate the relevance
of my experience which I believe may add value to your organization.
Please note that I can be available for an interview at any time.
I shall look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ima Applicant
If you have experience relating to construction or want to apply for construction
Ima Applicant
15 Curtis Road
Tel 01642 333333
Cowboy Construction Ltd
Conem Rd
Dear Mr Bodger,
You may be interested to know that I am currently working towards (indicate subjects
and predicted grades) or I have recently completed my GCSEs/ NVQ level
which you may be aware is the equivalent of 5 GCSEs/2 /3A levels.
May I draw to your attention that I have gained a great amount of experience in my
placement /during my course with Darbo construction Ltd in the preparation, marking out
and excavating of sites, laying foundations and subsequent brickworks to high tolerances
and specifications and within tight dead-lines I am also trained in the erection of
scaffolding, health and safety and first aid. Or if you have done construction,
engineering, resistant materials etc. in school relate what you have done in these
subjects in terms of skills etc.
I am now interested in developing these skills and am seeking a position in a similar
organization and would be very grateful if you could advise me if you have any
opportunities for apprenticeships/ bricklayers/GCOs etc. within your organization, now
or in the near future
You will not mind, I hope, my enclosing a copy of my CV to demonstrate the relevance
of my experience which I believe may add value to your organization.
Please note that I can be available for an interview at any time.
I shall look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ima Applicant
If you have experience with retail work or are seeking an apprenticeship in this area
Ima Applicant
15 Curtis Road
Tel 01642 333333
Alma Street
Dear Mr. Ripoff,
You may be interested to know that I am currently working towards (indicate subjects
and predicted grades) or I have recently completed my GCSEs/ NVQ level
which you may be aware is the equivalent of 5 GCSEs/2 /3A levels.
May I draw to your attention that I have gained a great amount of experience in my
employment/placement /during my course with Massive Price where I was involved in
the selling of………………………. to members of the public while providing excellent
customer service in accordance with company directives. This involved operating tills
and check outs, including taking electronic payments, ordering and replenishing stock,
banking and dealing with and resolving customer enquiries and complaints and giving
advice on products. Or relate subjects such as Math’s, English and business studies to
this and any part time work you might have done. A paper round can help to
demonstrate that you are reliable etc.
I am now interested in developing these skills and am seeking a position in a similar
organization and would be very grateful if you could advise me if you have any
opportunities for retail assistants/customer service advisers within your organization, now
or in the near future
You will not mind, I hope, my enclosing a copy of my CV to demonstrate the relevance
of my experience which I believe may add value to your organization.
Please note that I can be available for an interview at any time.
I shall look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ima Applicant
If you have experience with dental nursing or are seeking an apprenticeship in this area
Ima Applicant
15 Curtis Road
Smiley clinic
Amalgum Court
Dear Mr. Gnasher,
You may be interested to know that I am currently working towards (indicate subjects
and predicted grades) or I have recently completed my GCSEs/ NVQ level
which you may be aware is the equivalent of 5 GCSEs/2 /3A levels.
May I draw to your attention that I have a long term interest in dental work and feel I
have excellent team and communication skills and empathy coupled with a desire to help
I did my work experience at …which I really enjoyed. I have also been (a prefect, done
voluntary work with…. , been on the school sports team etc. – add or delete anything
that shows you are willing to help others or get involved with the local community etc.)
I am now interested in developing these skills and am seeking a position in a similar
organization and would be very grateful if you could advise me if you have any
opportunities for trainee dental assistants/.nurses within your organization, now or in the
near future.
Please note to demonstrate the sincerity of my desire to be involved in this type of work, I
have applied to and been accepted by Shape training (and/ or the North East Chamber
of Commerce) but have been advised that it would be helpful to try and find my own
You will not mind, I hope, my enclosing a copy of my CV to demonstrate the relevance
of my experience which I believe may add value to your organization.
Please note that I can be available for an interview at any time.
I shall look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
If you have experience with beauty or are seeking an apprenticeship/job in this area
Ima Applicant
15 Curtis Road
Tel 01642 333333
Sleeping Beauty clinic
Facelift Road
Dear Mr. Beesst,
You may be interested to know that I am currently working towards (indicate subjects
and predicted grades) or I have recently completed my GCSEs/ NVQ level
which you may be aware is the equivalent of 5 GCSEs/2 /3A levels.
May I draw to your attention that I have a long term interest in beauty related work and
feel I have excellent team and communication skills and empathy coupled with a desire to
help others
I did my work experience at... which I enjoyed. I have also been (a prefect, done
voluntary work with… etc. Add anything that shows you are willing to help others or
get involved in the local community etc.) Also relate relevant subjects such as Art (for
colours, accuracy etc.) Science (for mixing chemicals, knowing about skin
types/allergies etc.) English (for both written/ oral skills etc.)
I am now interested in developing these skills and am seeking a position in an
organization that offers quality training and is devoted to excellent customer service and
would be very grateful if you could advise me if you have any opportunities for trainee
beauticians/apprenticeships within your organization, now or in the near future.
Please note to demonstrate the sincerity of my desire to be involved in this type of work, I
have applied to and been accepted by Middlesbrough college for a level 2 course in
You will not mind, I hope, my enclosing a copy of my CV to demonstrate the relevance
of my experience which I believe may add value to your organization.
Please note that I can be available for an interview at any time. I shall look forward to
hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ima Applicant