Vanguard University School for Professional Studies Degree Program “SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY” PSYD #432 Student Guide 01/13 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University COURSE DESCRIPTION Social and Cultural Psychology examines interpersonal behavior as it is influenced by social processes, culture, face-to-face interactions, and personality characteristics. Among the topics covered are interpersonal and group behavior in relationship to social values, diversity issues, norms, attitudes, roles, and social needs. LEARNING OUTCOMES Social and Cultural Psychology examines how people think about, influence, and relate to one another across various social settings. How such processes are influenced by social mores, culture, face-to-face interactions and personality is also examined. The Student will accomplish the following learning outcomes: 1. Describe social psychology and cultural studies in psychology, their place among related disciplines, and the role of human values and research strategies in science and practice of social psychology, as demonstrated by performance on objective test and in class discussion. 2. Apply concepts related to social thinking, defined as the self in a social world, including concepts such as self-concept, self-efficacy, self-serving bias and selfpresentation as demonstrated by performance on objective test, application assignments, and in class discussion and activities. 3. Articulate understanding of social and cultural psychological processes from both Christian and secular worldviews as demonstrated by performance on objective tests, in class discussion and activities, and in “The Hiding Place” paper assignment. 4. Demonstrate understanding of the development of social beliefs and judgments, behavior and attitudes from both Christian and secular worldviews, and ability to think critically about relevant social psychological and popular media arguments as demonstrated by performance on objective test and in class discussion and activities. 5. Apply concepts and issues related to social conformity, including acceptance, compliance, obedience, persuasion, and group influence as demonstrated by performance on objective tests, in class discussion and activities, and in “The Hiding Place” paper assignment. 6. Discuss issues and concepts relevant to interpersonal and intergroup relations, including issues related to prejudice, aggression, attraction and intimacy, altruism and conflict resolution, and appreciation of practical steps essential to healthy relationships between individuals and groups, including diverse social and cultural groups. Understanding of cultural and social aspects of social relations 2 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University will be demonstrated by performance on objective tests, in class discussion and activities, and in experiential multicultural cultural paper and oral presentation assignment. The above Social and Cultural Psychology Student Learning Outcomes also contribute to accomplishment of overall SLOs of SPS Psychology program, especially SLO 1 (Knowledge Base in Psychology) and SLO 7 (Socio-Cultural and International Awareness), as well as SLO 3 (Critical Thinking Skills in Psychology), SLO 4 (Application of Psychology), SLO 5 (Values in Psychology), SLO 6 (Communication Skills) and SLO 8 (Personal Development). Social and Cultural Psychology class also reflects Vanguard University ETGs: Intellectual Engagement: Social and Cultural Psychology will help students understand the world we live in on a macro level Spiritual Formation: Social and Cultural Psychology will address issues of integration of psychology and the Christian faith as they relate to secular social theories as well as assisting students to distinguish between culture and Christian doctrine. Professional Excellence: Social and Cultural Psychology will help students develop an understanding of how as Christians and those working in the helping professions we can better understand and thus accommodate individuals in a holistic manner. Sociocultural Responsiveness: Social and Cultural Psychology will help students learn to appreciate cultural diversity through an examination of cultures' differing norms, or expectations, that guide behavior. Additionally, students will learn to appreciate differences of race, ethnicity, gender, and age within the biblical vision of inclusiveness and the equal value of all people. Responsible Stewardship: Social and Cultural Psychology will help students learn the importance of developing a lifestyle of personal health and well-being by examining the ways in which the various aspects of human nature (cognitive, behavioral, biological, social-cultural, and spiritual) work together on a macro and micro level in our population. 3 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University TEXTS AND MATERIALS Required texts: Myers, D. G. (2012). Social Psychology (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Ten Boom, C. (1971/1984). The Hiding Place. Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen/Baker Books. COURSE POLICIES DISABILITY SERVICES For students with documented medical or psychological disabilities, please contact the Coordinator of Disability Services to request reasonable accommodations. The Coordinator of Disability Services is located in the Counseling Center on the second floor of the Scott Academic Center and can be reached at extension 4489 or by email at For students with a documented learning disability who would like to request appropriate accommodations, please contact the Director of Learning Skills, located upstairs in Scott Academic Center at extension 2540 or by email at DIVERISTY STATEMENT The School for Professional Studies intends to foster a Christ-centered community that promotes appreciation and respect for individuals, enhances the potential of all members, and values differences in gender, race, abilities, and generation. As such, we endeavor to communicate with honesty, to speak with encouraging and edifying words, and to create a safe environment in our classes and interactions. ATTENDANCE POLICY Because this course meets only five times, it is important that students not miss class unless it is unavoidable. To receive the full participation points students must arrive on time to class with a working knowledge of each sessions assignments and they must actively engage in class discussions. Students who miss more than one class meeting (or more than five class hours) in any given course will automatically receive a failing grade and need to retake the course to obtain a passing grade. 4 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University STUDENT EVALUATION Students in this course will be evaluated by the College’s 4.0 grading system. You should refer to the Student Handbook for further details on the grading system. The following criteria will be used in determining the student’s grade: Assignment/Grading 4 Quizzes, 60 points each Application Assignment Book Report Multicultural Assignment/Oral Presentation Attendance/Participation 240 60 200 250/50 200 TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS: 1000 Percentages Points 93-100% 90-92.9% 87-89.9% 83-86.9% 80-82.9% 77-79.9% 73-76.9% 70-72.9% 67-69.9% 63-66.9% 60-62.9% 00-59.9% 930-1000 900-929 870-899 830-869 800-829 770-799 730-769 700-729 670-699 630-669 600-629 000-599 Points Date Due Week 2, 3, 4, and 5 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Weeks 1-5 STUDENT EVALUATION Grade Significance A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Exceptional GPA 4.00 3.67 3.33 Above Average 3.00 2.67 2.33 Average 2.00 1.67 1.33 Below Average 1.00 0.67 Failure 0.00 5 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University DESCRIPTION OF ASSIGNMENTS AND POLICIES Quizzes. Four brief 15 question multiple choice style quizzes will be given in weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5 to cover the reading in Social Psychology. Quizzes will be administered in the beginning of the class. Application Assignment. Students will apply principles of Social Psychology to the real world and submit brief descriptions of their experience. This assignment is due in Wk. 3. You will select one of the of the ideas below, perform a norm-related or a social influence related activity (or another activity of your choice approved by your professor), and prepare a 2-3 minute class presentation and a 1-page reflection paper. Violate a social norm (for more basic violations, repeat the action 4-5 times) Face the back in the elevator (4-5 observations). Stand right next to someone in the elevator even though there is plenty of space (4-5 observations). Violate someone’s personal space when standing in line, having a conversation or in another public situation (4-5 observations). When people ask how are you doing, tell them in detail about your day. At church or school, sit in “someone else’s” seat. Order and eat dessert first. Bring your own cheese to the burger place and ask them to put it on your hamburger. Use formal eating etiquette when eating at a casual place or with friends and family. Use poor table manners when in a more formal setting (e.g., eat with your hands). Wear formal clothes to the a casual event. Finish every sentence (including addressing strangers) with “sweetie”. Demonstrate social influence: Try to persuade others to do an activity of your choice (see a movie, visit a restaurant, volunteer, clean up the house, redecorate the office, etc). Try to resist social influence (do not see a movie if you would rather stay home, do not buy products someone is trying to sell you, say “no” to a coworker, etc). Etc! Please do not do anything illegal or dangerous. Presentation (20 pts): Describe the phenomenon (find the info in the text) and your expectations regarding the people’s reactions to your behavior. Describe what you did. 6 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University Describe what happened – did most people conform to expectations? If not, why do you think they didn’t? What do you experience (feelings, thinking) while doing the assignment. How could your reaction be explained based on course material? This presentation needs to be very brief and very clear, and between 2-3 minutes. You may use handout or Power Point if you wish, but the only illustration you need is a picture of yourself doing the assignment. Paper (40 pts): In the introduction, introduce phenomenon you explored ( in one or two brief paragraphs). DO cite Myers here! In the method, describe what you did, people you included, and why you chose those people. In the results, describe what did people do, what was their reaction. Did it go as planned? Statistics/averages may be good to include too, if appropriate/possible. Finally, the discussion section should simply focus on whether or not the demo “worked” overall, why you think it did (or didn’t), and your reaction to your own behavior and experience in light of social psychology. The paper does not need to be longer that 1, maximum 2 pages. The paper will be graded on organization, clarity, analysis of the situation, and integration of course material/relevant concepts. Book Report: All students will complete a 5-7 page paper on the book The Hiding Place. This paper should be in APA format and should include the following points: - A Brief Summary of the Book - An analysis of the book from a Social Psychology theoretical perspective (i.e., what theories were in action, how core principles of social influence, social conformity, etc. apply to situations described in the book). You must include, define and discuss at least 2 relevant social psychological principles/concepts. - Describe how God’s commandments challenge us to combat such principles (i.e., social influence, Cognitive Dissonance Theory, Social Conformity, Persuasion, Obedience to Authority, etc.). - Describe what you see as the main point the author is trying to communicate to the reader. APA Style - 50 maximum points possible Summary - 50 maximum points possible Social Psychological Analysis - 50 maximum points possible God’s Influence - 25 maximum points possible Author’s Main Point - 25 maximum points possible 7 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University Multicultural Assignment – All students will attend a multicultural event (event must be approved by the professor), which will challenge the student’s previously-held assumptions about a particular race. Examples include spending the day in China town, attending a church service of another culture, eating at an ethnic restaurant in an ethnic neighborhood, spending time with a co-workers family, etc. Students will write a 4-5 page paper on this adventure, which will include the following: Assumptions/Stereotypes held before - 25 Appropriateness of event for meeting assignment goals - 25 Detailed description of event - 50 Description of personal experience (reflection) - 50 Theoretical integration (you can relate your experience to some theory/ies) - 25 Discussion and summary - 25 Writing style (grammar, style, clarity, organization) - 50 Oral presentation – 50 The length of the oral presentation may vary based on the number of students in the cohort, and will be announced by the professor (generally 5-10 minutes). While this paper will not have the structure of APA research paper, standard APA requirements regarding formatting (e.g., margins, font, page numbering) still apply. The oral presentation should include an introduction, body (consisting of personal reactions and one main point about what you wish to convey), and conclusion, allowing time for class questions and brief discussion. The main point being communicated should be clear to both the speaker and the audience, and should clearly relate to the course content. Student Assignments due by week: Week 1: Read Social Psychology, Ch. 1-3 Week 2: Read Social Psychology, Ch.4-6 Quiz 1 Week 3: Read Social Psychology, Ch.7-9 Quiz 2, application assignment due. Week 4: Read Social Psychology, Ch.10-13 Quiz 3; Book Report Due Week 5: Read Social Psychology, Ch. 14-16 Quiz 4 Multicultural Assignment Due Oral presentations 8 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University LOGISTICS CHART Hour 1 Week 1 Social Psychology: Introduction Week 2 Quiz 1 Behavior and Attitudes Week 3 Quiz 2 Persuasion Week 4 Quiz 3 Agression Week 5 Quiz 4 Applied Social Psychology Presentations 2 Basic Concepts and Research Genes, Culture, and Gender Group Influence Attraction Optional Video 3 The Self Conformity Prejudice Altruism Presentations Video Video Conflict and Peacemaking Hiding Place Discussion; Optional Video Presentations Video 4 Social Beliefs and Judgments 9 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University WEEK ONE TOPICS: INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Social Thinking Social Psychology: Basic Concepts and Research The Self Social Beliefs and Judgments Video ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Social Psychology, Chapters 1-3 10 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University WEEK TWO TOPICS: Social Thinking (cont.) and Social Influence Behavior and Attitudes Genes, Culture, and Gender Conformity Video ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Social Psychology, Chapters 4 – 6 Quiz 1 11 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University WEEK THREE TOPICS: Social Influence (cont.) and Social Relations Persuasion Group Influence Prejudice Video ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Social Psychology, Chapters 7-9 Quiz 2, Application Assignment 12 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University WEEK FOUR TOPICS: SOCIAL RELATIONS (cont.) Aggression Attraction Helping Conflict and Peacemaking Discussion of The Hiding Place Optional Video ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Social Psychology, Chapters 10-13 Quiz 3, Book Report 13 Social and Cultural Psychology: Student Guide Vanguard University WEEK FIVE TOPICS: Applied Social Psychology ORAL PRESENTATIONS ASSIGNMENTS DUE: Social Psychology, Chapters 14-16 Quiz 4 Multicultural Assignment Oral Presentations 14