108 Onamicbleurs . ToprfesLázlóKamronhis50tbday . By P . ERDÖS in Jerusalem . Denotbyr()hsumofaldivrsn(clude) .Twonumbers andbreclami f()-ab=+ numbers20ad84wherladyknowtPYTHAGORS thenamicbluersthaif .Thesmalticb . The origin of c1,(a)_d dia a. thenadbrmiclefandoyi,()=ba1knowiftheranilymacbenurs this rue,nfacti bojeurdtha nmberoficaluberslthanigre thanl-Eforevya>0ifno(F) KANOLD1)gavenuprstimaefohnubramicle s factheprovd tensiyofamcbluersi than0 otherwdspovthaednsiyoftgera whicterxs abstifyng()-ab+islethan024 . It is not yet . It seems likely that .Recntly . In .204, in . Intheprs owhalprvet hdnsiyofteamcbl numbersi0 numberslthanies c .Byourmethdwclprovetha numbroficale •n/log log log n ;verylikmuchoes n (log n)' , true,hnmbofaicleurs thaniodub forevyk,but mehodsntemuiablfortngsucha good result . AnoldcjeturOfCATLNstaehifwput a1 (a)-a,(air-1~(a)) thenforvyathesqunc,"'(a)isbounde a(") 1forsmen,thquceai'?()sprodicaftemng,i necsary,fitnumbero sithebgn . In other words either .Itwouldnbehar 1) H . J .KANOLD,ÜberdiasymptocheDivngwseZahlmng cedingsofth erainlcogsfmateicnsArdam1954,p . Pro. 30. P . Erdös : Onamicbleurs . 109 toprvebyumthodafrevykthdnsioftegr whic aik' (a} = a is 0.2) Ontheoradqustionlkehabvmntioed CATALAN, orwhet dnsiyoftegra, whicter conjeturOf is an n with a ;') (a)=1, exist m'nacibletprsn We shall need several Lemmas. . Lemma 1 . Let q i beasquncofprimesatyng 1 = a . Denote i=1 qi v,,(n) thenumbrofq'swhicdven < A is 0 for every A . by . Then the density of integers n with V, (n) Lema1ispcleofathrm TURÁN3) a weaker form that if 0 - ip(p) < K for all primes p, ip(n)= Y v(p) i p ,,. factors n, thenforalbu whicasertn ?P(P) = S p p x and where the summation is extended over all different prime o(N) values - N of n we have :s 4 (1) P) n r=~ P < =~ p 1 Intheprscawhveonlytakip()_=Ifbelongstur qi sequnc,adp()=0forthe pims p. Lemma 2 . LetAbanycos . Then the density of integers n for whic a(n)0 (mod (Hp)-21 ) p-A is 0 for every A . Itsuficeohwtaednsiyoftger a p - A q 1 i q_,, . . . forwhic n forwhictexs (mod p-1) is 0. Let B beanrityeg, the primes satisfying q - - I (mod p), qi > B . It is well known that a(n)0 1 - a . ThusbyLemaItdnsiyofhetgrsdivbleyfwrthan A i=1 q , of the q's is 0.Alsothedniyf tegrsdivblythesquarofn 1, the q's is clearytmos -1 q, the q's andbyo chosenarbitlyge,hdnsityofe grswith thenclary q 2, 2) Itcanbeojurd Q ;'(a)= a and u, t '(a) = Historyfhe onumbrs1,p for a = 14316, k = 28 .(Ibid 3) P . TURÁN, ÜberingValem rung nujan . J. London Math .Soc a < B. Now if n is a(n)=-=0 divsbleyat Aof (mod p-;) . Thusince canbe a(n)-0 (mod p- 1) is 0 . B that for every k there exists infinitely many a's with -. 1<k This aproblemf0 . MEISSNER . (See : DICKSON, . 49.) POULET observdthaf a- 12496, k = 5 and . p . 50.) eines Satzes von Hardy and Rama. 11 (1936), 125-133. for I P. Erdös 110 Lemma 3 . Denote -'n aA(n)= d~ . d-A Then to every e and ri therxisanA,othfr>A,enumbrof > rn integrs<xfowhica(n)-A is less than i x. We evidently have (2) ,i--1 (a(n} - aA(n) ) = n Z ?i-=1, ,, d-A d = d1 >A d., < d,-X,:d t IfLema3wouldntberwouldhave ,Fx 1_- .A a(n)-aA(n) integrsdoxcing x' x' < -. d` A rn for at least . Thus (3) -1 Thus for A > (a(n)-aA(n)) 4 :, (3) contradis 1 8- > r d~F d > 'iE4x2 . (2) proving so Lemma 3 . Theorem . Thednsityofamcbleursi0 Denotby(a . i , b i), a i <b numbers i , i = 1, 2, . . . thesquncofpair mcble a„ i=1, 2, . . . .Itclearywibsufcentohwaesqunc . Let A =A (e) ;intowclase has density 0 .Wesplithquncea, be a p ~s A a's forwhictexs suficentlyarg .Inthefirscla the with a(a) :AP 0 (mod pA) . It follows from Lemma 2 that the density of the a's oftheirscla 0 . a(a) -0 (mod pA) for every p -A . a(a) -ai - For the a's ofthescndla Thusclearyif d =b i = 0 (mod d) . A and d( a,., then a(a) -0 (mod d) . Henc It follows from Lemma 3 thaexcpformst Fx of the a's notexcdigwhave (A (4) Or(a) a, (a) ai Since a's of the r canbehosritlyma suficetondrh (4). Wehavfrom(4)nd thefac secondlawhitsfy d ~ A, d a ; implies db (5) ; ( b b i Now we have a(a) - a(b)= ) a(a ' ) -r . ai ' oio(a) - ai a i +b a(a,) a ;i ; . Thus from (5) G(b) b ; or (6) -r. 1<b` a.i b i a; al b i Onamicbleurs Hencfrom(6)ad a(a;) . a ;±b (7) 111 ; we have 2 < c(a a; ;) < 2 ±r Now it is well know') that the density of the integers satisfying a(n), n-c existand coiusfntoc . Thus it follows from (7) that the densityofha' tescondla tifyg(4)soruficentlysma r less than f', andsice 8 canbehosritlyma,heprof u theormiscpld . REMARK . Lemma 2 together with Lemma 3 implies that for every density of integers a, b forwhic a(b) a a( ) is 0 for every F . Byamorecplitdagumenwcshotae density of integers a, b b F . b= the cr(a)- forwhic (jb) is also 0 for every - F, ~F j(a) a Thusexcptforaqunedsity0 (j(b) b (RecivdJanury25, a (a) ; a 0( 1 ) 1955.) 4 ) H, DAVENPORT, ÜberNumiAndates . SitzungsberchdlPuBisen Akademie der Wiss . 26 .'29 (1933), 830-837 . - Also : P. ERDÖS, Onthedsiyofabundt numbers . J. London Math .Soc . 9 (1934), 278-282 . - P . ERDÖS, On the density of some sequncofmbrs . J. London Math .Soc . 10 (1935), 120-125 .