COMMENT Limnol. Oceanogr., 38(6), 1993, 1328-1331 0 1993, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Flux feeding as a mechanism for zooplankton implications for vertical particulate flux l Food concentrations within the euphotic zone are frequently too low to support growth of the filter-feeding organisms that consume phytoplankton and other forms of particulate matter (e.g. Checkley 1980; Dagg 199 1; Durbin et al. 1983). How, then, are particle-consuming zooplankton living in subeuphotic zone waters able to exist in their more impoverished milieu? I suggest that it is not by filtering water to strain the few particles available but rather by intercepting settling particles. The necessity to consider a feeding mode different from filter feeding can be clearly seen in the pteropods-zooplankton known to consume detrital particles and small animals without filtering the water. Many pteropods feed by building fragile mucous webs that are spherical or cone shaped, can be as large as 20 cm across, and hang in the water above the animal (Gilmer and Harbison 1986; Lalli and Gilmer 1989). A web collects small zooplankton, diatoms, and detritus. Eventually, a pteropod eats its mucous web, consuming the organisms and other materials that have collected on it. Webs are able to collect food particles from the surrounding water without having the rigidity to filter for the particles. How do they do so? Gilmer and Harbison (1986) noted that a web collects copepods that swim into it. This mechanism does not explain how such a large, fragile structure as a relatively immobile mucous web collects algal cells. I suggest that the webs collect particles falling on top of them and that this is an important part of their func- grazing and its tion. The rate at which particles collect should depend on their concentrations and fall velocities, i.e. their fluxes. In this sense, pteropods should be thought of as flux feeders rather than as filter feeders. Because large particles tend to fall faster than small ones, a flux feeder should feed preferentially on such larger particles as fecal pellets and marine snow. (Note that this is a simplification of the analysis by Shimeta and Jumars 199 1, which suggested that turbulent shear and diffusion would also cause particles to impact the web.) The impact of flux feeding by pteropods can be estimated with a standard cross-sectional formulation. If F is the particle flux, P the number concentration of pteropods at a given depth z, and (T the projected area on a horizontal plane of an individual pteropod web, then the rate of change of the flux with depth is given by dF - -aPF zor 1 dF -= Fdz -k I Accepted: 2 March 1992. M. Dagg, P. Jumars, and L. Madin provided useful suggestions. This work was supported by ONR Contract NO00 14 87-K0005 and U.S. DOE Grant DE-FG05-85-ER6034 1. (2) where k = (TPis the vertical decrease rate. This expression leads to F = F, exp(-2) (3) where z k dz’ lx= s Acknowledgments (1) ZO is the ratio of total cross section of mucous web per unit area and z, is the initial depth. For constant k, this reduces to 1328 F = F, exp [ - k(z - zo)]. (4) Comment 1329 Table 1. Representative concentrations of pteropods of the genus Limacina. Values of k diameter of the mucous web is 20 mm and the resulting value of u is 3 x 1O-4 m2. Note that reported concentrations of L. retroversa as high as 13,600 mP3 in the upper 25 m of the water dominantly juveniles ~0.5 mm. Several investigators also reported other pteropod species increase the value of k. Location Judkins et al. 1980 Bathmann et al. 199 1 Snider 1975 Wells 1976 Wormuth 198 1 L. L. L. L. L. retroversa retroversa injlata infrata infrata New York Bight Norwegian Sea Gulf of Mexico Barbados North Atlantic What are typical values for A, C, and k? Measured pteropod abundances are extremely variable with respect to time, space, sampling gear, and investigator. For five cases where the distribution of members of the common genus Limacina has been measured, k ranged from 0.15 to 3 x lop5 m-l, with a median of 3 x lop3 m-l (Table 1). Particle fluxes at the bottom of a 100-m layer with the above values of k would range from 3 x 10m7 to 1.0, with a median of 0.74, of those at the top. Various workers have expressed the downward particulate flux estimated by sediment traps as functions of depth (e.g. Betzer et al. 1984; Martin et al. 1987). Although these estimates suffer from various procedural problems (e.g. Silver and Gowing 199 l), they do offer