Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: _____________________________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals Nursing Interventions Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: _________ ANAPHYLAXIS________________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals Potential for ineffective breathing Student, staff, and parents will R/T bronchospasm and/or cooperate to prevent and inflammation of the airway manage anaphylactic episodes. Nursing Interventions 1. IHP and EAP in place. 2. Medicate as ordered. Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. 1. Student and staff will recog1. Facilitate student, staff, and parent communication. Potential knowledge deficit R/T nize specific sources of 2. Review student's specific IHP/EAP with student, student's, staff's, and parent's allergens. staff, and parent and reassess for understanding prn. responsibilities and interventions 2. Student and staff will recognize appropriate TX steps. 3. Student, staff, and parent will plan appropriate modifications for classroom/fieldtrip activities prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: __________ HEMOPHILIA_________________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals Potential for injury or Risk of injury caused by hemorrhage R/T disease process hemorrhage will be reduced. Nursing Interventions 1. IHP and EAP in place. 2. Assess for headache, joint pain, unexplained ecchymosis, abdominal pain, and/or change in LOC when student is seen in clinic. 3. Educate student and staff prn R/T potentially injurious situations. Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: _________ SICKLE CELL ANEMIA__________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Potential for altered tissue perfusion R/T disease process resulting in pain, anxiety, and/or altered urinary elimination Goals Student will eliminate or reduce the occurrence of sickle cell events A.E.B. minimal interruptions to school participation. Nursing Interventions 1. IHP and EAP in place. 2. Educate student, staff, and parents prn R/T the recognition and TX of S/S indicating or precipitating a sickle cell event. 3. Maintain good hydration. 4. Analgesics as ordered. 5. Provide calm atmosphere in which to rest. 6. Modify physical activity prn. ( M.D. excuse may be required. ) Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: _________ DIABETES____________________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals Nursing Interventions Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. Potential knowledge deficit R/T glucose monitoring, self-injection, meal plans, and/or sick day management Student and/or family will demonstrate mastery of or progression of proficiency in glucose monitoring, insulin injections, and food choices. 1. DMMP\IHP and EAP in place. 2. Unlicensed diabetic care assistant on campus. 3. Assess student's and/or family's diabetes education needs and reinforce education prn. 4. Monitor student's and/or family's techniques prn. 5. Assist with coordination of food choices between student, staff, and parent prn. (Include cafeteria manager. ) 6. Field trip\extracurricular activity care will be provided by __________________________________ per DMMP\IHP Potential for metabolic imbalances R/T hypo- or hyperglycemic episodes Student will prevent or reduce the effects of hypo- or hyperglycemic episodes A.E.B. blood sugars within acceptable limits as stated in EAP or allowing prescribed TX as stated in EAP. 1. DMMP/IHP and EAP in place. 2. Monitor blood glucose levels and urinary ketones as ordered. 3. Sliding scale or bolus insulin as ordered. 4. Glucose source as ordered. 5. Push noncaloric p.o. fluids prn. 6. Facilitate restroom privileges prn. 7. Additional glucose monitoring may be necessary during times of acute illness. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: _____BOWEL PROBLEM (specify )_________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Potential for pain R/T altered bowel elimination Goals Student will eliminate or reduce the pain associated with bowel evacuation. Potential for fluid imbalance R/T Student will maintain proper altered bowel elimination. hydration. ______________________________________ Nursing Interventions 1. IHP in place. 2. Medicate as ordered. 3. Encourage activity as tolerated to stimulate normal bowel function. Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. 1. Encourage p.o. water prn. 2. Medicate as ordered. Potential knowledge deficit R/T Student will demonstrate proper 1. Assess student's/family's current knowledge base nutrition, proper elimination steps to take to safely prevent or R/T bowel elimination and educate prn, stressing the importance of high fiber diet, minimal use of laxatives, habits, and/or misuse of laxatives treat diarrhea or constipation. sufficient water intake, activities that increase GI motility, and/or normal fecal consistency. Student will minimize or eliminate episodes of encopresis. 2. Assist student, staff, and parents to establish regular bowel schedule for the student prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: _____URINARY PROBLEM (specify )________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Potential for impaired skin integrity R/T incontinence or altered urinary elimination Goals Student will maintain good skin integrity. Potential for infection R/T altered Student will not experience UTI urinary elimination due to distention, retrograde urine flow, or introduction of pathogenic organisms. ______________________________________ Nursing Interventions Outcomes 1. Coordinate supply of clean, dry clothing/incontinence garments prn. 2. Apply topical TX as ordered. 3. Assist student, staff, and parents prn in coordinating regular urinary catheterization as ordered. 4. Medicate with antispasmodics as ordered. 5. Educate student, staff, and parents prn R/T the S/S of impaired skin integrity. 6. Inform parents of S/S of impaired skin integrity, if observed, and refer for follow-up TX prn. Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. 1. Educate student, staff, and parents prn on proper perineal cleansing. 2. Assess student, staff, and parents catheterization techniques prn and educate prn. 3. Monitor for S/S of UTI and refer for M.D. evaluation prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: ____IMMUNOCOMPROMISED (specify )_____ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals ______________________________________ Nursing Interventions Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. Potential for infection R/T disease process Student will remain free from infection. 1. Practice strict universal precautions before, during, and after dealing with student. 2. Inform student's parents when classroom infections pose an increased threat to compromised student. (i.e.chicken pox) Potential knowledge deficit R/T risk factors Student will recognize and minimize potential risk factors. Assess student's, staff's, and parents' current knowledge base and educate prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: _MENTAL/BEHAVIOR IMPAIRMENT (specify ) Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ _____________________________________ Nursing DX Goals Nursing Interventions Outcomes Potential knowledge deficit R/T DX, medication's side effects and actions, and/or medication administration times Potential knowledge deficit R/T DX, medication's side effects and actions, and/or medication administration times 1. Assist student and family with understanding DX and TX prn and educate prn. 2. Assist student in developing routine schedule for medication administration to increase student's compliance with TX plan. Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. Potential for altered sensory Student will be able to participate 1. Monitor effects of medication and notify parents of perceptions, coping skills, selfin daily activities with a minimum dramatic changes prn. esteem, and/or impaired thought of side effects from medication. processes R/T medication use NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: ________ ANXIETY DISORDER____________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals Nursing Interventions Potential for altered sensory perceptions and thought processes R/T panic attacks Student will be able to assess situations realistically and employ positive coping mechanisms A.E.B. student resuming daily activities. 1. Provide calm atmosphere. 2. Medicate as ordered. 3. Provide appropriate reassurances. 4. Assist student to identify precipitating factors and effective positive coping mechanisms. Potential knowledge deficit R/T DX, medication's side effects and actions, and/or medication administration times. Student will understand medication's actions and side effects and appropriate administration times A.E.B. student coming to the clinic at specified times for medication administration. 1. Assist student and family with understanding DX and TX prn and educate prn. 2. Assist student in developing routine schedule for medication administration to increase student's compliance with TX plan. Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: _________ DEPRESSION_________________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Potential for injury to self or others R/T feelings of hopelessness Goals Student will not injure self or others. Nursing Interventions 1. Provide safe haven prn. 2. Allow time for student to verbalize feelings. 3. Provide appropriate reassurances. 4. Assist student to set realistic goals. 5. Assist student to assess situations realistically and employ positive coping mechanisms. Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. Potential for altered sensory Student will be able to participate 1. Monitor effects of medication and notify parents of perceptions, coping skills, selfin daily activities with a minimum dramatic changes prn. esteem, and/or impaired thought of side effects from medication. processes R/T medication use NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: ____HISTORY OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE_____ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals Nursing Interventions Potential for injury to self and/or Student will not injure self or others R/T altered thought others. processes secondary to chemical use 1. Report to school administrator any suspicious activities or behaviors observed. 2. Refer for further evaluation and TX if student is found to be chemically-involved. Potential knowledge deficit R/T chemical effects on body, relationships, self-worth, and school attendance and performance 1. Provide appropriate educational resources. 2. School will monitor class attendance and performance and communicate with parents prn. Student will progress in school A.E.B. regular attendance and appropriate class performance. Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. Student and/or family will verbalize questions and/or increased knowledge R/T substance abuse. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: ________ TOURETTE'S SYNDROME________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals Nursing Interventions Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. Potential for altered self-image R/T syndrome's manifestations Student will demonstrate appropriate coping skills to promote a positive self-image. 1. Assist student to recognize and cope with TX limitations. 2. Assist student to identify and use appropriate coping skills during interactions with self and others. 3. Refer for counseling prn. Potential knowledge deficit R/T DX, medication's side effects and actions, and/or medication administration times Potential knowledge deficit R/T DX, medication's side effects and actions, and/or medication administration times 1. Assist student and family with understanding DX and TX prn and educate prn. 2. Assist student in developing routine schedule for medication administration to increase student's compliance with TX plan. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: ____EATING DISORDER:_________________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals ____ LESS THAN BODY REQUIREMENTS___ Nursing Interventions Potential for ingesting less than nutritional requirements R/T eating habits or increased metabolic needs Student will allow monitoring of nutritional intake prn. 1. Coordinate will student, family, and physician prn to reinforce nutritional recommendations for student. 2. Monitor student's weight as ordered. 3. Provide for storage of snacks in clinic as ordered. 4. Refer for counseling prn. Potential for altered self-image R/T appearance to self and others Student will demonstrate appropriate coping skills to promote positive self-image. 1. Assist student to identify and use appropriate coping skills during interactions with self and others. 2. Assist student to recognize and cope with TX limitations prn. 3. Refer for counseling prn. Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: ________ OBESITY______________________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals Nursing Interventions Outcomes Potential for ingesting more than Student will allow monitoring of nutritional requirements R/T nutritional intake and/or activity eating habits, decreased prn. metabolic needs, or decreased physical activity 1. Coordinate with student, family, and physician prn to reinforce nutritional and activity recommendations for student. 2. Monitor student's weight as ordered. 3. Refer for counseling prn. Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. Potential for impaired coping R/T Student will choose positive decreased self-esteem coping mechanisms other than eating to increase self-esteem. 1. Assist student to identify and use appropriate coping methods during times of stress. 2. Refer for counseling prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: ________ GASTROSTOMY________________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Potential for impaired skin integrity R/T G-tube Goals Skin around G-tube will remain 1. Review S/S of impaired skin integrity prn with intact without signs of irritation or caregivers and educate prn. infection. 2. Notify parents of S/S of impaired skin integrity or leakage at stoma site or dislodged tube, if observed. Potential for altered nutrition R/T Student will maintain adequate decreased patency or nutritional status. displacement of G-tube Potential for altered self-image R/T G-tube Nursing Interventions Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. 1. Notify parents of dislodgement or decreased patency of G-tube prn. Student will indicate acceptance 1. Allow time for venting feeling R/T G-tube prn. of G-tube A.E.B. verbalization of 2. Refer for counseling prn. acceptance, not purposefully dislodging the tube, and/or allowing assistance with G-tube feedings prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: _________ PAIN (specify )_________________ Date NCP Initiated: _________________________________ Nursing DX Goals Potential for pain R/T individual's Student will be able to participate DX in daily activities within student's physical limits without excessive pain. ______________________________________ Nursing Interventions 1. Medicate as ordered. 2. Assist student in identifying and using alternative coping mechanisms to control pain. 3. Notify parents if TX is ineffective. Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: ____PHYSICALLY IMPAIRED (specify )______ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals ______________________________________ Nursing Interventions Impaired mobility R/T disease Student will be able to participate 1. Collaborate with student, staff, and parents to ensure process, surgical interventions, or in school activities. safe and timely participation in daily activities. physical trauma Potential for impaired skin integrity R/T pressure points and/or decreased sensation Student will maintain good skin integrity. Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. 1. Assess for and inform parents of any S/S of impaired skin integrity prn based on student's complaints. 2. Review with student, staff, and parents prn the importance of frequent relieving of pressure points. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: __RESPIRATORY DISTRESS (specify )______ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ ______________________________________ Nursing DX Goals Nursing Interventions Outcomes Potential for altered respiratory function R/T airway inflammation and/or increased mucous production Student will attain and maintain near-normal respiratory function A.E.B. reaching goals as outlined in IHP. 1. IHP and/or EAP in place. 2. Medicate as ordered and monitor efficacy prn. 3. Provide percussion as ordered. 4. Collaborate with student, staff, and parents to ensure safe participation in all school activities. Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. Potential knowledge deficit R/T DX, medications, and/or factors influencing respiratory function Student/Family will recognize implications of DX. 1. Provide educational resources prn. 2. Assist student, staff, and parents prn in identifying and controlling factors that influence respiratory function. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: __________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: _______SEIZURE DISORDER________________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Potential for injury R/T seizure activity Goals Student will not injure self or others during seizure activity. Nursing Interventions 1. IHP and EAP in place. 2. Educate staff prn R/T appropriate responses to student having a seizure. 3. Medicate as ordered. 4. First aid and emergency care prn. Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: ___VENOUS-PERITONEAL SHUNT________ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals Potential for decreased LOC R/T Student will remain AA&OX3. shunt obstruction Nursing Interventions 1. Educate student and staff R/T signs of increasing ICP and instruct them to inform R.N. prn. 2. Encourage parent to seek M.D. evaluation for any changes in LOC. Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173 Student's Name: _____________________________________ I.D.# __________________ Medical DX: _____SENSORY IMPAIRMENT (specify )_____ Date NCP Initiated: __________________________________ Nursing DX Goals ______________________________________ Nursing Interventions Potential for injury R/T impaired sensory perception Student will safely move about and participate in school activities. 1. Collaborate with student, staff, and parents prn to reduce or eliminate barriers to mobility and safety. Potential for impaired communication R/T impaired sensory perception Student, staff, and parents will reduce barriers to communication. 1. Review with student, staff, and parents the IEP prn to ensure optimal communication in the classroom and between school and home. Outcomes Outcomes recorded on Dynalog entries prn. NCP D/C'd _______________ (date) September 2005 HS - 173