OVERVIEW GUIDE Welcome to BB&T On behalf of the BB&T Human Systems Division, welcome to BB&T. This Overview Guide was designed to provide prospective candidates an overview of BB&T, our vacation policies, Short-Term Pay policy, benefit plans, retirement plans, and our training programs. BB&T provides excellent and competitive benefits and training programs. A Strong Heritage BB&T began as a small eastern North Carolina bank in 1872, and no bank in North Carolina has had its doors open longer. Throughout our history, we have grown in size and scope to offer a wide range of financial products and services to meet the changing needs of our clients. We now have approximately 1,800 financial centers in the Carolinas, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee, Maryland, Florida, Alabama, Indiana, Texas and Washington, D.C. In addition to our Community Banking locations, we have subsidiary offices throughout the United States including insurance locations extending to California. We also have some subsidiary locations in Canada. Mission Statement Our mission is to make the world a better place to live by: Helping our C L I E N T S achieve economic success and financial security; Creating a place where our A S S O C I A T E S can learn, grow and be fulfilled in their work; Making the C O M M U N I T I E S in which we work better places to be; and thereby: Optimizing the long-term return to our S H A R E H O L D E R S , while providing a safe and sound investment. INSIDE BB&T Philosophy……………..................................... 2 BB&T Service Culture………...................................... 2 Payroll, Vacation, Short-Term Absence……………… 3 Education Assistance………………………………..... 4 Flexible Benefits Plan…………………………….…... 4 Employee Assistance Program……………………….. 11 Retirement Programs……………………………….… 11 Banking Benefits……………………………………... 12 BB&T University…………………………………….. 13 The BB&T Philosophy At BB&T, it's about Excellence. It's about the best people creating and building a world-class organization in an ever-changing world. The foundation and motivation behind this commitment to Excellence is found in "Our Philosophy." At BB&T, we are convinced our success is directly linked to our values and mission. We have accomplished important things because we value an individual, personal relationship with our clients and our associates. This means interacting with trust, integrity, responsibility, creativity and a commitment to Excellence. Hard work, supported by our values, will continue to produce the results we have enjoyed for 143 years: success for our clients, rewarding careers for our associates, growth in our communities and economic and long-term returns for our shareholders. Some of the concepts that describe BB&T: Client-driven, our clients are our partners. Quality-oriented, quality must be built into the process. Efficient, "Waste not, want not." Growing both our business and our people, grow or die. Continuous improvement, fundamental commitment to innovation. Objective decision making, fact-based and rational. Management's Commitment to Our Associates C O M P E N S A T E associates fairly in relation to internal equity and market-comparable pay practices (performance-based compensation). Provide a comprehensive and market-competitive B E N E F I T program. Create a place where associates can L E A R N a nd G R O W . T R A I N associates so they are competent to do the work asked of them. E V A L U A T E and R E C O G N I Z E performance objectively, fairly and consistently based on the individual's contribution to the accomplishment of our mission and adherence to our values. Treat each associate as an I N D I V I D U A L with dignity and respect. BB&T's Service Culture / The Perfect Client Experience BB&T prides itself in having offered high quality client service. We recognize that our clients and their relationships with us have created the very foundation of our success. Our continued success is dependent upon "re-earning" each client's loyalty on a daily basis. Accordingly, we must commit to one of our key corporate objectives, "Execute on the Perfect Client Experience," with every client interaction. Creating client service that is different and more valuable begins with you. Your 2 values, your attitude, your passion, your loyalty and your commitment to helping our clients achieve economic success and financial security is the difference! Your Compensation is More Than a Paycheck At BB&T, your Total Compensation extends well beyond your cash compensation. BB&T provides paid vacation, approximately 75% of your Medical Program premiums, basic Term Life Insurance and Disability Insurance. Additionally, BB&T provides Short-Term Absence Pay, the BB&T Corporation 401(k) Savings Plan, the BB&T Corporation Pension Plan, opportunities for professional growth and development, banking benefits and much more. Payroll Guidelines Associates are paid semi-monthly, generally on the fifteenth and last business day of the month. If the fifteenth falls on a weekend, associates are paid on the Friday before the weekend. Regular pay for salaried associates is paid through the current pay date. Hourly associates are paid based on the weeks included in the pay period. Associates receive their pay by deposit to an account they have designated. Vacation / Holidays For newly hired full-time associates working a standard 5 day, 40 hour week, the following schedule will be used in determining the number of days that may accrue in the first year of employment: If your start date is in: Days eligible: If your start date is in: Days eligible: January 7 July 4 February 7 August 4 March 7 September 3 April 5 October 2 May 5 November 1 June 5 December 0 Note: Temporary associates and those regular associates scheduled to work less than 20.0 hours per week do not accrue vacation. For an associate whose scheduled workweek is nonstandard (e.g., four ten hour days or three twelve hour days), the above schedule of accrued days should be converted to hours. For example, 7 days of accrual would equate to 56 hours of vacation. Short-Term Absences The Short-Term Absence Pay policy is designed to provide salary continuation to eligible associates who are absent from work. This policy is intended to protect associates from loss of income due to short-term illness or an accident. 3 This policy provides 40 workdays per calendar year that are intended to be used for personal illness and other approved absences. For an absence other than illness to be approved under the Short-Term Absence Pay policy, an associate must receive management approval. Business Travel Accident Insurance BB&T provides insurance for associates that may pay a benefit if they are injured in an accident while traveling on company business. The policy may pay up to $250,000 ($500,000 for Senior Vice Presidents and above) for injuries received. Education Assistance BB&T encourages associates to grow and develop, personally and professionally, through the systematic and planned use of formal educational activities, both within the Company and outside the Company. Outside educational activities can take at least two different general forms, both of which may be supported by BB&T. These two forms include: (1) formal degree programs (undergraduate and graduate) and (2) company-required or continuing education. It is the policy of the Corporation to provide highperformance and high-potential associates assistance in pursuing degree programs that (a) give the associate better knowledge, skills and abilities to perform his or her current job, or (b) prepare the associate for planned growth to assume a position of higher responsibility. Management approval must be received prior to taking a course to be considered for reimbursement. Flexible Benefits Plan BB&T has developed a benefits plan that allows associates to design a personal benefits package to fit their needs. The concept that drives the BB&T Flexible Benefits Plan is Partnership. We work hard to provide associates with a variety of benefits from which they can choose. In turn, associates assume the responsibility for their choices. On these pages, we have outlined the benefits offered under our Flexible Benefits Plan. Eligibility and Coverage Levels Any associate regularly scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week is eligible to participate in the BB&T Flexible Benefits Plan on the first day of employment. Under the BB&T Flexible Benefits Plan, the Medical, Dental, and Vision Programs offer five coverage levels: Employee Only, Employee and Spouse, Employee and Domestic Partner, Employee and Child(ren) (for Domestic Partners, "children" can include the associate's children or the Domestic Partner's children), and Family coverage. Associates may cover children through the end of the month in which they reach age 26, providing the child meets all other eligibility requirements. 4 Domestic Partner Coverage BB&T offers Domestic Partner coverage for the Medical, Dental, Vision, Dependent Life Insurance, and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Programs. For coverage purposes, a domestic partnership must meet certain requirements for coverage. Company Contributions and Pre-tax Savings The Company contributes a major portion toward the cost of associate Medical Insurance, Term Life Insurance, and Disability Insurance coverage. In addition to the Company contributions, associates receive an added benefit by having premiums (except for Dependent Life, Disability, and Domestic Partner coverage) deducted before taxes are applied to their earnings. New Associate Orientation and Benefits Orientation New hires will view a pre-recorded New Associate Orientation module that covers Policies and Procedures and Benefit Related Policies (Holiday, Vacation, Short-Term Absence days, etc.). Benefits-eligible new hires will also view a pre-record Benefits Orientation module to learn about and enroll in the BB&T Flexible Benefits and Retirement Benefits. Medical Program BB&T offers medical coverage to all benefits-eligible associates on the day they begin employment with the Company. There are no waiting periods; however, to continue coverage, associates and their spouses or Domestic Partners must meet the Medical Eligibility Requirements listed below: Medical Eligibility Requirements 1. Associates must be scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week. 2. Associates must be classified as “regular” associates (not temporary or contract associates). 3. Associates and their covered spouses or Domestic Partners must complete a Health Assessment questionnaire by the assigned deadline. Note: If the Medical Eligibility Requirements are not met by the deadline, medical coverage will be cancelled. BB&T Offers Two Medical Program Options: Select Option Consumer Option and Health Savings Account These programs are available through one carrier, BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS), under the "BlueCard" program. The BlueCard program allows BB&T associates to take advantage of one national provider network. Each associate can choose one of the Medical Program Options or waive coverage. 5 The Select Option and the Consumer Option are both Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Options. A PPO is a benefit arrangement designed to offer medical services at an affordable cost. The BB&T Medical Program Options offer the flexibility to utilize both in-network and out-of-network providers. Since in-network providers contract with BCBS at a discount, participants receive financial incentives for using participating providers (specifically, the plan pays a better benefit). The Medical Program Options do not require associates to designate a primary care physician or obtain a referral to see a specialist. Another feature is that both options have annual deductibles. There is no lifetime maximum benefit under either of the Medical Program Options. The primary differences between the two Medical Program Options include: The annual deductible amount The level of co-insurance – the percentage of reasonable and customary expenses paid after the deductible has been satisfied Co-payments (the Select Option offers co-payments for office visits when you are sick and for most prescription medications prior to meeting the deductible) Prescription drug benefits The maximum amount paid out of pocket for the year Premium for coverage Disease Management Program The Disease Management Program allows our Medical Program participants to take a proactive role in their own health care management and to control medical costs better. BB&T contracts with BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) to manage this confidential Disease Management program. The program offers support for the following: asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, heart failure, migraines, fibromyalgia, weight management, stress management, quitting smoking and pregnancy. Prescription Drug Benefits The Select Option offers prescription drug benefits, which provide a 30-day supply at a participating retail pharmacy or up to a 90-day supply through the mail order drug program. Our prescription drug benefits are set up on a four-tier benefit structure and are divided into different groups: Tier 1 (generic), Tier 2 (preferred brand), Tier 3 (non-preferred brand), and Tier 4 (most specialty drugs). Each group has a different cost. The associate's cost for prescription drugs is based upon the Prime Therapeutics prescription drug formulary. PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Retail (30-day supply) Mail Order (up to 90-day supply) Tier 1: $15 Tier 1: $30 Tier 2: $30 Tier 2: $60 Tier 3: $50 Tier 3: $100 Tier 4 Specialty: 25% co-insurance (minimum $50; maximum $150) Tier 4 Specialty: 25% co-insurance (Specialty 30-day limit) minimum coinsurance is $50; maximum is $150 Under the Consumer Option, the cost of prescription drugs applies towards the deductible. After the deductible is met, the prescription drug cost is covered at 80% (in-network). 6 Dental Program The BB&T Dental Program is an optional program administered by BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS) Dental Blue. This program has a ‘silent PPO’ feature available to all participants. BCBS has negotiated discounts on dental services with certain participating dentists. Dental coverage provides a benefit for routine care, and basic and major services. Preventative services (up to two visits per year) are paid at 100% with no deductible, subject to reasonable and customary charges. Annual deductibles of $25 for individual coverage or $75 for family coverage apply for basic or major services. Orthodontia benefits are available for dependent children up to age 19. The program pays 50% of covered orthodontic services, up to a maximum lifetime benefit of $1,000 for each covered child. DENTAL SERVICE WAITING PERIOD* COVERAGE Preventative Services (cleaning and X-rays) None 100% Basic Services (e.g., fillings) None 80% 6 months 50% 1 year 50% (up to $1,000) Major Services (e.g., crowns or bridges) Orthodontia for covered dependent children up to age 19 Claims are filed with BCBS. The maximum annual benefit payable for each covered person, exclusive of orthodontia, is $1,000. *Our Dental Program contains waiting periods. If an associate has had dental coverage under another group health care plan, they may be able to reduce or eliminate these waiting periods. Associates with prior coverage should submit a Certificate of Coverage form from their prior plan to Benefits Administration so they can receive proper credit for their prior coverage. 7 Vision Program BB&T Offers vision coverage through Vision Service Plan (VSP). The Vision Program provides coverage for routine eye exams as well as eyeglasses and contact lenses. There is no identification card required for the Vision Program. COVERAGE THROUGH VSP DOCTOR COVERAGE THROUGH VSP AFFILIATE PROVIDER Providers VSP Network, our largest provider network 27,000 VSP Preferred Providers 42,000 access points Approximately 400 Costco retail dispensary locations and additional affiliate locations Eye Exam Thorough VSP WellVision Exam® covered in full1 Thorough eye exam covered in full1 Glass or plastic, single vision, lined bifocal, lined trifocal or lenticular prescription 1 lenses are covered in full Glass or plastic, single vision, lined bifocal, lined trifocal or 1 lenticular prescription lenses are covered in full Lenses All lens options are covered in full with a co-pay, saving VSP members an average of 35-40% Patient cost:2 Lens Options Frames Contact Lenses Laser VisionCareSM Program Photochromics: Scratch resistant coating: Polycarbonate: Lens Option Availability Varies Special pricing at Costco, 20% off at other affiliate locations $42 co-pay $15 co-pay $25 co-pay Dependent children are eligible for covered-in-full polycarbonate prescription lenses Dependent children are eligible for covered-in-full polycarbonate prescription lenses Frames are covered in full1 up to the retail allowance of $150 Frames are covered in full1 up to the retail allowance of $70 at Costco3 and $150 at other affiliate locations 20% off any amount above the allowance Offers and discounts vary 30% off unlimited additional pairs of prescription glasses and/or non-prescription sunglasses4 Offers and discounts vary 15% off contact lens services, excluding materials Contact lens services are a private transaction Instead of eyeglasses, elective contact lens services and materials are covered up to $150 toward any type of prescription contact lenses Instead of eyeglasses, elective prescription contact lenses are covered up to $150 Refit and replacement contact lens wearers may qualify for a covered- in-full5 contact lens exam and a six-month supply of approved lenses, including toric, multifocal, and silicone hydrogel Offers and discounts vary Necessary contact lenses are covered in full1 for members who have specific conditions for which contact lenses provide better visual correction. Members may use their open access schedule Discounts averaging 15-20% off or 5% off a promotional offer for laser surgery including PRK, LASIK, and Custom LASIK6 Discounts averaging 15-20% off or 5% off a promotional offer for laser surgery including PRK, LASIK, and Custom LASIK6 Members who have had vision correction surgery can use their frame benefit for sunglasses, instead of a pair of prescription glasses Only available from a VSP Preferred Provider Through VSP Open Access, members have the freedom to choose any provider. All providers can contact VSP directly to check eligibility and submit claims to VSP on behalf of members. Benefits through VSP Open AccessSM 1 The following is the generous reimbursement schedule for services obtained from out-of-network providers – including local or national chains: Eye Exam: $50 Single Vision: $50 Lined Bifocal: $75 Lined Trifocal: $100 Lenticular: $125 Progressive: $75 Frame: $70 Elective Contact Lenses: $150 Medically Necessary Contact Lenses: $210 Less any applicable co-pay. Prices shown reflect the standard option price, prices on premium options may vary. Prices are valid only through VSP Preferred Providers and are subject to change without notice. 3 At Costco locations frames will be covered in full up to a $70 retail allowance, which is equivalent to a $150 allowance at other affiliate locations. 4 30% discount applies to glasses purchased the same day as the member's eye exam from the same VSP Preferred Provider who provided the exam. Members will also receive 20% off unlimited additional pairs of glasses valid through any VSP Preferred Provider within 12 months of the last covered eye exam. 5 If a member selects a lens from a tier that is above their allowance they pay the difference. If a member selects a lens from a tier that is below their allowance, they may apply the remaining balance toward additional contact lenses. This program is designed for standard fit members, VSP Preferred Providers will determine if a member qualifies. 5 Using wavefront technology with the microkeratome surgical device only. Other LASIK procedures may be performed at an additional cost to the member. Laser VisionCare discounts are only available from VSP-contracted facilities. 2 8 Benefits Annual Rate Benefits Annual Rate is used to calculate the associate's Disability coverage and Term Life Insurance amounts. Benefits Annual Rate is defined as the associate's September 30 base pay annualized, plus any incentives, bonuses, overtime and commissions received from October 1 through September 30. For new hires, Benefits Annual Rate will equal the associate's annual salary. Disability Program The Disability Program provides protection for associates who become disabled and unable to work due to nonwork related illness or disability. If an associate exhausts his or her annual Short-Term Absence days and is certified as disabled by our disability insurance carrier, The Hartford, the disability coverage will pay the associate a percentage of his or her Benefits Annual Rate. Associates have two disability coverage options. Option 1 is the 50% Disability Option, which is provided to associates at no cost. Option 2 is the 60% Disability Option, which requires the associate to contribute a small percentage of the premium (based upon the associate’s Benefits Annual Rate). The benefit is not subject to taxes or other withholdings since premium payments are made with after-tax dollars. All eligible associates, after the first 90 days of service, are eligible for up to 40 Short-Term Absence days per calendar year. On the 41st day of illness or injury, associates are eligible to receive disability pay if they are certified as “disabled” by The Hartford. BENEFIT AMOUNT OPTIONS 50% of associate’s Benefits Annual Rate 60% of associate’s Benefits Annual Rate Term Life Insurance Program Each eligible associate receives two times his or her Benefits Annual Rate in basic Term Life Insurance coverage. The Company pays for this basic coverage in full. Associates can choose one to six times coverage in supplemental Term Life Insurance. The maximum coverage available (basic coverage plus supplemental coverage) is $2 million. If an associate elects coverage greater than $1 million, he or she must provide our insurance carrier, The Hartford, with evidence of good health and insurability before the coverage above $1 million can become effective. SUPPLEMENTAL COVERAGE Associates may only increase their coverage one level per year. AMOUNT OPTIONS Associates may change their beneficiary designations at any time. If an associate’s basic and supplemental coverage totals more than $50,000, federal tax law requires that only the premiums for the first $50,000 can be paid for on a tax-free basis. The cost of coverage over $50,000 is taxable. The associate’s reported taxable income would be adjusted for the cost of coverage over the $50,000 limit. No coverage 1 x Benefits Annual Rate 2 x Benefits Annual Rate 3 x Benefits Annual Rate 4 x Benefits Annual Rate 5 x Benefits Annual Rate 6 x Benefits Annual Rate Dependent Life Insurance Program Associates may elect coverage for their spouse, Domestic Partner, and/or dependent children. The associate’s dependent children are eligible from birth until the end of the month in which they reach age 26. All dependent coverage is paid on an after-tax basis. The associate is the beneficiary for all Dependent Life Insurance coverage. 9 Associates may elect coverage for their spouse or Domestic Partner in $10,000 increments up to $200,000. In addition, associates may select from coverage levels of $7,500, $10,000 or $15,000 for dependent children. Accidental Death and Dismemberment Program Associates have the option of purchasing Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance, which provides additional insurance coverage. The death benefit is paid directly to the designated beneficiary(ies) if the associate dies as the result of an accident. A percentage of the total benefit amount is paid to the associate if he or she suffers certain dismembering injuries, such as the loss of an arm, leg, hand, foot or sight. Associates may elect AD&D insurance in $10,000 increments up to a maximum coverage amount of $500,000 or 10 times their Benefits Annual Rate, whichever is lower. Associates have the option of taking coverage on themselves only or their entire families. Flexible Spending Accounts BB&T offers three types of Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA): a Health Care FSA, a Dependent Care FSA, and a Transportation Spending Account. These spending accounts are voluntary plans that allow associates to contribute money on a pre-tax basis to reimburse themselves for any qualifying out-of-pocket health care expenses, dependent care expenses (before- and after-school expenses), and/or transportation expenses. The FSAs are a great way to get a “discount” on qualified health care, dependent care, and transportation expenses that are not paid by any of the other benefit plans. The amount of the discount is equal to the associate’s income tax rate. Associates who enroll in the Select Option or decline medical coverage are eligible to participate in a Health Care FSA. Any benefits-eligible associate may enroll in a Dependent Care FSA (associates who participate in the Consumer Option may participate in a Dependent Care FSA but may not participate in a Health Care FSA). Any benefits-eligible associate who relies on methods other than their personal automobiles to commute to and from work may participate in the Mass Transit Transportation Spending Account. Participants may contribute up to $2,550 per year to the Health Care FSA and up to $5,000 per year to the Dependent Care FSA. However, married participants filing separate tax returns are limited to contributing up to $2,500 a year to a Dependent Care FSA. Participants can use the BB&T Benefit Access VISA® Debit Card to avoid paying for qualified expenses out of pocket and waiting for reimbursement checks. Claims and receipts need to be submitted as proof that FSA funds are being used for qualified expenses. Note: Associates who elect Domestic Partner coverage will not be able to use money they contribute to an FSA to cover their Domestic Partner or his or her dependents. Federal regulations prohibit individuals from using pretax dollars to cover a Domestic Partner or the dependents of a Domestic Partner. 10 BB&T Helping Associates Take a Proactive Approach to Health Care At BB&T, we encourage our associates to take a proactive approach to achieving and maintaining better health. This begins with a personal understanding of their current health status and continues as they work toward goals and utilize resources available to them. BB&T helps promote a proactive approach to health care through the following: Medical Eligibility Requirements Rival Fusion Program LifeForce Program Disease Management Program These programs are in place solely to help our associates remain active participants in their own health care management; these Programs will not reduce the benefits receive under the BB&T Flexible Benefits Plan. BB&T contracts with outside providers for the programs and therefore does not have access to any confidential health information. The Medical Eligibility Requirements and the Disease Management Program work in conjunction with the BB&T Medical Program. The Medical Eligibility Requirements are mandatory to continue medical coverage if elected. The LifeForce Program and Rival Fusion Program are optional. By participating in these programs and working toward better health, associates can help lower the amount they pay for health care services each year. Through Benefits Orientation associates learn more about these programs and the incentives available. These incentives (which vary depending on the program) can include premium reductions, health assessments and/or counseling at no cost, and prizes. Employee Assistance Program BB&T offers Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services to help associates meet a variety of life's challenges. The EAP is administered through MHN and available to all regular associates (not temporary or contract associates). Services include: Clinical counseling Daily living services Legal Services Online Member Services Childcare assistance Eldercare assistance Identity Theft Recovery Services Work and life services Retirement Programs The BB&T Corporation 401(k) Savings Plan One of the most valuable benefits BB&T offers its associates is the BB&T Corporation 401(k) Savings Plan. The following outlines some of the Plan features: 11 Regular associates are eligible to participate in the Plan on their first day of employment. BB&T provides a 100% match on up to 6% of an associate's compensation per pay period once the associate completes 12 months of service with 1,000 hours worked and is at least age 21. Contributions are made on a pre-tax and/or after-tax basis. Associates are immediately 100% vested in BB&T's matching contributions. Associates can invest up to 50% of their compensation (contributions are subject to legal restrictions). Earnings on pre-tax contributions are tax-deferred until the associate withdraws their money. Earnings on after-tax contributions are tax-free if taken at age 59 ½ or later from an account held for five or more years. The Company stock portion of the BB&T 401(k) Savings Plan is designated as an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). A self-directed brokerage account is available to allow participants the opportunity to invest in a wider range of investment choices. The Plan offers a variety of investment funds. Investment advice and professional account management through ProNvest (an independent registered investment advisory firm). Certain affiliates of BB&T Corporation (including CRC Insurance Services, Inc.; McGriff, Seibels and Williams, Inc.; and AmRisc, LP) do not participate in the BB&T Corporation 401(k) Savings Plan and should refer to their Summary Plan Description (SPD) for their 401(k) plans for more information. The BB&T Corporation Pension Plan The BB&T Corporation Pension Plan is a defined benefit plan funded entirely by the Company. Associates who are age 21 or older become participants in the Pension Plan after completing 12 consecutive months of service in which they have performed at least 1,000 hours of service (generally, associates scheduled for 20 or more hours each week). Participants are 100% vested after five years of service. Participants can access their benefit as early as age 55 with 10 years of qualifying service. Average compensation is calculated by taking the average of the five highest consecutive years' Total Compensation in the participant's last 10 years worked, taking IRS limits into consideration. Certain affiliates of BB&T Corporation (BB&T Securities, LLC; CRC Insurance Services, Inc; McGriff, Seibels and Williams; AmRisc, LP; BB&T Insurance Services of California; Precept Insurance Solutions, LLC; and Crump Life Insurance Services, Inc) do not participate in the pension plan. Banking Benefits BB&T associates are eligible to receive benefits from all banking areas, including personal checking, savings, mortgage, lending, insurance, and investments. Several of these benefits are listed below: Retail Deposits: Free tiered interest-bearing Elite Gold checking account, which comes with a free Bright Banking and Regular Savings or Money Rate Savings account with no maintenance fees and no minimum balance requirements Associates with children who are students receive a Free Student Account 12 Related Deposit Services: Free personalized wallet-style, duplicate or top-stub checks in any design Four no-fee non-BB&T ATM transactions per statement cycle Free Mobile Banking and Mobile Check Deposit $40 annual discount on any size Safe Deposit Box (subject to availability) Bonus Rates on select CDs and IRAs No-penalty CD withdrawals Discount on The Plus Package and Identity Protection Preferential Rate on Constant Credit No-fee official checks and money orders No-fee Automatic Transfers Voluntary Benefits BB&T offers all eligible associates the opportunity to purchase Critical Illness Coverage and/or Group Accident Insurance. The BB&T Critical Illness Coverage Plan and the BB&T Group Accident Insurance Plan are not part of the BB&T Flexible Benefits Program. BB&T University BB&T has a strong commitment to the education and development of its associates, and that commitment is executed daily through the BB&T University. The BB&T University curriculum encompasses a broad range of educational opportunities offered to BB&T associates, as well as the Leadership Development Program and the BB&T Banking School. The curriculum includes over 150 classes, workshops, labs and e-learning sessions. A sample of learning opportunities offered to associates includes: Business Loan Decision Strategy Commercial Real Estate BB Fundamentals For Experienced Tellers Retail Deposit Operations Training Managing Change Managing Interpersonal Relationships Presentation and Communication Skills Leadership I, II and III Quality Philosophy Retail Credit Overview Advanced Retail Credit Products Problem Resolution Creativity and Innovation At BB&T, we believe that knowledge, properly applied, is a key to our continued success in the financial services industry. Today, associates are expected to perform skills that apply directly to their job functions, practice skills that enhance their performance, and keep up with constantly changing technology. The BB&T University is committed to helping associates achieve success in their jobs. In fact, training associates so they are competent to perform the work asked of them is one of our key obligations to our associates at BB&T. Creating Excellence in Associate Education and Development 13 This information is intended to provide you with an overview of the BB&T benefits plans, retirement plans, training programs, vacation policies and Short-Term Absence Pay policy. This guide should not be construed as a contract. The Company reserves the right to make changes in context or application as it deems appropriate, and these changes may be implemented even if they have not been communicated or reprinted. The complete details of the plans are contained in the plan documents and insurance contracts. If a discrepancy occurs, the actual plan documents will prevail. BB&T is an Equal Opportunity Employer 14 REV. 1/9/2015