a way of comparing the decrease of particulate flux with the above estimates of the pteropod effect. Martin et al. (1987) developed a formula for the vertical flux at a depth z relative to that at 100-m depth, Floe, where z > 100 m: Its derivative dF - = -8.58 dz is x 10-3F100 (6) Hence, k = ;$- = -8.58 x 10-l z-‘. (7) For z = 200 m, k = 4.3 x 10e3 m-l. This value of k estimated from sediment trap data is near the median of k values estimated from Limacina abundances (Table 1). P (No. m-‘) 480 50 10 3 0.1 calculated assuming the Bathmann et al. (199 1) column, but these were whose inclusion would (m”- I) 1.51 x 1.57 x 3.14X 9.42 x 3.14x 10-I 10-2 10-J 1O-4 10-S The development of this argument has emphasized pteropods feeding with mucous webs because they are particularly dramatic examples of flux feeding. The problem of feeding in an environment with low concentrations of food exists, however, for any particle-consuming animal living below the euphotic zone. Dagg (pers. comm.) has suggested that there are copepods living below the euphotic zone that also flux feed. Silver et al. (1978) suggested that marine snow particles could have a significant role in slowing the descent of fecal pellets. Silver and Gowing (199 1) suggested a similar role for the large larvacean houses found off Monterey Bay. They further suggested that settling matter, which collected on marine snow or on larvacean houses, would be available for microbial degradation or feeding by other zooplankton. Such interactions should also be considered flux feeding because their rates would depend on particle fluxes rather than concentrations even though both capturing and consuming falling particles might involve two or more groups of organisms. A major distinction between flux and filter feeding is that flux feeding is proportional to particle fall velocity as well as concentration. Because large particles tend to fall faster than small ones, flux feeding would allow organisms to subsist on the rare larger particles rather than the more common small ones. As such, it increases the importance of large aggregates or fecal pellets as food sources. Because the particle source is localized near the surface, flux feeders could adopt different strategies for capturing the flux. If Z is large, the fraction of particles reaching the ocean bottom is small. For example, if Z = 4, then only 0.02 of the surface flux reaches the bottom. A food-limited flux feeder would need to be near 1330 Comment the surface to maximize its food intake. If it feeds on fecal pellets of a vertically migrating zooplankton, the flux feeder might migrate to just underneath its food sources. If Z: is 1, then 0.37 of the flux reaches the bottom. In this case, food capture by a flux feeder would be fairly constant throughout the water column. Uniform dispersion might help flux feeders minimize losses to predation. To the extent that the inverse relationship between k and z shown in Eq. 7 is true, it could be caused by a decrease in the abundance of animals with depth. The fact that animals whose numbers vary could control the vertical particle flux implies that the rate at which the vertical flux decreases with depth should also vary spatially and seasonally. To the extent that flux feeders are important consumers of falling particles, there should not be a standard relationship between depth and decrease in particulate flux. In particular, there should be more activity in regions where fluxes are high, possibly leading to greater remineralization of falling particles near the surface than in oligotrophic regions. Low concentrations of flux feeders early in the season could explain how large fluxes of algal floes reach the bottom of the North Atlantic after the spring bloom (Billett et al. 1983; Thiel et al. 1989; Turley and Lochte 1990). Models incorporating global circulation and biological processing of carbon have had problems demonstrating high enough carbon consumption in shallow regions to reproduce the observed nutrient distributions found in shallow regions below the euphotic zone (Bacastow and Maier-Reimer 1990, 199 1; Toggweiler 1988). As a result, production of dissolved organic matter, particularly in areas of high productivity, has been deemed essential to stop particles from carrying nutrients too deep before they are recycled. These models have relied on the simple, unvarying curve fits derived from sediment-trap data (e.g. Martin et al. 19 8 7). Changes in animal concentrations would