STUDENT HANDBOOK Table of Contents Welcome ……………………………………………………………………..…………………….……………1 UF EDGE Contacts……………..……………………………………………………………….…………….2 UF Graduate School: General Requirements ……………………………………………………3 UF EDGE Student Services ………………………………………………………….…..…………….4-7 UF EDGE Procedures ………………………………………………………………..……………………..8 What is ISIS? …………………………………………………………………………..………….……………9 UF ID, Gatorlink ID & Password ……………………………………………..………….…………….9 Textbooks & Course Materials ……………………………………………..…………….…………..9 Lectures ……………………………………………………………………………….…………….……………9 Exams & Homework ……………………………………..……………………………………..…………10 Transcripts & Grades …………………………………………….……………………………..…………10 Tuition & Fees ……………………………………………………………………………………..………….11 Library Services ………………………………………………………………………..………..…………..12 Miscellaneous…………………………………………………………………………..………..……………12 Department Contacts ……………………………………………………..……………..….…….…13-14 Frequently Used Links …………………………………………………………………….………………15 WELCOME Welcome to UF EDGE, the University of Florida Electronic Delivery of Gator Engineering. UF EDGE brings an exciting learning experience to a worldwide audience through a variety of distance learning technologies accessible at the workplace, home, and other sites. The University of Florida’s College of Engineering has been providing lifelong learning for the practicing engineer since 1964. The UF College of Engineering is ranked as the #1 engineering college in Florida and as one of the top 25 in the nation by US News and World Report magazine. Our faculty bring their expertise and enthusiasm into the classroom to provide students with the most up-to-date knowledge in the field. Courses are taught by full-time UF faculty and recorded in studio classrooms at the UF Gainesville campus. As a UF EDGE student, you can access these lectures anywhere, anytime – whatever is convenient for your schedule. Lectures are accessible for the entire semester, allowing you a chance to review a complex lesson or prepare for exams. Congratulations on your acceptance into the Graduate Engineering Program at the University of Florida. If there is ever anything we can do to assist you throughout your academic career please contact us. Sincerely, UF EDGE Staff Contact Us University of Florida, Electronic Delivery of Gator Engineering Toll Free: 877-883-3343 Registration/Tuition Payments/Exams/Graded Homework/General Information Pam Simon 352-392-9670 Tuition Payments/Exams/Proctors/General Information Taylor Hines 352-392-9643 Technical Assistance, E-learning/Sakai/Canvas Support Ronnie Wisener 352-392-9671 Production John Williams 352-392-1725 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA GRADUATE SCHOOL The Graduate School consists of the Dean, Associate Dean, Graduate Council, and the Graduate Faculty. General policies and standards of the Graduate School are established by the Graduate Faculty. Any policy change must be approved by the graduate dean(s) and the Graduate Council. The graduate school is responsible for enforcing minimum general standards of graduate work in the University and for coordinating the graduate programs of the various colleges and divisions of the University. Responsibility for detailed operation of the graduate programs is vested in individual colleges, schools, divisions, and academic units. In most colleges an associate dean or other administrator is directly responsible for graduate study in that college. Listed below are some of the major policies of the Graduate School that affect you as a Graduate Student at the University of Florida. Registration Requirements 1. Even though you are not required to take more than one course each semester, you must finish your degree within 7 years of matriculation. 2. You must be registered for at least 3 credits during the semester you graduate. 3. If you fail to register for more than one semester (including summer), you will have to process a readmission application. This application can take 6-8 weeks to process so it is best to submit it early in the semester before you plan to enroll again. You can find more information at http:// 4. If you took courses as a non-degree seeking student or at another institution and want to transfer the credits towards your UF Master’s, a petition must be filed and submitted to the Graduate School. Contact your department for the appropriate forms and procedures. Graduation Requirements 1. Contact your department the semester BEFORE you plan to graduate to get details of all requirements that may not be listed here. 2. You must be registered for at least 3 credits during the semester you graduate. 3. You must submit a Degree Application. The application is due very early in the semester you plan to graduate. You can access this form by logging into ISIS 4. Your overall GPA must be at least a 3.0 and you must have a 3.0 in all major coursework. You cannot graduate with a grade of Incomplete, or less than a “C” without a written petition from your department to the Graduate School. 5. A Final Exam is given in various ways by your department. Contact your department for details. Other Requirements 1. You are required to have a Supervisory Committee. Typically a Master’s degree earned through UF EDGE is a non-thesis degree. Non-thesis degrees require one faculty member on a committee. Some departments have a designated EDGE advisor who will also serve on your Supervisory Committee and some expect you to contact them to find someone. Be sure to also contact your department for the appropriate forms and procedures. 2. Most departments require a written Plan of Student to be submitted within the first 2 semesters of registration. Contact your department for the appropriate forms and procedures. 3. UF EDGE is not authorized to give academic advisement; therefore you must contact your department with these types of questions. Department contacts are listed in the back of this handbook. Distance Students Services: UF EDGE College of Engineering The student services available to distance education students participating in the UF EDGE program in the College of Engineering are summarized in the table below, with brief descriptions of each service available for distance engineering students following the table. Table 1: Student Services available for UF EDGE distance learning students Student Service Department Provided Funds Sources 1 Financial aid disbursement/advising Student Financial Affairs Financial aid fee/E&G/DOCE 2 Student Health 3 Counseling Counseling and Wellness Center E&G/DOCE 4 Use of gyms/Intramurals 5 Emergency response 6 Academic advising Department/College E&G/DOCE 7 Career advising/job placement Career Resource Center E&G/DOCE 8 Student organizations 9 Admissions Admissions/Department/College E&G/DOCE/application fee 10 Tutoring 11 Academic student complaints Ombudsman/College E&G/DOCE 12 Non-academic student complaints College/UF EDGE Office/Department E&G/DOCE 13 Multicultural/diversity student support The UF EDGE program is split between FL residents being on-book (E&G), and non-Florida residents off-book (DOCE) Distance X X (limited) X X X X X 1. Financial Aid Disbursement/Advising The UF student Financial Affairs office provides assistance and advising to UF distance learning students on financial aid matters. UF distance learning students are offered the same financial aid services as campus students through the main UF student Financial Affairs office. The website for UF student Financial Affairs is: and phone at: 352-392-1275. 2. Student Health UF EDGE, College of Engineering, distance learning students do not have access to the Student Health Center services. The UF Health Fee is waived for UF EDGE students since they do not use the Student Health Center services. 3. Counseling Counseling services for distance learning students are limited. The UF Counseling & Wellness Center will set up phone consults for distance learning students, but only to assist distance students to find local counseling services for them. The website for UF Counseling & Wellness is and by phone at: 352-392-1575. 4. Use of Gyms/Intramurals UF EDGE distance learning students generally do not participate in the use of gyms or intramural sports, as UF EDGE students are usually not located in Gainesville and do not have access to the local activities. The UF Activity & Service fee is waived for UF EDGE students since they do not use the Gym and Intramural services. 5. Emergency Response UF EDGE distance learning students are located worldwide and participate in UF EDGE courses online, therefore UF campus emergency response services are not used for the UF EDGE distance learning students. 6. Academic Advising Distance students in the UF EDGE program can speak with a faculty advisor in their specific department to discuss academic issues, planning, program of study, etc. Each student is assigned a graduate faculty advisor by their department. A listing of the different engineering departments contact information is found at: Additionally, the College of Engineering offers academic advising through the Engineering Student Affairs office, their website is: and phone number is: 352-3926000. 7. Career Advising/Job Placement Distance students can use the career advising and job placement resources of the UF Career Resource Center. The website for the UF Career Resource Center is: The phone number is: 352-392-1601. 8. Student Organizations The majority of UF student organizations consist of on-campus students and hold meetings on the UF campus. Therefore, distance learning students in the UF EDGE program usually do not have access to actively participate in student organizations. The UF Activity & Service fee is waived for UF EDGE students since they do not actively participate in student organizations. 9. Admissions Distance students in the UF EDGE program apply for admission as a student through the UF Admissions Office, website:, phone: 352-392-1365. The application process is an online process so distance students can complete it without traveling to campus. Individual departments and the college can also be contacted by the distance students seeking information on the status of their application and to discuss requirements for admission. Engineering department’s contact information is listed at: General admission questions can also be emailed to the college at Potential new distance UF EDGE students can also contact the UF EDGE office directly, phone: 352-392-9670 or see the UF EDGE webpage on admissions at: 10. Tutoring Regularly scheduled tutoring is not currently offered for distance students; however the UF EDGE office provides online communication tools to any UF EDGE distance students, teaching assistants, or faculty that want to participate in online teleconferencing for course assistance. 11. Academic Student Complaints Academic complaints of UF EDGE distance students are handled through the UF Ombudsman Office, website:, phone: 352-392-1308. Academic issues can also be discussed at the College of Engineering level, website:, phone: 352-392-6000. 