Abstracts 2015 Final - Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education

Florida - April 28th
California - May 18
New York - May 19th
Annual Young
Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education
Jason Cury
Vice President:
Joel Beritz
Vice President, Director
Judy Lebovits
Engineering Sciences Specialists: Adam Jerozolim, M.S.
Dr. Adrian Krag, Ph.D.
Justin Petersen, M.S.
Jay Smallwood, Ph.D.
© 2015 All Copyrights belong to Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education.
No part of this book may be copied, duplicated, recorded, translated or
stored in any database of any kind or by any other means. Any use of the
material contained in this book is prohibited unless it is with the express
permission of the publishers and authors.
Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education
45 Broadway, Suite 3050
New York, NY 10006
212-757-1500 Phone
212-757-1565 Fax
This program was produced with the generous support of the Center for
Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE) as part of its ongoing quest to
achieve excellence in education
The CIJE-Tech High School Engineering program was developed in
collaboration with the Israel SciTech Network of Schools, Tel Aviv, Israel.
The Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education
The Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE) strengthens and enriches the
quality of education in Jewish schools throughout the United States. CIJE is investing in
our nation's future by providing beneficiary schools with cutting-edge technology,
engaging curricula, and vital support so that students can acquire the skills they need to
excel in our global society.
Currently, CIJE has more than 120 beneficiary schools across the United States and
programs which span grades K-12. CIJE's innovative programs are paving the way for
the achievement and success of tomorrow's leaders and thinkers.
Eight years ago, the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education began the implementation
of various STEM programs in elementary Jewish schools. The success of these
programs brought about the initiation of CIJE-Tech Engineering and Bio-medical
Technology programs, in partnership with the Israel Sci-tech network of schools.
The CIJE high school STEM education program:
• Provides a challenging and rigorous program of study focusing on the application
of STEM subjects.
Offers courses and pathways for preparation in STEM fields and occupations.
Bridges and connects in-school and out-of-school learning opportunities.
Provides opportunities for student exploration of STEM related fields and
Prepares students for successful college and university STEM education.
To increase STEM learning, the CIJE-Tech programs include activities that improve
student and teacher content knowledge and teacher pedagogical skills. Innovative
strategies are used, including small group collaborative work and the use of hands-on
activities and experiments to promote inquiry and curiosity. Learning is connected to the
real world through an emphasis on the application of STEM subjects to everyday life,
employment, and the surrounding environment.
This book contains the abstracts from the projects of the schools in the CIJE-Tech
program for the academic year 2014-2015. The results you see are first and foremost
the culmination of a year of project based learning with the assistance and guidance of
their teachers, CIJE engineering mentors and volunteers from industry.
Participating Schools 2015
American Hebrew
David Mandel, Vijaya
Michelle Bistricer
Far Rockaway
Reuven Regev
Donna Klein
Lauren Jordan
Boca Raton
New York
Brian Waldbaum
Monique Benun, Chava
Rifkie Silverman
Golda Och Academy
Shira Kelmanovich
West Orange
Rebecca Reinhertz
Mathew Breig
Hillel Yeshiva
Kathleen Heitz
Ocean Township
Ilan High School
Ocean Township
Jewish HS of CT
Natalie Albo
Robyn Brewer, Priscilla
Paul Castle
Michael Sizer
Merion Station
Steven Stein
Noam Weinberger
Magen David
Steve Bonica
Manhattan HS
Brenda From
New York
Mesivta Ateres Yaakov
Yitzchok Borenstein
Mesivta Birkas Yitzchok
Mitch Perlitch
Los Angeles
New Community
Yolanda Hovsepian
West Hills
Kamilah Chajin Faraone
Scheck Hillel
Charlie Mahoney
North Miami Beach
Jane Willoughby
San Diego
Melanie Fine
Los Angeles
Paula Berger
Hewlett Bay Park
Deborah Lorber
Williston Park
Danny Aviv
Elisheva Shapiro
Far Rockaway
Tarbut V'torah
Annabella Kraut
Valley Torah
David Joseph
Valley Village
Weinbaum Yeshiva
Ellen Chait
Boca Raton
Yeshiva High Tech
Daniel Schuman
Los Angeles
Yeshivat Darche Eres
Menachem Borenstein
Alec Gomez / Josephus
New York
Los Angeles
Yula Boys
Yula Girls
Alex Potapenko / Lynne Adler
Los Angeles
Table of Contents by School
AHA .................................................... 15
BBY..................................................... 20
Bruriah ................................................ 25
Donna Klein ........................................ 30
DRS .................................................... 34
Flatbush .............................................. 41
Frisch .................................................. 45
Golda Och Academy........................... 63
HANC.................................................. 69
HAFTR................................................ 73
Hillel Yeshiva ...................................... 79
Ilan High School.................................. 83
JEC ..................................................... 88
Jewish HS of CT ................................. 91
Kohelet................................................ 91
Kushner .............................................. 97
Maayanot .......................................... 102
Magen David..................................... 105
Manhattan HS................................... 106
Mesivta Ateres Yaakov ..................... 107
Mesivta Birkas Yitzchok.................... 109
New Community ............................... 112
Posnack ............................................ 114
San Diego Jewish Academy ............. 117
Scheck Hillel ..................................... 124
Shalhevet.......................................... 126
SKA................................................... 130
SSLI .................................................. 138
SSW.................................................. 148
TAG .................................................. 154
Tarbut V'Torah .................................. 156
Valley Torah Boys............................. 170
Valley Torah Girls ............................. 172
Weinbaum Yeshiva........................... 173
Yeshiva High Tech............................ 175
Yeshivat Darche Eres ....................... 178
YULA Boys ....................................... 184
YULA Girls ........................................ 188
Table of Contents by Project
Assistive Trash Can............................ 15
Drowning Detector System (Dds') ...... 16
Jetlag-No-More................................... 17
Skatefreak Electric Skateboard .......... 18
The Claw ............................................ 20
Do I Match .......................................... 20
Baby Car Alarm .................................. 21
Speeders ............................................ 22
Stopping Texting – Saving Lives ........ 23
Thermofeet ......................................... 24
A Light Touch ..................................... 25
Drive And Shine.................................. 25
Ex"Germ"Inator................................... 26
Safe Seat............................................ 27
Sensing Sleeve................................... 27
Smartpark ........................................... 27
Surfing The Sound Waves.................. 28
The Eye.2 Points To… ....................... 29
The Handy Helper .............................. 29
Cool Spoon......................................... 30
Flamebot............................................. 32
Refill Needed ...................................... 33
Babies Breath ..................................... 34
Baby Burn Prevention......................... 34
Cerebrarm .......................................... 34
Don’t Feel The Burn ........................... 35
Doo Detext.......................................... 35
Hands Phree....................................... 35
Idoor ................................................... 36
Iwakeup .............................................. 36
Lock Em Up ........................................ 38
Neotonus ............................................ 39
Protective Security System................. 39
Sensor Dispensor ............................... 39
Smart Plate......................................... 40
Smart Speaker.................................... 40
Soshat ................................................ 40
The Invisible Cane.............................. 41
Window Blinds .................................... 41
Aprer................................................... 41
Arduclapper ........................................ 42
Ardwindow .......................................... 42
Charget............................................... 42
Double Security Door Lock .................43
Friction Riders.....................................43
Knock Knock .......................................43
Obstacle Avoider.................................43
Para Parking .......................................44
Sesubi - Self Sustained Biome ...........44
Sit 'N Stop Walker ...............................44
The Cookie Monster............................45
Anybody Home? .................................45
Beatelite ..............................................46
Crash ..................................................46
Freezinghot .........................................47
G.R.A.M. .............................................48
Healthy Heart Workout Shirt ...............48
Heartbeats ..........................................49
Movie Seat Finder...............................50
Painterbot+ .........................................50
Personal Escort...................................51
Safecross ............................................52
Safewallet ...........................................52
Smart Signer .......................................54
Smart Walker ......................................55
Technological Terrarium .....................55
Tempo-Shoe .......................................56
The Baby Buddy .................................56
The Claw.............................................57
The Medicine Watch ...........................57
The No- Ump ......................................57
The Pacimeter.....................................58
The Slouching Solution .......................59
The Sun Watch ...................................59
The Traveling Robot Problem .............60
The-En-Force-Er .................................60
Weapon Protection System ................61
Wheel Chairiot ....................................61
Whiplash Detection .............................61
Wristwatch ..........................................62
Fridge Pad ..........................................63
Mufti-Merry-Go-Round ........................65
Smart Gun...........................................66
The Learning Guitar ............................67
The Roduster...................................... 68
Crack The Cramps ............................. 69
The Bioarm ......................................... 69
Hurricane House................................. 70
Smartgarbage..................................... 70
Rebound Robot .................................. 70
Smart Pill Bottle .................................. 71
The Laundro-Bot................................. 71
Goal Line Technology For Hockey ..... 71
Cleanliness Confirmation System....... 72
The Anti-Tipper................................... 72
Automatic Plant Watering System ...... 73
Eagle Eye Hockey .............................. 74
Eye Buddy .......................................... 75
Iremember .......................................... 75
Pill Pal................................................. 75
Pollutabot............................................ 76
Posture Polisher ................................. 76
Smart Attendance............................... 77
Smart Sound....................................... 77
Tech Boot ........................................... 77
Tobor .................................................. 78
Traingate ............................................ 78
Aurora................................................. 79
Clothing Matcher ................................ 80
Robosip .............................................. 81
Snow-Proof Roof ................................ 81
Ss Helmet ........................................... 82
The "Noma" Mat ................................. 82
Audiomatics ........................................ 83
Chargeout........................................... 85
Food Done Oven Off .......................... 85
Solution To The Snooze ..................... 87
The Homeostatic Blanket ................... 87
The Smart Keychain ........................... 88
Child Safety Systems ......................... 88
Quarantine Vehicle ............................. 89
Robotic Hand...................................... 89
Self Tightening Shoes ........................ 90
The Rover........................................... 90
Water Quality Boat ............................. 91
Arduinotes .......................................... 91
Auto Clarity ......................................... 91
Emergency Response Alert Box......... 91
Mediminder......................................... 93
Put A Cap On It: The Installable
Breathalyzer To Prevent Teen Drunk
The Cal-Ometer ..................................95
The Control Glove...............................95
Earthquake Alarm Clock .....................97
Kool Keys............................................98
Majicase: The Solution To The Battery
Nichrome Hot Knife.............................99
Peltier Tile Thermos............................99
Smart Shopping ................................100
Stay Awake .......................................101
The Helping Hand .............................101
Envision ............................................102
I.G.S.B.M.S.W.L.E (I Got Skirted But My
Skirt Was Long Enough) ...................103
Lighter Sleep- Beep Beep.................103
Refrigerator Thermometer ................103
Smart Plug ........................................104
The Flex ............................................104
"Sound-Cutter" ..................................105
Look Mom, No Hands! ......................105
Pilbot .................................................106
Squeeze It To Heat It ........................107
I-Mill ..................................................108
Laser Harp ........................................108
Smart Bath ........................................108
Watching Watch................................109
Ab Bell...............................................109
Automatic Doorbell............................110
Fill 'Er Up ..........................................110
Self Feeding Fish Tank .....................111
Automatic Color Driver......................112
Boom Boom Wire Power...................112
Dslr Digitizer......................................112
Hermes 2 ..........................................113
Invest ................................................113
Wheelchair Stopper ..........................114
De-Cor ..............................................114
S.T.A.T.E ..........................................115
The Tpd.............................................115
Tubb 9000 ........................................ 116
Blind Assist ....................................... 117
Multi-Functional Backpack................ 119
Project Rec: Rethinking Education &
Communication................................. 120
Self Charging Electric Skateboard.... 121
Smart Brace...................................... 121
Vibrating Smoke Detecting Braclet... 123
Water Usage Monitor........................ 124
Smart Window Shade....................... 124
Smart Parking Garage...................... 124
The Eye Belt ..................................... 125
My Beat ............................................ 125
Parking Pass .................................... 125
Smart Irrigation ................................. 126
A.M.P................................................ 126
Ein Kaav ........................................... 127
Forked Up......................................... 127
Medreminder .................................... 128
The E-Canopy; A Savior For Wheelchair
Users ................................................ 129
The Feel Safe Home Seccurity System129
The Pill Popper ................................. 130
Babesave.......................................... 130
Don't Wait ......................................... 132
Head Safeties ................................... 133
Head Safeties ................................... 134
Helmet-First ...................................... 134
Quick Exit ......................................... 135
Speazier ........................................... 135
Triple A-Larm.................................... 136
Cane 'N Able .................................... 136
Co-B-Gone ....................................... 138
Electric Stove Guard......................... 138
Forget Me Not Pillbox ....................... 140
Grill Guard ........................................ 141
Pillow Doctor..................................... 142
Right Under Your Nose .................... 143
Self-Closing Drawer.......................... 144
Teachimals ....................................... 145
Translator Pen .................................. 146
Who Let The Dogs Out?................... 146
Auto-Sorting Garbage/Recycling Pail148
Bike Anti-Theft System ..................... 148
Motiwaker ......................................... 149
Next Gen Pill Bottle .......................... 150
Safety Stroller ................................... 151
Smart-Ski Pole ..................................152
Super Sled ........................................152
Superbackpack .................................153
Thermal-Charging Phonecase ..........153
"Lett -Uce Check ...............................154
Baby Bathroom Safety Sensor..........154
Flashtherapy .....................................154
No Child Left Behind .........................155
Power Laces .....................................155
R.O.B.B.Y. ........................................155
Automatic Plant.................................156
Coyote Trap ......................................158
Laziers ..............................................161
Pair Of Eyes......................................162
Ruff Trainer .......................................163
Salt Removendum ............................164
The Handy Reminder........................166
Think .................................................168
Toddler Tutor ....................................168
Waste No More .................................168
Blind Glasses ....................................170
Jayleearemore ..................................170
Mag ...................................................171
Perfect Posture .................................171
Smart Speaker ..................................171
Handle Those Germs........................172
Hummidon't .......................................172
Magic Toilet.......................................172
Posture Perfect .................................173
Step 'N' Stop .....................................173
Germless Door Opener.....................173
Stink Away ........................................174
The Sleep Band ................................174
Wake Up Mat ....................................174
X-Pass ..............................................175
Clothes Folding Machine ..................175
Gas Sensor Nano .............................176
Mr. Mixer ...........................................177
Easy Measure ...................................178
Finger Print Cookie Jar .....................179
Garbage Compressor .......................180
Heart Rate Sensor............................ 180
Luggage Scale.................................. 181
Motion Based Alarm Sensor............. 181
Parking Space Pressure Sensor ...... 182
Pressure Sensing Alarm Clock......... 182
Pressure Sensored Spot Light.......... 182
Ski Sense ......................................... 183
The Lighted Cane ............................. 183
Buzz Alert ......................................... 184
Fire Band .......................................... 185
Hydrohelmet ..................................... 186
Shift Walker ...................................... 187
The Helping Hand .............................188
Fever Blinker.....................................188
Café Calor.........................................189
Cool Car............................................189
Lev ....................................................190
Posture Patch ...................................191
Remind-A-Bowl .................................192
Sugar Rush .......................................193
CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Assistive Trash Can
Jake Papier
Alfredo Stanley
Many senior citizens choose to live by themselves when they reach certain ages when a senior
citizen home might be a better place for them to live. These senior citizens might have difficulty
doing certain things. For example, lifting heavy objects. Our project goal is to design a trash
can that notifies the owner when a certain weight limit has been reached. This notification will
communicate to the owner that it is time to change out the trash. In the case of a person who
has difficulty lifting objects, such as a senior citizen, this device could save them from causing
injury to themselves. Using a force sensor to detect force, data will be sent to an Arduino where
. The trashcan would have a screen that shows the specific weight. Along with this screen,
there will be an up and down arrow that allows user customization of the specific weight they
want to set. When the specific weight is reached, an led will light up as a signal that the trash
has reached its weight limit. There are no known products out there that do what ours will do
and we hope that we can help limit the amount of injuries that seniors acquire.
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Copyright 2015 - Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education. All Right Reserved
CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Drowning Detector System (DDS')
Omer Sananes
Zachary Bamberger
Drowning Detection System intends to save lives by assisting lifeguards in detection of
drowning victims. Every year an average of 390 children between the ages of 0 to 14 drown in
pools in the United States alone. Between the years 2010 to 2012 there have been an average
of 5,100 drowning related incidents every year (Poolsafely.gov). As of now the primary means of
prevention for drowning is lifeguard supervision. However, lifeguards are only human, and are
prone to make mistakes. Drowning Detection System (DDS) intends to incorporate an accurate
camera sensor to track a target’s position in the water, and pick up on symptoms of drowning.
Our system is capable of realizing when a swimmer has been submerged for a dangerous
amount of time (100 seconds), and alert the lifeguard immediately via an alarm.
Our code (written in Arduino) works as follows:
· Detects and assigns a unique value to a person's band.
· Determines if band is above or below the surface of the water.
· If the band has been submerged for over 100 seconds, emit a high pitched sound to
alert the lifeguard.
· When the drowning object goes above the surface, reset the time count and turn off the
DDS will systematically find drowning victims and assist lifeguards in saving lives.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Uri Goldberg
Talia White
Jetlag is a huge issue in the life of many businessmen and frequent travelers. Right now, there
aren't many ways to really "cure" jetlag. Many people are researching ways to acclimate
people's body clock using natural remedies or ultraviolet lamps. I want to create a device to
acclimate your body clock after a trip, to fix jetlag in a different way. It would be a heated blanket
and a wall-mounted lamp for above your bed. During the night, your body gets colder, and as
you approach waking time, your temperature increases. The blanket would raise your body
temperature close to morning time, and decrease in the middle of the night. That way, the
body's temperature will be forced back into its natural cycle. The device will also have a light,
which will change throughout the night, and increase in the morning, so that your body sees the
expected life for the time zone. When your eyes sense light in the morning, even before you
wake up, it triggers chemicals to be released in your brain that promote wakefulness. The light
would force your brain to release these chemicals, as well as stop the production of melatonin
and help put your body back into its current time zone. This device would help push your body
back into its time zone faster than waiting for it to acclimate itself without assistance. I will use a
light with increasing and decreasing brightness as well as heaters on a timer.
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Copyright 2015 - Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education. All Right Reserved
CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
SkateFreak Electric Skateboard
Andrew Caldwell
Jakob Tuttle
My partner and I are motivated to make the SkateFreak in order to make transportation through
skateboard much more convenient and efficient.
This is because Many people decide to use skateboarding as their method of travel. And electric
skateboarding makes this method of transportation much more effective and useful. Although
the ones on the market are very limited in certain aspects. The SkateFreak hopes to be useful in
the areas many of the ones on today's market are not useful in.
My team will research how our board can be useful in the areas many electric skateboards
aren't. Such as having a very flexible speed, you can change the speed to however you like.
And solve them through unique design with the appropriate usage of the Arduino device.
And this is why we've ended up with our end product of an electric skateboard which can be
very useful in traveling in appropriate skateboarding places, such as around college campuses.
We hope our users will be able to use our SkateFreak in a safe way and in a way which makes
their life much easier and pleasurable.
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Copyright 2015 - Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education. All Right Reserved
CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
1 - Back Axel
2 - (Back Axle) Gear
3 - Gear Belt
4 - Motor
5 - Wiring from Arduino and
6 - Arduino device
7 - Battery
1 - Components box
2 - Engine Box
3 - (Back of) Deck
4 - (Front Left) Wheel
5 - Front Axle
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Copyright 2015 - Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education. All Right Reserved
CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Samuel Goldberg
Joel Benson
There is always moments in everyone’s life when a person cannot reach an object, maybe it's
too far, maybe you are too lazy to reach it. everyone has their own creative (on the spot) idea of
how to reach such object, but they are not always effectvie.
Our project will help those people to reach for objects in non-reachable places. The claw is an
extendable rod with an automatic claw on the front, what does it mean to be automatic? Our
automatic claw will detect nearby objects and it will retrieve them back to the person, The CLAW
will reach up to 5 feet, plus the arm length of the user, and will retrieve objects that some people
cannot retrieve by themselves.
Aliza Lehrfeld
Esti Korngold
Tova Rosenblatt
Color blind people often have a problem of knowing whether or not their clothes match. 5-8% of
the male population suffers from color-blindness, which causes them to have difficulty seeing
red and green. It can cause embarrassment and prevent them from going out. This device can
solve that problem, by matching up the clothes for them. The Arduino is programmed to match
up certain colors. One must scan two articles of clothing under the color sensor. The Arduino
figures out what colors they are and determines whether or not they match, based on what was
programmed. The screen displays the results and the person can go through the day knowing
that his clothes match. Not only can color blind people benefit from this but so can people in a
rush or people that have trouble color coordinating their clothes.
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Copyright 2015 - Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education. All Right Reserved
CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Baby Car Alarm
Batsheva Tanenbaum
Chaya Frayda Lebovits
Basya Bender
There is an ongoing problem in the world that parents mistakenly leave their babies in the car.
This project will help solve this problem. Our project is consists of an alarm that gets set off
when parents leave their car for a certain amount of time or go too far from their car with the
baby inside. We took two radio transmitters attached to Arduninos. The transmitter is attached
to a bracelet worn by the baby, and the receiver is attached to the parents’ keys on a keychain.
There is also a speaker attached to the keychain so that when the parent goes too far or is out
for too long the alarm will sound.
It is dangerous for a baby to be left in a car for even a very short period of time. Our project can
help save babies lives.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Esther Nathan
Riki Reich
Shani Becker
Are you tired of your glasses getting wet while bike riding? Are you tired of the darkness of night
that obscures your vision thus increasing danger? We want riders to have a safe experience
while biking or skiing. Our novel Speeders™ glasses include cool headlights for a nighttime ride.
They include handy windshield wipers to wipe away those pesky raindrops which can increase
the possibility of collisions. The Speeders™ work in a simple yet effective way. Upon the
occasion that water splashes onto your glasses, the water sensor will trigger the Arduino to
immediately activate the windshield wipers to swiftly wipe away the water. If it grows dark to the
extent that bike riding or skiing may become hazardous, you will not be left in the dark, for the
light sensor will trigger the Arduino to activate the bright LED headlights, illuminating your path.
Our Speeders™ have been tried and tested, and we are proud to proclaim that our Speeders™
have ensured and will continue to ensure safe and enjoyable riding.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Stopping Texting – Saving Lives
Chayala Mendlowitz
Aliza Schechter
Esther Shayna Weissman
A state of the art phone case and steering wheel protector that senses texting while driving
78% of teens and young adults say they have read text messages while driving, and 71% of
teens and young adults say they have composed/sent text messages while driving. The United
States Department of Transportation notes that cell phones are involved in 1.6 million auto
crashes each year that cause ½ a million injuries and 6,000 deaths. According to the Virginia
Tech Transportation Institute, texting while driving is six times more likely to cause an auto
crash than driving while intoxicated. Texting while driving is lethal and causes millions of
crashes every year. The government has instituted many laws to prevent the widespread
problem of texting while driving but it still cannot be prevented.
With our project, thousands of car crashes will be prevented every year. Our project makes
drivers aware when they are texting by setting an alarm off until they stop texting, this can save
thousands of lives.
Our project consists of an accelerometer that senses if the car is driving. If the car is in motion,
the Arduino turns on the pressure sensor on the phone case that detects if the hone is being
used. If it is, the Arduino activates the pressure sensor on the wheel. If the driver does not have
both hands on the wheel and the phone is being used also, then an alarm sounds, remaining on
until both hands are on the wheel. The alarm raises awareness to drivers that they are texting.
The alarm is annoying and could be shut off simply when the driver returns both hands to the
steering wheel (stops texting). With our project many fatal driving accidents will be prevented
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Bracha Ackerman
Shani Walfish
Rivka Kohan
Have you ever been outside in the cold, feeling like your toes might fall off? Have you ever worn
your boots for too long, at work or in school, and suffered from extreme heat? With our
invention, you will never experience such difficulties again.
Thermofeet™ is created to warm your feet when they are cold and cool them when they are
hot. By doing this, Thermofeet™ prevents althletes foot, foot odor, numb toes and frostbite.
Our product has two thermoelectric heaters, a temperature sensor, and an H-Bridge. The
temperature sensor detects the foot’s temperature, and through the H-bridge, the thermoelectric
heater warms or cools the feet, as necessary.
Our project will cause your feet to remain at the ideal temerature at all times.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
A Light Touch
Shoshana Snow
Rocky Pincus
Shoshana Blumberg
There are various diseases and unexpected incidents that can cause paralysis, each case as
unique as the next. In some cases, the victims of this terrible diagnosis have little to no control
of body movement, including their oral functions, such as speaking. Our project, A Light Touch,
focuses on those with minimal movement of the digits. A touch sensor measures the amount of
pressure applied to it, and translates the touch into code. Each pad on the touch sensor
contains different instructions. When touched, the code then instructs a specific set of colored
LEDs to light up in sequence. The more pressure applied, the more LEDs light up. This is a
simple way to enable communication for those without oral function and limited body movement
We used a touch sensor to measure the amount of pressure applied, and a touch shield to
signal which LED would light up.
Drive and Shine
Michal Berger
Chemda Wiener
Batya Stein
Driving while drowsy is a serious problem. Studies show that not getting enough hours of sleep
impairs your driving ability in a similar way to drinking alcohol. Lack of sleep also results in a
lowered pulse and body temperature. A public survey found that 55% of people surveyed drove
while drowsy. Every year an average of 100,000 accidents occur because of drowsy driving
and 1,500 people die in these accidents. What we plan to do is to invent a comfortable, easy to
use armband that will monitor a driver’s pulse and body temperature. We will use pulse and
temperature to monitor if our driver fell asleep. When a driver comes into the vehicle, he will put
on the armband which will then proceed to calibrate his pulse and temperature for the next five
minutes. If the sensors detect a drop in both variables, it will then convey this information to the
Arduino through an LCD screen which will activate the vibrator and speaker to wake up the
driver. If we market this device, we would start it off as an optional precaution for drivers but
ideally it would eventually become as mandatory as a seatbelt. This would hopefully eradicate
the problem entirely.
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Talya Erblich
Neshama Fournier
Nechama Novick
Hand washing saves lives according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet
95% of people according to CBS news do not wash their hands properly. Doctors are included
in this. Nearly one million patients are affected by this and 100,000 deaths of patients per year
are linked to this problem. Hospitals have tried to solve this: some hospitals put up signs about
washing hands, but the difference is insignificant. The University of Kentucky Medical Center
tried to suspend doctor’s privileges for not washing their hands. Still, this had a minor effect on
the issue.
The spread of shigella specifically is linked to people not washing their hands. This problem is
relevant to our own lives as it has reached local schools and can possibly reach us. If people
would wash their hands, especially doctors, we could avoid this problem and minimize
outbreaks of disease.
We decided to make a bathroom in which the doors stay locked until the soap dispenser is
pushed and the sink is turned on and runs for thirty seconds. The reason that doctors neglect to
wash their hands is because they don’t have time to. This system ensures that all doctors will
wash their hands, seeing that they are stuck in the bathroom if they don’t. In addition there will
be an emergency button that will override the thirty second timer and set off an alarm, so
doctors can’t use it as an out from the “hand washing ceremony”.
When someone locks the door, it won’t open until the motion sensors by the sink and soap
dispenser have been activated. After thirty seconds of the sink running the door will unlock.
The code for the PIR motion sensor will sense when someone’s hands are under the soap
dispenser, and release soap onto the person’s hand. completing the first part of the code for the
door to unlock. Next, the motion sensor in the sink will sense the hand and turn on the water.
The water will run for thirty seconds. After the thirty seconds the water will stop and the door will
If an emergency occurs, and the person won’t have time to wash their hands, there will be an
emergency override button. This button will override the system, unlock the door and set off a
piezo buzzer.
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Safe Seat
Ilana Markowitz
Ellie Saperstein
Naama Schwartz
Over the past few years the problem of children accidentally being left in cars by caregivers has
grown enormously. Children overheat up to five times faster than adults so if they are stuck in
cars that are too hot, for even a short amount of time, they can
develop heatstroke that more often than not leads to death. We have solved this problem by
designing a car seat that alerts the driver, when the engine is turned off, that the child is still in
the car. The way it works it that there is an alarm and pressure
sensor in the seat, the alarm turns on when the car engine goes off (only if it senses pressure
on the seat). The only way to get the alarm to go off is to remove the child from the seat since
that will remove the pressure. Safe Seat will solve the sadly common problem of children
becoming stuck in cars.
Sensing Sleeve
Elisheva-Yocheved Siegfried
Esther Sheina Agishtein
Haviva Neuhaus
With the ever present dangers of fires, alarm sensors are needed to save lives. One of the three
most noxious gasses are liquefied petroleum gases, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide
(smoke, which comes as a product of fire). For the blind and deaf, the threat is ever more
prevalent since they cannot see or hear the alarms. The solution we propose is an armband
made up of parallel sensor systems. The three circuits, one for LPG, carbon monoxide and
carbon dioxide are attached to an LCD screen and vibrators, and speakers. Once the gases are
detected, the vibrators buzz alerting the person wearing the armband. Then, the LCD will write
the gas, the speakers will announce it while the speakers say the name of the gas aloud. This
will allow both blind and deaf to be aware of any precarious situations around them.
Ariela Chomski
Atara Goldstein
Esther Nasser
Our project aims to solve a problem faced by drivers worldwide: finding a parking space in a
highly congested area. Often, drivers can spend what feels like hours scouring crowded city
streets for that one available parking space. We have created a system to assist drivers in
finding parking. By wiring pressure and ultrasonic sensors to each model parking space, our
circuit will be able to sense when a toy car parks there. Once that happens, the information will
be sent to a board nearby, which will indicate the number of spots available with an LCD screen
and their respective locations with colored LED’s. This system would make parking information
easily accessible and lessen the stress upon drivers searching for parking spots in high-density
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Surfing the Sound Waves
Rachel Eckstein
Yael Feder
Rebecca Siegel
One in eight people in the United States is legally deaf in one or both ears. Today, thanks to
modern technology nearly 40% of all deaf children born in the U.S. receive a cochlear implant,
and with therapy and training can hear. Due to medical, financial, and other reasons, there are
people today who are just now receiving their implants. There is extensive therapy and training
required after receiving an implant to learn how to speak. One portion of this therapy is to
acclimate oneself to the volume of their own voice in different settings. Often, receivers of
cochlear implants will either shout words or whisper them because they do not yet know what is
a proper decibel level. This training generally requires another person to respond to the
speakers volume and say whether it is too high or low.
Our project will enable patients who are learning to speak, or people who are hard of
hearing, to help themselves be proficient in speech in their everyday lives. Whether they are in
a library and must whisper or need to speak up on a busy train, this device will enable them to
be heard effectively throughout the day.
Our device has three components, a microphone, an audio level indicator, and a vibrator.
The microphone is worn around the neck as a necklace, so it is close to the mouth while being
unnoticeable. This will identify the voice and send the information to the sound sensor which will
compute the decibel level. The vibrator and audio level indicator will be worn as a bracelet on
one’s arm where a person can easily check. The sound sensor will be programmed with
acceptable ranges that a person can set depending on where they will be and what the
surrounding decibel level is. When the decibel input is below the acceptable range the vibrating
sensor will vibrate once and the audio level indicator’s LEDs will light up. If the decibel level is
above the acceptable range, the vibrating sensor will vibrate twice and the audio level
indicator’s LEDs will light up. Based on the sensors’ output, wearers will be able to adjust their
voice level accordingly.
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The Eye.2 Points To…
Leah Lieberman
Tali Weisinger
Leila Hertz
Many disabled people are recorded to either have a lot of difficulty moving or cannot move at all.
This results in challenges to get around, as well as retrieve items that they need. Our team
created a device that tackles this problem. Our device is part eye-scanner, part laser-pointer.
The way it works is simple. When the glasses are worn, the attached sensor sees the direction
in which the eyes are facing. The Eye.2 takes that information and converts into a direction in
which the laser faces. This way, the laser follows the direction that the wearer is looking. The
wearer can thus “point” to things or show in what direction he or she wishes to be moved in a
wheelchair. The device can be attached to the wearer’s wheelchair for easy access to the
button to turn it off when its use is not needed. With the Eye.2, paralysed or disabled people can
more easily communicate with others and won’t be as challenged by accomplishing every-day
Shira Allen
Julie Landau
Shira Shalmon
Have you ever had or given physical therapy? We hope not, because it’s a real pain. It is hard to
measure the patient’s progress and each routine must be individualized. It is also hard to get
children and elders to be compliant and from a patient’s perspective, it is expensive and often
difficult to access. And so we asked ourselves, what could we do to help? We decided to create
“The Handy Helper”, a glove designed to assist both doctors and patients with the physical
therapy process. To measure the patient’s progress, the glove is equipped with a Flex sensor
on each finger programmed so that when the patient bends his fingers to the previously
calibrated degree, a green LED will light up. The calibrated degree can be changed as the
patient progresses. This easy-to-use invention provides convenient physical therapy to those in
need, able to be done in the home and at a low cost. In the future we hope to expand this
project to help more than just the hand.
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Cool spoon
Donna Klein
Mikaela Mesch
Dana Lipson
Elliot Morgenstern
A burn of the tongue is a common ailment that may lead to injuries in the mouth. The purpose in
creating the “Cool Spoon” is to help people who cannot determine temperatures through
contact in the oral region. Therefore, help prevent people from burning their palate. Our idea
was to invent a spoon that could prevent the burns. The spoon is programmed to determine the
temperature of the hot liquid; if it exceeds the maximum tolerance level, a small fan will turn on,
cooling the liquid. The average tolerance level for people (taken internally) is 37.0 °C (98.6 °F).
