d. Cosmet. sci., 56, 1-16 (January/February 2005) Characterization of the lipid compositionat the proximal root reDionsof humanhair YOSHINORI MASUKAWA, HIROFUMI NARITA, and GENJI IMOKAWA, TochigiResearch Laboratories, Kao Corporation, 2606 Akabane,Ichikai,Haga, Tochigi,321-3497Japan. Accepted for publication December 3, 2004. Synopsis The hair lipid composition collectedfrom44 Japanese femalesbetween1 and81 yearsof agewasexamined for eightlipids includinghydrocarbons (HCs), squalene (SQ),waxesters(WEs), triglycerides (TGs), fatty acids(FAs), cholesterol(CH), ceramides(CERs), and 18-methyl eicosanoic acid (MEA). In this study, the 5-cm length from the proximalroot end of hair fibers,which had neverbeenexposedto any chemical treatment,wasusedafter 5-min incubationwith hexanefollowing shampooing.Hair lipids were extracted with solventand subsequent alkali-solventand werethen analyzedby a combinationof chromatography. Although the averagecontentsof the lipids showedgreat fluctuationsamongindividuals,there were significant correlations betweenthelevelsof eachlipid, whichallowedfor theclassification of thehairlipids into four groups:groupA: SQ, WEs, TGs, and FAs (designated as endogenous lipids basedupon their sebumorigin);groupB: CH andCERs(designated asendogenous lipids);groupC: HC (unknownorigin); and groupD: MEA (the otherendogenous lipid). A principalcomponentanalysisfor eight lipidsrevealed that the hair lipid composition wascharacterized by a predominant negativecorrelation betweeneachlipid for groupsA and B. This negativecorrelationsuggests that the endogenous lipids in groupB serveas a barrieragainstthe penetrationof predominantlysebum-derived exogenous lipids (groupA). Endogenous lipidsconsisting of CH andCERs(groupB) andMEA (groupD) shouldbe designated asintrinsicinternal lipids of humanhair. INTRODUCTION A fine structure,calledthe cell membranecomplex(CMC), existsbetweencorticalor cuticle cellsof human hair aswell aswool (1,2). The CMC is visualizedby transmission electronmicroscopy asa tram-linestructureincludinga denselystainedB-layersandwichedbetweenlightly stainedp-layerson both sides.The main components of the B-layerand the p-layershavebeenthoughtto consistof proteinsand lipids, respectively (1,3). The factthat lipid extractsfrom woolor from humanhair form liposomes suggests that lipidsmight comprisea lipid bilayerat the [3-1ayers of the CMC (4,5). A characteristiclipid, 18-methyleicosanoic acid(MEA), is chemicallyboundto the surfaceof Addressall correspondence to Genji Imokawa. 2 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE cuticlecellsby a thio-esterlinkage(6). Many studieshavesuggested that hair lipids can contributeto physicochemical phenomenasuchasdiffusion,cell cohesion, andmechanical strength(3,7-10), althoughlipidsoccurat a muchlowercontent(1-9% dry weight) than proteins(>90%). Many analyticalstudieson the lipids of humanhair havebeenperformed(6,7,11-20). Hair fibershavenot only surfacelipidsoriginatingfrom sebum(11,14), but alsolipids within the hair (11-13). Curry and Golding reported that hair yields its lipids to successive Soxhletextraction,suggestingthe existenceof lipids within hair (11). Using hair fibers treated with successiveSoxhlet extraction, Sakamoto et •l. (12) first demon- strated the existenceof lipids within them suchas fatty acids (FAs) and wax esters (WEs).Theydesignated themas"internallipids"of humanhair (12-14). Subsequently, hydrocarbons (HCs) (15), squalene(SQ) (7,15,20), wax esters(WEs) (15,17,20), triglycerides(TGs) (15,17), FAs (7,15-18,20), cholesterol(CH) (7,15-17,20), cholesterolsul- fate (CS) (16), MEA chemicallyboundto hair fibers(6,16), and ceramides(CERs)(19) havebeenfoundas hair lipids. However,in all previousstudiesdescribed above,hair sampleswerenot from the proximalroot endsor werenot clearlydescribed.Sincehair lipids are graduallylost or alteredas hair fibersgrow, the proximalroot endsof hair fibersor the nearestregionsshouldbe usedto characterize the precisehair lipid composition.In addition,all previousstudieshavenot focusedon comprehensive hair lipid composition,includingits individualvariation,althougha great deal of knowledgeon the intercellularlipid compositionof the stratumcorneumhasaccumulated(e.g., 2123). The aim of the presentstudyis to clarifythe precisehair lipid compositionat the proximalroot regionsof hair fibersby a combinationof chromatography. MATERIALS AND METHODS CHEMICALS HPLC grade chloroform,methanol, hexane,and acetonitrilewere purchasedfrom Kanto-Kagaku(Tokyo,Japan).Biochemistry gradeo-phtalaldehyde (OPA) and 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) werefromWako (Tokyo,Japan),9-anthryldiazomethane (ADAM) wasfrom Funakoshi(Tokyo,Japan),andTMS-HT wasfrom GL Science (Tokyo,Japan). All other chemicalswere analyticalgrade. REFERENCES FOR LIPID ANALYSIS Tetracosane for HCs waspurchased from Kanto-Kagaku.Squalenefor SQ, tripalmitin for TGs, tricosanoic acidfor an internalstandard(IS) of MEA, D-sphingosine,DL-threodihydrosphingosine, DL-erythro-dihydrosphingosine, and N-palmitoyl-DL-dihydro- sphingosine for CERswerepurchased fromSigma(St.Louis,MO). Cetylpalmitatefor WEs, palmiticacidfor FAs,and cholesterol for CH werepurchased from Tokyo-Kasei (Tokyo,Japan).All references wereusedwithout furtherpurification. MATERIALS Hair fiberswereobtainedfrom 44 healthyJapanese femalevolunteers whoseagesranged HAIR LIPID COMPOSITION 3 from 1 to 81 years.About 200 fibersof 5-cm length takenfrom the proximalroot end perindividual(ca.100 mg) werecollected. The volunteers hadnot beenexposed to any chemicaltreatmentssuchaspermingor bleachingfor at leastsix months.Hair fibers werewashedwith plainshampoo twiceandwerethenincubated with hexanefor 5 min prior to extractionof hair lipids. EXTRACTION OF HAIR LIPIDS Each hair bundle washedwith shampooand hexanewas cut into small piecesusing scissors. They wereimmersedinto a seriesof CHC13/CH3OH2:1, 1:1, 1:2 (v/v) and CHC13/CH•OH/water 18:9:1(v/v/v)for24 hr each,at roomtemperature. Themixture of solvents wasfilteredthrougha solvent-resistant 0.5-1amMillipore filter. The filtered solutionwastakento dryness,andwasthen usedfor analysisof extractablelipids. Delipidizedhairfibersweresaponified by heatingfor2 hr at 60øCin 1N KOH in 90% CH•OH (16). AfterwaterandCHCI• wereadded,themixturewasshaken in a separatoryfunnel.TheCHCI• phase wastransferred to a flask,andtheupperphase including hair residuewasacidifiedby the additionof 6N HC1. The acidifiedupperphasewas shaken againwith CHC13.Thecombined CHCI.•phasewaswashed twicewith saturated NaC1aqueous solution.The washedCHC13phasewasthenfilteredthrougha solventresistant0.5-1amMillipore filter. The filteredsolutionwastakento dryness,and was thenusedfor analysis of integrallipids,whicharedefinedasthe hair lipidsthat canbe extracted by alkalisaponification followingsolventextraction (16). IDENTIFICATION OF CERs WITH GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY/MASS SPECTROMETRY (GC/MS) Thisprocedure wasperformed with slightmodifications of methods previously reported (19). CERswereisolatedfromthe extractedlipidsby preparative TLC (silicagel 60, Merck,Darmstadt,Germany).The isolatedCERsweresilylatedwith TMS-HT at 60øC for 20 min. Massspectra wereobtainedby GC/MSwith a Hewlett-Packard 5988A mass spectrometer coupledto a Hewlett-Packard 5890 SeriesGC and a Hewlett-Packard 59970C workstation (Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, CA). An Ultra ALLOY-I(HT) 30-m x 0.25-mm x 0.15-1ammetalcapillarycolumn(Frontier-Labo, Fukushima, Japan)was usedwith a temperature programof 150øCto 360øCat 5øC/min,whichwasheldfor 5 min. Aliquotsof the sialylated CER solutions wereinjectedvia splitless modeat 370øC. Helium wasusedasa carriergasat a flow rate of 1.16 ml/min. The massspectrometer scannedfrom 50 to 1000 amu in 0.78 sec, with an electron ionization of 70 eV. The sourceand the transferline temperatures werekept at 300øCand 320øC,respectively. DETERMINATION OF HCs, SQ, WEs, TGs, AND FAs WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE THIN-LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY (HPTLC)/DENSITOMETRY Theseprocedures wereperformedwith slightmodifications of methodspreviouslyreported(16,17).Thus,for separation, HPTLC plates(silicagel 60, 20 x 10 cm,Merck) wereused.Aliquotsof theextractable lipid solutions wereapplied2 cm fromthe bottom edge of the plate, which was developedfirst to 3 cm with CHCI•/CH3OH/water (100:10:0.5) twice, secondto 12 cm with hexane/acetic acid (80:10), and third to 15 cm with petroleumether.After drying,theplatewassprayed with 10% coppersulfateand 4 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE 8% phosphoric acidsolutionand wascharredby heatingat 180øCfor 5 min. Eachspot wasdensitometricallydeterminedwith a ShimadzuCS-900 photodensitometer (Kyoto, Japan) and was comparedto a calibrationreferencecurve. Duplicate analyseswere performedfor eachmeasurement. DETERMINATION OF MEA WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY (HPLC) This procedure wasperformedwith slightmodifications of methodspreviouslyreported (6). Thus, tricosanoicacid asthe IS of MEA and ADAM wereaddedto the integral lipid solution(CHC13/CH3OH1:1) andthe solutionwasthenderivatized for 1 hr at room temperature.Aliquotsof the derivatizedintegrallipid solutionwere injectedinto an HPLC apparatus equippedwith a fluorescence detector(Hitachi L-6000 series,Hitachi, Ibaragi,Japan)and a 12.5-cm x 4.0-mm Superspher 60 RP-8e (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany)kept at 40øC.The derivatives weredetectedat EX.365 nm andEM.412 nm. Two solventsof (A) acetonitrile/water85:15 and (B) acetonitrilewere usedfor separation at a flow rate of 1.5 ml/min with a gradientelutionprogram,which includedfirst (A) 100%, second(B) 2.5%/min to (B) 100% (40 min), andfinally holdingof(B) 100% for 20 min. The contentof MEA wascalibratedbasedon an equivalentmolar sensitivity of MEA to the IS. Duplicateanalyseswereperformedfor eachmeasurement. DETERMINATION OF CH WITH GC This procedure wasperformedwith slightmodifications of previouslyreportedmethods (7). Thus,analyses wereperformedon a Hewlett-Packard5890 seriesGC equippedwith a flame ionizationdetector,an Ultra #2 25-m x 0.25-mm x 0.33-pm fusedsilica capillarycolumn(Hewlett-Packard), anda Hewlett-Packard 3396 SeriesII integrator. Aliquotsof the lipid solutionwereinjectedvia splitmodein a ratioof 1:50at 340øC. The temperature of the detectorwasmaintainedat 340øC.Helium wasusedat a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The columntemperaturewasprogrammedfrom 200øC to 320øC at 20øC/min, which was held for 10 min. The content of CH was determined using a calibrationcurve.Duplicateanalyses wereperformedfor eachmeasurement. DETERMINATION OF CERs WITH HPLC Procedures for alkaline hydrolysisof CERs for the isolationof sphingoidswere performed,basedon a slight modificationof a methodreportedfor CERs of the stratum corneum(24). Thus,the lipids weresaponified by heatingfor 18 hr at 65øCin 10 ml I N KOH in CH3OH/hexane5:1. Ten micrograms of threo-dihydrosphongosine was then addedas the IS. By meansof liquid-liquidextraction,CHCI• extractswereobtained.Thesphingoids extracted wereisolated bypreparative TLC (silicagel 60) because hydrolyzed fattyacidsinterruptedthe reactionbetweensphingoidandOPA. The sphingoldsisolatedwerederivatizedat roomtemperature for 30 min with an addedsolution of OPA methanol,a 2-ME/methanol solution,and a sodium tetraborateaqueoussolu- tion. Aliquotsof the derivatives wereinjectedinto the sameHPLC equipmentusedfor theMEA analysis with a 15-cmx 4.6-mm L-ColumnODS (Kagakuhin-Kensa-Kyoukai, Tokyo,Japan)keptat 40øC.The derivatives weredetectedat EX.344 nm andEM.433 nm. Two solvents of (A) CH•OH/water85:15and(B) CH•OH wereusedfor separation HAIR LIPID COMPOSITION 5 at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min with a gradient elution program, which included first holding (A) 100% for 15 min, second(B) 5%/min to (B) 100% (20 min), and finally holdingof (B) 100% for 15 min. The contentof sphingoidswascalibratedbasedon area ratiosof the peaksof interestto the IS (threo-dihydrosphingosine), resultingin CER content.Duplicate analyseswere performedfor eachmeasurement. STATISTICAL ANALYSES Correlationanalyses amongthe level of lipids and a principalcomponentanalysis(PCA) with a correlation matrix for hair lipid compositionwere performed using Excel Tahenryo-Kaisekiversion3.0 software(Esumi,Tokyo,Japan). RESULTS MOLECULAR SPECIES OF CERs IN HUMAN HAIR A total ion GC/MS chromatogram of silylatedCERs in extractablelipids is shownin Figure1, andthosein integrallipidsexhibitedalmostthe samepeakpattern.PeaksA-F in Figure 1 had distinctivefragments:(A) m/z: 313, 370, (B) m/z: 299, 313,458, (C) m/z = 313,398, (D) m/z = 313,426, (E) m/z = 313,454, and (F) m/z = 313,480. It hasbeenestablished that a massspectrumof silylatedCERs can be characterized by a C2-C3 fragmentationof its sphingoidsamidified with its N-acyl moiety (19,25). Therefore,fragmentsofm/z: 311 or m/z: 313 and m/z: [M-311] or m/z = [M-313] providesufficientinformationabouttheir sphingoidssuchassphingenine(sphingosine) or sphinganine(dihydrosphingosine) and abouttheir N-acyl moieties.Accordingly,the peakswereidentifiedasFollows: (A) 2-N-palmitoylamino-octadecane-l,3-diol, (B) 2-Not-hydroxypalmiroylamino-ocradecane1,3-diol, (C) 2-N-stearoylamino-octadecane1,3- A 0 B .._0 A F ½ •o ' 15 ' 30 Ti• ' 25 F •o Figure 1. A GC/MS total ion chromatogram of silylatedCERsfrom extractablelipids.A, B, C, D, E, and F show their molecular structure. 6 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE diol, (D) 2-N-eicosanoylamino-octadecane-l,3-diol, (E) 2-N-docosanoylaminooctadecane-l,3-diol,and (F) 2-N-tetracosanoylamino-octadecane-l,3-diol. DETERMINATION OF THE HAIR LIPIDS BY CHROMATOGRAPHY The optimal conditionsfor extractionof hair lipids, excludingcontaminatedlipids, were examinedfor the relationshipbetweenhexaneincubationtime after twice shampooing hair fibersand the extractedlipid contents.When the squareroot of time wasplotted againstthe relativeextractedlipid content,a linear plotting wasobtainedduring 5 to 30 rain of incubationwith hexane(Figure2). In general,the followingequationis used for the diffusionof a soluteinto a cylindricalfiber of infinite length (26): Ct/Coo = 4(Dt/(q-rr2)) 1/2 where C•/Coorepresentsrelative soluteuptake at a certain time (t), D is the diffusion coefficient,and r is the radiusof the cylindricalfiber. Accordingto this equation,if diffusionof the soluteoccurs,the relativesoluteuptakeplottedagainstthe squareroot of time should become linear becauseof the constant D, q-r,and r. The observedlinear line (Figure2) impliesthe existenceof diffusionof the lipids from the hair insideto the outsideduring the incubation.Therefore,in our study,a 5-rain incubationwith hexane wasperformedprior to the extractionof hair lipids to deletecontaminatedlipids. 0.4 30 min 0.3 5 min 10min 20min • • 2min + • • • 1min +....................... 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 Root square of hexaneincubation time 5 6 min •a Figure 2. Effectof hexaneincubationtime aftertwiceshampooing of hairfiberson extractedlipid contents. Eachpoint represents the mean + SD calculatedin five hair samplesfor eachhexaneincubationtime. Relativeextractedlipid contentwasdefinedasa ratioof lipid contentsextractedat a certaintime (t) to that of total lipids exhaustively extracted. HAIR LIPID COMPOSITION 7 HCs, SQ, WEs, TGs, and FAs in the extractablelipids were determinedby HPTLCdensitometryaccordingto the conventional method(16,17). A representative chromatogram is shown in Figure 3. MEA in the integral lipids was determined by HPLC followingits derivatizationwith ADAM accordingto a previouslyreportedmethod(6), and a representative chromatogram is shownin Figure4. CH in the lipids wasdetermined by GC, basedon a previouslyreportedmethod (7), and a representativechromatogramis depictedin Figure 5. Sphingoidsgeneratedby hydrolysisof CERs in the lipids were determinedby HPLC followingtheir derivatizationwith OPA (Figure 6). The major and minor sphingoidswere identifiedas erythro(C•8-)dihydrosphingosine (peakC in Figure6), and (C•8-)sphingosine (peakA in Figure6) by comparison with authentic standards.Peak D in Figure 6 was identified as erythro-C2o-dihydrosphingosine baseduponcomparison with GC/MS datafor acetylatedandsilylatedsphin12 cm , HCs 9 cm SQ WEs I TGs ! 6 cm FAs 3 cm 0 cm II A Ill III Ill Illlllllllllllllllllllllll B C D E F Figure 3. A HPTLC chromatogram of lipid references and extractablelipids.LaneA: tetracosane. LaneB: squalene.Lane C: cetyl palrnitate.Lane D: tripalrnitin. Lane E: palrnitic acid. Lane F: extractablelipids. 8 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE A B 10 C 2o 30 D 40 50 Time/min Figure 4. A HPLC chromatogram of fatty acid-ADAMderivatives in integrallipids.A: palmiticacid. B: stearic acid. C: MEA. D: tricosanoic acid as an internal standard. golds(data not shown).The absenceof peaksat ca. 11 rain in Figure 6 indicatesthat human hair containslittle CERs with phytosphingosine. Both CH and CERs were calculatedas the sum of the extractablelipids and the integralones,sinceit is unclear whetherthey shouldbe chemicallydistinguishedfrom eachother or not in the caseof CH and CERs different from MEA, which is clear in its chemicalstate (6). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE LEVELS OF THE HAIR LIPIDS The variationof the hair lipidsamongindividualsis shownin Table I. An averageof the level of eachlipid wasin the orderof (FAs) > (WEs) > (HCs)>(CH) > (SQ) > (TGs) > (MEA) •. (CERs).The majorhair lipidscanbeassigned asFAsandWEs sincetheir sum accountedfor morethan 85% of the total lipids (average23.5 mg/g hair). The percentageof coefficientof variationwasin the orderof (TGs) > (SQ) > (WEs) •. (FAs) • (HC) > (total lipid) > (CH) > (CERs) > (MEA), thusindicatingthat their levelsof TGs, SQ, WEs, FAs, and HCs amongindividualsfluctuatemorethan thoseof the total lipids. Relationships betweenthe levelsof eachlipid were analyzed(Table II). There was a significantpositivecorrelation(p < 0.01) amongthe levelsof SQ, WEs, andFAs,oneof which is shownin Figure 7A. A significantpositivecorrelation(p < 0.01) betweenthe levelsof CH and CERswasalsoobserved(Figure7B). Further, therewasa significant negativecorrelationbetweenthe levelsof SQ and CH (p < 0.01), SQ and CERs (p < 0.05), WEs andCH (p < 0.01), WEs andCERs(p < 0.01), TGs andCH (p < 0.01), TGs and CERs (p < 0.05), FAs and CH (p < 0.01), and FAs and CERs (p < 0.01) (Table II). A representative negativecorrelationbetweenWEs and CH is shownin Figure 7C. While HCs were weakly correlatedonly with CERs (p < 0.05), MEA exhibited no significantcorrelationwith any other lipids. HAIR LIPID COMPOSITION 9 A 1'o fs Time/min Figure 5. A GC chromatogram of cholesterol in extractablelipids.A: cholesterol. A principalcomponent analysis (PCA)forthelevelsofeightlipidswasperformed. Factor loading,eigenvalue,andcontributionobtainedby the PCA areshownin Table III. The first two components accountedfor 60.4% of the total variation,with 42.3% in the first component(Z1) and 18.1% in the secondcomponent(Z2). The valuesin Z1 increased in accordance with the increase in the levels of CH and CERs and the decreasein the levelsof SQ, WEs, FAs,andTGs. The valuesin Z2 mainlyincreased in concertwith the increase in the levelof HCs. Therefore,Z1 wasinterpretedto imply a negativecorre- lationbetweenonelipid consisting of SQ, WEs, FAs,and TGs and anotherlipid consisting of CH and CERs(TableII). Z2 wasalsointerpretedto imply a definite contributionto the level of HCs. A two-dimensional projectionof the PCA, which impliesa total variationfor the hair lipid composition of 44 Japanese females,is shown in Figure8. The individualswho werecharacterized by the lowerlevelsof SQ, WEs, FAs,andTGs,andbythehigherlevelsofCH andCERs,weresituated at a positivevalue of Z1 (Figure8). On theotherhand,individuals whowerecharacterized by thehigher levelsof SQ, WEs, FAs,andTGs, andby the lowerlevelsof CH andCERs,weresituated at a negativevalue of Z1 (Figure 8). BaseduponFigure8, the individuals weresymbolized according to theirage(Figure9). Young individuals(ages1-10) tendedto locateat the right-handside, and older 10 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE B IIIIIIIIIIIIII I0 IIIIIIIIllllllllll tl') •) (S) II It') I (S) Time/rain Figure 6. A HPLC chromatogram of sphingoid-OPAderivatives in CERsisolatedfrom extractable lipids. A: (C•8-)sphingosine. B: threo-(C18-) dihydrosphingosine as an internal standard. C: erythro(C•s-)dihydrosphingosine. D: erythro-C2o-dihydrosphingosine. Table I Variation of Hair Lipids Among Individuals Statistical values HCs SQ WEs TGs FAs Maximum (mg/g hair) Minimum (mg/g hair) 8.9 <0.2 3.5 <0.2 17.1 0.3 4.6 <0.2 56.2 2.4 Mean(mg/ghair)• 2.4 0.7 4.9 0.5 Variance• 3.7 0.9 17.7 0.9 SD (mg/ghair)• CV% 1.9 81 1.0 131 4.2 85 0.9 176 15.4 166 12.9 84 CH CERs MEA 2.8 0.4 0.49 0.04 0.47 0.22 1.3 0.29 0.30 0.5 0.02 0.00 0.7 52 0.13 45 0.07 22 Total 63.7 5.6 23.5 231 15.2 65 • <0.2 mg/ghairwascalculated as= 0. Abbreviations: HCs: hydrocarbons; SQ: squalene; WEs: waxesters;TGs: triglycerides; FAs:fatty acids;CH: cholesterol;CERs: ceramides;MEA: 18-methyl eicosanoic acid. individuals(ages11-40) tendedto distributeat the left-handsidein the PCA, showing total variationof hair lipids as shownin Figure 9. DISCUSSION Sincehair lipids are graduallylost ashair fibersgrow, the hair lipid compositionat the distal region of hair fibers may not reflect the "precisehair lipid composition."The HAIR LIPID COMPOSITION Table 11 II Correlation Coefficients for theLevelsof EachLipidAmongIndividuals • Correlation Lipid HCs SQ SQ -0.1815 WEs TGs FAs -0.2232 0.0410 0.0463 0.7386** 0.2421 0.4879** CH CERs MEA -0.1404 -0.3378* 0.1640 -0.5353** -0.3260* -0.1565 WEs coefficient TGs FAs CH CERs ---- --- ---- -0.6479** -0.5019'* -0.1171 0.7716 0.2172 --0.1130 .... -0.2123 0.3942** -0.6133'* -0.4516'* -0.1240 0.0718 -0.4422** -0.3263* -0.2219 • <0.2 mg/ghairwascalculated as: 0. **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05. Abbreviations: as described in Table I. phrase"precisehair lipid composition"meansthe hair lipid compositionthat is not changedby anyexternalfactorssuchasweathering(shampooing, heat,light, and soon), perming,or coloring.In all paststudies,hair sampleswerenot from the proximalroot endsor were not preciselyidentifiedfor sitesof the hair shaftcollected(6,7,11-20). In this study,only the 5-cm lengthfrom the proximalroot endof hair fiberswasused,and the hair lipids without contaminated lipidswereobtainedby extractionwith CH3CI/ CH3OH/waterandwith 1 N KOH in 90% CH3OH following5-minhexaneincubation after shampooing. In our comprehensive analysisof hair lipids at the proximalroot regionsof hair fibersfrom 44 Japanese females,the averagecontentof total hair lipids was23.5 mg/g hair, comprising2.4, 0.7, 4.9, 0.5, 14.4, 1.3, 0.29, and 0.30 mg/g hair for HCs, SQ, WEs, TGs, FAs,CH, CERs,andMEA, respectively (TableI). The levelof eachlipid showeda great fluctuationamongindividuals(Table I), suggestingthat the hair lipid composition of humanhair variesconsiderably amongindividuals. The molecularspecies of CERsidentifiedin Japanese females(Figure1) werealmostthe sameasthoseidentifiedin Caucasian males,asreportedby HussleretM. (19). Thus,hair CERsbelongedto class2 or class5 accordingto the ceramideclassification reportedfor the stratumcorneum(27). However,the contentof hair CERsdeterminedin our study (average0.29 mg/g hair) wasmuchhigher than that reportedby Hussleret•/. (average 0.1 mg/g hair) (19). The differencebetween the content of hair CERs in those two studiesmight be due to differentsampleoriginsasdescribedabove,althoughit might alsoresultfrom otherfactorssuchasdifferentracesand/orgenderof the subjects,and/or hair diameter/volumeper cm length. The resultsfromthe relationships amongthe levelsof lipidsindicatethat thehairlipids may be tentativelyclassifiedinto the followingfour groups:groupA (SQ, WEs, TGs, and FAs);group B (CH and CERs);group C (HCs); and group D (MEA). While each lipid level in groupA or eachlipid level in group B is positivelycorrelatedwith each other,eachlipid levelin groupA is negativelycorrelated with eachlipid levelin group B (Figure 7, Table II). Sincethe level of HCs or MEA did not correlatein most cases with eachlevelin otherlipids,HC andMEA wereclassified into the othergroups(group C and groupD). The PCA showingthe total variationof hair lipids among44 individualsindicatesthat the hair lipid compositioncan be especiallycharacterizedby a negativecorrelationof eachlipid levelbetweengroupA and groupB, whichpredomi- 12 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE 2O A R=0.7386 P<0.01 ß I I I $Q m•/• hair 0,6 B R=0.7716 P<0.01 ß ß 0.4 ß ß•t•..'" ,+* •ß ß ....*'0 ß ß ß ß ß 0.2 ß .,," ß : ß ß I 0,0 CH i mg/g hair •..CR=-0.6133 P<0.01 ß ß ß •'"'.,p.%. ß 0 ß ! ! 5 10 ! 15 2O WEs mg/g hair Figure7. Therelationship between thelevels oflipidsfrom44Japanese females. Eachpointrepresents the levelof thelipidsforeachindividual. A: SQandWEs.B: CH andCERs.C: WEsandCH. HAIR LIPID COMPOSITION Table 13 III FactorLoading,Eigenvalue,Contribution,and AccumulatedContributionfor PrincipalComponents of Eight Lipids Component Lipid First Factor loading Second Third Fourth Sixth HCs -0.022 0.728 0.155 -0.469 0.388 SQ •-0.411 -0.310 -0.201 0.065 -0.364 0.539 WEs TGs -0.425 -0.253 -0.293 0.003 -0.183 0.558 0.040 0.737 -0.476 0.159 FAs -0.381 -0.405 -0.124 CH CERs MEA 0.500 0.421 0.118 -0.089 -0.120 -0.636 0.070 0.171 0.620 Eigenvalue 0.160 -0.133 -0.353 0.346 3.386 Contribution (%) 1.444 -0.130 Fifth 1.196 -0.325 0.134 0.600 -0.170 0.003 -0.081 0.345 0.132 0.508 -0.199 Seventh Eighth 0.209 0.116 -0.455 -0.245 0.443 0.012 0.412 0.194 0.111 -0.403 0.613 -0.052 0.400 0.715 -0.140 -0.170 0.709 0.539 0.415 0.187 0.122 42.3 18.1 15.0 8.9 6.7 5.2 2.3 1.5 42.3 60.4 75.3 84.2 90.9 96.1 98.5 100.0 Accumulated contribution (%) Abbreviations: as described in Table I. o o o o o o o • o o o 8 o o0 o o o o o o o -2 o o o 08 o o OoOO 0 o oo o I -4 o o -2 I I 0 2 4 Z1 Figure 8. Two-dimensional projectionof 44 Japanese femalesby the first two components (Z1 and Z2) of PCA for the levelsof eightlipids.Eachpoint(C)) represents the valuesof Z1 andZ2 for eachindividual. nantlyaccounted for 42.3 % of the total variation(TableIII, Figure8). Individualswhose hair fiberscontainlower lipid levelsin groupA and higher lipid levelsin groupB are distributedat the right-handsideof the projectionin Figure 8. In contrast,individuals whosehair fiberscontainhigher lipid levelsin group A and lower lipid levelsin group B aredistributedat the left-handsideof Figure8. Distributionof the youngerandolder individualsaccordingto their agesin the PCA, asshownFigure 9, suggeststhat the hair lipid compositionmay changewith increasingage. Sincelipids in group A (SQ, WEs, TGs, and FAs) are componentssimilar to thoseof sebum(28), it is likely that the lipids in group A result from sebumattributable to 14 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE ß -2 -4 -2 0 2 4 Z1 Figure 9. Two-dimensional projectionof 44 Japanese femalesby the first two components (Z1 andZ2) of PCA for the levelsof eight lipids. Eachpoint represents the valuesof Z1 and Z2 for eachindividual. Symbols: ¸: ages1 to 10. [•: ages11 to 20. /•: ages21 to 30. O: ages31 to40. ß: ages41 to 50. ': ages 51 to 60. •': ages61 to 70. x: ages71 to 81. sebaceous glands.Thus, the lipids in group A may originatefrom sebumpenetrating into the inside of hair fiberswithin hair follicleswhere sebaceous glandsare included histologically.Koch eta/. (15) designatedhair lipids within hair fibers as "internal sebum"in their paper.Although someFAs may originatefrom hair matrix cells,the existenceof higher levels of unsaturatedand branchedFAs in hair lipids (7,18,28) suggeststhat most FAs result from decompositionof TGs or WEs as sebum.On the other hand, lipids in group B (CH and CERs) are thought to result from intrinsic constitutivelipids biosynthesized in hair matrix cells,basedupon the fact that they are not synthesizedin sebaceous glands(28). HCs (classifiedinto group C) consistingof carbonnumber 22--44 has been reportedin the analysisof hair lipids (29), but their originremainsunclear.It hasbeenproposed by a studyusingMapleSyrupUrine Disease patients(6) that MEA (classifiedinto group D) may resultfrom an intermediarymetabolite of isoleucinewithin hair matrix cells. Therefore,accordingto their origins, groupA canbe designatedasexogenous lipids andgroupsB andD asendogenous lipids. Changesin hair lipid compositionwith special referenceto exogenouslipids with increasingage (Figure 9) could be explainedin terms of increasedsebumsecretion during adolescence (30). The level of MEA did not correlatewith both lipids in group B (CH and CERs), althoughthesethree lipids are endogenous. This suggeststhat the productionof eitherCH or CERsmay interactwith eachotherduring the biosynthetic process,while MEA may be regulatedby anothermetabolism. The reasonthat there wasa negativecorrelationbetweeneachlevel of exogenous lipids (groupA) andendogenous ones(groupB) might be dueto the contributionof the CMC. Sinceendogenous lipids in group B are the main components of cell membranelipids that form CMC (4,17), they can lead to the formationof stableand strongCMC. Therefore,stableandstrongCMC may resultin enhancingthe barrierfunction(31,32), HAIR LIPID COMPOSITION 15 which is attributableto preventingexternalmaterialsfrom entering into hair fibers as is the casein skin. Consequently, higher levelsof endogenous lipids in group B may resultin diminishedlevelsof exogenous onesdue to their difficulty in penetration,while lower levelsof endogenous lipids in groupB may resultin increasedexogenous onesin hair fibers. Available studiesdealing with lipids within human hair have hitherto usedthe term "internallipids"for lipids within hair fibers(6,7,11-20). This term for lipids penetrating from a sebaceous gland into hair fibersmay be not misdirectedbecause theselipids areinternalized.However,baseduponthe fact that they arenot intrinsicinternallipids, they shouldbe designatedas exogenous lipids (group A), as revealedin this study. On the other hand, endogenous lipids consistingof CH and CERs (group B) and MEA (groupD) shouldbe designatedas intrinsicinternallipids of humanhair. While some FAs originatefrom hair matrix cells,most FAs may occuras a resultof the decompositionof TGs or WEs assebumcomponents. This is corroborated by the fact that there arehigherlevelsof unsaturated and branchedFAs in hair lipids (7,18,28) and that there is the positivecorrelationbetweenFAs and the other exogenous lipids. Therefore,it is likely that a lipid classof FAs within hair fibersoccursmainly as exogenouslipids. CONCLUSION In summary,the lipid compositionat the proximalroot regionsof human hair hasbeen characterized for the first time. The hair lipids canbe classifiedinto four groups:group A (SQ, WEs, TGs, and FAs); group B (CH and CERs); group C (HCs); and group D (MEA). Sincegroup A or groupsB and D originatefrom sebumpenetratingthe hair shaft or from constitutivehair lipids biosynthesizedin hair matrix cells, they were designatedexogenouslipids or endogenousones,respectively.The hair lipid composition among individualswas also characterizedby a predominantnegativecorrelation betweenlipids for groupsA and B. This negativecorrelationsuggeststhat the endogenouslipids in group B serveas a barrieragainstthe penetrationof exogenous lipids (groupA). Although many researchers havehitherto usedthe term "internallipids" for all hair lipids including exogenous lipids (groupA in our study),only endogenous lipids consistingof CH and CERs (group B) and MEA (group D) shouldbe designatedas intrinsic internal lipids of human hair. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We expressour cordialgratitude to Dr. Yoshiaki Fujikura and Dr. Katsumi Kita for their discussions and encouragement of this study.Our sincerethanksare alsodue to Mr. ToshihikoSakaiandMs. Kumi Suginofor their assistance in hair samplecollections. REFERENCES (1) J. A. Swift and A. W. Holmes,Degradationof humanhair by papain.Part 2: Someelectronmicroscopeobservations, Text.Res.J., 35, 1014-1019 (1965). (2) S. Naito, T. Takahashi, M. Hattori, and K. Arai, Histochemical observation of the cell membrane complexof hair, Sen-IGakkaishi,48, 420•426 (1992). (3) J. D. 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