THE USE OF N. LIVELY SMYTHE From A problem the for what of in and surgery the be tendon to use lively range and splints for There are to prevent the three acute stage new main stage splints for tendon deformity. splints lost muscle This muscle the recovery attention has paper attempts surgery. and in detail. described consider to The that rather the patient for the than can not to state years splints the after employment. training long difficult a wide many reports Bunnell 1949, paralysis. First, position nerve and of function injuries of this primarily opinion, during type is the encourage use function to prevent to the stage him design and or correct development or as a permenent Secondly, lively offer and flexion of the splints only elbow transplanted. splint return in hospital by their is required but described the to replacement in this paper. in be this work Many by many under a months treatment, is not may produced surgery is paralysis is paralysed splints fixation possible. necessitated reconstructive there elbow lively as period essential conditions. where major trial it was until is off working is when to the series completed a patient and pectoralis the of illustrated or semi-permanent units movement, Although place are a short quickly as of this to cases not life block in Centre after rehabilitation longer offered and employment The the quickly the may a bone flexibility half offer this as a permanent made which example consideration at SPLINTS and nature An opinion be to normal stability. In our prefer to return their useful advantages over or injury. to for found LIVELY can programme, disease sometimes lively designed been certain In or it is for can patients limb in the to replace recovery OF they periods original more as the are in our have offer to reconstructive some tendency 1952). upper limb example indications that Firstly, the the usefully restoration described 1942, Dunham in the been (Highet of peripheral the the splints lively start afford comprehensive or has have splinting paid, during surgery. return patient could there of the Third, in is proceeding. ADVANTAGES We 1949) and usefulness a combination a growing deformity-an literature been function results splints of splints in using power. reconstructive solution use is no apparatus approaches (1946, and reconstructive There “ nevertheless, Gazeley contracture. in the is, maintenance correct described to encourage the between : remarkable lively and or while splints Insufficient of lively for decide stated surgery, weakness, 1951, in the to and given improved example Chessington which Capener Nangle Second, lost, of the and 1951, is to (1952) There elbow of poliomyelitis is permanently \‘Iost and Force, shoulder has PARALYSIS ENGLAND Reconstructive 1952). indications as for or ‘ ‘ of paralysis. wrist Eyler of regeneration. of stretch for types hand, and deformity, during that Irwin elbow Seddon Air paralysis stabilisation, 1949, describing 1948, wrist, I?oyal Seddon intervention. joint (Barr limb LIMB CHESSINGTON, Unit, splints. the in certain literature Stewart the surgical splints of such the in of by UPPER PARRY, of upper control arm WYNN of functional transplants IN I?ehabilitation treatment achieved of a functional C. B. Medical provision permanent can and the the SPLINTS or too so efficient of biceps, weak be somewhat by to be functionally bone unwieldy, blocks and arthrodesis. Thirdly, what was patient’s VOL. 37 B, E it is not originally full NO. unknown intended. co-operation 4, NOVEMBER for reconstructive Apart are 1955 equally from important surgery technical for to factors, the success turn out the of an rather differently after-treatment operation. In from and the one case 591 592 N. SMYTHE a lively splint added complete paralysis the thumb. The sometimes We difficult have period found to usefulness to PARRY of reconstructive to appreciate a splint three C. B. WYNN surgery. right arm. A bone block was of an opponens splint enabled for patients that of two the of the provision AND made weeks exactly to imitate the give the patient will This performed the results results and patient give to write him what to had him more almost abduction It is of reconstruction of such an operation the doctor a fairly of efficiently. will be. and worn for a exact idea of the likely end result. In two of our patients opponens splints were worn to imitate the action a transplant, and as a result the patients decided on operation, which was successfully carried out. Fourthly, the patient himself may be reluctant to accept such a radical measure reconstruction. Six get further recovery patients were much as one patient put it, for good.” Finally, the splints of the patients despite happier the to clinical accept and electrical lively splintage one can always have are easy “ with to make, severe paralysis one’s were evidence at least joint require convinced only to the contrary. for the time