12. Non-Academic Student Complaints Non-academic student complaints for UF EDGE distance students can be handled by contacting the UF EDGE office directly at: phone: 352-392-9670 or web submission form at: The UF EDGE office can help solve most issues, or if not can direct any inquiries to the right office to assist them. The College of Engineering can also provide assistance for distance students on non-academic student complaints, website:, phone: 352392-6000. Department specific inquires on non-academic complaints can be addressed by contacting the relevant department. Engineering department contact information is listed at 13. Multicultural/Diversity Student Support The majority of activities and groups hosted by the UF Multicultural & Diversity Affairs (MCDA) support center are based around on-campus activities, making it difficult for distance students to participate. The website for the MCDA office can be found at: The UF Activity & Service fee is waived for UF EDGE students since they do not generally use the services of the UF MCDA office. Distance Student Complaints: UF EDGE College of Engineering UF EDGE Website: Policies and procedures concerning student complaints and other student issues are outlined in sections of the UF EDGE website. The main UF EDGE website is: Online Assistance Form: The contact information, including names, titles, and email addresses for all the UF EDGE staff members and directors are located on the same ‘Contact Us’ page. This page also clearly lists the main UF EDGE phone number, 352-392-9670, that is staffed (and backup staffed) during working hours for any student issues. Distance students are encouraged to phone or email the UF EDGE office freely and if the UF EDGE office cannot answer their inquiry the staff will direct them to the correct department or UF contact for their specific issue. UF EDGE Student Handbook: The UF EDGE student handbook is sent electronically to all new UF EDGE students. It is also listed as a link off of the main UF EDGE homepage. The online link leads directly to the electronic version of the UF EDGE distance student handbook at: The UF EDGE student handbook is updated regularly concerning distance student policies and procedures. The handbook includes the names, phone numbers, email addresses, and primary roles for all UF EDGE staff members, a section on individual department staff contacts, and department faculty advisor contacts for each UF EDGE degree program to help students direct any complaints or issues to the proper contact. The UF EDGE student handbook also includes a section on UF library resources for distance learning students. The UF EDGE Student Handbook is the written reference for the UF EDGE College of Engineering distance students’ policies and procedures including sections on: UF EDGE Contacts UF Graduate School and General Requirements UF EDGE Procedures UF ISIS System UF ID, Gatorlink ID & Password Procedures Textbooks & Course Materials Lectures for Distance Students Exams & Homework for Distance Students Transcripts & Grades Tuition & Fees Distance Library Services Department Staff and Faculty Contacts Frequently Used Links for UF EDGE Students UF EDGE ‘News’ on Website: The main UF EDGE website ( has a ‘News’ section on the front page of the website where any important issues and time sensitive items are listed. This includes items such as student evaluation procedures, new policy announcements, new course announcements, etc. Issues concerning student evaluations, graduation deadlines, and other time sensitive items are also sent via email to all UF EDGE students in addition to being posted on the ‘News’ portion of the website. UF EDGE Online Student Evaluations: All UF EDGE distance students are invited to participate in the UF course/faculty evaluation process to express anonymous concerns about course or faculty complaints. Students are emailed a link to the online course evaluation page when the time window opens for evaluations, as well as a listing about evaluations being open is posted on the ‘News’ section of the UF EDGE website. UF EDGE Procedures Registering for Courses Pre-registration is required every semester so that UF EDGE is notified of the course(s) you are planning to register for. It also gives you a chance to update your personal information. You will not be given permission to register unless you have submitted the pre-registration form. If you are a returning student, the ‘Account Summary’ area of our site will reflect your prior proctor information and provide a list of courses taken and the term completed. You will not see your grade. Grades can only be found in ISIS (Integrated Student Information System). After you submit the pre-registration form you will receive an email with further instructions for registration in ISIS. The ‘Add’ form on the UF EDGE website is not to be used to register. Final registration can only be done in ISIS. Once you are registered in ISIS you are fee liable unless you drop the course through ISIS by the posted deadline. ( To log into ISIS to register, you will need your Gatorlink ID and password (information found on page 10) as well as the EDGE course and section number. The section number can only be found on your pre-registration email mentioned above. For example: Your course number is EML 0000 this will be followed by another 4 digit number; that 4 digit number is the only section you will be given permission to register for. This is important because if you try to search for your course within ISIS, the only section that will appear will be the section number for students on campus. You will not be allowed to register for this section. Instead, using the section number in your email, choose the option “Add a Section”, type in the 4 digit section number and the course will appear with a message asking you to confirm this is the course you want. If you decide not to take a course that you pre-registered for, submit the ‘Drop/Add’ form locate at This form tells EDGE that you have already submitted the preregistration form and want to make a change. You are responsible for dropping the course in ISIS during the regular registration or drop/add period. Once drop/add is over, the EDGE office will process your drop request. However, you will still be fee liable. If you fail to register for two consecutive semesters you will be required to reapply. The reapplication process can take 6-8 weeks for approval and there is a $30.00 processing fee. Contact your department for reapplication procedures. WHAT IS ISIS? ISIS is the acronym for Integrated Student Information System. ISIS is used for registration, grade retrieval, fee payment, EFT sign-up, address changes for UF not UF EDGE), petition status, degree application, holds, basically anything that pertains to a student and his/her record can be found in ISIS. UF ID, GATORLINK ID, & PASSWORD Your UF ID is the 8 digit identification number you received when you were admitted. This is the secure way for you to identify yourself. Therefore, in all contacts with the University of Florida, including email correspondence and homework/exam returns include this number. No information regarding your record can be released if you do not have this number. If you have forgotten your UF ID go to To create a Gatorlink ID and password go to and follow the prompts. Your Gatorlink ID is your UFL email address. You will need your Gatorlink ID and password to access all forms on the UF EDGE website, to view course lectures, retrieve graded homework and exams and to access ISIS services. All official correspondence from the University Florida will be sent to your Gatorlink email address, therefore, it is advisable to check it often or have your Gatorlink email forwarded to an account you commonly use. You can check your Gatorlink email by going to TEXTBOOKS & OTHER COURSE MATERIALS Course textbook requirements are listed on the UF Bookstore (I.E. Follett) website by college, department, course number and section number. This information is also available through ISIS. Students may purchase the required textbooks, reference books, and supplementary course materials directly from the UF Bookstore Textbooks are shipped via UPS. LECTURES You will not be able to access your lectures until you are registered in ISIS. All courses are accessed through the course management program, E-learning Lectures will be posted online no later than the close of business the day of the taking of the live class and will be available throughout the semester. You can either view your course streaming or download it on a DVD or IPod. You will retrieve your syllabus and course handouts through E-learning/Sakai/Canvas. The first time you use E-learning/Sakai/Canvas you should click on the Browser Tune-Up under the menu item Self-Help. This gives you information on how to set up your browser and what components you may need to install. It is also highly recommended that you access ‘Tips & Tutorials’ and ‘Student Intro to ELS’ before using E-learning/Sakai/Canvas. EXAMS & HOMEWORK Homework must be sent directly to your instructor. Please print your name and UF ID on each page. This will help to ensure that you get complete credit for your work and will be posted in a timely manner. It is also advisable to keep a copy for your records. Graded homework will be scanned and posted as a password protected file on the EDGE website. Look under Current Student, Homework Returns. Students must have a proctor in order to take an exam. All exams for courses will be posted on an exclusive password protected website as a password protected Pdf file. When an exam has been posted the person you have designated as your primary proctor will be notified via email with the URL and passwords. You are allowed to have as many proctors as you want, but only one can be designated as your primary proctor. You will also be notified via an email that will include an attachment giving you the special instructions for the exam. It is your responsibility to keep your proctor information updated. Go to to add, delete or change your proctor. If you list more than one proctor you need to make sure that you have indicated which proctor should be notified of your exam. It is advisable to check your proctor information each semester to ensure accuracy. Be sure to have your proctor assigned at least 5 days in advance of your first exam so that there is time to go through the approval process. TRANSCRIPTS & GRADES Grades will be posted to your transcript within a week of final exams. You can access an unofficial copy of your transcript in ISIS. The EDGE office cannot send out unofficial grade reports or tuition receipts. To order an official transcript, in ISIS go to the left menu and open My Record, select Transcripts and follow the prompts. Online orders must be paid by a secure credit card transaction (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diner’s