Physics of nuclear medicine Physics of nuclear medicine introduction historic and current NM technologies principle of gamma camera image quality and gamma camera performance characteristics gamma camera QC data acquisition and processing methods SPECT and SPECT/CT other devices Cherry SR, Sorenson JA, Phelps ME, “Physics in Nuclear Medicine” 3rd ed (2003) Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, and 17 Introduction of nuclear medicine radiopharmaceutical (a radionuclide attached to a chemical compound) administered to patient, then (hopefully) concentrated to the abnormal sites through interaction between the pharmaceutical and cells or molecules decay of the radionuclide in the sites: emitting of single or annihilation photons detection of the emitted photons using gamma camera, PET scanner or other devices Introduction of nuclear medicine sensitive to functional changes Æ earlier detection of diseases and exclusive diagnostic capability, e.g. perfusion for heart, brain, kidney and lungs, and metabolism for cancers interaction at cellular or molecular levels bound directly to a target molecule (111Inmonoclonal antibody), low sensitivity accumulated by molecular or cellular activities of the target (18F-FDG, 99mTc-sestamibi, 131I−), high sensitivity Introduction of nuclear medicine emitted photon energy: 70 to 511 keV most low-energy photons absorbed by tissues most high-energy photons penetrating the detector charged particles penetrating only mm of tissue pixel value of the image: concentration of radioactivity may need post-acquisition data processing poorer image quality due to limited photon number and poor spatial resolution History of nuclear medicine 1895 discovery of x-ray by Roentgen 1896 discovery of radioactivity by Bequerel 1898 production of radium by Curie 1927 use of radon to measure the blood transit time 1930s invention of cyclotron by Lawrence 1945 invention of nuclear reactor 1951 rectilinear scanner to acquire images History of nuclear medicine 1958 invention of Anger camera 1964 use of Tc-99m (I-131 only prior to 1964) Tc-99m: metastable (T1/2 = 6.01 hr) pure γ decay (E = 140 keV), flexible for labeling I-131: electrons and 364 keV photons, thyroid disorders only 1970 derivation of image reconstruction algorithm for tomography (CT, SPECT, PET) 1998 rapid spread of PET and PET/CT The most often used radionuclide: Tc-99m metastable state of 99Tc43: T1/2 = 6.01 hr Æ long enough for imaging but short for reduced radiation dose to patient pure γ decay: less radiation dose E = 140 keV: enough photons to escape from the patient body but most stopped by the detector flexible for labeling (attached to a pharmaceutical): wide clinical applications The most often used radionuclide: Tc-99m The first rectilinear scanner (1951) The first Anger camera (1958) Dual-head gamma camera SPECT gamma camera Two detectors mounted on a rotation gantry with different angles (180°, 90°) for tomography Mobile semiconductor gamma camera 15×20×10 cm CZT detector breast imaging sports medicine ER and OR imaging 3000 0.3×0.3 cm discrete crystals 48 PSPMT Planar imaging Dynamical imaging Tc-99m MDP Tc-99m sestamibi 3 mm lesion detectable a series of images with time SPECT imaging SPECT imaging short-axis vertical long-axis transaxial coronal sagittal horizontal long-axis Pros and cons of nuclear medicine inherent molecular imaging high sensitivity Æ low concentration of radionuclide ~ pmol/liter biodistribution depends not only on the specificity of the carrier but also on the route of administration. noisy and suboptimal resolution Molecular imaging ACR definition: Spatially localized and/or temporally resolved sensing of molecular and cellular processes in vivo. SNM definition: Visualization, characterization, and measurement of biological processes at the molecular and cellular levels in human and other living systems. 