fixed, the that but once simplest materials, adjustable elbow splint, for example, costs about three shillings and sixpence to make. There is undoubtedly a place for lively splintage period or while nerve regeneration is awaited. The splints offer as near and thus help to lay for the actual rehabilitation which the weak triceps can down correct of muscle work. movement groups. DESCRIPTION various During the last eighteen types of upper limb months paralysis. therapy department with the simplest to be described may be original, but have found to be helpful The conditions for involving wrist plexus biceps OF SPLINTS They spring of elbow also patients used discussed in a later In two patients, FOR are cheap. can also provide resistance means against of materials and at small expense. Some of the splints most are modifications of conventional types that we essential in providing efficient were provided fall into four DISABILITIES weakness patients was INVOLVING or paralysis who section. one with excised, the disability (Fig. 1) was eventually This splint was also flexion and extension and it is done function. groups : 1) disabilities ; 3) disabilities involving lesions were: brachial 4, median 3, radial 5; 2. had for Many more because, splints have been made for twenty-six patients with All the splints have been made in the occupational and sometimes which splints SPLINTS Nine as would the opponens splint during the recovery normal function as provides elbow alone ; 2) disabilities involving elbow, wrist and hand and hand; 4) disabilities involving hand alone. The causative lesions 4; poliomyelitis 8; peripheral nerve injuries-ulnar arthroplasty were patterns. The being it is done The only possible they of had confined associated arthroplasty severe discarded weakness when THE of the ELBOW ALONE to the elbow. The or hand weakness, wrist elbow of the triceps. the triceps had and one splints to be described but whose these olecranon had In these two patients regained control over provided arm a convenient in a sling. devised which provides complete support for the shoulder but avoids on the cervical region (Fig. 2). When triceps weakness or paralysis is permanent in the presence the elbow, a different type of splint is required (Fig. 3). This was THE JOURNAL OF been of both during means A sling putting be the splint the elbow. used in two other patients with poliomyelitis who had weakness of the elbow. The primary aim was to assist them in function retraining for their employment, but incidentally it also giving resistance to the weak triceps for its rehabilitation. During treatment it is often necessary to support the will extra has of been weight of normal flexion of designed for a patient BONE AND JOINT SURGERY THE with severe useful USE paralysis movements from in Elbow strength requires the OF LIVELY SPLINTS poliomyelitis. arms were Both flexion sling. A piece of canvas 7 of wiliCil is from tile elbow alloy. At the other end are aluminium from finger chair. chair VOL. the shoulder and piece. thumb. The splint The The allowed sling absence good unaided. 37 B, NO. UPPER legs of the LIMB were and 4, NOvEMBER 1955 inches wide 593 PARALYSIS completely elbows splint for weak triceps. The strength of the spring of the triceps, allowing the elbow to obtain full maxilnal power to effect full extension, constant triceps Shoulder the length IN paralysed a pincer is graded extension. use is an and movement according As efficient to the the only of the right the spring form of re-education. FIG. 2 and 64 to the tip of the two buckles at either is adjustable and is useful of triceps made extension of inches fingers. side for has an envelope piece folded back, Into this is inserted a piece of curved of the hand piece, into which fit two straps control of oedema of the hand and forearm. long it impossible the right elbow for and him to manipulate enabled him his to move wheel his 594 N. Two and patients weakness patients of with poliomye!itis triceps (grade is similar aspect of the to the bars and one SMYTHE AND C. suffered 3 on just tile the extension splint. lateral aspect of eacil bottom of the spring Elbow flexion 3 except Figure The power of the (Fig. 4), the The resistance to was arm refused. of the confined A patient of the object patients the weak with and to spring splint is in of the thereby of the flexion and supination A splint was made the to move aiding its brachial plexus of the to to provide the of the bring chair of flexion scale). spring forearm The of the splint is attached to the the of and power elbow for these anterior the triceps 3 relation power is to a wheel triceps, a lesion the This splint is the same hooks are attached to the of that weight paralysis Council A duralumin bar with an elbow moulded leather cuff. A nylon runs down in a groove behind hook on tile forearm cuff. splint. that the complete except to the PARRY Research Li. Elbow WYNN from Medical