Lecture 20 Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT): Part 4 Small Signal BJT Model Reading: Jaeger 13.5-13.6, Notes Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Further Model Simplifications ((useful for circuit analysis) y ) Ebers-Moll Forward Active Mode Neglect Small Terms VEB VCB VT VEB VT VEB VT I C F I F 0 e 1 I R 0 I C I S e VT 1 I C F I F 0 e 1 I R 0 e Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Modeling the “Early Effect” (non-zero slopes in IV curves) IC •Base width changes due to changes in the basecollector depletion width with changes in VCB. iB1< iB2< iB3 iB3 (theory) iB2 (theory) iB1 (theory) •This changes g T, which changes IC, DC and BF VCE VA Major BJT Circuit Relationships iC I S e VEB Georgia Tech VT iC I S e VEB VT vCE 1 V A vCE iC I S VEB VT e F FO 1 iB V A F FO ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Small Signal Model of a BJT •Just as we did with a p-n diode, we can break the BJT up into a large signal analysis and a small signal analysis and “linearize” the non-linear behavior of the Ebers-Moll model. •Small S ll signal i l Models M d l are only l useful f l for f Forward F d active i mode d and thus, are derived under this condition. (Saturation and cutoff are used for switches which involve very large voltage/current swings from the on to off states.) •Small signal models are used to determine amplifier characteristics (Example: “Gain” = Increase in the magnitude of a signal at the output of a circuit relative to it it’ss magnitude at the input of the circuit). •Warning: Warning: Just like when a diode voltage exceeds a certain value, the non-linear behavior of the diode leads to distortion of the current/voltage curves (see previous lecture), if the i t / t t exceedd certain inputs/outputs t i limits, li it the th full f ll Ebers-Moll Eb M ll model d l must be used. Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Consider the BJT as a two-port Network i1 + V1 - i2 Two Port Network General “y-parameter” Network Georgia Tech + V2 - BJT “y-parameter” Network i1=y11v1 + y12v2 ib=y11vbe + y12vce i2=y21v1 + y22v2 ic=y21vbe + y22vce ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Consider the BJT as a two-port Network ib=y11vbe + y12vce ic=y21vbe + y22vce Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Consider the BJT as a two-port Network o is most often taken as a constant, F Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Alternative Representations IC 40 I C Transconductance g m y 21 VT oVT o 1 Input Resistance r y11 IC gm V A VCE 1 Output Resistance ro y 22 IC Y-parameter Model Hybrid-pi Model v1 Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Alternative Representations g m vbe g m r ib o ib Voltage Controlled Current source version of Hybrid-pi Hybrid pi Model Georgia Tech Current Controlled Current source version of Hybrid-pi Hybrid pi Model ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Single Transistor Amplifier Analysis: Summary of Procedure Important! Steps to Analyze a Transistor Amplifier 1.) Determine DC operating point and calculate small signal parameters (see next page) 2.) Convert to the AC only model. •DC Voltage sources are shorts to ground •DC Current sources are open circuits •Large capacitors are short circuits •Large inductors are open circuits 3.) Use a Thevenin circuit (sometimes a Norton) where necessary. Ideally the base should be a single resistor + a single source. Do not confuse this with the DC Thevenin you did in step 1. 4.) Replace transistor with small signal model 5.) Simplify the circuit as much as necessary necessary. 6.) Calculate the small signal parameters (r, gm, ro etc…) and then gains etc… Georgia Tech Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Single Transistor Amplifier Analysis Step 1 detail Important! DC Bias Point Thevenin Ib RTH Vbe Ie 3V=IERE+Vbe+IBRTH 3V=IIC((o+1)/ 3V 1)/o) Re+0.7V+I 0.7V IBRTH 3V=IB o((o+1)/o) Re+0.7V+IBRTH 3V= IB(100+1)1300+0.7+ IB7500 IB=16.6 uA, IC= IB o=1.66 mA, IE=(o+1) c/ o=1.67 mA Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Single Transistor Amplifier Analysis Calculate small signal parameters Step 6 detail Transconductance g m y 21 IC 40 I C 0 . 0664 S VT V 1 o T o 1506 y 11 IC gm Input Resistance r Output Resistance ro V V CE V 1 A A 45 . 2 K y 22 IC IC Vout 880 VTH=0.88 VS RTH vout g m vbe RL Important! Vbe and RL= RC| R3| ro r gmVbe vbe vTh r RTh r and vTh 0.88v S r vout vout vbe vth g m RL 0.88 vS vbe vth v S RTh r 1506 Av 0.0664 45,200 || 4300 || 100,000 0.88 880 1506 Av 139 V / V ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Av Voltage Gain For Extra Examples see: Jaeger section 13.6, and pages 627-630 (top of 630) Georgia Tech Important! Supplement Added to describe more details of the Solution of this Problem Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT): Part 5 D t il off Amplifier Details A lifi Analysis A l i Reading: Jaeger 13.5-13.6, Notes Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Detailed Example: Single Transistor Amplifier Analysis Important! Notes on slides 14-25 were prepared by a previous student. Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Step 1: Determine DC Operating Point Important! Remove the Capacitors Because the impedance of a capacitor is Z = 1/(jωC), capacitors have infinite impedance or are open circuits in DC (ω = 0). Inductors (not present in this circuit) have an impedance Z = jωL, jωL and are shorts in DC. Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Step 1: Determine DC Operating Point Determine the DC Thevenin Equivalent Important! Replace all connections to the transistor with their Thevenin equivalents. Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Step 1: Determine DC Operating Point Important! Calculate Small Signal Parameters Identify the type of transistor (npn in this example) and draw the base, collector, and emitter currents in their proper direction di i andd their h i corresponding di voltage l polarities. Applying KVL to the controlling loop ((loopp 1): ) VTHB – IBRTHB – VBE – IERE = 0 + + IC - + Applying pp y g KCL to the transistor: IE = IB + IC Because IC = βIB, IE = IB + IC = IB + βIB = IB(1+β) IB VBE + IE 1 - Substituting for IE in the loop equation: VTHB – IBRTHB – VBE – IB(1+β)RE = 0 Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Step 1: Determine DC Operating Point Important! Plug in the Numbers VTHB – IBRTHB – VBE – IB(1+β)RE = 0 VTHB – VBE – IB(RTHB + (1+ β)RE) = 0 VTHB = 12R1/(R1+R2) = 3 V RTHB = R1 || R2 = 7.5 kΩ Assume VBE = 0.7 V Assume β for this particular transistor is given to be 100. 3 – 0.7 0 7 – IB(7500 + (1+100)*1300) = 0 IB = 16.6 μA IC = βIB = 1.66 mA IE = IB + IC = 1.676 1 676 mA Georgia Tech + IC - + + IB VBE + IE 1 - ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Step 1: Determine DC Operating Point Important! Check Assumptions: Forward Active? VC = 12 – ICRC = 12 - (1.66 mA)(4300) = 4.86 V VE = IERE = (1.67 (1 67 mA)(1300) = 22.18 18 V VB = VTHB – IBRTHB = 3 – (16.6μA)(7500) = 2.88 V + IC - Check: For an npn transistor in forward active: VC > VB VC + - + IB 4.86 V > 2.88 V VB – VE = VBE = 0.7 V 2.88 V – 2.18 V = 0.7 V Georgia Tech VB VBE - VE + IE 1 - ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Step 2: Convert to AC-Only Model Important! Short the Capacitors and DC Current Sources • • • • DC voltage sources are shorts h t (no ( voltage lt drop/gain through a short circuit). DC current sources are open (no current flow through an open circuit). Large capacitors are shorts (if C is large, 1/jωC is small). Large inductors are open (if L is large, jωL is large). Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Step 2: Convert to AC-Only Model Important! (Optional) Simplify Before Thevenizing r2 30 kΩ rs 2 kΩ vs Georgia Tech rc 4 3 kΩ 4.3 rs rL r1 10 kΩ 100 kΩ rc||rL 4.12 kΩ 2 kΩ vs r1||r2 7.5 kΩ ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Step 3: Thevenize the AC-Only Model Important! rthC = rc||rL rthB = rs||r || 1||r || 2 rs rc||rL 4.12 kΩ 2 kΩ vs Georgia Tech r1||r2 7.5 kΩ 4 12 kΩ 4.12 vthC = 0 V 1.58 kΩ vthB = vs * (r1||r2)/(rs+[r1||r2]) rthE = 0 Ω vthE = 0 V ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Step 4: Replace Transistor With Small Signal Model Important! rthC = rc||rL 4.12 kΩ rthB hB = rs||r1||r2 vthC hC = 0 V 1.58 kΩ rthE = 0 Ω vthE = 0 V vthB = vs * [(r1||r2)/(rs+r1||r2)] rthB After replacing the transistor, apply Ohm’s Law: V = IR to find vout. ro and rthC are in parallel, so that Ohm’s Law becomes: vout = -IR = -(gmvBE)(ro||rthC) Because rthC = rc||rL vout = -(gmvBE)(ro||rc||rL) B C + vthB vBE E rπ gmvBE ro rthC vout/vBE = -gm(ro||rc||rL) is the + gain from transitor input (v ) BE to transistor/circuit output vout) vout - E TRANSISTOR EXTERNAL Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Important! Step 5: Calculate Gain and Small Signal Parameters rthB B C + vBE vthB E TRANSISTOR EXTERNAL + rπ gmvBE ro rthC vout - As previously determined: vthB/vs = (r1||r2)/([r1||r2] + rs) Applying a voltage divider: vBE/vthB = rπ/(rπ+rthB) E G i = vout/v Gain / s = (v ( thB/v / s)(v )( BE/v / thB)(v )( out/v / BE) Gain G i factor: f t vout/vBE = -gm(ro||rc||rL) Because calculating the DC operating point was done first, we have equations for gm, rπ, and ro in terms of previously calculated DC currents and voltages. Plugging in the numbers: Gain = vout/vs = -139 V/V Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Interpretation/Analysis of Results Gain = vout/vs = (vthB/vs)(vBE/vthB)(vout/vBE) = -139 V/V Important! vthB/vs = (r1||r2)/([r1||r2] + rs) vBE/vthB = rπ/(rπ+rthB) Both terms are loss factors, i.e. they can never be greater than 1 in magnitude and thus cause the gain to decrease. Georgia Tech This term is the gain factor and is responsible for amplifying the signal. signal vout/vBE = -gm(ro||rc||rL) The AC input signal has been amplified 139 times in magnitude. The negative sign i indicates i di there h has h been b a phase shift of 180°. ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Completing the Small Signal Model of the BJT Base Charging Capacitance (Diffusion Capacitance) In active mode when the emitter-base is forward biased, the capacitance of the emitter-base junction is dominated byy the diffusion capacitance p ((not depletion capacitance). Recall for a diode we started out by saying: Sum up all the minority carrier charges h on either ith side of the junction C Diffusion QD qA 0 Neglect charge injected from the base into to the t e emitter due to p+ emitter in pnp dQD dv D' dQD dt dt dv D' vD VT x Lp vD VT x Ln p no e 1 e dx qA n po e 1e dx 0 ' ' Excess charge h stored d iis due d almost l entirely i l to the h charge injected from the emitter. Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Completing the Small Signal Model of the BJT Base Charging Capacitance (Diffusion Capacitance) •The Th BJT acts t like lik a very efficient ffi i t “siphon”: “ i h ” As A majority j it carriers i from the emitter are injected into the base and become “excess minority carriers”, the Collector “siphons them” out of the base. •We can view the collector current as the amount of excess charge in the base collected by the collector per unit time. •Thus, us, we ccan eexpress p ess thee charge c ge due to o thee eexcess cess hole oe concentration in the base as: Q B iC F or the excess charge in the base depends on the magnitude of current flowing and the “forward” base transport time, F, the average time the carriers spend in the base. •It can be shown (see Pierret section 12.2.2) 12 2 2) that: W2 F 2 DB Georgia Tech where, W Base Quasi neutral region width DB Minority carrier diffusion coefficient ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Completing the Small Signal Model of the BJT Base Charging Capacitance (Diffusion Capacitance) Thus, the diffusion capacitance is, 2 QB W iC CB Q po int v BE 2 DB v BE IC CB F F gm VT Q po int The upper operational frequency of the transistor is limited by 1 the forward base transport time: f 2 F Note the similarity to the Diode Diffusion capacitance we found previously: C Diffusion g d t Georgia Tech where t p no L p n po Ln qA IS is the transit time ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Completing the Small Signal Model of the BJT Base Charging Capacitance (Total Capacitance) In active mode for small forward biases the depletion capacitance of the base-emitter junction can contribute to the total capacitance C jEo C jE 1 V EB Vbi for emitter base where, C jEo zero bias depletion capaci tan ce Vbi for emitter base built in voltage for the E B junction Thus, the total emitter-base capacitance is: C C B C jE Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Completing the Small Signal Model of the BJT Base Charging Capacitance (Depletion Capacitance) In active mode when the collector-base is reverse biased, the capacitance of the collector-base junction is dominated by the depletion capacitance (not diffusion capacitance). capacitance) C o C 1 VCB Vbi for collector base where h , C o zero bias depletion capaci tan ce Vbi for collector base built in voltage for the B C junction Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Completing the Small Signal Model of the BJT Collector to Substrate Capacitance (Depletion Capacitance) In some integrated circuit BJTs (lateral BJTs in particular) the device has a capacitance to the substrate wafer it is fabricated in This results from a “buried” in. buried reverse biased junction. junction Thus, Thus the collector-substrate junction is reverse biased and the capacitance of the collector-substrate junction is dominated by Emitter the depletion p capacitance p ((not diffusion capacitance). p ) C CS C CS 1 VCS Vbi for collector substrate where, p n-base p-collector n-substrate C CS zero bias depletion capaci tan ce Vbi for collector substrate built in voltage for the C substrate junction Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Completing the Small Signal Model of the BJT Parasitic Resistances •rb = base resistance between metal interconnect and B- E junction •rrc = parasitic collector resistance •rex = emitter resistance due to polysilicon contact •These resistance's can be included in SPICE sim lations but simulations, b t are usually s all ignored in hand calculations. Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle Completing the Small Signal Model of the BJT Complete Small Signal Model Georgia Tech ECE 3040 - Dr. Alan Doolittle