2-D or 3-D imaging and variation over time Including NM, PET, MRI, MRS, optical, US and CT with contrast Molecular imaging modalities modality MRI MRS PET SPECT optical US sensitivity spatial + + +++ ++ +++ +++ Probes for molecular imaging resolution ____ temporal contrast 10-100µm 1 cm 3-4 mm 8-12 mm 1-2 mm 1 mm msec min-h min min msec msec +++ + ++ + +++ ++ bound directly to a target molecule accumulated by molecular or cellular activities of the target activated by the target enzyme in vivo +++: high, ++: medium, +: low Smart NIR agents Gamma camera With specific enzyme cleavage, fluorophores are separated from the backbone and each other so as to markedly increase their fluorescence. PH A posit ion amp & sum X Y Z comput er pr e - am p PMT det e ct or co llim at or display pat ient Major components collimator scintillation detector (NaI(Tl)) photomultiplier tube (PMT) Collimator to establish position relationship between γ photon source and detector (projection imaging) to convert x or γ photons to blue light photons to convert blue photons to electrons and to increase the number of electrons electronics display to amplify and discriminate electrical signals to display the image acquired by gamma camera Collimator to establish position relationship between the source and detector poor spatial resolution (ability to see details) and low detection efficiency (ability to count photons) The weak link of a gamma camera: The collimator determines the resolution and sensitivity of a gamma camera. Parallel-hole collimator design principle: to optimize the trade-off between resolution R and sensitivity η hole size d and hole length l t smaller (or longer) holes Æ higher R but lower η septal thickness t penetration < 5% hole orientation: parallel-hole, converging, diverging pinhole: single hole d increasing source-to-detector distance leads to same sensitivity same FOV same image size lower R Converging beam collimator increasing source-to-detector distance leads to decreasing FOV increasing image size lower R higher sensitivity fan cone Pinhole collimator FOV increasing source-to-detector distance leads to increasing FOV decreasing image size lower R lower sensitivity F FOV NaI (Tl) detector energy spectrum NaI (Tl) detector energy spectrum scintillation process to convert γ photons to blue photons (E ≈ 3 ev or λ ≈ 415 nm) theoretical deposited energy spectrum in detector photopeak: completely absorbed compton edge: Ee = E0 – Es (at 180º) above the edge: multiple scatter below the edge: single + multiple photopeak single scatter double scatter Compton edge p.e p.e c.s c.s c.s c.s c.s c.s NaI (Tl) detector energy spectrum NaI (Tl) detector energy spectrum actual deposited energy spectrum in detector spread photopeak caused by imperfect energy resolution (random fluctuation of blue photon number in detector) backscatter peak due to photon penetrating the detector, backscattered by surrounding material, reentering detector, and absorbed by the detector: Eb + Ee = E0 iodine escape peak 30 keV K-shell x-rays following p.e. absorption of iodine: Ee ≅ E0 – 30 keV lead K-shell x-ray (80 – 90 keV) following p.e. in lead NaI (Tl) detector energy spectrum Hg-197 w.o. scatter I-131 w/w.o. scatter backscatter iodine escape lead x-rays e c.s x-ray γ NaI p.e p.e x x-ray p.e p.e Advantages of NaI (Tl) detector good stopping power for low-energy γ (ρ = 3.67 g/cm3, Zeff = 50, PE dominant) µ = 16.58 cm-1 @ 69 keV, t = 0.95 cm, T ≅ 0% µ = 2.57 cm-1 @ 140 keV, t = 0.95 cm, T = 7.7% µ = 0.72 cm-1 @ 247 keV, t = 0.95 cm, T = 48.5% good detector linearity over 20 - 2000 keV good conversion efficiency: ~ 26 eV/blue photon good transparent to blue photons blue photons matched with the performance of PM tube easy to manufacture Disadvantages of NaI (Tl) detector poor stopping power at Eγ > 200 keV slow scintillation decay (230 ns) Æ low counting rate Compton scatter dominated at Eγ > 250 keV Æ poor spatial resolution fragile must keep dry Photomultiplier tube stable high voltage 1200 V needed for 10 dynodes 1% increase