Product Sheet
Advertising Effectiveness
The Challenge for Every
Advertiser and Agency:
Are consumers noticing our advertising? Does it engage them
emotionally? Will they remember it?
These three criteria are critical to the success of any ad, and every campaign. Because if your advertising scores well in these
essential categories, the chances are good that a purchase
decision will follow.
But how can you determine if your messages trigger these vital
responses—and know with absolute clarity and reliability, and
no ambiguity?
measurements, we can pinpoint exactly which elements of
your advertising—in any medium—are attracting your target
audience’s attention, engaging their emotions, and being
A GPS for Great Advertising
The results are crystal clear. But we don’t stop there. NeuroFocus provides specific recommendations based upon these
brainwave findings, designed to help render the final creative
product the most captivating, emotionally involving and
memorable it can be. It’s a roadmap to creating the most effective marketing communications you can make.
Truth@2,000 Times a Second
Now you can. Because your target consumer’s brain will tell
you—at 2,000 times a second.
That is the speed at which NeuroFocus measures actual brainwave activity, employing high-density arrays of EEG (electroencephalography) sensors to capture signals from as many as
128 separate sectors of the brain. Combined with sophisticated
eye-movement tracking technology and other biometric
NeuroFocus, Inc. is a strategic partner of The Nielsen Company
© 2008 NeuroFocus, Inc. NeuroFocus and the NeuroFocus logo are registered trademarks of NeuroFocus.
All Rights Reserved 2008.
1200 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T 510.526.1616
F 510.526.9900
Product Sheet
Brand Essence
What Are You?
EEG’s: Eyes Into the Soul of Your Brand
Cool? Affordable? Desirable? Credible? Effective? Unique?
Trustworthy? Genuine?
We employ high density arrays of EEG (electroencephalography) sensors to track as many as 128 different sectors of
the brain, simultaneously. Combined with sophisticated eye
movement tracking tools and GSR (galvanic skin response)
metrics, we derive answers to the three questions that are the
keys to understanding if and how consumers are responding
to your brand’s attributes through your packaging, pricing,
messaging, promotions—virtually every aspect of your marketing. We can measure them all.
• Are they paying attention?
• Are they emotionally engaged?
• Are they remembering your brand, what it stands for and what it is offering them?
Trying to track down the specific attributes that consumers assign to your brand is like a treasure hunt in the dark—without
a map. You can form focus groups and solicit survey answers—
but the results aren’t going to be as reliable and accurate as
you really need. But there is a better alternative, brought to you
by the latest advances in neuroscience.
How do you determine what the true nature of your brand
really is? Accurately, reliably, without guesswork? Focus groups
and online surveys can give you an approximate version of
the truth—but when you’re investing millions, is close enough
good enough?
Neurons Never Lie
At NeuroFocus, we dive to the true essence of your brand, capture it, analyze it and deliver the most complete and precise
picture of how consumers perceive and value it.
We can do that because we measure at the most accurate and
meaningful level: brainwaves. As the world’s leading neuromarketing research company, our expertise in neuroscience
and our patented technologies enable us to derive the most
valuable information for any brand and every brand manager
and marketer: the brand essence.
Your Customer Is Talking to You 2,000
Times a Second. Are You Listening?
Because our measurements are so exact, and so rapid--we
track brainwave activity 2,000 times each second—our results
are clear, concise and actionable. We not only provide you
with the findings about the true essence of your brand, we
deliver specific recommendations on how best to leverage its
meanings and its strengths to consumers.
NeuroFocus, Inc. is a strategic partner of The Nielsen Company
© 2008 NeuroFocus, Inc. NeuroFocus and the NeuroFocus logo are registered trademarks of NeuroFocus.
All Rights Reserved 2008.
1200 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T 510.526.1616
F 510.526.9900
Product Sheet
In-Store Experience
Is Your P-O-S D.O.A.?
It’s where the proverbial rubber meets the road. Except in this
case, it’s where the target audience auditions the aisle.
sophisticated eye movement tracking tools, our patented
technologies then produce a crystal clear picture of precisely
what caught your customer’s attention; what stimulated their
emotions; and what passed into their memory.
The store aisle, that is. Where all the advertising, the product
design and packaging, and the point-of-sale materials intended to sell the brand have to deliver the goods. Literally.
More Than Just Research Results:
But how can you know—with certainty, not guesswork—in
today’s crowded retail environment if your target consumer is
noticing your brand? If they’re engaging emotionally with your
brand? If they’re retaining your brand in their memory?
Focus groups fall short, because they can’t replicate the realworld retail experience. But there is a foolproof answer to these
questions. NeuroFocus studies the actual, real-time experience
of walking through the aisle-not a simulated video test-but real
shopping in a real store.
Data without direction doesn’t help you decide what will work
best to draw consumers to your brand in the retail environment. That’s why we translate our results into actionable
recommendations that can be applied to that most real of all
merchandising worlds: the actual point of sale.
Truth@2,000 Times a Second
NeuroFocus applies the latest advances in neuroscientific
research to measure consumers’ actual brainwave activity—in
a typical store setting. Employing high-density arrays of EEG
sensors, we capture the brain’s reactions across as many as
128 individual sectors at 2,000 times a second. Combined with
NeuroFocus, Inc. is a strategic partner of The Nielsen Company
© 2008 NeuroFocus, Inc. NeuroFocus and the NeuroFocus logo are registered trademarks of NeuroFocus.
All Rights Reserved 2008.
1200 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T 510.526.1616
F 510.526.9900
Product Sheet
Major Metrics
Notice. Like. Remember.
At NeuroFocus, we measure three fundamental metrics that
are the first determinants of marketplace success for any
brand, from initial product development through packaging,
pricing, advertising and many other forms of marketing.
They are Attention, Emotional Engagement, and Memory
Employing high density arrays of EEG sensors across as many
as 128 different sectors of the brain, we capture, measure and
analyze consumers’ actual brainwave activity to determine
precise levels in each of these three categories. Score well, and
the chances of success are excellent. But we go a whole level
deeper to discover even more data.
There are three additional critical factors for successful brand
development and marketing. Because without them, you’re
either largely left out of the consumer’s purchase decision process; or you’re left defenseless against your competition.
Awareness is an obvious asset; persuasion is a little trickier to
track; and novelty is the most elusive but perhaps the most
valuable advantage to achieve.
The Best Defense Is the Brain’s Defense
Pure and simple, persuasion is a predictor—a measurement
of the ‘propensity to purchase’. Novelty is the degree to which
a brand or message or other content has established a set of
defenses in the consumer’s subconscious against competitive
Gain consumers’ attention; engage their emotions; stimulate
retention in their memory; build awareness, provoke persuasion and achieve novelty, and you have accomplished the six
steps to marketplace success for your brand, your marketing,
and your message.
Persuasion. Awareness. Novelty.
From our initial gauges of attention, emotional engagement,
and memory retention we derive additional measurements
for how effective a brand marketing message is at raising
awareness, promoting persuasion, and creating novelty in the
consumer’s mind.
NeuroFocus, Inc. is a strategic partner of The Nielsen Company
© 2008 NeuroFocus, Inc. NeuroFocus and the NeuroFocus logo are registered trademarks of NeuroFocus.
All Rights Reserved 2008.
1200 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T 510.526.1616
F 510.526.9900
Product Sheet
Product Design & Packaging
It is the element of your brand that stays with the consumer
the longest. Logic says that it’s one of the most important
factors in your brand’s success. But it’s also one of the most difficult to know if you’ve got right—or not.
Out of Focus
Focus groups and other conventional research methodologies
can provide consumers’ subjective responses to your product
design and packaging. Problem is, they’re just that: subjective.
But the bigger problem is, they’re inaccurate.
Right the First Time.
Right Every Time.
Product and packaging design are expensive, time-consuming, no-margin-for-error processes. Because we measure
consumers’ true reactions, our research can help develop the
optimums for both. But we don’t just provide the results—
we generate specific recommendations designed to serve as
guidelines to achieving the design solutions that attract the
most attention; stimulate the desired emotions, and remain in
the memory.
Modern neuroscientific research reveals that when the brain
is asked to recount how it feels about something, or what it
remembers, something interesting occurs. The response the
brain makes is actually different than what it originally felt or
The One Measurement
That Matters
NeuroFocus measures responses at the very heart of the brain
instead. Employing high density arrays of EEG sensors that
track brainwave activity across as many as 128 different sectors
of the brain--at 2,000 times a second--we capture exactly what
the consumer is paying attention to; what is engaging their
emotions; and what they are remembering.
NeuroFocus, Inc. is a strategic partner of The Nielsen Company
© 2008 NeuroFocus, Inc. NeuroFocus and the NeuroFocus logo are registered trademarks of NeuroFocus.
All Rights Reserved 2008.
1200 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T 510.526.1616
F 510.526.9900
Product Sheet
As Easy As E=MC2
It seems like it should be the simplest step of any in the marketing process.
Setting pricing: as straightforward as adding up the cost of
production, distribution and marketing; adding a profit margin; and slotting into a competitive position in the market.
Of course, in the real world, price points are a lot more complicated. Just because the numbers add up right internally has
little meaning if your customers don’t assign the same value
to your brand as you do. You may actually be devaluing your
brand by charging too much—or too little.
2,000 Is the Answer
That’s how many times each second we measure actual
brainwave activity, employing high density arrays of EEG
sensors across as many as 128 different sectors of the brain.
Through our patented technologies and proprietary methodologies, we can isolate the one price point located deep in the
consumer’s subconscious that will serve your brand best. You
can know with complete assurance that you’re maximizing
the real value of your brand, and your business. It’s as good as
money in the bank.
The Neurons Know the
Right Number
But your customer knows the ‘sweet spot’ of pricing for your
brand—the number that represents the brand’s true value in
their minds. That’s a rich soup of many different ingredients—
some of which they can’t articulate for you in any focus group
or survey.
Their brain knows exactly what that elusive number is, though.
And at NeuroFocus, we know where to look for it, how to extract it, analyze it and give you the best recommendation that
the leading edge of neuroscientific research can provide today.
NeuroFocus, Inc. is a strategic partner of The Nielsen Company
© 2008 NeuroFocus, Inc. NeuroFocus and the NeuroFocus logo are registered trademarks of NeuroFocus.
All Rights Reserved 2008.
1200 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T 510.526.1616
F 510.526.9900
Product Sheet
Total Consumer Experience
The High Five
What are the five critical points of contact for your brand with
the consumer?
Taste, touch, sight, hearing, smell.
These five senses form the entire experience that your customer has with your brand. Doesn’t it make sense to know and
understand just how that interaction is working?
Now you can. With 100% assurance that the information is accurate, and actionable.
Total Consumer Experience™
NeuroFocus offers a unique capability to brand marketers: the
means by which to measure, with pinpoint precision, exactly
how your target consumer experiences your brand. We call it
the Total Consumer Experience™.
Employing high density arrays of EEG sensors, plus additional
biophysical metrics, we capture and analyze consumers’ actual
brainwave activity. And we do it at 2,000 times a second. By
evaluating how the brain responds to stimuli like the visual and
aural sensations of opening the package; smelling the flavors;
feeling the product; and tasting, eating or using it, we gain a
complete picture of the full range of sensory experiences that
the consumer has with your brand. No other research methodology approaches the TCE in terms of in-depth, real-world
knowledge and marketing value.
Notice. Like. Remember.
Does your brand attract consumers’ attention? Does it engage
their emotions? Do they remember the experiences they had
with your brand? These are the three key criteria that your
brand needs to score well in to motivate purchase.
These are the three key metrics that we measure. Because we
measure them at the neurological level, the results are clear,
concise, and reliable.
A Deep Dive into The Consumer’s Mind
If you’d like to get the best grasp you possibly can of how your
customer experiences your brand, use the latest tools and
technology and leverage the power of neuroscience: explore
the research options at NeuroFocus.
NeuroFocus, Inc. is a strategic partner of The Nielsen Company
© 2008 NeuroFocus, Inc. NeuroFocus and the NeuroFocus logo are registered trademarks of NeuroFocus.
All Rights Reserved 2008.
1200 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
T 510.526.1616
F 510.526.9900