described, is in relation B. hinge thread is fitted attached hinge to as that illustrated the front of the bars. weight the to to of the the in forearm and triceps. elbow into his chair mid-flexion, and unaided. The it enabled splint also one offers rehabilitation. involving elbow. C.5-6 had A programme supination and THE flexion JOURNAL paralysis of abduction of reconstructive of the OF BONE surgery elbow. AND The JOINT splint SURGERY THE was job worn as inside the telephone USE jacket type of spring A patient with LIVELY and operator (A new OF the springs and allowed mind in that can a total SPLINTS be worn brachial IN outside. him inside plexus palsy constructed h(’ short with Three spring p’c’ i’he including arthrodesis tenodesis of elbow he the patient VOL. fingers. dropped should 37 B, into have to No. splint of the again that elbow splint. upper arm piece fix 4, his some elbow NOVEMBER allows the and to tile patient and the From of fix the his he his i)one hone holding position will be with the patient’s in his left hand (Fig. described extellsive 5). later.) reconstructive surgery, earpiece ill his left hand. 6 wrist, full extension. constructed earpiece 5 to the 1955 jacket This splint is controlled through a roller pulley shoulder in any the operate Unfortunately means was underwent Fio. .djustai)le from the It 595 PARALYSIS springs are proided, for the outer tllir(l, third of flexion respectively. The splint the springs outside. The splint was jOi) as telephone operator in Inin(l and inner the patkIlt’s allowed him LIMB to hold the FIG. I,ivelv elbow Ilexion splint. the nliddle third and the is worn inside the jacket UPPER i)’ to elbow strap passed tile forearm in any position desired. the elbow and elbow was absorbed of view of his work flexed. A splint at point elbow leather on blocks block desired a a buckle (Fig. to the 6). thumb, it was was made and and the important to allow 596 N. SMYTHE Adjustable elbow extension consists : transverse padded lleadS supports the graded according AND splint of C. B. WYNN witil two bars of a padded straps fix side, one the chest to splint to prevent with wrist a extension. hinge at shoulder the wrist. is 8 subluxation. The kidney-shaped on to buckles in front and from The the bar just proximal to tile metacarpal hand. l’he strength of the spring to the strength of tile wrist flexors. FIG. Adaption lively PARRY piece of hide to which is added on the upper part of the elbow one bellind. A supporting fabric back of tile shoulder piece underneath THE JOURNAL adaption consists two splint straps. 011 tile These medial strap passes opposite round BONE ANI) tile OF arm. JOINT SURGERY THE USE SPLINTS Four the of and one piece. splint wrist Patiellts elbow splints ELBOW, for of of the (Fig. nerve except tilat aIld tile there ‘The splint. is wrist splint l)iece a metal piece the ulnar just proximal either middle to of tile the It function. to 8). also This provides a proxinial for an wearing combat the patients Five the paralysis a gunshot injury posterior patients vol.. had was of brachial interosseous is illustrated 37 B, No. 4, palsy in NoVEMBER plexus by caused Figure 1955 to 9. tile aIld for thumb and wrist position weakness painful in fifth tue tile and of hut the a serious Figure 7 joints metacarpo- lingers. ends are nerve no a hockey patiellt paky.) no been extra fitted to the elbow weight to the splint. weight. HAND fingers all the attached has AND wrist, is across (l’his forearm WRIST hamld bar fits is virtually nerve; showed of tile (lOWelling sprmngs. the of the with back adaption THE radial a blow to only of tile median special against which elbow desired addition opposite Ilexion or small and of extensors injury by the a INVOLVING paralysis caused bar splint elbow DISABILITIES tile dorsally subluxation at piiii this any extension shown metacarpo-j)ilalallgeai tile smooth elastics OPPOflIlS the in extension 10 pllalangeS by included is not A Perspex bar rests on the of the fingers. . I-inch the palm. A bar of Perspex dowel prevents counter bases across of the To successfully tile si(le ilinges is also (Fig. splillt. to attaclled drawback nerve as transverse 11G. Lively of the in This beyond makes and action 9 same just on l’his joint. wrist, intrinsic elbow muscles shoulder. tile extends roller i1tlangeal is HAND the 7). shoulder of the and the AND elbow, patients holding 1:IG Radial WRIST fingers 597 PARALYSIS the these extension subluxation LIMB controlling made into paralysis partial UPPER of the means brought severe show muscles Flexion provided be to with often The IN INVOLVING of the joints. The the allowing SPLINTS DISABILITIES powerful. were LIVELY paralysis metacarpo-phalangeal fingers in FOR had patients OF and recovered recovery. i)all. thumb. fully. The The In One other splint three cases was due to was due to used in these a 598 N. SMYTHE AND C. B. WYNN PARRY 11 FIG. Opponens Splint. A piece of flexible rubber is moulded proximal phalanx an(l to lie across the thenar eminemice in of tile opponens muscle: this is attached to a cuff encircliIlg Strip of stiff hide approximately inch wide, attaciled to across tile metacarpo-phalangeai this means, strip the is not If full stability joint. a narrow of metal is nsd to tile instead of enclose tile line of action the wrist. rubber, A lies obtained by hide. tile ., FIG. Thumb stabihising the extensor encroaching encircling the extensor splint. aspect slightly the Tile splint 12 consists of tile metacarpo-phalangeal on the palmar aspect proximal aspect phalanx. of metacarpal A the moulded of a moulded of piece of for writing. metacarpo-phalangeal to give stability leather joint and the thumb Perspex joint TIlE tile and JOURNAL piece is fitted and OF on metacarpal, completel’ the BONE over first ANI) JOINT SURGERY THE USE LIVELY OF SPLINTS DISABILITIES Ulnar nerve This the lesions-Lively splint hand, deformity which is not Splint to control splint is like stitcile(l to aspect INVOLVING splints prevents of have at the permitted the tile by the of silown leather been UPPER THE made LIMB HAND for patients in the piece \Vitil carpo-metacarpal a joint 12, hut the slight upward moulde(l pressure encroaching shighti joint, and type “ carpo-inetacarpal Figure with joints knuckleduster “ of of tue attaciled each to bar tile and tilen metacarpo-phalangeal 1100k into springs Experience has iittie useful the during permanent brachial plexus is illustrated Weakness Figure the opposition-three 37 B, thenar with No. 4, NOVEMBER attaciled proved that recovery recovery was cap (ligit eacil fine cllain and at five of inches terminal is shown the successfully of splint is This tile on its paimar aspect. is nerve is of tile tile should to wrist. exten(l a pilotOgraph. but using patient take tile crease, to cap tile The under front wrist proximal ill passs in first tiny Nion is awaited, One to and are Ilail illto only. rimlgs tile tile occur. i’his Perspex extensor imlcorporated ring of tllaml of not able ring tilrough over splint a termninal joints farther when paralysis in of stage should splint opponens termimlal splint. lesions. function 14 Fio. an has nerve full thumb. piece over sphiIlt for paralysed finger flexors. Plastic rings fitted over eacil phalanx, tile terminal ring coverimlg tue but heaving tile pad of the finger free. Eacil ring has a horizontal metal bar illcorporated on tile paimnar surface. is fitted with piece, alid it ulnar allows Illterimll tilumb iland 599 PARALYSIS ALONE five metacarpo-phalangeal subluxation that IN a course it can also splint for tile in j)aint spraying. l)e used as a a permanent The splint 10. muscles-Splints median 1955 ilave nerve lesions been and made three for with six patients poliomvelitis. paralysis witil The aim of of the 600 N. splint is to abduct, All six patients no restriction the patient Paralysis the able In C. B. thumb WYNN two PARRY at the to write for rotation. and the from weakness of all the joint (Fig. metacarpo-phalangeal with patients the need poliomyelitis the pen weakness One splint joint correctly of the gripped thenar of these patients used is illustrated thenar muscles with (Fig. and muscles required had weakness in Figure recurrent 1 1). suffered 12. of the The subluxation of 13). patient ofallfingerfiexors-A with the were movement. suffered fitted AND control splint splint without brevis from carpo-metacarpal was and this of thumb a stabilising flexor pollicis other rotate using SMYTHE with splint shown for the use of lively paralysis in Figure 14. of all the finger The splint flexors restored from poliomyelitis a reasonable grasp. instead of reconstructive SUMMARY 1 . The indications surgery 2. are splints in upper limb paralysis and hand discussed. Examples of lively splints used for the elbow, We wish to thank Mr H. Osmond-Clarke, C.B.E., of this paper. We wish to acknowledge the help Air Force, Coliaton Cross, in making the metal tllank also the Director General Medical Services, wrist are described and illustrated. for his encouragement and valuable advice in the preparation of the workshops at the Medical Rehabilitation Unit, Royal hinges incorporated in some of the splints. We wish to Royal Air Force, for permission to publish this paper. REFERENCES J. S. (1949) BARR, at the First : The Management International of Poliomyelitis Poliomyelitis : The Conference, Late p. 20i. Stage. Papers Philadelphia, and London, Discussions Montreal : Bone and Presented J. B. Lippincott Company. S. BUNNELL, 31-A, (1949) : Spring Splint (1946) : Physiological to Supinate or Pronate the Hand. Journal of Joint Surgery, 664. N. CAPENER, Manufacture of N. CAPENER, Postgraduate Appliances. (1949): Medical Rest British The Use with Special Medical of Orthopaedic Journal, Shoulder. W. HIGHET, B. C. IRWIN, E., Poliomyelitis. J. E. 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