Student Handbook 2013-2014 A GUIDE TO A BRIGHTER FUTURE IMPORTANT DATES Registration deadlines : Session 1 (Fall) Session 2 (Winter) Session 3 (Spring) Session 4 (Summer) August 16, 2013 November 27, 2013 March 5, 2014 May 28, 2014 Registration deadlines for Laurentian : Session 1 (Fall) August12, 2013 Session 2 (Winter) November 18, 2013 Session 3 (Spring) February 21, 2014 Session 4 (Summer) May 16, 2014 Final dates for course withdrawal/drop date and are eligible for refund less withdrawal fee: Session 1 (Fall) September 16, 2013 Session 2 (Winter) December 23, 2013 Session 3 (Spring) March 31, 2014 Session 4 (Summer) June 23, 2014 Examination Dates (refer p. 18) Examination results release dates: Session 1 (Fall) February 4, 2014 Session 2 (Winter) May 6, 2014 Session 3 (Spring) July 29, 2014 Session 4 (Summer) October 28, 2014 CGA – Course start dates: Course start dates: Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Sept 9 Dec 9 Mar 17 June 9 Please refer to your course information through the Online Learning Environment (OLE) for actual assignment due dates TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION Introduction ................................................................................................... 1 Contacting the CGA Office .......................................................................... 1 Student Number ............................................................................................ 1 Website ......................................................................................................... 2 Time Limit .................................................................................................... 2 Payment Policy ............................................................................................. 2 Deferment of Studies .................................................................................... 2 2.0 CHANGE OF INFORMATION Address / Employment Change..................................................................... 3 Transfer to another Province ......................................................................... 3 3.0 ENROLMENT Course Enrolment ......................................................................................... 3 Blackboard .................................................................................................... 3 Course Material............................................................................................. 4 Adding a Course ........................................................................................... 4 Pre-requisites and Fees ................................................................................. 6 Option Courses.............................................................................................. 7 4.0 ASSIGNMENTS, ONLINE QUIZZES and BUSINESS CASES Level 1 - 4 ..................................................................................................... 7 PACE ............................................................................................................ 7 Business Cases .............................................................................................. 7 Plagiarism/Copying....................................................................................... 8 5.0 WITHDRAWAL & APPEALS Refunds/Withdrawals .................................................................................... 8 Withdrawal and Re-admission Policy ........................................................... 9 Student Appeals ............................................................................................ 9 6.0 EXAMINATIONS Examination Process ................................................................................... 10 Definitions................................................................................................... 10 Examination Schedule ................................................................................ 11 Qualifications for Examinations ................................................................. 11 Supplemental Examinations ........................................................................ 11 Unusual Circumstances ............................................................................... 12 Previous Examinations................................................................................ 12 Allowable Examination Room Materials .................................................... 12 Exam Paper Review Procedures ................................................................. 14 7.0 PERC REPORTING SYSTEM ........................................................... 16 8.0 2013/2014 EXAMINATION SCHEDULE.......................................... 17 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION Introduction The policy and regulations contained in this guide have been determined by the CGA Northwest Territories and Nunavut Board of Governors and the National Education Committee and are administered by the staff of CGA Northwest Territories and Nunavut. The Association reserves the right to change regulations at any time without notice. Association policies have been designed to provide fair and consistent treatment to all students. Extenuating circumstances arise from time to time and communication of such circumstances should be made to the Association staff, who will attempt to accommodate students in such cases. Students enrolled in a degree program must adhere to the policies, procedures, and regulations of that program, which supersede rules contained in this handbook. Contacting the CGA Office The office and telephone numbers are as follows: Certified General Accountants Association of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut P.O. Box 128 5016 50th Ave Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N1 Telephone: (867) 873-5620 Fax: (867) 873-4469 E-mail: Website: Office Hours Office hours are 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. Student Number All students are assigned a student number upon enrolment. It is imperative that all assignments and correspondence addressed to the Association show your name and student number (example, John Doe, 1411001). 1 Website Students can access the CGA Northwest Territories/Nunavut website at This is where you will find information on fees, courses, transfer credits, admission requirements etc. Your secured student area of the website is called “MyCGA Web Services”. To login, make sure you select Newfoundland and Labrador Student Services as your region. Then use your 7 digit CGA Student number as the Used ID. Your initial password is defaulted to your 7 digit home phone number without spaces or punctuation. The “MyCGA Web Services” area contains a variety of online services such as course enrolment, edit profile, course history, T2202A, statement of marks, online payments, order history etc. Students should carefully tour this website from time to time to become familiar with the online resources available to them. Please review your course history to verify that your transcript of marks is correct. Time Limit Upon entering the CGA Program students are given a time limit to complete their studies. To ensure that every student will have the opportunity to complete the CGA Program within the allowable time limit, it is recommended that a student enroll in a minimum of two courses in each academic year. The following outlines the time allowed: # of transfer credits granted upon initial enrolment to complete 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 Maximum # of years allowed to complete CGA Program 3 Payment Policy Request for course additions, education materials or supplemental examinations will not be processed unless accompanied by the correct payment. Post-dated cheques or partial payments will not be accepted. Payments can be made by cheque, money order, Visa or MasterCard. There will be a $40 plus GST handling fee charge on all cheques returned to the Association from the bank. Visa and MasterCard credit refusals will be treated the same way as returned cheques. Deferment of Studies A student, who wishes to defer studies for a year but still wishes to maintain student status, can do so by reenrolling in August as a non-active student. The deferment of studies will not be counted as part of the time limit; however, no course enrolment will be permitted. A student can elect to defer studies for a maximum of two years. 2 2.0 CHANGE OF INFORMATION Address / Employment Change It is important that your personal and contact information in the Association’s database is always current and accurate. If any of your contact information changes, e.g. address, e-mail, employment, exam location, etc. you are expected to immediately update the information on-line in the MyCGA Web Services area of the website. The following are step by step instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Login to MyCGA Web Services area of the website. Click on the “View Edit Profile” tab. Key in any changes to your profile information. Click “Save Changes”. You can also notify the Association immediately if you change residence or employment. Please complete the appropriate section of the change of student information form contained in this Handbook or e-mail new information to Transfer to another Province A student who leaves the Northwest Territories and Nunavut region may continue his/her study program in any other region. A transfer form is available on the Association’s website at under Becoming A CGA – Student Forms and Documents. 3.0 ENROLMENT Course Enrolment Course enrolment applications should be completed and returned by the August deadline along with the nonrefundable annual registration fee. It is recommended that students indicate all courses they are registering for during the initial registration period but you do not have to pay for all courses at the beginning of the year. Students re-enrolling after the deadline must pay a late fee of $50 plus GST; those re-enrolling after the November deadline must pay a $90 plus GST late fee. Blackboard All courses will be using the Blackboard learning management platform. The new OLE offers students a more efficient and effective learning experience with intuitive navigation, one site access to all course related information and new learning resources – including multimedia diagnostic learning activities, automated course updates and comprehensive reviews. The feature rich Blackboard OLE provides CGA the ability to continuously improve and take advantage of innovative learning developments. To access Blackboard go to username is your student ID number and password is your last name in all capital letters. Please change password after accessing the site. 3 Course Material All textbooks and other required materials are supplied by the Association and given to the student. It is important to verify the contents of each package and report any discrepancy to the CGA office as soon as possible. Adding a Course For enrolments after the initial registration period, students can go online and register for courses. Please note there is a non-refundable course addition fee and if this fee does not appear, you will be contacted. If for some reason you cannot add on a course online, the form in one the CGA Northwest Territories and Nunavut website. Please review the pre-requisites to ensure that you have them before trying to enroll in a specific course. The pre-requisite listing is also on the website under Student Forms and Documents. Course Offerings see next page (5) 4 CGA 2013-2014 Fall Session 1 Sept-Dec Winter Session 2 Dec-Mar Spring Session 3 Mar-Jun Summer Session 4 Jun-Aug Foundation Studies BC1 BC1 BC1 BC1 CM1 CM1 CM1 CM1 FA1 FA2 EM1 FA1 EM1 FA1 EM1 LW1 FA3 LW1 MA1 MS1 FA2 FA3 FN1 MA1 FA2 FA3 FN1 LW1 QU1 MA1 MS1 QU1 Advanced Studies BC2 FA4 MA2 Certification Studies AU2 Laurentian University HBComm Laurentian University MBA AT1 AU1 BC2 FA4 MA2 TX1 AU2 AT1 AU1 BC2 FA4 TX1 AU2 AT1 AU1 BC2 FA4 MA2 TX1 MU1 MU1 PA1 PA2 TX2 FN2 MS2 HC1 MM1 OM1 HC1 HR1 MM1 FN2 MS2 MU1 PA1 PA2 TX2 HC1 OM1 OR1 HR1 MM1 OM1 PT1 OR1 RK1 OR1 SP1 PF1 SP1 SP1 MM2 OL2 GM2 HR2 OR2 SP2 PF1 PT1 RK1 HR2 MM2 OM2 OM2 OL2 OL2 PT2 RM2 OR2 SP2 MM2 RK2 OM2 PT2 RK2 5 PRE-REQUISITES & FEES Pre-requisites Course Fee** Level 1 Financial Accounting Fundamentals (FA1) Micro & Macro Economics (EM1) Business Law (LW1) - None - None - None $869 $853 $853 Level 2 Financial Accounting: Assets (FA2) Business Quantitative Analysis (QU1) Management Accounting Fundamentals (MA1) Business Communications (CM1) - FA1* - None - FA1 - None $884 $856 $853 $868 Level 3 Financial Accounting: Liabilities & Equity (FA3) Corporate Finance Fundamentals (FN1) Management Information Systems (MS1) Accounting Business Case (BC1) - FA2* - FA2*, EM1 - FA1 - MS1, FN1, MA1, FA3, CM1 $919 $932 $951 $256 Level 4 Advanced Management Accounting (MA2) Personal & Corporate Taxation (TX1) External Auditing (AU1) Accounting Theory (AT1) Financial Accounting: Consolidations & Advanced Issues (FA4) Public Practice Audit Case (BC2) - MA1, QU1 - FA3* - FA3, MS1, QU1 - FA3, FN1 - FA3, FN1 $1000 $993 $1000 $1035 $995 - FA3, QU1, MS1, AU1 $327 PACE Advanced Corporate Finance (FN2) Advanced External Auditing (AU2) Internal Auditing & Controls (MU1) Advanced Personal & Corporate Taxation (TX2) Information Systems Strategy (MS2) Public Sector Financial Management (PF1) - FN1 - AU1, FA4, AT1 - AU1 - TX1 - MS1 - FA2, MA2, AU1 $1,279 $1,297 $1,297 $1,297 $1,367 $1,315 Issues in Professional Practice (PA1) - TX1, MA2, AU1, FA4, AT1 $1,990 Strategic Financial Management (PA2) - TX1, MA2, AU1, FA4, AT1 $1,990 * Course completed but exam not necessarily written ** Course fee does not include the $40 administration fee to add a course after the August registration PRICE DOES INCLUDE GST 6 Option Courses A student is entitled to change their elective or option course within the following guidelines. The total number of allowed attempts (Did Not Qualify (DNQ) or less than 65% in an exam) at any combination of the required 2 option courses will be eight. The number of allowed attempts in any one option course may not exceed four. A student may not change options after becoming a compulsory withdrawal in an option course. 4.0 ASSIGNMENTS, ONLINE QUIZZES and BUSINESS CASES Level 1 - 4 In Level 1-4 courses, all students are required to complete integrative assignments, multiple choice quizzes or short-answer questions that apply to their course and this counts toward a maximum of 30% of the final course mark. Please refer to the course information on Blackboard for due dates and details. The final examination is worth 70% of your total mark and failure to complete all online quizzes and / or integrative assessment within the due dates will greatly reduce your chances of passing your course. PACE Students in PACE courses (final level) are required to submit assignments to qualify to write the national examination at the end of each course. Comment sheets will be provided to students who submit his/her weekly/bi-weekly assignments where applicable. These comments are provided for assistance and must not be distributed to other students. Also, please note that assignments copied from comment sheets and submitted as originals will be treated as plagiarism and the student will receive a zero mark on the assignment. Business Cases Accounting Business Case (BC1) Students will apply and integrate knowledge from various subject areas to solve business problems encountered by a sample company and produce high-level management reports. This business case will require students to commit approximately 50 hours and has no final examination. To be eligible for transfer credits in BC1, you must obtain transfer credits in MS1, FN1, MA1, and FA3 and have a business diploma or business degree. Public Practice Audit Case (BC2) Students will obtain hands-on experience in preparing audit working papers required to support the audit opinion reached by an auditor. This business case will require students to commit approximately 90 hours and has no final examination. All students have to complete BC2. 7 Plagiarism/Copying Plagiarism is the copying of published material without acknowledging the source. Copying is the submission of another’s work as one’s own. This would include but is not limited to: Solutions from old examinations; Another student’s assignments; Marker’s comment sheet or suggested solutions; Comments / solutions from the Tutor; Other sources. Students are advised against copying because the Association believes that the student would be: misleading themselves about their knowledge of the course material; endangering their chances of success in subsequent course work; creating an unprofessional image of themselves in the view of the Association Penalties for Plagiarism/Copying Proven cases of plagiarism and/or copying will result in: 1. Student receiving a zero (0) mark on the assignment; 2. Issuance of an official reprimand letter recorded both electronically and in the student’s permanent file; 3. Subsequent cases of plagiarism and/or copying will result in non-eligibility of the student to write the exam (DNQ), and being required to permanently withdraw from the Association. Should a student wish to appeal a decision made by the Association’s Education Committee, the matter should be made in writing to the Association within a 10-day time period from the date of the Education Committee’s letter notifying the student of its decision. The request will be reviewed by the Association’s Ethics Committee for a final decision. 5.0 WITHDRAWAL & APPEALS Refunds/Withdrawals Service charges and certain fees paid are non-refundable. These include all service charges, and all fees paid for application for transfer credit, transfer credits, former student evaluation, annual basic tuition, and exam deferral. Course Withdrawals If you wish to change a course or transfer to another session after registering, your request must include any difference in course fees and a $100 plus GST withdrawal service charge, which covers withdrawal from the original course. You must adhere to course withdrawal deadlines when requesting any course changes. Withdrawals from the business cases are subject to the same regulations as course withdrawals.To obtain a refund and to avoid academic penalty (an exam attempt), you must complete the withdrawal form online at and fax or email to so your withdrawal is received on or 8 before midnight of the course withdrawal deadlines listed below. Your partial course fee refund will be applied after service charge and course module fees deductions are applied. After midnight of the withdrawal date, there will be no refund and you will be considered as having one exam attempt. Course Withdrawal Dates Session Course Begins Course Withdrawal Deadline Fall Session September 9, 2013 September 16, 2013 Winter Session December 9, 2013 December 23, 2013 Spring Session March 17, 2014 March 31, 2014 Summer Session June 9, 2014 June 23, 2014 Allow four to six weeks for refund processing. Withdrawal and Re-admission Policy A student will be required to withdraw from the study program for the following reasons: Non-payment of fees; Non-application to study program; Conduct deemed to be unethical and/or unprofessional; Failure of four (4) attempts in a subject course. Policies for degree partners differ. Please see program guide from the respective degree partners; Failure to complete the required program within the prescribed time limit according to the chart on page 2. Readmission Policy Following a Voluntary or Mandatory Withdrawals Subject to the provision in the appeal process, students who have voluntarily withdrawn or who have been subject to mandatory withdrawal from the CGA program may be able to apply for immediate readmission. The new admission rules will apply. Student Appeals Any student who believes that any rule or regulation has been unfairly applied to him/her may petition in writing for a review of his/her particular case. Appeals should be addressed to the Education Committee Chair of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Appeals must be received immediately after the rule or regulation was applied. Appeals should identify the rule/regulation applied, state the reason for the appeal, include full description of any extenuating circumstances to be considered in reviewing the case, and be signed by the student making the appeal. 9 6.0 EXAMINATIONS Examination Process CGA examinations have the purpose of evaluating whether a student has demonstrated the core competencies required of a newly certified CGA or required to continue in higher level courses of the program at an appropriate performance level. Each year a complete examination set and the corresponding suggested solutions are prepared by a CGA course examiner. Each CGA examiner is a highly qualified academic from the university community or a recognized practitioner in the discipline of study. In some cases, the examiner is also the course author. In collaboration with the course author, the examiner will prepare a practice examination for the current academic year. Once an examiner has prepared the complete examination set (that is, all examinations required for a course throughout the year) and the corresponding suggested solutions, they are reviewed by subject matter experts. These reviews include independent content and quality control reviews by CGA-Canada staff. In addition, reviews of certification examinations are performed by two separate committees of subject matter experts administered by regional associations. The purpose of these reviews is to ensure each examination has appropriate content coverage, relationship to course material, form, accuracy, and clarity. A designated committee chair is responsible for resolving any difficulties directly with the examiner. Uniformity in marking is assured. Courses with larger enrolments may require the use of a marking team. The marking team is appointed and supervised by the examiner. In this instance, one marker will mark the same question(s) which again assures uniformity in marking. After all papers have been marked, the examiner performs a second reading of all papers that are borderline failure papers. The examination results are then forwarded to CGA Canada where each failed paper is again rechecked for clerical accuracy to ensure all marks have been accounted for and the additions are correct. The national marks release dates are established to ensure that the maximum amount of time is made available for a complete and thorough review of the students’ responses to examination questions. EXAMINATION RESULTS ARE NOT RELEASED OVER THE TELEPHONE OR IN PERSON BY ASSOCIATION STAFF OR OFFICERS. Refer to the release dates found under important dates. Examination results are accessed through the CGA-NL website when they become available. Examinations are the property of CGA-Canada and are not returned to students under any circumstances. Definitions A SESSIONAL examination is one for which a student has qualified as a result of completing the requirements of a new or repeat subject. A SUPPLEMENTAL examination is one which is offered to a student who has failed to obtain a passing mark (65%) but who has obtained a mark of 50% or more on a sessional course. A student who receives a supplemental privilege will be writing the examination based on a 100% final. Part marks for Online Quizzes and/or integrative assignments are not transferred. Students failing a supplemental exam are required to re-enroll in the subject. 10 Examination Schedule Examination schedules for the December, March, June and September sessions are included on page 17. Each examination must be written on the date and at the time shown on the examination schedule. However, if two examinations are scheduled for the same day, the National Examination Policy permits you to either write two exams consecutively on the same day or defer one examination until a later session. In this instance you should contact the CGA office. A student may defer a sessional exam or a supplemental exam for any reason, to either of the next two exam sessions in which an exam for that course is offered. A deferred exam will not be deferred again except for extenuating circumstances and students who defer an examination are responsible for any subsequent course changes. The request for deferral must be made no later than 4:00 pm on the date of the scheduled exam for a weekday exam, or by 4:00 pm on the Friday directly preceding a Saturday exam. Deferral and supplemental fees must be paid at the time the request is made and are non-refundable. Please note that Online Quizzes and/or integrative assignments are not transferred and no refunds are allowed on deferred exams. Also, students failing to write a supplemental exam or deferred exam are required to re-enroll in the course. Students who request a challenge exam(s) must write the exam(s) in the session for which he/she has registered. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the challenge. Withdrawal from a challenge exam must be made, in writing, at least two weeks prior to the examination. If you are ill and are unable to attend your scheduled exam time, notify the Association immediately after the examination date. A medical certificate is required. This certificate MUST be submitted to the CGA Northwest Territories/Nunavut within two weeks of the examination. Qualifications for Examinations A student must be registered in the current academic year in order to be an examination candidate. A student qualifies for a sessional examination in a subject by submitting assignments and/or group discussions. Students will need to obtain a minimum total of marks on assignment and / or group discussions submission to qualify to write the final exam for the course. (Refer to qualifying chart below). Students who fail to meet the qualification standard outlined above will be disqualified from writing the examination. Notification of disqualification will be sent just prior to the examination session. Failure to qualify for an examination in a subject will not prejudice a student’s right to write examinations in other subjects for which the student is qualified. Students who obtain a minimum total score of marks to meet the qualification standard are eligible to write. No notification will be sent unless the student is disqualified. Students receiving disqualification notices, and are certain they have qualified, should contact the CGA Office immediately. Supplemental Examinations Any student who obtains 50% or more on an examination except PA1 & PA2 in which he/she failed to obtain 65% must re-write the examination in that subject at the next examination session unless the examination is deferred or the student elects to re-enroll in the course. Part marks for Online Quizzes and/or integrative assignments are not transferred for Levels 1-4 and students will write a supplemental 11 exam based on 100% final. Students failing to write a supplemental exam are required to re-enroll in the subject. Students must send the supplemental examination form and fee three weeks prior to the examination week. Invoices and reminders will not be sent to students. The fee for a supplemental is $330 plus GST per examination. PA1/PA2 supplemental fees are $795 plus GST Students who do not register will not be permitted to write the supplemental examination and will be required to re-enroll in the course. Students who obtain a grade of less than 65% on a supplemental are required to repeat the course. Students who do not wish to write supplemental examinations should notify the CGA Northwest Territories an Nunavut Office, using the student request form indicating that they have elected to reenroll (ETR) rather than write the supplemental. A student may only elect to re-enroll twice in any given course. This form must be received by CGA NL two weeks prior to the examination. Unusual Circumstances If you sit an examination under unusual circumstances that occur during the examination, you should notify the Association as soon as possible and, in any event, no later than one week after the examination has been written. Should a student encounter ambiguous questions, material not within the course context, or a paper of unreasonable length, a written criticism should be forwarded to the CGA NL Education Committee’s within one week of the sitting for their consideration. Previous Examinations Examinations written in the previous sessions (except Professional Applications examinations) may be accessed via a link on the course website and downloaded from Blackboard. The most recent sessional examinations are available approximately two weeks after the exam results are posted. The Professional Applications examinations are non-disclosed examinations. Please consult your course materials for the practice examination and access additional practice materials for PA examinations via a link on your course website. Allowable Examination Room Materials STUDENTS MAY BRING Pens, pencils*, erasers Rulers Calculators (see below for additional information) * pencils must be HB (or #2) for use with scan forms for EM1, LW1, QU1, PA1, and PA2 multiple-choice questions ITEMS NOT ALLOWED Dry line eraser, correction fluid** Scrap paper Course materials (exceptions are allowed only for CM1, TX1, TX2, and Laurentian University exams) Smart phones, cellphones and all other electronic devices ** Dry line eraser corrections tend to rub off leaving the original answer exposed. The same is true for correction fluid that has not been allowed to dry sufficiently. As recommended by the examiners, neither is allowed. Students are required to erase (pencil) or cross out (pen) incorrect answers. 12 All necessary stationery will be provided (scrap paper is not allowed in the examination room). If students bring other items to the examination room, including coats, bags, knapsacks and briefcases, they will be required to leave them at the front or sides of the room during the examination. The invigilator is not responsible for such items. Calculators Students are permitted to use the calculator of their choice for CGA examinations provided it is a nonprinting, silent calculator that has no more than two lines of display and no alpha keys (keys allowing text entry). Students are responsible for ensuring that the calculator batteries are fully operational. There will be no exchange or borrowing of calculators or batteries during the examination. No operating instructions will be allowed in the examination room. Business Communication (CM1) Materials Business Communication (CM1) students may bring into the examination room one (1) of the following: English-English dictionary Thesaurus Single bound combination English dictionary/thesaurus Translation dictionary The reference document must be paper-based (not electronic) and may be highlighted, underlined, cross-referenced, tabbed or indexed. Students cannot include any study notes, module notes or loose papers within the dictionary or thesaurus, nor can there be any written notes beyond what the dictionary or thesaurus publisher has provided. Personal & Corporate Taxation (TX1) and Advanced Personal & Corporate Taxation (TX2) Materials Only the current Canadian Income Tax Act will be allowed as acceptable examination room material. If students are writing a deferred or supplemental exam it is the students’ responsibility to ensure that they have the correct edition of the Canadian Income Tax Act for the session in which they will write the exam. For example: Income Tax Act (2010-11 Edition, CCH)* TX2 fall 2011 exam session Income Tax Act (2011-12 Edition, CCH)* TX1, TX2 winter, spring, summer and fall 2012 exam sessions (as scheduled) *Only this edition will be allowed The Income Tax Act may be annotated. Annotations must be in the student’s own handwriting. Students MAY NOT insert or affix any original or photocopied pages from any source, including the textbook, module notes, prior or practice examinations, assignments, marker comment sheets, and lecturer handouts. a) Annotations on permanent pages of the Act may be written in pencil or pen, and may include: 13 Notes drawn from prior examinations, assignments or marker comment sheets Tips and hints suggested by markers, lecturers, and/or reviewers Notes drawn from textbook or module notes Notes drawn from Income Tax Bulletins or other course materials Cross-references to module notes, textbook, Income Tax Bulletins or other course materials b) The Act may be tabbed with standard index sized tabs, or with post-it notes that are used for tabbing/indexing purposes only. Students using post-it notes for indexing may use none larger than 1-1/2” x 2”. Larger post-it notes, or post-it notes used for any other purposes, are considered page additions and are not permitted. Only one (1) index tab or post-it note per page is allowed. Multiple tabs, or multiple post-it notes on a page, will be considered a violation of Allowable Examination Room Materials. c) The Act may be underlined and highlighted. Formulas and present value tables If applicable, formulas will be provided with the examination question papers. Present value tables are no longer included on any examinations. Students are expected to be able to use their financial calculators proficiently. Laurentian University Courses Laurentian University students will be allowed to use a dictionary or translation dictionary or thesaurus in the examination room for all Laurentian University courses. An electronic version of a dictionary/thesaurus is not permitted. The dictionary/thesaurus can be highlighted or underlined. Any student whose dictionary/thesaurus contains additional pages, or in any other way contravenes the allowable examination room materials, will have his or her dictionary/thesaurus confiscated by the invigilator at the end of the examination when the examination booklet is turned in. If the dictionary/thesaurus is found to contravene regulations, the student will be penalized according to the regulations outlined in the Laurentian University Policy Statement on Academic Dishonesty. LU RM2 Allowable Materials Research Methods in Management (RM2) students are allowed to bring the course textbook, Business Research Methods by Donald Cooper, into the examination room. Annotations are allowed and must be in the student’s own handwriting. Students may not insert or affix any original or photocopied pages from any source, including textbooks, module notes, prior or practice examinations, assignments, marker comment sheets, and lecturer handouts. Exam Paper Review Procedures The following procedures are available to students who wish to review their results from a recent exam. Students do not, however, receive a copy of their exam as per the national policy. Request for a Re-grade or a Critique must be received no later than two weeks from the date marks are released. The last date to request a Re-grade or Critique is March 7, June 6, August 29 and November 28, 2014. All requests must be in writing and include the appropriate payment, the student’s name, student number, course and mark obtained. Re-grade 14 The purpose of the re-grade would be to confirm to the student that no error, which resulted in an overall failing grade, was made in the marking of the paper. The re-grading would be done by an independent examiner. A letter signed by the examiner would be sent to the student. Comments provided by the students will not be forwarded to the examiner. Re-grade is for all CGA exams except PA exams. The cost of this procedure is $158 plus GST and normally takes CGA Canada twenty-one (21) working days to process. Please note that supplemental examinations cannot be deferred for students who are waiting for Re-grade results. Critique A critique may be requested by any student who has failed a course. The examiner will provide a critical analysis of the weaknesses demonstrated by the student. The purpose of the critique is to help students who will be repeating a course they have had serious problems with. The cost of the procedure is $180 plus GST and there is no guarantee how long the procedure may take. Supplemental exams cannot be deferred for students who are waiting for critique results. Critique is for all CGA exams except non-disclosed exams. 15 7.0 PERC REPORTING SYSTEM The new national professional experience reporting system called PERC (Professional Experience Required for Certification) has been implemented as of September 6, 2011 and will replace the previous Practical Experience Assessment Questionnaire (PEAQ) system. Please refer to the PERC Student Guide link under Guides and Brochures to familiarize yourself with this new reporting system. Reporting Experience Students are advised to begin reporting Professional Experience Required for Certification when they have 11 courses completed or 10 or fewer courses remaining in the program. This may coincide with a student’s admission to the program depending on qualifications, past education and transfer credits. The online PERC file is a vital tool for students to plan their strategies for obtaining the necessary practical experience for certification as a CGA. We suggest that students report on their PERC at least annually. Students will also be required to complete one PERC file for each position being reported. A final experience assessment is normally carried out during the final academic year and before the admission to membership application process that students undergo after passing their final PACE exam. Duration of Experience Required To earn the CGA designation, students normally meet the professional competency requirements in 36-48 months of supervised full-time employment. The experience requirement may be satisfied in any business sector and in a variety of fields. Professional experience criteria are rooted in the CGA competency framework. The competencies, grouped under Leadership, Professionalism and Professional Knowledge, are updated periodically to reflect the contemporary demands of clients, employers and the public. PERC will ensure that students develop the depth and breadth of competencies required of a newly certified CGA. 16 2013/2014 EXAMINATION SCHEDULE (4-hour examinations are shown in boldface) December 2013 (Session 1) MONDAY December 2 6:30pm-10:30pm PA1 OL2 TUESDAY December 3 6:30pm-10:30pm FA4 PA2 WEDNESDAY December 4 6:30pm-9:30pm FA2 MA2 MM2 OM1 SP1 THURSDAY December 5 6:30pm-9:30pm FA1 MA1 MS1 OM2 HC1 MM1 THURSDAY December 5 6:30pm-10:30pm AU2 MU1 FRIDAY December 6 6:30pm-9:30pm LW1 CM1 FA3 RM2 PT1/2 SATURDAY December 7 9:00am-1:00pm TX2 March 2014 (Session 2) MONDAY March 10 6:30pm-10:30pm FA4 OR2 SP2 TUESDAY March 11 6:30pm-9:30pm FA1 CM1 FN1 AT1 OR1 SP1 WEDNESDAY March 12 6:30pm-9:30pm EM1 QU1 GM2 THURSDAY March 13 6:30pm-9:30pm FA2 MA1 TX1 OM2 HC1 MM1 FRIDAY March 14 6:30pm-9:30pm FA3 AU1 MA2 HR1/2 SATURDAY March 15 9:00am-1:00pm AU2 FN2 MS2 PF1 June 2014 (Session 3) MONDAY June 9 6:30pm-10:30pm MS2 PA2 OR2 SP2 TUESDAY June 10 6:30pm-10:30pm FA4 FN2 PA1 OL2 WEDNESDAY June 11 6:30pm-9:30pm FA1 FA3 MS1 AU1 TX1 MM2 OM1 SP1 THURSDAY June 12 6:30pm-9:30pm EM1 LW1 QU1 HC1 OR1 THURSDAY June 12 6:30pm-10:30pm TX2 FRIDAY June 13 6:30pm-9:30pm CM1 FA2 MA1 FN1 AT1 RK1/2 SATURDAY June 14 9:00am-1:00pm AU2 MU1 September 2014 (Session 4) MONDAY September 1 TUESDAY September 2 6:30pm-10:30pm FA4 MU1 PF1 OL2 WEDNESDAY September 3 6:30pm-9:30pm EM1 LW1 AT1 TX1 MM2 OM1 PT1/2 HR1/2 THURSDAY September 4 6:30pm-9:30pm CM1 AU1 MA2 OM2 MM1 OR1 RK1/2 17 FRIDAY September 5 SATURDAY September 6