Midwest Laboratories Soil Health Assessment The soil health assessment is done on a 0-6 inch sample. The soil health assessment is comprised of three components. The first piece of the soil health assessment is an in-depth soil analysis that will address the chemical aspects of the soil. This test package will include available phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, magnesium, calcium, and hydrogen, soil pH, cation exchange capacity, percent base saturation, organic matter, soluble salts, nitrate, and micronutrients. This part of the report will also include recommendations for application rates based on the chemical analysis of the soil, intended crop to be grown, and the target yield. The second component of the soil health assessment is the Solvita 1-day CO2C test. The Solvita soil respiration test measures the carbon dioxide being released by the soil microbes over a 24 hr period. This test is one of the most important numbers in the soil health assessment and is a measure of the microbial activity in the soil and is highly related to the fertility of your soil. In most cases, the higher the number, the more fertile the soil. Microbes exist in soil in great abundance. They are highly adaptable to their environment. Their composition, adaptability, and structure are a result of the environment they inhabit. They have adapted to the temperature, moisture levels, soil structure, crop and management inputs, as well as soil nutrient content in which they find themselves. In short, they are a product of their environment. They are highly adaptive and a dependable indicator of soil health. Since they are motivated by their need to reproduce and are driven by this need for acquiring carbon, nitrogen and phosphate in a ratio of 100:10:1 (C: N: P), it is clear that carbon is the driver of the soil nutrient-microbial recycling system. This consistent need sets the stage for a standardized measurement of their activity which is practically universal. Since soil microbes take in oxygen and release CO2, we can couple this mechanism to their activity. It follows that soil microbial activity is a response to the level of soil quality/fertility they find themselves in. The third component of the soil health assessment is commonly called the Haney test. This set of tests were developed by Rick Haney. The testing methods use green chemistry, in that water is used as a natural extractant. A H3A extract was developed by Haney that mimics organic acids produced by living plant roots. From this data a soil health calculation is generated. This number is calculated as 1-day CO2C divided by the organic C:N ratio plus water extractable organic carbon/100 + water extractable organic nitrogen/10 to include a weighted contribution of water extractable organic carbon and organic nitrogen. It represents the overall health of your soil system. It combines 5 independent measurements of your soil’s biological properties. The calculation looks at the balance of soil carbon and nitrogen and their relationship to microbial activity. A soil health calculation number can vary from 0 to over 50. We like to see this number increase over time. This number is about where your soil is now and what it needs to reach its highest sustainable state. Keeping track of this number will allow you to gauge the effects of your management practices over the years. Based on these three components we are able to determine additional nitrogen that is available in your soil that may be credited towards your fertility program. Attached is an example of the report. The soil is from a field that has never been tilled in native prairie grass. 189 REPORT NUMBER 14-351-0652 COMPLETED DATE ACCOUNT 2159 Dec 19, 2014 RECEIVED DATE Dec 17, 2014 Midwest Laboratories Inc.® PAGE 1/1 TODAY'S DATE Dec 24, 2014 13611 “B” Street x Omaha, Nebraska 68144-3693 x (402) 334-7770 x FAX (402 334-9121 3rd COPY TO www.midwestlabs.com 13500 MASTER IN-HOUSE ACCOUNT IDENTIFICATION STUKENHOLTZ MIDWEST LABS 13611 B St NE FIRST FORM ANALYTICAL LABORATORY FINDINGS SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION LABORATORY NUMBER ANALYTE UNITS ORGANIC MATTER % EST N RELEASE lbs/A NITRATE-N ppm APPLICATION GUIDELINES INTENDED CROP YIELD GOAL PREVIOUS CROP GUILLIAT 1 27690744 RESULTS LOW MEDIUM OPTIMUM V. HIGH FERTILITY ELEMENT SOYBEANS - bu CORN - bu 50.0 175.0 CORN - bu SOYBEANS - bu SUGGESTED FERTILITY GUIDELINES (lbs/Acre) CROP REMOVAL MIDWEST SUGGESTS CROP REMOVAL MIDWEST SUGGESTS 3.5 NITROGEN (N) 14 CARRYOVER N 21 38 PHOSPHATE (P2O5) 61 70 45 50 POTASH (K2O) MAGNESIUM (Mg) SULFUR (S) ZINC (Zn) MANGANESE (Mn) IRON (Fe) COPPER (Cu) BORON (B) 43 17.5 12.3 0.5 --9 3.7 2.1 --1.2 70 11.2 9.0 0.2 --8 2.7 1.8 --0.7 175 206 145 CROP REMOVAL MIDWEST SUGGESTS -- (25) lbs (25) lbs SUB-SOIL NO3-N 1 ppm SUB-SOIL NO3-N 2 ppm P1 PHOSPHORUS ppm P2 PHOSPHORUS ppm BICARB-P ppm POTASSIUM ppm MAGNESIUM ppm SULFUR ppm ZINC ppm MANGANESE ppm IRON ppm COPPER ppm BORON ppm CALCIUM ppm SODIUM ppm SOLUBLE SALTS 271 471 16 1.1 8 47 1.2 0.5 2953 24 0.3 L 6.2 6.7 22.2 PERCENT BASE SATURATION mmhos/ cm EXCESS LIME RATE pH BUFFER INDEX C.E.C. Y O U R S O I L meq/ 100g K Mg Ca H Na 3.1 17.7 66.5 12.2 0.5 % % % % % O P T I M U M AMENDMENT LIME POUNDS CaCO3 LIME TON SUGGESTED AMENDMENT GUIDELINES MIDWEST SUGGESTS MIDWEST SUGGESTS 90% ECCE 2700 2700 1.5 1.5 ELEMENTAL SULFUR GYPSUM TONS COMMENTS K Mg Ca H Na 2 - 5% 12 - 18% 65 - 75% 0-12% < 1.5% Surface Nitrate Depth: 0-6 The above analytical results apply only to the sample(s) submitted. Samples are retained a maximum of 30 days. Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. MIDWEST SUGGESTS REPORT NUMBER 14-351-0652 PAGE 1/1 COMPLETED DATE ACCOUNT Dec 19, 2014 2159 TODAY'S DATE Dec 24, 2014 ® RECEIVED DATE Dec 17, 2014 13611 “B” Street • Omaha, Nebraska 68144-3693 • (402) 334-7770 • FAX (402) 334-9121 www.midwestlabs.com IDENTIFICATION STUKENHOLTZ MIDWEST LABS 13611 B St NE 3rd COPY TO 13500 Soil B.R.A.N. Test Biological Quality Result* Value: 4.37 Biological Respiration And Nitrification 2 1 MASTER IN-HOUSE ACCOUNT Labnum: Sample ID: Organic Matter: 3 4 27690744 GUILLIAT 1 3.5% 5 0-1: Very Low Soil Microbial Activity 1-2.5: Low Soil Microbial Activity 2.5-3.5: Medium Soil Microbial Activity 3.5-4: Ideal Soil Microbial Activity > 4: Unusually High Soil Microbial Activity Associated with dry sandy soils and little to no organic matter. Soil is marginal in terms of biological activity and organic matter. Soil is in moderately balanced condition. Soil is well supplied with organic matter and has an active population of microorganisms. Soil has very high level of microbial activity. May have excessive organic matter CO2-C Result* Value: 94.13 ppm 10 0-5: Little Biological Activity: Soil is 30 20 40 50 60 70 80 90 6-30: Moderate to Low: 31-60: Moderate Level: 61-100: Moderate to High: Ideal balance of biological Low in organic matter and microbial activity Soil is approaching ideal levels, applications of active organic matter still recommended activity and adequate organic matter level depleted of organic matter Biomass < 100 ppm 100 > 100: High N Potential Soil: Soil is well supplied with organic matter Approximate Quantity of Nitrogen (N) Release per Year (average climate)* Value: 75.3 lbs/A 10 20 *Methods: Microbial Activity- Solvita Soil Biomass 30 Organic Matter- Loss on Ignition 40 N Release-Calculation based on CO2-C Result The above analytical results apply only to the sample(s) submitted. Samples are retained a maximum of 30 days. Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. 50 REPORT NUMBER 14-351-0652 PAGE 1/1 COMPLETED DATE ACCOUNT Dec 19, 2014 2159 TODAY'S DATE Dec 24, 2014 ® RECEIVED DATE Dec 17, 2014 13611 “B” Street • Omaha, Nebraska 68144-3693 • (402) 334-7770 • FAX (402) 334-9121 www.midwestlabs.com IDENTIFICATION STUKENHOLTZ MIDWEST LABS 13611 B St NE 3rd COPY TO 13500 MASTER IN-HOUSE ACCOUNT SOIL HEALTH ASSESSMENT SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION LABORATORY NUMBER ANALYTE H3A EXTRACTION NITRATE-N AMMONIACAL-N ORTHOPHOSPHATE-P PHOSPHORUS POTASSIUM MAGNESSIUM CALCIUM SODIUM IRON ALUMINUM SOIL HEALTH CALCULATION ANALYTICAL LABORATORY FINDINGS GUILLIAT 1 27690744 UNITS RESULTS ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 8.0 2.3 9.4 14 47 63 174 14 59 114 ppm ppm 13 3.2 1.6 195.0 14.0 LOW MEDIUM OPTIMUM 8.2 VERY HIGH WATER SOLUBLE NITRATE-N AMMONIACAL-N ORTHOPHOSPHATE-P CARBON TKN ppm ppm ppm 1 DAY CO2C BURST ORGANIC CARBON ORGANIC NITROGEN ORGANIC C/N RATIO 94.13 ppm ppm 195.0 10.8 18.1 ADDITIONAL NITROGEN CREDIT IDENTIFIED VIA HANEY TEST: 19 lbs/A NITROGEN RECOMMENDATIONS MAY INCLUDE ADDITIONAL NITROGEN CREDITS BASED ON PREVIOUS CROPS AND NITROGEN MINERALIZATION RATES. The above analytical results apply only to the sample(s) submitted. Samples are retained a maximum of 30 days. 0 50 The H3A Soil Extractant was developed by Haney*. This extract is designed to mimic organic acids produced by living plant root systems. These organic acids increase nutrient availability in the root zone. The Water Soluble Extract provides a snapshot of nutrients that are immediately available to the plants. The CO2 Burst test is very good indicator of soil health. This test measures the amount of CO2 naturally released from the soil due to the activity of the soil microbes through microbial respiration. This test is very dependant on the amount of carbon that is available to the soil microbes and the form that the carbon is in. As the available carbon increases in your soil the Microbial respiration will increase. Organic Carbon is the available total water extractable organic carbon from your soil. This pool of carbon is roughly 80 times smaller than the Soil Organic Matter. The organic carbon pool reflects the energy/food source that is driving the soil microbes. The Organic Nitrogen pool is replenished by fresh plant residues, manure, composts, and dying soil microbes. The Organic C/N ratio is a critical component of the nutrient cycle. A soil C/N ratio above 20 generally indicates that Nitrogen will be tied up and not available to plants. The ideal range for the Organic C/N ratio will be from 8:1 to 15:1. The Soil Health Calculation uses the CO2 Burst, Organic Carbon, Organic Nitrogen, and the C/N ratio to generate the soil health number. This calculation looks at the balance of soil carbon and nitrogen and their relationship to microbial activity. This number represents the overall health of your system. Soil values will range from 0 to 50. A soil with a value below 7 would be considered low. You want to see this number increase as you make changes and adjustments. Keeping track of this number will allow you to gauge the effects of your management practices over time. *Modifications to the New Soil Extractant H3A-1: A Multinutrient Extractant R.L. Haney (a); E.B. Haney (b); L.R. Hossner (c); J.G. Arnold (a) Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization.