Seton Hall Law Magazine Fall 2012

Newark, NJ
News for Alumni and Friends of the Seton Hall University School of Law | Fall 2012
FALL 2012
Seton Hall University School of Law
One Newark Center
Newark, New Jersey 07102-5210
Calendar of Alumni Events
September 28
October 26
December 19
Red Mass, Cathedral Basilica in Newark,
4 p.m.
Seton Hall Law Review CLE Symposium:
The Changing Landscape of Election
Law, Larson Auditorium, 9 a.m.
Alumni CLE Program: Hot Topics in
NCAA Compliance, The Prudential
Center in Newark, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
November 1
January 2-5
Seton Hall Law CLE: Representing
Victims of Human Trafficking, New
Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick,
6:15-8:15 p.m.
CLE Abroad: International Human
Rights and the Family, and Ethics &
Professionalism, Chamonix, France
October 4
Alumni CLE Program: Supreme
Court Review, Seton Hall Law, Larson
Auditorium, 6-9 p.m.
October 16
Seton Hall Law Gibbons Institute/NJIPLA
Fall CLE Lecture: Views from the Bench,
Newark Club, 6 p.m.
October 19
Reunions for the Classes of 1972, 1992
& 1997, The Brownstone in Paterson,
7-11 p.m.
October 25
Samuel J. Heyman Public Service
Lecture, Seton Hall Law, 5 p.m.
November 8
Alumni CLE Program: Criminal Law
and Contemplative Practice and
the Practice of Law, Larson
Auditorium, 2-7 p.m.
December 1
Reunions for Classes of 1982, 1987 &
1992, The Montclair Museum, 7-11 p.m.
December 5
NJ Bar Swearing-In Ceremony &
Reception, Larson Auditorium, 6 p.m.
Seton Hall Law
at work
January 16 or 17
Alumni CLE Program: Family Law,
and Ethics & Professionalism, Larson
Auditorium, Time TBD
Charting a Path to
Career Success
March 14
Alumni Networking Reception,
The Grasshoppper Off the Green in
Morristown, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
April 26
Alumni Dinner Dance, Short Hills Hilton,
6-11 p.m.
For more information about CLE programs, visit
to register for events, update your
profile and search for alumni.
Connect with your community!
The Alumni e-Newsletter
Check out CLE programs and other
important Seton Hall Law alumni
events and news, and keep up with
your classmates and colleagues. It’s
delivered to your email each month!
Elizabeth Roseman ’06
Vice President and Assistant General Counsel, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Elizabeth Roseman ’06
Elizabeth Roseman ’06 always knew she wanted to be a lawyer – “from
the time I was a kid watching Law & Order,” she reflects. Today, Roseman
is a Vice President and Assistant General Counsel at Goldman Sachs &
Co., Inc. and one of the Seton Hall Law alumni who are part of Goldman
Sachs and its wholly owned subsidiary, The Ayco Company L.P., an
investment advisory firm. Their varied roles exemplify the kinds of
career opportunities that a Seton Hall Law degree makes possible for
those eager to venture beyond the conventional law firm career model.
Roseman’s alumni colleagues at Goldman Sachs include Rob Bacon ’00,
Bob Emer ’93, Scott Fleisher ’05, Matthew Heckler ’07, Vincent Giliberti ’06,
Julian Leone ’04, Karen O’Keeffe ’99, Scott Purrelli ’97, Kimia Mousavi
Steed ’11, and Barbara Walters ’96. They bring their expertise and legal
knowledge to such fields as employee relations, compliance, operations
and an array of investment advisory services. Their stories are as diverse
as the positions they fill today, reflecting direct pursuit of the corporate
path as well as career changes, military service and unexpected
opportunities that have shaped their current success.
From her choice of law school to her position in the corporate governance
group of the General Counsel’s office, Roseman’s career path was molded
by her continuing desire to learn from, and team with, “the best and
the brightest.” After graduation, Roseman developed an expertise in
executive compensation at the firms of Shearman & Sterling LLP and
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP. Roseman’s work with clients piqued her
interest in joining an in-house legal department and her network guided
her toward the General Counsel’s office at Goldman Sachs.
As for Seton Hall Law, Roseman explains, “I wanted to be in an
environment where the professors were the best in their fields. Every
single graduate, and everyone within the legal community, said, ‘Seton
Hall Law has great professors.’ That was more important to me than
the curriculum or specific course offerings.” Indeed, Roseman notes,
“One of the most important things I learned at Seton Hall Law was the
value of your legal network and professional community.”
Read more about Seton Hall Law alumni at Goldman Sachs and Ayco
Co. at
Letter from the Dean
Seton Hall Law at Work: Charting a Path to Career Success
Inaugural Larson Lecture Featuring David Boies, Esq. 5
Seton Hall Law Board of Visitors 5
Class Notes
Seton Hall Law Alumni Council 9
Honor Roll of Giving
Volunteer Recognition
Calendar of Alumni Events
Back Cover
All photographs provided by Sean Sime Photography.
About the Cover
Table of
James F. Hlavenka ’10
Joseph J. Hocking ’92
Paulyn Holandez ’07
John Holden ’96
Justin R Hollander ’12
Sarah Hook ’10
Nashon Hornsby ’97
Marisa N. Hourdajian ’12
Jodi A. Hudson ’96
Gabrielle A. Hughes ’10
Gabrielle Ianole
Peter Jabbour ’06
Alfred F. Jablonski ’66
Jeff Jablonski
Misha Christine
Jacob-Warren ’10
Shevani Jaisingh
James B. Johnston ’96
Glenn Johnston ’04
George Johnston, Jr.
Neeraj Joshi ’08
Stephen B. Judlowe ’65
Douglas Kabak ’82
Michael Kalison
The Honorable David B.
Katz ’87
Stephanie M. Kay ’92
Kenneth Kayser ’77
James Kellar ’07
George Kendall
Adam Khalil ’10
Brian Kiernan
Catherine A. Kiernan ’86
Jonah Kimmelstiel ’10
Vivian Sanks King ’85
Lynne M. Kizis ’87
Jonathan Klein
Toby Kleinman ’90
Karen Kleppe Lembo ’81
Patricia E. Koch ’72
Catherine Kopley ’74
Edward Kornreich
James A. Kosch ’86
Brianna Kostecka ’10
Kenneth F. Kunzman
Anthony Labruna
Robyne D. LaGrotta ’88
Thomas M. Lahiff ’78
Philip W. Lamparello ’10
Wendy J. Lario ’92
Marc D. Larkins ’97
Anthony P. LaRocco ’82
Peter N. Larson ’74
Lauren LaRusso ’09
Joseph P. LaSala ’72
Sandra Lascari ’90
Eric Latzer ’11
Amanda D. Laufer ’12
James N. Lawlor ’92
Jeralyn L. Lawrence ’96
Krista Tongring Lawson ’96
James Leavy ’08
Jason LeBoeuf ’01
Kerri Lee ’11
Alice Lee
Charles W. Lefevre ’96
Alicia Lendon ’11
Jerry Lenihan ’10
Julian Leone ’04
Maureen LePochat ’83
Karen Leslie ’81
Alison Leslie ’01
Gary J. Lesneski
Daniel R. Levy ’04
Michael Lewchuk ’10
Dennis Light
William Lim
The Honorabe Jose L. Linares
Joseph Lipari ’02
Paul A. Lisovicz ’82
Craig Livermore
Kelly Lloyd ’09
Adrian M. Lofaro ’07
Kevin J. Logan ’12
Keri E. Logosso ’99
Felice T. Londa ’82
Jeffrey Loop ’01
Erika M. Lopes-McLeman ’11
J. Brugh Lower ’08
Denise Luckenbach ’89
John F. MacLeod ’71
Joseph, Jr. Maddaloni ’89
Ryan Magee ’10
Matthew Magnone
The Honorable John Francis
Malone ’72
David J. Marck ’11
Alexandra Marghella ’11
Kevin H. Marino ’84
Michael J. Marone ’87
Peter Marra ’97
Melissa P. Marschner ’99
Aldo Martinez ’83
Cristina Martinez ’08
The Honorable Hany
Mawla ’98
Kenneth Mayer
Stephan Mayhew ’00
Michael McCulley
Mary Anne McDonald ’81
Nicole McDonough
Michael E. McGann ’86
Kevin J. McGee ’92
Timothy F. McGoughran ’86
The Honorable William McGovern
Grant McGuire ’95
William B. McGuire ’58
Lucinda McLaughlin ’07
Jay McManigal ’09
Jon Meinen ’09
Bindi Merchant ’07
Anthony R. Merlino ’02
Patricia A. Meyer ’76
Ilene Miklos ’90
Nancy C. Miller ’82
Rachel Mills ’11
Ayanna M. Mishoe-Brooker ’01
Robyn Mitchell
Cherylyn Esoy Mizzo ’03
Matthew Moench ’07
J. Russell Molloy ’81
Joseph G. Monaghan ’81
Aili Monahan ’07
The Honorable Thomas Moore ’80
Frank Morano ’06
Patricia C. Morgan ’09
Michael F. Moriarty ’86
The Honorable, Barry E.
Moscowitz ’93
Leana Movsessian
Pamela Mulligan ’06
The Honorable James F.
Mulvihill ’71
James Murtha
Naveen Nadipuram
Melissa A. Natale ’03
Evan Neadel ’06
Rebecca Nelson ’96
Philip Neuer ’76
The Honorable Pauline Newman
Lynn Fontaine Newsome ’81
Samantha Noda
Joseph R. Novick ’06
Keith Nowak ’76
Leonard T. Nuara ’84
The Honorable Richard E.
Nunes ’95
The Honorable Thomas E.
O’Brien ’72
Ashley Ochs ’09
Donald L. O’Connor ’71
John F. O’Donnell
Aileen M. O’Driscoll ’92
Sheilah O’Halloran ’83
Caroline E. Oks ’12
Kenneth S. Oleckna ’72
Thomas M. Olson ’82
David M. Orbach
James C. Orr ’64
Jean Osnos ’93
William J. Palatucci ’89
Rhonda Panken
The Honorable Joseph Paone
David Paris
Kerry M. Parker ’81
Russ Passamano ’86
Karen A. Passaro ’96
Prakash S. Patel ’12
Colleen Patterson ’00
John Patton ’66
Krista Lynn Peckyno ’11
Bill Penkethman ’86
Marion Percell
Emilia Perez ’07
Thomas J. Perry ’92
Robert F. Perry ’89
Alan H. Perzley ’82
Barry Peterson
Stacey Pilato ’98
Jacqueline C. Pirone ’04
John J. Piserchia
The Honorable Stewart Pollock
Michael Poreda ’10
Christopher S. Porrino ’92
Marissa Quigley ’06
Tara Ragone
Philip Raimondi ’11
Thomas Redburn
Frederic J. Regenye ’95
Dena Reger ’99
Danielle E. Reid ’82
Patrick Reilly ’10
Scott Reiser ’07
Cristal Reyes ’12
Ronald J. Riccio ’71
Katherine Riopel ’09
Steven F. Ritardi ’87
Elaine A. Rocha ’98
Jesse Rodgers ’11
Jonathan Romankow ’95
Robert G. Rose, ’74
Ed Roslak ’09
Pat Rufolo
Taryn S. Russell ’12
Elizabeth Ryan ’85
Agnes Rymer
Henry Sacco, Jr.
Christian E. Samay ’97
Jonathan Samon ’04
Joshua Sanders
Kelly Lerner Sanders
Maria Fragassi Santangelo ’92
Jason Santarcangelo ’05
Sally Sattan ’99
Paul Sauchelli, DMD ’92
Brent Saunders
Anastasia Savastinuk ’09
John Scaliti ’83
Michael F. Schaff
Joseph J. Schiavone
David Schiefelbein ’08
Shoshana Schiff ’98
George L. Schneider ’66
Lynn G. Schundler ’87
Andrea Schwartz ’93
Leslie Schwartz
Diane Scott
Walter K. Scott ’97
Lynne Seborowski ’08
Desiree Sedehi ’12
John L. Shahdanian, II ’97
Theodore J. Shatynski ’92
Nathan Sheffield ’08
Aliza Sherman ’06
John K. Sherwood ’86
Scott Sholder ’07
Jeffrey Shooman ’06
Peter Siachos
Joseph Siciliano ’11
Reginald Sims
David Simunovich ’08
Stephanie Skowronski ’01
Michael Smikun ’08
Roy Smolarz ’80
Thomas J. Snyder ’92
Deborah A. Snyder ’96
Ricardo Solano, Jr. ’98
Calvin Souder ’07
Remi L. Spencer ’02
Juliana Barno Spitzer ’06
Robert Spitzer ’06
Reverend Eugene P. Squeo ’81
The Honorable Donald H.
Steckroth ’72
Janet Steinman ’85
Brian G. Steller ’82
Debra Stephans
Shannon Stevens ’11
Tiffany M. Stewart ’12
M.D. David E. Swee
Jennifer Talley ’10
Matthew S. Tamasco ’01
Stephen Tank
James Tarnofsky ’97
Nicholas Taro ’07
Michele K. Thomas
Ana Tolentino ’96
Mary Tom ’88
Meghan Tomlinson ’09
Christopher E. Torkelson ’96
Anthony Torntore ’10
K. Mallory Tosch ’07
Lucas Townsend ’04
Colleen Tracy ’96
Matthew Troiano ’05
Mark Trokan ’03
Emily Truman
Gary Tulp ’08
Charles J. Uliano ’74
Allen J. Underwood, II ’97
Stacey Van Malden
John M. Vazquez ’96
James B. Ventantonio ’64
The Honorable Paul J.
Vichness ’68
Diego R. Visceglia ’71
Eugenie Voitkevich ’09
Jeffrey Wactlar ’95
Justin P. Walder
Roy F. Waldron
Karol Corbin Walker ’86
Robert Walsh ’84
Meredith A. Walsh ’96
Kevin G. Walsh ’98
Brendan Walsh ’06
Jason T. Waston ’07
Eric S. Wei ’06
Jane Weiner
Thomas A. Wester ’82
Christopher H. Westrick ’97
John C. Whipple ’82
The Honorable Barbara Gibbons
Whipple, J.S.C.
Bryn N. Whittle ’98
The Honorable Bill Williams
Susan Reach Winters ’82
Mel Wright ’91
Loria B. Yeadon ’94
Michael Yellin ’08
Julie Yoo ’06
Jennifer Young ’05
Thomas Zammatore ’81
Kelly Zampino ’10
The Honorable Bonnie J. Mizdol
Zapotosky ’82
Mara Zazzali-Hogan ’98
John J. Zefutie ’04
Adam Zipkin ’82
David Zitelli ’85
Thomas N Zuppa, Jr. ’12
Fall 2012 |
Letter from
the Dean
We are witnessing unprecedented
change in legal education, the legal
profession and the employment
market. But during this transitional
time, the value of a Seton Hall Law
degree continues to rise.
Based on new graduate employment in top law firms, the
National Law Journal in 2012 again named Seton Hall
Law a “Top 50 Go-To Law School,” ranking us at 39th
for graduates placed in the nation’s top 250 law firms,
and 35th for associates who were promoted to partner
within those firms.
Our Health Law program, as it has been for the past 16
years, was again ranked by US News & World Report as
one of the ten best in the country, this year moving up to
number five.
Our first-time bar exam pass-rate last summer was again
above 90 percent in New Jersey and New York. In New
Jersey, our pass rate was more than 12 points higher than
the state average, and in New York, more than 12 points
higher than all first-time takers and roughly five points
higher than all ABA-accredited graduates.
Guided by our Board of Visitors and faculty, Seton Hall
Law is affirming this commitment to excellence, and despite
a recent nationwide decrease of law school applicants,
maintaining the high standards we have set for admissions.
The result of this decision is that the Class of 2015 is
fewer in number than our classes from the past five years.
However, their accomplishments and rich life experiences
reflect well on Seton Hall Law and the high value we
place on intellectual, academic and professional acumen.
It has long been a point of pride that Seton Hall Law
graduates leave behind their caps and gowns and hit the
ground running in courtrooms, boardrooms and halls of
government. Mindful of the evolving marketplace, we have
further honed our practice-ready curriculum, allowing
students to meld their ever-growing store of legal knowledge with hands-on practical applications. In addition,
we have enhanced career services and increased our
networking resources. These strategic changes will give
students, recent graduates and alumni a competitive edge
in maximizing their career opportunities.
Your career success is also a source of great pride to Seton
Hall Law, and our faculty and administration stand ready
to help you and fellow alumni reach greater heights. We
have strengthened the programs and services available
through the Office of Career Services for all – feel free to
call on them for professional counsel and guidance. Now
in its third year, our Alumni Continuing Legal Education
(CLE) Program helps alumni stay current in the law and
earn the credits necessary to fulfill our state’s CLE
requirements, while offering a chance to connect and
confer with former classmates. All of our regional alumni
networking events were well attended this year. If you have
not already done so, I also encourage you to participate
in these programs and in our new alumni professional
networking site,
During this challenging economic environment, Seton
Hall Law remains dedicated to helping our students and
alumni achieve their professional aspirations. It is with
the continued support of our alumni that Seton Hall
Law continues its rise in prominence and prestige within
the legal and professional community.
Patrick E. Hobbs, Dean
Fall 2012 |
Seton Hall Law
at work
Charting a Path to Career Success at Goldman Sachs, Inc.
and The Ayco Company
From left to right: Scott Purrelli, Bob Emer, Julian Leone and Elizabeth Roseman
“Since I graduated from Seton Hall Law, I’ve come to
appreciate just how varied the practice of law can be,”
says Elizabeth Roseman ’06, whose career path from private practice at Shearman & Sterling LLP and Sullivan &
Cromwell LLP to her role as an Assistant General Counsel at Goldman Sachs, is highlighted on the inside front cover
of this magazine. Other Seton Hall Law alumni at The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., and its wholly owned financial
counseling subsidiary, The Ayco Company L.P., agree. From administration and compliance, to investment management
and financial planning, these alumni appreciate how their Seton Hall Law degrees opened doors for them.
Seton Hall Law Magazine
Scott Purrelli ’97
Scott Purrelli,Vice President, Counseling at Goldman
Sachs Family Office, the Ayco business that serves as
personal financial counselors for Goldman Sachs partners,
came to Seton Hall Law armed with an undergraduate
degree in mathematics/statistics. He says, “Tax seemed
like it would be a good fit with my background, and also
offered the potential to branch out of the traditional legal
field and into the world of finance.” He accepted a New
Jersey tax court post-graduation clerkship with the
Honorable Peter D. Pizzuto, and the opportunity at
Ayco, “a really nice fit with what I was looking for,”
arose shortly thereafter.
Bob Emer ’93
Bob Emer has had a varied career at Goldman Sachs –
exactly his plan, when he decided to attend law school in
the early 1990s. Since earning his Seton Hall Law degree,
he has served as Vice President, FICC Management &
Strategies Group; in the Special Situations Group; as
Global Chief Financial Officer for the Business Services
in the Corporate Services and Real Estate group; and now
as Vice President in the Vendor Management Office.
Some of his assignments have had “more connectivity”
with the law than others, he says. Still, he concludes,
“Law school enhanced my ability to look at a problem
from multiple perspectives, especially when the solution
is counter-intuitive.”
Julian Leone ’04
Julian Leone, Vice President and a Private Wealth
Advisor in his sixth year at Goldman Sachs, interned
at the State Attorney’s Office during his last year of law
school, where he conducted securities-fraud investigations.
Soon after, he was recruited by Goldman Sachs to work
in its Compliance Division. Recently, he moved to the
firm’s Investment Management Division, a transition
made smoother by his academic background and his
past experience as a tax accountant. “Getting a law
degree was like learning a second language, one I use
every day in helping our clients navigate the complex
investment landscape,” he says. He came to Seton Hall
Law when he had already found career success. Yet, he
says, “I knew a law degree would open doors. I didn’t
know where those doors would lead. I just wanted them
From left to right: Matt Heckler, Kimia Mousavi Steed and Vincent Giliberti
opened and I was confident that I would be successful
with whatever opportunities they offered.”
Matt Heckler ’07
Matt Heckler, Senior Financial Planner in his fifth year
at Ayco, has a tax and mathematics background. He
sought a graduate degree that would enable him to amass
skills to “go to the next step,” and decided “a JD would
give me the most options,” he says. He now uses his Seton
Hall Law-acquired tax expertise to apply Ayco’s philosophy
of taking a comprehensive approach to a client’s financial
planning needs – both building their portfolios and
achieving tax-advantaged results. “Investment performance
is only part of the picture,” Heckler says. “When I give
a client estate planning advice that leads to significant
savings, we monetize the benefit of our services.”
Kimia Mousavi Steed ’11
Kimia Steed, Financial Analyst, always knew she wanted
to be a corporate lawyer. At Seton Hall Law, she had
uncommon opportunities: serving on Circuit Review,
and participating in the Impact Litigation Clinic with
Professor Jonathan Romberg, where she had the honor
of presenting before the Second Circuit, “something
many seasoned lawyers never get to do.” Joining Ayco
last year “was an unexpected opportunity that allowed
me to apply the skills and concepts I learned in law
school,” she says.
Fall 2012 |
Scott Fleisher and Karen O’Keeffe
Vincent Giliberti ’06
Seton Hall Law’s Office of Career Services brought
Vin Giliberti, Associate of Financial Planner Development,
and Ayco together. “The Ayco recruiter made a compelling
point that they were my best option if I wanted to go
into the financial industry,” he says. Now he conducts
training for financial planners, and enjoys how his legal
education is interwoven with his work at Ayco: “When
we talk with our clients about tax and estate planning,
the law is there. When we advise a client on the benefits
of forming an LLC or a partnership, the law is there.”
Scott Fleisher ’05
Scott Fleisher, Vice President, Compliance, Anti-Money
Laundering (AML) Group, left private practice after a
short while and landed at Bear, Stearns & Co. He went on
to Citigroup Private Bank to supervise a team responsible
for assuring the completeness of annual review packages,
and to Pershing LLC, where he also served in AML
Compliance before joining Goldman Sachs. Fleisher
says his law degree enables him to synthesize facts and
to draw and present conclusions concisely. “All divisions
come to Compliance,” he says, where his job is to protect
the firm and recommend preventative measures.
Karen O’Keeffe ’99
Karen O’Keeffe, Vice President, Employee Relations at
Goldman Sachs, discovered employment law through
Professor Charles Sullivan, taking every course he
offered on the subject. Offered a position after graduation
at Gibbons P.C., where she had served as a Summer
Associate, O’Keeffe was assigned to the employment
law group. “I liked helping clients take action to avoid
lawsuits, not just defending them after the fact,” she
says. She credits her Seton Hall Law ties with her next
move; the wife of an alumnus alerted her to the opening
in the Employee Relations group at Goldman Sachs.
Robert Bacon ’00
After serving in the Army and
running a retail business, Rob
Bacon, Senior Vice President,
Counseling, came to Seton
Hall Law to make a career
change, targeting Wall Street
in M&A, connecting his law
degree with his undergraduate
degree in finance. But through
Robert Bacon
Seton Hall Law’s Office of
Career Services he encountered Ayco, which turned out
to be a great match. “It’s intellectually stimulating,” he
says. “We work in so many different areas: estate planning,
taxes, investments and insurance, for instance, so there
is a lot of variety. The people are phenomenal. We sit
down with senior executives and their families and help
them plan for the next 20 to 30 years.”
Read more about Seton Hall Law alumni at Goldman Sachs and
Ayco Co. at
Seton Hall Law Magazine
Seton Hall University
School of Law
Board of Visitors 2012-13
Louis J. Andreozzi ’84
President & Chief Executive Officer
Chairman, Bloomberg Law
Mitch F. Baumeister ’72 (Former Chair)
Baumeister & Samuels, PC
Frank T. Cannone ’91
Chairman, Corporate Department
Gibbons P.C.
Inaugural Larson Lecture
Featuring David Boies, Esq.
On February 1, 2012, Seton Hall Law formally dedicated
its newly refurbished Larson Auditorium, made possible by
the generous support of Lee and Peter Larson ’74. To mark
the occasion, David Boies, Esq., renowned litigator and one of
Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World in
2010, delivered the inaugural Larson Lecture to a large audience
of students, faculty, friends, alumni and judges.
During the lecture, “The Role of an Attorney in American
Society Today,” Boies noted the many privileges and opportunities the legal profession offers attorneys and observed,
“With those privileges come responsibilities, because each
of us has a responsibility not only to our individual clients,
but to the justice system itself.” Boies extolled the virtues of
the United States’ legal system, remarking, “It is the ability to
decide the most important issues facing our society – in court –
peacefully and under the rule of law — that distinguishes
this society from so many that have gone before it.”
At the dedication, Mr. Larson said that he intended for the
Larson Lecture series to continue and hoped that the Larson
Auditorium would “be a place where the spirit of civil discourse
is alive, well and consistently observed.” He continued, “By
which we mean a commitment to listen thoughtfully, respond
respectfully and recognize that even smart people can have a
different and responsible point of view about an issue.” The
Seton Hall Law Community looks forward to continued
dialogue on issues of national importance through the
Larson Lecture Series.
Maury Cartine ’76
Partner, Tax Department
Marcum, LLP
Wendy Johnson Lario ’92
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Peter N. Larson ’74 (Chair)
Former Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
of the Brunswick Corporation
Joseph P. LaSala ’72
McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP
Erik Lillquist
Vice Dean & Professor of Law
Seton Hall University School of Law
Christopher J. Christie ’87
Governor, State of New Jersey
Kevin H. Marino ’84
Marino, Tortorella & Boyle, P.C.
Michael Critchley ’72
Critchley, Kinum and Vazquez, LLC
William B. McGuire ’58 (Former Chair)
Senior Partner
Tompkins, McGuire, Wachenfeld & Barry, LLP
Rinaldo M. D’Argenio ’79
Of Counsel
Arturi, D’Argenio, Guaglardi & Meliti, LLP
Lynn Fontaine Newsome ’81
Newsome O’Donnell, LLC
Joseph M. DeCotiis ’94
Managing Partner
DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick, & Cole, LLP
David M. Orbach
Chairman of the Board
Regal Bank
Joseph J. DePalma ’82
Lite DePalma & Greenberg, LLC
James C. Orr ’64
New Jersey Managing Partner
Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman &
Dicker, LLP
Anthony P. DiTommaso, Jr. ’97
Chief Executive Officer
Ivy Equities
Mariellen Dugan ’91 (Secretary)
Senior Vice President & General Counsel
New Jersey Resources Corporation
Patrick C. Dunican Jr. ’91 (Vice Chair)
Chairman & Managing Director
Gibbons P.C.
Kathryn P. Duva ’01
Chief Executive Officer
Main Events
Susan A. Feeney
McCarter & English, LLP
Vicki Fleischer
Assistant Dean, Alumni & Development
Seton Hall University School of Law
Todd M. Galante ’86
Rev. Nicholas S. Gengaro
Seton Hall University School of Law
John C. Gibbons ’72
Senior Managing Director
Guidepost Solutions, LLC
Bernard M. Hartnett ’55
Retired, Former Member of Connell Foley
The Honorable Katharine S. Hayden ’75
United States District Court,
District of New Jersey
Patrick E. Hobbs
Seton Hall University School of Law
Alfred F. Jablonski ’66
Chief Executive Officer
The Sage Foundation
Gisele Joachim
Dean of Enrollment Management
Seton Hall University School of Law
Stephen B. Judlowe ’65
Of Counsel
McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP
William J. Palatucci ’89
Senior Vice President
Community Education Centers, Inc.
Robert F. Perry ’89
New York Office Managing Partner
King & Spalding
Jacqueline Pirone ’04
Seton Hall Law Alumni Council
Ronald J. Riccio
Professor of Law, Dean Emeritus
Seton Hall University School of Law
Robert G. Rose ’74
Day Pitney, LLP
Brent Saunders
Chief Executive Officer
Bausch & Lomb, Inc.
Joseph J. Schiavone
Budd Larner, P.C.
Claudette St. Romain
Associate Dean & Professor of Law
Seton Hall University School of Law
Charles A. Sullivan
Professor of Law & Director of the Law Library
Seton Hall University School of Law
Colleen Tracy ’96
Managing Partner
Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto
James B. Ventantonio ’64
Retired, Former Member of Ventantonio &
Wildenhain PC
Sarah Waldeck
Professor of Law
Seton Hall University School of Law
Justin P. Walder
Walder, Hayden & Brogan, P.A.
Karol Corbin Walker ’86
Fall 2011
2012 |
Children’s author A.A. Milne, commenting on the friendships we make in our life’s journey said,
“Promise me you’ll never forget me, because if I thought you would, I’d never leave.” While it
may be a while since you’ve had the opportunity to spend time with some of your Law School
friends, we hope you will enjoy reading about their professional accomplishments herein. We
encourage you to reconnect with friends online through Seton Hall Law Connect and at class
reunions and other alumni events.
| 1960s
Michael D’Alessio Jr. ’68 started his
own private practice, D’Alessio Law.
Assemblyman James Holzapfel ’69
was elected to the New Jersey State
Senate in the 10th Legislative District.
| 1970s
The Honorable Robert L. Penza ’70
became a Partner with Compertz
Penza & McDermott, LLC. Jeffrey
P. Weinstein ’70 was named one of
New York’s Best Lawyers by New
York Magazine. James T. Foran ’71
became Of Counsel with Lum, Drasco
& Positan LLC. The Honorable Harry
Starrett ’71 was reappointed for a
seventh term as Chief Judge of West
Orange Municipal Court. Edward J.
Fanning ’72 became President of the
New Jersey Defense Association.
John F. Neary ’72 was named a “Top
Lawyer” in Construction & Public
Contracting by 201 Magazine. The
Honorable Dorothea O’C. Wefing
’72 was temporarily assigned by
Chief Justice Stuart Rabner to the
New Jersey Supreme Court. The
Honorable Patrick J. Diegnan, Jr.
’73 was reelected to the New Jersey
State Legislature in District 18. The
Honorable Eugene Codey, Jr. ’74
became Counsel with Connell Foley
LLP. The Honorable Maria Marinari
Sypek ’74 joined JAMS, The Resolution
Experts. The Honorable Thomas P.
Zampino ’74 became Of Counsel with
Snyder & Sarno LLC. The Honorable
Katherine S. Hayden ’75 received the
2011 William J. Brennan Jr. Award from
the Association of the Federal Bar of
New Jersey. Stephen O. Mortenson
’76 became a Partner with Ruprecht
Hart Weeks & Ricciardulli, LLP. Bruce
J. Ackerman ’77 was selected to join
The Inn of Transactional Counsel and
became a Partner with Pashman Stein.
Seton Hall Law Magazine
The Honorable John C. Kennedy ’77
was elevated by Chief Justice Stuart
Rabner to the Appellate Division
of the New Jersey Superior Court.
Christopher A. Sidoti ’77 became
Counsel with Fox Rothschild LLP.
Nicholas Casiello Jr. ’78 attained
the distinguished “Leaders in their
Field” ranking in the 2012 Chambers
USA Guide. The Honorable Edward
J. DeFazio ’78 was appointed a New
Jersey Superior Court Judge. Brian
J. Molloy ’78 was admitted to the
American College of Trial Lawyers.
Assemblyman David C. Russo ’78 was
reelected to the New Jersey State
Legislature in District 40. Charles X.
Gormally ’79 was reelected Mayor
of Mountain Lakes by the Borough
Council. The Honorable Amilkar
Velez-Lopez ’79 celebrated his
retirement as a Newark Municipal
Judge. Peter R. Yarem ’79 became a
Partner with Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC.
| 1980s
The Honorable Marina Corodemus
’80 was named the “Best Individual
Mediator in the Nation” by The
National Law Journal. Jack P. Baron
’80 became Of Counsel with Lum
Drasco & Positan LLC. Patricia M.
Barbarito ’81 was named one of New
York’s Best Lawyers by New York
Magazine. Mary Anne McDonald ’81
joined the VNA Health Group as Chief
of Legal Affairs and Compliance.
Thomas F. Quinn ’81 was installed as
Vice President of the Essex County
Bar Association. Senator Robert Smith
’81 was reelected to the New Jersey
State Senate in the 17th Legislative
District. Joseph J. DePalma ’82 was
named by New Jersey Super Lawyers
magazine one of the “Top Attorneys”
in New Jersey for 2012. Richard
M. Gutierrez ’82 was elected Vice
President for the 11th Judicial District
on the Executive Committee of the
New York State Bar Association. Eric
John Marcy ’82 was reelected as
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
for Greystone Park Psychiatric
Hospital. Michael J. Naughton ’82
became a Member of Wolff Samson
PC. Assemblyman John F. McKeon
III ’83 was reelected to the New
Jersey State Legislature in District
27. Senator Christopher Bateman ’84
was reelected to the New Jersey State
Senate in the 16th Legislative District.
The Honorable Wayne J. Forrest ’84
was appointed a New Jersey Superior
Court Judge. Bonnie C. Frost ’84
received the New Jersey State Bar
Association Family Law Section’s
2012 Saul A. Tischler Award. Liza M.
Walsh ’84 was recognized as Seton
Hall Law School’s 2012 Distinguished
Graduate. Anthony R. Caruso ’85
was appointed League Counsel
to the North American Lacrosse
League. Christopher M. Hartwyk
’85 became Counsel with Genova
Burns Giantomasi & Webster. Linda
Edell Howard ’85 received the HUGS
2011 Volunteer of the Year Award,
presented by Adams & Reese LLP.
Kathleen N. Fennelly ’86 became a
Partner with Graham Curtin. Karen H.
Moriarty ’86 became Of Counsel with
Coughlin Duffy, LLP. Assemblyman
Anthony M. Bucco ’87 was reelected
to the New Jersey State Legislature
in District 25. Brian J. Carey ’87
became Of Counsel with McElroy,
Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter LLP.
Elizabeth M. Durkin ’87 received the
2012 Rutgers Equine Science Center
Spirit of the Horse Award. Gregory
P. McGuckin ’87 was elected to the
New Jersey State Legislature in
District 10. Edward F. McTiernan ’87
was appointed Deputy Counsel for
the New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation. Judith
J. Sullivan ’87 became a Partner
with Anderson Kill & Olick, P.C.
Assemblyman John S. Wisniewski
’87 was reelected to the New Jersey
State Legislature in District 19. Joseph
T. Calabria ’88 became a Partner
with Garruto & Calabria. Wanda Chin
Monahan ’88 became a Partner with
Sedita Campisano & Campisano LLC.
Christopher L. Musmanno ’88 became
a Partner with Einhorn Harris Ascher
Barbarito & Frost, PC. Assemblyman
W. Reed Gusciora ’88 was reelected
to the New Jersey State Legislature
in District 15. Rosaria A. Suriano
’88 became a Partner with Marcus,
Brody, Ford & Kessler LLC. James A.
Paone II ’89 became a Partner with
Lomurro, Davison, Eastman & Munoz.
Gianfranco A. Pietrafesa ’89 became
a Partner with Archer & Greiner, P.C.
Senator Kevin J. O’Toole ’89 was
reelected to the New Jersey State
Senate in District 40.
| 1990s
Marie A. Accardi ’90 became
the Second Vice President of the
Monmouth Bar Association. Judith A.
Hartz ’90 became the Secretary of the
Essex County Bar Association. Scott
G. McLester ’90 won the New Jersey
Law Journal award for Excellence
in Managing Outside Counsel. John
M. Pinho ’91 became a Partner with
Javerbaum Wurgaft Hicks Kahn
Wikstrom & Sinins. The Honorable
Joseph A. Turula ’91 was appointed
a New Jersey Superior Court Judge.
Kyle C. Bisceglie ’92 authored the
2011 edition of New York e-Discovery
and Evidence, a LexisNexis Practice
Guide. The Honorable Christopher
P. DePhillips ’92 was elected Mayor
of Wyckoff Township. Assemblyman
Louis D. Greenwald ’92 was reelected
to the New Jersey State Legislature
in District 6. Wendy J. Lario ’92
became a Shareholder with Greenberg
Traurig, LLP and a Member of the Law
School’s Board of Visitors. Christopher
G. Porrino ’92 was appointed as
Director of the Division of Law to
the Office of the Attorney General.
Kathleen J. Devlin ’93 joined Coughlin
Duffy, LLP as an Associate. The
Honorable Michael A. Hammer ’93
was appointed U.S. Magistrate Judge.
James E. McGuire ’93 became Counsel
with Reed Smith. The Honorable
Sohail Mohammed ’93 was appointed
New Jersey’s first Indian-American
Judge to the Superior Court of New
Jersey. Margherita A. PandolfoMaher ’93 became a Founder of
Baldassare & Mara, LLC. Robert
C. Scrivo ’93 became President of
the Essex County Bar Association.
Christopher M. Walsh ’93 joined
Heffler Claims Administration as a
Manager. Christopher M. Farella ’94
became a Partner with Post, Polak,
Goodsell, MacNeill & Stauchler,
P.A. The Honorable Christopher
J. Garrenger ’94 was appointed a
New Jersey Superior Court Judge.
Susan C. Karp ’94 became a Partner
with Cole, Schotz, Meisel, Forman &
Leonard, P.A. The Honorable Michael
A. Shipp ’94 was appointed a U.S.
District Court Judge for the District
of New Jersey. Adam J. Adrignolo
’95 became a Partner with Graham
Curtin. Thomas E. Anderson ’95 joined
the Intellectual Property Department
of WilmerHale as a Partner. Thomas
E. Claps ’95 became a Member
of The Susquehanna International
Group. Donna M. Jennings ’95
became Chairwoman of the Land
Use Section of the New Jersey State
Bar Association. Assemblyman
Sean T. Kean ’95 was elected to
the New Jersey State Legislature in
District 30. Eric Konecke ’95 joined
Windels, Marx, Lane & Mittendorf,
LLP as an Associate. Michael J.
Leegan ’95 became Special Counsel
with Goldberg Segalla. Frederic
J. Regenye ’95 was inducted as a
Master in the Richard J. Hughes
Inn of Court. David B. Robbins ’95
was appointed Managing Director
of the Federal Communications
Commission. Craig A. Domalewski ’96
became a Senior Partner with Dughi,
Hewit & Domalewski, P.C. James B.
Johnston ’96 became Of Counsel with
Caruso Smith Edell Picini. Jeralyn L.
Lawrence ’96 was elected to serve
on the Board of Managers for the
American Academy of Matrimonial
Lawyers. Craig H. Parker ’96 became
Of Counsel with McElroy, Deutsch,
Mulvaney & Carpenter LLP. Jaimee L.
Katz Sussner ’96 was named one of
New Jersey Law Journal’s “40 Under
40 Top Lawyers.” The Honorable
Arthur J. Batista ’97 was appointed a
Newark Municipal Court Judge. Carlia
Liza M. Walsh ’84 (pictured, right) was recognized
as Seton Hall Law’s 2012 Distinguished Graduate
at the Annual Alumni Dinner Dance on April 20,
2012. Martha-Ann Alito (pictured, left) presented
the award on behalf of the Law School.
M. Brady ’97 became a Partner with
Stark & Stark. Keith J. McWha ’97
became a Partner with McCarter &
English LLP. Angelo A. Stio III ’97 was
named by the 2012 New Jersey Super
Lawyers’ magazine as one of the top
attorneys in the state. Julia Talarick
’97 became Of Counsel with Coughlin
Duffy, LLP. Allen J. Underwood II ’97
was named one of New Jersey Law
Journal’s “40 Under 40 Top Lawyers.”
Christopher H. Westrick ’97 became
a Partner with Tressler LLP. Anthony
M. Gruppuso ’98 became a Partner
with Brach Eichler LLC. George M.
Macchia ’98 joined Epstein, Becker &
Green P.C. as an Associate. Barry J.
Muller ’98 became a Partner with Fox
Rothschild LLP. Melissa Ann Provost
’98 was named one of New Jersey Law
Journal’s “40 Under 40 Top Lawyers.”
Carlos G. Rodriguez ’98 became a
Partner with Husch Blackwell Sanders
LLP. Shoshana Schiff ’98 was named
one of New Jersey Law Journal’s “40
Under 40 Top Lawyers.” Nancy A.
Skidmore ’98 became a Partner with
Connell Foley LLP. Marc Shortino
’98 became a Partner with Gartner
& Bloom PC. Jeffrey L. Wasserman
’98 became a Partner of Sills Cummis
& Gross P.C. Michael A. Baldassare
’99 became a Founding Partner of
Fall 2012 |
Baldassare & Mara, LLC and was
named one of New York Magazine’s
“New York’s Area Top Attorneys in
2012.” Tricia M. Gasparine ’99 became
a Partner with Wolff & Samson PC
and, along with Anthony C. Iacocca
’99 and Thomas R. McConnell ’99,
was named one of New Jersey Law
Journal’s “40 Under 40 Top Lawyers.”
John D. Miller III ’99 became Of
Counsel with McElroy Deutsch
Mulvaney & Carpenter LLP.
| 2000s
Vincent A. Antoniello ’00 became
Senior Counsel with The Resnick Law
Group. Craig Carpenito ’00 was
named one of Law360’s “Rising Stars”
for White-Collar Litigation and
became Co-Chair of Alston & Bird
LLP’s White Collar Division. Mark B.
Conlan ’00 became a Partner with
Gibbons P.C. Jeffrey M. Gradone ’00
received the 2011 Distinguished
Legislative Service Award from the
New Jersey State Bar Association.
Joanna P. Piorek ’00 became a
Partner with Wilson Elser Moskowitz
Edelman & Dicker LLP. Angela M.
Scafuri ’00 was named one of New
Jersey Law Journal’s “40 Under 40
Top Lawyers.” Andrew C. White ’00
became Senior Counsel to the
In-House Legal Department of
Johnson & Johnson. Amy C. Buck ’01
joined Schenck, Price, Smith & King as
an Associate. Damian Conforti ’01
became a Partner with Podvey Meanor
Catenacci Hildner Cocoziello &
Chattman P.C. Amy B. Dambeck ’01
became a Partner with Stark & Stark.
Nicole F. DiMaria ’01 became a Partner
with Wolff & Samson PC. Carla N.
Dorsi ’01 became a Partner with
Gibbons P.C. James M. Fisher ’01
became a Partner with Drinker Biddle
& Reath, LLP. Nicole Goodwin ’01
became a Shareholder with Greenberg
Traurig, LLP. Joshua N. Howley ’01
became a Partner with Sills Cummis &
Gross and was named one of New
Jersey Law Journal’s “40 Under 40
Top Lawyers.” David C. Kistler ’01
became a Partner with Blank Rome
LLP. Amy S. MacIsaac ’01 became a
Founding Partner of MacIsaac &
Pandolfo, LLC. Jennifer Mara ’01
became a Founding & Managing
Partner of Baldassare & Mara, LLC.
James M. McDonnell ’01 became a
Partner with Jackson Lewis LLP.
Jeffrey S. Muller ’01 became a Partner
with McCarter & English LLP. Mark E.
Nikolsky ’01 became a Partner with
McCarter & English LLP. Terence J.
O’Leary ’01 was appointed to head the
Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement
within the New York State Department
of Health. Nicole S. Perdoni-Byrne ’01
joined Hill Wallack LLP as an Associate
and, along with James T. Prusinowski
’01, was named one New Jersey Law
Journal’s “40 Under 40 Top Lawyers.”
Michael Rato ’01 became a Partner
Seton Hall University’s
Many Are One
Victor Afanador ’98, the 2011-12 President of the Seton
Hall Law Alumni Council, was honored at Many Are
One, Seton Hall University’s annual gala recognizing
distinguished alumni service. Joining Afanador are his
colleagues from Lite, DePalma, Greenberg, LLC, where
he is a Partner. Front row, from left: Carla DaSilva,
Marissa Quigley ’06 and Danielle Alvarez ’11; top row,
from left: Victor Afanador, Mayling Blanco ’00, Dean
Hobbs and Joseph DePalma ’82.
Seton Hall Law Magazine
Nicole Maroulakos Goodwin ’01 flew in from
Phoenix to reconnect with classmates, including
Erik McCullough ’01, at Seton Hall Law’s 2011
reunion celebration.
with McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney &
Carpenter LLP. Mark A. Roney ’01
became Counsel with Saiber LLC.
Samuel J. Teele ’01 was named one of
New Jersey Law Journal’s “40 Under
40 Top Lawyers.” Anthony J. Vinhal
’01 was certified as a Civil Trial
Attorney by the Supreme Court of
New Jersey. Mark M. Wiechnik ’01
became a Partner with Stark & Stark.
Brett W. Wiltsey ’01 was named one of
New Jersey Law Journal’s “40 Under
40 Top Lawyers.” Mary W. Browning ’02
Seton Hall University
School of Law
Alumni Council 2012-13
Jacqueline C. Pirone ’04
Private Practitioner
David V. Calviello ’96
Assistant Prosecutor,
Bergen County Prosecutor’s
Gregory L. Acquaviva ’06
Julian Leone ’04
Vice President, Private Wealth
Management Group, Goldman
Sachs and Co.
Daniel R. Levy ’04
Associate, Epstein, Becker &
Green, P.C.
Erika M. Lopez-McLemen ’11
Clerk to the Honorable
Stuart Rabner
Victor A. Afanador ’98
(Immediate Past President)
Partner, Lite DePalma
Greenberg LLC
Melissa P. Marschner ’99
Marschner Professional Service
Brett M. Anders ’97
Partner, Jackson Lewis LLP
Pamela Mulligan ’06
Associate, Brown & Connery LLP
Damien Bevelle ’10
DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick & Cole, LLP
Melissa A. Natale ’03
Associate, Saiber, LLC
Patricia C. Morgan ’09
Associate, Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Robert Bianchi ’88
Morris County Prosecutor
Frederic J. Regenye ’95
Counsel, Law Office of
Kenneth Lipstein
Mayling C. Blanco ’06
Associate, Lite DePalma
Greenberg LLC
Scott E. Reiser ’07
Associate, Lum, Drasco &
Positan LLC
Eric Brophy ’99
Partner, Diegnan & Brophy, LLC
Elaine A. Rocha ’98
Vice President and Division
Counsel, AIG
Michelle Capezza ’96
Member of the Firm
Epstein Becker & Green, PC
John Cascarano ’07
John F. Chiaia ’93
Partner, Ambrosio & Chiaia
Tamara R. Coley ’10
Associate, Kenyon & Kenyon LLP
Frank De Angelis ’96
(Emeritus Member)
Partner, Mound Cotton Wollan
& Greengrass
Javier Diaz ’12
Clerk, to the Honorable
Anne Patterson
Timothy M. Donohue ’84
(Emeritus Member)
Partner, Arleo, Donohue &
Biancamano LLC
Jeremy Farrell ’07
Associate, McElroy, Deutsch,
Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP
James F. Flanagan ’72
Martin J. Foncello ’05
Assistant District Attorney,
New York County District
Attorney’s Office
Kevin M. Fumai ’02
Corporate Counsel, Oracle
Deborah A. Gabry ’89
(Emerita Member)
Law Offices of Deborah A. Gabry
Jonathan Samon ’04
Associate, Goldberg Weprin
Finkel Goldstein LLP
Shoshana Schiff ’98
Partner, Trenk, DiPasquale,
Webster, Della Fera &
Sodono, P.C.
John L. Shahdanian II ’97
Partner, Chasan, Leyner &
Lamparello, PC
Scott J. Sholder ’07
Associate, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind,
Wharton & Garrison LLP
David Simunovich ’08
Associate, Stroock & Stroock &
Lavan, LLP
Ricardo Solano Jr. ’98
Partner, Friedman Kaplan Seiler
& Adelman LLP
Remi L. Spencer ’02
Partner, Spencer &
Associates, L.L.C.
Robert E. Spitzer ’06
Associate, Post, Polak, Goodsell,
MacNeill & Strauchler
Charles J. Uliano ’74 P.A.
Partner, Chamlin, Rosen, Uliano
& Witherington
Kevin G. Walsh ’98
Director, Gibbons P.C.
Meredith Walsh ’96
Independent Consultant
Noreen M. Giblin ’98
Counsel, Gibbons P.C.
Jason T. Watson ’07
Associate, Brach Eichler L.L.C.
James F. Hlavenka ’10
Associate, Buchanan Ingersoll &
Rooney PC
Jennifer Young ’05
Associate, Budd Larner P.C.
Jodi Hudson ’96
Of Counsel, Connell Foley LLP
James B. Johnston ’96
Of Counsel, Caruso Smith Edell
Picini, PC
Mara Zazzali-Hogan ’98
(Emerita Member)
Director, Gibbons P.C.
became a Partner with Cole, Shotz,
Meisel, Forman & Leonard, P.A. Steven
D. Cantarutti ’02 joined Coughlin
Duffy, LLP as an Associate. Nicole R.
Cassata ’02 became a Partner with
Chasan Leyner & Lamparello. George
H. Cortelyou ’02 became Of Counsel
with Buckley Theroux Kline & Petraske,
LLC. Jhanice V. Domingo ’02 became
Of Counsel with Einhorn Harris Ascher
Barbarito & Frost, PC. Matthew J.
Fedor ’02 became a Partner with
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP. Leora B.
Freire ’02 was elected President of the
Palm Beach County Chapter of the
Florida Association for Women
Lawyers. Jason S. Lustbader ’02
became Counsel with Budd Larner P.C.
Tanya M. Mascarich ’02 joined Windels
Marx Lane & Mittendorf LLP as an
Associate. Robert L. Selvers ’02
became Counsel with Wilentz,
Goldman & Spitzer P.A. Michael F.
Bevacqua Jr. ’03 became a Director
with Podvey Meanor Catenacci Hildner
Cocoziello & Chattman P.C. and was
named a New Jersey Super Lawyers
“Rising Star” in the field of business
litigation. Seamus Curley ’03 became
a Partner with DLA Piper. Paul M.
da Costa ’03 joined Eichen Crutchlow
Zaslow & McElroy, LLP as an
Associate. Antonio G. Cammalleri ’03
became a Partner with Cole, Shotz,
Meisel, Forman & Leonard, P.A. John
M. Falzone ’03 joined Parker Ibrahim &
Berg LLC as an Associate. Jemi
Goulian Lucey ’03 was appointed to
the Board of Trustees for the New
Jersey Women Lawyers Association.
Robert G. Marasco ’03 became an
Assistant United States Attorney for
the Southern District of California.
Jennie L. Osborne ’03 became Of
Counsel with Einhorn Harris Ascher
Barbarito & Frost, PC. Cherylyn Esoy
Mizzo ’03 became a Partner with Fish
& Richardson P.C. Anthony M. Rainone
’03 became a Member with Brach
Eichler, L.L.C. Caroline F. Bartlett ’04
became a Partner with Carella, Byrne,
Cecchi, Olstein, Brody & Agnello, P.C.
Scott A. Heiart ’04 became a Partner
with Carlin & Ward PC. Michael T.
Long ’04 became a Partner with
Lowenstein Sandler PC. Stacy
Manobianca ’04 received the 2012
Young Lawyers Section Achievement
Award from the Essex County Bar
Association. Jessica N. Mazur ’04
joined Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst
& Doukas LLP as a Senior Associate.
Daniel L. Pascoe ’04 joined Coughlin
Duffy LLP as an Associate. Jacqueline
Pirone ’04 was elected President of
Seton Hall Law School’s Alumni
Council for 2012-13. Matthew R. Savare
’04 received the Distinguished Alumni
Award from Monmouth University’s
Corporate and Public Communication
Graduate Program, was named one of
Variety’s “Best and Brightest” up-andcoming entertainment attorneys in the
nation, and was recognized by New
Jersey Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts,
Inc. as an Outstanding Volunteer in
2011. The Honorable Bernice Toledo
’04 was appointed a Passaic County
Surrogate Judge. Eric E. Tomaszewski
’04 became a Partner with Golub &
Isabel PC. Thomas R. Basta ’05 joined
Fox Rothschild LLP as an Associate.
Michael Dinger ’05 became a Partner
with Stern & Kilcullen, LLC. Kristy L.
Grazioso ’05 became a Shareholder
with Greenberg Traurig, LLP. Scott V.
Heck ’05 joined Gordon & Rees LLP as
an Associate. Suzanne Iazetta ’05
became Counsel with Becker Meisel
LLC. Keith J. Murphy ’05 joined
Gordon & Rees LLP as an Associate.
Arthur M. Owens ’05 became Counsel
with Lum Drasco & Positan LLC.
Monica T. Perrette ’05 became
Counsel with Lowenstein Sandler PC.
Michael Savetsky ’05 became Counsel
with Lowenstein Sandler PC. Brian M.
Schwartz ’05 started his own private
practice, Brian M. Schwartz, Attorney
at Law, LLC. Christopher J. Trofimov
’05 was elected Vice President of the
Hunterdon County Bar Association.
Priyanka G. Menon Wolan ’05 has
started her own private practice,
Wolan Law. Tadd J. Yearing ’05 joined
Pashman Stein, PC as an Associate.
Matthew D. Batastini ’06 joined
Proskauer Rose LLP as an Associate.
Ryan L. DiClemente ’06 joined Saul
Ewing LLP as an Associate. Ruth Kim
’06 joined Lum Drasco & Positan LLC
as an Associate. Karen M. Mahon ’06
joined French & Casey, LLP as an
Associate. Jason A. Pozner ’06 joined
Saiber LLC as an Associate. Stephanie
G. Reckord ’06 was elected Secretary
of Women in the Profession Section of
the New Jersey State Bar Association.
Brendan M. Walsh ’06 joined Pashman
Stein, PC as an Associate. Eileen M.
Addison ’07 joined Genova Burns
Giantomasi & Webster as an Associate.
Fall 2012 |
Walter Scott ’97, Michael Devins ’97, Kevin
MacGillivray ’98 and Phil Lamparello ’10 enjoyed
a day with fellow alumni and faculty at Seton
Hall Law’s 2012 Alumni & Daniel J. Moore Golf
Cynthia L. M. Holland ’07 joined
Genova Burns Giantomasi & Webster
as an Associate. James A. Kellar ’07
joined McCarter & English LLP as an
Associate. Corinne L. McCann ’07
joined Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer as
an Associate. Joseph C. Nuzzo Jr. ’07
joined Day Pitney LLP as an Associate.
John J. Oberdorf III ’07 joined Loeb &
Loeb LLP as an Associate. Anthony
Rapa ’07 joined Steptoe & Johnson
LLP as an Associate. Gregory S.
Ricciardi ’07 joined Porzio, Bromberg
& Newman P.C. as an Associate. Ami E.
Simunovich ’07 joined Frommer
Lawrence & Haug LLP as an Associate.
Upneet S. Teji ’07 joined Harwood
Lloyd as an Associate. Jason T.
Watson ’07 joined Brach Eichler LLC
as an Associate. Aaron T. Duff ’08
joined Norris McLaughlin & Morris, P.A.
as an Associate. Elizabeth M. FosterFernandez ’08 joined Budd Larner P.C.
as an Associate. Stacey A. Hyman ’08
joined K&L Gates LLP as an Associate.
Brian P. Scibetta ’08 joined Sills,
Cummis & Gross P.C. as an Associate.
Caitlin T. Shadek ’08 joined Riker
Danzig Scherer Hyland & Perretti LLP
as an Associate. Peter D. Sleman ’08
joined Lerner David Littenberg
Krumholz & Mentlik LLP as an
Associate. Melissa R. Barrella ’09
joined Hoagland Longo Moran Dunst &
Seton Hall Law Magazine
Doukas LLP as an Associate. Elaine C.
Crowley ’09 became a Presidential
Management Fellow with the U.S.
General Services Administration’s
Committee Management Secretariat.
Jason M. Judovin ’09 and Marissa
Keddis ’09 joined Methfessel & Werbel
as Associates. Charles F. Kellett ’09
joined Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz,
Edelman & Dicker LLP as an Associate.
Vivian Lekkas ’09 joined Methfessel &
Werbel as an Associate. Patricia C.
Morgan ’09 joined Greenberg Traurig,
LLP as an Associate. Bradford W.
Muller ’09 co-wrote two articles with
Adjunct Professor Fernando M.
Pinguelo: “Avoid the Rainy Day: Survey
of U.S. Cloud Computing Caselaw” in
BC Law Intellectual Property &
Technology Forum & Journal (January
2011) and “Virtual Crimes, Real
Damages: A Primer on Cybercrimes in
The United States and Efforts to
Combat Cybercriminals” in Virginia
Journal of Law & Technology (Spring
2011). Abigail J. Nickerson ’09 joined
The McHattie Law Firm as an
Associate. Eleonore Ofosu-Antwi ’09
joined Connell Foley LLP as an
Associate. Chester R. Ostrowski ’09
joined Seiger Gfeller Laurie LLP as an
Associate. Anastasia Savastinuk ’09
became a National AmeriCorp
Teaching Fellow with Citizen Schools
of New Jersey. Ashley R. Vallillo ’09
joined McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney &
Carpenter LLP as an Associate.
| 2010s
Matthew Adams ’10 joined McElroy,
Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter LLP
as an Associate. Michael C. Ayres
’10 joined Villani & DeLuca as an
Associate. Amanda J. Barisich ’10
joined Carella, Byrne, Cecchi,
Olstein, Brody & Angello, P.C. as an
Associate. Damien Bevelle ’10 joined
DeCotiis, FitzPatrick & Cole LLP as
an Associate. Luke Breslin ’10 joined
Jackson Lewis LLP as an Associate.
John J. Cahill ’10 joined Gibbons P.C.
as an Associate. Jessica M. Carroll ’10
joined McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney
& Carpenter LLP as an Associate.
Jennifer M. Champagne ’10 published
“Genetic Testing and Testimony in
Toxic Tort Litigation: Admissibility
and Evaluation,” in Volume 13, Issue
1 of the North Carolina Journal of
Law and Technology, and “Access to
Essential Medicines in Developing
Countries: The Role of International
Intellectual Property Law & Policy
in the Access Crisis,” forthcoming,
Volume 22 of the Albany Law Journal
of Science and Technology. John S.
Chao ’10 joined Reed Smith LLP as
an Associate. Sonya Berenfeld Cole
’10 joined Connell Foley LLP as an
Associate. Rahil Darbar ’10 joined
Schenck, Price, Smith & King as an
Associate. Andrew M. Darcy ’10 joined
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton as an
Associate. Julie B. Dorfman ’10 joined
Marshall Dennehey as an Associate.
Ryan Feder ’10 joined Wolff Samson
as an Associate. Rebecca L. Fink ’10
joined Genova, Burns, Giantomasi &
Webster as an Associate. Francis M.
Giantomasi ’10 joined Genova, Burns,
Giantomasi & Webster as an Associate.
Leah R. Glasofer ’10 joined Graham
Curtin as an Associate. Nancy E.
Halpern ’10 joined Fox Rothschild LLP
as an Associate. James Hlavenka ’10
joined Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney
as an Associate. Sarah K. Hook ’10
joined LeClair Ryan as an Associate.
Armando Horta ’10 joined Budd
Larner P.C. as an Associate. Jacob V.
Hudnut ’10 started his own private
practice, Hudnut Law, LLC. Molly
Farrell Hurley ’10 joined Connell Foley
LLP as an Associate. Alkida Kacani
’10 joined Epstein Becker & Green P.C.
as an Associate. Brianna E. Kostecka
’10 joined Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP
as an Associate. Brooks H. Leonard
’10 joined Coughlin Duffy, LLP as an
Associate. Pasquale Marago ’10 joined
Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Ferretti
LLP as an Associate. Anastasia Newell
’10 joined McAloon & Friedman as an
Associate. Brian P. O’Neill ’10 joined
Wolff Samson PC as an Associate.
Caitlin M. Owens ’10 joined Graham
Curtin as an Associate. Catherine
I.R. Pontoriero ’10 joined McElroy,
Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter LLP
as an Associate. Phillip M. Rofsky ’10
joined Genova, Burns, Giantomasi &
Webster as an Associate. Patrick A.
Ryan ’10 joined McElroy, Deutsch,
Mulvaney & Carpenter LLP as an
Associate. Peter M. Slocum ’10
became a Deputy Attorney General
of New Jersey. Lindsay M. Sorin ’10
and Amanda L. Van Hoose ’10 joined
SorinRand LLP as Associates. Andrew
J. Camelotto ’11 joined Drinker, Biddle
& Reath LLP as an Associate. Laura B.
Dowgin ’11 joined Carroll, McNulty &
Kull LLC as an Associate. Christopher
T. Errico ’11 joined SNR Denton as
an Associate. Kathleen A. Gallagher
’11 joined Wiley Malehorn Sirota
and Raynes as an Associate. Kate
Janukowicz ’11 joined Walder, Hayden
& Brogan P.A. as an Associate. Allison
M. Kane ’11 joined Carroll, McNulty &
Kull LLC as an Associate. Kristin M.
Makar ’11 joined Golub & Isabel, P.C.
as an Associate. Daniel J. McGrady
’11 joined Riker, Danzig, Hyland &
Perretti LLP as an Associate. Matthew
J. McKennan ’11 joined Sills Cummis
& Gross P.C. as an Associate. Joseph
G. Monaghan ’11 joined McCarter &
English LLP as an Associate. Beshoy
M. Sharoupim ’11 joined Budd Larner
P.C. as an Associate. Kimia Mousavi
Steed ’11 became a Financial Analyst
at Ayco Company L.P., a Goldman
Sachs Company. Jaclyn N. Wyrwas
’11 joined Pellettieri, Rabstein &
Altman as an Associate. James R.
Zazzali Jr. ’11 joined Zazzali, Fagella,
Nowak, Kleinbaum & Friedman as an
Associate. Javier Diaz ’12 serves as
a Clerk to Justice Anne Patterson of
the New Jersey State Supreme Court.
Christopher Fox ’12 is an Associate
at Critchley, Kinum & Vazquez, LLC.
Alvaro Hasani ’12 joined Adams
Stern Gutierrez & Lattiboudere LLC
as an Associate. August Huelle
’12, a recipient of the Samuel J.
Heyman Post-Graduate Fellowship,
is a Benefits Advisor for the New
York Regional Office Department of
Labor Employee Benefits Security
Administration. Laurie Kelly ’12 serves
as a Clerk to Justice Anne Patterson of
the New Jersey State Supreme Court.
Temenouga Kolorova ’12, Editor-inChief of the Seton Hall Law Review,
graduated as Valedictorian and is an
Associate at Cleary Gottlieb Steen &
Hamilton LLP. Sanyam Parikh ’12 is a
Tax Consultant for Deloitte & Touche
LLC. Sebastian Sanchez ’12 is a Fellow
with the Berkeley Law Foundation
in California. Desiree Sedehi ’12 is an
Assistant District Attorney in the New
York County District Attorney’s Office
(awaiting Bar admission). Anna Tse
’12 is an Assistant District Attorney in
the Kings County, New York District
Attorney’s Office (awaiting Bar
admission). Lauren Winchester ’12 is
an Associate at Fox, Rothschild LLP
in Philadelphia. Nicholas Vislocky ’12
serves as a Clerk to the Honorable
Donald H. Steckroth of the U.S.
Bankruptcy Court for the District of
New Jersey.
Chester Grabowski ’56
April 25, 2012
John J. Foerst Jr. ’69
December 4, 2011
Ira J. Schultz ’79
July 11, 2011
Joseph A. Smyth ’84
July 21, 2011
Craig V. Zwillman ’88
October 28, 2011
James F. O’Grady, Jr. ’92
March 1, 2012
Gina M. Betts ’93
May 2, 2012
G. Christopher Gleason ’00
November 20, 2011
Kit E. Calligaro ’02
May 15, 2012
The 27th
Annual Red Mass
The 27th Annual Red Mass took place on September
30, 2011, at the beautiful Cathedral Basilica in Newark.
The honorees and recipients of the St. Thomas More
Medal were Mariellen Dugan ’91, Senior Vice President
& General Counsel, New Jersey Resources Corporation,
and Francis P. McQuade, Professor Emeritus, Seton Hall
Law School. Pictured from left are The Most Reverend
William E. Lori, Bishop of Bridgeport, who delivered the
homily; Dean Hobbs; Mrs. Teresa McQuade; Francis
McQuade; Mariellen Dugan; The Most Reverend John J.
Myers, Archbishop of Newark; and The Most Reverend
Thomas Donato, Auxiliary Bishop of Newark.
Fall 2012 |
James F. Ryan ’74
Henry E. Rzemieniewski ’70
Caroline A. Sadlowski
John A. Sakson ’78
Z. Lance Samay ’70
Kenneth Von
Schaumburg ’93
The Honorable Jerome B.
Fred Slater
Jill S. Slattery ’79
Ricardo Solano ’98
Brian G. Steller ’82
Candice Steller
Professor Charles A. Sullivan
John D. Tortorella ’99
Ann Uliano
Charles J. Uliano ’74
John S. Voynick ’80
Professor Sarah E. Waldeck
Joseph T. Walsh ’89
The Honorable Dorothea
O’C. Wefing ’72
Professor John B. Wefing
Elizabeth R. Weiss ’01
Michael T. Welch ’06
The Honorable Mary G.
Whipple ’81
John C. Whipple ’82
John B. Wilson ’90
Susan R. Winters ’82
Peter R. Yarem ’79
Mara E. Zazzali-Hogan ’98
$1,000 $4,999
Aetna Foundation
Arcola Country Club
Aronsohn, Weiner & Salerno
Bar Bri Bar Review
Bloomberg L.P.
Centre Group Holdings
Cole Schotz Meisel Forman
& Leonard, P.A.
Country Club Transportation
Daly & Associates, LLC
Decker & Magaw
Dwyer, Connell and
Lisbona, Esqs.
Essex County Bar Foundation
Exxon Mobil Foundation
Friedman Kaplan Seiler &
Adelman LLP
G. Michael Brown &
Associates, PC
Genova Burns Giantomasi
& Webster
Independent College Fund
of NJ
Johnson & Johnson
Kalman Harris Geist LLC
Kritzer Family Foundation
Littler Mendelson
Foundation, Inc.
Lum Drasco Positan, LLC
Medco Health Solutions
Merck & Company, Inc.
New Jersey Natural Gas
Niedweske Barber
Ocean County Bar
Spector Foerst & Associates
Summit BPW Scholarship
Foundation, Inc.
TD Bank
The A.L. Levine Family
Foundation, Inc.
The Brunetti Foundation
The National Collegiate
Athletic Association
The Spot Lounge
Torcon, Inc.
Verizon Foundation
Vornado Office Management
Waters, McPherson,
McNeill, P.C.
Willowbrook Inn, Inc.
Witman Stadtmauer, P.A.
Mitchell W. Abrahams ’83
Leonard A. Acevedo ’12
Norus Achmetov ’71
Devon Acquaviva
Gregory L. Acquaviva ’06
Christopher D. Adams ’98
Stacey D. Adams ’98
Thomas L. Adams ’75
Nabil A. Adawi ’10
Kirah Addes ’12
Michele A. Adubato ’76
Stephen F. Agocs ’64
Syeda Ahmad
Charleen M. Aina ’76
Professor Mark C.
Loren Pierce Alexis ’85
Jessica C. Almeida
Patrick M. Altamura ’79
Christine A. Amalfe ’82
Michael Amalfe ’12
Brett M. Anders ’97
Joanna Anders
Roderick B. Anderson ’61
Patrice Smiley Andrews
Tom Andrykovitz ’12
Vincent A. Antoniello ’00
The Honorable Frances L.
Antonin ’76
Edwin Arnes ’81
Irene L. Asbury ’99
Nima Ashtyani ’12
Susan Aufiero-Peters ’01
Michele S. Austin ’08
Professor Baher Azmy
Tracey A. Ballard ’93
Moya H. Bansile ’96
John C. Barnoski ’97
Matthew P. Barrett ’92
Lori-Ann B. Barrett ’93
Maja Basioli
Mark T. Battaglini ’86
Lawrence E. Behning ’91
Maureen BehningDoyle ’83
Joseph J. Bell ’84
The Honorable Marie White
Bell ’73
Michael O. Benak ’12
Marianne Benevenia ’87
Christina L. Bennett ’94
Jennifer M. Bennett ’12
Joseph F. Benning ’74
Brett Van Benthysen ’09
Anamaria B. Bercik ’94
Amy Bernstein
Leslie H. Berger ’67
Lynn Berger
Roberta E. Berger ’90
Austin M. Berry ’06
Mary Ann Berry ’05
David C. Berry ’97
Damien Bevelle ’10
Stacy A. Biancamano ’96
Adam P. Birkhold ’06
Lauren M. Birkhold ’06
Jason L. Bittiger ’09
Elizabeth Blakely ’12
Mayling C. Blanco ’06
Elaine Blazeski
Jeffrey Blivaiss ’01
Randye E. Bloom ’79
Mark J. Blunda ’77
Denise BodkinScheiner ’06
John J. Bolan ’72
H. Robert Boney ’74
Armando O. Bonilla ’92
Christopher J. Borgen
Alan A. Bornstein ’98
Logan M. Bowser ’12
Lee E. Boyd ’90
John F. Bracaglia ’59
Kelly M. Bradshaw ’12
Colleen E. Brady ’00
Robert C. Brady ’00
Richard F. Breitweiser ’89
Colleen D. Brennan ’91
Joseph P. Brennan ’73
Timothy Brennan
Joseph L. Brescher ’62
Luke Breslin ’10
Phyllis Brew ’87
James D. Bride ’68
Amanda Brill ’12
The Honorable Peter R.
Brogan ’68
The Honorable Thomas F.
Brogan ’87
Jeffrey I. Bronson ’82
Elaine Brophy
Eric D. Brophy ’99
Jamie K. Brown ’98
Sanford D. Brown ’78
Christine A. Bucca ’84
Benjamin S. Bucca ’83
Sherrie L. BuenviajeMannion ’99
Donald Burke ’11
Meghan Burke
Patricia F. Burke ’85
Mauverine D. Butler ’94
Robert W. Byrne
Anthony P. Caivano ’89
Denise I. Calinda ’92
The Honorable Kevin G.
Callahan ’72
G. Kevin Callahan ’70
Amanda Calviello
David V. Calviello ’96
Andy R. Camacho ’03
Lachlan Cameron ’77
Sean Camoni ’11
Maryann K. Campbell ’87
Robert T. Canavan ’92
Julia A. Cannarozzi ’87
Robert M. Carducci ’90
Ryan S. Carey ’99
Sean Carlin ’86
Christine L. Carver ’98
The Honorable Michael R.
Casale ’81
Andrea M. Cascarano ’07
John R. Cascarano ’07
Neil J. Casey ’73
Iskender H. Catto ’00
Kim M. Catullo ’91
Anthony J. Cavallo ’87
The Honorable Dennis M.
Cavanaugh ’72
Linda L. Cavanaugh ’79
Michael J. Cennimo ’09
Sharon K. Cepeda ’97
Albert Cernadas ’92
Janine M. Cerra ’08
Danielle D. Cerza ’96
John E. Cerza ’96
Jason Cetel ’12
Panida J. Chairusmi ’98
Esther Chalom ’85
Dolcey E. Chaplin ’84
Richard Chattman
Jason Cherchia
David Cheung ’12
John F. Chiaia ’93
Michele Chiaia
Nancy A.Chidlovsky ’12
John W. Christie ’70
The Honorable Lisa F.
Chrystal ’82
Antonino Ciappina ’01
Jenee K. Ciccarelli ’08
Andrea N. Cipriani ’05
The Honorable Vicki A.
Citrino ’92
Edvie M. Clark ’12
James B. Clark ’86
Paula Clark ’10
Kelly Clarke
Robert D. Clarke ’71
Thomas Cleeland
Robert B. Cohen ’86
John E. Coley ’69
Tamara Coley ’10
Kenneth J. Coffin ’95
Roger Colaizzi
Anthony P. Colavita ’72
Denis E. Cole ’68
Michael A. Colodney ’97
Christopher M.
Colongeli ’06
Barbara B. Comerford ’85
Nicole Centanni
Conforti ’01
Lauren B. Connell ’07
Samuel V. Convery ’69
David J. Cooner ’89
William T. Cooper ’72
Andrew P. Corcoran ’73
Manisha N. Corea ’08
Andrew J. Corimski ’08
Donald F. Corke ’72
Professor John K. Cornwell
Daniel F. Corrigan ’06
Diane L. Corsico ’02
Edward Costello ’88
Francis J. Costenbader ’62
Danielle P. Counts ’12
Professor John Coverdale
Stephen W. Craig ’82
Gianna Cricco-Lizza ’11
Jennifer C. Critchley ’02
David R. Crittenden ’96
John D. Cromie ’87
Patricia Cromie ’87
Joanna L. Crosby ’86
Michael Cross ’12
Marcus N. Cudina ’81
Dennis J. Cummins ’62
Benjamin C. Curcio ’98
Jason Curreri
James J. Cutro ’93
Robert G. Dachisen ’93
Jeremy Dack
Joseph T. Daly ’68
James B. Damiano ’12
Ken Daneyko
Marc E. D’Angiolillo ’94
Gary F. Danis ’76
Leslie J. Danis ’69
Mark A. Dann ’02
Andrew M. Darcy ’10
Heather J. Darling ’02
Catherine Davila ’02
Bernard S. Davis ’70
Brian J. Davis ’93
Govinda Davis ’12
Virginia E. Davis ’74
Frank J. DeAngelis ’96
Leigh DeCotiis ’12
Philip J. Degnan ’96
Anna M. Delio ’01
Annmarie S. Dennehy ’12
Edward J. De Pascale ’73
Christopher P.
DePhillips ’92
Michael B. Devins ’97
David A. DeSimone ’95
Jessica C. Diamond ’12
Javier Diaz ’12
The Honorable Joseph A.
Dickson ’81
Marci A. DiFrancesco ’98
William J. Diggs ’10
Roger W. Dinella ’91
Diane Diner ’84
Bryan C. Diner ’87
Mark A. DiPisa ’07
Michelle DiPisa ’05
Derek A. Disbrow ’02
Lindsay F. Ditlow ’06
Aldo DiTrolio ’94
Thomas F. Doherty ’92
Janice F. Dolan ’92
Joseph G. Dolan ’92
Ronald J. Dolecki ’94
Katherine Dolin ’12
Jeffrey D. Dollinger
Seth G. Dombeck ’04
Thomas F. Dominiecki ’64
Timothy M. Donohue ’84
Vincent W. Dorsa ’75
Sharon A. Dragan ’86
Michael P. Dreher ’83
Timothy M. Duncan ’95
Diane Dunn-McKay ’89
Frederick R. Dunne ’70
Michael J. Dunne ’84
The Honorable Katherine R.
Dupuis ’78
Kenneth Dupuis ’85
Stephanie Duque ’12
Elizabeth M. Durkin ’87
Raymond P. D’Uva ’76
Thomas K. Dyas ’05
Samuel Dykstra
Brian E. Early ’99
Maureen T. Egan ’96
Chad M. Eggspuehler
Amy E. Ehnert ’07
Jesse C. Ehnert ’07
Gary A. Ehrlich ’76
Christopher G. Elko ’08
John Elrod ’12
Joseph H. Ely ’71
The Honorable Richard W.
English ’90
Donald G. Engwall
Marianne R. Erdos ’92
Christopher T. Errico ’11
Denise M. ErricoEsmerado ’96
The Honorable Gerald C.
Escala ’64
Richard F. Eschle ’10
John G. Esmerado ’92
Michael D. Esposito ’87
David M. Fabian ’86
Marie-Laurence Fabian ’86
David A. Faloni ’69
Robert R. Fanburg ’77
Joseph P. Farano ’07
Zulima V. Farber
David B. Farer
Jeremy A Farrell ’07
Jennifer Fasolino ’12
Antonio D. Favetta ’75
Michael A. Fazio ’07
Matthew J. Fedor ’02
Kathleen C. Feeney ’95
Brian H. Fenlon ’87
Angela C. Femino ’87
James L. Fennessy ’00
Lissette G. Fernandez ’02
Fall 2012 |
Honor Roll
of Giving
Francis X. Ferrara ’81
Amie E. Ferriero ’12
Rebecca Fields ’74
Brandon Fierro ’12
Laurie M. Fierro ’83
Angel A. Figueredo ’97
John F. Finnegan ’11
Martin I. Finston ’92
James V. Fiore ’74
John W. Fisher ’75
Professor Linda E. Fisher
Nicole R. Fisher ’12
Edmund Fitterer ’01
James F. Flanagan ’72
Roger W. Flartey ’76
David Fleischer ’12
Assistant Dean Vicki
Gregory J. Fleming ’06
Christine E. Flynn ’09
Adrian M. Foley ’43
Robert J. Foley ’73
Martin J. Foncello ’05
Nicole A. Dyer Foncello ’04
Armando B. Fontoura
Kimberly L. Forino ’07
Kathryn Forman ’12
Thomas D. Forrester ’12
George M. Foss ’78
Victor A. Fortkiewicz ’82
Gregory W. Fortsch ’94
William A. Fox ’78
Karen E. Foxman ’05
Kimberly A. Franko ’12
Bernard Freedman ’10
Timothy R. Freeman ’06
Kevin M. Fumai ’02
Deborah A. Gabry ’89
Charles A. Gaglia ’81
Hugh B. Gallagher ’77
Terrance R. Gallogly ’12
The Honorable Marie L.
Spencer W. Garlick ’07
Regina C. Garrido ’97
Julie E. Gendel ’09
Michael M. Gennaro ’82
Mark H. Genser
Christopher W. Gerold ’05
Rachel L. Gervais ’98
Christina E. Giallourakis ’00
Salvatore A.
Giampiccolo ’89
James P. Gianakis ’96
Francis M. Giantomasi ’10
Brian T. Giblin ’87
Russell T. Giglio ’92
Robert M. Gilmartin ’98
Joseph E. Gilroy ’72
Gerard M. Giordano ’88
Nicholas A. Giuditta ’88
Samuel J. Giuliano ’50
Andrew Glenn ’12
Professor Rachel Godsil
Arnold Goldberg ’12
Michael M.Goldberg ’07
Brian Goldblatt ’12
Morton Goldfein
Stanley D. Goldman ’69
Jeffrey H. Goldsmith ’94
Debra Gonchar
Maray F. Gonzalez ’86
The Honorable Yvonne
Gonzalez ’80
James R. Goodloe ’12
Elga A. Goodman ’96
Nicole Goodwin ’01
Edward R. Goracy ’81
Joseph Goss ’09
Desiree Grace ’12
Geoffrey D. Green ’74
Walter J. Greenhalgh ’74
Lois J. Gregory ’74
Gloria E. Grieco ’69
Nicholas A. Grieco ’90
Ralph A. Grieco ’69
Andrew M. Grodin ’03
Carol A. Gross ’85
Megan E. Gula ’97
Stephanie M. Hadley ’91
Yalda Haery ’12
Professor Jonathan Hafetz
Evan Haggerty ’12
Missak Haigentz ’79
Joseph J. Haldusiewicz ’83
Nicole B. Hamberger ’11
Richard F. Hamilton ’74
Lauren Handler
Simone HandlerHutchinson ’93
Colleen F. Hannon ’98
Joseph M. Hannon ’99
The Honorable Stephan C.
Hansbury ’77
Kathleen B. Harden ’89
John P. Harkins ’07
Gregory D. Harmon ’82
Vano Haroutunian ’02
Ashley Harris ’12
Peter C. Harvey
Ellen J. Harvey-Levine ’91
Richard A. Hazzard ’00
James F. Healey ’72
James D. Hebson ’77
William R. Hedden ’78
Matthew B. Heimann ’08
Jean Henegan ’11
James V. Hetzel ’86
Henry W. Heunemann ’74
Martin A. Hewitt ’99
Ronald A. Hewitt ’05
James Hlavenka ’10
Dean Patrick E. Hobbs
Joseph M. Hobbs ’89
John E. Hogan ’98
John D. Holden ’96
Justin Hollander ’12
Analisa S. Holmes ’88
Jennifer Holowach ’12
Jonathan P. Holtz ’07
Marisa Hourdajian ’12
Scott A. Hovanyetz ’08
Fred J. Howlett ’77
Jenelle Hubbard ’12
Joseph J. Huber ’94
Nicole L. Huberfeld ’98
Seton Hall Law Magazine
Jodi A. Hudson ’96
Melissa Hughes
William M. Hunt ’87
The Honorable Mac D.
Hunter ’63
Gregory S. Inman ’85
Anthony J. Innamorato ’66
Marc N. Isenberg ’71
John Z. Jackson ’75
Carol G. Jacobson ’78
Jeremy D. Jacobsen ’09
Joseph Jakas ’12
Brad T. Jankowski ’06
Kelly A. Harris
Jerkovich ’00
Edward T. Joel ’93
James B. Johnston ’96
Maureen M. Johnston ’90
Susan M. Joseph ’75
Charles J. X. Kahwaty ’79
David P. Kalm ’95
Palaiyur S.
Kalyanaraman ’94
Helmut Kamm
Eileen M. Kane ’93
William J. Kane ’69
Catherine L. Karanas ’87
Colleen A. Karoll ’09
Heather Whyte Kattas
Neil F. Katz ’75
Stephanie M. Kay ’92
Kenneth W. Kayser ’77
Jane D. Kearney ’89
John M. Kearney ’82
Mark Keddis ’12
Laura A. Lopez Keegan ’07
Kimberly A. KeenanKirkpatrick ’93
Anne M. Kelly ’77
Augustine J. Kelly ’73
Karen Kelly-Hahn ’86
Laune Kelly ’12
Elizabeth A. Kenny ’93
Anthony J. Kern ’95
Janet L. Kerr
Thomas R. Kerr ’74
Jeffrey S. Key ’07
Joann Mazur Kielblock ’03
Patrick B. Kiernan ’79
Karen G. Killeen ’86
Julie Kim ’06
Moon J. Kim ’08
Timothy King ’75
Vivian Sanks King
Diane J. Ruccia Kinney ’94
Stuart T. Kirkby ’02
Susan Kleiner ’95
Steven Kleinman ’02
Alan S. Kline ’87
Victoria Y. Ko ’02
Albert G. Kobylarz ’74
Paul H. Kochanski ’80
Daniel Kohn ’12
Michael G. Kohn ’75
Peter S. Kollory ’90
Irene N. Komandis ’05
Alan M. Komensky ’12
Arthur R. Kondrup ’55
Charles H. Koons ’64
Alex Korona ’11
Julie A. Kot ’07
David R. Kott
Louis C. Kotzman ’87
Stephen M. Kozuch ’94
The Honorable Martin E.
Kravarik ’68
Victoria Kryzsiak ’11
Fred C. Kuhlwilm ’73
James J. Kuhn ’93
Richard L. Kuhrt ’84
Mary G. Kunik ’77
Mark D. Kurdyla ’99
Mimi Lakind ’93
Alison Lam
Benjamin F. Lambert ’68
Rafael Lamberti ’12
Philip Lamparello
Daniel R. Lapinski ’99
Marc D. Larkins ’97
Lawrence Latore ’74
Michael R. Laudino ’07
Alexis Laufer ’08
Amanda Laufer ’12
Robert D. Laurino ’79
Kellie A. Lavery ’02
Lawrence N. Lavigne ’82
Sheila M. Leary ’94
Daniel A. Lebar ’81
David L. Legow ’86
Amanda M. Lehman ’01
Nicole B. Lehr ’05
Andrea Leone
Julian Leone ’04
Bernard A. Leroe ’74
Russell Leve
Frederick I. Levine ’79
Joshua D. Levine ’96
Ronald S. Levitt ’68
Professor Margaret K. Lewis
Robert L. Lewis ’75
Guyan Liang ’12
Paula S. Lieb ’93
Vice Dean Erik Lillquist
Andrew D. Linden ’07
Ernest V. Linek ’82
Lawrence B. Litwin
Anthony V. Locascio ’98
The Honorable Louis F.
Locascio ’69
Kevin Logan ’12
Felice T. Londa ’82
Michael T. Long ’04
Erika Lopes-McLemen ’11
Robert A. Lord ’86
John J. LoSordo
Professor Stephen J. Lubben
Assistant Dean Carmelo
Lubrano ’88
Denise M. Luckenbach ’89
Rocco Luisi ’97
Michael R. Luke ’06
Kathleen A. LyonsBoswick ’84
Linda M. Mack ’81
Jill Madison ’12
Joseph A. Maffongelli ’69
Michael S. Maneri ’83
Louis Mangano ’79
Steven C. Mannion ’93
Edward Marable ’94
The Honorable Richard M.
Marano ’85
David Marchner
The Honorable Ronald G.
Marmo ’67
George A. Marootian ’78
James S. Marotta ’77
Peter Marra ’97
Melissa P. Marschner ’99
David J. Marshall ’70
Tyhesha Marshall ’12
Barbara M. Martin ’99
Thomas C. Martin ’97
James R. Masch ’76
Mario Massa
Katherine Matos ’11
Edwin R. Matthews ’73
Joanne M. Maxwell ’87
Lisa G. Mayer ’89
Edward H. Mazer ’74
Sara W. Mazzolla ’12
Coleen J. McCaffery ’91
Daniel J. McCarthy ’87
Andrew McCray ’91
Kurt E. McCue ’81
Eric D. McCullough ’01
Kevin McDonald ’12
Mary Anne McDonald ’81
Peter J. McDonald ’62
Shannon McDonald ’12
Kevin M. McDonough ’05
Michael G. McDonough ’11
Andrea G. McDowell
Howard A. McGinn
Corinne L. McGovern ’80
Robert B. McGovern ’80
Michael E. McGuire ’06
The Honorable Daniel B.
McKeown ’84
Ryan McInerney ’12
Erin McMahon ’89
Stephen McManus ’90
Cynthia H. McNutt ’07
The Honorable Margaret M.
McVeigh ’78
Anthony J. Melfi ’85
Douglas J. Mehan ’02
The Honorable Benn
Meistrich ’92
Michael G. Melzer
George Mettler ’71
Emily Metz ’12
Professor Jessica Miles
Joel Miller
Nancy C. Miller ’82
Pamela T. Miller ’85
Matthew C. Mills ’12
Jane H. Minichiello ’83
Michael R. Minnefor ’08
Matthew Minnella ’12
Marshall Mintz
Frederick H. Mircoff ’74
Arlene Mirsk ’79
Stephanie C. Mishler ’11
Cherylyn Esoy Mizzo ’03
Matthew C. Moench ’07
Lenore M. Molee ’88
Wendy Molinari ’81
Joseph G. Monaghan ’81
Carlo Montalbano ’84
John M. Moore
The Honorable Thomas M.
Moore ’80
Julio Morejon ’86
Mark Morgan
Patricia C. Morgan ’09
Karen H. Moriarty ’86
Michael F. Moriarty ’86
Theodore D. Moskowitz ’82
Mary A. Burgess Motiuk
Debra M. Mouridy ’79
Glenn J. Mouridy ’79
Annemarie L. Mueller ’08
Charles G. Mueller ’73
Robert E. Mulholland
Colleen Mullen ’12
James Mulligan
Pamela A. Mulligan ’06
W. Michael Murphy ’74
Joyce R. Murray ’85
Marie D. Nardino ’79
Hal Narotzky
Edward Nasti
Stephen Natoli ’12
Anna P. Navatta ’82
John F. Neary ’72
Anastasia Newell ’10
Abigail J. Nickerson ’09
Steven R. Oberndorf ’75
Francis X. O’Brien ’69
Joseph A. O’Brien ’75
Mary K. O’Brien ’86
The Honorable James J.
O’Connell ’66
Colin F. O’Donnell ’87
Henry M. Ogden ’88
John F. O’Hern ’94
Caroline Oks ’12
Joseph Oliver ’12
Thomas M. Olson ’82
Michael F. O’Neill ’80
Jim K. Ornstein ’96
Jean H. Osnos-Volonte ’93
Chester R. Ostrowski ’09
Robert J. Paci ’67
Frederick W. Padden ’63
Vasiliki Pagidas ’98
Denise L. Panicucci ’89
The Honorable John A.
Paparazzo ’77
Vincenzo Paparo ’91
Arthur F. Parent ’66
Sanyam Parikh ’12
Jeffrey S. Parker ’98
Kerry M. Parker ’81
Donald B. Paschburg ’86
Lisa M. Rodriguez
Pastula ’04
Prakashkumar S. Patel ’12
Rahool Patel ’12
Allen B. Pearl ’60
Allison M. Pearlman ’07
Kathryn Pearson ’12
John J. Peirano ’77
Janette Pellus
Michel Pellus
Lester S. Penner
Marina C. Perna ’88
Caitlin Petry ’12
Martin F. Pfleger ’87
Natalee Picillo ’86
Scott B. Piekarsky ’86
Richard E. Pigott ’70
Denise Pinney
David A. Pisciotta ’09
David Piscitelli ’93
Alexandra C. Pitney ’07
James C. Pitney ’75
Anna-Maria Pittella ’73
Iveth A. Plascencia
Alice M. Plastoris ’96
Marcel R. Plaut ’74
Jeffrey S. Pollak
Joseph M. Powell ’92
Jason A. Pucci ’98
Professor Jamie C.
Pukl-Werbel ’98
Catherine M. Queenan ’75
Edward P. Queenan ’76
Terry Quinn
Jeanna M. Della
Ragione ’08
Angela M. Raimo ’86
Susan H. Frost Rao ’76
John J. Ratkowitz ’94
Michael Rato ’01
Carole M. Ravin ’94
The Honorable Michael L.
Ravin ’83
David Ravin
Courtney C. Ray ’09
Frederic J. Regenye ’95
Jessica Regenye
Hans L. Reich ’81
Danielle E. Reid ’82
Gregory E. Reid ’08
Portia L. Reid ’08
Karl W. Reidel ’89
Vincent E. Reilly ’76
Beth Reiser
Scott E. Reiser ’07
Robert F. Renaud ’74
Louis P. Renzi ’84
Cristal Reyes ’12
Judith A. Ricci ’97
Peter C. Richardson ’77
Steven F. Ritardi ’87
Nicholas J. Repici ’04
Cristal Reyes ’12
Michael J. Ricciardelli ’08
George Rios ’83
Marshall E. Robert ’99
Elaine A. Rocha ’98
Jesse D. Rodgers ’11
Donna J. Roglieri ’83
Benita J. Rohm ’79
Jason M. Ross ’02
Michael A. Roter ’95
Erika D. Roth ’01
Mindy M. Roth ’88
The Honorable Giacomo G.
Rosati ’54
Stuart A. Rosenblatt ’67
Thomas M. Roughneen ’95
Shiohban Royster ’12
Joseph R. Rubino ’81
Vincent J. Rubino ’80
Richard M. Rufolo ’87
David A. Ruhnke ’75
The Honorable Daniel J.
Russell ’61
Patricia A. Ryan ’93
Thomas N. Ryan ’85
Debra R. Rydarowski ’07
Joseph S. Rydarowski ’95
Darren K. Rydberg ’99
Elizabeth G. Rydberg ’01
Christy L. SaalfeldKirkby ’02
Richard Saathoff
Pranay Samdariz ’12
Randall S. Samson ’08
Jonathan E. Samon ’04
Charles G. Sanders ’69
Robert S. Sandman ’81
Maria Fragassi
Santangelo ’92
Joseph Santanasto ’12
Gary P. Sarlo ’79
Jennifer Sarnelli ’03
Richard M. Sasso ’80
James C. Savage ’73
James J. Savage ’93
Nina M. SavignanoDonohue ’80
William G. Schanck ’71
Ian R. Scheinmann ’94
David Schiefelbein ’08
Shoshana Schiff ’98
David L. Schlossberg ’79
John H. Schmidt ’77
John M. Schmittberger ’82
Lawrence D. Schuler ’72
Barry M. Schwartz ’85
John J. Scura ’93
Daniel R. Seaman ’06
Desiree Sedehi ’12
John L. Shahdanian ’97
Gregory A. Shanaphy ’94
James P. Shannon ’86
Diane M. Shelley ’92
Thomas A. Shepard ’62
Stephen J. Shepherd ’06
Brian Sheppard
Jean A. Sheppard ’82
Aliza Sherman ’06
John K. Sherwood ’86
Michael Y. Shimshak ’90
Scott J. Sholder ’07
Amy E. Shotmeyer ’09
Ajita Shukla ’09
Carl Shuster
The Honorable Neil H.
Shuster ’70
Salvatore J. Siciliano ’92
Kenneth N. Siegel ’68
Amy Sieminski ’11
Anthony F. Siliato ’80
Jane B. Simpson ’95
Ami E. Simunovich ’07
David V. Simunovich ’08
Brian N. Sinclair ’98
Cristina Z. Sinclair ’98
Beverly S. Sirota ’76
Samuel J. Sirota ’59
Carly Skarbnik ’09
Steven J. Sloan ’86
Rebecca A. Smirk ’09
Brenda B. Smith ’80
Michael S. Smith ’09
Robert H. Smith ’75
Sean A. Smith ’01
Roy B. Smolarz ’80
Bruce Snyder
Pamela M. Snyder ’98
Christine D. Socha ’05
The Honorable Maureen P.
Sogluizzo ’80
Susan L. SoldaDeSimone ’95
Joel M. Solow ’74
August R. Soltis ’84
Natasha Songonuga ’03
Lindsay Sorin ’10
David Spector
Tara A. Speer ’08
Remi L. Spencer ’02
Robert F. Spencer ’71
Juliana Barno Spitzer ’06
Juliana Barno Spitzer
Robert E. Spitzer ’06
Eugene P. Squeo ’81
Geri L. Squire ’81
William E. Staehle ’75
The Honorable Donald H.
Steckroth ’72
Richard H. Steen ’75
Joseph L. Steinberg
Christine H. Steinberg ’77
Ellen C. Steinberg ’96
Franklyn C. Steinberg ’77
Julie R. Steiner-Korn ’96
Shannon N. Sterritt ’11
Tiffany Stewart ’12
The Honorable Jerome M.
St. John ’75
Leon R. St Laurent ’89
John C. Stockman ’91
David P. Stone ’74
Nicholas Stratton ’12
Eugene Striffler ’79
Edward A. Sturchio ’00
Armando Suarez ’12
Michael C. Sudol ’65
Michael C. Sullivan ’88
Ronald S. Suss ’74
Joseph E. Sutton ’98
Joanne Sweeney ’78
Donald G. Sweetman ’84
Gerald F. Swiss ’81
Alexander J. Tafro ’84
John F. Tarrant ’80
Robert J. Tarte ’69
Margaret L. Tarver ’82
Stephen P. Tasy ’84
Heather Taylor
Jonathan D. Tchack ’78
Ronald J. Tell ’63
Lincoln A. Terzian ’93
William Theroux
Gary A. Thomas ’87
Walter F. Timpone ’79
Frederick S. Title
Charles P. Tivenan ’80
Richard W. Tkach ’80
Annette Tomarazzo ’02
K. Mallory Tosch ’07
David J. Toomey ’93
Lucas C. Townsend ’04
Betty A. Toy ’64
The Honorable Edward J.
Toy ’63
James E. Trabilsy ’81
The Honorable Christine C.
Traskos ’79
David J. Treacy ’00
Charles Tregidgo ’78
Peter B.Treichler ’79
Juan J. Trillo ’01
Kimberly A. Capadona
Trillo ’01
Jean E. Troast ’08
Gene Truncellito ’77
Anna Tse ’12
Ralph E. Turpin ’71
Peter S. Twombly ’82
Kelly Uliano ’07
James J. Uliano ’07
Allen J. Underwood ’97
Michael J. Urbano ’69
Warren Usatine
Robert Vacchiano ’79
Ashley R. Vallillo ’09
Sarah VanderWende ’12
Ann M. Vaurio ’76
Edythe G. Victor ’91
The Honorable Barbara A.
Villano ’73
Nicholas Vislocky ’12
John E. Vitale ’78
William J. Volonte ’82
Barbara M. Walder ’82
Jeffrey A. Walder ’85
Christopher M. Walrath ’85
Henry J. Walsh ’69
Kevin G. Walsh ’98
Lisa Walsh ’98
Frederick A. Walz ’73
Bridget Ward ’12
Judy P. Watkins ’88
Jason T. Watson ’07
Jewel Watson
Robert J. Wegner ’66
Joan M. Weidner ’82
Randi M. Weiner ’90
Sharon L. Weiner ’94
Jack S. Weinstein ’82
Debra S. Weisberg ’93
James J. Weisman ’77
Harold N. Wells ’74
Lisabeth Wester ’79
Thomas A. Wester ’82
Thomas Wester ’12
Allison Weyer ’08
Timothy R. Wheeler ’02
The Honorable Melvin S.
Whitken ’62
William P. Wielechowski ’92
Christopher M. Wilson ’93
Cindy Ball Wilson ’00
Joyce M. Wilson ’97
Lincoln D. Wilson ’08
Lauren Winchester ’12
Kenneth A. Wind ’10
Miles Winder
William T. Wise ’60
Bernard Wishnia ’77
Rodger J. Wolf ’82
Andrea L. Wolff ’95
Maureen M. Woolley ’90
Melvin M. Wright ’91
Diane M. Wurzburger ’07
Loria Yeadon ’94
Seth Yockel ’12
Jee H. Young
Jennifer L. Young ’05
Troy Young
Stuart A. Youngs ’09
Marlene Yoskowitz ’75
Marcia L. Zalewski ’00
The Honorable Bonnie J.
Mizdol Zapotosky ’82
Frank J. Zazzaro ’81
Mary Zetterstrom ’77
Robert H. Zetterstrom ’87
Denise K. Zevallos ’82
Molly S Marmion Zlock ’07
Robert P. Zoller ’81
Thomas N. Zuppa, Jr. ’12
Alden H. Vose Foundation
Amerada Hess Corporation
American International Group
Another Man’s Treasure
APD Group Inc.
Asian Pacific American
Lawyers Association of
New Jersey, Inc.
AT&T Foundation
Avon Properties II LLC
Bank of America
Benenson & Scher
Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C.
C.V. Starr & Co., Inc.
Carter McKenzie Select, LLC
Caulfield Associates
Chubb Group of Insurance
Covington & Burling LLP
Curcio Law Group LLC
Don Pepe Restaurant
Edison Ale House
Edward & Josephine Zoon
Revocable Trust
Epstein, Becker & Green, P.C.
Faloni & Associates, LLC
Farer Fersko
First Choice Executive Suites
Geiger Foundation
Goldman Sachs and
Hankin Sandman &
Herff Jones/Framing
Horizon Blue Cross Blue
Hunter Mountain
International Business
J I M Enterprises, Inc.
Keenan and Doris LLC
Kiernan & Strenk
Laddey, Clark & Ryan, LLP
Lexis Nexis
Lili, Meilu and Beau
Mano’s Sushi Lounge
Med Pro Rx, Inc.
Middlesex County Assistant
Prosecutors Office
MMM Bellos Pub & Grill
Mobile Giving Foundation
Morgan Stanley
Network For Good
New Jersey Resources
Norfolk Southern Corp.
Pfizer, Inc.
Philadelphia Eagles
Platinum Plating
Specialists, LLC
Porzio, Bromberg &
Newman, P.C.
Pro Fishing Ventures, LLC
Prudential Insurance
Company of America
Queen’s Pizza
Ruhnke & Barrett
Spencer & Associates
Spina Restaurant
State Farm Insurance
TD Bank - Wealth
Terrazza Restaurant
The Forty To See Inc.
The John G. Martin
Time to Unwind
Towers Perrin
Troutman Sanders, LLP
Tucker Family
Unilever Bestfoods
Village Pourhouse
Wegner & Wegner, P.A.
Wells Fargo and Company
Fall 2012 |
The pioneering educator Ethel Percy Andrus noted, “The human contribution is the essential
ingredient. It is only in the giving of oneself to others that we truly live.” The entire Seton Hall
Law Community offers its appreciation to the many individuals who contributed their valuable
time and energy to give back to the next generation of Seton Hall Lawyers. We are pleased to
recognize herein those supporters who gave of themselves this past year to help transform the
educational experience of our students and provided meaningful professional development
opportunities for our alumni.
Asha Abraham
Norus Achmetov ’71
Gregory L. Acquaviva ’06
Christopher Adams ’98
Matthew Adams ’10
Matthew Adams ’08
Lisa M. Adubato Nesi ’87
Victor A. Afanador ’98
Wanda M. Akin ’82
Akiyemi T. Akiwowo ’05
Andrea Joy Albrecht ’11
Richard, Jr. Allen
Mary P. Alleruzzo-Nelson ’92
Brett M. Anders ’97
Maria C. Anderson
Louis J. Andreozzi ’84
Ernest Anemone ’05
Paul M. Antinori
Aurora Aragon ’97
Greg J. Aroneo ’07
James F. Avigliano ’71
The Honorable Donna J.
Baboulis ’81
Robert L. Baechtold ’66
Karen M. Baker ’97
John M. Barbarula ’77
Bart A. Barre ’92
William J. Bate
Mitch F. Baumeister ’72
Ciatta Z. Baysah ’06
Robert A. Becker ’99
Karen Beerbower
Marc Began
Mariel Belanger ’11
Michael Bell ’97
Marianne Benevenia ’87
Damien L. Bevelle ’10
Robert Bianchi ’88
Kyle C. Bisceglie ‘92
Elizabeth A. Blakely ’12
Mayling C. Blanco ’06
Armando O. Bonilla ’92
Jennifer A. Bosset ’09
Thomas E. Bracken
Debra J. Bradley ’86
Paul Bradley ’84
Patrick Brannigan ’02
Aileen Brennan
Richard E. Brennan ’67
Susan Brody
The Honorable Thomas F.
Brogan ’87
Seton Hall Law Magazine
Thank you!
Eric Brophy ’99
Todd Brower
Jeffrey S. Brown ’82
William D. Buckley ’89
Kristoffer Burfitt ’09
Donald F. Burke, Jr. ’11
Richard T. Cadigan ’97
Michael Calabro
The Honorable Kevin G.
Callahan ’72
David V. Calviello ’96
Barbara Camacho ’06
Andrew J. Camelotto ’11
Sean Camoni ’11
Michael B. Campagna ’83
Carmine D. Campanile ’82
The Honorable, Joann LaSala
Candido ’86
Julia A. Cannarozzi ’87
Robert Cannata ’11
Frank T. Cannone ’91
Jairo G. Cano ’06
Kimberly Capadona-Trillo ’01
Daniel Capasso
Michelle Capezza ’96
Kelly Caputo ’02
Christopher J. Carey ’82
Michael L. Carey ’87
Mark S. Carter ’81
Maury Cartine ’76
Michael T. Carton ’96
John Cascarano ’07
The Honorable Dennis M.
Cavanaugh ’72
Maria A. Cestone ’96
Melanie N. Chandler ’08
Aney K. Chandy ’96
Bhavna Changrani
Janice Chapin
Louis A. Chiafullo ’96
John F. Chiaia ’93
Susie Cho ’05
Sang Bhee Choi ’00
Governor Christopher J.
Christie ’87
Charles R. Church ’71
The Honorable Mark Ciarrocca
Frank Ciesla
Alyssa A. Cimino ’06
Erica Civitano
James Clark
Jonathan D. Clemente ’81
Mark A. Clemente ’81
Cristyn D. Clifton-White ’02
The Honorable Denise A. Cobham
Sister Patricia Codey
The Honorable James
Coleman, Jr.
Tamara R. Coley ’10
Matthew J. Colford ’10
Damian Conforti ’01
William T. Connell ’76
The Honorable Clay
Constantinou ’81
Daniel F. Corrigan ’06
Janet L. Costello ’04
Gianna E. Cricco-Lizza ’12
Sean Critchley ’96
Michael Critchley, Sr. ’72
John D. Cromie ’87
The Honorable Martin Cronin
Kelly Curtin
Rupal R. Dalal ’00
Greg D. D’Alessandro ’10
Carolyn N. Daly ’96
Jack C. Darakjy ’79
Rahil Darbar ’10
Rinaldo M. D’Argenio ’79
Erica Darpino ’08
George E. Davey, Jr. ’86
Brad Davidsen ’09
The Honorable Elaine L. Davis ’72
Renee L. Davis
Richard De Angelis ’98
David De Lorenzi
Thomas G. De Luca ’78
Frank J. DeAngelis ’96
Walter A. DeAngelo
Christopher DeAngelo ’11
Joseph M. DeCotiis ’94
Patrick DeDeo
Philip James Degnan ’96
Patricia A. Deignan ’86
Darren J. Del Sardo
Deborah A. DeLuca ’99
Stephen DeLuca
Bob DelVecchio ’89
Nicole DeMuro ’11
William P. Deni, Sr. ’72
Annmarie Dennehy ’12
Joseph J. DePalma ’82
Christopher P. DePhillips ’92
James DeSantis
Corinne M. DeStefano ’82
Edward Devivo
Robert Diab
Javier Diaz ’12
James DiGiorgio
Josh A. Dilena ’08
Nicole DiMaria 2001
Bryan C. Diner ’87
Rosemary DiSavino
Anthony P. DiTommaso ’97
Seth Dobbs
Mark T. Doerr
JoAnna M. Doherty ’11
Thomas F. Doherty ’92
Robert J. Donaher ’87
Timothy M. Donohue ’84
Kathleen H. Dooley ’88
Julie Dorfman ’10
Rosemary Dougherty
Elaine Drager
Phillip J. Duffy ’92
Mariellen Dugan ’91
Patrick C. Dunican Jr. ’91
Murray Durkin
Kathryn P. Duva ’01
Justin Edwab
Amy Ehnert ’07
Tracey A. Eilbacher ’08
Adri Eisen ’10
Christopher G. Elko ’08
Andrew Epstein
Diecelis Escano ’07
Richard F. Eschle ’10
Andrew T. Eskola ’10
Kara Eyre
John J. Fahy ’81
Melissa Falk
Joseph D. Fanning ’08
Robert F. Farley ’08
Jeffrey M. Faro ’69
Jeremy Farrell ’07
Leah Bynon Farrell
Jennifer L. Fasolino ’12
Michael Fazio ’07
Susan A. Feeney
Joseph Fennelly, M.D.
Timothy Ferges ’08
Carrie Ferraro ’92
Gregory Ferraro
Melissa Finkelstein
John F. Finnegan, III ’11
Lisa A. Firko ’86
James F. Flanagan ’72
Thomas D. Flinn ’81
Victoria Flynn ’99
Brian M. Foley ’86
Adrian M. Foley, Jr.
Martin J. Foncello ’05
Charles Forman ’76
Wayne J. Forrest ’84
Thomas D. Forrester ’12
William R. Fried ’74
Edward J. Frisch ’76
Garrett Fruchtman ’08
Maria Fruci ’11
Kevin M. Fumai ’02
Patricia Furci ’02
Anthony J. Fusco, Jr. ’71
Deborah A. Gabry ’89
Todd M. Galante ’86
Joseph A. Gallo ’82
Gabriella Garofalo ’10
Christopher A. Gelpi ’12
Alan Genitempo
Thomas Gentile ’82
Michelle Ghali ’09
Pasquale Giannetta ’86
John C. Gibbons ’72
The Honorable John J. Gibbons
Noreen Giblin ’98
The Honorable Donald S.
Elga A. Goodman ’96
Nicole M. Goodwin ’01
Dara Govan
Erin Greene ’10
Roy Greenman ’74
Megan E. Gula ’97
Krista Gundersen ’07
Alice Guttler
Colin Hackett ’91
Henry Hadad
Joseph A. Hallock ’71
Jennifer Handley
The Honorable Stephan
Hansbury ’77
Ashley A. Harris ’12
Bernard M. Hartnett ’55
Deborah Hay ’11
Katharine S. Hayden ’75
Jonathan Henry ’08
John Henschel ’84
Gary Herschman
James V Hetzel ’86
Ronald Hewitt ’05
Elizabeth Roseman ’06
Elizabeth Roseman ’06 always knew she wanted to be a lawyer – “from
the time I was a kid watching Law & Order,” she reflects. Today, Roseman
is a Vice President and Assistant General Counsel at Goldman Sachs &
Co., Inc. and one of the Seton Hall Law alumni who are part of Goldman
Sachs and its wholly owned subsidiary, The Ayco Company L.P., an
investment advisory firm. Their varied roles exemplify the kinds of
career opportunities that a Seton Hall Law degree makes possible for
those eager to venture beyond the conventional law firm career model.
Roseman’s alumni colleagues at Goldman Sachs include Rob Bacon ’00,
Bob Emer ’93, Scott Fleisher ’05, Matthew Heckler ’07, Vincent Giliberti ’06,
Julian Leone ’04, Karen O’Keeffe ’99, Scott Purrelli ’97, Kimia Mousavi
Steed ’11, and Barbara Walters ’96. They bring their expertise and legal
knowledge to such fields as employee relations, compliance, operations
and an array of investment advisory services. Their stories are as diverse
as the positions they fill today, reflecting direct pursuit of the corporate
path as well as career changes, military service and unexpected
opportunities that have shaped their current success.
From her choice of law school to her position in the corporate governance
group of the General Counsel’s office, Roseman’s career path was molded
by her continuing desire to learn from, and team with, “the best and
the brightest.” After graduation, Roseman developed an expertise in
executive compensation at the firms of Shearman & Sterling LLP and
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP. Roseman’s work with clients piqued her
interest in joining an in-house legal department and her network guided
her toward the General Counsel’s office at Goldman Sachs.
As for Seton Hall Law, Roseman explains, “I wanted to be in an
environment where the professors were the best in their fields. Every
single graduate, and everyone within the legal community, said, ‘Seton
Hall Law has great professors.’ That was more important to me than
the curriculum or specific course offerings.” Indeed, Roseman notes,
“One of the most important things I learned at Seton Hall Law was the
value of your legal network and professional community.”
Read more about Seton Hall Law alumni at Goldman Sachs and Ayco
Co. at
Letter from the Dean
Seton Hall Law at Work: Charting a Path to Career Success
Inaugural Larson Lecture Featuring David Boies, Esq. 5
Seton Hall Law Board of Visitors 5
Class Notes
Seton Hall Law Alumni Council 9
Honor Roll of Giving
Volunteer Recognition
Calendar of Alumni Events
Back Cover
All photographs provided by Sean Sime Photography.
About the Cover
Table of
James F. Hlavenka ’10
Joseph J. Hocking ’92
Paulyn Holandez ’07
John Holden ’96
Justin R Hollander ’12
Sarah Hook ’10
Nashon Hornsby ’97
Marisa N. Hourdajian ’12
Jodi A. Hudson ’96
Gabrielle A. Hughes ’10
Gabrielle Ianole
Peter Jabbour ’06
Alfred F. Jablonski ’66
Jeff Jablonski
Misha Christine
Jacob-Warren ’10
Shevani Jaisingh
James B. Johnston ’96
Glenn Johnston ’04
George Johnston, Jr.
Neeraj Joshi ’08
Stephen B. Judlowe ’65
Douglas Kabak ’82
Michael Kalison
The Honorable David B.
Katz ’87
Stephanie M. Kay ’92
Kenneth Kayser ’77
James Kellar ’07
George Kendall
Adam Khalil ’10
Brian Kiernan
Catherine A. Kiernan ’86
Jonah Kimmelstiel ’10
Vivian Sanks King ’85
Lynne M. Kizis ’87
Jonathan Klein
Toby Kleinman ’90
Karen Kleppe Lembo ’81
Patricia E. Koch ’72
Catherine Kopley ’74
Edward Kornreich
James A. Kosch ’86
Brianna Kostecka ’10
Kenneth F. Kunzman
Anthony Labruna
Robyne D. LaGrotta ’88
Thomas M. Lahiff ’78
Philip W. Lamparello ’10
Wendy J. Lario ’92
Marc D. Larkins ’97
Anthony P. LaRocco ’82
Peter N. Larson ’74
Lauren LaRusso ’09
Joseph P. LaSala ’72
Sandra Lascari ’90
Eric Latzer ’11
Amanda D. Laufer ’12
James N. Lawlor ’92
Jeralyn L. Lawrence ’96
Krista Tongring Lawson ’96
James Leavy ’08
Jason LeBoeuf ’01
Kerri Lee ’11
Alice Lee
Charles W. Lefevre ’96
Alicia Lendon ’11
Jerry Lenihan ’10
Julian Leone ’04
Maureen LePochat ’83
Karen Leslie ’81
Alison Leslie ’01
Gary J. Lesneski
Daniel R. Levy ’04
Michael Lewchuk ’10
Dennis Light
William Lim
The Honorabe Jose L. Linares
Joseph Lipari ’02
Paul A. Lisovicz ’82
Craig Livermore
Kelly Lloyd ’09
Adrian M. Lofaro ’07
Kevin J. Logan ’12
Keri E. Logosso ’99
Felice T. Londa ’82
Jeffrey Loop ’01
Erika M. Lopes-McLeman ’11
J. Brugh Lower ’08
Denise Luckenbach ’89
John F. MacLeod ’71
Joseph, Jr. Maddaloni ’89
Ryan Magee ’10
Matthew Magnone
The Honorable John Francis
Malone ’72
David J. Marck ’11
Alexandra Marghella ’11
Kevin H. Marino ’84
Michael J. Marone ’87
Peter Marra ’97
Melissa P. Marschner ’99
Aldo Martinez ’83
Cristina Martinez ’08
The Honorable Hany
Mawla ’98
Kenneth Mayer
Stephan Mayhew ’00
Michael McCulley
Mary Anne McDonald ’81
Nicole McDonough
Michael E. McGann ’86
Kevin J. McGee ’92
Timothy F. McGoughran ’86
The Honorable William McGovern
Grant McGuire ’95
William B. McGuire ’58
Lucinda McLaughlin ’07
Jay McManigal ’09
Jon Meinen ’09
Bindi Merchant ’07
Anthony R. Merlino ’02
Patricia A. Meyer ’76
Ilene Miklos ’90
Nancy C. Miller ’82
Rachel Mills ’11
Ayanna M. Mishoe-Brooker ’01
Robyn Mitchell
Cherylyn Esoy Mizzo ’03
Matthew Moench ’07
J. Russell Molloy ’81
Joseph G. Monaghan ’81
Aili Monahan ’07
The Honorable Thomas Moore ’80
Frank Morano ’06
Patricia C. Morgan ’09
Michael F. Moriarty ’86
The Honorable, Barry E.
Moscowitz ’93
Leana Movsessian
Pamela Mulligan ’06
The Honorable James F.
Mulvihill ’71
James Murtha
Naveen Nadipuram
Melissa A. Natale ’03
Evan Neadel ’06
Rebecca Nelson ’96
Philip Neuer ’76
The Honorable Pauline Newman
Lynn Fontaine Newsome ’81
Samantha Noda
Joseph R. Novick ’06
Keith Nowak ’76
Leonard T. Nuara ’84
The Honorable Richard E.
Nunes ’95
The Honorable Thomas E.
O’Brien ’72
Ashley Ochs ’09
Donald L. O’Connor ’71
John F. O’Donnell
Aileen M. O’Driscoll ’92
Sheilah O’Halloran ’83
Caroline E. Oks ’12
Kenneth S. Oleckna ’72
Thomas M. Olson ’82
David M. Orbach
James C. Orr ’64
Jean Osnos ’93
William J. Palatucci ’89
Rhonda Panken
The Honorable Joseph Paone
David Paris
Kerry M. Parker ’81
Russ Passamano ’86
Karen A. Passaro ’96
Prakash S. Patel ’12
Colleen Patterson ’00
John Patton ’66
Krista Lynn Peckyno ’11
Bill Penkethman ’86
Marion Percell
Emilia Perez ’07
Thomas J. Perry ’92
Robert F. Perry ’89
Alan H. Perzley ’82
Barry Peterson
Stacey Pilato ’98
Jacqueline C. Pirone ’04
John J. Piserchia
The Honorable Stewart Pollock
Michael Poreda ’10
Christopher S. Porrino ’92
Marissa Quigley ’06
Tara Ragone
Philip Raimondi ’11
Thomas Redburn
Frederic J. Regenye ’95
Dena Reger ’99
Danielle E. Reid ’82
Patrick Reilly ’10
Scott Reiser ’07
Cristal Reyes ’12
Ronald J. Riccio ’71
Katherine Riopel ’09
Steven F. Ritardi ’87
Elaine A. Rocha ’98
Jesse Rodgers ’11
Jonathan Romankow ’95
Robert G. Rose, ’74
Ed Roslak ’09
Pat Rufolo
Taryn S. Russell ’12
Elizabeth Ryan ’85
Agnes Rymer
Henry Sacco, Jr.
Christian E. Samay ’97
Jonathan Samon ’04
Joshua Sanders
Kelly Lerner Sanders
Maria Fragassi Santangelo ’92
Jason Santarcangelo ’05
Sally Sattan ’99
Paul Sauchelli, DMD ’92
Brent Saunders
Anastasia Savastinuk ’09
John Scaliti ’83
Michael F. Schaff
Joseph J. Schiavone
David Schiefelbein ’08
Shoshana Schiff ’98
George L. Schneider ’66
Lynn G. Schundler ’87
Andrea Schwartz ’93
Leslie Schwartz
Diane Scott
Walter K. Scott ’97
Lynne Seborowski ’08
Desiree Sedehi ’12
John L. Shahdanian, II ’97
Theodore J. Shatynski ’92
Nathan Sheffield ’08
Aliza Sherman ’06
John K. Sherwood ’86
Scott Sholder ’07
Jeffrey Shooman ’06
Peter Siachos
Joseph Siciliano ’11
Reginald Sims
David Simunovich ’08
Stephanie Skowronski ’01
Michael Smikun ’08
Roy Smolarz ’80
Thomas J. Snyder ’92
Deborah A. Snyder ’96
Ricardo Solano, Jr. ’98
Calvin Souder ’07
Remi L. Spencer ’02
Juliana Barno Spitzer ’06
Robert Spitzer ’06
Reverend Eugene P. Squeo ’81
The Honorable Donald H.
Steckroth ’72
Janet Steinman ’85
Brian G. Steller ’82
Debra Stephans
Shannon Stevens ’11
Tiffany M. Stewart ’12
M.D. David E. Swee
Jennifer Talley ’10
Matthew S. Tamasco ’01
Stephen Tank
James Tarnofsky ’97
Nicholas Taro ’07
Michele K. Thomas
Ana Tolentino ’96
Mary Tom ’88
Meghan Tomlinson ’09
Christopher E. Torkelson ’96
Anthony Torntore ’10
K. Mallory Tosch ’07
Lucas Townsend ’04
Colleen Tracy ’96
Matthew Troiano ’05
Mark Trokan ’03
Emily Truman
Gary Tulp ’08
Charles J. Uliano ’74
Allen J. Underwood, II ’97
Stacey Van Malden
John M. Vazquez ’96
James B. Ventantonio ’64
The Honorable Paul J.
Vichness ’68
Diego R. Visceglia ’71
Eugenie Voitkevich ’09
Jeffrey Wactlar ’95
Justin P. Walder
Roy F. Waldron
Karol Corbin Walker ’86
Robert Walsh ’84
Meredith A. Walsh ’96
Kevin G. Walsh ’98
Brendan Walsh ’06
Jason T. Waston ’07
Eric S. Wei ’06
Jane Weiner
Thomas A. Wester ’82
Christopher H. Westrick ’97
John C. Whipple ’82
The Honorable Barbara Gibbons
Whipple, J.S.C.
Bryn N. Whittle ’98
The Honorable Bill Williams
Susan Reach Winters ’82
Mel Wright ’91
Loria B. Yeadon ’94
Michael Yellin ’08
Julie Yoo ’06
Jennifer Young ’05
Thomas Zammatore ’81
Kelly Zampino ’10
The Honorable Bonnie J. Mizdol
Zapotosky ’82
Mara Zazzali-Hogan ’98
John J. Zefutie ’04
Adam Zipkin ’82
David Zitelli ’85
Thomas N Zuppa, Jr. ’12
Fall 2012 |
Newark, NJ
News for Alumni and Friends of the Seton Hall University School of Law | Fall 2012
FALL 2012
Seton Hall University School of Law
One Newark Center
Newark, New Jersey 07102-5210
Calendar of Alumni Events
September 28
October 26
December 19
Red Mass, Cathedral Basilica in Newark,
4 p.m.
Seton Hall Law Review CLE Symposium:
The Changing Landscape of Election
Law, Larson Auditorium, 9 a.m.
Alumni CLE Program: Hot Topics in
NCAA Compliance, The Prudential
Center in Newark, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
November 1
January 2-5
Seton Hall Law CLE: Representing
Victims of Human Trafficking, New
Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick,
6:15-8:15 p.m.
CLE Abroad: International Human
Rights and the Family, and Ethics &
Professionalism, Chamonix, France
October 4
Alumni CLE Program: Supreme
Court Review, Seton Hall Law, Larson
Auditorium, 6-9 p.m.
October 16
Seton Hall Law Gibbons Institute/NJIPLA
Fall CLE Lecture: Views from the Bench,
Newark Club, 6 p.m.
October 19
Reunions for the Classes of 1972, 1992
& 1997, The Brownstone in Paterson,
7-11 p.m.
October 25
Samuel J. Heyman Public Service
Lecture, Seton Hall Law, 5 p.m.
November 8
Alumni CLE Program: Criminal Law
and Contemplative Practice and
the Practice of Law, Larson
Auditorium, 2-7 p.m.
December 1
Reunions for Classes of 1982, 1987 &
1992, The Montclair Museum, 7-11 p.m.
December 5
NJ Bar Swearing-In Ceremony &
Reception, Larson Auditorium, 6 p.m.
Seton Hall Law
at work
January 16 or 17
Alumni CLE Program: Family Law,
and Ethics & Professionalism, Larson
Auditorium, Time TBD
Charting a Path to
Career Success
March 14
Alumni Networking Reception,
The Grasshoppper Off the Green in
Morristown, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
April 26
Alumni Dinner Dance, Short Hills Hilton,
6-11 p.m.
For more information about CLE programs, visit
to register for events, update your
profile and search for alumni.
Connect with your community!
The Alumni e-Newsletter
Check out CLE programs and other
important Seton Hall Law alumni
events and news, and keep up with
your classmates and colleagues. It’s
delivered to your email each month!
Elizabeth Roseman ’06
Vice President and Assistant General Counsel, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.