To maximize our resources we used the Arduino Nano to control all functions and make sure
the burning is prevented. The “Cool Spoon” will be a great benefit to society. With the proper
use, our spoon will surely prevent burns and assist the ones who need it. It’s a pretty “Cool
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Donna Klein
Joseph Zeuner
Jonah Brafman
Ben Zedeck
We have developed a device that can better extinguish dangerous fires without putting lives at
risk. Many times firemen cannot get to fires due to toxic fumes or otherwise dangerous
conditions. Our mission was to find a way to safely extinguish toxic or otherwise dangerous
fires. The flamebot is a motorized self guided robot that is programmed to effectively and
efficiently enter a building, detect the fire and extinguish the fire before retreating from the area.
The robot is made from matrix pieces and the programming is run through the Lego mind storm
as well as the arduino. Firebot will revolutionize the way dangerous and toxic fires are handled.
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Refill Needed
Donna Klein
Matthew Levine
Jacob Furst
Jaim Hirschman
Have you ever been at a restaurant and needed a refill but no one is nearby to refill your cup?
We believe that many people face this problem. Well we have a solution for you. Meet "Refill
Needed"! Refill Needed is an electronic coaster attached to an arduino that lights up an LED
near the waiter. This will notify the waiter when your cup needs to be refilled. To build our
prototype we used solid works to design a coaster and used a 3D printer to build it. We used a
force-sensitive resistor in the coaster and programmed the arduino to light up an LED when the
force is between two given vales creating a threshold for the desired refill level of the drink.
Thanks to Refill Needed, the guest will never have to be the "waiter" again.
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Babies Breath
Joey Jacobs
Adam Lerner
Sudden infant death syndrome is the sudden, unexpected death of an infant younger than one
year of age. It typically occurs when a child is sleeping. The rarity of this event makes its causes
highly mysterious and its prevention even more unknown. While there are theories on how to
prevent it, our projects aims to alert the parents if such a thing occurs. To achieve this we have
wired a radio transceiver to an arduino that is attached to a Velcro strap. This will be connected
to a baby and sense when the baby is breathing. If the baby stops breathing it will send a signal
to another transceiver in the parent’s room. From here a buzzer will sound alerting the parents
that their child has stopped breathing. This will hopefully alert the parents early on, and give
them the time they need to seek the proper help.
Baby Burn Prevention
AJ Chesir
Zev Lowy
Andrew Giller
Our project is a machine that can prevent many tragic incidents of young children or toddlers’
being burnt. Often, a parent, or housekeeper will turn on the stove or oven, and leave the room
for a few minutes, leaving the oven/stove unattended. When this happens a small child can
easily reach his hand up to the stove or open the oven door, unknowingly and burn his or her
hand. We have programed an arduino, distance sensors, and a horn, so that when the sensor is
tripped, the arduino calculates if it is a younger child or an adult, in the case that it is a child, the
arduino sends a message to the servo motor to turn, thus shutting off the stove, and the horn to
make a loud noise to scare the child so he or she runs away from the oven.
Andy Ebbin
Yehuda Feinberg
The Cerebrarm (Brain + Arm) is a EEG - controlled robotic prosthetic that operates without
requiring physical movement in order to actuate any of the joints, allowing people with paralysis,
arthritis, or other debilitating condition an extended form of movement. Its arm can telescope
and grab objects, with the actuation controlled by the level of concentration of the user. When
the band detects a high level of concentration, the claw will open and when the user’s attention
is relaxed, the claw
will close and grasp the object. We used an arduino to connect to
a Neurosky chip (the EEG) contained in a MindFlex headset, and an nRF24L01 to transmit data
from the MindFlex-connected Arduino to the Servo-connected Arduino, which then would
process the data and move the joints.
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Don’t Feel The Burn
Zev Lowy
Andrew Giller
A.J. Chesir
Our project is a machine that can prevent many tragic incidents of young children or toddlers’
being burnt. Often, a parent, or housekeeper will turn on the stove or oven, and leave the room
for a few minutes, leaving the oven/stove unattended. When this happens a small child can
easily reach his hand up to the stove or open the oven door, unknowingly and burn his or her
hand. We have programed an arduino, distance sensors, and a horn, so that when the sensor is
tripped, the arduino calculates if it is a younger child or an adult, in the case that it is a child, the
arduino sends a message to the servo motor to turn, thus shutting off the stove, and the horn to
make a loud noise to scare the child so he or she runs away from the oven.
Doo Detext
Yosef Borochov
Gabe Kalter
Essentially, our project is a diaper with a temperature sensor. When the sensor senses that the
temperature is too high, it sends a signal to a hand-held device which is held by the babies
Hands Phree
Akiva Thalheim
Evan Goldstein
Sammy Bernstein
People with physical disabilities in America have numerous difficulties completing daily tasks,
due to their disability. While there are many products on the market, in addition to cutting edge
new technology, that help these people, our project seeks to fill a different use. We have a
designed an easy way for people who don’t have the full use of their hand to use a telephone.
Using the EasyVR voice recognition software, a user can just say “Phone, Answer” when the
phone rings. Using this system, the user can simply talk to friends and family on their phone.
When the EasyVR hears the correct command, it is sent to the Arduino code. Then, the Arduino
sends the code to a servomotor attached to the speaker button on the phone. Once the
servomotor turns, it presses down on the speaker button and the phone call is answered. After
the phone call is over, the servomotor will be commanded to press the speaker button again,
thereby ending the call. An additional feature is that the user can be anywhere in the room
which the phone is in to use it. While there are house phones on the market that have similar
applications, they are very expensive and not practical as users find them complicated. Our
system can be attached to any regular house phone, and is ready to use right away, forever
changing the way physically disabled people can use house phones.
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Daniel Rosenthal
Mordy Levy
Sammy Bruh
The iDoor is a revolutionary “smart door” for dogs. For starters, the door uses RFID
technology to unlock only when your dogs try to go through. Additionally, the door keeps track of
whether your dogs are inside or outside, and for how long they’ve been there. The door then
displays said information on an LCD screen adjacent to the door so that any pet owner will have
the peace of mind of knowing exactly where all of his pets are, and that his dog door will remain
closed at all times, save when his companions are leaving/entering.
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Josh Kantrowitz
Aaron Koffsky
Throughout the years, there have been many car crashes because of sleepy drivers. We have a
solution to this problem: Our product the iwakeup. This device is a helmet with several sensors
attached to it, all intended to detect whether or not the user is asleep. In our invention, there are
two systems working simultaneously. The first sensor is a heart rate monitor. The sensor
constantly checks for the heart rate of the wearer. It checks to see if the user’s heart rate is
decreasing, which could indicate the possibility of the user falling asleep. The second sensor is
the accelerometer. This is located on the top of the helmet and measures the angle of the user’s
head position. A head position angled downward can indicate that the wearer is falling asleep.
These two systems work simultaneously in an algorithm to determine whether or not the user is
sleeping. After these two monitors determine that the user is falling asleep, it sends a message
to a sound beeper near the ear that will instantly wake the wearer. The usage of our product will
hopefully prevent some accidents from occurring, and in the process save many lives from
sleepy car drivers. Our product can also be used for truck drivers, night time security guards
and any nocturnal job.
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Lock Em Up
Sammy Lewin
Dovid Gelbtuch
Judah Graber
Did you know that every nineteen seconds someone’s house gets robbed in America? The need
for a better home security is in the highest demand. Sometimes one gets robbed even with the
best alarms system and the big question is why? The answer is simple: People are by nature
forgetful and thats why “Lock Em Up” is the best innovative way to lock your doors. Other apps
and systems allow the homeowner to lock their door if they forget to lock down their doors, but
“Lock Em Up” locks your doors without even asking! It realizes you're not home or even if you're
sleeping! “Lock Em Up” does 3 important tasks. It: 1) Senses a lack of light it will lock the front
door automatically through a photoresistor using the Arduino. 2) Locks all doors outside through
a laser system which locks down backdoor when laser stops hitting the photoresistor connected
on the other side of the lawn. 3) A motion sensor inside which is connected to the Arduino
senses a lack of movement for a specific amount of time, it will lock the front door.
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Joshua Haiimpour
Ariel Masturov
Every year in the U.S, approximately 45,000 males are diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at
birth. Muscular Dystrophy causes debilitating atrophy of specific muscle groups. To mitigate the
effects of M.D., sufferers must exercise daily. In addition, nearly two million people receive
physical therapy every day for a variety of reasons. Likewise, people that require physical
therapy after accidents must also exercise that muscle or limb to restore normal function. Our
project is meant to help these people, by providing a convenient and targeted method of
rehabilitating the affected muscle groups.
Protective Security System
Yehuda Furman
Akiva Fink
Davidchai Abramchayev
The biggest problem with security systems is that once someone breaks into your house they
have a period of time before the services arrive. And in that time frame could do a lot of
damage. But our project minimizes this problem. It locks all entrances to prevent the intruder
from getting to your valuables, or even you (any living being). These secondary locks (along
with the rest of the security system) are set off by a PIR sensor, and can be controlled by a
keypad and LCD. This invention will keep you and your belongings safer in the case of a break
Sensor Dispensor
Calev Sanders
Netanel Aharon
Shmuel Elian
Most existing water dispensing machines, whether found in a fast food restaurant or in
an office break room, all have a similar function. You hold your cup under the nozzle, push a
button of some sort and watch carefully as it fills up making sure not to let it overflow. Our
project, The Sensor Dispenser, offers the similar function but with an added convenience from
the power of sensors. By using a pressure sensor to initiate the process carried out by the
infrared close proximity distance sensors when the cup is placed on the pressure pad. The
distance sensors affixed perpendicularly to the cup measure how tall it is. Using the water
solenoid valve, water is then dispensed into the cup with another distance sensor mounted over
the cup sensing the distance to the rising surface of the liquid in the cup and then closing the
valve when the surface is detected to be close to the level of the height of the cup. The unique
design of the Sensor Dispenser provides a hands-free experience to the user, making those
moments when you don`t have a hand to spare just a little more easy.
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Smart Plate
Tzvi Berglas
Uri Gordon
David Dusi
Our project is a plate that keeps your food at the temperature it was when it was first at when it
was placed on the plate. It does this by sensing the temperature of the food which depending on
the temperature of the food it will turn on the heater or the coolers. When the food is taken off
the plate the pressure sensor senses that there is no food on the plate and then shuts off the
heater or the coolers.
Smart Speaker
Sholom Rafailov
Joseph Rafailov
Benyamin Levy
Changing the volume on speakers tends to get annoying. We have created smart speakers that
know the perfect volume for your situation by sensing your surroundings for motion and sound .
We assembled a sound sensor and a motion sensor and connected them to the speakers and
the Arduino controller. The speakers turn on when motion is sensed, and then the speakers
quickly sense the sound volume in the room to adjust their volume accordingly. When no
motion or sound is sensed for 15 seconds,the speakers will turn off. Additionally, if you just
want to sit quietly and listen, you could turn of these sensors.
Avi Bulka
Adiv Cederbaum
Noah Wilkowski
On average, 10.3% of all construction site fatalities are caused by significant blows to the head.
Many of these deaths could have been prevented with immediate medical response. We have
decided to create a system made to reduce this statistic. Our prototype we call SOSHat, is
specifically designed to do just that. With the use of RF transceivers, an accelerometer and the
Arduino software, any significant blow to the head will be recorded by the accelerometer. From
there, an RF transceiver located inside the hard hat, will be programed to send an “SOS” to a
designated site manager. The site manager will be equipped with our LCD display screen that is
connected to another Arduino and RF transceiver. This second transceiver will work with the
LCD display screen to display the words “Helmet one down” once the accelerometer records a
hit. This site manager will act as a first response to the person struck. From there if the manager
concludes that the person needs medical help, he can call for an ambulance using his cell
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The Invisible Cane
Jonathan Crane
Nachi Shulman
Akiva Ackerman
Did you know there are 285 million people in the world today are visually impaired, of whom 39
million are blind. One who is blind must endure the need to rely on someone else, and their
constant supervision. With our innovation on traditional walking stick, we set out to change this
clearly evident problem, by giving them the safety and independence they yearn and deserve.
To accomplish this monumental task, we created a mobile walking stick to prevent the user from
colliding into potentially hazardous objects. It is a walking stick, with cutting edge technology
integrated into the traditional walking stick. We used an ultrasonic distance sensor that
determines the distance from an object, and relays the data to a speaker, to notify the user if
there is or isn't an object in directly in front of them. Additionally, if the cane is separated or
dropped from the hands of the user, the cane will start to beep, in order for the user to find the
dropped cane. Finally, loved ones can track their loved ones, via GPS, can always keep an eye
on them. This product will give back to society in numerous ways, and overall help the mentality
of the visually impaired. This is our way of giving back to society by creating an object that may
prevent fatal accidents and damages. If one is struck by a object it can cause serious injury.
Hopefully our invention will stop this from happening.
Window blinds
Sam poupko
jacob minkin
Jeremy weiss
Computers and robots control a lot of our lives from how we enter a building to how we flush a
toilet, why not let it control our window blinds. The purpose of our project is to revolutionize the
window blinds. The new and improved window blinds incorporate the use of light sensors so
that when it starts getting lighter outside the window blinds automatically when it gets lighter
outside so one can have a nice wake up. Don't you hate it when your already for bed and
realize that you forgot to close the blinds, not a problem anymore with these futuristic window
blinds, they close automatically for you. Our window blinds will allow one to enjoy the beautiful
mornings and dark peaceful nights without ever getting out of bed.
Jason Dayan
Charlie ades
People have a lot of problems that come up during the day and do not have time to deal with
spoiled or bad food because their refrigerator didn’t close all the way. This is a problem to many
people and now there is a way to stop it. With our new device that is programmed by an
arduino, you will be able to know if your refrigerator didn’t close all the way. The way it works is
when the refrigerator is opened it triggers and timer on the aprer for one minute. If the
refrigerator is closed in that minute and stays closed for more than two seconds the alarm will
turn off. this way you will know if your refrigerator didn't close.
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Ricky Levy
Sammy Salzman
Have you ever been laying down on your bed and your trying to fall asleep but the light is still
on? Then you have to get up and shut the light off. Or how about if the lights are off and you
can't find something. Well now you don't have to struggle anymore. Our project, the arduclapper
allows you to be as lazy as possible. With just a simple clap, the lights can turn on or off. The
arduino reads the sound and signals the lights to turn on or off. Now you don't have to get out of
bed anymore.
Sally Elbaz
Marlene levy
Danielle ohana
Our project is cleverly called the Ardwindow (genius of one third of our team, Danielle Ohana) .
The Ardwindow is an arduino connected to a photoresistor that is connected to a motor. The
motor lowers a window shade if there is an abundant amount of light present in the room. The
photoresistor is the detector that regulates the amount of light present in the room. We will
recreate a model of a window shade that is connected to the motor and arduino to show our
project as an example.
Abe Madeb
David Azrak
Michael Chakallo
Dead Phone? Chargett! In its essence, Chargett is an all in one high capacity lithium ion battery
housed within an attractive wallet all in one concise structure. When your phone dies, you
essentially have two options. Either find an outlet or lug around those bulky external batteries in
your already full pockets. No more! Chargett enables you to carry around your usual
combination of wallet and smartphone with the added ability to charge your smart device. We
also aim to deliver a high quality and aesthetically pleasing product that you'll be proud to show
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Double security door lock
Charles Seruya
Jojo Aini
Moses Baxt
Fingerprint scanner, Matrix Keypad, LCD. Inputting fingerprint gives access to individualized
Keypad code which then (if the passcode is correct) will open the door
Friction Riders
jacques Mosseri
morris mahana
jack Sedaka
albert dweck, jack chattah
More likely than not, getting a vehicle from point "A" to point "B" involves combustion of a fossil
fuel, a process that emits gasses and affects the environment. If car were to use less fuel not
only would it be better for the environment but also allow people to save money on gasoline.
What we created is a car that does just that being that the engine constantly gains energy,using
the power from friction, while the car is motion allowing us to cycle energy multiple times. By
placing a micro generator on each wheel, when the car moves and the wheel spins the
generator will create energy and send it to be stored in the cars power source to be used when
needed. The car does need something to start it and power it at first but after that it will be able
to use the energy it creates.
Knock Knock
This device is a secret input device, meaning it is a secret way to activate a secondary device.
In this project It will trigger a motor which will be connected to a door knob. This device will
recognize a specific type of knock on a door and if it is correct, it will open. Since this device is
located on the other side of the door, it is a completely flush design.
Obstacle Avoider
Nathan Marcus
Gregory Pinkhasov
We are making a car that has a motion detector that when it senses a close obstacle, it avoids it
by turning. This can be useful in everyday life for real cars--when coming near an object, (while
driving, parallel parking, etc...) a sensor will detect it, beep, and you will know to avoid it. If
funded, this can be a very useful object in evet day transportation for millions of people around
the world.
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Para Parking
Jeanne Rahmey
Aaron Kubie
Sheila Franco
Although pushing a gas petal appeals to be simple and an easy task to accomplish, some
people are incapable of doing so. Our project solves the problem for many handicapped people
and people with special needs. As a result of the fact that some people cannot push a gas petal
to start the motor to the car, our project allows the driver to simply push a button located on the
wheel to start the motor. The mechanics will connect the motor of the car to the button. Our
project allows drivers that are handicapped or with special needs to drive in a simple and easy
SESUBI - Self Sustained Biome
Hannah Waide
Bobby Tawil
Many people want to raise plants in a terrarium but simply do not have the time nor patience for
it. Additionally, people may not know how much to water a plant. This is why we decided to
create a terrarium that is much more user friendly. This terrarium will use sensors to do all the
work, including watering and adjusting the temperature, light, and humidity. A terrarium is a
good investment because it makes agriculture so much easier and can get people interested in
the Earth.
Sit 'N Stop Walker
Mimi Lazerowitz
Estelle Saad
Nowadays, many people have difficulties walking, and often have trouble finding a place to sit.
To solve this problem, we will be making a walker with a seat that folds out with the press of a
button. We will hook up the seat with a stepper motor to make the walker more compact and
useful. Our walker will also stabilize when the seat is rolled out. Our project will be useful for
elderly people, as well as other people who have problems walking. This project will enable
them to walk safely and be able to sit down, even when there are no seats available. It will be
useful in locations like the bus stop or train station, a park that has no benches, or a crowded
place where seats are unavailable.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
The cookie Monster
Eli Feldman
Rachel Wolf
The Cookie Monster is a baking device that is going to dispense the correct amount of baking
material into a bowl. The bowl will be placed on a rail that will move under overhead
compartments. The rail will then be moved by a pulley system that is attached to a motor. The
overhead compartments will contain baking materials such as flour, sugar, etc.. The overhead
compartments will be connected to a motion sensor so that when the sensor senses that the
cart is beneath it, it will send a message to a motor. The motor will be connected to a small door
under the compartment. When the motor receives a message from the sensor it will open the
door, releasing the materials within it.
Joey Berkovitz
Josef Kusayev
Nowadays, regular people have no time to look at possibly incorrect schedules. sOur project is
a train locator that is more accurate than the MTA tables. It will look like an RPi connected to an
ultrasonic sensor with a 3G modem plugged in. This device will be placed in the train station by
the corner of the platform, facing the opposite wall. When the ultrasonic sensor senses the train,
the RPi will take 5 readings of the distance to the train. We would need to put many of them at
many train stations to increased accuracy. People go to a website to find out the exact time of
arrival of the train. Instead of relying on static MTA tables, you can rely on the dynamic
schedules. Our target audience is all New Yorkers who use the train. Anyone that has internet
access will be able to use our program. We will start with NYC, but it can be expanded to any
location that has cellular data access.
Anybody Home?
Leah Spielman
Gavri Kepets
Daniel Fischoff
Busy people often rush out of the house and then wonder, did they leave the lights on, if they
left the garage door open, or did they leave the fridge open? A simple solution to making sure
that your home is intact uses a system of many sensors that can be placed in the house to
collect data. Then, you can text: “Anybody Home?” a code word for garage, or “garage”, and it
will respond and will tell you whether its open or closed. There are many different modules for
many different uses. We are using three sensors, a Ultrasonic Distance Sensor for a garage
door, a photoresistor for lights, and a temperature sensor for the fridge. Also, there are Anybody
Home? system is completely wireless with each part equipped with a radio. There are many
modules with a variety of sensors in them, they all can communicate to a central Arduino with a
radio. The central Arduino has a GSM shield that receives the text, finds the appropriate sensor
according to what you sent it, and responds with the data that the module collected, making
sure the house is safe.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Robert Abrahams
Mark Abramovitz
Evan Fromen
Our project, BeatElite, will revolutionize the requirement for constant surveillance for the elderly
or those more prone to heart disease. Our contraption is designed to be worn as a comfortable
headband, while frequently monitoring possible injuries such as the patient falling, hitting his/her
head, and a sudden change in heart rate. Wireless sensors are hooked up to the Arduino and
positioned onto the headband. Pressure sensors are gently placed around the circumference of
the headband to ensure that if the patient were to hit his/her head with a certain force, the
Arduino would immediately be notified. An accelerometer calculates whether the patient fell at a
certain speed and if he/she is getting back up. A pulse sensor is strapped to the earlobe of the
patient, measuring the patient’s heart rate and reporting any irregularities. If any of these
situations occur, the patient’s family members would immediately be notified via wireless
transmission. BeatElite enables these people to feel safe and secure knowing that family would
be informed if something were to unexpectedly happen. Move to your own beat, the beat of
your heart.
Ben Moskowitz
Ally Weiss
Evan Zauderer
It is very hard for the elderly or handicapped people to get up and lift items from the floor without
causing injury. We provide a simple way for them to be able to do these simple tasks. CRASH is
a car with a robotic arm on top. The car is controlled with an accelerometer and powered with
an H-bridge. The robotic arm will be controlled by servo motors. The claw will also be controlled
by servo motors, and it will be the object that will lift the items on the ground. The movements of
the claw are controlled by flex sensors that will be placed on the glove of the user. We hope that
this will provide ease for the elderly and physically handicapped people by allowing them to
organize and pick things up from the ground without ever getting up. This provides them with a
simple, safe, and efficient solution to an everyday problem.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Josh Zimmerman
Max Muss
Noah Thurm
As many as ten million people around the globe are affected by dysautonomia. Dysautonomia is
a term that is used to describe any one of several different medical conditions that cause a
malfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System, restricting or disabling ones "automatic" body
functions, which are not consciously controlled. These functions include heart rate, blood
pressure, digestion, dilation and constriction of the pupils of the eye, kidney function, and, as is
the focus of our project, temperature control. Our project is a temperature regulator made for
people whose bodies cannot feel or react to temperatures on their own. A heating/cooling pad is
placed on each wrist, as well as an infrared temperature sensor on the forehead. The sensors
pick up on abnormal body temperature, and tell the pads to respond accordingly. For instance, if
the device sensed that the body is becoming too hot, it would begin to cool the body.
Alternatively, if it were to sense that that the body is becoming too cold, it would heat up to
return body temperature to normal. The device is strategically placed on the wrists so that it can
alter the temperature of the entire bloodstream from only one area on the body. Incorporated
into our project is a GSM Shield along with an AT&T prepaid Sim card. This will ensure that if
the temperature of the wearer becomes alarmingly hot or cold, a text message will automatically
be sent whoever the user chooses. For example; the wearer, someone with him or her, or if
necessary, emergency paramedics. This feature will act as a fallback in order to keep the user
completely safe, even in situations such as the temperature regulator not working or the
temperatures being too extreme to moderate.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Simcha Feldman
Dov Greenwood
Jared Jacobowitz
More than fifty million Americans are affected by arthritis, and about twelve thousand new cases
of spinal cord injury occur each year. What these two ailments have in common, and have in
common with numerous other diseases and injuries, is that they can cause muscle weakness,
specifically in one of the most important parts of the body: the hand. For this reason, we are
creating the G.R.A.M., or Grip and Release Assist Mechanism. The device is a Lego-assembled
and 3D-printed exoskeleton to assist the wearer with opening and closing their hand so that
they can grip and release items. With this capability, they can independently perform important
tasks such as pouring a cup of water, or picking up a phone. The Arduino will pick up the
wearer’s weak movements using flex sensors and amplify them by using servo motors to bend
the fingers.
Healthy Heart Workout Shirt
Yisroel Solomon
Isaac Laifer
The Healthy Heart Workout Shirt is a workout shirt that analyzes your heart rate and muscle
intensity during a workout. This shirt contains an ear-clip pulse sensor, which calculates your
heart rate. the heart rate is then used to print something on an lcd display on the shirt. For
example, if your heart rate is too high, the arduino will print on the lcd display: "Slow down...
take a break." The second part of this project includes the muscle sensor. This sensor will
measure the voltage being exerted by a targeted muscle, and the voltage will be used to
determine if the muscle is being overworked or if it's not being worked hard enough. If the
muscle is being worked with too much intensity, a red light will blink. Conversely, if the muscle is
not being worked with enough intensity, a green light will blink. When the muscle is being
worked with the perfect intensity, no light will blink. This shirt can help anyone have a healthy
and ideal workout by keeping track of the user's heart rate and muscle intensity.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Maya Greenbaum
Madison Fischman
Yehuda Waitman
HeartBeats is an innovative project which utilizes a heart rate monitor in order to perform a
series of tasks based on a person’s heart rate. The main purpose of HearBeats is to
automatically play a song which corresponds to the heart rate of an individual. For example: If a
sprinter is wearing our HeartBeats device, HeartBeats will determine the heart rate of the
sprinter and select a fast paced song for the sprinter to listen to while he/she is exercising.
Conversely, HeartBeats can also be used a warning system by alerting someone who has a
dangerously high heart rate, by playing a slow paced song. HeartBeats is also capable of
controlling the speed of a treadmill based on an individual’s heart rate to help pace a runner,
and can display all of the pieces of information it is gathering on an LCD display.
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Movie Seat Finder
Jonathan Aranoff
Eliana Feigenblum
Asaf Miller
If you have ever been late to the movies, then you know how hard it is to find a seat in the dark.
Our Movie Seat Finder provides the perfect solution. Our seat finder is equipped with a light on
each seat so that when you come in late, you know where there are open seats. When you sit
down the light goes off, indicating that seat is no longer available. Once the previews are over
all lights go off.
Gregory Presser
Benjy Katz
Zechariah Hahn
Our project is called PainterBot+. It is a semi-automatic robot, that allows the user to draw using
only a joystick. This is important because it allows users with any type of muscle disorder or the
elderly to express their artistic creativity easily. This is made possible by two motors that spin
threaded rods which are connected to nuts. The motors can spin in proportion with the
movement of the joystick. When the threaded rods turn, the guider can move up and down both
the x and y axis. This allows users to access all points on the canvas. There are
interchangeable markers connected to these guiders, which allows users to draw. We hope that
our project will have a positive impact on society.
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Personal Escort
Jon Katzman
Judah Adler
Noah Greenblatt
For most people, walking up a flight of stairs isn’t the most enjoyable task. Now imagine a
person that has a physical disability that requires them to use a walker. For them, lugging their
walker up the stairs is now considered a feat. Our group’s goal is to make “the walker life”
easier and more pleasant.
Using the vast amount of technology at our disposal, we intend to make a series of
improvements to our walker. The most prominent feature will be the “steps mechanism”. The
mechanism will be focused around two stepper motors with built in gearboxes, place on the
front legs of the walker. We are crafting a 4-toothed wooden gear that will slide right on to the
shaft of our motor. The user will simply line up the walker with a step, and then he/she will
press a button. This causes it to rotate the gear, so it will cling the walker to each step, and
then propel it up the step. Now all the user must do is support the back legs.
In addition to our staircase mechanism, we also intend to create a device that will notify the user
if he/she is walking with improper balance. Common consequence of poor walker use is traced
back to walking unbalanced. Therefore, we will use a pressure sensor on each handle that will
state the amount of pressure on each side. If one side is significantly greater than the other, an
LCD screen will tell the user to try and straighten out.
If time allows, our group wants to add some other features to our walker to make their
use more pleasant. The first feature would be a tool that will sense the brightness of the
walkers surroundings, and if the lighting is low, then two headlights will turn on to light up the
way. The other possible mechanism would use temperature sensors that will notify a series of
lightweight fans when it is too hot.
These improvements will make life easier and more pleasant while, and after, using a walker.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Ray Katz
Yanni Shulman
Dana Waitman
Crosswalks can be very dangerous especially when the oncoming cars are obstructed to
someone standing at the crosswalk. We invented a device that can be implemented in
crosswalks, to make them much safer. Using two force sensors installed in a road at a specified
distance apart, we'll calculate the rate of a car. An LCD by the crosswalk will then display how
much time it will be until a car passes the crosswalk. This will allow any person who wants to
cross the street, to know exactly how much time he has to cross and whether it will be safe to
cross the street.
Gabe Mehler
Moshe Shoenfeld
Noam Kuritzky
One of the worst feelings in the world is finding your lost wallet to find out you've been robbed,
or better yet, not even finding your lost wallet with so many of your important valuables inside!
For our SafeWallet, there is a fingerprint scanner that controls a servo motor which now locks
and unlocks any wallet. The scanner is attached to a breadboard to: ground, 5v, and then two
input pins for the Arduino code. If the correct/ owners fingerprint has been placed, the wallet
simply unlocks, rotating the heavy duty servo motor. In addition, inside the wallet is a "tile"
piece, which is synced to an iPhone app on our phones which tracks the wallet when lost! Now
all those valuables are all nice and secure, in the SafeWallet!
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Smart Signer
Bracha Getter
Daniel Koenig
Samuel Friedman
The Smart Signer is a brilliant new gadget that has the potential to change how the hearing
impaired communicate with the world. It detects and interprets sign language into verbal
communication and text.
Through the use of flex sensors, the Smart Signer is able to detect changes in hand positions.
By monitoring and mapping the data, the glove can determine which letters or words are being
signed. Once the micro-controller built into the glove determines what is being signed, it then
prints out the letters or words onto an LCD screen. In addition to being printed, sequences of
frequencies were programmed into a chip that will enable a robotic voice to verbally project the
letters or words.
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Smart Walker
Justin Sohn
Isabelle Selter
Harry Kramer
Our project is the Smart Walker. We did 3 things to enhance the standard medical walker. First
we added distance sensors to the legs of the walker, which measure how many inches are
between the walker and an object. These are connected to wireless transceivers that send that
data to another arduino. If the walker is within 3 inches of another object, then 2 vibration
motors on the handles of the walker turn on. Another added feature is the force sensors on the
handles. The sensors detected how much force is being applied to your back. The amount
recorded is printed on the LCD screen informing the patient if too much pressure is being
exerted, causing pain on the patients back. There is also a temperature sensor, which tracks the
patient’s body temperature. With these improvements, the patient’s quality of life will be
Andrew Denis
Braeden Badner
The SmartLight is a new system that can turn lights on and off automatically. It uses a PIR
motion sensor to turn on the lights whenever anything within its twenty foot range moves. Do
you move in your sleep? Not a problem! The SmartLight has a built in clock with changeable
"lock" hours where it wont pick up any movement, allowing complete darkness when you sleep.
The SmartLight is a cheap, easy to use system that would be a perfect addition to any home.
Technological Terrarium
Sam Lipschitz
Aliza Sperber
Daveed Stern Storch
Zachary Rosenblatt
Growing plants is hard. With the
technological terrarium, growing
plants is easy. The technological
terrarium monitors the soil moisture
and waters the plant when the soil
is dry. The pH of the water is
measured so that no dangerous
substances enter your plant. It also
provides the ideal amount of
sunlight per day for the plant. A fan
circulates air so the plant has fresh
Terrarium growing plants is easy!
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Gabrielle Safier
Atara Schulhof
The Tempo-Shoe, a shoe with the ability to detect temperature, changes the temperature in
your shoe in order to maintain homeostasis. It detects the presence of a foot in the shoe, then
reads its temperature and acts accordingly. The goal is to keep the temperature of the foot
consistent at a comfortable temperature. If the foot is too warm, a cooling system cools it down,
or if the foot is too cold, a heating system warms it up, until it reaches the right temperature. If
you're feet have ever been too hot or too cold, and you needed a change in temperature, then
this is the shoe for you!
The Baby Buddy
Andrew Wolf
Leo Ottensoser
Jonathan Galandauer
Drowning, which is more common than one would anticipate, threatens the lives of small
toddlers daily. Toddlers can be at serious risk if they slip and end up in the pool with no parents
witnessing this. To prevent this, our device will be a water sensor and a sweat sensor attached
to a toddler, by an armband, and will use a transmitter to send the information gathered by the
sensors to another arduino that is with the parents.
The system works as the two sensors are on the baby connected by an armband. They collect
information and whenever the water sensor picks up a specific amount of information the
transmitter will send the information to another arduino that is with the parents and a loud
speaker will go off so that the parent is aware that their kid is in danger of drowning. The skin
sensor does the same process, accept a low sensor is off, to differentiate the two sensors, and
the parent will know that their child is dehydrated. The device will help parents keep their
toddlers safe if anything bad could happen to them.
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The Claw
Elliot Bareket
David Lifschitz
Our project is The Claw. The Claw will serve as a hand in places that are hazardous or not
possible for humans. It is controlled wirelessly in order for it to be controlled by doctors to give
something like medicine or food to patients who have been contaminated. How it works is that
an accelerometer is placed on the doctor who is controlling the claw. He then is able to move
the car attached using buttons to move around, and then uses an accelerometer in order to
move the claw up and down, respective to the movement of the user, and to open and close the
actual claw attached.
Another purpose it has is that it can be used to take samples of things in toxic environments.
The Claw is a new revolutionary tool for the field of medicine and the development of safety and
comfort in hospital environments.
The Medicine Watch
Michael Bergstein
Ben Brody
Aaron Lemmer
The Medicine Watch is the best way to remind people to take their pills. It uses motor
technology, transceivers and a clock chip to dispense the amount of medicine a person would
need at the time they would need it. The Medicine Watch is made of two different systems, the
box and the watch. The box uses servo motors to dispense the proper amount of medicine. With
its built in clock chip, it only dispenses pills at the proper time. The watch is stylish and
comfortable. Using transceivers, it receives information from the box and is able to display on its
LCD screen the time of day and how many pills the person should take. A slight vibration will be
felt when it is time for someone to take their pills. With the Medicine Watch, no one will forget to
take their pills ever again!
Simon Morgenstern
Zachary Sklar
Deborah Greenfield
The NO-Ump is a arduino project that will change baseball forever. The NO-Ump will eliminate
human error, and is completely precise and automatic. The NO-Ump is made up of a string of
ultrasonic distance sensors inside a MLB regulation sized home plate. When a baseball is
thrown, the sensors will see the ball and the arduino will process that information and will light
up a green LED indicating a strike or will light up a red LED indicating a ball.
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The Pacimeter
Katie Matofsky
Alyssa Semmelman
Ayala Stone
Currently, the only way to measure a baby’s temperature causes discomfort to the baby.
Therefore, we decided to create the Pacimeter. Our device uses a waterproof temperature
sensor, located inside the pacifier, to measure the temperature and display it on an LCD screen.
If the baby has a fever, a red LED will turn on; if the baby has a temperature within a normal
range, a green LED will turn on. Another feature of the Pacimeter is a speaker which plays
calming music to lull the baby back to sleep or to provide entertainment. The most distinguishing
aspect of our project corresponds with the speaker. At certain points during the song,
illuminated pushbuttons will light up creating visual effects for the baby, who will then have to
press the buttons to turn off the lights and continue the game. To “wrap it up,” we will be placing
all of the circuitry inside of a stuffed animal in order to protect the child from the wires and to
make our device more appealing to the consumer
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The Slouching Solution
Julia Reichel
Malka Iskowitz
Rebecca Barel
We are trying to prevent bad posture and alleviate backache caused by carrying a heavy
backpack. Using transceivers, we plan to alert a person to fix his posture or remove heavy items
out of his bag, by having flex and pressure sensors send signals to turn on vibrators and LEDs.
These sensors are attached to a simple and lightweight vest . When the user's back is bent due
to slouching or too much weight on his shoulders', the vibrators and LEDs will turn on. Our
project will keep people’s backs intact!
The Sun Watch
Gabriella Wolf
David Zenou
Gavriel Brody
Everybody believes that you only have to apply sunscreen once a day and you are good to go.
Actually, sunscreen last for only a certain amount of time depending on the SPF of the
sunscreen and the sun exposure. We made a bracelet that senses how much UV light you are
exposed and determines how much time you can stay outside until you get burnt. Then,
depending on how much SPF your sunscreen is, the bracelet will determine how much time you
have until you have to reapply. The bracelet will calculate when you have to put on sunscreen
and it will vibrate to notify the wearer. This will help remind people that wearing sunscreen is
imperative and that you have to reapply more than you think.
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The Traveling Robot Problem
Akiva Lipshitz
Ilan Katz
Our project demonstrates an autonomous robotic vehicle that is capable of finding its way to all
the locations in a queue, starting from any point in a maze. This project solves (albeit not most
efficiently given that the problem is computationally complex), a special case of the travelling
salesman problem where crows path is substituted with the winding path of a completely foreign
We’ve built a genetic-pathfinding algorithm that allows our robot to concurrently and
systematically find its way through its foreign locale and optimize it’s journey including with data
of where its previously been, so that its total travel length is as short as possible.
Our robot is outfitted with rangefinders that feed it with 360 degree data its environment, and an
accelerometer and gyroscope so it can more precisely be aware of its own position in the maze.
Some updates we have in mind include support for simultaneous navigation of multiple robots in
the same maze, data sharing between those robots, more sophisticated scenarios within the
maze and more sophisticated algorithms.
Aaron Abecassis
Levi Globus
Sara Knoll
Using accelerometers, rf transmitters, an LCD screen, arduinos and a power supply, The EnForce-Er, installed in a football helmet lets you play while staying safe. The accelerometer we
are using acts as a 3D graph in which we can tell the values of the x, y,and z axis. Using the
Pythagorean Theorem, the accelerometer calculates the acceleration on each axis. When
someone is hit, they accelerate at a faster rate. Depending on the level of impact, the rf
transmitter in the helmet sends a signal to another rf transmitter connected to a LCD screen.
The coach will look at the screen and be notified which player was hit and how hard he was hit.
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Weapon Protection System
Ayden Shankman
Ayal Ritvo
The Weapon Protection System (W.P.S.) is a security system for guns. It includes a
Breathalyzer, (attached to a humidity sensor) a Fingerprint Scanner, and a Servo Motor. The
Fingerprint Sensor makes sure the gun is being held by its registered owner and the Servo
motor blocks the trigger. This prevents guns from being used if stolen which leads to casualties.
The W.P.S. will save lives and prevent injuries from stolen guns and intoxicated users.
Wheel Chairiot
Benjamin Barth
Avi Nat
Zack Fishman
Over two million people in the United States require the use of wheelchairs to move about on a
daily basis. The elderly and those with the inability to move their arms cannot physically spin
the wheels of a wheelchair to move or turn. Those who can use their arms but not their legs,
such as those with leg or foot injuries or those paralyzed from the waist down, often suffer
shoulder injuries from excessive use of the arms to turn the wheels. The Wheel Chairiot fixes
this problem by using only the movement of the head to adjust the turning angle of the
wheelchair. A magnet is attached to the chin of the wearer and a triple axis magnetometer is
clipped to the top of the wearer’s shirt. When the head turns, the readings from the triple axis
magnetometer will change. Based on these readings, the wheelchair will turn in the direction
and angle that is necessary. The prototype built uses a small robotic car to act as the
wheelchair and an H-bridge to control which wheel turns and in which way it turns. This device
will prevent further discomfort and improve the daily lives of those who require the use of a
Whiplash Detection
Jacob Brennan
Jake Lebovitch
Yonatan Potash
Whiplash Detection is a project meant to enhance the safety capabilities of any vehicle that
could induce whiplash. The technology is really quite simple, whilst still providing a reliable
safety capability. The measurements are taken during the impact when the accident happens,
and the translated information is sent to a microchip. The microchip then takes the translated
information, exports it to an LCD screen, and the possibility of whiplash is presented to the
driver. This invention addresses a real, common problem that is ignored, and could be a
standard in all automobiles in the future.
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Avery Penn
Daniel Mazover
Elliot Meyers
Deaf people cannot detect many warnings, like fire alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, burglar
alarms, and doorbells. This makes it very hard for a deaf person to live independently. It is
necessary to create a reliable notification, alerting the user of danger and waking him up if need
We are using a sound sensor to detect the various alarms, and a pressure sensor to detect if
someone is at the door. These sensors send the values to our wristband wirelessly via a
transceiver. The wristband, operated by an Arduino Nano, has several ways of notifying the
wearer. It triggers a vibrating motor disc, flashes an LED, and describes the event on an LCD
We hope to make the lives of many hearing impaired people easier and safer with our project.
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Fridge Pad
Golda Och Academy
Matt Friedman
Sophia Heimowitz
Ben Moses
Have you ever been preparing food, when you realize that you don’t have a crucial ingredient?
You now have to stop cooking, run to the store and buy more. Fridge Pad attempts to eliminate
these last minute runs to the supermarket by informing you that you need more of a certain
The Fridge Pad is a user-friendly technology that alerts users when food stores are getting low.
The prototype contains pressure sensors that will detect the weight of the food placed on it, and
compares it to its original weight (at full capacity). As it decreases, an alert will be sent out
notifying you. The initial prototype will alert a computer. In the future we would like to expand
creating an app that will let you pre-order your food from major brand stores.
The prototype will provide an easy, efficient method of restocking and keeping track of food
quantities. The model will demonstrate aspects of our intended model with a few limitations.
While our final intention is to enable the components to work in all conditions and spaces, we
are currently working on creating an out-of-fridge model. The goal is to ease the future of food
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Golda Och Academy
Nesya Nelkin
Etai Barash
Imagine you are rushing to accomplish a few tasks before heading to work when you find
yourself stuck in a long, slow moving line and now worry that will make you late. Now imagine
you are an employee at a store filled with irritated and stressed people, and though you are
working very quickly your equipment is not. Neither situation sounds like a desirable one, but
both are common due to inefficient designs in various areas of life.
Our project tackles the problem of inefficiency in dry-cleaning stores by making it easier to find a
specific garment quickly, at the push of a button.
To solve this problem we used RFID technology. RFID tags are attached to each garment. To
get a specific garment to the desired location, the number of the tag on that garment is entered
into a keypad. This tells the reader to search for that tag, and signals to the motor controlling the
rack to turn on, until the tag is within range of the reader and is sensed by it. At this point the
garment will be at the correct location, and the motor will stop.
Our prototype will demonstrate how a completed version of the project would help to make
organization in dry cleaning stores more efficient. The prototype, however, is in no way a
completed product, but rather a proof of concept device. Actual application would require a
reader with larger range and the ability to program a higher number of tags.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Smart Gun
Golda Och Academy
Carly Paternite
Aryeh Lande
Gur Adiel
In America today there are nearly 300 million firearms. These guns can be used for defensive
purposes, but they are frequently fired unintentionally. By utilizing new technologies that
enhance gun safety, accidental deaths can easily be avoided. As a result, we took it upon
ourselves to design a cheaper, more efficient smart gun that has the potential to save lives. Our
smart gun will utilize a sensor to restrict the circumstances in which the gun can be fired. We
decided a good way to approach this was by using RFID technology with an arduino. A
waterproof wristband with an RFID sensor will be worn by the gun owner, and the RFID receiver
will be on the gun. Additionally, the gun will utilize a solenoid to act as the safety. When the
RFID sensor comes near the receiver, the solenoid will open, signaling that the gun can fire.
This will provide security, as no one but the gun’s owner will be able to fire the gun. In the
future we would like to expand our idea by being able to alert the owner’s phone that their gun
has been stolen. Once they get the notification they will be able to shut off the gun from afar.
This technology will prevent more accidental deaths, provide more security and create a safer
society for everybody, gun owners and the general public alike.
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The Learning Guitar
Golda Och Academy
Yoni Arieh
Lara Brown
Mikayla Spierer
For a beginner playing guitar, learning how to play favorite songs can be difficult. This can
discourage many students, and drive them away from learning how to play the instrument. The
goal of our project is to make learning guitar easier and more enjoyable. We chose this project
because music is important to us, and we wanted more people to be able to play instruments.
We want to create a program for a guitar that will recognize a note played on one guitar and
light up that note on the fretboard of another guitar. This will make it easier for students to learn
how to play songs. Our plan is to use a piezo pickup to receive the frequencies of the notes
being played from the teaching guitar. These frequencies will then be sent through a capacitor
in order to filter out all other notes except for the dominant one. An LED corresponding to the
note played will then light up on the learning guitar. Because this is just a proof-of-concept, we
are striving for the program to be able to filter one note. However, in a completed prototype it
would be able to successfully recognize an entire song and be able to accurately light up the
notes on the fretboard. Recognizing a string of notes is more difficult because the notes overlap,
making it harder to distinguish individual frequencies. For this reason, our project will be
focusing on picking up single notes and staccato melodies.
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The Roduster
Golda Och Academy
Emily Saperstein
Ben Kubany
Alex Beigelman
As teenagers, we must all do chores assigned to us by our parents. We all grew up in houses
where parents made us clean our rooms, dust the shelves, or do laundry. Nowadays, there are
devices that make these jobs easier: washing machines, vacuums, and most recently automatic
vacuum robots. For dusting shelves, however, not many efficient products currently exist. In
order to clean a shelf you must clean around everything on it or take everything off the shelf and
then clean it. These methods are annoying and time consuming, so we created a product to fix
these problems.
Our project, the Roduster, will solve this problem by traveling along a shelf, or other small
space, and clean it without falling off. Using two proximity sensors, the device will be
programmed to move until it is a certain distance away from a wall or edge and then it will turn
to another direction and repeat the same process until it has traveled around the entire area.
Our prototype will consist of two treads with wheels and DC motors attached to make it move.
Sticky material will be attached to each tread so that as they move, this sticky material will pick
up dirt from the shelf. We are also going to attach two brushes placed together in a "V" shape in
between the treads. These brushes will push the dirt that the treads might otherwise miss to the
sides so that they can pick it up.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Crack the Cramps
Emily Eisman
Madison Hamada
Michael Rosner
The name of our project is called Crack the Cramps. Our objective in this experiment is to help
relieve the pain that cramps cause by using a massage belt. Cramps are our bodies’ response
to performing anaerobic respiration and occur due to the buildup of lactic acid. The massage
belt has EMG (Electromyography) sensors, called electrodes, attached to it that detect muscle
tightening that may lead to cramps. We programmed the electrodes through Arduino to detect
muscle contraction; when it reaches a certain measure, electrical signals are sent to a relay
switch, indicating when the massage belt should turn on and off. Once the muscle tension
decreases, an electrical signal will be sent through the relay switch to turn off the massage belt.
This is helpful for us for many reasons. When the massage belt is on, it will alleviate and loosen
the muscle tension, pain and discomfort. This is beneficial for those who exercise because it
won’t let the discomfort of the cramps stop you from working out, the massage belt will resolve
that pain for you. It is also hands-free so you don’t need to put any effort into making the
massage belt work, it will go on its own when muscles begin to cramp. Another plus to this is
that it is extremely comfortable and can be used on many parts of your body. With this project,
we are sure that you will be able to crack your cramps in no time! (Besides, who doesn’t love a
good massage?)
The BioArm
Jordan Veg
Ari Gil
The Bionic Arm, or BioArm, is a potential start of therapeutic exoskeletal technology. This
particular model is designed for the aid of people with deficiencies in their arms. The BioArm’s
design is simple, effective, and cost efficient. It is composed of a metal frame made of scrap
metal, a couple of pressure sensors, two worm gear boxes, and velcro to keep it snug on the
individuals arm. The main function of the Arm is to assist people with basic motor functions: for
example, lifting one’s arm to reach for something, picking up a book, or simply lifting a cup to
on’s own mouth to get a refreshing sip of coffee in the morning. The BioArm does this by
utilizing the pressure sensors to tell when there is a change in pressure along the side of the
frame that the wearer is pushing their arm, then this information is relayed back to the Arduino
which, in turn, tells the worm gear to start spinning, assisting the wearer in his or her movement.
One of the advantages of using a worm gear, rather than any other type of motor system is that
worm gears can only be pushed in the direction they are told to go. Meaning, when the wearer
is not moving his or her arm, the BioArm acts as a cast, holding the damaged limb in place,
keeping it out of harms way. The Arm will, obviously, see most use in the field of physical
therapy, where doctors could utilize this technology to speed up the healing process for patients
who, for example, have just come out of surgery, or have diseases like Multiple sclerosis, and
any other disorder or disease which may cause people to need some form of assistance. The
BioArm will hopefully inspire the next generation of therapeutic technology.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Hurricane House
Jonah Maryles
Leora Schwadron
Rachel Canter
It’s been over two years since Hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast, damaging hundreds of
houses. To prevent similar irreversible damage from ever happening again, we have come up
with a model of a Hurricane Proof House. We have brought several different components
together to create a house that can very well withstand a hurricane or storm. A water filter
collects rain water and makes it usable and drinkable, while an aerodynamic roof blocks strong
winds. An elevated base keeps the house from flooding, and triangle- shaped tresses made out
of strong materials create a stable and secure inside structure. A full size version of this model
with better materials could, during the next big storm, prevent thousands of people from losing
their homes.
Kenny Scheer
Eric Lenefsky
Eran Vaknin
The problem that we have come across is that taking out the garbage can be time consuming.
In order to fix this problem we have made a SmartGarbage. The goal of our project is to have
the garbage can make its way to the curb by itself at the time of the weekly garbage pickup. To
achieve our goal we have taken a garbage can and attached motorized wheels so it can move
and a supersonic sensor to make sure it avoids any obstacle in its path. We hope that this
innovation can make life easier for all people on a weekly basis.
Rebound Robot
Doron Arastehmanesh
Jonathan Setareh
The problem that we wanted to accomplish in our project was to show how it is difficult to get
the ball to return to a person since a person uses a lot of power and energy to get the ball back
for a rebound. As a result, the technology that we created is able to achieve this difficulty for all
people that live with this trouble on their hands. This robot has the ability to take care of
people’s problems of an everyday situation for those who are in love with the sport, basketball.
Nowadays, often most adults and children are never outside to enjoy a hot summer day to their
health benefit. In the project, our robot with human qualities is able to pick up the ball with its
grasp hands and sensors that can get the ball and return to the person who attempted the shot
in our closed off basketball court. Therefore, the solution to this problem can help people’s lives
and can greatly affect their health by allowing the idea of keeping their interests of not only
playing sports like basketball but the act of exercise to be to a much more liking. For that
reason, the problem we wanted to solve was how a person can stay outside and to continue to
play and exercise more than they usually would do.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Smart Pill Bottle
Matthew Rosenberg
Josh Barzideh
Vanessa Roga
Our project is designed to be a multi-functional Smart Pill Bottle. It can pair with your
phone to send reminders to its users at designated times. In addition, it has a safety feature in
which it will only open at the proper times. It will only open when the designated RFID card is
present. If the designated card is not present the pill bottle will remain locked. Giving a nurse or
specified aid this card will ensure that the helper will be the only one with access to the
medication of the patient. This feature will also help prevent addicts from abusing their
prescribed dosage of medication. This can also be useful for Alzheimers patients and other
patients with mental diseases who may have forgotten if they have taken their medicine
previously and prevent them from taking it again. Another *exciting* feature of the Smart Pill
Bottle is that it will send notifications to your cellular device reminding you to take your medicine
at the appropriate time of day. This will be helpful to remind nurses and aids as to when to
distribute the medicine to their patients. This will also be beneficial to those who simply forget to
take their medication. The Smart Pill Bottle will revolutionize the distribution of medication for all.
The Laundro-Bot
Michal Kaufman
Dahlia Schwartz
Carrying laundry from the laundry room all the way to the bedrooms is both heavy and time
consuming. We built a machine that carries laundry baskets from the laundry room to the
bedrooms. It operates on a motor and a skid-steer. Using ultra sonic sensors to follow the wall
and RFID tags to find the destinations, the machine will be able to carry the laundry to each
Goal Line Technology for Hockey
Tzivia Appleman
Jacob Mermelstein
In the sport of hockey, sometimes it is difficult to determine whether or not the ball has entered
the net. So, our project consists of new goal line technology for hockey. To accomplish this, we
will make a model of half of a hockey court, including a net, a goal line, and a ball. The goal line
will contain RFID tags, sensors, on either side, which will determine if the ball has entered the
net. This ball will also contain an RFID tag. Additionally, we will be using a program called
OneSheeld, which is an Arduino shield connected to an Android phone. This phone will be
connected to the hockey net by being placed on a stand, which will sit on top of the hockey net.
By means of the phone and OneSheeld, an alarm will sound when the ball has entered the net.
All of the components of our project will be interconnected, to ensure our project’s success.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Cleanliness Confirmation System
Michelle Hoch
Jonathan Ossip
Eitan Ezor
The goal of the Cleanliness Confirmation System is to ensure the health and safety of
immunocompromised patients. The product ensures that doctors wash their hands with soap
and water. The product was developed after the Ebola outbreak in 2014. The product works
with the use of specially designed wearable RFID tag bracelet. Attached to the bracelet is an
RFID tag. When the doctor reaches to use soap, the RFID will register that the doctor used
soap. This step is necessary for the water to turn on. The Cleanliness Confirmation System
ensures that the doctor’s hands were washed when the light connects with an LDR. The RFID
bracelet will also register that water was used. When the doctor goes to treat the patient, there
is an additional measure of sterility insured to the patient. The Cleanliness Confirmation System
is a product directed to hospitals. In the event that a patient makes claims that they became sick
due to improper doctor hygiene, the Cleanliness Confirmation System can provide the logged
data in support of their doctors.
The Anti-Tipper
Dov Stochel
Cole Schneider
Orel Gamliel
The Anti-Tipper is designed to sense when a bus is about to roll over and stop it before
any damage occurs. The way the Anti-Tipper senses the bus’s inevitable roll is by the use of an
accelerometer. An accelerometer is an angle measuring device that is commonly found in
game controllers and smart phones. The use of the accelerometer is to sense the angle of the
bus and adjust a counterweight accordingly. The way the counter weight is moved is by an arm
attached to two medium strength servos that are signaled by the accelerometer when it senses
the bus may tip. The moveable weight creates a counterforce and prevents the bus from rolling
over. We have also geared the servos down to create more torque so that the weight will move
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Automatic Plant Watering System
Amanda Schorr
Sarah Kopyto
Hannah Hirsch
Plant maintenance is time absorbent and often creates inconveniences. Problems can arise
when one cannot be present at the required times to water the plant, so frequently, people are
faced with the task of finding one responsible enough to water their plant for the specific period
of time needed. In addition to these issues, people often unintentionally make the mistake of
providing water for their plant when the sun is at its maximum elevation or its light rays are the
most powerful. This can pose a major problem due to the fact that high temperature levels (of
sunlight) tend to cause evaporation of moisture. For instance, one watering one’s plant in the
late morning would be ineffective considering evaporation would likely occur around noon, thus
defeating the purpose of watering the plant prior to evaporation. In response to this common
issue, we have designed an automatic plant-watering system that will effectively water plants
according to their specific needs. We incorporated a soil moisture sensor utilized to determine
whether or not the plant is in need of moisture which will then activate an ultraviolet sensor to
establish when the plant should be given water. Depending on the UV sensor’s results, a valve
will be switched on, releasing an adequate amount of water into the plant’s soil. This design is
aimed to make plant care easier as well as more efficient and precise.
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Eagle Eye Hockey
Adam Frenkel
Andrew Gottfried
Rami Libkind
Do YOU like hockey? Do YOU want to be the next pro hockey player? If you answered yes to
both of these, but don't like to practice the old fashion way, now theres a new way, a better way,
to become a pro hockey player! Our product uses a servo monitor and three pressure sensors
to make sure that your aim is on point. We use the servo to move an arm with a target to the top
left, top right, and the 5 hole. There are also two more plates in the bottom two corners for extra
practice. When the arm stops in each spot lights turn on and after 60 seconds the lights turn off,
the arm moves, and the lights turn on a different target. YOUR GOAL IS TO HIT THE TARGET
BEFORE THE TIME RUNS OUT. Come to our project, and you'll be the next great hockey
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Eye Buddy
Joelle Vilinsky
Josef Kahn
Jeremy Rubenstein
The Eye Buddy is a way for the blind people of the world to get around town without the need
for walking canes or seeing-eye dogs. It harnesses Bluetooth technology in correlation with
Android Lollipop 4.0 and up, along with a series of visual sensors set all around the blind
person. The revolutionary Eye Buddy will tell you if something's in your way, and you can even
program directions into it. There's no need to fear-The Eye Buddy is here.
Gila Schein
Alison Kanefsky
Emily Kornblum
uForget. iRemember. People forget things every single day. Our invention will prevent all future
uForgets. These vary from person to person, but common uForgets include phones, keys,
wallets, etc. Using an RFID and our hard-core coding skills, we were able to create the
iRemember. RFID tags come in many different shapes and sizes for your convenience such as
stickers, cards, and keychains. After placing RFID tags with all potential uForgets, the RFID
sensor will detect if you’re missing any of these important daily essentials before you leave your
Pill Pal
Hila Benshetrit
Shoshana Wallach
A pill case that has an alarm to remind the forgetful and the elderly to take their medication. The
pill case rings every 24 hours at fixed times throughout the day, so the user will take their pills at
the appropriate time.This project is needed because there are many individuals who have
Alzheimer's Disease which causes them to be forgetful. Many people take pills at different times
even though it should be taken at very specific times to process in your body.
This can be very useful in an elderly care facility, so that the elderly can be responsible to take
their pills to work on strengthening their minds.The case was made through Tinkercad using a
3-D printer. A clock module is also incorporated in this project so that the case can be used for
the fixed time.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Colin Roberts
Colin Roberts
The Pollutabot is designed to address the major dilemma of monitoring and reporting pollution in
the air. The Pollutabot achieves this goal by using a temperature and humidity sensor and a gas
sensor that senses the levels of Methane Gas, Butane Gas, and Smog in the ambient air. The
Pollutabot is tethered to a weather buoy, or any other type of buoy, by a chain, and is placed in
an ocean, or other body of water. The gas concentration data is sent to a computer on shore,
so that a scientist can analyze the data. The whole project is currently powered by a 6 volt
battery pack, but can be powered by a 6 Volt, 2 Watt solar panel. This project is advantageous
over current methods and systems, in that it is more efficient, less expensive, and is more
logistically smart than its competitors.
Posture Polisher
Rachel Sacks
William Silber
Marc Gottlieb
Our invention uses an accelerometer to detect the position of one’s shoulder in relation to the
ground. It determines the angle that the body is tilted at and sends the data to the arduino nano.
The arduino then uses that data to determine whether or not the individual is slouching based
on if the angle is or is not at the angle that it is supposed to be. We will standardize the correct
angle representing proper posture. If the arduino detects that the person is slouching then it tells
the vibrating motor to vibrate informing the
wearer of the shoulder belt that he/she is
slouching telling him/her to fix it.
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Smart Attendance
Menashe Oved
Israel Lallouz
Joel Feinberg
In our project, Smart Attendance, we addressed the common deficiencies with the current class
attendance system in order to make the classroom more efficient. Some of the flaws with the
current system are: teachers wasting class-time taking attendance instead of doing his/her job,
teaching. Since teachers are only human, it is common for them to make mistakes while taking
attendance. There are many cases where a student was late to class, but was marked absent
by the teacher. Common mistakes like these can tarnish a students records. the new system
that we created works like the following: Every student is provided with a RFID Tag and it is his
responsibility not to lose it. When he comes to class he taps his tag on the reader, and then the
reader detects the RFID by its number, and the system correlates the number to the student’s
name that we have imputed and marks that he/she is present. Then a report of all the students
that were present or not is sent directly to the office.
Smart Sound
Chloe Gottlieb
Ilan Karasanti
Our project is a speaker that changes its volume based upon a number of factors. These factors
include the amount of noise in a room and how close one is standing to the speaker. We
decided to build this speaker because people tend to listen to music at an unhealthy volume.
This project helps to regulate that. The materials we used to build it varied from sensors (such
as the ultrasonic distance sensor and a sound sensor) to an MP3 shield, which interacts with
our code by changing the volume to suit the conditions. Additionally, we built a case to hold our
project and amplify the sound using Tinkercad. Our project enables people to keep their hearing
from harm by keeping volume reasonable and safe.
Tech Boot
Jennifer Moskowitz
Evie Blinder
Joshua Plaut
Many people around the world experience foot pain. We have invented a boot that pinpoints the
pressure you place on a certain point of your foot and measures that amount of pressure, using
pressure and force sensors, delivering that information to an LCD screen. The customer can
then read this information displayed on the LCD screen and solve their foot pain problems.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Gabriella Stein
Kyle Seidel
Gabriel Aspir
We made a robot named Tobor, that will solve many problems of today's security systems.
Tobor is able to sense objects in front of it and act upon it. Whether it be to turn around, if the
object is not moving like a wall, or if what it's sensing is moving, it can set off an alarm. Also
equipped to it, is a sound sensor, and if it detects glass-breaking, then it will also set off an
alarm. Some social problems this machine solves is it allows you to have less security guards,
who might fall asleep at their job, and this project will cost less to maintain than paying for night
watchers. Tobor is a revolutionary security robot that will be affordable and effective!
Joel Kalish
Aarons Mandel
Ace Erber
Our project, Train Gate, is a product that will save lives. It is a gate that will prevent people from
falling into the tracks at train stations. To make our product, we will make a miniature train
station with toy trains and tracks. We will incorporate two lasers and two photoresistors into our
project to determine if the train is stopping or going. If the train is not stopping, the gate will stay
up, if the train stops, a servomotor will bring the gate down. Our project is a substantial addition
to society and our Train Gate will save lives, one station at a time.
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Hillel Yeshiva
Joseph Betesh
Nathan Ades
Jonathan Parker
Have you ever left your light on over night, only to scream later on when you look at your
electric bill? Aurora makes sure you will never see an extra zero on your electric bill ever again.
By using infrared sensors, Aurora can detect when ever there is a person in the room. So when
someone walks in, Aurora will communicate with the lights in the room to turn on. The opposite
will occur when there is no one in the room, thus saving any unnecessary energy, but more
importantly money from your wallet. Moreover, to save even more money, Aurora can detect
how much sunlight is in a room, by using ultraviolet sensors. When Aurora detects that there is
a fair amount of sun light in a room, it will communicate to the lights in the room to dim. This
assures that you are never using any unnecessary energy.
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Clothing Matcher
Hillel Yeshiva
Jonathan Tuvy
Ruth Tawil
Albert Sitt
William Wasser
On a day to day basis, the fashion community comes across several criminals of the fashion
world. These “criminals” transgress no other law but to be fashion tasteless. Our solution is a
clothing matcher. This machine matches clothes with their complementary color counterpart,
and makes dressing in the morning easier for the color illiterate. Our machine does not only aid
for the fashion illiterate, but also the color-blind. Persons of this disability have the difficulty of
matching their day to day outfits, for they cannot match true colors to their complementary
Our machine takes an article of clothing and stores information about the pigments of
the article in a database, then the database uses a software to match the article of clothing with
its counterpart. The software uses a series of conditional statements which take data of one
article of clothing, then a stepper motor rotates a hanger until a complementary article is found
for the original article of clothing. Then the user removes the article matched, and BA BAM they
have a matching outfit.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Hillel Yeshiva
Max Leventer
Natania Birnbaum
Ben Albertson
Our project, entitled RoboSip, is a robotic instrument that will enable people to heat or cool their
beverages of any variety at the temperature that they desire. For example let’s say that
someone is driving to destination and get thirsty along the way. If it is cold outside, the driver
would want to heat up his/her beverage, and if it is hot outside, then the driver would prefer
his/her beverage to be cooler
People want their beverages to remain at a constant temperature while driving in their cars. For
this reason We will create a customizable-temperature cup holder a Peltier cooler and a heating
element to to control the temperature of the cup in the holder. We are hoping that our creation
will revolutionize people’s driving standards. We hope that this innovative product will change
the way people drink their beverages, FOREVER
We will build this by attaching the temperature sensor to the arduino and placing the heater on
the bottom and the coolers on the sides and inputting the temperature using the keypad.
Snow-Proof Roof
Hillel Yeshiva
Morris Ades
Rebecca Gartenberg
Steven Levy
During the 2015 winter season in New England, more than 70 roofs collapsed due to the heavy
accumulation of snow on roofs. These roof collapses can be life threatening. Our idea was to
make a heated, pressurized roof that would turn on when a certain amount of snow
accumulates. Based off of the IBHS (Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety)
guidelines, we found that at 20 pounds per square foot of snow, a roof has a good chance of
caving in. We also found that 10-12 inches of snow is around 1 inch of water, or 5 pounds of
force per square foot, which still, is not such a dangerous amount of force. Our product will
measure the force of snow on the roof, and automatically turn on a heating pad (underneath the
roof) to start melting the snow.
For our project, we took a copper shingle, and underneath it, placed a heating pad which
is connected to a pressure sensor. When it snows around a foot of snow, or 5 pounds per
square foot (which is somewhat dangerous), the heating pad would automatically turn on and
begin melting the snow. Sensor - Arduino - Heating pad.
Once snow is melted to a weight of under 5 pounds per square foot, the heating pad will
stop heating the roof to save money.
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SS Helmet
Hillel Yeshiva
Gabrielle Dwek
Juliet Nasar
Daniel Belote
There are 50,000 people who die from traumatic brain injury per year. Most of these
people were not wearing helmets, but even a helmet could not stop a concussion. The helmet’s
job is to protect the head from other injuries, such as preventing the head from splitting open,
but concussions happen when the brain is severely jostled within the head.
What makes the Safety Helmet so unique is that it will detect head injuries, mainly
concussions, and call the police & parents. This could improve the safety of many people riding
bicycles, skiing, and other situations in where they may be in danger of concussions.
The helmet would have push buttons to turn it on, so when you put it on your head, the
helmet turns on. It would have an accelerometer to see how severe the injury is. If the helmet
does not hit the ground severely, it will not make emergency calls. However, if the helmet does
hit the ground severely, it will place an emergency call to 911. To make the calls, the helmet
would need a RF transmitter and receiver for two-way communication. In order to communicate
with the operator, the helmet would require a speaker and a microphone. It would also need an
arduino board to control the RF transmitter, as well as a battery pack to power the helmet.
This invention could greatly reduce the number of deaths by traumatic head injuries
because people with head injuries would get to the hospital quicker than if they did not have this
helmet. The system could be placed in all types of helmets, from biking helmets to skydiving
The "NOMA" Mat
Hillel Yeshiva
Abe Jemal
Charlie Chomali
Robert Samuel
Have you ever had your dog need to go out to do its business and no one was around to
hear it? Until now, you would have a huge puddle flooding your expensive carpet. Finally comes
The "NOMA" Mat. Using precise pressure sensor technology, a SMS text or email straight to
your smartphone when your dog needs to go out. You no longer need to spend months trying to
train your dog to ring a bell. Absolutely no effort needed. Just place it down and leave it. Many
customizable colors and styles. This invention can ease the lives of many dog owners across
the world.
To complete this project, first the dog (who needs to go out to do its business) walks
onto the mat. A pressure sensor in the mat senses the weight difference and using the Arduino
paired with a WiFi shield, sends an email or a text to the owners phone, letting them know to let
the dog out, saving time and potential accidents.
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Ilan High School
Shelly Sutton
Rebecca Tawil
Sara Dweck
A teenage girl is sitting in her room with her headphones on, listening to her favorite song.
Someone comes in to talk with her so she takes off her headphones, and by the time she puts
the headphones back on, her favorite part of the song has already passed. AudioMatics are the
solution to this problem and so many like it. AudioMatics make listening to music more
enjoyable. When the listener removes the headphones the touch sensors inside cause the
audio to automatically pause in its place. Many times people run into this issue and it becomes
an annoyance to listen to audios. Through this invention we will enhance the headphone
We will take a pair of already made headphones and open up the speaker portion. We will then
place a standalone momentary capacitive touch sensor breakout into the cushion of the
headphones. The sensor will have already been programmed via Arduino programming using
an if/else code. It will say, when pressure is removed from the sensor it will break the circuit
between the headphones and the device, causing the audio to automatically pause in place.
When pressure is reapplied the audio resumes from the place it left off. The sensor’s coding will
be based on apple’s technology that pauses the audio when the headphones are removed from
the jack. Results and conclusion are pending.
AudioMatics are a convenient way to make listening to audios more enjoyable. The same
teenage girl who once had the annoyances that come with the average headphones can now
enjoy listening to music with her pair of AudioMatics.
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Ilan High School
Esther Ades
Evelyn Sutton
Grace Kassin
As one is exercising, their music is the impetus that’s keeping them moving. Out of nowhere the
music stops and the phone dies. Using kinetic energies and electromagnetic induction,
ChargeOut will be able to charge phones while remaining disconnected from an outlet.
Using the basic principles of electromagnetic induction a coil wire will serve as a carrier
for the neodymium magnet that will be generating energy. The contraption will be attached to an
armband that can be worn while exercising. The up-and-down motion will cause the magnet to
rub against the wires and create energy that can be stored. The energy produced will be stored
in a super capacitor with the help of a bridge rectifier and be transferred through a USB to the
While researching, many similar models have surfaced. However ChargeOut uniquely
uses kinetic energies and electromagnetic induction rather than hypothermic energy. Another
challenge that surfaced was the bulk the prototype would have. Wires would be
unceremoniously placed and tangled up. However, with the help of soldering, most of the bulk
will be contained.
Movement can be turned into power. A person’s movement has the potential energy to
charge numerous devices when harnessed. Tapping into that potential can open doors to
different ways of powering objects. Perhaps one day power generated by humans will be
enough to charge things much larger and significant than a phone.
Food Done Oven Off
Ilan High School
Tali Benedek
Esther Perez
Mary Salem
Everyone has at one time or another forgotten their food in the oven which resulted in burnt
food. This is a waste of food and it is bad for the environment. There is a solution; the Oven
5000. This oven will sense when the food is done and turn off.
There will be a thermocouple inside the food to sense the temperature. There will be a
LCD screen that allows you to choose the temperature you want the food to be when the oven
turns off. The arduino will be constantly comparing the set temperature and the current
temperature of the food. When it senses that the food is at the set temperature it will send a
message to the oven to turn off.
It will look like a regular oven for the most part. The LCD screen will be by the knobs for
the burners. The arduino will go outside the oven so it will not melt from the heat.
The results are pending because the project has not yet been completed.
This oven will help prevent the burning of food which will benefit both people and the
environment. This oven will be possible when all the tools work together.
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Solution to the Snooze
Ilan High School
Sari Kassin
Deborah Matalon
Rachel Zemble
Many people struggle with getting out of bed in the morning. Meetings have been missed,
students have been late, and workers have been docked from their pay, all because the snooze
button is too tempting. This is a problem and potentially detrimental to all. Therefore, we are
making an alarm clock that will only shut off once weight is removed from the bed. By engaging
in this project, we can implement the sensors we use to help society in everyday life. Through
this invention, hopefully there will be a decrease in tardiness among the public.
This problem is an ongoing and popular research topic and countless attempts have been made
to build an alarm or alarm clock that successfully gets people out of bed. We came up with the
idea to place a load sensor, which measures how much force is placed on an object, into the
mattress. When weight is removed from the sensor, the touch pad which is programmed as an
alarm clock, will stop its alarm. If the weight is placed back on within a certain time limit, the
alarm will start again. If you have a day off or are on vacation, the alarm is able to be shut off a
substantial amount of time prior to the set alarm time.
We think after several different coding methods and programming, this project will be
successful. After developing this project we hope to prevent this problem that occurs on a daily
basis. By combining technology and engineering, these enhanced alarm clocks will contribute to
The Homeostatic Blanket
Ilan High School
Emily Pinhas
Vicki Swed
Bella Steingberg
The homeostatic blanket is not just your typical heating blanket. This blanket will beat out any
ordinary blanket in performance and results. The most unique quality of our product is that it is
tailored to each and every individual. Take a regular heating blanket for example, if you wear it
overnight it will result in overheating and it would be very uncomfortable but if you turn it off you
would get cold. This product solves that problem. You can never get too hot or too cold. You
choose your preferred body temperature and the blanket is programmed to maintain the set
temperature. It works by emitting certain amounts of heat depending on your body temperature
ultimately ensuring maximum comfort for all customers. A temperature sensor inside the blanket
will determine your body temperature and send out codes to the heat transmitter. The heat
transmitter will either decrease or increase heat emission depending on your body temperature.
Our results are pending. No matter what the results are we will continue working until it’s the
best it can be.
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The Smart Keychain
Ilan High School
Mira Simantov
Gayle Zagha
Tali Goldberg
In this generation, a common struggle for adults is losing their keys. When ones keys are
missing, they are limited in what they can do. If house keys are missing, adults will be locked
out of their house; if the car keys are missing, the owner cannot drive anywhere. Adults spend
many frustrating hours searching for their keys in vain, which is what prompted us to create the
smart key chain. This common problem has been going on for decades without a solution. It is
the twenty first century and there is still no solution for this ongoing issue; that is why we feel a
responsibility to take action.
The first step we will take to create this key ring is to wire an arduino with a sound sensor and
program it to start the effects when it hears a certain amount of decibels We will then add the
speaker and program it using the a code on the arduino programming app. After the speaker is
able to start an alarm when it hears clapping we will add the LED and program it using the
arduino app to flash lights when it hears clapping. Lastly we will wire the button to stop the lights
and alarm until the next time it senses clapping. Lastly we will attach the arduino to the key ring.
We are feeling hopeful about our invention, results are still pending but we expect some
struggle but eventually we aspire to obtain complete success.
Child Safety Systems
Gregory Kogan
Ariel Mammon
Matan Levy
These are three systems designed to help protect children during vulnerable times. A bike
safety system to warn young riders about approaching vehicles, a monitor for the children of the
hearing impaired and a knock lock to use instead of a key for older children to use after school.
This part of the project is a bike indicator with a blind spot indicator. Many times you hear stories
about children getting hit by cars. This can help a child who rides a bike and can help drivers
see where they are going. This will have two features First it will indicate where you are going
by pushing a button that lights up. Second it will have a blind spot indicator that beeps when
someone comes near to you. This will protect many children from getting into accidents.
For the hearing impaired responding to a baby crying is a very big struggle. Hearing impaired
caregivers can be informed there child is crying with flashing light, vibrations, and a SMS/ Email
system, by putting the ‘chip’ (a microphone) in the child’s favorite toy, when this microphone
picks up a significant amount of sound it will alert the adult.
Finally a solution to latch key children, this knock lock removes the need for a child to keep track
of a key. At school it could easily get lost or stolen and then the child has no safe place until an
adult arrives. A simple secret knock would allow the child entry into the home and prevent any
problems with being locked out of the house. It’s much safer than a kid hidden under a mat or
in a plastic rock.
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Quarantine Vehicle
Dov Frommer
Sammy Katz
Mordechai Sheinson
In third world countries the Ebola epidemic had an extremely high death rate. The epidemic is
difficult to fight because the medical professionals are being exposed to Ebola. There is no cure
for Ebola, and the primary way to check the epidemic is to quarantine the sick. We are creating
a device to help protect these crucial workers. This device will check the status of a patient
without endangering the medical professional.
This automated robot will include three kinds of sensors, temperature, pulse, and oxygen. It
could also carry needed medicine into a quarantined house.
This could help stop the
transmission of the disease and keep the medical professionals healthy and able to do their vital
Robotic Hand
Etan Ohevshalom
Yair Sohn
Nearly two million people in the US have missing limbs. Many of these people can’t afford
prosthetics, let alone the top-notch prosthetics. Unfortunately, prosthetic limbs that function via
brain signals can range from $30,000 to $50,000 dollars per limb. What we want to do is create
a device that serves as a cheaper alternative, but at the same time works better than other
cheaper alternatives out there. Although there are other alternatives out there, every other
prosthetic limb mimics the healthy limb. A prosthetic limb that responds to voice recognition
doesn’t need to mimic anything.
Our prosthetic arm would perform tasks by responding to voice recognition using some software
called Bitvoicer. In terms of hardware, the hand itself would consist of five bendable fingers.
Each finger would be independently attached to a stepper motor that would be programed with
Bitvoicer integrated into Arduino. The prosthetic hand would be able to perform simple or
complicated tasks like picking up a cup or picking up something even smaller like a pencil.
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Self Tightening Shoes
Samuel Denker
Benjamin Kogos
David Ringer
Missing and broken hands and arms are common and problematic for people who tie their
shoes. Wrist and hand amputations are estimated to make up 10% of upper limb disabled
population. Tying your shoes is a long and annoying process that requires full hand motion.
Many people with missing or broken hands or arm may be unable to tie their shoes because
they don't have enough range of motion, required to tie one’s shoes. Even though they can’t do
the motion of tying their shoes, they can push a button. This is a much more convenient way for
one with a limited range of motion to tie their shoes. They can accomplish this task without the
ability to actually make a knot. While there are alternatives to tying a shoe, Velcro, slip-ons,
these types of shoes are not always what are needed. Sometimes a worker needs work boots
and those do not come with Velcro fasteners. That’s why creating the self-tying shoes is a good
idea. Using the powerful force of Arduino, the self-tying shoes, tie automatically with the simple
push of a button. This will help many people who are unable to tie their shoes. When the button
is pushed the laces are coiled up with motors which causes the laces to tighten around the foot.
The Rover
Noam Hirschorn
Avi Szczupakiewicz
Often there are items that humans do not want to touch. These items could be contaminated or
dangerous. Unexploded hand grenades, land mines, medical waste, or even dirty tissues are all
possible things that humans would not want to pick up.
There are so many small items that need to be moved, and the Rover can pick them up. The
Rover is a solution to the problem.
Other devices have only a two-pronged claw that allows stuff to fall out the side, but the Rover
has three prongs to prevent this. The Rover is a remote controlled car with a claw on top of it. It
is a simple, cheap, and effective way to move dangerous materials.
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Water Quality Boat
Jeremy Greenberg
Noah Hanian
There is an ongoing problem in our society with water quality. Unfortunately, countries with poor
economies, suffer from diseases caused by contaminated water. Therefore, there is a need to
test the water to determine if the drinking water has been contaminated with animal wastes,
factory pollution, or any other pollutants. Even in developed countries environmentalists are
constantly checking streams in local watersheds to monitor pollution. Programs like Save Our
Streams could utilize a system to obtain a sample of the water away from the shore. This project
is a water quality testing boat designed to meet this need.
In order to test the water, two things will be done. First a sensor on this boat will test the pH
levels in the water. Second a motor will be used to open and close a container so that we can
collect a sample of the water from the center of the body of water and bring it back for further
testing on the shore. The reason we are sending the boat to the center of the body of water is
because we can get better, more thorough results from water in the center of the body of water
than on the shore. This project will utilize Arduino to control the boat, motors, and sensors.
Jewish HS of CT
Jacques Ben-Avie
Joel Castle
Simon Schaefer
Arduinotes is a keyboard emulator. Rather than a piano keyboard with 88 distinct notes and
their respective keys, Arduinotes allows players to use three different scales, each of which has
eight complementary notes. Arduinotes allows for the blues, chromatic, and Phrygian scales to
be played. Our project is wireless, each arm equipped with an arduino-nano, RF transceiver,
battery, and sensors. Each finger has a 3.2" flex sensor that detects when the finger is bent and
plays the note. On the side of each hand is a force sensor that can be pressed with a thumb to
change the scale. Arduinotes is a flexible, fun, and facile way to get into music.
Auto Clarity
Jesse Blumenthal
Julian Stoylar
In America, ninety percent of people commute to work via car every single day. While driving,
people have to deal with a lot of distractions that come their way. One of the major distractions
is weather. When it rains the driver has to put on the car's windshield wipers so that he may be
able to see the road ahead of them clearly. The driver has to constantly pay attention to the rain
to adjust his wipers accordingly, thus, taking away the full attention of the driver. Our wipers will
be able to sense the intensity of the rain and adjust the wipers without the driver's help. It will
sense the pressure of the rain so a pressure sensor will be put on the top of the car. The 4
piezo sensors will detect the mechanical force of the rain as it comes down on the car. The
arduino is programmed to receive how much pressure is coming onto the car. It will then send
the information to the motor of the wiper to adjust the speed of the wiper. Then the servo motors
will then move the wipers back and forth which will effectively clean the driver's windshield. With
this wiper, the driver can direct more attention to the road. If the piezo sensors are not
successful, we will use infrared sensors to sense how much rain there is on the windshield.
Emergency Response Alert Box
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Phillip Dolitsky
Lior Cohen
Have you ever heard of an active shooter situation in an American school? Although the
majority of people have never been involved in an active shooter situation, it is still an issue
which is an unfortunate reality in the United States. Over the past few years, there has been an
increase in cases dealing with active shooters in office buildings and schools. The current
solution to an active shooter situation is a panic button. This button sends an immediate alert to
the police signaling that their assistance is needed. The flaw in this system is that the occupants
of the school are not alerted. In order to alert staff, students or any other people in the school,
an extra step would need to be taken. Either an announcement would need to be made or a
mass email/text sent to the school body. While this method seems good in theory, moments of
high stress can cause people to lose control of fine motor skills. By the time someone is done
fiddling with his/her phone or computer in an active shooter situation, it could be too late. There
is a need for a solution where a pre-written message is prepared and sent with minimal fiddling.
This is where the Emergency Response Alert Box comes in. With one of these inventions, a
school or office building can send out a pre-written alert message within seconds of an active
shooter case. All an administrator needs to do is enter a four digit code and flip the trigger
switch and the message will be sent. This is done with an Arduino Mega with a WiFi module
installed. The Arduino is connected to a private WiFi network and has a message written and
ready to be sent to pre-programmed recipients the second the Arduino is given the signal from
the set code and trigger switch. A metal box is used to encase and protect the Arduino as well
as to display the keypad and trigger switch. An RGB LED stationed on the box is also used to
tell when a message is primed and/or sent. A second phase of this project would include
microphone which acts as an input to the Arduino and if a gunshot is heard, a different email
would be sent notifying recipients of a possible threat in the area and alerting them to be
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Shir Ben-Shoshan
Tali Irwin
Rebecca Ohayon
Alzheimer's disease is sixth top cause of death worldwide. In the year 2013, there were 84,767
deaths in the United States due to Alzheimer’s disease. Similarly, teens forget to take their
medicine as well as overdose on it. Overdosing on drugs has been of the leading causes of
death, leaving 83,004 dead. More people have died from overdose than car accidents and
gunshots. These statistics were what motivated us to create the Mediminder. We were inspired
to create a cheap, improved, and easily accessible device for people seeking to achieve
longevity no matter their illness; mental or physical. The Mediminder will remind users to take
their medications as well as prevent them from overdosing. Using a fingerprint scanner will
make sure that nobody other than a designated guardian will be able to access the medications,
and in addition, an alarm will be installed to remind the user or guardian to take the medications
at the designated time. We will install a stepper motor into our easy-to-use 3D printed casing,
which will allow designated person to simply scan their finger and access the pills needed. Also,
there will be a lock system on this machine that will be user installed which will allow
supervisors to add in the designated dosage and time. Hopefully our device will lower the rate of
overdose deaths in the United States.
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Put A Cap On It: The Installable Breathalyzer To Prevent Teen Drunk Driving
Tali Weg
Claire Eckstein- Indik
Gaby Aboudi
Approximately 30 people die every day from motor vehicle crashes involving alcohol impaired
drivers, a quarter of whom are teens. Drunk driving accidents are tragic, and have been an
ongoing issue. We are motivated to create a new invention which will prevent drunk driving
accidents. Our invention includes a plastic cap that will be used to cover the ignition of a car,
which will then receive the alcohol content level sent from the breathalyzer, using an MQ-3
alcohol sensor, which will be attached to the dashboard. If the breathalyzer detects any traces
of alcohol in the driver, then the cap will remain locked, restricting the driver from starting the
engine. If the breathalyzer does not detect any alcohol content in the driver, the cap will uncover
the ignition, allowing the driver to start the car. The problem of drunk driving ranges across all
ages, however our target audience is the parents of teen drivers. Throughout our building
process, we are determined to drop the rate of teen drunk driving accidents, and ultimately
prevent them from happening worldwide.
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The Cal-Ometer
Shifra Lindenberg
Talia Sinai
Sarah Sassler
Happy New Year! You know what that means? Well, According to all those Facebook posts and
Twitter hashtags, it means New year, new you! That means it is time to hit the gym or whatever
it is that's supposed to make you get in shape. But wait, you already have set a goal to how
many calories you want to burn, do not have time to hit the gym AND want to be apart of the 8%
of individuals who DO keep their New Years resolution? Look no further because we have a
solution to ALL your problems. The Cal-ometer! With the Cal-ometer you will be able to
optimize your time and get your dream body in no time. Unlike other existing and expensive
products, the Cal-ometer will be more affordable and comfortable. The Cal-ometer comes with
ability to set your age and weight, give you accurate calculations of your heart rate, and respond
to the amount of calories you have lost. The Cal-ometer is also built in the following order. First
we connect the LCD to the breadboard and connect the wires to 2 analog pins, ground, and
power. To add in the button, you connect it to power, and connect the resistor to ground. All the
wires should be connected to the arduino in the appropriate sockets. The arduino should be
connected to a 9V battery as well.
The Control Glove
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Evan Harrison Simmens
Elisha Siegelman
Business sectors, ranging from shipping to manufacturing to surgery require precise handling of
products in order to accomplish tasks both big and small. While there may be methods to
accomplish such tasks, there is no item that accurately conforms to the human hand, enables
the use of large and small extensions alike, lends a sense of ease to the control of the
connected robotic hand, or is inexpensive to purchase. The "Control Glove" possesses all of
these attributes, molding itself as an invaluable way to handle and lift items. Our project, the
"Control Glove" conforms to the hand as a glove, and with the use of a flex sensor on each
finger, can control the related appendage, of perhaps, a crane grabber. The flex sensors will be
able to detect certain variables relating to the bending of a person's hand, and will transport the
information via wiring to the output, being the robotic hand. The analog write function will be
used, with values ranging from 0-179 pertaining to the 180 degree motion of the hand. The
demand to bend the fingers will be sent to the synthetic hand through the PWM pins, and a
string in each finger will be pulled by a stepper motor when bending is necessary. The robotic
hand will be built out of multiple hinges as to duplicate the many joints in the fingers. The human
hand is formulated to make movements to accomplish multiple tasks precisely, we will duplicate
the motion of the hand to areas where a larger or smaller hand is needed. The "Control Glove,"
will be the precursor to what is needed in different sectors to accomplish tasks precisely, thus
leading to jobs being done accurately.
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Earthquake Alarm Clock
Yoseph Hakakian
Frederick Knapp
Zachariah Stokar
The earthquake alarm clock is a device made to ensure that its user wakes up as opposed to
sleeping through a normal alarm clock. Using the arduino as a real time clock, our device
outputs earthquake type vibrations in order to wake its user without flaw. To wake up its user
the alarm clock will shake, making noise just under the surface it's placed under, so that the
user must do more than just touch a snooze button. One must physically shut off the alarm in
order to stop the continuous vibrations. In addition, the earthquake alarm clock will also make
noise to go along with the vibrations. This further insures its user to wake up from their deep
sleep. The device has a liquid crystal display (LCD) which displays the time and temperature at
the current moment. Each day people must get up and encounter whatever life throws at them.
The earthquake alarm clock ensures you wake up so one can start their morning the right way.
Daniela Berk
Abigail Rubin
Maya Sasson
One of the multifaceted issues that pervades households all over the world is the garbage
problem. Taking out the garbage is a distasteful but necessary task, and with it comes many
unpleasantries that can be easily changed. The first most significant issue is that the person
designated to take out the garbage often becomes dirty from the opening of the filled bag. The
cinch that accompanies most modern day garbage bags is significantly faulted, because it
causes people to touch the actual garbage when trying to simply close the bag and it does not
fully close. After one finally manages to close the bag, it does not easily come out of the
garbage can; the can often rises with the bag, causing the task of taking out the garbage to
become a two person job. One person must hold down the garbage can and the other pulls out
the bag. Although these issues are severely troubling, we have now solved this common
garbage problem.
The ElectroBagger is an innovative, new trash can, which allows for a more sanitary and
less time consuming trash job. The trash can will have a sleek metallic design to match any
room or office. The device will be useful in a medical ward in which sanitation is key, and in a
household kitchen for easy trash can use. We will use the design of a classic metal garbage
can with a foot pedal. The foot pedal will have a common, practical use and will open the top of
the can. We will also use an arduino with a strain sensor; the strain sensor will assess the
weight in the garbage when it reaches its peak weight capacity, and the bag will then close and
be pushed by a scissor lift above the can to signal that the garbage is ready to be taken out. In
order to prevent the garbage bag from toppling over, there will be a three tier stabilizing device
that protrudes from the top of the can as the trash bag rises. We have also added a cinch
closure to the top of the garbage bag to close it more securely and ensure that one will not
become dirty when taking out the trash. When the trash is ready to be taken out, one will simply
pull a string from the top of the bag that will seal the top of the trash with adhesive tape. Unlike
other waste bags, the ElectroBagger trash bag will remain closed and is leak free.
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Kool Keys
Olivia Butler
Jacob Jablonka
Samuel Shersher
Today, there are thousands of electronic musical or MIDI interfaces one can use. One
advantage of this is that most of these devices, such as electronic piano keyboards, offer a
variety of tones and can connect to a computer or other device, so that the sound can be further
altered or even recorded digitally. However, today’s musical interfaces have one major
limitation: none are both ultra-portable and versatile. We have set out to solve that issue, and
with our innovative design centered around humans’ most often used tool - the hands. Our
“virtual” interface consists of a hardware component - thin gloves with IMU (inertial movement
unit) boards attached to each finger, a MIDI connector, and an arduino uno as our
microcontroller - and a software component - the arduino IDE and the software required to form
our “display”. This way, the position and orientation of the user’s fingers can be determined,
mapped to a screen, and programmed to play a specific sound. There are 3 main advantages
to this design: it is ultra-portable, it has no spatial limitations, and the user gets an experience
akin to playing a real instrument - like a piano or guitar.
MajiCase: The Solution to the Battery Dilemma
Avi Bendory
Ashley Miller
Jakob Stadtmauer
Our project uses peltier tiles to use temperature differentials to generate electricity. The peltier
tile is a simple device that is capable of either creating or harnessing a contrast in temperature
between its two sides. When power is provided to it, the tile heats one of its sides while cooling
the other. The second function of the peltier tile is the one more noteworthy to us. The Second
Law of Thermodynamics states that heat always moves from a warmer area to a colder one.
When heat is applied to one side of the peltier tile and the other remains cold, the heat defaults
to a motion through the center of the tile because of this thermodynamic law. The tile then is
able to harness part of the heat and convert it to electricity, which is simply a different form of
energy. The electricity gained can then be used for outside purposes. When the heat differential
is increased, the rate of electricity conversion is compounded.
Not only will our device be able to power a device wirelessly, but also it will not have to
ever recharge the charger itself. We will achieve this by either focusing the light to give voltage
to our peltier tiles, which will then convert the heat to electricity, or we will use body heat.
Because the light does not provide enough voltage to power at least a cell phone, we will be
using a "joule thief and MintyBoost which will boost the voltage. By doing the above we will
improve the upon prior art and create a portable charger, without the stress of having to
recharge the charger, creating an extremely convenient device to those always “on the go.”
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Nichrome Hot Knife
Rose Ginsberg
Zachary Israeli
Ariella Savitz
Frozen foods and hard fruits may often be difficult to deal with. Using nichrome wire technology,
we are making a heated knife to enable easier cutting. The frame of the knife is made out of a
wire hacksaw, but instead of a blade we have a thin piece of nichrome wire, which when heated,
can easily cut through foods that would ordinarily be difficult to cut. Nichrome wire is uniquely
able to quickly turn electricity into heat, making it favorable material to use for our proposes. By
putting electricity into the wire, the nichrome wire will heat up, essentially cutting food with heat
instead of serrations. We will ultimately set a threshold to control the temperature of the wire
using if-statement codes. Lastly, we will connect the nichrome wire to a LCD, liquid crystal
display, so the temperature of the wire will be displayed on a screen. Slicing with heat has the
potential to be the biggest thing since sliced bread.
Peltier Tile Thermos
Ilana Hafner
Penina Kahn
Eden Mendelsohn
Doni Schanzer
Team Dyne is providing people with drinks at desirable temperature, especially on the go. We
are unsatisfied with the prior art. We are unsatisfied with products that claim to maintain drink
temperature but do not. Our product will not only maintain the temperature of its contents, but it
will also actively contribute to heating or cooling. It will please customers who drink on the go.
We will do this with the use of peltier tiles. When peltier tiles are given voltage, they become
cold on one side and hot on one side. We will give the tiles the maximum voltage they can
handle in order to achieve a maximum temperature differential. We will block out the
temperature that is not desired. We will also have a dial that will control how much heat or cool
will be provided. We are excited for everyone to see the potential our project has and how we
execute it.
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Shaul Hafner
Haley Stiel
Everyone should be able to write music, even if you can’t play an instrument. With our device,
the Singstrument,if you can sing music, you can write music. Our system interprets sound, and
lights specific LED’s for the notes that are detected. It will also display the notes previously
detected and will plot those notes on sheet music. You sing into the microphone connected to
our system and it matches the frequency detected with the specific frequency range for each
note that is assigned to an LED. Our device is programmed with a code that acts as a VU
meter that matches what is input with our frequency ranges for each note. Our circuit includes
an op-amp (to amplify the tiny energy that is outputted by the microphone), 5 capacitors (to
store energy), a potentiometer (for us to control the amount of energy going through the
system), resistor, wires, a breadboard, and arduino.
Smart Shopping
Binyomin Franks
Jacqueline Perel
Samuel Raab
Checking out after a strenuous shopping trip is a tedious and time consuming errand. Our
project eliminates this unnecessary step in the shopping experience, and provides an efficient
and effortless solution. Our project uses RFID technology (radio frequency identification) to do
this. We used an RFID scanner, in the place of the bar code scanner, and RFID tags, which
replace the bar codes, to create the perfect checkout system. The scanner will be placed on the
exit door and the tags will be individualized and placed on each object/food item. The scanner
and the tags interact with each other by using frequencies.The tags are each given an
individualized name (price) which are immediately and simultaneously recognized by the
scanner.As your cart passes through the door the names of the products in your cart are all
received by the scanner .You may then scan your RFID debit card and pay for your products.
Our project turns an arduous task such as shopping into something swift and unburdensome.
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CIJE-Tech Annual Young Engineers Conference
Stay Awake
Efrem Auman
Joseph Kirsch
Sarah Silverberg
Sleep deprivation is a major cause of car accidents and 60% of drivers have fallen asleep while
driving. There are more than 100,000 accidents annually because lack of sleep can impair
people as much as alcohol abuse. When a person does not get enough sleep, they do not
function correctly. This can result a in longer reaction time, bad coordination, and impaired
memory and judgement. But the problem is that when some people do not get enough sleep,
they drive anyway.
W have solved this problem with our new device, the "STAY AWAKE." Our device keeps
the driver from drifting off or falling asleep. The Stay Awake is placed on the head as part of a
hat or headband that monitors brain waves to see if the driver is falling asleep or not. If he/she
is falling asleep, then the Stay Awake will vibrate and wake the driver up. The brain produces
electrical signals that can be picked up by the EEG sensor in the Stay Awake and measured as
frequencies or waves. Certain waves increase when a person starts to fall asleep or gets tired.
We use this information as input to our device and at a pre-determined threshold, we activate a
vibrating motor also in the hat or headband that will jolt the driver back to wakefullness.
Our group, ASK Innovations, not only provides safe driving for people all over the world, but
also for truck drivers, bus drivers, pilots, new drivers, or anyone who wants to stay awake. Our
Stay Awake device could save thousands of lives. Our concept came from one question: How
can we put an end to thousands of accidents? You can make a difference too, just ASK.
The Helping Hand
Shep Gerszberg
Jamie Rubin
Shoshana Schwartz
Our Project is the helping hand, it is a device meant to lessen the effect of tremors on people
suffering from Parkinson’s disease and other chronic hand tremors. In America alone over
50,000 people a year are diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s restricts the patient’s ability
to do every day activities such as eating, driving and writing. It would do this by using two
separate layers bridged by servos to have one layer move independently from the other. It uses
an accelerometer to measure the movement and angle of the hand at a given point in time and
then transmit that to the servo, which would, in turn move to counteract that movement.
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Alissa Felder
Danielle Krim
Everyone dreams of conceiving a baby to have a cute little someone with whom to spend time.
While that may be true, there is another side of parenting that is an endless struggle. Babies
need a lot of care and attention, during the day and especially during the night. Parents can
become extremely stressed from staying up all night caring for their baby and trying to get it to
stop crying. Statistics show that 40 percent of children under the age of five keep their parents
up at night. One potential solution to this problem is the “co-sleeper crib” invented by Douglas
and Diana Tharalson. Their invention is a three sided crib that attaches to the parents’ bed
allowing the parents to stay in bed while attending their child. This idea is a quick and easy way
for the parents to assist their child without having to constantly get up and walk to their child’s
room. Although this invention is definitely top notch, an invention that does not involve the
parents at all would seem to top this.
This is where the ChandyTot comes in. The ChandyTot is an invention that soothes children
without initial parent involvement. The ChandyTot is able to sense the cries of a baby and it
responds immediately. It is in the shape of a chandelier and has a similar format to that of a
baby mobile. The response is a four step solution. The first step is to use bright lights. It is
known that babies stop crying when distracted by a bright object that moves slowly past their
eyes. The second step is to have the object move. The moving of the object with the flashing of
the bright lights will distract the babies if they continue to cry. Since not all babies respond to the
same methods of soothing and some may respond to the calming sounds of music, the third
step of the ChandyTot is to turn off the lights and stop the moving but add music. If the baby
remains dogged and continues to cry, all the other solutions will shut off and a text will be sent
to the parents saying “your baby is crying.”
Carmit Kaye
Leah Stone
Emma Klahr
Worldwide, there are an estimated 285 million visually impaired people who must navigate busy
streets, crowded shopping malls and other congested areas. Currently, the standard white cane
is one of the only mobility tools available to the blind and has remained unchanged since it was
last improved in 1944. Our plan is to create a supplementary tool to be used with the cane that
will allow the visually impaired to feel more secure and independent by alerting them farther in
advance to objects in their surroundings. It will better prepare them for obstacles, assist them in
navigating their surroundings, and allow them to reroute if desired.
Our device is a bracelet that receives messages in the form of soft vibrations via a pair of
glasses that emits signals. It can alert someone to objects such as an oncoming bicycle, or the
end of a pavement. As the person approaches the object, the vibration will grow in intensity.
Additionally, the device will have a button that can be depressed to signal if there is a strong
chance of precipitation forecasted, so the wearer can prepare, rather than be surprised by rain
or snow. In order to avoid unwanted and continuous vibrations, a push button will be installed so
that the user can receive information on demand.
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I.G.S.B.M.S.W.L.E (i got skirted but my skirt was long enough)
Talia kupferman
Sarah Eisenstadter
For our project we will construct a band used to detect the length of your skirt. We hope to
create a school with girls that follow dress code. Be will do so by attaching a photo resistor to a
band placed on your knee. This will detect the amount of light exposed to the photo resistor. If
light is exposed, this will send a textual message (MSM Text) (IMessage) (BBM) to a student’s
cellular device. Our goal is to make the students aware of their skirt lengths. These texts will be
warnings to the students. This way, a student will be aware of their dress code violation before a
Lighter Sleep- Beep Beep
Sarah Rogers
Davida Respler
Ellie Blanchard
A new survey of 1,139 employees from three companies in the U.S. was conducted in
November 2013 by Virgin Pulse and vielife. The results revealed that a whopping 76 percent of
workers feel tired at many points during the week, and 15 percent fall asleep during the day at
least once per week. Nearly one-third of people reported they were unhappy or very unhappy
with their sleep quality. Clearly, this sleep deprivation and exhaustion is a prominent problem
that affects everyday functioning. Mechanisms need to be invented to contribute to getting the
best rest every night, to make sleep the best possible refresher and re-energizer.
To help solve the problem of exhaustion, our group's idea is to produce an alarm clock in which
a person enters a time range to be woken up. The machine will sense when a person is in their
lightest mode of sleep because of their heightened pulse within the time range entered. The
alarm will then go off. This method will compensate for the downsides of its rivals and will
ensure accuracy. We are looking forward to the results.
Refrigerator Thermometer
Shira Gelb
Ayelet Spira
A difficulty many people in this day in age encounter is spoilage of food in their refrigerators and
freezers. People trust the technology used and then end up losing a lot of money on the food
they cannot eat and the food they need to replenish their supply of food.
We are going to make a device that is put in a fridge and freezer that monitors the temperature.
If the fridge or freezer where to get too warm, a light would go off to inform the owner that they
must adjust the temp to insure that their food is safe and they can keep it. However if the owner
does not catch the initial sign, a different color light will go on and an alarm will go off to tell the
owner that the temperature is really too warm and they have very little time to adjust it. This
device will help many people to know when to actually throw out their food so they are not
wasting food and money
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Smart Plug
Shulamit Dashevsky
Miriam Hendler
Shoshana Dimbert
Our proposal is to create a smart plug that can turn anything plugged into it off/on based on a
programmed schedule and an occupancy sensor. The plug will have a schedule to turn on and
off based on office, school hours or when you get home. However if someone walks in past that
time it will be able to sense it and allow for it to turn on, this means that if someone works late at
the office or comes in early it will sense the motion, and turn on. A plug can be plugged into it,
meaning that you can put lots of power strips per smart plug. We also would like to have it be
connected with an app so it can be changed easily.
The Flex
Shana Gershbaum
Sarah Gutwein
There are approximately seven billion people in the world and nearly seventy million of them are
deaf. During the approximate year of 300 BCE, Aristotle invented the label of "deaf and dumb",
a title that belittled deaf people. The deaf community has struggled tremendously and has faced
numerous challenges. For centuries, many people viewed deaf persons as incomplete or
inferior. Additionally, the deaf community had to fight in order for sign language to be recognized
as a language and for equal rights. Although life has become easier for deaf people, they still
face many struggles including overcoming communication barriers.
According to the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), a national survey
which collects information and identifies the persons of hearing loss and deafness in America,
approximately a hundred thousand Americans are functionally deaf. The SIPP also estimates
that nearly 100,000 Americans are hard of hearing. In the United States today, only half a
million people speak or understand sign language. Although the number has increased
significantly, the majority of Americans neither speak sign language nor understand it. This
creates a barrier of communication between deaf, hard of hearing and mute persons, those who
use sign language, and people who do not understand sign language. The inability to
communicate causes many deaf people to be pitied and treated differently and prevents them
from conversing with others. Additionally, many who are hard of hearing may not be able to
afford expensive hearing aids to assist them and are therefore faced with similar difficulties as
those who are deaf.
We are creating a system which through the use of a glove with embedded flex sensors, will
attach to an arduino and translate sign language motions into printed letters on a LCD screen.
The individual who wishes to translate sign language motions will wear the glove and sign a
letter. Attached to the glove will be five flex sensors, each sewn into a specific finger of the
glove. The flex sensors will measure the amount of bend in each finger and convert the change
in bend to electrical resistance. The glove will attach to an arduino which will use analogwrite to
code for a specific letter which corresponds to the amount of bending. After the arduino receives
the message from the flex sensors, the letter that corresponds with the sign language motion
will appear on an attached LCD screen, allowing people who do not understand sign language
to communicate with those with disabilities.
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Magen David
Jack Gabbay
Abie Shomer
Joe Rahmey
In today’s world everybody has their smartphones on them for most of the day. People are using
their smartphones to play music all the time, even while walking. There have been several
instances wherein individuals have been severely injured by motorized vehicles. Our product
delivers easy and swift protection by constantly searching for loud noises that indicate the
presence of imminent danger to then cutting off power to the earphones thus possibly saving
your life. Our project consists of an electret microphone, an Arduino, earphone, earphone
controller and other small components. We connected the various components and wrote a
code to accomplish the task necessary.
Look Mom, No Hands!
Magen David
Meyer A. Sakkal
Jack Mavorah
David Rahmey
Motion has always fascinated human beings, almost from the instant they're born. So, when
kids are old enough, there is something that makes them feel in control. Something which
amazes people by allowing them to control the motion of something else, simply with their
hands and feet. This role is filled by radio controlled vehicles. But, some people, children in
specific, may not be able to take
advantage of the feelings of fun
and control that come with RC
cars; whether they have a
disability that prevents them from
properly operating the controllers
or cars, are an amputee, or for
other reasons. Using capacitive
technology, we have created a
touchless interface which allows
the user to control the car simply
with hand/arm motions, without
having to
manage a remote
control. Three aluminum plates,
used as capacitors, can detect an
object in a 3D "cube" created by
the plates. The information is
then translated into commands
understood by the car.
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Manhattan HS
Dini Raskin
Rachel Grossman
Shaindel Rusanov
Our project is called the Pilbot, which is a pillbox that makes taking daily medications far easier
than ever before. It takes the concept of an ordinary pillbox, which allows you to take the correct
pills pertaining to specific days, and further extends the idea, thus making it a synch to
remember when to take your pills. With a timer and weight sensors, as well as a buzzer, the
Pilbot is programmed to allow the consumer to set a time of day to take a specific pill. The
consumer sets a time and thus activates the light sensor and buzzer, making a loud beeping
noise and omitting light whenever it is time to take a pill. The weight sensor then monitors when
the separate day boxes are empty, and continues to make noise until the medicine is emptied
out, thus allowing the consumer to know that they have taken all there pills and must refill. The
Pilbot is especially helpful for the elderly population with dementia and Alzheimer’s, who can still
dependently take their medicine, because the Pilbot remembers for them. It is also helpful for
the hearing and visually impaired because the light sensors (LED’s) and buzzer allow them to
hear and see the Pilbot. Unlike similar things in the market today, such as the 4 alarm pillbox
and the Walgreens alarm clock pillbox, our pillbox is unique in that it’s for everyday use, and has
a strong light and alarm sensor that doesn’t shut off until the pills are taken out of the case. This
project can be very beneficial for many people, especially the elderly population.
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Squeeze it to Heat it
Manhattan HS
Frumi Cohn
Aviva Attar
Chaya Sara Oppenheim
The principle objective of our CIJE-sponsored project this year was to create an every-day
gadget that is both innovative and fun and utilizes the concepts of STEM which we have been
taught this year. Our project, Squeeze-it!-to-Heat-it!, is a gadget for dessert-lovers worldwide,
allowing those who would like their fudge, caramel or any other sweet sauce or gravy to be
quickly heated up without any hassle. Squeeze-it!-to-Heat-it! is a small device that wraps
around the opening of any bottled liquid, using nichrome wire as a conduit to heat up the
contents. With a simple press of a button (aka force-sensitive resistor), energy will be applied,
and voila!, the fudge/caramel/sauce is heated to just the right temperature. Squeeze-it!-to-Heatit! has many benefits; not only are you bypassing the strenuous task of dishwashing, but
Squeeze-it!-to-Heat-it! is also completely portable, making it the perfect take-along appliance for
trips, car rides, and more. The result is a perfectly heated sauce for the perfect dessert-- with
efficiency, no mess, and transportability. Bon appetit!
Mesivta Ateres Yaakov
Natan Samson
Jonah Schoenfeld
Yosef Halpern
The main concept behind our I-Garbage is to make a more efficient system for the average
garbage can. It uses different sensors to inform the customer if there is a leak in the garbage
bag or how full the trash can is. It also has a mechanism that opens automatically which might
be helpful for older or disabled customers. We think this system will turn the average garbage
can into an invention that will help our customers every day.
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Mesivta Ateres Yaakov
Daniel Braverman
Dovid Travis
Our project is to help people work out better. Since most people work out in front of a TV, we
want them to maintain a normal pace by using the persons heartrate we control there speed.
When the speed goes below a certain rate, the Tv turns off. So this way, if people want to watch
tv while exercise they will have to work for it, making them stronger in the process.This is a way
we can increase exercise while electronics are present
laser harp
Mesivta Ateres Yaakov
Shmuel Hoffman
Ezra Jacobs
Yoni Ben Zvi
Mordy Derdick
Our project is to design a laser harp. We do this by pointing lasers at photo resisters. These
photo resistors are set to have different sound frequencies when the laser light isn't pointed at
it. It helps people who don't have fingers or whose fingers can't move correctly play the harp.
smart bath
Mesivta Ateres Yaakov
Yerachmiel Katz
Eli Banayan
Daniel Grunstien
What our project will:
It will be compatible with any bathtub
It will detect the water level
It will alert you when it has reached the water level that the user picked
It will detect the temperature of the water in the bathtub
It will set off a high pitched sound when it goes over the designated temperature chosen
for the water
It will give off a low pitched sound for when the water reached lower when it has reached
the correct height
Mesivta Ateres Yaakov
The project that we will be presenting is called smarteyez. The project includes a sensor
attached to a strong suction cup. The project is attached to the side of a car (e.g. driver
window). The sensor is able to sense blind spots on a car that doesn’t already have the ability
to. It will also sense the acceleration and will text the parents if the car goes to fast. It will say
that your child is driving over the speed limit.
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watching watch
Mesivta Ateres Yaakov
Raffy Levin
Daniel Meyer
Shragie Bernstein
Sam Matayev
What happens when old people fall? How can they get help? Lets say they are unconscious and
they cant use their AARP button to call an ambulance? We have a solution, a bracelet that
detects when you fall, or when you are in a smoke or carbon monoxide enriched area, and
immediately alerts authorities, without any action done by the victim, therefore if they are
unconscious or unable to call for help, help will already be on the way.
AB Bell
Mesivta Birkas Yitzchok
Aryeh Golbart
Itai Savin
Aryeh Kramer
Hundreds of people are injured or killed from common mishaps caused by distracted cyclists.
The AB bell will help the bikers keep their attention on the road when necessary and
automatically alert others to move out of the way. Our invention will be separated into 3 parts.
There will be a range sensor mounted on the handlebars connected to a speaker, an arduino,
and a power source which will all be clipped to the frame. When an object comes into range of
our range sensor it will trigger our speaker which will emit a noise and will jolt you into attention
or inform others of your presence.
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Automatic Doorbell
Mesivta Birkas Yitzchok
Eliezer Lazar
Akiva Ganchrow
Eliyahu Benesti
Levi Veitzer
guest walking up the pathway to his host’s house can have has his hands full of luggage, and
will not be able to ring the doorbell. No worries, the automatic doorbell will ring as you walk up to
the front door. There is a laser and a light sensor directly opposite each other (a light-gate) at a
certain distance; and when anything prevents the laser from hitting the light sensor, a bell will go
off in the house. This takes off the pressure of having to ring a doorbell, when you are hesitant
to do so for whatever reason. By giving him a few extra seconds, you allow the house-owner to
gather himself,and get to the door prepared. This is important because as we all have been
through before, sometimes it can be nerve-wracking to go up to someone’s house and knock.
So instead of standing by the door nervously, trying to muster the courage to knock, you
unknowingly ring the doorbell as you walk up to the front door.
Fill 'er Up
Mesivta Birkas Yitzchok
Aaron Dovid Hirsch
Eliyahu Zahab
Yaakov Rosenberg
A common daily nuisance is having to hold a button as your cup fills with water. Our idea is
to make a device that will fill a cup of any size by just putting a cup down. A bar will move down
along two poles when the cup is put down it breaks a light gate, an LED and photo resistor, then
when it reaches the cup i that will cause the bar to stop and turn on the water. When the cup is
full and the water comes in contact with a water sensor, the water flow will be cut off and the bar
will be raised. This allows you to press the button and do something else as your cup is filled,
rather than having to wait by the dispenser.
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Self Feeding Fish Tank
Mesivta Birkas Yitzchok
Benyamin Shavalian
Meir Lebowitz
Ofri Kochav-Lev
Those of you who have this fascinating creation as a pet called a fish know that when you want
to go on vacation, you have to take it to the fish hotel or something, because you have no one to
feed your fish while you’re gone and your fish would die! So that’s why we have created
something that will save you money, time and stress! This invention will automatically feed your
fish the set amount per day, to keep your fish nice, plump and most importantly alive, because
most of us like our fish alive. It’s not only for vacation, also if you’re in work and you remember
that you forgot to feed your fish, you don’t need to rush home and feed it, you can rely on our
self feeding fish food dispenser! This dispenser will drop the correct amount of pebbles into the
fish tank every 8 hours. We will use a stepper motor rotate the pill dispenser that we 3-d
printed. I believe this will relieve stress in a lot of homes and families. Also sometimes a little kid
has a fish and he wants to feed it by himself, he pours the entire container into the fish bowl and
your fish dies. Now he can have just as much fun watching the food drop down and into the
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Automatic color driver
New Community
Elliot Freeman
Henry Roland
Looking at the movement of objects in many businesses, the group thought to improve the
proficiency of object movement and delivery. Furthermore it would improve the efficiency of
currency usage. This is made possible by a simple mechanism, which controls motors with a
color sensor. When the color sensor senses a color it sends three numbers to the Arduino,
which are read and processed into code. The Arduino then sends an electrical pulse through a
driver that speaks to the motors and controls them. This will cause the the wheels to move in
the color designated direction until a new color is seen and the process repeats again. This is
roughly the whole design of the project and this design can be put into any given form of
transportation. We are doing this project to help those who manage extremely high pressure
jobs and require help in daily remedial tasks. It should make their lives easier to manage, by
however much.
Boom Boom Wire Power
New Community
Ryan Ofman
Jonah Lavi
This project was performed by Ryan Ofman and Jonah Lavi, students at New Community
Jewish High School. This project consisted of using the Arduino device to control Leds and a
solenoid device using bluetooth from a smartphone. In order to accomplish this, the students
used a bluetooth low energy shield created by the Red Bear company to connect the arduino’s
capabilities to a smartphone app. In order to do this the students downloaded software to
connect the shield to the Arduino. After that was successful, the next step was to encode the
nrf24l01 modules in an attempt to cause one Arduino to control many. After linking the
Arduino’s, the final step was to program a solenoid to push in a deadbolt purely from a bluetooth
signal. Subsequent to the completion of all these steps, the project was ready to be presented.
DSLR Digitizer
New Community
Geordan Neinstein
Luke Atlas
Benjamin Lainer
Only 0.04 percent of the federal budget is spent on educational technology. This means that out
of a federal education budget of sixty seven billion dollars, only 30 million dollars are invested in
modern advanced education. We saw this as an injustice and set out to make individualized
education available to all without diminishing the quality of technological assistance. We
discovered that 65.8 percent of the population already own smartphones which are capable of
being used in cohesion with Google Cardboard, a virtual reality system. Combining this system
with educational programs has the potential to elevate the everyday curriculum to one that is
much more inclusive and immersive. Our project idea consists of the 3D mapping and animation
of objects to be implemented in an simple, easy to navigate interface. We plan to accomplish
this by creating a digitizer capable of recording millions of data points that will then be compiled
in MatLab. This compiled data will then be exported to SolidWorks where texture can be refined
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and overall quality can be improved, leaving us with a final rendering. This rendering can then
be used to create an interactive environment viewable through Google Cardboard. The final
product will allow consumers to view interactive models of 3D objects, such as organs, for a
fraction of the cost of many of the current virtual reality headsets, therefore, subverting the fiscal
limitations of our current system of education in order to allow for more advanced learning.
Hermes 2
New Community
Elijah Spiegel
Preston Tasoff
Brittney Adams
Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and
behavior. With over 5 million cases in the United States alone, Alzheimer’s disease is a pressing
issue (http://www.alz.org/index.asp). Most people with advanced stage Alzheimer’s are taken
care of by family members or a professional caretaker. In either case they must be constantly
supervised so that they do not wander off. We seek to add another layer of security for the
safety of those suffering from dementia by building a system that notifies a caretaker by text
message when a patient leaves his or her home. Many current methods involve GPS systems
that track an individual's location, but are extremely expensive, have low battery life, and do not
send alerts or notifications to specific phones. Our system will work by using a wifi-enabled
microcontroller to indicate whether a patient is close enough to their home to connect to their
wireless network. A python script will regularly ping the microcontroller to check if it is still
connected. If the script detects that the microcontroller’s connection has dropped, it sends an
SMS message through Google’s SMTP server to a caretaker’s cell phone or email address. Our
product once finished will probably cost about $40 to make, and will probably sell for around
$50-$60, which is still much cheaper than any other product available.
New Community
Elad Fishbein
Josh Raikin
Josh Shane
InVEST is the perfect fitness product with an original look that is convenient during workouts. It
comfortably holds up to three water bottles that are accessible while going on runs, hikes, and
any outdoor activity. This product also contains a heart rate sensor that provides one with the
knowledge of their own heart rate, while working out. In addition, the vest contains various LEDs
that are meant to flash during the dark as a “night mode”. This is a simply designed product that
is meant to be a new look at the already existing Camelback™ product. The required pieces to
create this innovative product include the vest itself, three water bottles on the back that are
attached to the vest using netting and velcro straps. Water tubing is built into the vest which can
connect to the water bottles using adapters which connect directly to the bottle. The tubing goes
from the bottom of the back (where the water bottles are) to the top right shoulder of the vest
allowing easy pickup of the straw when one decides the drink. The prototype the will primarily
have a functioning water distribution site and functional LEDs. The heart rate monitor is a strong
addition to the vest, although it is a difficult item to attain. The arduino will be programmed to
maximum functionality, allowing the flashing yellow LEDs and in the near future flashing red
LEDs when the heart rate is dangerously high. When fully manufactured the vest is capable of
amazing feats in the wearable fitness industry. Overall, the inVEST is a technological and
wearable advancement that will boost the wearable fitness industry to new heights.
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Wheelchair Stopper
New Community
Adam Kopell
Grant Levy
Adam Ash
Josh Brant
We are building a wheelchair accessory that will stop the wheelchair when it passes a certain
point where sensor have been set up. This will be helpful for many people in hospice, including
people with Alzheimers. It will prevent them from going places that could be harmful for them.
Tomer Lupo
Ryan Davis
Have you ever started rapidly tapping your foot in the middle class? You’ve been having a
stressful day and you just don’t know what to do with yourself? Every interaction or movement
you make or see makes blood rush to your head. You look down at your sweating palms. You’re
scared, or maybe stressed, or possibly anxious. You have no Idea why you’re feeling what
you’re feeling you just know it’s there, and that it’s there for long. You think you’re experiencing
this alone, but that is not necessarily true. About 12% of the population suffers from stress
disorders at at least one point in their lives. Our product could potentially help this percentage of
people out. De-Cor is a product that is aimed to help those with common stress disorders. DeCor works by signaling that a person’s heart rate is rising rapidly using an LED. De-Cor is stylish
and also very useful. Our main goal is to help students with common stress disorders and also
advocating stress disorders and bring out awareness for them.
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Nicole Chussid
Kate Gegati
Hersh Solomon
Brian Weintraub
Car crashes are phenomena that occur every single day, taking lives and injuring many. Seat
belt use is the most effective way to save lives and reduce injuries in crashes, yet millions of
adults do not wear their seat-belts every time they drive. Research has shown that lap/shoulder
seat belts, when used, reduce the risk of fatal injury to front-seat passenger car occupants by
45% and the risk of moderate to critical injury by 50%. For our project we designed a product
that can help combat this ongoing issue. The S.T.A.T.E, installed in the seat-belt of the car, will
not enable the car’s engine to start unless the seat-belt is fastened. Only once the seat-belt is
fastened, and the key is put in the ignition, will the car’s engine start. We created an electrical
circuit that is only enabled when the two pieces of the seat-belt come together, resembling the
action of fastening a seat-belt. The electricity (representing the engine) will not flow through the
circuit until the belt is fastened. With our invention, car crashes due to lack of seat-belt use will
no longer be an issue. This lifesaving mechanism is marketable to car companies, and anyone
who owns a car! With our invention, we plan to make the world a safer place one click of a seatbelt at a time.
Jack Hochman
Sam Schetritt
Nathan Schwartz
There are many instances in which paper is wasted each year. This may not seem like a big
deal in our everyday lives, but think about all of the forests destroyed. Think about all of the
animals that lose their homes. On average, 4 billion trees are cut down per year to make paper.
That adds up to nearly 60,000 square kilometers every year. We, as Americans, use our trees
to make the most paper, worldwide yearly.
What if I told you there was an easy solution; the TPD. The TPD regulates the amount of toilet
paper used per flush. It will only give you the set amount of toilet paper sheets at a time, which
you personally set to your liking. We at the TPD feel that if you can’t choose what you want, our
product is useless. If your kids can still pull down all the toilet paper, what’s the point of trying to
save?! Your family is still wasting it.
Approximately 15,626,000,000 rolls of toilet paper are used in the USA yearly. A whole tree is
used yearly on average per person. That’s 2.8 miles worth, and 5,644 square ft. worth of Toilet
Paper. We could save nearly 5,000,000 trees if our product is accepted, and used country wide.
69% of Americans should use this, because they’ll admit they take toilet paper for granted.
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The TPD is simple and easy to use. First, open the cover by pressing the button on the left side.
Following this, place the toilet paper in the designated area. Next, close the cover. You will hear
a click when it is fully closed. Now that it is loaded, press the button on the right to release the
perfect amount of toilet paper for a perfect wipe.
Toilet paper will be in high demand for the foreseeable future. The prices will keep going up and
it will just be another expense for you. This invention will not only cut down money spent, but
also save millions of homes for animals.
tubb 9000
Chad Zlatkin
Emmet Frank
Have you ever risen your hand during class, only to be neglected by your Engineering teacher?
You are not alone. Students all across America are experiencing this every day, and we feel
that it is an important issue that can be pushed aside no longer. As a student, we are never
allowed to go to the bathroom. It is a disruption to the teacher, to the class, and to the student.
Instead of making a viable contribution, we are embarrassed to have to ask to go to the
bathroom. One day, when sitting in class, we started thinking about how disruptive the whole
process was. This led to wanting to create a system that is easier to use than the same ole
hand raising. The method of our project will allow us to go to the bathroom without disrupting the
class. The problem solver is a 2 button system. The students desk will have a 2 button system
connected to Bluetooth that will when
clicked send a request to the
teacher’s desk which will also have a
2 button system. If it’s a yes the
teacher will click the green button and
the green button on the student’s
desk will light up. If it’s a no the red
will light and the teacher will click the
red button.
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Blind Assist
San Diego Jewish Academy
Naomi Suminski
Shane Katz
Josh Langman
Guide dogs are often ineffective in crowded, noisy city streets as they are rendered
uncomfortable. A “robot” guide would allow blind people to remain operative without their dogs
in these places.
A device on wheels, outfitted with sensors, can alert blind people about potentially dangerous
obstacles. For instance, a small 3D printed “toy car” like device, outfitted with sensors attached
to a cane could go through busy city streets and help to manoeuvre a visibly impaired person. If
an obstacle was detected by the sensors on the “car” it would stop, or angle itself in a new
direction until the path was clear and it was safe to proceed. Ultrasonic sensors could detect
potentially dangerous obstacles in a user’s path, and alert the user through auditory commands,
or vibrations on the hand. It could also alert the user to his/her distance away from the obstacle
in appropriate units.
The Arduino will be implemented as a midpoint through which it receives signals from the
sensors, and outputs a signal in the form of information to the user. The sensors (such as the
ultrasonic sensor) will be governed by the Arduino. The Arduino will receive input signals
(information) from the sensor about a potentially hazardous obstacle. It will then be translated
by a program into an output, such as an auditory signal to the user, which would reveal the
distance they are from the potentially hazardous obstacle, or vibration in a specific spot of a
These auditory signals will either be voice commands (i.e. “obstacle straight ahead in 60
Centimeters”) or a
glove embedded with
vibration sensors. The
Arduino will send a
signal to the vibrators
in the glove. There will
be four vibrators in the
glove; one on the palm
of the hand, which will
indicate the obstacle is
person. One on the
back of the hand,
which will mean the
obstacle is straight
ahead. One on the
index figure, which
means the obstacle is
to the left. Or on the
pinky finger, which
means the obstacle is
to the right.
materials implemented
into one small, easy to
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maneuver device, would be able to efficiently provide a better alternative to the guide dog in a
congested, noisy environment.
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Multi-Functional Backpack
San Diego Jewish Academy
Daniel Saloner
Daniel Moch
Mica Rubin
For their project, they are going to create a multi-functional intelligent backpack. This backpack
will be able to serve as a flashlight and will act as a sensor to notify someone iif there is anyone
within a five-yard radius. They decided to do an intelligent backpack because they know that
there are numerous problems walking home alone and wanted to change that. Many college
students live near campus, but walking late at night is still a struggle. That’s why by putting
these lights on the straps of the backpack, ones eyesight will let you see at least 10 yards
further. For their second idea, they have decided to incorporate a sensor in all sides of the
backpack. This new invention will notify the walker (vibrate) when someone is within a five-yard
radius of you. This can be helpful because many students are unaware of their surroundings
while walking home because most of the time they are listening to music and are wearing
earphones. By creating this, students don’t have to worry anymore because the backpack will
vibrate if someone is coming closer to you. This can help release stress if students are paranoid
about walking home.
So what they would do, is create two small LED lights and place them on the straps of the
backpack; one on each side. This will create light for them and be like built in flashlights. They
can power these lights by the push of a button on the side of the backpack. Their second idea is
to put a sensor on four sides of the backpack: the back, front, and two sides. This is useful
because if someone is within a five-yard radius of you and you don’t notice, it will vibrate and
alert you. This can be helpful because many students walk with earphones and can’t hear
people walking behind them, so when someone is near it will vibrate and notify them that
someone is close to them. They are going to do this with a few steps: they are going to use a
rechargeable battery to power the arduino and lights. The sensors will be wired into the arduino
which will provide them with a circuit. When the sensors are activated, the arduino will output to
the vibrating sensors.
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Project REC: Rethinking Education & Communication
San Diego Jewish Academy
Steven Li
Toren Rosenzweig
Joshua Glasser
No student understands every concept thrown at them right away. However, not all students feel
comfortable raising their hand and asking the teacher for clarification. Depending on the
classroom environment and the student’s level of confidence, asking for help can be
embarrassing and uncomfortable. Dually, it can be difficult for teachers to judge how well their
class processes the material taught. It can be hard to read each and every student’s reaction
and attentiveness while in the middle of a lecture. These issues can lead to students simply
checking out completely during class (rather than focus, ask questions, and try to understand
the material) and teachers simply pushing through their lectures (rather than making sure each
student fully understands the subject matter).
Our solution to this problem is a simple “panic button” that can be placed on a students desk. All
students in the class can have a button of their own. At any point in the lecture, a student may
press one of two buttons (either red or green). The pressing of either of these buttons will send
a signal through the Arduino to a small LED monitor on the teacher’s desk. If a student presses
“red” the display will show one red light, representing a negative reaction to the concept being
taught. If the student presses “green” the display will show a green light, representing positive
understanding of the subject. If more than one student presses their button at the same time,
more than one LED will light up on the teacher’s monitor. If there are multiple red LEDs flashing
at the same time, the teacher knows they have to stop and go over what was just taught. If there
are multiple green LEDs flashing, it tells the teacher that the information was well-received and
they can move on to the next topic.
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Self Charging Electric Skateboard
San Diego Jewish Academy
Zach Katz
Yuquian Tang
A big problem many daily commuters have is experimenting new and better ways to do their
daily commuting. Many of the forms of transportation these people use are really expensive and
they also have a very short battery span. Electric Skateboards usually have a battery life of 1-2
hours and they take 24 hours to charge.
A solution to this problem is an electric skateboard that charges itself while going downward or
when it is used as a normal skateboard. The way we will make this happen is by having diode
attached to the motor so when the motor is off and the wheels turn it would create power that
will be sent to the battery source.
Smart Brace
San Diego Jewish Academy
Edward Cohen
Robert Goldstein
Omer Cohen
Fractures of the tibia bone and the femur bone are very common injuries in the United States,
consisting of around 70,000 hospitalizations, 800,000 office visits, and 500,000 hospital days
attributed to just tibial shaft fractures alone [1]. Tibia fractures are the most common type of long
bone injury [2]. Depending on the magnitude of the injury, doctors usually implant screws, plates
or rods surrounding the injured femur or tibia to facilitate the bone recovery process. A major
factor in the healing process is pressure applied to the injured area. Pressure must be applied
on to the bone in order for the screws to properly guide bone growth, if there is no pressure
applied to the injured bone, then the implants do not make substantial contact with the injured
area. Yet if the patient applies too much pressure, then not only do the implants not work
properly, but the area can be further damaged. As a result doctors usually tell their patients to
bear 50% of the typical weight that they apply to their foot.
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A major issue is that patients simply cannot know when they are bearing too much
weight on their foot because they have no way of quantitatively judging the amount of pressure
they apply to their foot. As a result they injure themselves without even knowing it.
A brace capable of informing the user if he or she has passed the weight bearing threshold that
the doctor provides, may be a potential solution to this problem. A resistance scale sensor will
be situated on the heel of the foot to measure pressure applied by the user. A wire will run from
the sensor, up the brace, and to the arduino to relay information and to supply power to the
sensor. More wires will also run up the brace to power the vibrating components. The battery we
plan to use is a standard smartphone rechargable battery.
The arduino will process the information from the sensors and will automatically activate the
vibrating component placed on the foot of the patient if the user passes the pressure threshold.
In addition, the arduino will store all the readings of pressure from the moment the device has
been turned on, until it has been turned off, into a micro-sd card. It will then compile the data
from the sensors into an organized summary everyday. This way, when the patient applies too
much weight to the injured area, the device will vibrate letting the user know that he or she
should apply less pressure. The user is able to view the data, but he or she cannot modify the
data. The doctor is also able to then download the daily summaries, and store them in the
hospital’s medical database.
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Vibrating Smoke Detecting Braclet
San Diego Jewish Academy
Jack Calderon
Jonathan Bielaz
Jacob Lazar
The hearing impaired face various challenges on a day to day basis, one of them being their
inability to hear smoke detectors. As a result of this sensory deficit, these individuals are placed
at a direct risk, not being able to react to a potentially life threatening situation. There have been
various cases in which, due to the inability to hear, deaf people have experienced severe injury
and even death. Despite the advanced technological innovations of the 21st century, none have
developed an effective and cost efficient solution to this global issue. The purpose of this project
is to develop a solution that addresses one of the problems that the hearing impaired face, the
ability to be alerted to smoke alarms.
The device designed to address this problem is constructed of a vibrating bracelet for the
hearing impaired to use when they go to sleep. This bracelet is powered by an Arduino Mini
microprocessor. The Arduino Mini, located on the wrist in a casing, communicates with an
Arduino Uno microprocessor, which is connected to a MQ2 smoke detector. When the detector
detects the smoke, its sends a signal to the Arduino Uno. It then sends a signal to the Arduino
Mini, connected to the bracelet, with the use of a wireless transceiver. Lastly, once the Arduino
Mini gets the signal, it activates a motor, which vibrates. This wakes up the person wearing the
bracelet, allowing him/her to react adequately, preventing an potential casualties.
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Water Usage Monitor
San Diego Jewish Academy
Jonathan Lavi
Doron Cohen
Ivan Fang
Our project is based on the water being wasted around the world. This is a huge problem and
we have the solution to monitoring the water you are using/wasting. This device that we have
designed is not physically stopping the water from being wasted but just monitoring and
recording how much water is coming out of the faucet or shower.
This device is placed on the nozzle of a faucet and when the water goes through it the
digital screen tell the user how much water is going through in liters. This device can be
extremely useful to the average person who wants to conserve water by knowing exactly how
much water they are using at the moment and for as long as they are using the water usage
monitor. This can be an incredible and unique plan to revolutionize the way we plan on saving
Smart Window Shade
Scheck Hillel
Esther Bentolila
Ilan Lapco
Nathaniel Melnitsky
Window blinds are a great way to help control the temperature in a home and cut energy costs.
The problem is there's not always someone around to monitor the room temperature and
change the position of the window blinds to optimize room temperature. "Smart Window Shade"
is one way to solve this problem. using a temperature sensor a motor is automatically controlled
to open or close the shades so as to allow more or less solar heat through the window and help
regulate the room temperature. The "Smart Window Shade" is not meant to replace current
heating and cooling methods. However, it will assist in temperature control and make current
methods less expensive.
Smart Parking Garage
Scheck Hillel
Daniella Wolf
Benjamin Givner
Lily Schmutter
Finding a parking spot can be time consuming and frustrating. The "Smart Parking Garage" is a
system designed to help drivers find the best spot quickly and reduce the stress and frustration
of searching. The "Smart Parking Garage" will show the driver at a glance all of the parking
spots that are available on an LED board near the entrance of the parking lot/garage. This will
help the driver quickly choose and locate a the best spot available. Once a car has occupied a
spot the LED board will indicate that the parking spot is occupied.
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The Eye Belt
Scheck Hillel
Max Peicher
Keith Bonwitt
Monique Bentata
Currently there are many useful devices to assist the blind in walking. The most common are
Canes, Seeing Eye Dogs and Clickers. "The Eye Belt" is an alternative to these other methods
that requires no action on the part of the blind person. The belt utilizes 2 ultrasonic sensors
placed on the front of the belt to detect nearby objects that might be obstructing the path of
walker. If the sensors detect an object in the path, the person wearing the belt will feel a
vibration on the belt from one of the 2 vibration motors indicating not just the object but the
general direction of the object. This is an easy and great way to help the blind avoid objects in
their path without having to rely on searching for objects with a cane or by sound.
My Beat
Scheck Hillel
Simi Serfati
Nathalie Fuhrman
Hannah Fiske
People who run, especially those who run long distances, typically enjoy listening to music for a
variety of reasons. Music can assist a runner by pacing the rate of their strides in such a way as
to optimize performance by balancing the energy exertion levels. One challenge a runner will
encounter is that the beat of the music will suggest to the runner a pace that is either too fast or
too slow for them to train/race at an optimal level. The "My Beat" addresses this issue by
monitoring the runners heart rate and, if needed, selects a playlist that will suggest to the
runner a change of pace. If the heart rate is too low and the runner is not being pushed to their
optimal level, the "My Beat" will begin to play music from a higher paced playlist. If the heart rate
is too fast and the runner will not be able to maintain the pace, the "My Beat" will play tracks that
are slower to help the runner run at a sustainable pace.
Parking Pass
Scheck Hillel
Daniella Wolf
Benjamin Givner
Lily Schmutter
Finding a parking spot can be time consuming and frustrating. The "Parking Pass" is a system
designed to help drivers find the best spot quickly and reduce the stress and frustration of
searching. The "Parking Pass" will show the driver at a glance all of the parking spots that are
available on an LED board near the entrance of the parking lot/garage. This will help the driver
quickly choose and locate a the best spot available. Once a car has occupied a spot the LED
board will indicate that the parking spot is occupied. Using the "Parking Pass" system will make
parking a much more comfortable experience.
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Smart Irrigation
Scheck Hillel
Roy Glazer
Vanessa Gonik
Jonathan Lanes
Gardening can be a very satisfying and productive hobby. However, it can also be a complex
endeavor and difficult to maintain. Especially, if you have multiple types of plants that all require
different moisture levels. "Smart Irrigation" is a system that will simplify the watering of plants.
Using moisture sensors "Smart Irrigation" will provide the correct level of moisture to all of the
plants in your garden in all varieties automatically. After making the initial moisture requirement
adjustments, no monitoring, scheduling, or Recording will be necessary with this amazing
system. The "Smart Irrigation" system will even adjust for rainfall because watering is only
dependent on moisture levels in the soil regardless of the water source. "Smart Irrigation" will
make the gardeners job and life much easier and help to grow the best quality produce in the
Daniel Lorell
Noah Mermelstein
Jacob Feitelberg
Amin Lari
Anyone who lives in Los Angeles knows the rage and plight of sitting in traffic. similarly, parents
of young children know the ordeal of a kid whining “ARE WE THERE YET?” or, “IM BORED.”
Heck, no one likes to go through the trouble of picking a song to play while driving whoever you
are! Well, endure it no longer! With the A.M.P., now boring bumper to bumper conditions are a
thing of the past. The A.M.P. combines the power of Arduino with the suave sophistication of the
Android. The Arduino component of the player will detect the subtle nuances of the nature of the
drive such as speed, temp., and biometric indicators of mood through the means of measuring
one's pulse. It will take this data, interpret what the cumulative conditions mean in terms of
music, and tell the Android what to play via bluetooth. The Android will be connected to the car
stereo, and VOILA! This creates a system where ambient music is played automatically,
minimizing risk in drivers getting distracted while picking the right song to play by taking the
human element of risk out of the equation. In the event that the user does not like the chosen
song, they can simply press the wireless button located on the steering wheel to skip the current
song. We hope to improve society by reducing the risk of driver induced accidents while having
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Ein Kaav
Eric Bazak
Mark Miller
Will Bernstein
Our project idea is to help mitigate pain sensations and thereby help soothe those in
pain. The project consists of a wrap that holds electrodes and vibrating motors which distract
the wearer from pain by shocking and vibrating the afflicted area. Stimulating the hurt area
distracts the neurons that send pain signals to the brain. The goal is that this item will be easily
accessible and can compact into first aid kits, as it is a relatively inexpensive product that can
swiftly abate several types of pains. Besides for the vibration and electronic stimulations, the
strap will also include a Thermoelectric cooler to decrease swelling by cooling the area and
sooth the user by heating the area. The product would have the ability to detect how swollen the
area is, and will increment how cold the cooler is to adjust for how swollen the body part is.
Another element of the product is the timer. If a user desires to have the wrap on while sleeping,
the product will have a timer mode the user can set manually. Finally, the device will include an
interactive menu shield, so users can easily control which parts of the device they want on and
which they want turned off. The parts we plan on using are a vibration motor, electrodes, a
Thermoelectric cooler, a heat sink (so that the heat does not burn the skin), a velcro wrap, and
an LCD menu shield.
Forked Up
Gabe Silverstein
Daniel Shoham
Sarah Yadegari
In the U.S., 69% of adults are overweight or obese. Needless to say, weight is a real problem in
our society. Our project seeks to eliminate this issue with a very simple solution. But first, it is
critical to understand the science behind weight loss. Studies show, eating slowly allows the
brain time to process the amount of food taken in. When the consumer eats slowly, it allows
time to tell the brain the stomach is full. When people eat too fast, leptin, the hormone that tells
the brain that the stomach is full,
doesn't have enough time to get
to the brain. When brain doesn't
have time to recognize the
consumer is full, they tend to eat
too much. Our project urges
people to eat slower by emitting
an abrasive sound when the
person eats too fast. If the
consumer moves their hand too
fast, the fork will emit an
irritating sound. The fork will
similarly emit a sound if the
consumer moves the fork within
a set number of seconds of the
last bite. This device will
ultimately reduce the amount of
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food needed for people to feel full.
Zev Kent
Eytan Rosenman
Ezra Fax
People all around the world forget to take their pills every day. This is a serious problem that is
easily preventable. When people forget to take their pills, they could be putting their lives in
danger. The MedReminder is the answer to that problem. The MedReminder combines an array
of notifications and timers to remind people to take their pills. First, the Arduino connects to a
real time clock to tell what time it is. Once the real time clock reaches the designated pill taking
time, it activates the Arduino. The Arduino then flashes a light to notify the person that it is time
to take their pills. After ten minutes, if the pills have still not been taken, the Arduino activates an
audible alarm with a blaring noise to annoy the person into taking their pills. The person then
gets their pills by putting their thumb on the fingerprint sensor to open up the pill dispenser and
receive their pills. There are different compartments for different medications, and when
different fingers are read by the sensor, a different compartment will open up, dispensing all the
different types of pills a person needs. In addition to dispensing the pills, there will also be a
tank of water on the side, and when you put in your fingerprint, it will let out a little water into a
cup to take your pills with.
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The e-canopy; a savior for wheelchair users
Efrat Neumann
Ashi Bitterman
Miriam Kopyto
Wheelchair users are currently left unprotected as they enter their vehicles, despite the
technologies available to aid them. What we have built is a mechanical canopy that fits to the
needs of the physically disabled. The mechanical canopy is built on a vehicle to protect the
handicap from precipitation, darkness, and extreme sunlight while they enter their car. Without
our canopy, the millions of wheelchair users in the world are faced with difficult situations as
they enter and exit their vehicles, such as being unable to see where they're going to, due to
dark nights and shady parking lots, and being rained or snowed on as they attempt to go for a
drive. Using ultrasonic distance sensors, photo sensors, leds, servos, buttons, and raw
materials we were able to complete our project and help the disabled.
The Feel Safe Home Seccurity System
Zack Hirschhorn
Sam HIrschhhorn
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Did you know that every 13 seconds, a home is being broken into? Over two and a half million
break-ins are committed each year. Over 30 percent of all break-ins are through an unlocked
door or window. 33 percent of all home assaults are during a break-in. Homes without security
systems are 300% more likely to be robbed. Are you scared yet? Well don’t be. The Feel Safe
Home Security System will greatly decrease your chance of being robbed. When your door or
window is opened and the system is armed, the intruder will have how-ever many seconds you
decide to put in your personalized code. When the intruder does not put in the code, an alarm
will sound. During a break-in, when an alarm sounds, the chances of the thief running away and
leaving your house secure is increased greatly. Also, only 13% of burglars are caught, due to
the fact that there are normally no witnesses. This system will have a place to clip on a camera
and will take a picture when it is activated. This security system is also very convenient. When
a human opens the door from the inside, the alarm is disabled until the door is closed; this
saves you the trouble of putting in the code whenever you open the door to let someone in.
After being turned on just by a touch of the button, it is easily placed near doors and windows,
and will sound an alarm if the door or window is opened. This will help you put the perpetrator
behind bars and keep your home safe.
The Pill Popper
Hannah Jannol
Tyler Ekaireb
Tirza Schramm
Just in the US in 2014, gross sales of pharmaceuticals was $329,000,000. Pharmaceutical
engineers create medications for a large variety of diseases, ailments, and illnesses. Until now,
the process has been doctors prescribe these pills and patients pick them up at their local
pharmacies. But how do we guarantee someone takes the right pill, at the right time in the right
way? How do we safeguard this accuracy for the patient, the doctor, and the pharmacist? Well,
with "The Pill Popper," we can fulfill the whole point of taking medication, which has never been
done before "The Pill Popper." This invention has a carousel of eight slots, which can be easily
scaled up with more than a months worth of pills. The carousel, which can be inexpensively
replicated with a 3D printer, turns on the schedule of the user. The buzzer then beeps to remind
the user to take their pill, similarly to an alarm clock. This invention is embellished with an LCD
screen which tells the user how to take the pill, with easy to read directions such as, "take with
water," or, "take with meal." The words on the screen are easy to code in, so this machine is
useful worldwide. Not only does our invention ensure the accuracy of the taking of pills, it is also
great for the environment. No longer do we need to make plastic pill bottles, which wreak havoc
on our earth. Pharmacists can just fill up their clients "The Pill Popper," and return it to them.
This machine is a revolution for anyone who takes or will ever take any medication.
Danielle Nussbaum
Tamara Morduchowitz
Abby Hofstetter
For our project, we are creating the BabeSave. This is a new innovation that will help prevent
unnecessary deaths of babies. Many young parents may accidentally forget their child in the car
due to the craziness of everyday life. A parent could also think they are leaving their child alone
in a car for just a few minutes, not thinking of the hazard of temperature rising or lack of oxygen
over long periods of time. Our solution is to create a device that will measure the temperature
and will be connected to the drivers seat and the car seat. We will be using a force pressure
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sensor, the sparkfun square force sensor to measure if there is a baby in the car seat and if
there is an adult in the driver’s seat. If there is pressure in only the car seat for 5 minutes, an
alarm will go off so that someone can come save the baby. If no one comes after 7 minutes,
then a distress signal will go out to the police along with the location of the stranded infant. We
will send out this distress signal using a RF transmitter-receiver and the alarm will come from a
buzzer. If the temperature in the car gets too hot, it can cause oxygen levels to drop and this
can be fatal for the baby. Using a temperature sensor, we will sense if the temperature is
dangerously low, and if it is, a fan will go on and prolong the baby’s life.
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Don't Wait
Sheva Glickman
Chaya Biderman
A prevalent problem these days is that drivers have to wait at traffic lights that are on a timer
even when there are no other cars in the intersection. There are three different ways that traffic
lights are controlled; timers, sensors and inductive coils embedded in the road. Most cities use
timers that do not change according to traffic. Our idea to deal with this problem is that we will
put an ultrasonic distance sensor on top of the traffic lights that will determine where all the
cars are located. If there are no cars in the immediate area then the traffic light will change.
Additionally, the force sensor will determine if any pedestrians are waiting to cross the street.
Then the light will change accordingly.
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Head Safeties
Esther Lamm
Miriam Alyeshmerni
Shira Kurland
Our project is called Head Safeties. Our purpose is for football players, both professional and
children who just want to enjoy the game to be safe. Football is a violent sport and often ends
with many injuries, primarily concussions. Players run into each other and are tackled constantly
which can lead to concussions. But, while concussions are painful, most dedicated players will
decide to play through the pain and the coaches won’t know how serious the injury is,
worsening the concussion, and leading to more serious diseases later in life. Our project, the
concussion detecting helmet, will solve this problem. We put an accelerator in a regular football
helmet in order to compare the acceleration to the G-force, and an RF transmitter that will send
a signal to the coach’s RF receiver. Through this project we hope to decrease the amount of
brain injuries caused by concussions in a football game.
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Head Safeties
Miriam Alyeshmerni
Shira Kurland
Esther Lamm
Our project is called the concussion detecting helmet. Our purpose is for football players, both
professional and children who just want to enjoy the game to be safe. Football is a violent sport
and often ends with many injuries, primarily concussions. Players run into each other and are
tackled constantly which can lead to concussions. But, while concussions are painful, most
dedicated players will decide to play through the pain and the coaches won’t know how serious
the injury is, worsening the concussion, and leading to more serious diseases later in life. Our
project, the concussion detecting helmet, will solve this problem. We put an accelerator in a
regular football helmet in order to compare the acceleration to the G-force, and an RF
transmitter that will send a signal to the coach’s RF receiver. Through this project we hope to
decrease the amount of brain injuries caused by concussions in a football game.
Shoshi Tuchman
Sarah Meira Weissman
Shohshana Laupher
There are so many accidents that occur because children do not wear helmets. In such a
technologically advanced society it is shocking that there is no effective way to prevent this
problem. According to Rush University Medical Center, injuries caused by not wearing a helmet
can cause permanent behavior and cognitive problems and in some cases permanent disability
or death. Currently there is no way to ensure that a child is wearing his/her helmet because
many children will take off their helmet when they leave their parents field of view. In the bike
(and other vehicle) safety industry at the moment there are undeniably many products that try to
reduce injuries caused by accidents. Morpher has created a helmet that can be compressed so
it is easy to carry around. Because of this people who do not wear helmets because they feel it
is an inconvenience, will be more likely to wear it. However this is not the only reason why
people do not wear a helmet. According to helmets.org many children don’t wear helmets
because of its look/fit, so this would not encourage them to wear the helmet. Hovding
developed a helmet that has an airbag that inflates upon contact. While this massively improves
safety while riding, this doesn’t help the person if they are not wearing a helmet. Our product,
Helmet First, solves the problem of people not wearing helmets. The system works by using a
transmitter- receiver system, and an accelerometer. The accelerometer, which is attached to
the bike or other vehicle, sets off an alarm if the vehicle is in motion. The transmitter on the
helmet constantly sends signals to the receiver on the vehicle. If the child is wearing a helmet
the signals will reach the receiver and the alarm will be silenced. If the child is not wearing a
helmet a piercing alarm will be set off forcing the child to retrieve his/her helmet.
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Quick Exit
Atara Israel
Kayla Evans
As a parent, safety for your family is your #1 goal. If it is possible to prevent disaster a
parent would do anything in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent
something that is uncontrollable. Instead of trying to stop it, parents opt for making a safe way to
escape these disasters. One of the main disasters that threaten many lives are house fires.
There is an average of 373,900 home fires each year which result in 15,540 injuries or deaths.
Thankfully people have came up with technology like smoke alarms and exit signs to improve
the likelihood of escape in a fire. Even though these machines are great and truly help during
disaster, we would like to take safety to a whole new level. Our project consists of a LED RGB
strip, a photoresistor, and a carbon monoxide gas sensor, and a buzzer. Unlike their products
which are placed at the top of a doorframe or on the ceiling, ours is placed on either side of the
bottom of the doorframe. This aids in escape because the levels of oxygen decrease the higher
in the atmosphere you go. Therefore, by staying closer to the ground more oxygen will reach
your lungs. The more oxygen you have, the clearer you think, and the faster your body moves.
By having our LED RGB strip placed at the bottom of the doorframe, people can stay low while
still being able to see the light projected by the strip to escape. While knowing about the levels
of oxygen aids in your escape other lessons learned from loved ones can hinder the escape. As
mentioned earlier, parents will do anything to keep their kids safe. They teach their children at a
young age that should they be on fire, they should stop, drop, and roll. As written by the
National Fire Protection Association, kids get confused as to when they should use this method.
While in a dangerous fire a child may decide to stop, drop, and roll because that is what they
were taught. Little do they know that they are putting themselves in a life threatening position.
The fact that our sign transmitting light is close to the floor can lessen the worry of parents. With
our project, if the child does stop, drop and roll, they can find the exit while doing so. Last but
not least, if the house fire burns through the electric wire, our LED RGB strip will still stay lit.
Even though our project is very simplistic, it has many benefits that will keep family and loved
ones that much safer from danger.
Golda Daphna
Rachel Kellner
Henny Neustadt
Success is tied closely to conversation. Business, social, and political achievements are
intertwined with proper diction. Many people have issues with voice modulation. This can be
due to a multitude of reasons. Listening to loud music, experience in war, and medical problems
contribute to hearing loss. Often hearing loss, which can occur as a result of old age, medication
with negative effects,and otosclerosis (excessive bone growth in inner ear) hinders their victims
who are unaware of their speech volume. When they speak too loudly or quietly they may be
unaware, and scream or whisper to compensate. Many times this causes feelings of isolation,
loneliness, and disrespect. Our project, Speazier, aims to help social and professional
environments with correct vocal modulation. Speazier, speaking made easier, is comprised of a
sensor located in a commonly worn accessory. The sensor calculates the ambient noise and
discerns the appropriate speaker volume. When the wearer speaks too loudly, a red LED
flashes and when he speaks too softly, a green LED flashes. This will hopefully train the
individual speaking and eradicate some social negative effects that accompany hearing loss.
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Triple A-larm
Ayelet Aharon
Ahava Friedman
Aliyah Tanami
Most people living in current times use alarm clocks to wake them up in the morning. However,
there are certain issues with a regular alarm clock that can be resolved. First of all, the loud
noise of the alarm can wake up others who are sleeping in the same room. Another problem is
that the user of the clock can easily stop the alarm and fall back asleep, defeating the purpose
of an alarm. Also, someone who is hard of hearing cannot hear the noise, and will not be woken
up by the alarm clock. We believe that our idea, “Triple A-larm” can solve all of these problems.
“Triple A-larm” is a mattress that vibrates when a clock reaches a specific time, determined by
the user. The vibration will not stop until the weight of the person is lifted from the mattress. We
will be using the Sparkfun real time clock module and connecting it to a vibrating motor and
force sensor. When the clock reaches a previously set time, the vibrating motor will turn on,
waking the person in bed. This will ensure that any roommate will not be woken up and that
even the hard of hearing will be woken by the vibration. Then the force sensor will recognize
when the weight of the person has been lifted off the bed and will cause the vibrating motor to
turn off. This guarantees that the person will get out of bed and start the day.
Cane 'N Able
Abigail Lerner
Jared Rogers
Yael Rogoszinski
In 2009, there were nearly 800,000 senior injuries associated with stairs, ramps, landings or
floors. Stairs are the cause of 17% of all senior injuries, mostly because seniors do not know
how, or forget how, to walk up the stairs correctly with a cane. In addition, during rehabilitation it
is common for people to overuse or put too much pressure on their cane, thus prolonging the
rehabilitation process. Our project provides a solution to each of these issues. Our project
consists of a pressure sensor that is located on the bottom of a cane. This sensor detects how
much weight is being applied onto the cane at any time. A potentiometer is placed on the cane
to limit the range of pressures that can be applied, as this range will decrease throughout the
rehabilitation process. For going up and down the stairs, there is a switch that is pressed to start
up a LCD screen. This LCD screen will be visible to the user, and will display the correct
process for going either up or down the stairs. For going up the stairs, this process is “strong
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leg, weak leg, cane” and for going down the stairs, the process is “cane, weak leg, strong leg.”
The amount of pressure placed on the cane will dictate whether the user is going up or down
the stairs, and in turn the LCD screen will display the appropriate instructions. Our project will
help the elderly and those rehabilitating with walking up and down stairs and will potentially
decrease the amount of injuries caused by stairs.
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Michael Horwitz
Zachary Zabib
Jeremy Kohler
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a dangerous gas that is undetectable to humans. If a person is
exposed to it for too long, they might experience fatigue, nausea, headaches, unconsciousness,
and/or death. Many products on the market try to fix this problem by alerting people of the gas
with an alarm. However, the alarm doesn’t actually do anything to dispel the CO. Therefore, we
came up with a design that would not only alert people to the presence of CO, but also allows
the CO to disperse: when the CO sensor detects CO in the air, an alarm will go off, but also, a
window will open, and a fan will turn on to help push the CO out the window. We hope that our
project will be able to lower CO levels, and therefore lower the chance of CO poisoning.
Electric Stove Guard
Jonah Bernstein
Eric Zucker
David Vizgan
According to Antiscald, a leading producer of burn prevention products, over 35,000 children
under age 14 are treated for scalds and burns each year. Sixty five percent of these children are
under the age of four. Antiscald also noted that “more than 70% of all scald injuries in infants
could be prevented” through environmental changes. Additionally, pets injured by scalds and
burns often need treatment for shock, and, in extreme cases, may need to be euthanized. Our
project goal is to lower these numbers. Our project is an Electric Stove Guard, which essentially
prevents small children and pets from being harmed by an open flame, or a warm stove, etc.
The Electric Stove Guard works by detecting the child or pet with a series of ultrasonic sensors.
These ultrasonic sensors are placed on multiple levels, which serve as a way to determine how
tall the child or pet is. If a child approaches the stove, and does not block all ultrasonic sensors,
then the Electric Stove Guard will activate a protective mechanism to prevent the child from
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touching the stove or oven. This protective mechanism can be customized for the family’s needs
-- be it something like a loud sound or something more protective like a mechanical lock. By
preventing the child or pet from touching the stove, there is less chance for it to be burned or
scalded. Ultimately, our Electric Stove Guard aims to prevent burns and to turn the kitchen area
into a safer place for little kids and pets.
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Forget Me not Pillbox
Aimee Teplitskiy
Daniel Multz
Danielle Erdos
Aging is inevitable. There is nothing we can do to change that. And unfortunately, with age
comes mental decay, and one’s memory does not work as well as it used to, and that is where
the Forget Me Not Pillbox comes in. The Forget Me Not Pillbox is a pill dispenser that is
programmed to dispense one’s pills at designated times throughout the day into a container with
a force sensor and alarm on the bottom. The force sensor detects the pills as they land on it and
triggers an alarm that does not go off until all the pills are removed from the container. If no one
comes to take the pills after seven minutes, a transmitter in the medicine measurer will send a
text to a guardian, a younger family member or possibly a doctor, informing them that the
person in question has not taken their medication. The Forget Me Not Pillbox is not only a
reminder to the forgetful elderly but can be a life saver, because with age comes great risk and
responsibility. If someone is not healthy enough to get up and retrieve their pills from the Forget
Me Not Pillbox, something must be wrong and our machine will make sure that a guardian can
be aware of that. There are many automated pill dispensers in the world but our Forget Me Not
Pillbox goes farther than any other in an attempt to ensure maximum awareness and peace of
mind among prescription patients as well as their guardians.
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Grill Guard
Diane Chernoff
Yael Yossefy
David Blank
Have you ever left your barbecue unattended and simply forgotten about it? This is an
extremely dangerous, yet common problem. Inhaling large amounts of propane gas is harmful
and can even result in death. In fact, grills are involved in more than 8,000 home structure and
outdoor fires per year and, in 2009, 17,700 patients went to the emergency room because of
injuries involving grills.
Our project detects if your barbecue is on and has not been tended to for a long period of time.
Using a temperature and LPG (Liquid Propane Gas) sensor, the device can detect whether
propane and heat are being emitted from the barbecue, therefore validating that it is on. Then,
using the motion and distance sensors, the device senses whether there is motion near the
barbecue for a select amount of time. If there is no motion, the device alarms the owner via text
and a sound system. It is the owners responsibility to shut the barbecue off, or if it was left on
purposely, turn off the alarm. This device is a small and simple solution that can prevent these
hazardous situations and allow you to feel comfortable, safe, and aware. We hope our device
will let you enjoy barbecuing without the worry!
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Pillow Doctor
Sara Balsam
Isaac Bensignor
The Pillow Doctor is a neck pillow that, once turned on, senses a rise or drop in your body
temperature and pulse rate. It also shows you how much sleep you have received based on
your heart rate and movement. After pressing a push button, the LCD will print your information,
and you can read your data.
In today’s world, people are always busy. Sometimes people could be too busy to even
notice they are getting sick, or developing a fever. It takes the average person 24 hours to
detect if they have a fever. Detecting a rise in temperature sooner can help stop the illness and
spreading of the virus. This could also help immunodeficient people get treatment faster.
Another problem in today’s world is not getting enough sleep. Not getting a sufficient amount of
sleep can cause many illnesses. Working adults require 9 hours of sleep while statistics show
the average adult receives only 7.7 hours of sleep every night.
The Pillow Doctor would make detecting a fever and tracking how much sleep you are
getting much easier and faster. You wear the Pillow Doctor while resting or sleeping and then it
will tell you how many more hours of sleep you need, if any, and/or if you are getting a fever.
This would help people treat their illnesses faster, and allow them to give their body the rest it
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Right Under Your Nose
Abe Browne
Jacob Deane
Despite our advanced age, it is still very easy for young children to access and steal their
parents prescription drugs, right under their noses! According to the National Survey of Drug
Use and Health and the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, prescription drug abuse is the
second most abused category of drugs, right after marijuana. Everyday, 2,500 kids between the
ages of 12 and 17 abuse a prescription drug and too many become addicted. This is where our
invention comes in.
As of now, the only monitored pill bottles in the market are locking pill bottles. They lack many of
the high tech and additional qualities that our pill bottle will contain.
Our pill bottle will have a fingerprint scanner which will contain the memory of one fingerprint,
the one that belongs to the prescription drug holder. We will then use a distance sensor that will
sense when the cap is taken off which will be de-activated after the correct fingerprint is
scanned. Additionally, if the bottle is opened without the correct fingerprint read, the distance
sensor will detect that the cap was taken off and a speaker will produce a beeping sound. An
email will then be sent to the owner of the pill bottle, notifying them that someone unwanted
tried to access their bottle.
Our invention will not end the abuse of prescription drugs, but it will limit it and give the parents
a chance to get their kids help so that they are no longer harming themselves.
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Self-Closing Drawer
Ira Kohler
Yoel Dusi
Rona Mariah
There are lots of people in the world who forget to close their drawers on the way out of
a room. This may seem like a minor problem, but people often under-appreciate the importance
of closing drawers. People can collide with the drawers and get injured. The self-closing drawer
enables people to easily access drawers without hurting themselves. Which means you can
also open the drawer simply by putting your hand over the infrared proximity sensor for a few
seconds. The way these functions will work is quite simple. An infrared proximity sensor will be
connected to an arduino, which will be connected to a servo motor that will operate a pulley that
will open or close the drawer.If a person forgets to close the drawer, then after a certain amount
of time (measured by the arduino), the drawer will close. Another infrared proximity sensor will
be attached on the inside of the drawer, so if a person’s hand is inside the drawer, the infrared
proximity sensor will send a signal to the arduino telling the pulley to rotate the other way.
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Alex Kristal
Shawn Vizgan
Niels Vizgan
Today, there are several toys on the market that intend to teach kids the names of various body
parts. These toys are usually meant to assist toddlers in their articulation of certain words, yet
they do not inform the user of any additional or relevant information about the body part. Our
solution will be a simple, educational toy in the image of the lovable elephant. Rather than
simply saying the name of the body part, our model will speak facts about the specific body part
pressed. For example, by pressing a button within the limb of the elephant, two things will
happen- one, the name of the limb is displayed on the screen, and two, a speaker located near
the mouth of the elephant will say facts related to the respective limb. This product will help
children learn about various body parts and the living world.
-The LCD screen will tell the user the name of the body part and buttons will be placed in the
tail, leg and trunk. When the button is pressed, the LCD will display the name of the body part
pressed, and that area will be lit up. Then, the elephant will speak facts about that particular
body part.
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Translator Pen
Jordan Wachsman
Elan Adhami
Students who are learning a new language often use dictionaries to assist them with vocabulary
and writing. Today, many students use online dictionaries due to the swiftness they provide.
But, many of these online dictionaries require a wireless internet connection and are not as
convenient to carry around.The Translator Pen will not require wifi and will also help students
who are learning new languages. The pen will also write! Our Translator Pen includes voice
recognition software. With the click of a button anyone can say a word in American English that
has been programmed into the pen, and the translation of that word will appear in Spanish on
the LCD screen.
This pen is only a prototype! In order to demonstrate what the pen would look like and how it
would function we “supersized” the design. We also did not program the whole dictionary into
the pen, and the pen only translates American English to Spanish. Our hope for the pen is for it
to be the size of an average writing utensil, with the whole dictionary programmed into it, and
able to translate to and from several languages.
Who Let The Dogs Out?
Ethan Vizgan
Talia Goldstein
Gabby Butman
The purpose of this project is to prevent many issues in society, such as; preventing
wildlife from entering ones home though a pet door, and keeping designated animals/babies
from exiting the household. We also want to keep burglars out of your house. In order to solve
these problems, we have designed a pet door that includes an RFID tag and reader, LEDS,
servo-motors, and a clock module. In order for this project to work, the animal has to wear the
RFID tag. The pet can only enter and exit the pet door depending on what time of day it is. The
RFID reader will sense that the animal is near the door, and the servo-motors will unlock the
latch which will allow the animal to exit the house. Any animal that is not wearing the RFID tag
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cannot use the door, and any animal that tries to enter the house without a tag will be locked
out. This pet door is unique because the RFID tags only work for the certain frequency of the
reader, therefore only animals with the correct RFID tags can enter the door. Hopefully, this
door will be successful in solving the problems mentioned previously.
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Auto-sorting garbage/recycling pail
marci Brusman
Ron Wolf
Mathew Siegel
Lauren Wein
For centuries our society has not paid attention to the vast amount of garbage we create. It is
our responsibility to protect and preserve the environment, and that means reversing this effect.
We strongly feel that recycling is one of the most effective ways to do so. Over time, it has
become evident that many people do not recycle because it is inconvenient. This results in an
unnecessary amount of waste, leading to pollution that is harmful to the planet and its
inhabitants. We have created a solution that makes recycling convenient for everyone,
specifically in school cafeterias. Using a load sensor, rotating platform, servo motor, and divider,
we are creating a garbage bin that separates waste automatically. We are using an Arduino
board and Wiring to program the load sensor to analyze the weight of waste placed on the
platform, so that the servo will tilt the platform one way or another based on the measurement of
the weight. Each individual recyclable item in our school cafeteria weigh less than 10 grams, so
we are using that measurement as the threshold to determine whether each item is recyclable
or garbage. Therefore, having students place items in a can that sorts each in a trivial amount of
time is practical. That way there is no need to remember what is recyclable or not. Developing a
smart trashcan that automatically separates waste will democratize saving the environment.
This product will revolutionize how we approach recycling as a society.
Bike Anti-theft System
Benjamin Robinov
Sarah Griffith
Benjamin Goldberg
Every year, millions of bicycles are stolen in the United States, and very few of them are
recovered. As a result, an immense amount of money is lost every year. At the same time, the
use of bicycles is increasing, and with it the need to recover stolen bikes and prevent theft is as
well. We are refining bicycle security systems to help prevent bike theft and make recovering a
stolen bike easier. We are adding tilt sensors to the bike, which, when tripped, will sound an
alarm to draw attention to the thief and scare off potential thieves. This system is armed and
disarmed by a small keypad attached to the bike. If this fails to deter the thief, the bike can be
recovered by using an app on a smartphone, which communicates with a GPS embedded in the
frame of the bike, allowing the bike to be tracked and recovered. We have already successfully
wired the keypad to work with the tilt sensors and alarm, and our GPS returns accurate and
coherent values. All in
all, we are well on our
way to constructing a
functional prototype.
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Julia Bernstein
Kenneth Berger
Miles Ogihara
For teenagers, waking up in the morning can often be challenging. This has provided the
motivation to design an alarm clock that gets everyone up-and moving more effectively and
productively than usual. We analyzed our daily schedule and realized that during the first few
hours of the day we generally move slower most likely because our brains are not fully awake.
The need for an effectual wake-up mechanism is universal, because there will always be
students that will have to get up in the morning, at a time they do not desire. We are making a
more enjoyable way to start the morning that will add to our productivity for the rest of the day.
The problem that we are addressing is students not having an awakening from their night’s
sleep - starting their morning in an unhealthy and unproductive manner. Our device is called the
MotiWaker, which will be a dance alarm clock, where the user has to complete a certain pattern
of dance steps in order to shut off the alarm. We used Wiring as our programming language and
came across variables such as time, day, and where you step on the board. First, the Arduino
alarm clock was programed, and replaced the turn-off button with a code that requires the user
to step on the board imbedded with LDRs and LEDs in a certain order to turn off the alarm. By
building our project, we could help change how students wake up in the morning and how they
face the rest of their school day.
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Next Gen Pill Bottle
Madeline Burton
Rebecca Levy
Lauren Weissman
Approximately 7,000 people are hospitalized per-day due to drug overdose. The misuse of
prescription drugs can happen for a variety of reasons such as addiction or just plain
forgetfulness. Our team’s goal was to find a way to monitor the misuse of prescription drugs
thereby helping people properly take their medication. So we created a locked, coded and timed
pill bottle. The locking mechanism is similar to that of a door latch and unlocks once the user
inputs their four-digit code on the Arduino keypad. This way, only the user can access their pills
and intruders are unable to steal the user’s medication. Once the pill cap is replaced, a timer will
set and count-down to the next time the user must take their medicine. Once the timer reaches
zero, a green LED will light up reminding the user to take their pill. Other pill bottles with similar
intentions do not have all of the features that we have implemented, but are still monetarily
successful, so we are confident that our product will have even greater success. Though we
have not conducted any beta testing, we have received an astounding amount of positive
feedback from various potential users. From reminders to safety locks, our project is an easy
way to protect those you love when dealing with prescription medication.
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Safety Stroller
Aviva Hurvitz
Hannah Landau
Eden Gilbert
Lewis Raboy
The stroller industry is massive, lucrative and is in constant demand. Despite its size and
variation, there is still a tremendous amount of room for improvement. There have been many
reports of stroller related accidents, many of which result in serious head injuries, which are
extremely detrimental to a young child’s development. Very few strollers have safety
mechanisms that prevent them from rolling away when no one is actively pushing it. Parents
desperately need an efficient stroller that keeps their child safe and comfortable and is easy and
efficient for them to use. By creating a stroller with an automatic brake system, we will
significantly reduce the frequency of these tragic injuries. We are programming, using wiring, a
touch sensor that when not actively sensing pressure, will engage the brake. To increase the
child’s comfort, we are adding a sound sensor that will play soothing music when it senses an
excess of noise. We are also adding a safety bar and a UV ray shield as safety precautions as
well as toys to keep the child entertained. Our stroller is unlike any other and will revolutionize
the industry.
Tamar Kellner
Lauren Winters
Eitan Abecassis
We have researched the market to see if we can find the perfect backpack, one that fits the
needs of the modern-day student. Since we could not surface any compelling choices, we
decided to develop a backpack that will resolve the main concerns that students face including:
bad posture, resulting in lower back pain, the leading cause of disability worldwide; binders and
notebooks that get misplaced; and the loss of battery power for our devices throughout the day.
With the rapid application of technology in just about every field, why not enhance a product that
students use daily for at least nine months out of the year? With hundreds of millions of students
throughout the world, our product has the potential to revolutionize all backpacks and student
experiences. Incorporating existing technologies into our new-age backpack, our product will
solve common problems for students. To help prevent poor posture, our product will use a triple
axis accelerometer and notify the user, via smartphone app, if their posture needs correction.
Also, the app will notify the student if they have forgotten a binder or notebook through a
RFID/NFC sensor. In addition, our device will be able to charge your phone, laptop and
computer with a lithium battery/Arduino charger. Finally, in order to enhance the student
experience, our backpack will have Bluetooth speakers if you want to rock out.
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SMART-Ski pole
William Leyman
Ilan Felberg
The winter sport is a twelve billion dollar industry of which skiing is a major contributor. Skiing is
an enjoyed pastime that gives people the opportunity to spend time with friends and family.
Because of the inherent nature of the sport, skiers are often very cold. Currently, there are a few
methods to keep one’s hands warm. Some of them include wearing mittens, gloves, liners, and
hand warmers. Though these are beneficial they are not completely effective. We have worked
to design a product that will allow people to warm their hands while on the chairlift and the
slopes and thereby participate in winter sports with fewer inhibitions. We plan to use a heat pad,
which will be embedded in the grip of a ski pole. These will controlled by either a button or be
electronically controlled with a thermistor and an Arduino, to heat up when the ski pole is at a
certain temperature. We plan to program a heating pad for a ski pole that would automatically
heat up when the surrounding air reached around 35 degrees Fahrenheit. We will also code the
Arduino so that, when the button is pressed, it will read the temperature, which will be displayed
on an embedded LCD screen and if the temperature is around 35 degrees or lower it will turn on
the heating pad. In the future, we could include other sensors and components into the pole. As
skiing continues to be a popular activity and the ski business continues to grow, our team is
motivated and prepared to deliver the electronically based ski pole.
Super Sled
Noam Semel
Benjamin Glicksman
Eli Alison
Although sleds have been in existence since 1885, there has been little improvement in their
design. Despite recent technological advancements in many products since 1885, the sled has
changed very little. People still carry heavy sleds up long hills. People still have no way of using
a GPS to see how fast their sled is and still have limited ways of capturing their sledding
experience on camera. Youngsters wait all year to sled; yet the experience is so limited. With
modern technology, improvements that will evolve the sled can easily be meet. Although to an
ordinary adult these problems seem small and childish; these are pertinent issues. Why?
Because it is embarrassing that since 1880, very few innovations have been made to the sled.
We are working to make the sledding experience the best it’s ever been, while keeping the
simplicity of today’s sled. Our device is a sled to fix problems that the modern sleds have, and
making sledding more fun. The main component of our sled will be remote control tracks
attached to the bottom of the sled, which can fold out. A DC motor will power the tracks. The
sled will also be equipped with: a speedometer, headlights that turn on in the dark, and an
iPhone stand among others innovations. All these things will be attached to a traditional plastic
sled. We plan to completely change and enhance the sledding experience and make it better for
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Ariel Shaked
Nathaniel Kingsbury
Jonathan Tolchinsky
Marc Szechter
As students, we have suffered the pains of an outdated backpack design for too long. It has
somewhat limited storage space, and is unable to fulfill any functions beyond simple portable
storage. Students these days have many needs, such as a way to charge phones on the go,
and portable speakers. We plan to solve all these problems, and put the solutions together into
one truly awesome backpack: The Superbackpack. Our project will revolutionize the way people
go about buying backpacks, and of course, since so many of the aforementioned problems are
universal, our project can be useful to more than only students. It will include a portable battery,
to charge phones, and an arduino with a GPS shield to allow the user to find the backpack if it
gets lost. It will also include speakers, and waterproofing for all the electronics. We will each test
it by using it as our regular backpacks for a period of time.
Thermal-Charging Phonecase
Robyn Goldberg
Daniel Goldblum
Mikayla Golub
Miles Wohl
While smartphones have become an essential tool in our daily lives, the device battery
continues to disappoint, and the need to charge a smartphone portably has become ever more
crucial. Our device will make charging on the go both accessible and easy. The case will include
two Peltier tiles that will warm up from the heat emitted by the phone. The heat will then be
converted into energy by the Peltier tiles that can ultimately charge a smartphone. The concept
behind our innovation is new and has never been seen before and, it’s also environmentally
friendly. Plugging your phone into an outlet uses vast amounts of energy that comes from
nonrenewable power sources, such as coal. Because the fossil fuels that come from the coal
cause global climate change, eliminating the use of coal can create a healthier environment.
With our phone case, a person is able to go days without needing an outlet. We will achieve this
by building a circuit in our case that includes a joule thief circuit, which takes a small amount of
voltage, and uses a transistor to increase the amount of voltage. Once the circuit charges up, it
inputs the voltage into the phone, which charges it. Given the shortcomings in current
smartphone battery technology, our product fills a market need, and does so in an
environmentally friendly way.
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"Lett -uce Check
Yael Bauman
Adiel Bandari
Avigail Ralbag
Did you know some 285 million people are blind or visually disabled? Lettuce is rated as one of
the top ten dirtiest foods, including a large mass of bugs. In fact, some scientists state that if you
don’t check your lettuce it can lead to an increase of disease, contamination, food poisoning,
and pathogens. Lettuce goes through a thorough cleaning process, yet despite this , bugs can
still be found in lettuce. According to the Jewish law, it is not permissible to consume bugs.
Even after a deep cleansing of liquid detergent or vegetable wash, it is still necessary to check
the lettuce under an x-ray light. Thirty nine percent of the Jewish population is visually disabled
and every five seconds someone goes blind. Therefore, it is very difficult for these people to
determine if there are bugs on the lettuce. For the average person it is very time consuming to
check the lettuce. The Lett-uce checker is a new and improved way of checking for bugs. It is
made of led lights and photo resistors. As light passes through the transparent lettuce, it
senses if there is a bug and will send out an immediate warning in a beep. Through this
process, you will be able to accomplish your goal of checking lettuce in an efficient and timely
manner. It is a very reliable product and a much needed necessity. Even those who are visually
impaired will now be able to check lettuce which is one of the most commonly used foods and
very healthy too, with our beneficial product, the LETT-UCE CHECK.
Baby Bathroom Safety Sensor
Reena Lieberman
Linor Kuighadoush
Did you know that drowning is one of the most common deaths in the world? In one year more
than one hundred seventy kids die in bathroom related incidents. More than 40 of them were
less than 2 years old. Are you afraid for your child’s life? We have built a baby sensor to let you
know when your child is in the bathroom alone.
Our sensor can sense how tall the person is that just entered the bathroom. If the person is less
than 3 feet tall the sensor will then start an alarm. In this way you won’t have to be worried
about your child being alone in the bathroom. It is a small box that won’t bother anything else
that you may have. We hope to help promote more child-safety devices so that more
unnecessary deaths can be prevented.
Shira Frechter
Atara Klaus
Shira Schonkopf
We decided to make a therapeutic dance program,called FlashTherapy. An overwhelming
percentage of children in America suffer from paralysis, dysfunctioning limbs, and injuries, and
therefore require the assistance of physical therapy.Using our system, children can be
encouraged to move and improve their ability to walk, in a fun and exciting manner. With its
flashing, colored lights and easy-to-use features, our machine will capture their focus and keep
children both attentive and occupied for a complete workout. In addition, children can be left
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alone without fear for their safety.The FlashTherapy system is an inexpensive easy-to-use
alternative to a personal therapy session.
No Child Left Behind
Dina Abramson
Shaindy Kleinkaufman
Zahava Stroock
Every year there are many casualties, including death, relating to children being left alone in a
car. Since 1998, approximately every 9 days a child has died as a result of heatstroke from
being left in a car. We have thought of a way to try to fix this problem by reminding the parent
that the child has been left in the car. Our project uses a pressure sensor on the surface of the
car seat to detect whether there is a child in the seat. The parent will have a buzzer on a
keychain which will buzz to alert him/her when they have walked away from the car with the
child still inside. There is a very big need for this product in the modern world and the use of
this product can save numerous children’s lives.
Power Laces
Sari Fein
Chaya Tova Chrein
Toby Gross
Power laces will have countless benefits on the world. Older people and pregnant women, who
have trouble bending down or tying their shoes, will be able to wear sturdy, healthy shoes as
opposed to slipper-like shoes which do not support the foot properly. They simply slip their foot
into the shoe and it tightens almost instantly. Additionally, children that do not know how to tie
their shoes will be able to wear proper shoes for sports.
The shoes tightens by servomotors turning after your heel applies pressure to the
pressure sensor. The laces are pulled tight and keep the shoe tight until you press the button to
release the laces.
Adina Kagan
Hannah Usher
Sarah Leah Shapiro
Tennis is a wonderful sport. It enables people to express themselves and it also acts as a great
creative outlet for many. However some individuals can’t physicaly play this wonderful sport due
to chronic back pain. Over one hundred million Americans suffer from back pains and are
unable to fully enjoy themselves. Our project puts an end to that. The Robotic Tennis ball
collector, R.O.B.B.Y., does the job for you. No longer will someone’s back seize up in pain when
bending to pick up a ball. No longer will they have to use child labor to get the balls picked up
for them. Our proto type will demonstrate this amazing feat on tennis’s “sister sport”
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Automatic Plant
Tarbut V'Torah
Jacob Kuppermann
Ben Cohen
The Automatic Plant is the perfect solution to several problems. A large amount of water is
wasted every year due to the lack of feasible solutions for automated watering. Traditional timer
systems only operate on a clock. This means that the system doesn’t know whether the plant
needs water or not, only that it needs to dispense water on a set schedule. Other than the
obvious damage that over-watering a plant can do, this system also wastes water. Once the
soil holds a certain amount of water, it is unable to absorb any more. This means that the
excess water is turned to wasteful runoff. This system collects data about the moisture level of
the soil, and adjusts the amount of water dispensed accordingly. It brings potential for saving
both water and plants, at a cheaper price than the competition.
The project was created with several components that are wired to an arduino board. The
moisture level is collected through a variable moisture sensor, and when the value exceeds a
threshold, no water will be dispensed. Alternatively, when the moisture level is low, a pump will
release water into the soil until the threshold is reached. This translates to an optimal moisture
level in the soil at all times.
So far, tests have shown that the system performs better than previously expected. Once it is
completed, it can be left to maintain a small houseplant autonomously. This project is both a
convenience and an investment. It will save on the cost of water as well as make owning a
plant a hassle-free experience. The Automatic Plant is a project with profound importance in
today’s world.
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Tarbut V'Torah
Elliot Berdy
Ethan Kuppermann
Dory Veksler
The trash in garbage cans carry many diseases, specifically food-borne illness. If one touches
the contaminated trash, and the pathogen gets on the hand, later it can enter the body and
infect it. CleanCan is designed to stop the spread of nasty food-borne illnesses. CleanCan is an
outdoor garbage can that will not have to be touched with the hands. It comes with a pressure
sensor, controlled by an Arduino circuit board. When the user wants to open the lid, they should
push the pressure sensor with their foot. When the sensor is triggered, it will send a signal and a
servo motor will open the lid of the garbage can. After a specific amount of time, the lid will close
again. This feature will stop the spread of food-borne illnesses such as E. Coli and Salmonella
that infect over a million people in the U.S annually. The Arduino will be powered by a 5 Volt
battery. Both will be hidden in the trashcan under a false bottom. Even if there are no foodborne illnesses in the garbage can, it is still more hygienic not to touch it and will reduce the
spread of germs.
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Coyote Trap
Tarbut V'Torah
Etan Hassan
Aaron Ahdoot
Elan Karlin
According to the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, coyotes have
become a major issue in many Southern California neighborhoods as the coyote population has
increased drastically over the last few decades. Many neighborhoods lie susceptible to coyote
attacks where their owner’s pets are at heavy risk. This product is intended to trap the humanely
coyotes rather than fatally injure them. In order to trap the coyotes, bait is placed in a wooden
box with one side capable of closing. Once the pressure sensors on the floor of the box pick up
the coyote’s weight, they will send a signal to the Arduino board. Using an “if” statement, the
signal sent to the Arduino triggers the servo motor, closing the open side of the box. Ultimately,
the coyote will be trapped in the box without harm or the use of environmentally unfriendly
chemicals. The box also has air holes allowing the coyote to breath while in the box. The
program has an “if loop” that focuses on the pressure pads. Once the pressure pads record a
number lower than 500, a stepper motor is told to rotate the necessary 90 degrees for the door
to be sealed shut. Once the coyote has been safely trapped, it can be released onto an
appropriate habitat.
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Tarbut V'Torah
Angus Batstone
Dean Neutel
Jamie Grossman
Two-thirds of all homes in the United States have air conditioners. According to the US
Department of Energy, air conditioners use about 5% of all the electricity produced in the United
States, at an annual cost of more than $11 billion to homeowners. With the price of air
conditioners and electricity being so high, the Eco-Blinds will save the consumer money. The
Eco-Blinds are programed to use a thermoresistor and photoresistor to sense the temperature
inside the room, and whether it is light or dark outside. If it is light outside and the room is cold,
the stepper motor will switch on and open the blinds. If it is light outside and the room is hot, the
stepper motor will switch on and close the blinds. If it is dark outside, the stepper motor will
switch on and close the blinds. For example, if the thermoresistor detects that a room is hot, the
photoresistor will then determine that it is also bright outside and close the blind to stop sunlight
from entering the room. This will reduce the need for air conditioning and helps the homeowner
save money on electricity bills. Another function of Eco-Blinds would be to save people a lot of
money on heaters during the winter, by allowing sunlight to enter the cold room. Electricity has
become very costly and if Eco-Blinds is sponsored, it can help moderate the average Americans
electricity bills, and conserve a large amount of electricity.
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Tarbut V'Torah
Aaron Attarian
Davon Goldberg`
Paytra Klein
Annually, dozens of children die from being left in vehicles while experiencing extreme
temperatures. This shocking reality is what led to the creation of Forget-Me-Not. With this
device, parents will be reminded if their child is sitting in the back seat and the parents get out of
the car. The Forget-Me-Not can effectively alert these parents with the use of two devices that
work together. There is a pressure sensor detector placed in the driver’s seat and a pressure
sensor device placed on the baby’s seat. Both of these devices are connected to an arduino
board, which also has an alarm that will project an alerting reminder that the baby is still in the
car. The Forget-Me-Not will detect when the parent is not in the seat and if the baby is in his/her
seat. If there is weight in the baby’s seat, but no weight in the driver’s seat, after 30 seconds an
alarm will sound signifying that there is a baby left in the car as well as an LCD screen reading
“Baby in Car, Call the police”. This way, everyone who hears the sound and comes to the car
can read what is happening. The Forget-Me-Not acts as a step in the fight to save innocent
infant lives.
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Tarbut V'Torah
Aaron Sigal
Koby Taswell
Zachary Neiman
Laziers is the first of its kind. It enables any user to trigger a highly configurable, physical, action
in the real world by simply interrupting the path of a laser. Suddenly, individuals with debilitating
disabilities such as Parkinsons can close their doors, open their windows, and much more.
There is no need for precision or strength because only a slight movement of the arm is
required. Laziers functions with two primary devices: a photoresistor, and a laser. By comparing
the ambient lighting values against the current light values, Laziers’ Arduino powered command
module can determine whether or not the laser is making a connection to its corresponding
photoresistor. We reduced the total amount of ambient light that reaches the photoresistors by
placing them inside a protective casing, thus increasing the precision of our algorithms. The
resulting system is an elegant, intuitive system designed to assist those that cannot assist
themselves. By producing very reliable results, we can be sure that Laziers will be able to help
all those who use it.
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Pair of Eyes
Tarbut V'Torah
Max Singerman
Aaron Gerber
The Pair of Eyes is a new product to help the blind. The National Federation of the Blind says
that there are 701,400 people in California alone that are blind. If you sponsor this device, you
are assisting many blind people. Imagine if you were blind and you found out that there was a
better way to “see”, without making you stand out. Our device is a glove that has sensors and
motors in it. It can detect where things are around you and sends a vibration through the glove
so the user knows how close or far the object is. The technology behind the device is an
ultrasonic sensor, a flex sensor, and cell phone vibrator motor. The idea behind this product is
that a blind person doesn’t have to carry a heavy walking stick or have the walking stick make
him stand out. The way our project works is that once the flex sensor is flexed, it will then have
the ultrasonic sensor send out a wave which will then determine how far away that person is
from another object. It will then trigger to cell phone vibrator to vibrate at different amount of
times depending on the distance from the object. This product will revolutionize the way blind
people look at life.
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Ruff Trainer
Tarbut V'Torah
Romi Ferder
Ben Student
Ariel Hirschberg
The Ruff Trainer is a dog treadmill meant to be purchased by people who travel often or live in a
city, to allow them to make time for their exercise and that of their dog. The Ruff Trainer works
as a great solution to human and canine health issues by motivating both parties to get to work
and get in shape. The dog treadmill will attach to a full-size treadmill with a simple clasp
mechanism and will periodically dispense a treat of choice so the dog can stay happy, healthy,
and motivated. The treadmill is housed within a wooden frame and moved by a pololu motor,
where the speed can be controlled by the human. The food dispenser is automatic and
powered by a servo motor. The Ruff Trainer is a compact solution which works towards
improving the health of the general public and promoting good pet care.
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Salt Removendum
Tarbut V'Torah
Jay Bernstein
Adam Cohen
Zeke Levi
The Salt Removendum is a desalinator that is light, cheap, and reliable. A desalinator such as
the Salt Removendum is becoming increasingly important because of the lasting drought and
unstable economy in California. Since the beginning, desalination has been a very costly
process. Large plants that cost up to 5.7 billion dollars are dedicated to executing this simple
process. Unlike other desalinators, the Salt Removendum is small, easy to assemble, and
adjustable for use anywhere between the Arctic Circle and the south pole. First, a magnifier
focuses solar energy to heat up a container of water until it begins to evaporate, where it will
then rise into a tube to condense and collect in a new container. Using custom 3D printed parts
to hold the magnifying glass and stepper motor, the only other parts are two containers, a
plastic tube, and a wooden stand. The stepper motor allows the magnifying glass to rotate in
order to better focus light and heat the water more efficiently based on the time of day. No other
product like this exists on the market, and this is not an opportunity to miss.
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Tarbut V'Torah
Andy Rosenbee
Isaac Abecassis
Sarina Shohet
California has been in a drought for 3 years. According to the Sacramento Suburban Water
District, sprinklers are the primary cause of water waste. Therefore, this device aims to
minimize the amount of water wasted on green spaces. This device uses sensors to detect the
moisture of the soil and, depending on the water levels, the sprinkler will rotate towards the area
that reads as driest. If the level of dryness is reached, the threshold breaks and the solenoid
valve turns on, allowing water to spray in that direction. The water will continue to flow until the
wetness threshold is reached. By employing this device, only the necessary amount of water
will be used to water the green.
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Tarbut V'Torah
Aely Aronoff
Evan Bozanic
Robby Theisen
Snoop Dogg
The Swirlabowl is a revolutionary new product specially designed to make dogs - and their
owners - happier. In the wild, canines drink from flowing streams of clean water; a behavior
ingrained into their genes. The Swirlabowl simulates this movement with an angled nozzle. A
standard dog bowl is placed above a water pail. The dog bowl has a hole in the side where the
water is pumped in and another hole at the bottom of the bowl from which the water falls back
into the pail to be recycled. The pump is located in the pail and is activated by an ultrasonic
sensor located above the bowl. When a dog stands in front of the bowl, the ultrasonic sensor
signals the Arduino to activate the pump. When the dog is done drinking, it steps away from the
bowl and the pump turns off. The bowl is designed to drain the water out so that there is no
stagnant water. This makes dogs happy since they prefer moving water to stagnant water.
Moreover, the bowl and pail can be removed from the electronics and are dishwasher safe. The
device is also convenient for customers because the device has a larger volume than
conventional dog bowls, so users don’t have to refill it as often. The product is designed to be
placed anywhere in the house and is beautifully painted, making it a decorative novelty item as
The Handy Reminder
Tarbut V'Torah
Jen Franklin
Daniel Ahdoot
Roger Coble
In any business working in food retail, service or processing, washing one's hands after using
the restroom is an instrumental part in preventing food-borne illnesses. Bacteria travel from the
employee’s hands, to the food they work with, then to the consumer. Let’s say one cook doesn’t
wash their hands after they go to the restroom in the morning before their 5 hour shift. In those
hours the cook makes several meals covered in his germs that get served to a number of
customers who receive these germs. To solve this, we have designed an invention that will
remind people to wash their hands after using the restroom. In order to initiate the sequence,
the toilet must first be flushed.There will be a button sensor on the toilet that will relay this
information back to the arduino board. After that is done, one must go to the sink and wash
their hands, where there will be an LCD screen displaying the message, “Please Wash Your
Hands!”. Once the person using the restroom washes his or her hands, the button sensor on the
sink will send that information to the arduino, which will cause a new message to appear on the
LCD screen. This new message will say, “Thank You!” However if one does not wash his or her
hands after using the toilet and attempts to leave the restroom, an alarm will sound and the LCD
screen will display a message telling the person to wash his or her hands. The implementation
of our project in restaurants will reduce the spread of food-borne illnesses and potentially save
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Tarbut V'Torah
Mikayla Chapman
Shayna Chapman
Think is a little box that attaches to your car door. It tests the driver’s reaction time. The driver
will play a one minute game. In that one minute the buttons will light up and turn off in a random
order. Each light will only light up for half a second. The player must push as many of the lit
buttons as possible before the time ends. If the player gets a score of 95% or more, then the car
can be driven. Without the required score, the car doors won’t open.Think can be used for
people with more than one DUI. People, who can’t react quickly, are a danger to other drivers.
Someone with a DUI must install Think in their car doors. Think can be used for many other
drivers such as new teen drivers, or elderly, who have trouble reacting quickly. Think is
structured using the Adafruit Trellis Monochrome Driver PCB. It is a board made up of sixteen
LED pins that connect through four wires to the Arduino. On top of the LEDs is a rubber pad of
buttons that each connect to an LED. This way, Think can be programmed to light up and then
turn off when one of the buttons on the keypad is pushed. To stabilize the device, the 3D printed
box was created, holding everything in place.
Toddler Tutor
Tarbut V'Torah
Guy Darel
Gabriel Nahum
Any parent looking for better scholastics results for their child should buy Toddler Tutor. Toddler
Tutor teaches your pre-toddler counting before he or she can speak. We guarantee that your
pre-toddler’s first words will be in the range of 0-99. Your pre-toddler will love counting/math and
will most likely become an engineer. If you want your child to be successful, buy Toddler Tutor.
Many children attend their first few years of school unprepared. By giving your child a
head start, they will be better prepared and avoid misunderstanding fundamental concepts,
which might otherwise stunt their future learning.
Toddler Tutor uses the Arduino Uno board, Liquid Crystal LCD screen and Adafruit
Music Maker shield to display and dictate numbers to pre-toddlers. The pre-toddler increments
or decrements the number by ones or tens by moving beads in respective columns.
To teach your pre toddler, the Toddler Tutor goes back to its origin. The Toddler Tutor is
a high technological abacus, which is the physical representation of counting, using ancient —
but updated — methods.
Waste No More
Tarbut V'Torah
Ethan Amar
Avi Kister
Tova Zalomek
With drought rates running high in California, and water becoming more and more precious to
preserve, it is important to save as much water as possible. One of the biggest wastes of water
occurs in the shower, as people wait for the water to heat up and often leave the water running
warm for long periods of time, while they go do other things in the house. This is a waste that is
easily preventable with our product Waste No More. The Waste No More is an additional
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component that can be added to any shower which saves water and is very affordable. Once
the temperature reaches 90 degrees Fahrenheit, the Waste No More automatically shuts off the
water, and sounds an alarm, signaling to the user that the water is warm, and ready for
showering. In order for the user to restart the flow of water, he/she must wave their hand in front
of an ultrasonic sensor which will resume the flow of water. After waving their hand the first time,
the temperature component shuts off, and every time the user waves his/her hand again, it will
turn the water flow on or off, no longer affected by the temperature. Additionally the Waste No
More comes with an LCD screen, that says whether the valve is open or shut, what the
temperature of the water is before it reaches 90 degrees, as well as what the Arduino is doing.
Our goal is preservation, and with the Waste No More, this ideal becomes reality.
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Blind Glasses
Valley Torah Boys
Joshua Imanoel
Joseph Bral
Avishai Mermelstein
The world is not a perfect place. Many problems that have not yet been solved currently exist
on our planet. One existing issue in our society is that blind people are not able to walk safely in
public. It is dangerous for blind people to wander in streets because walking sticks are not
sufficient enough to help them avoid bumping into things or tripping over them. In order to solve
this problem, we came up with a solution that would ensure that the sightless would not need to
worry about knocking into various objects.
Our idea is to create eyeglasses that could sense the objects in a blind person’s path.
When blind people walk in public, they usually tend to use a regular walking stick that would
help them navigate by touch. Our invention would help sightless people walk without the
possibility of poking other pedestrians and tripping. In addition, this idea can also help in other
areas and could replace guard dogs that potentially bite people and have to be taken care of.
Another solved problem is the replacement of the typical walking stick that does not assist a
blind person at all when on a crowded sidewalk. As a result, having this product can help blind
people walk easily without the stress involved.
Our device is an advance eyepiece that prevents blind people from walking into objects
and bumping into people. Its design is a 3D printed frame that is roughly the shape of
eyeglasses. The device’s job is to detect things in front of it by using a distance sensor. If
something comes too close, the sensor would evaluate its proximity and send a signal to an
earpiece. The earpiece would then produce a beeping sound based on the distance between
the sensor and the object. As an item grows closer, the beeping would also grow louder. A
blind person would now have the ability to know when an object is nearby. As a result, this
modern eye peace will prevent blind people from getting injured in the future and will also allow
them to walk freely in public places with more convenience.
Valley Torah Boys
Jacob Gottesman
Aryeh Perlman
Leal Saada
Mordichai Lunger
Our revolutionary project will solve multiple problems around in the dangerous world today. We
can minimize the cars stolen and underage driving throughout the world. Our car fingerprint
reads the correct finger, sending voltage to the arduino processor which then sends the voltage
to the motor, turning it on. The motor will symbolize our car turning on by the correct finger
being put in the scanner. We have a many milestones involved in the completion of our design.
Our first and most important milestone for the project will be to write the code for our finger
scanner. Afterwards, we plan to assemble all of our components together and connect all of the
wires from the finger scanner, to the arduino, to the motor. Lastly, we will complete the coding
for our arduino enabling the finger car scanner to work. The first milestone will be done by the 6
of March, our second will be done by the 30th of March, and the third and final step will be done
by the 10thof May. With our incredible scanner will stop a lot of deaths caused by reckless
driving and stolen cars around the world.
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Valley Torah Boys
Michael Stark
Gavriel Menlo
Ari Pollack
In society many elderly people and young children may fall out of bed without any one helping
them back up. This can lead to severe injuries because of people not coming to help them. With
our product we address this problem with a motion sensor that when someone falls off the bed a
notification will be sent to the next room notifying someone that they have fallen. This can help
prevent many injuries. the Arduino in this project will send a message to another device in
another room and show the message preprogrammed. we will be using wireless transmitters to
send the message our Arduino. And the group will be using a force sensor to measure the
weight of the individual on the be, to let us know if they have fallen off or not. The pressure
sensor will be connected to a breadboard then to a Arduino. Then we will connect or wireless
receivers to the Arduino so then it will sends it signal to the connected computer and receive the
message. Our goals are to get all the parts by February 11 2015, then to finish our sketch by
March 2, 2015, next to finish assembly by March 31, 2015, and finally to complete all tests by
May 10, 2015.
Perfect Posture
Valley Torah Boys
Eitan Ohana
Yoni Zisblatt
Sean Lavi
Our project helps to correct one's posture by notifying them when they begin to slouch. When
the Arduino senses someone slouching, it causes a small motor vibrate, notifying the person
that they are slouching, and that they must correct their posture. This project not only has health
benefits, but also social benefits. When one's posture is straight, they seem more confident and
sure of them self. Having good posture helps prevent back pain from increasing over time. For
these reasons we believe our project is extremely useful, and could cater to everyone.
Smart Speaker
Valley Torah Boys
Aron Eskenazi
Zevi Schachter
Netanel Schnider
Raziel Ebriani
A regular speaker is hard to listen to while walking around since when one is far away from the
speaker the music sounds too quiet, and when one is very close to the speaker it sound too
loud. In the SMART speaker, an ultrasonic sensor will tell an arduino when to raise and lower
the volume of a speaker by changing the amperage running through it. The sensor tells how far
away you are. If you are closer it will be lower, and if you are farther it will be louder. The
arduino will control the sound using a motor which controls a potentiometer inside of the
speaker. This will make it easier to listen to music while one is walking around.
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Handle Those Germs
Valley Torah Girls
Talya Ohana
Rivka Schusterman
Malkie Levine
The spread of dangerous germs through infected doorknobs is a serious issue in society
nowadays. Our solution is to create a self-sanitizing doorknob. Each time someone comes in
contact with a germ filled door knob or handle, with the help of programming and sensors, an
antiseptic solution will disperse throughout the door knob, therefore sanitizing it for the next
person who will come in contact with it. We will attempt to stop the rapid spread of diseases
such as Ebola, which can be fatal, as well as many other deadly diseases.
Valley Torah Girls
Our world is not perfect but luckily we have technology to help us come close to it. Many people
have a condition called Asthma while others can’t breathe in areas that contain dust. If the
humidity is too low, or if there’s too much dust, then they will have a hard time breathing. There
is a machine called a humidifier or dust sensor, which helps bring the humidity to a normal level
for the person so they can breathe. The issue is, the person with the condition does not know to
turn on the humidifier or dust purifier until after the attack. Our device will notify the person with
a sound or flashing light if the humidity is not at the right level for them. This way, they will be
able to change the humidity before the attack!
The Humiddont is a device that will help those with breathing problems. It will measure the
humidity and dust in the air and will then notify the user if the humidity and dust percentage is
low or high and then the user will be able to fix the problem based on their comfortability. This
device will help society because people who have breathing uncomfortably can rely on the
device to notify them when the air has a high or low humidity or dust percentage. The humidity
and dust sensor will notify the arduino that the air has low or high humidity and dust percentage
which will then blast a noise on the speaker and have flashing lights that will let the person know
of the humidity and dust percentage.
Magic Toilet
Valley Torah Girls
Mimi Winchell
Devorah Gurevich
Naomy Bernheim
Daniella Shraga
Sometimes men forget to close the toilet seat and the irritates the women in the house. We
have resolved that problem by making an automatic toilet. We are programing it to lower the lid
after the person walks away using a servo motor. The arduino receives a signal from the ping
sensor and it will put the seat down. The Input of the sketch has a ping sensor that will raise the
toilet seat after the sensor knows that the user is far enough away from the toilet. The Processor
will have the arduino read what the ultrasonic ping sensor senses as the user walks away and
causes it to do what is asked by the servo motor. The Output is that the toilet seat is lowered by
the servo motor while also being capable of opening manually.
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Posture Perfect
Valley Torah Girls
Shira Ardestani
Yehudit Kaszirer
Our project is a device which perfects posture. Many people suffer from back problems due to
slouching. If you slouch early on in your life, it can cause serious back pain and problems as
you get older. Our project will help prevent this from happening. We will use a stretch sensor to
detect slouching and imperfect posture. The simple version of our project will detect slouching in
the shoulders. After we create a simple version of our idea, we will add more stretch sensors to
detect more slouching in different areas of the back. The device will be worn on your arms, like
sleeves. We believe this project will help many people since many people slouch. Slouching at a
young age causes back problems when you get older. As the stretch sensor is stretched, it will
change resistance, which will cause buzzers to go off and alert the person to perfect their
posture. In order to create this project, we will be using a stretch sensor, buzzers, an Arduino,
and batteries. Overall, we believe this project will benefit the health and posture of all people.
Step 'n' Stop
Valley Torah Girls
Atara Bayever
Leat Kohanzadeh
Shayna Kramer
California is in the fourth year of the most severe drought in over a century. Each day, people
waste gallons of water by keeping the sink running, setting the sprinklers on for too long, leaving
the shower running, etc. About 95 percent of the water that enters our homes eventually goes
down the drain. For example, all of the water in a shower is emptied into the drain. Conventional
showerheads flow at approximately 5 gallons per minute, which means that a 20-minute shower
uses about 100 gallons of water. However, most people do not spend the full 20 minutes under
the water; they pause to shampoo, condition, etc. During this time, the water is kept running. If
ten minutes are spent out of the water, 50 gallons of water is immediately wasted. If a family of
five shower in this manner, 250 gallons is wasted. There are about 39 million California
residents, and if they all shower at least 3 times a week, approximately 5.8 billion gallons of
precious water is wasted per week. At this rate, 301.6 billion gallons of water is wasted each
year in California through showers. The pressure-controlled shower will save that water. When
someone is standing on the pressure-sensitive area, the water will run, and as soon as they
step off, the water will stop. This saves all of the water that would have been wasted - 301.6
billion gallons, which is over 1.4 billion dollars. This way, when someone steps out of the water
for a few minutes to shampoo their hair, condition, etc. the water will shut off and save not only
water, but also money for the people using this invention.
Germless Door Opener
Weinbaum Yeshiva
Noah Bernten
Asher Eisen
Justin Lurie
Many people are concerned about exiting the restroom and making contact with the unsanitary
door. The bathroom is more infested with germs than most other public places. Our solution is
to create an electronic door opener so people do not have to search for the nearest paper
towels to hold while opening the door, and the closest garbage to throw them into when exiting.
The door will be equipped with a ultrasonic sensor so that it stops if a person is walking into the
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bathroom so the person does not get hit. In order to open the door you push the button on the
floor with your foot. The button triggers servo motors to slowly open the door being considerate
to anyone coming in from the other side.
Stink Away
Weinbaum Yeshiva
Yafit Gani
Zohi Dreyfuss
David Arshawsky
We all love our pets like family, but owning them comes with responsibilities. One of the most
common house pets is a dog, so we designed this specifically for them. While many of us
consider dogs as our best friend, they aren’t capable of many human functions. One of the
functions includes bathing on their own on a regular basis. Some dogs become smelly quickly.
When dogs come in from outside, after playing in heat, rain and the dirt, they often bring the
undesirable odors in with them through the doggy door. We created an attachable “add on” to
the doggy door that consists of a photo gate sensor which is connected to an arduino. When
the photo gate is broken, the arduino is programmed to release a dog deodorizer. This will
reduce a dog’s undesirable odor and will help keep one's house odor free.
The Sleep Band
Weinbaum Yeshiva
Eli Litwin
Max Abramovitz
In today's society driving is becoming ever more dangerous. Driving under the influence
is one of the primary causes of crashes as well as fatalities on the road. Driving while drowsy is
just as dangerous if not more than drunk driving. Drowsy driving is the cause of at least
100,000 crashes a year. There is a lot of attention designated to preventing driving under the
influence but the issue of drowsy driving is payed little to no attention! A practical solution which
we developed is the Sleep Band. It has the ability to change people's lives as well as save
many of them too. The band will prevent these accidents delivering a vibration to the one
wearing it or even tell them to wake up. It will be programmed to detect the slowing pulse of the
wearer and react to the low pulse rate which is one hint of a drowsy or sleepy person. The
Sleep Band is revolutionary. It is a convenient and comfortable invention yielding an immense
impact while being contained in a small invention.
Wake Up Mat
Weinbaum Yeshiva
Michal Amar
David Zagury
Daniel Prince
Getting out of bed in the morning can be hard, especially when you can just roll over and hit the
snooze button. Wouldn't it just be easy if your alarm clock FORCED you out of bed? What if
there was no way to avoid having to get out of bed to turn it off? Well, now there is with the
“Wake Up Mat”. The Wake Up Mat is a floor mat that connects to the arduino to turn off your
alarm. The mat uses pressure sensors to detect the weight of your two feet and then turns on
your room light. With you already out of bed and your lights shining bright overhead, there isn't
much of a chance of you going back to sleep. The Wake Up Mat will allow you to get a bright,
quick start to your day!
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Weinbaum Yeshiva
Aaron wernick
Jordan burger
Many hockey players don’t have someone to help them practice at the times that are most
convenient for them. Our goal is to create something that will allow the player to practice by
himself. We decided to create a hockey passing machine that is able to follow the player while
he is moving, called the X-PASS. On the X-PASS there will be a small motor connected to a
wheel that will pass the hockey puck. The X-PASS will also have a feature that will allow the
hockey player to choose when the puck is passed to him when he is on the move, and give him
a warning before the puck is passed. Additionally, we want to add a feature that allows the puck
to be passed in front/ahead of the player based on his speed and direction. This will allow the
player to receive fast and precise passes, without a physical person being there. This will
revolutionize single player hockey practice.
Clothes Folding Machine
Yeshiva High Tech
Daniel Melamed
Michael Kelman
Jacob Wolkenfeld
Natan Zamanzadeh
Our project is a clothes folder. The name says it all. This humble machine folds clothing so that
some one can avoid folding clothes manually. Our reason for making an automated clothes
folder is simple. People in society today often have no time to complete simple everyday tasks
like washing the dishes, house work, doing the laundry, and, of course, folding the heaps of
laundry that pile up after the wash. Sometimes people just hate folding the clothes. Thankfully,
our team of engineers has designed a simple and inexpensive method to make the clothes
folding process much, much more efficient and fast. This is the next step to fully automating our
lives in order to live more efficiently and make the most of our time. The clothes folder has 4
parts to it. The center contains a square like platform right above another one. On the sides
there are two rectangular shaped flaps that start the folding. What you do is lay the clothing on
the folding panel and then it automatically folds your clothes so that you don’t have to. This is, of
course, only a prototype and will have to go through many more tests and redesigning order to
create the most easy to use and efficient machine but our initial design does get the job done
and does save time. Our team of engineers is committed not only to save time, but to create
ingenious and “outside-of-the-box” methods of achieving that goal. We asked our families and
friends what they dislike most when it came to housework and an overwhelming majority said
they hated folding clothes, so we sought to create a better method to do this daunting task and
even make it a little fun and amusing. Time is of the essence and we should do all in our power
to save it. Cutting the time needed to fold clothes in half will make the lives of parents, house
keepers, full-time students and etc. much easier and they will be thankful for buying this
ingenious machine.
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Gas Sensor NANO
Yeshiva High Tech
Alexander Schwartz
Ari Leichter
Eli Wokenfield
Every single year, 30,000 people are hospitalized from carbon monoxide poisoning. Of this, five
to ten percent die. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. This is what makes it so deadly.
However, this isn’t the only gas that can kill you. Everything from Ammonia to Methane and
Hydrocarbon gas can be fatal. The goal of our project was to create a device that could
accurately detect a gas leak while maintaining portability. Currently, there is no product on the
market that detects gas, is handheld, and has a relatively inexpensive price. If customers want
to feel secure from natural gas and carbon monoxide leaks, they must buy each detector
separately. This can cost hundreds of dollars and is an unnecessary expense for people who
don’t have that kind of money to spend. Our product will be small, compact, and will fit in the
palm of your hand. It houses a small arduino unit inside a hard body case. Its code is fairly
simple, and its design is straightforward. When mass-produced, we predict that the majority of
households will own one of our sensors. However, our handheld gas detector is not a substitute
for traditional mounted detectors. In fact, our product was designed to assist in locating the
source of a leak, not to alert an owner of one. Our device will increase the safety of families
because if a Gas/CO alarm goes off, our device can help locate the issue.
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Mr. Mixer
Yeshiva High Tech
Yosef Cassell
Elie Benzaquen
Eli Cohen
Our project is a unique one, because it isn’t focusing on a problem and trying to fix it; it’s
focusing on making every day life easier. Our group is making a machine that will stir your
coffee for you. People don’t have time in the morning to get a spoon, stir the coffee then wash
the spoon. This machine stirs the coffee for you. There are two main components in our
machine – the moisture sensor and the blades. By using a moisture detector the machine will
know when to signal the Arduino to spin the blades. The moisture detector will know when you
have taken out you coffee and will signal the Arduino to stop spinning the blades. All you have
to do is put your mug in the machine and when it is stirred to your liking, take out your mug. Our
machine will also have a temperature sensor to know when your coffee is too cold and will heat
it up for you by heating the blades. This machine can be used in your kitchen or at the office
when you have your morning coffee. Our group designed the machine to be portable so you can
even take it with you when you are on vacation. When we finish our project we hope to make a
simple, cheap and portable machine that will make peoples’ lives easier.
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Easy Measure
Yeshivat Darche Eres
Charlie Marcos
Abie Saad
We thought of something that is extremely convenient and could be used by many people to
improve and simplify their daily lives. There are people, such as contractors, who use tape
measures to measure the lengths of certain items or the distances between walls. The issue
with using a tape measure is twofold. First of all, the very act of pulling out the tape
measurement and reading it is annoying. Secondly, two people are required in order to obtain
an accurate measurement.
Our proposed solution to this problem is a device that would shoot a laser beam when the
button is pressed. The laser beam would be pointed at the location where one would like to
measure and the measurement would be displayed on a mini screen located on the device.
Therefore, by a simple push of a button, a tedious measurement can be simplified by a single
display on the screen.
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In order to accomplish our goal, the device requires an IR distance sensor that would measure
the distance. However, the sensor returns voltage values, not actual distances. Therefore, we
will calculate the voltage produced by several distances. We will do this for as many distances
as possible in order to improve the accuracy of the device. After the data, consisting of voltages
and distances, is collected, we will plot the data points on excel and determine the curve of best
fit using the highest polynomial possible. These calculations will be inserted into the program
that will convert the voltages into actual distances.
Finger Print Cookie Jar
Yeshivat Darche Eres
Joey Dweck
Joe Faham
Joey Salama
Obesity is taking America by storm. According to the Harvard 2015 medical studies, one in
every three children between the ages of 8 and 15 are obese. Part of the cause, besides for
being inactive, is that people eat a lot of junk food. In order to limit their children’s consumption
of cookies and other junk food, parents can place the junk food in a cookie jar. However, hiding
the cookie jar is not a viable solution since children always inevitably find them. Our solution is
to install a locked cookie jar which can be opened only via a fingerprint scanner. The finger
print scanner will open the lock only when the adult’s finger print is recognized.
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Garbage Compressor
Yeshivat Darche Eres
Farage Ftiha
Eli Halabieh
Mark Hazan
When a garbage bag is full, there is often a lot of air space in between the pieces of garbage. In
order to avoid wasting garbage bags, one often pushes down the bag and compresses the
garbage. However, the downside of this is that the act of pushing down the garbage soils the
hands and makes them smelly. Our solution is a mechanical garbage compressor that
compresses the garbage whenever the need arises.
The compressor works based on a light sensor and a stepper motor. There is a light located
towards the top and on the inside of the garbage can. Directly opposite that light is a light
sensor. Whenever the sensor detects light, nothing happens. The sensor detects the light
because there is no garbage blocking it. However, when the bag is full and the garbage blocks
the light, the sensor no longer detects the light and the stepper motor is activated. If the garbage
is unable to be compressed, then, after three tries, the compressor will stop trying and a light
placed outside the garbage can will turn on, indicating that one needs to change the garbage
Heart Rate Sensor
Yeshivat Darche Eres
Jack Arakanchi
Raymond M. Assis
Albert Laniado
Americans suffer 1.5 million heart attacks and strokes each year. Cardiovascular disease—
including heart disease and stroke—is the leading cause of death in the United States. Every
day, 2,200 people die from cardiovascular diseases—that's nearly 800,000 Americans each
year, or 1 in every 3 deaths (millionhearts.hss.gov). If the heart rate sensor was around, those
statistics would be dramatically different. The concept is a heart-rate wristband monitor with the
purpose to aid an individual with heart conditions and no immediate access to a phone. Firstly, it
will measure one’s heart rate and can be calibrated to measure a specified heart rate range.
The range will be set dependent on one’s condition, as some heart conditions can have a
detrimental increase in one’s heart rate and some can have a detrimental decrease in one’s
heart rate. Once a certain undesired heart rate has been reached, an alarm is set off to a
considerable noise that will alert people to his direction. Most importantly, the nearest hospital
will be notified through wifi relay or some other mechanism. The wristband will utilize the
medium to call the nearest hospital and send the coordinates of the victim.
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Luggage Scale
Yeshivat Darche Eres
Yaakov Ibragimov
Yehoshua Manzor
Elliott Mizrahi
As we know, airports stipulate the maximum weight of your luggage. Therefore, the suitcases
must be properly weighed, both accurately and easily. If the weight is not accurate, then the
traveler will have to pay for that inaccuracy. If the weight is not obtained easily, then the device
is essentially useless. The traditional solution has been to use a specialized luggage scale.
However, placing that scale over the bag and lifting it is very difficult, particularly when the bag
is heavy.
Our solution is to install a digital scale attached to the bottom of the suitcase. There will be a
pressure sensor that detects the weight produced by the luggage. The computer Arduino
program will convert the voltage produced by the sensor into a weight. An LCD screen placed
on the handle will display the weight. Our solution is the perfect mechanism to resolve this
issue. The suitcase essentially weighs itself.
The suitcase will be a conventional one, except that this suitcase will have two shafts,
measuring around an inch high, stretching lengthwise across the back. Upon these shafts will
be attached the pressure sensor, either as a strip or a circular one. These shafts, and thus the
pressure sensors, will therefore carry and measure the full weight of the luggage.
Motion Based Alarm Sensor
Yeshivat Darche Eres
Joseph Abraham
Alan Franco
Albert Gindi
Often, people go away on vacation and leave their homes unattended. This leaves an
opportunity for thieves to enter undetected and take whatever they want. Our proposed solution
is to install a motion based alarm system. When the alarm is on and a thief enters the house,
the thief’s motion activates the alarm. The alarm makes a loud noise and simultaneously notifies
police. There will be a keypad placed next to the door so that the owners of the house can type
in a code and deactivate the alarm. The owner has thirty seconds to do this before the alarm is
activated and the police are notified. The household members have the decision on whether or
not they want to activate the alarm system. In order for the owners to know if the alarm is on or
not, the alarm has a light placed next to it. When the light is on, the alarm is on. Necessary
supplies include a light bulb, a motion sensor, an arduino, connecting wires, a siren, and a
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Parking Space Pressure Sensor
Yeshivat Darche Eres
David Bassoul
Jonathan Bezalel
Gabriel Bildirici
When people drive through a parking lot, they waste a lot of time driving through each row
searching for an open parking space. Our solution to this problem is to place a pair of lights, one
green and one red, in front of each and every row. If there is at least one space open on that
row, then the green light will shine. If there are no parking spaces available, then the red light
will turn on.
To accomplish our goal, each parking space will have a pressure sensor underneath. If a
certain critical pressure is detected in all of the spots, then the red light will turn on. Otherwise,
the green light will turn on. There is a minimum pressure requirement in order to prevent the
green light from turning on when a person or some small object provides a smaller pressure
than a car would on the parking space.
Pressure Sensing Alarm Clock
Yeshivat Darche Eres
Daniel Hirsch
Nissim Khafif
Most people, when their alarm rings in the morning, just press the snooze button and go back to
sleep, causing them to wake up late. With our new Pressure Controlled Alarm Clock System,
the user is unable to turn off the alarm unless he physically removes himself from the bed. The
alarm sounds if the user returns to the bed in a predetermined amount of time. This inventive
device includes an alarm clock and a pressure sensor that detects if a certain minimum
pressure corresponding to the weight of a person is placed upon it. Any pressure below this
predetermined amount will not trigger the alarm. The pressure switch is positioned between the
mattress and the box spring so that it cannot be easily removed or pushed aside by the person.
Pressure Sensored Spot Light
Yeshivat Darche Eres
Shimon Ftiha
Isaac Sardar
Avi Yaich
In rural areas, such as upstate New York, the streets and roadways are mostly covered with
trees and lack street lights. Therefore, at night, visibility is very poor and one may have a very
difficult time seeing the roads. A solution would be to install street lights. However, there are
very few people who travel on these roadways and having the lights on a whole night is a huge
waste of electricity. Our solution is to install a specialized street light with several pressure
sensors located near each light. Whenever the pressure sensors detect a certain minimum
pressure corresponding to the force produced by a car, the light will turn on and stay on for a
period of 60 seconds. The minimum pressure would avoid false positives such as the pressure
produced by a wild animal. These specialized street lights would save a lot of electricity and
simultaneously avoid accidents caused by lack of street lighting.
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Ski Sense
Yeshivat Darche Eres
Abie Ishay
Moshe Nahum
Aharon Panigel
There is a problem faced by many parents every time they go skiing with their kids. They are left
pondering and worrying if their kids are both safe and having fun. To many kids, the way to have
fun is to be daring and attempt activities that are beyond their skill levels. Therefore, when they
go skiing, they might go into restricted areas and deal with slopes that are too difficult for them.
This can often lead to injury and sometimes even death.
Our idea takes the danger and worry out of inexperienced skiers going into the wrong slopes.
There will be an alarmed sensor monitoring the movement of skiers who will be wearing a
wristband which has a monitor on it. There will be a checkpoint before each slope similar to the
alarm system at a shopping store. If someone goes through the checkpoint in the store with the
alarm still attached to an item, the alarm will go off. Similarly, if the skier is inexperienced, the
bracelet will be programmed to notify the office that he is entering restricted areas that involve
steep and dangerous slopes. If the inexperienced skier passes into the expert slope the sensor
will send a signal to a staff member who will be by the checkpoint monitoring. The staff member
will then apprehend the novice and send him to his permitted slope. In addition, a sound will go
off notifying the skier that he or she is in the wrong area. This will prevent inexperienced skiers
from going into restricted areas, and will ultimately prevent many injuries.
The Lighted Cane
Yeshivat Darche Eres
Elliot Akerman
Albert Kassab
Joey Yedid
Senior citizens often find simple activities, such as walking, very difficult. The activity gets even
more challenging when they have to do it in the dark. Therefore, senior citizens may find
walking at night to be especially challenging. Our solution is a cane with a light at the bottom.
The cane is a standard one that can be purchased in a pharmacy or specialized store. When
the cane is in motion, a motion sensor located towards the bottom of the cane turns on the light.
The light stays on for a period of 1 minute after being at rest. This time delay allows the senior
citizen to see if he or she has to stop for a traffic light. The activation of the motion sensor is
required in order to save electricity.
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Buzz Alert
Noam Gershov
Gal Ben-Shushan
Samuel Schoen
Deafness is a rising epidemic in the modern world. With easy access to portable listening
devices, consumers are constantly found blasting music or movies into their ears, resulting in
dramatic increases in the deaf population. For years, scientists have attempted to solve this
problem, however, the deaf population continues to grow rapidly. Fortunately, the Buzz Alert, a
small, convenient invention, is here to provide some assistance to mitigate the issue. It
conveniently attaches to the user’s wrist and sends soft vibrations at the interpretation of certain
commands. The Buzz Alert’s main components include a Micro Arduino, a Vibration Motor, a
Mini-Sound Sensor, and a 3D Printed wristband. The BitVoicer programming language, a code
that enables the user to program specific words into the code’s library, controls the Buzz Alert.
The BitVoicer’s variables include the amount of Decibals and amount of Amplitude, and the
controls are the external sounds or voices. Through the Sound-Sensor’s recognition of the
predetermined words, the device’s Vibration Motor will send pulsations to the wearer’s wrist. For
example, if a person’s name is installed into the library, then, upon Buzz Alert’s recognition of
the name being called, the device will send a buzz alerting the deaf person that someone is
trying to acquire his attention. This invention is incredibly useful as it finally allows a deaf person
to interact with his noisy surroundings. In the future, Buzz Alert will be compressed to a more
comfortable, appealing size instead of its bulky prototype.
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Fire Band
Jack Levkowitz
Eitan Lavian
Aaron Joshua Kahan
Problem We Are Trying To Solve- Their is a large population of people that cannot hear a fire
alarm, so our project, The Fire Band, has come to solve this worldwide problem. There have
been many inventions to help this problem, like a flashing led light, but what if the deaf person is
sleeping and they can not see this flashing light, the Fire Band will be able to solve this problem
and help those in need.
How The Fire Band Works- The Fire Band running from Arduino helps the hearing impaired
recognize a fire through a buzzing sensation on their wrist. The Fire Alarm goes off and sends a
signal to the watch making it vibrate against their arm this will notify the user about the fire or
any other hazardous gases that the fire alarm can detect.
Purpose- The purpose of this project is to hopefully pioneer the world to help disabled people in
difficult situations like a fire.
Benefits Society- The Fire Band benefits society because people that cannot hear fire alarms,
are not able to evacuate when they need to because they cannot hear the beeping. But now
with the Fire Band these people will be able to feel the vibration on the band and know that an
evacuation is needed.
Materials- 30mm Alarm Speaker, Nylon-Black Watchband, Motor, Watch battery, NRF 24 LO1
transceiver and receiver
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Daniel Noghreyan
Michael Szabo
Moshe Nissanoff
Introducing the new Hydrohelmet. The Hydrohelmet is designed for bikers in extreme climate. In
essence, the helmet has a temperature sensor inside which senses when the biker gets too
overheated. Once the sensor senses the threshold temperature where the biker is getting too
hot, a bag of water is punctured in the helmet, and, thereafter, cools down the biker. This
helmet’s main purpose is to prevent the average biker from dehydrating. Meaning, the default
threshold temperature in the device is lower than the human body’s threshold temperature for
sweating. For example, if the average human temperature where the body sweats is 98.6
degrees Fahrenheit, the Hydrohelmet will puncture the bag at 98 degrees Fahrenheit in order to
prevent the body from losing water from sweating.
We noticed that many of our classmates enjoy the sport of bike riding. They often had to
stop because they felt their bodies overheating due to lack of hydration. This product may pave
the way into a new era of bike riding. It will surely motivate more people to bike ride for sport.
After we noticed this rise in dehydration among bikers, we looked for a solution to solve this
issue. First, we looked at which point the biker would start to perspire. This would establish a
threshold temperature. Next, we ordered all necessary parts and assembled them. Although not
groundbreaking this product could be highly beneficial to all of the people who bike
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Shift Walker
Ariel Wernick
Aviel Hanasab
David Habooshe
Going through life we face many challenges and on our paths we meet other people who have
challenges in life. Many times we are able to solve our own challenges or get through them but
other people might not be able to. The reason we have decided to create the Shift Walkers are
for people who face the everyday challenge of “walking” and being able to get around on legs.
What we have done is we’ve created a pair of robotic legs powered by Arduino that are able to
walk by using servomotors that shift the weight of the legs as they walk to allow them to balance
as they are walking so they will not tip over. If our project works it will be able to be used as a
prototype for a larger set of legs that can be used to take the place of people who don’t have
legs or have walking disabilities, due to their legs. The reason this is different from every other
pair of prosthetic legs created, is that the assistant of the person with the walking challenges or
the person himself can change the speed, motion, and rotation of the legs by changing the
Arduino code so it will be more comfortable and suitable for the user.
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The Helping Hand
Eitan Tennenbaum
Alan Gindi
Evan Teichman
Our project is called the Helping Hand. We chose this project because it will be able to help
people with back problems, problems with reaching high places, and to reach lower places. With
our project we hope to solve this common problem among many people because this hand
extends out to help pick up out of reach items. The Helping Hand operates based on a sound
sensor and the sensor will have two functions. One will command the arm to extend when the
sensor senses sound. The second function is that the hand will either close or open based on
the sound made. The Helping Hand will be useful to people with amputated arms or hands,
people with back problems that cant reach the ground, or people that are too old or small to
reach items in high places. Our project is made from Mind Storm pieces, but the are will be
attached to a larger rod that will allow greater extension when the sensor is triggered. We truly
believe that our project will help many people in our society deal with every day problems that
they constantly face.
Fever Blinker
YULA Girls
Noa Radaei
Miriam Soumeckh
Rebecca Masliah
Have you ever felt sick, but you never had a thermometer at hand? Well now, YULA students
Noa Radaei, Miriam Soumekh, and Rebecca Masliah have developed a solution to this common
problem: the Fever Blinker! The Fever Blinker contains an arduino controlled temperature
sensor that blinks when your body temperature is above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The Fever
Blinker was inspired by the common circumstance in which someone might not feel well, but is
not in the appropriate place/ situation to be able to check his/ her temperature, causing them to
continue on with their day not knowing if they are truly sick or not. They will shake people’s
hands, and interact with them in a way that may cause their sickness to spread to others. The
Fever Blinker, is made to fix this problem by immediately informing someone that they are
unwell and need to be home. Noa, Rebecca, and Miriam have made the Fever Blinker come in
a conveniently sized arm bracelet. The development of this device was made possible by using
arduino and arduino.cc. The Fever Blinker optimizes your time by easily letting you know if you
have a fever in the blink of an eye.
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Café Calor
YULA Girls
Chaya Dina Ram
Moryel Yashar
Maya Rosen
Elizabeth Richter
In CIJE, Center for Initiative in Jewish Education class at Yula Girl’s High School, Chaya Dina
Ram, Moryel Yashar, Maya Rosen, and Elizabeth Richter, are in creation of “Cafe Calor”. This
invention is a mug that automatically senses when the beverage within ones cup reaches a
selected temperature. This eliminates the unknown of how hot the drink is, as well as additional
burns that can result from a hot beverage. With Cafe Calor, one will be notified that their drink is
ready with the blink of a light. Red indicates that the drink is too hot, while blue indicates that it
has reached a temperature below the one selected. Finally, Green, your new favorite color,
indicates that the drink has reached a perfect temperature and is ready. Enjoy!
Cool Car
YULA Girls
Amira Felsenthal
Noa Zarur
Adena Loboda
Tzippora Topp
One night last May, the four of us were watching TV together. On came the news and we
watched as the screen began to tell us about the death of Logan Jacobs, a five-year-old boy
that died in an overheated car. After watching the news story, we instantly felt inspired to solve
the issue of overheated cars that is plaguing children worldwide, never thinking we’d ever get
the chance to pursue a project. Luckily for us, at the beginning of this semester we were given
the chance to create a biomedical engineering project. The idea for our project may prevent
many accidental deaths caused by overheated cars. Our motivation is our desire to save
innocent lives with our project. There is a big problem in the world that tends to happen often.
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Children are left inside their parent’s car in the boiling sun daily, which causes many deaths.
Our approach to this problem is to use a temperature sensor connected to an Arduino board. It
will be set to turn on a fan once the car reached a predetermined temperature that would be
dangerous to any occupant of the car. Hopefully, by using our device, children and or pets that
are left in cars will not perish due to overheating.
YULA Girls
Hasya Schweitzer
Daniella Schochet
Yael Han
Our group decided that we wanted to make animal’s owners life easier so their animals
can automatically be fed on a chosen schedule. This could be useful for big companies where
many animals need to be fed at a specific time (e.g. SeaWorld or animal shelters) We noticed
that many workers spend a lot of time making their rounds and going to each of the animals and
personally feeding them, so we thought this would be a good way to take a stressor out of their
day. We were thinking about what we like and due to our common love for animals, so we
wanted to improve the life of the animals. Also we understood that saving time is vital for our
daily lives, we thought this would save people time time to spend it on more useful things. We
will have three boxes that open at certain times that the dolphins need to be fed. These boxes
will be controlled by the arduino which would control the servo motors. We will also use a code
that will run the servo motors to open at a set time to drop the food into the water. Right now
there is no mechanical dolphin feeder on the market at all. Previously dolphins have been fed by
hand, now they will be able to get their food through an automatic feeder. We have called many
marine biologists to find out the proper way for these dolphins to be fed. We now understand
that we need to create something that will hold many fish and let them out.
YULA Girls
Rivkah Abrams
Rachel Samouha
Juliette Guetta
Shaina Korouri
In the ninth grade CIJE class of 2015 at the YULA Girls High School, Rivkah Abrams, Rachel
Samouha, Juliette Guetta, and Shaina Korouri worked together to develop LEV. Our product
name comes from the Hebrew word for heart, Lev. LEV is a necklace that contains a tricolor
(RGB) LED that is connected to a pulse sensor on the user’s ear or finger-tip. This pulse sensor
measures the persons heart rate and is meant to be used in a medical setting for people who
need to be aware of their heart rate due to health complications. When the user’s resting heart
rate is above 100bpm (beats per minute), then the LED will turn bright red, notifying them that
their heart rate is dangerously high and that they could be experiencing a dangerous condition
known as tachycardia. When the user’s resting heart rate is normal, 60-99bpm, than the LED
will keep green, showing their pulse is within a healthy range. When the user’s resting heart rate
is below 60bpm, the tri-color LED will emit a blue light, displaying that the user may be
experiencing bradycardia (a dangerously low heart rate). This device could be a great asset to
the medical community and will help those who need to constantly be aware of their pulse. Our
initial inspiration was a heart-shaped necklace in the television show, ‘Wizards of Waverly
Place.’ The necklace was “magical” and lit up when the wearer was in true love with the person
who gave it to them. When we first began our project, we were aiming to make our product
more of a toy. Then, we looked into it and came to the realization that many people are affected
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by an irregular heart rate. We then, as a group, discussed how our necklace could be modified
to benefit these people affected by irregular heart rates. LEV is a portable, easy-to-use medical
tool that can
Posture Patch
YULA Girls
Laura Nickowitz
Celine Manshoory
Parmis Fakheri
Batsheva Berkowitz
Our group decided to tackle the issue of bad posture. Bad posture can cause back and neck
issues and also pain. From bending over to look at schoolwork, or just slouching over from
exhaustion, our backs tend to hurt by the end of the day. Many people are looking to fix this
issue and are researching this topic. We wish to help fix this problem for everyone who has bad
posture. We will take care of this by creating the Posture Patch, an attachable patch that will
remind one by vibrating when they are slouching or stooping over, so a person will realize and
not do it as often. First, we choose a threshold that determines what angle is considered bad
posture. When the flex sensor signals an angle considered to be "bad posture", the vibrator will
be turned on to alert the wearer. Our goal is to develop this product and show our idea to our
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YULA Girls
Abegail Javidzad
Aidel Townsley
Liora Bentolila
Tzofiya Bookstein
YULA Girls students, Tzofiya Bookstein, Liora Bentolila, Abegail Javidzad, and Aidel Townsley
discussed ideas of how to help pet owners take better care of their pets. We agreed a bowl that
would alert owners when it needed to be refilled would be beneficial to both pets and owners. A
water bowl that reminds owners to refill was thought to be very beneficial since dogs regularly
drink water throughout the day and need a constant supply of fresh water. We realized because
of this constant thirst, owners need regularly refill their bowls. So we thought of a bowl that
would alert an owner to when the bowl was empty. This would help the owner by being
reminded to refill the bowl and make sure their pet is always hydrated. We designed a dog bowl
on Google SketchUp that would be able to weigh the bowl and alarm owners when it was
empty. To be able to carry out this design, we used an Arduino board, an Arduino force sensor,
a spring, and a specialized dog bowl made on Google SketchUp.
YULA Girls
Yula Girls High School, CIJE students Elisheva Daneshrad, Negin Nili,and Hadas Hirt
developed an idea called the Reminder-bot. The Reminder- bot is a device, which reminds
people of their tasks that they need to fulfill throughout the day. The purpose of this invention is
to act as a beneficial reminder to people that tend to forget their materials on a daily basis. The
program includes a voice recorder that is used to record the person’s reminders. The reminders
are set up, and then announced at a set time. The structure of this device includes a box made
from a 3D printer, Arduino board, real time clock, batteries, speakers, and a recording box.
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YULA Girls
Talya Sawdayi
Sara Sacks
Tamar Samson
Many people fail to take their medications consistently or on time because they can be forgetful
or not have their medicine close at hand. By doing so, they deprive themselves of maximum
protection against future illnesses or health problems. We recognize that this is a problem that
can affect many people all around the world, with many impacts on their lives. We at Reppil
seek to solve this problem to maximize their health. Our goal is to create a stylish, convenient,
and wearable product and reminds you to take your medicine at the prescribed time, while
containing it so you can have it with you at all times. The solution we designed is a small,
wearable charm that contains the medicine and vibrates at a preset time so it reminds you at the
optimal moment to take your medicine. As a result, Reppil will decrease the number of
hospitalizations and health complications caused by underdose or forgetting to take medication
on time. We hope Reppil will prevent the severe effects of underdosing and improve the way
people take their medications forever.
Sugar Rush
YULA Girls
Michaela Rosenberg
Miriam Waghalter
Eliana Pomerance
When a diabetic’s blood sugar is too high, one of the symptoms is that his or her pulse
rate will become low. If the diabetic does not realize within a certain amount of time, the
situation can become dangerous because there is a possibility that he or she can go into
hyperglycemic shock. Sugar Rush is a bracelet that can detect a patient’s pulse and alert them
by flashing LEDs when their blood pressure is too low. The motivation for this project was that
one of the creator’s sisters has type one diabetes. The problem that they wanted to solve was
the difficulty for diabetics who don't have glucose monitors to detect when their blood sugar is
too high. They wanted to design a monitor that can detect someone’s pulse and have LEDs
blink when his/her pulse is too high. The result they hope to achieve is to make a bracelet that
will let diabetics and those around them know when their blood sugar is too low.
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