change the depths of nutrient recycling and could diminish the need to invoke high production rates of dissolved organic C, N, and P. Taylor and Karl (199 1) have argued that simple remineralization by microbes attached to falling particles is insufficient to explain observed vertical flux patterns and that something like consumption by organisms in the water column is needed. This deduction is consistent with the ideas proposed here. The role of flux feeders in controlling carbon recycling below the euphotic zone emphasizes the importance of groups of organisms, such as larvaceans and pteropods, that are not usually included in quantitative studies of organic carbon cycling. The calculations performed here emphasized only two species. The effects of all the organisms feeding in a similar way surely are greater. (Note: Although the work had been extensively discussed, the details reported by Najjar et al. 1992 had not been published when this manuscript was prepared. The invocation of flux feeders may not explain problems with that model, but flux feeding has a different impact on material cycling that should be included in studies of the fate of organic matter in the ocean.) George A. Jackson Department of Oceanography Texas A&M University College Station 77843 References BACASTOW, R., AND E. MAIER-REIMER. 1990. Ocean-circulation and the carbon cycle. Clim. Dyn. 4: 95-125. -, AND p. 199 1. Dissolved organic carbon in modeling oceanic new production. Global Biogeothem. Cycles 5: 7 l-85. BATHMANN, U. U., T. T. NOJI, AND B. VON BODIJNGEN. 199 1. Sedimentation of pteropods in the Norwegian Sea in autumn. Deep-Sea Res. 38: 1341-1360. BETZER, P. R., AND OTHERS. 1984. Primary productivity and particle fluxes on a transect of the equator at 153”W in the Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. 31: l-l 1. BILLET-T, D. S. M., R. S. LAMPIIT, A. L. RICE, AND R. F. C. MANTOURA. 1983. Seasonal sedimentation of phytoplankton in the deep sea. Nature 333: 67-69. CHECKLEY, D. 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Seasonal patterns of abundance reproduction of euthecosomatous pteropods off bados, West Indies. Veliger 18: 241-248. WORMUTH, J. H. 198 1. Vertical distributions and migrations of Euthecosomata in the northwest gasso Sea. Deep-Sea Res. 28: 1493-l 5 15. and Bardiel Sar- Inc. Reply to the comment by Jackson Recent simulations of the cycle of organic matter in the ocean with general circulation models suggest that most of the downward transport is in a dissolved form (Najjar 1990; Bacastow and Maier-Reimer 199 1; Najjar et al. 1992). Particle remineralization below the euphotic zone in these models is treated in a highly simplified form. Both the fraction of the export production that is sinking particulate matter and the remineralization length scale of this particulate matter are spatially invariant. In his comment concerning zooplankton and their relationship to the particle flux below the euphotic zone, Jackson (1993) suggests that the assumption of a constant remineralization length scale is important with regard to the conclusions of these modeling studies. In particular, he suggests that a shorter remineralization length scale in regions of higher productivity (where animal populations are greater) would improve simulation of the nutrient distribution. We disagree. In one of our simulations where all export production is in the form of sinking particulate matter that is remineralized below the euphotic zone with a length scale consistent with sediment trap observations (Martin et al. 1987), we found that nutrients become “trapped” below the euphotic zone in regions of shallow upwelling, such as the eastern equatorial regions of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. This trapping is a positive feedback between new production, remineralization, and the upward flux of nutrients; it is discussed in detail by Najjar et al. (1992). Nutrient trapping becomes more pronounced with a shorter length scale for remineralization. We see no evidence for nutrient trapping in the real ocean, at least to the degree found in this simulation, and conclude that the new production of the equatorial upwelling zones cannot be leaving the euphotic zone primarily as sinking particles which are regenerated in the upper few hundred meters. Including dissolved organic matter in our model improves the simulation of the nutrient distribution because it eliminates nutrient trapping. The remineralization length scale used in