of high voltage Æ 10 % increase of current at anode sealed in glass and evacuated wrapped in ‘Mu-metal’ (alloy of Fe, Ni, Cu) to shield magnetic field magnetic field affecting focusing of electron beam Photomultiplier tube to create and amplify e-pulse To preamplifier photocathode (CsSb): blue light to electrons dynode 9 - 12 dynodes: +600v each increasing electrons 3 – 6 times +400v cathod anode: collect electrons: 610 ≅ 6 × 107 anode +700v +500v +300v NaI(Tl) 0 Photomultiplier tube 40 to 100 PM tubes (d = 5 cm) in a modern gamma camera photocathod directly coupled to detector or connected using plastic light guides anode connected to electronics in the tube base ultrasensitive to magnetic field Electronics Electronics preamplifier to amplify pulses from the PM tube to match impedances between the detector and subsequent components to shape pulses for subsequent processing voltage- and charge-sensitive circuits pulse height analyzer: selecting the pulses of certain voltage amplitudes (channel) Æ to discriminate against unwanted γ photon lower-level discriminator upper-level discriminator anticoincidence circuit V2 (154 keV) amplifier V1 (126 keV) to amplify pulses from mV to V to reshape slow decay pulses to narrow ones using resistor-capacitor circuit baseline restoration circuit Electronics y x = kx y = ky i ∑X − ∑X + i i − i i i Z ∑Y − ∑Y + i − i i i Z cathode ray tube (CRT) linearity dynamic range contrast brightness Z = ∑ Xi+ + ∑ Xi− + ∑ Yi+ + ∑ Yi− i 3 Display position circuit i 2 1 x anode y x z e - so ur c e d e f le c t io n plat es LCD: thin film transistor (TFT) plasma display scre e n Detection of a γ-photon Image quality 1 γ-photon Æ 1 electrical pulse (1 count) The photon may experience p.e in the detector (A), c.s in the detector (B), or c.s in the patient (C). energy deposited on the detector Æ # blue photons Æ pulse height entire energy Æ maximum pulse height (A) partial energy Æ reduced pulse height (B, C) A B C A B C main factors of image quality: 1. contrast: the difference in count density between two objects (or background) C = (Imax-Imin)/(Imax+Imin), MTF (k) = Cout(k)/Cin(k) 2. resolution: ability to distinguish between two objects in close distance, measured by full width at half maximum (FWHM) of PSF Æ image sharpness and details 3. artifacts Factors determining image quality camera performance characteristics detection efficiency Æ count rate Æ image noise Æ contrast, resolution collimator performance Æ resolution patient-to-detector distance Æ resolution energy resolution Æ width of energy window Æ scatter counts Æ contrast non-uniform FOV Æ artifacts dead time Æ artifacts or count loss at high count rates Factors determining image quality patient motion Æ contrast, resolution, artifacts photon attenuation and scatter Æ contrast low-pass filter in the reconstruction Æ resolution wrong energy window Æ contrast, artifacts Non-uniform FOV Image noise and off-peak effects 50,000 collimator defect 500,000 defected PMTs 1,000,000 Collimator performance low-energy all purpose (LEAP) collimator Æ better efficiency but worse resolution low-energy high resolution (LEHR) Æ better resolution but worse efficiency low-energy fan-beam (LEFB) collimator low-energy cone-beam (LECB) collimator medium-energy all purpose (MEAP) high-energy all purpose (HEAP) collimator 2,000,000 Patient-to-detector distance 2 2 R sys = R int + R col system resolution Rsys intrinsic resolution Rint collimator resolution Rcol at d > 5 cm, Rcol >> Rint larger d Æ poorer Rcol Æ poorer Rsys Detection efficiency Energy resolution and energy window energy spread due mainly to fluctuation of the blue photon number in the detector and of electric signal in the subsequent electronics energy resolution: 8 – 10% for NaI ~ 20% for BGO energy window: ±10% for NaI ±30% for BGO better energy resolution Æ smaller energy window Æ fewer scatter counts Multiple energy window summing images to increase count rate Tl-201: 70±10% keV + 167±10% keV In-111: 171 keV + 245 keV Ga-67: 93 keV + 185 keV + 300 keV dual energy window simultaneous acquisition to accelerate study e.g. cardiac perfusion: Tc-99m and Tl-201 140±10% keV and 70 keV + 167 keV Æ Down scatter contamination must be corrected. Performance at high count rates pulse pile-up effects Two events acquired at different locations but same time are recorded as a single event with summed energy at a location between them. 2 scatter counts possibly accepted as 1 event Æ image quality degradation rejected if both events in photopeak Æ count loss Performance at high count rates Camera quality control typical dead time in clinic: 4 – 8 µs 5 µs dead time Æ 20% count loss at 40,000 cps e.g. first-pass cardiac study: 100,000 cps very high count rate may paralyze camera. uniformity: daily, 256×256, > 4M counts resolution: weekly, 512×512, > 4M counts energy and COR: monthly Uniformity of detector integral unif = max. count – min. count < 5% max. count + min. count differential unif = max. count diff. – min. count diff. < 5% max. count diff. + min. count diff. acquisition of new uniformity maps and possible energy map: quarterly, > 30M counts Bar phantoms Data acquisition Matrix size collimator: LEAP, LEHR, LEFB, LECB, MEAP, HEAP energy window: match the radioisotope and energy resolution pixel size: 1/3 ~ 1/2 of spatial resolution matrix size = detector size pixel size 64×64 64×64, 128×128 or 256×256, 2 bytes in pixel depth patient close to the detector, steady, in FOV Data acquisition static acquisition: recording x and y in a matrix dynamic acquisition: recording a sequence of static images at different time, each image corresponding a certain time period list mode acquisition: recording x, y, t (and R-wave trigger for gated list mode), no frames during acquisition and later reframing needed 128×128 Data processing windowing in display: 2 byte image displayed on a 256 gray color monitor 2-D filtering the image: reducing noise temporal filtering for dynamic images: reducing noise ROI: maximum, minimum, mean counts, s.d. time-activity curve from a dynamic image: renogram, first-pass count profile: often used in camera QC Time-activity curve SPECT eliminate overlaying and underlying activity of a slice better contrast more accurate lesion localization more demanding technically and longer data acquisition more severe image noise Data acquisition Data acquisition a sequence of 2-D static images at different angular positions (views) detector rotation range circular or elliptical orbit closer to the patient Æ better spatial resolution 180º with 2 perpendicular detectors or 360º with 2 opposite detectors 45 ºR AO 45 ºL PO step-shoot or continuous acquisition Data acquisition energy window acquisition time or counts per view matrix size for each view depending on the spatial resolution (64×64 or 128×128) number of views = matrix size for 360º SPECT (64 or 128) ECG gated for cardiac SPECT View number 128 views 64 views 43 views 32 views SPECT camera performance SPECT reconstruction mechanical center coinciding with COR using software, calibration and testing all detectors aligned accurately in axial direction to acquire same slice data uniformity < 1% Æ ~ 41 M for 64×64 image filtered backprojection algorithm (FBP) iterative algorithms (OSEM, MLEM) compensation techniques attenuation scatter patient motion spatially variant blurring Filtered backprojection Filtered backprojection ramp filter required even for noise-free data Hann filter: 0.5 k (1 + cos(πk/kc)) Butterworth filter: filter to remove 1/r blurring low-pass filter k 1+ k /kc Ramp Hann BW 4.25 BW 4.15 BW 8.15 4.25 2n 4.15 8.15 to suppress noise 1 0 frequency Iterative algorithm to assume an initial image and to update the image iteratively Steps of one iteration: 1. to project the image 2. to compare to the data 3. to backproject P - P0 4. to update the image I1 = I0 + bpj (P - P0) Photon attenuation and scatter attenuation decreased photon number on P I0 P0 P-P0 I1 AB due to absorption and scatter, half of 140 keV photons absorbed over ~ 5 cm in water de t e ct or scatter and downscatter D B misplaced source position θ C instead of A C A pa t ie nt Photon attenuation effect Attenuation compensation geometric mean P = (p1× p2 p1 )1/2 exact compensation for a point source in uniform medium p2 analytical method: uniform attenuation built in FBP, magnifying image noise Chang’s method, for uniform µ (brain SPECT) transmission images Æ attenuation map Æ used in iterative algorithm, most accurate and best noise control Transmission image Gd-153 (97-103 keV, 8 mo) moving line source for parallel-hole collimators stationary line source for fan-beam collimators stationary point source for cone-beam collimators x-ray source and detector (SPECT/CT) p = p0 exp(-Σµi∆xi): Σµi∆xi= ln(p0/p) Æ µi Transmission image scaling µ to the photon energy of emission image downscatter contamination Photon scatter and compensation Photon scatter and compensation reduced contrast spill of counts from a hot spot scatter model built in iterative algorithm deconvolution dual energy window method prior to image reconstruction data P acquired from 126 - 154 keV data S acquired from 91 - 125 keV compensated data = P - S/W, e.g. W = 2 Partial volume effects occurring for small sources Vs resolution volume VR = π.FWHMT2.FWHMA when Vs < VR, pixel value < concentration Partial volume effects reducing contrast and error in quantitaion, ‘spillover’ recovery coefficient RC = Capparent/Ctrue RC used to correct PV with known Vs and VR , but not feasible in clinic Compensation for movement patient motion 1. a Tc point source with Tl patient 2. fast, repeated acquisition 3. software correction physiological organ movement gated cardiac imaging SPECT/CT scanner CT: to create attenuation map for SPECT attenuation correction with any radioisotopes Image fusion for SPECT and CT to better localize the disease SPECT/CT advantage over PET/CT: possible to label the imaging agent with a therapeutic isotope to highly-specifically treat the disease SPECT/CT scanner A gamma camera and a multi-slice spiral CT scanner on the same gantry with a single patient table SPECT/CT scanner GE Infinia Hawkeye helical CT, 140 keV, 2.5 mA, 4 rows × 384 Elements, 16 slice/min, in-plane res = 4 lp/cm, sw = 0.5 mm Siemens Symbia T, T2, T6, T16 Philips Precedence 6, 16 slice SPECT/CT image fusion Cardiology SPECT/CT image fusion Oncology Gas-filled detectors to measure activity only ionization chamber: dose calibrator and survey meter Geiger-Muller counter (quenching gas): sensitive survey meter, area monitor . + e h γ _ Dose calibrator high pressure (12 a.p.) Ar-filled ion chamber to assay activity only sample volume effect linearity of response versus sample activity Dose calibrator quality control constancy: daily, Cs-137 (660 keV, 30 y) and Co-57 (122 keV, 9 mo): ±10% linearity: quarterly, 10 µCi - 300 mCi Tc-99m, long-term decay or lineator: ±10% accuracy: yearly, Cs-137 and Co-57: ±5% geometry: upon installation, Tc-99m: ±10% Well counter detection efficiency intrinsic: 100% for Eγ < 150 keV geometry: for < 1 mL sample at bottom: 93% absolute activity: Asam= Astd× [Csam/Cstd] shielding energy calibration dead time ~ 4 µs A < 10 kBq for 50 kBq, 18% loss Well counter detecting in-vitro x- and γ-rays main components single NaI crystal (4.5×5 cm or 1.6×3.8 cm) with a hole for sample a PM tube preamplifier amplifier SCA or MCA readout device Thyroid probe measuring thyroid uptake of I-131 in-vivo 5×5 cm NaI(Tl) with 15 cm long conical collimator pointing to neck, thigh bkg calibration phantom with known activity for calculating uptake 1 – 2 cm diff. in depth Æ 10 – 40% diff. in count rate Miniature γ probe used in surgery detecting sentinel lymph nodes with Tc-colloid detecting radioactive monoclonal antibodies of In-111, I-131, I-125 5×10 mm, high directional sensitivity, light, easy to use, no hazard