Club or debit card). The cost of an official transcript is $6.00 per transcript for currently enrolled students and $12.00 per transcript for students who are not enrolled. There is no charge for unofficial transcripts. TUITION & FEES There are several ways students can have their tuition and fees paid. Regardless of which method you use, fees are always due by 3:30pm on the deadline date. If your tuition and fees are not paid by the deadline you will be charged a $100.00 late payment fee. Student pays directly to UF: Tuition and fees are paid through ISIS. You can pay electronically with a credit card (UF does not accept VISA for tuition & fee payments) or by an Electronic Funds Transfer. UF does not charge for the funds transfer, however, your bank may have charges that apply. There will be a 2.6% service charge for all credit card transactions. Student pays directly to UF and applies for reimbursement through employer: Same procedure as above. If you need a receipt for the tuition you paid, please print this in ISIS at the time of payment. The EDGE office cannot send out receipts. Employer pays student’s fees via an invoice from UF: Student must submit the signed “Acknowledgement Letter” This only has to be submitted once. In addition, each semester the student must submit directly to UF EDGE a 3rd Party Donor Form that is supplied by your employer stating they want to be billed. Email the information to Jackie Johnson at and to the EDGE office at Deadlines for the submission of these forms are the same as the fee payment deadline each semester. State Employee Tuition Waiver program: This option has strict regulations. 1. You must submit the State Employee Tuition Waiver to UF EDGE indicating which classes you want the fees to be waived for. 2. There must be a minimum of 25 non-waiver students enrolled in the course. 3. UF does not approve courses with a designation of 6905, 6932, 6938, or 6934. You will be notified via email during Drop/Add if your course has or has not been approved for the waiver. Email this form to If you submit this form to the Registrar it will delay processing. Library Services The University of Florida’s libraries strive to provide support for distance learning students and faculty that is equivalent to that provided on campus. Resources and services include: Access from your home to electronic library resources, including full text of many articles and books. Access from your home to electronic indexes, reference tools, and many databases. Access to electronic course reserve materials. Delivery to your home or class location of books from UF campus libraries. Delivery to your home or class location of copies of articles from journals not available at UF. On-site borrowing and assistance at the University of Florida and at libraries. Information and reference assistance via email, online chat, or telephone. Access to online library tutorials. MISCELLANEOUS Be sure to put email on your safe list. Several emails will be sent to all students each semester. By putting us on your safe list, it will ensure that the information we are providing does not get put into your SPAM box. Important announcements throughout the semester can be found on the front page of the UF EDGE website At the end of every semester, you will have a chance to evaluate your course. An email will be sent to your Gatorlink email address with a link to the evaluation and the dates it will be available. The instructors do not have access to the results until after grades are submitted. DEPARTMENT CONTACTS & ACADEMIC ADVISORS Civil & Coastal Engineering Nancy McIrath-Glanville E-mail: Phone: 352-394-7801 Dr. Ralph Ellis, UF EDGE Advisor E-mail: Phone: 352-392-9537 ext. 1485 Computer & Information Sciences & Engineering Adrienne Cook Email: Phone: 352-392-7392 Dr. Jih-Kwon Peir, Graduate Coordinator Email: Phone: 352-505-1573 Electrical & Computer Engineering Cynthia Blunt Email: Phone: 352-392-9758 Dr. Robert Fox, Distance Program Advisor Email: Phone: 352-392-2543 Environmental Engineering Sciences Barbi Jackson Email: Phone: 352-392-8450 Dr. Mark Brown, Graduate Advisor, Water Resources, Planning & Management & Systems Ecology & Ecological Eng. Email: Phone: 352-392-2309 Dr. John Sansalone, Graduate Advisor, Water, Wastewater & Storm Water Engineering Email: Phone: 352-846-0176 Dr. Ben Koopman, Graduate Advisor, Water, Wastewater & Storm Water Engineering Email: Phone: 352-392-7104 Materials Science & Engineering / Nuclear Engineering Dr. John Mecholsky, Graduate Coordinator Email: Phone: 352-846-3306 Martha McDonald Email: Phone: 352-846-3312 Jordan Williams Email: Phone: 352-846-3312 Industrial & Systems Engineering Lorraine White Email: Phone: 352-392-1464 ext. 2026 Dr. Joseph Geunes, Graduate Coordinator Email: Phone: 352-392-1464 ext. 2012 Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karen Ehlers Email: Phone: 352-392-0808 ext. 17 Dr. David Mikolaitis, Graduate Coordinator Email: Phone: 352-392-7632 FREQUENTLY USED LINKS UF EDGE Homepage Registration UF EDGE Pre-registration Form: UF EDGE Drop/Add Form: Find your UF ID: Gatorlink Creation: ISIS: Proctors & Exams Add/Delete or Edit your Proctor: The Exam Process: Selecting a Proctor: Proctor Responsibilities: Tuition & Fees Tuition & Fee Information: Third Party Donor Information: Acknowledgement Letter: Miscellaneous Gatorlink Webmail: Library Services for Distance Learning Students: Bookstore Homepage: Textbooks: Viewing Lectures via Vista/E-Learning: