ENGI 8150 Assignment #2: Marketing To put into practice our lecture on Marketing, I have divided the class into 5 groups of 3 people, assigning each group a specific Marketing assignment to complete within the next week. Each group will present the results of their assignment at next Wednesday’s class, and the collection of presentations will bring together and illustrate the Marketing concepts that we have discussed today. Presentation Instructions for March 5, 2014: Each team member should speak. There should be an introduction and conclusion slide. The 1-minute-perslide rule is recommended. Maximum presentation time: 7 minutes, with 3 minutes for questions. Please read the two articles on the course website as background for your assignment. You may also do some background research on your specific marketing topic (and be sure to reference them at the end of your presentation). J. Barnes, "The Role of Customer Insight in Building Your CRM Strategy," a CustomerThink white paper. R. Johnston, "Towards a Better Understanding of Service Excellence," Emerald Research Register Group 1: Product Branding Plinio Tim Mark Take a look at the company, Got Junk?, and this video “Everybody’s Got Junk”: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/9970951861/student_view0/cases_and_videos.html. Analyze what its core product and actual product are. What aspects of a brand do you see being used by the company – on its website, in print ads, in commercials (like the link above)? Discuss how important it is to “brand” this type of product/service, one that is perhaps not as “glamorous” and more “technical” than retail products. Discuss the different types of marketing strategies that are used by the company to build meaning for customers, loyalty, and customer relationships in the long-term. In your presentation, discuss how Got Junk? differentiates its business and uses marketing to convey its core/actual product and customer meaning (e.g. the marketing ice cream cone). You should have an analysis of the marketing mix (the 4P’s) and how the “ice cream cone” of customer satisfaction and developing meaningful customer relationships can be applied to Got Junk? You may also want to show the commercials in the link I’ve given you, and other forms of marketing used by company to build its brand. Do you think the “rats” are effective? Group 2: Service Will Sean Ryan As a group, take part in a service encounter together (eating out at a restaurant together, ordering fast food, getting an oil change for your car, a classmate getting a haircut, etc.). Discuss the “customer relationshipbuilding” experience, from the moment you set foot in the store/barber shop/restaurant, have the first service interaction, to the moment you pay for the final bill. Consider what went wrong or right. Was the problem with the core product or service or with the actual product or service? You should be paying attention to your 1 expectations of the encounter beforehand, the service encounter as it occurs, and reflecting upon it afterwards. In your presentation, you should have a description of the service encounter and answers to the questions above. You should have an analysis of the marketing mix of the service (the 4P’s) and an analysis of how the “ice cream cone” of customer satisfaction can be applied to this situation. As an entrepreneur, how would you predict or exceed your customers basic expectations of “getting it right” in terms of this situation? You may also want to provide examples of ads and other forms of marketing used by the company, or other competitors in the same industry, to communicate its brand to potential customers. Evaluate whether the company is “true” to its marketing efforts. Group 3: Advertising Mayra Kyle Snow Brad An advertisement should have a particular objective that would be apparent to a careful observer. For each of the following marketing communications objectives, find an example of a print ad within a specific industry that is: a. Primarily designed to inform. b. Primarily designed to persuade. c. Primarily designed to remind. In addition, discuss the use of appropriate communication strategy for products in different stages of their life cycle (i.e. what should be marketing objectives of a new technology product or a new firm in a mature industry, etc.). In your presentation, you should describe communication in the context of marketing and show the ads to illustrate your point. Describe the different communications strategies used for products in different life-cycle stages and show the ads you found to illustrate your point. Lastly, evaluate and present how a “push” or “pull” marketing strategy affects the “ice cream cone” of customer satisfaction and developing meaningful customer relationships in your specific industry. Group 4: Brand Meaning Lee Krista Kyle Hall Interview 15 students who are not taking this course and ask them to tell you about FIVE of their favorite brands. Note what kinds of products and services they are most likely to associate with a “brand.” Ask them for reasons why these are their favorite brands. Determine what these brands mean to them and what roles the brands play in their lives. Present an analysis of the marketing mix of each interviewee’s top brand. In your presentation, summarize the results of your conversations with these friends and address the points mentioned previously. What questions did you ask specifically and what brand names were revealed? You should have an analysis of the marketing mix (the 4P’s) and an analysis of how the “ice cream cone” of customer satisfaction and developing meaningful customer relationships can be applied in each of these 2 situations. You may also want to provide examples of ads and other forms of marketing used by the brands’ companies to communicate its brand meaning to its customers (and evaluate whether these companies have been effective in being “true” to their marketing). Group 5: B2B Marketing Evan Kynan Lorraine B2B marketing has unique differences from B2C marketing. Describe these differences by looking at the example of Barriers 2 Go, a safety signage company for the mining industry. Who are their customers and users? What is different or unique about the 4Ps for them, as opposed to a B2C company? You may also consider other examples if you like. In your presentation, describe all components of the ice cream cone of marketing as it applies to the B2B example(s). How can this company build brand meaning for its B2B customers? Are there different considerations for different types of distribution, different type of customers, i.e. does segmentation, pullstrategy, non-traditional marketing apply to BRB customers? Here is something to get you started: http://www.cbc.ca/dragonsden/episodes/season-6/episode-15-season-6 http://www.northernontariobusiness.com/Regional-News/North-Bay/Company-and-product-impress-panelof-CBC-program.aspx 3 Group: 1 2 3 4 5 Please evaluate this group presentation on the following criteria, giving a maximum of 1 point each. Quality of Content 1. 2. 3. 4. The team addressed the task they were assigned well. _____/1.0 The team addressed the marketing analysis they were assigned clearly. _____/1.0 The team demonstrated good comprehension and interpretation of marketing concepts. _____/1.0 The team demonstrated how the concepts from this activity are useful for a new venture’s marketing strategies. _____/1.0 5. Good Q&A period: Team members were attentive and receptive to the questions that were asked. _____/1.0 Quality of Presentation 6. The content presented was original and creative. 7. The presentation was well-structured, prepared, flowed well. 8. The team summarized all the key points of their presentation. _____/1.0 _____/1.0 _____/1.0 Quality of Team Work 9. All team members showed enthusiasm and interest. 10. The team demonstrated cohesiveness and professionalism. _____/1.0 _____/1.0 TOTAL: _____/10.0 Additional Comments for the Group: 4